Ruta officinalis. Fragrant rue, description and medicinal properties of rue, use in folk medicine and treatment

Fragrant rue can cure various diseases. Due to its chemical composition, the plant has a diuretic, carminative and choleretic effect. It helps with vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis, and dizziness. Rue is an excellent tonic. The plant is used to treat skin diseases. Read more about useful properties x Fragrant rue can be read in this article.

Use of fragrant rue: medicinal recipes

IN folk medicine fragrant rue is popular for its healing properties, so it is widely used for making teas, decoctions and infusions. The plant is an excellent anthelmintic. Thanks to fragrant rue, you can get rid of headaches, rheumatic and neuralgic pain.

An infusion prepared from rue helps to quickly get rid of skin rashes, abscesses and dropsy.

Using an infusion of fragrant rue helps to overcome conjunctivitis. The herb can be used for treatment blood vessels, rickets, myopia, impotence. Ruta helps with chronic cystitis and reduces the frequency of urination.

Recipes using fragrant rue:

  • Two large spoons dried herb pour two glasses of vodka and leave for ten days. This tincture allows you to get rid of varicose veins.
  • Pour one small spoon of rue into a glass of boiling water and let stand for five minutes. This tea helps with vitamin deficiency.
  • For the treatment of bruises and purulent wounds prepare an ointment based on fresh rue.

It is important to note that the use of large doses of the drug can lead to intoxication of the body, since the plant contains poisons. Pregnant women should not use the herb, as it can cause burns and redness, as well as harm the fetus. Before using rue, you should always consult your doctor.

Rue herb: medicinal properties

Sweet rue is a perennial herbaceous shrub. For cooking medicines Usually the herb fragrant rue is used. It needs to be harvested when it blooms. To fresh juice the plant does not lead to an allergic reaction, it must be collected with gloves.

The plant does not lose its beneficial properties throughout the year when stored in a closed container, in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

Rue can be used as a flavoring, adding to tea, cocktails, and drinks. The herb is also used in cooking meat dishes. Rue has antiseptic, restorative, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, hemostatic and wound-healing properties.

Healing properties of the herb:

  • Allows you to relieve spasms in genitourinary and diseases associated with malfunction biliary tract.
  • Thanks to the plant, you can reduce heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Preparations based on rue are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia, heart failure, hemorrhoids, urolithiasis, menstruation disorders and neuroses.
  • Rue can get rid of worms and reduce joint pain. The herb helps cure neuritis, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, facial nerve palsy.
  • Fragrant rue is used as a carminative and absorbent.

The herb helps improve vision. To do this, you can take a decoction of rue mixed with fennel juice. If your gums get sore, you should rinse your mouth with a decoction of rue. An infusion of rue helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and get rid of dizziness.

Features of fragrant grass and its varieties

Rue is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Rutaceae family. People call rue fragrant, garden, noble, wine. The plant is a subshrub with straight, branched stems.

There are large-leaved, mountain, fragrant, winter, garden, narrow-leaved, fragrant rue.

The plant is poisonous, so its use as a medicinal plant must be very careful. Collect the plant only with the use of rubber gloves, as its juice can get on the skin and cause an allergic reaction. When drying, it is important to avoid getting it on the leaves. sun rays. The place in which the plant is dried must be well ventilated.

Features of fragrant rue:

  • The plant has a fragrant smell, but only after it has dried.
  • Rue is distinguished by its sharpness, piquantity and bitter taste.
  • The plant propagates vegetatively or by seeds.
  • The herb contains poisons, so it must be used carefully.

The plant contains essential oils, tannins and resins, flavonoids, furocoumarins, coumarins, alkaloids, savinin, graveollenic acid, acronicin, and vitamins. Chemical composition contributes to the fact that rue has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Improper use of the herb can harm organisms and lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, swelling, and allergic reactions.

Useful properties of rue officinalis

Rue is a perennial plant with a strong aroma. It has antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, diuretic, and hemostatic effects. For cooking medicines use fresh and dry grass.

Medicinal rue is used to treat a number of gynecological diseases.

Ruta is used to treat algomenorrhea, hypomenstrual syndrome, and neurasthenia. The herb is prescribed to regulate the menstrual cycle in youth. Rue has an analgesic effect, so it is used to prepare some medications.

Properties of the root:

  • Helps enhance intestinal motility.
  • Improves the functioning of the gallbladder and the outflow of bile and it.
  • Positively affects the condition of capillaries.

Ruta is used to get rid of fatigue and reduce nervous excitability. Since the grass has antispasmodic properties, it is used in the treatment of insomnia and headaches. To get rid of pain in the head, ears and joints, you can use rue oil.

Fragrant rue (video)

There is a popular belief that the rue flower turns red on the night of Ivan Kupala and has magical properties. That is why it is called Chervona Ruta. Rue or vegetable lace is a perennial plant that has been known since ancient times for its healing properties. Its proper planting, cultivation, care and drying make it possible to prepare medicinal plant and prepare tinctures and decoctions from it that can cure many diseases.

Rue is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Rutaceae family. Rue got its name from the Greek word “reuo” - “for liberation”, this plant helped in the treatment various diseases. Rue is popularly known as fragrant rue, garden rue, eye rue, noble rue, teaweed, barn rue, German rue, wine rue and others.

Titles in other languages:

  • in German - Raute, Augenraute, Edelraute, Gnadenkraut, Ruta;
  • in English - rue, herb of grace;
  • in French - rue, rue fétide.


Rue is a perennial herb, sometimes found as a subshrub of a grayish-green hue. The stems of the plant are straight, branched, slightly woody near the base, reaching a height of 20 to 50 cm. The rue leaves are alternate, have no stipules and contain essential oil with a strong pleasant aroma. The lower and middle leaves are located on long petioles, and the upper ones are sessile.

The flowers of the plant are regular, bisexual and four-dimensional. They have a yellow-green hue and are collected in a semi-umbrella inflorescence. The sepals are triangular in shape and reach a length of up to 2.5 mm. The petals are boat-shaped, yellow, length – 6–9 mm. Rue fruits are presented in the form of a four- or five-locular capsule, the length of which is up to 7 mm. Each box contains black seeds that have a lateral embryo and endosperm.


Science knows about 40 species of this plant, but most widespread received:

  • bigleaf (Ruta macrophylla)
  • mountain (Ruta montana)
  • fragrant ( Ruta graveolens)
  • winter (Ruta chalepensis)
  • garden (Ruta hortensis)
  • narrow-leaved (Ruta angustifolia)

Where does it grow

This perennial plant can be found in the temperate zone of Asia, North-East Africa, as well as in the Mediterranean, North and South America. Therefore, on almost every continent people know about this plant.

Only one species of this genus grows in Russia - Ruta fragrant. This annual plant, it freezes out at the first frost. Only in the west of the country can this plant survive the winter in the soil. In Russia, rue is mainly grown as an ornamental or spice plant. In Poland and Ukraine, rue is used in medicinal purposes and added to food. Although her healing properties They are used infrequently, since the plant is poisonous.

Ruta loves sandy soils and warm, arid climates

Method of making spices

  • Before the rue blooms, only its leaves are collected, and it is necessary to wear rubber gloves to avoid allergic reactions after her touch.
  • Leaves need to be dried in places with good ventilation away from direct sunlight, so you can use attics, sheds or dryers where the air temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • The dried herb acquires a pleasant aroma and no longer causes a rash on the skin.
  • Dried leaves should be stored in paper bags for no more than one year.
  • Before using the spice, the leaves must be crushed.

Dry crushed leaves perfectly highlight the taste fish dishes, give them a special aroma, a little reminiscent of a rose. Also, in dry form, the leaves are added to lamb, vegetable salads, egg or cheese dishes. The spice in powder form is added to a large number of dishes made from meat, fish, vegetables or mushrooms. Thanks to this spice, vinegar acquires a special pleasant aroma.

Fresh grass has bad smell Moreover, it is very poisonous and it is not advisable to eat it; it can cause burns not only to the skin of the hands, but also to the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and other tissues of the body.


In eastern bazaars, rue is used for magical rituals attracting good luck in trading

Chemical composition

Rue leaves contain:

  • essential oil (0.25–1.2%)
  • tannins
  • resinous substances
  • bitter substances
  • flavonoids (mainly flavone glycoside rutin)
  • furocoumarins (0.5–1%)
  • alkaloids
  • coumarins
  • lignans,
  • Savinin
  • graveollenic acid
  • acronicin,
  • bergapten
  • vitamin C (156.6 mg/%)
  • vitamin E
  • B vitamins
  • other biologically active substances.

Rue fruits contain traces of skimmamine (0.018%) and cocusaginin, and its roots contain coumarin, furocoumarins, alkaloids and essential oil.

Dry rue leaves are not poisonous, they are rich in essential oils and have a subtle tea rose scent

Useful properties

  • Rue is an anti-inflammatory agent and is therefore widely used in dentistry.
  • Infusions and decoctions from this plant have an antibacterial effect on the body.
  • Ruta helps get rid of worms.
  • The components of the plant have sedative and anticonvulsant properties.
  • Rue decoction is used as a general strengthening and tonic.
  • For external use, rue is used in the form of lotions and rinses.
  • The juice of the plant has a detoxifying effect on the body.

Teas and decoctions of rue are used for severe poisoning


Ruta is poisonous plant, so you need to be careful with it. If you use this herb in large quantities, then a large accumulation of essential oils can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which appears increased salivation and swelling of the tongue. Sometimes there are cases of intoxication, which are accompanied by a slowing of the pulse, a decrease in body temperature, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

You should not touch the plant with your hands, because upon contact with the skin, an allergy occurs, which is manifested by swelling, itching, redness, and a rash in the form of watery blisters. It is strictly forbidden to use rue during pregnancy and lactation.


  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal diseases;
  • allergy.


Essential oil is poisonous to humans if taken in large doses. At correct dosage It has few useful properties, such as anthelmintic, bactericidal, abortifacient, anesthetic, and helps with convulsions.

In India, rue oil helps in the treatment of impotence, has an antiseptic and tonic effect. When used externally, it helps in the treatment allergic manifestations, various wounds and ulcers, and is also used in the treatment of rickets and rheumatism. The essential oil of the plant is used to create perfumes, and cognac and oriental liqueur are also produced from it.


In cooking

  • As a seasoning, rue is added to vegetable salads or other vegetable dishes.
  • Dried leaves complement perfectly taste qualities meat fillings or stewed lamb.
  • Rue serves as an excellent vinegar flavoring agent.
  • This plant is added when preserving tomatoes or cucumbers.
  • Rue adds a special aroma to cocktails made from vegetables or berries.
  • The piquant bitterness of rue harmoniously complements cranberry drinks and sandwiches (brown bread with butter).

In order not to spoil the dish, you need to maintain a certain proportion. So, for 1 serving you need to take no more than 0.15 grams of rue. Rue harmonizes perfectly with other spices, such as thyme, rosemary, garlic, marjoram, cumin, and sage. This seasoning is added a few minutes before full readiness dishes, because under the influence heat treatment beneficial properties and aroma are lost.

In medicine

Ruta does not apply in official medicine, but this does not reduce its beneficial properties. In traditional medicine, this plant helps to cope with various ailments and diseases:

Rue has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body, tones it, helps to overcome fatigue and calm the nerves. Rue-based products help relax smooth muscles.

Some recipes based on rue that help with various diseases:

  • at varicose veins veins– infusion: 2 tables. spoons of rue should be placed in a glass container, pour 200 ml of vodka into it and place in a dark place for 10 days. Then you need to strain the infusion using gauze. You need to dilute 10 drops in 1 table. spoons of water and take 3 times a day;
  • with vitamin deficiency– you need to take 1 table. spoon of rue leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of tricolor violet herb and 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers black elderberry, mix all ingredients. Pour 200 ml of water over the herbs and cook for a few minutes. You need to consume the decoction 100 ml 2 times a day;
  • at nervous disorders – take 25 grams of rue leaves and 25 grams of crushed valerian roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, strain and drink the product throughout the day;
  • with irregular menstrual cycle – take rue leaves and parsley seeds in a ratio of 1:2, for 1 table. A spoonful of herbal mixture will need 400 ml of water. The decoction is boiled for 10 minutes, and then 200 ml is drunk at a time throughout the day.

Ruta is part of medicinal decoctions for illnesses thyroid gland, for poisoning and to strengthen the walls of blood vessels


Today the most famous decorative species The routes are:

  • Jackman's Blue - characterized by blue leaves;
  • Variegata - this variety stands out for its leaves green with white-cream spots;
  • Blue lace - has openwork foliage of a bluish tint.


Ruta refers to unpretentious plants, because it tolerates the lack of moisture well and can germinate in direct sunlight. It can be planted in any garden soil. If you use calcareous, gravelly, loamy or carbonate soils, then rue will feel great.

This plant can be propagated in various ways: using seeds, using cuttings or dividing the bush.

First, the soil should be prepared: dig up the soil to about half a meter deep and apply mineral fertilizers. Sowing of the plant occurs in the middle or end of autumn, as well as in the first month of spring.

If the plant is grown using seeds, then they must be planted in early March in home pots and wait for the seedlings to emerge. When the leaves reach phase 3–4 of development, then the rue can be picked. It is planted in separate pots, because in this way the plant will be stronger for planting in open ground. Seedlings are planted in early July. Special care rue is not needed, then from time to time you need to do weeding, fertilizing and loosening.

If you sow the seeds directly into the ground in early spring, you should know that the consumption of seeds increases significantly, and the plant can be used as an ornamental plant only after a year.

  • More in Ancient Rome Rue was a talisman against witchcraft, so it was always carried with you to avoid the evil eye. To protect the home, a small rue bush was hung above the front door.
  • The aroma of rue helps relieve arousal in men, so during the Middle Ages it was actively planted in the gardens of monasteries.
  • Rue was used for disinfectant purposes. So, during the plague, they rubbed the whole body with it, and its smoke was used to disinfect premises.

In ancient herbalists, fragrant rue is mentioned as almost universal remedy from all ailments. Traditional healers believed that the smell of this plant alone relieves mental decline and physical strength. And the smell of rue is really strong and unique. That is why it is grown as a valuable medicinal and aromatic crop.

In the wild, odorous rue is found in Crimea, Ukraine, its homeland is Southern Europe. In culture she received widespread. Rue aromatic belongs to the Rutaceae family. This is a grayish-green subshrub, 50-80 cm high, with rounded branched stems, woody at the base. The leaves are petiolate, double and triple pinnately dissected. Rue blooms in June - July. At this time, medicinal raw materials should be prepared. The flowers are greenish-yellow, collected in a corymbose panicle at the top of the stem. The fruits are spherical four-locular capsules, each of which contains 4-6 seeds, ripen in August - September - October. Seed germination is high - up to 6 years.

Rue propagates in two ways - seed and vegetative. Moreover, the seeds can be sown in spring and autumn. The distance between rows is 50-60 cm, between plants in a row 20-25 cm. Rue grows in one place for 5-6 years. If you have few seeds, it is better to grow seedlings from them in a greenhouse or on a windowsill, and then plant them in a permanent place. When sowing in spring, the seeds germinate on the 7th to 14th day. In the first year of life, the plant forms shoots up to 29 cm. It leaves in the winter in a green state, in severe frosts upper part the stems freeze. With the onset of warmth (in April - early May), the rue grows back. Starting from the second year, it regularly blooms and bears fruit.

Mature plants can be propagated vegetatively. They are divided in early spring or in August - September. Or, in the spring, cuttings are cut, rooted in a greenhouse, and then planted in open ground.

The composition of rue roots includes coumarin, alkaloids and essential oils. The herb also contains essential oils, the leaves contain vitamin C, the glycoside rutin, which has a capillary-strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as strong odor and bitter taste. Cranberry drinks harmonize with the inherent bitterness of rue. Rue leaves are used to flavor fruit and vegetable cocktails, tea, vinegar, and are used as a seasoning for salads, stews, and brown bread and cheese sandwiches.

The plant has a versatile effect, including anticonvulsant, sedative, and spasmodic. The antitumor activity of fragrant rue has also been established. It is officially recognized in medicine in countries such as India, China, Poland, Austria, etc. Its herb is included in the preparations. Used for diseases of the stomach, liver, urinary tract, biliary and kidney stone disease, for eye disease, bronchial asthma(infusion of flowers). It is believed that tea made from the rue herb has a beneficial effect on menopause, in the absence of menstruation, helps with impotence (sexual impotence). Rue infusion is also used for nervous diseases, heart neuroses, atherosclerosis, epileptic convulsions, rheumatism, and gout.

Here are some recipes for making the infusion. 10 g of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Half a teaspoon of chopped herbs is poured into 2 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours, drink throughout the day.

The odorous rue is used externally for scabies, scrofula, rickets, and also as a refreshing mouth rinse (you can simply chew the plant).

Rue is poisonous in large doses. Therefore, the dosage should be observed. For the same reason, it is contraindicated in pregnant women. You need to be careful when harvesting (it is better to wear gloves), since contact with fresh grass may cause skin rash. Dried grass does not cause such allergies.

The leaves are collected at the beginning and during flowering. You can cut flowering branches with scissors. Dry under a canopy, in attics or in dryers at a temperature of 25-30 ° C. Store in closed (preferably glass) jars in a dark, dry place.

There are two more beneficial properties of this plant. Flies do not like the smell of rue, and snakes, according to popular belief, “bypass” the places where it grows.

Latin name Ruta graveolens

Synonym Ruta fragrant

There is evidence that rue was part of the antidote, which the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator took for prophylactic purposes. In ancient times it was used for various diseases. The famous poem “On the Properties of Herbs” by the French physician and scientist Odo of Mena stated:
It is very useful for the stomach when it occurs frequently, the fruit is expelled into drink and love is curbed in the state, sciatica heals, joints, as well as those suffering from fever.



Rue(Ruta graveolens L.) - a subshrub from the Rutaceae family, 30-100 cm high with a woody, fibrous root.

Stem woody in the lower part, branched, erect.

leaves alternate, grayish-green, slightly fleshy, twice or thrice pinnately dissected.

Flowers regular, greenish-yellow, on short pedicels, collected in a corymbose panicle.

Fetus- round 4-5-cavity box. Each nest contains 4-6 seeds, almost black in color.
Blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in September-October.


Within Russia, it is found in the wild only in the Kaliningrad region as an alien plant. Grows in gardens, orchards and trash areas. It is grown as a medicinal and essential oil plant.

Growing on site

The plant is very decorative almost all season. Given its southern origin (Mediterranean), the plant should be placed in a sunny area, protected from cold winds. The soil is preferably fertile and permeable. Ruta does not tolerate stagnant moisture in spring.


The plant reproduces by seeds. It is better to sow them in a pot in March and grow seedlings. In the phase of 3-4 true leaves, the plants dive. It is better to plant them immediately in separate pots, then when planted in a permanent place, the plants quickly begin to grow and acquire a decorative appearance.
Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other in early June. Care consists of weeding, loosening and fertilizing with complex fertilizers or diluted mullein or bird droppings.
You can sow seeds directly into the ground in early spring, but in this case the consumption of seeds increases greatly, and the plants will only be truly decorative by the next season.
Covering plants for the winter does not always give good results. Often they begin to rot. Therefore, to cover them or not to cover them is a rather controversial issue.
In the spring, the plants are cut back to living wood and fed. In this case, they grow back quite quickly and form a large mass of leaves.
In one place under the conditions of the Non-Black Earth Zone, plants grow for 3-5 years, and sometimes more. But gradually they still begin to die, so it is necessary to take care of replacement.

Advice. The plant is so decorative that it will decorate any plant composition: a mixed border, a rocky garden, or just a flower bed in front of the house.

Medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, fresh or dried herbs collected during the flowering period are used. Dry the raw materials under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area.

Chemical composition

Active ingredients

The leaves and apical shoots contain: essential oil (up to 0.5%), which contains nonanone, linalool, undecanone, undecanol, rutin, furocoumarins (bergalten, xanthotoxin, pangelin, psoralen, dafnoretin) (up to 1%), resins , alkaloids (rutamine, graveolin, dictamnin), malic acid.



Application in official and folk medicine

In our country, root is not used scientific medicine, however, in a number of European countries it is included in pharmacopoeias.
Winmania! Rue is a poisonous plant and requires careful use and strict adherence to dosage.
Rue herb has, according to traditional medicine, a significant range pharmacological activity. It is known as a tonic, antispastic, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, hemostatic and antitoxic agent.
Used for neuroses, atherosclerosis, menopause. Rue is effective in treating asthenic condition, hysteria, epilepsy, headache.
Rue herb is used for rheumatism, gout, impotence, myopia, fragility of blood vessels, scrofula, rickets, as well as for cramping pain in the stomach and intestines. Fragrant rue has a general tonic effect, relieves fatigue, calms nervous system. Preparations from this plant reduce spasms smooth muscle urinary tract and peripheral blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, increase diuresis. Herbal tea is considered good remedy from impotence. An infusion of leaves is used for blood stagnation during internal organs as a sedative for nervous irritability. According to some reports, taking an infusion of rue herb in grape wine helps with impotence.
IN traditional medicine Fresh rue juice is used internally for bites from poisonous insects and snakes, as well as for poor eyesight.
Fresh leaves are applied to the site of bruises and bruises.

Use at home

An infusion of leaves is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials, which is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 2 hours, filtered. Take 50 ml 3 times a day.
To prepare a cold infusion of herbs, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of crushed raw material into 2 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
The tincture is most convenient to use. When using it, it is easier to maintain the exact dosage. Prepare a vodka tincture in a ratio of 1:5. Leave for 10 days in a dark place, strain, take 10 drops in 1 tbsp. spoon of water 3 times a day.
Attention! Rue preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy, hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. In case of overdose, irritation of the mucous membrane may occur digestive tract, swelling of the tongue and larynx, fainting, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, general weakness, kidney and liver damage. External use of rue sometimes causes skin burns.

Other uses

Even ancient herbal books describe a plant called rue. Once very common, but today it is a little forgotten. There are many benefits to using rue, but it should be harvested and prepared very carefully, and consult your doctor or pharmacist before consuming preparations made from its herb. You can also use certain parts of this plant in the kitchen, especially for cooking. gourmet dishes. However, in order to ensure that knowledge in this area is not too poor, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the topic of fragrant rue in more detail; we will consider it below.


Rue fragrant grows up to one meter and is characterized by an erect stem. This is a subshrub intermediate between herbaceous plants and shrubs, which has woody bottom part shoots. Leaves round shape and contain large number secretory glands from which essential oils are extracted. In summer the little ones appear, yellow flowers. Flowers, depending on their location, can be five-membered (peak) or four-membered (lateral), collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences at the top of the stem. After flowering, a box with very small seeds appears.

Did you know that...

The leaves of the common rue are the prototype of the club that appeared in the card deck.


Young seedlings of common rue are grown in two ways - from seeds in the spring and from stem cuttings cut in the summer. Seedlings do not sprout quickly, so it is more advisable to sow the seeds in containers and only after reaching the appropriate size, transplant them into open ground. It does not bloom the first year, but this should not be a problem in subsequent years. Some gardeners also use spring division of the plant, thanks to which they immediately receive ready-made seedlings.

Rue is planted in a fairly sunny place, although it also tolerates some partial shade. Undoubtedly, best results Growing rue in permeable and alkaline soil gives benefits. Choosing soil that is too fertile can weaken the plant. It is better to grow the plant in a place protected from the wind.


The main procedure for caring for and growing common rue is its pruning and thinning. Every year in the spring you need to prune the shoots to enhance its growth. In addition, we thin out the plants by removing excess ones or dividing them into smaller cuttings and placing them at intervals of about half a meter. If the seedling grows too much to the sides, after flowering it must be trimmed again to correct formation and giving a compact appearance.

As a perennial plant, it is adapted to our climate and is frost-resistant. Sometimes, during very cold winters, some plants may still freeze, so it is worth covering them before the first snow falls. Thus avoiding unpleasant surprises. This species is also very good for growing in pots, but needs to be moved to a warmer room in winter.

Collection and storage

The raw materials used are the leaves and seeds of this plant. The leaves are collected when they are young and before the flowers open. Seeds are collected in early autumn. Immediately after harvesting, the leaves and seeds are thoroughly dried in a ventilated place. Store in closed containers to prevent aroma leakage. The grass should remain dry. When working with the collection and preparation of rue grass, you should use gloves and pruning shears (rue juice causes skin irritation and can cause allergies).


Application in the garden - the decorative properties of common rue are rarely used. Sometimes it can be found in gardens rural areas. With proper care, you can create a low hedge that will be covered in yellow-green flowers in summer.

Culinary use - the seeds are used for herbal mixtures used to prepare marinades for meat, such as partridge. The leaves have an original, musky aroma and a slightly bitter taste. You should not add rue in large quantities, but in small quantities it perfectly enriches the taste of fish, eggs, white cheeses, sauces, salads, meat, cabbage, and sometimes even mushrooms.

Herbal medicine – the herb fragrant rue contains a large amount of essential oils, coumarin compounds, alkaloids, flavonoids, as well as organic acids, mineral salts and vitamin C. They mainly have antispasmodic, sedative and strengthening effects. Used for epilepsy, hysterical attacks, injuries and skin diseases, for arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, mild hypertension and poisoning.

Attention! Rue fragrant is used for medicinal purposes under the supervision of a doctor or pharmacist. The herb causes skin irritation, and when consumed internally can prolong and increase the intensity of bleeding in menstrual period. Cannot be used by pregnant women or people with peptic ulcers or at low pressure. When using preparations from rue, you should avoid intense sunlight, as the skin becomes sensitive and burns may appear on it.

Cosmetics - until recently, an infusion from this plant was used for washing sore eyes. This procedure is less common today because some people experience severe irritation skin.


Ruta has therapeutic properties and is not widely popular even among alternative doctors. This may be mainly due to the safety precautions that must be taken during the collection, preparation and application of the herb. In addition, there are many contraindications to the use of drugs containing compounds obtained from this type of plant.



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