Reconstructive otoplasty after unsuccessful surgery. Repeated otoplasty due to unsatisfactory cosmetic effect

The goal of otoplasty is to correct the unsightly shape of the ears and restore lost or underdeveloped parts of the auricle. After a successful operation, the ears look natural and aesthetically pleasing. But despite the fact that this procedure is considered easy, it requires the skill and painstaking work of a plastic surgeon, as well as careful care of the ear that has undergone surgical intervention.

Large ears, protruding ears, deformation of cartilage tissue, congenital anomalies - all these defects are easily eliminated with the help of otoplasty. But sometimes one operation is not enough or it turns out to be ineffective, then the correction of the shape of the ears is performed again.

The main reason for repeat otoplasty is unsuccessful surgery. The result of ear correction is not satisfactory immediately after it is performed or after some time has passed. The patient may experience even more discomfort than before. But in any case, you can undergo a second ear operation only after six months. This is exactly the period of time needed for complete tissue healing.

The main reasons for carrying out the correction a second time are as follows:

  • weak effect of correction;
  • returning the ear to its original state;
  • the occurrence of asymmetry (different ears);
  • second stage of otoplasty.

A weak effect of correction may occur when protruding ears are eliminated. After surgery, you should wear an elastic bandage at night that presses your ears to your head for at least two months. This way you can secure the result of the operation. If the antihelix is ​​formed artificially, then this requires even more careful ear care.

If the ear returns to its original state, then again we are talking about protruding ears. This defect is recommended to be corrected at the age of 6 - 7 years, when the cartilage tissue is 90% formed. But as the body grows, the ears also continue to grow, and there is a possibility that they will return to their original position relative to the head.

A problem such as asymmetry can arise if one ear has undergone surgery.

Even careful measurements and painstaking work by a surgeon are not able to perfectly replicate the shape of the second ear. It may be slightly protruding or too pressed to the head, slightly larger or smaller than the other.

Even if surgery is performed on both ears, asymmetry may occur.

Repeated otoplasty is performed during reconstructive correction, when an artificial ear is formed from an implant. At the first stage, the cartilage tissue is placed in the skin sac of the ear, and during a second operation, the doctor corrects it.

The cost of repeat ear surgery due to client dissatisfaction is paid. In some clinics, such an operation may cost less than the first.

Reviews about revision otoplasty are mostly positive. The second time, all the points that led to failure are taken into account. If the problem arose through the fault of the patient himself, then he is more responsible about caring for his ears after surgery. This is exactly what people write about when faced with the need for new ear correction.

Correction after otoplasty due to complications

After the operation, you must carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations, go for examinations and dressings. Surgeon errors are rare, and complications caused by the patient's poor health and poor quality postoperative care are the most likely cause of correction after otoplasty.

Correction is carried out as a result of the following complications:

  • inflammation of soft tissues and cartilage;
  • formation of keloid scars;
  • formation of rough scars.

Inflammatory processes can occur due to wound infection during surgery if it is performed using a scalpel. Unlike traditional surgery, laser surgery completely eliminates this complication.

Most often, inflammation occurs due to insufficient sanitation during the recovery period. The situation becomes more complicated if the patient has infectious diseases or chronic diseases during an exacerbation. To avoid such complications, you must inform your doctor about your ailments.

Correction after otoplasty as a result of inflammation is carried out if the treatment was untimely and a purulent process occurred. Such phenomena as suture divergence and damage to cartilage tissue become possible. The ear may become distorted.

  • Keloid scars They are soft pink formations. The reason for their occurrence is a violation of the process of proper formation of scar tissue in the body. To resolve this issue, a full-scale operation is not required. The doctor excises the scar and re-stitches it.
  • Rough scars may appear as a result of the individual characteristics of the patient’s connective tissue. Another reason is a violation of the surgical technique, when too much skin tissue is cut off. For treatment, special ointments, physiotherapy and hormonal drugs are used. If conservative measures are useless, then cosmetic correction is performed, in which gross formations are excised.

Dehiscence of the auricle can occur during the rehabilitation period due to ear injury, involuntary movements during sleep (it is recommended to wear a bandage), or suture dehiscence. In this case, you must urgently contact a surgeon for help. After treatment, appropriate correction is carried out.

Many patients are afraid to have a second operation because it means additional scars. But after removal of the sutures, otoplasty is performed with incisions in the same areas of the skin. After all the manipulations have been completed, the roughened edges are excised and new sutures are placed on them.

Cost of correction after otoplasty

Depending on whose fault, the patient or the surgeon, the need for repeated surgery arose, payment is determined. If the surgeon made a mistake, then repeated otoplasty is performed free of charge.

If the patient neglected the rules of postoperative ear care, did not wear a bandage, went to the bathhouse, or played sports, then the complication is considered the patient’s fault, and he pays the full cost of the procedure.

The need for repeated correction due to the patient’s health condition is also in his area of ​​responsibility, since he was obliged to inform the doctor about the diseases before the operation.

Beauty ideals are a fickle thing. They change from era to era, depending on stereotypes imposed by society, place of residence, upbringing, instincts, and life experience. Each person has his own ideas about beauty, but they come down to one denominator - harmony, which is largely created by symmetry and proportionality.

Protruding or overly large ears, deformed lobes are common defects that spoil the most attractive appearance and cause complexes that interfere with life. Otoplasty will help get rid of them.

During surgery affecting the soft and cartilaginous tissues of the auricle, the specialist will eliminate protruding ears and various deformities, give the ears the desired shape, and make their sizes proportional.

Otoplasty surgery is indicated for people with:

  • congenital underdevelopment of the ears;
  • their partial or complete absence;
  • fusion of the external auditory canal;
  • asymmetrical ears;
  • congenital or acquired as a result of trauma deformations of the external ear;
  • protruding ears;
  • irregular shell shape (one or both);
  • hypertrophy of cartilaginous structures, leading to excessive protrusion of the ear;
  • smoothness or underdevelopment of the ear curls (the so-called macaque ear);
  • an increase in the angle formed by the skull and ears (an angle of no more than 30° is considered normal);
  • protruding, too small or elongated lobes.

Ear reshaping is a fairly popular procedure. Many stars resorted to her. Among them are actors and actresses (Brad Pitt, Rachel Lehmkuhl, Evgenia Kryukova, Pavel Priluchny), singers (Beyonce, Rihanna, Lee Jong-hyun). Like any surgery, ear correction carries certain risks. If the desired result is not achieved, repeat otoplasty may be performed.

Sometimes you only need to fix your earlobes. The cause may be age-related changes in the skin, loss of volume, thinning or stretching. Correcting the earlobe does not always require surgery. Sometimes it is enough to use dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid. They are injected into the lobe using an injection.

Types of otoplasty

Depending on the purpose of the operation, the following types of otoplasty are distinguished:

  • aesthetic;
  • reconstructive.

Differences between them can also be traced in the volume of work of a specialist and the degree of its complexity. Therefore, the answer to the question of how much otoplasty costs depends on what types of interventions will be encountered. In the first case, the surgeon will make the ears more attractive by changing their shape.

Aesthetic otoplasty will allow you to get rid of protruding ears, remove their underdevelopment, and gently round out too sharp outlines. This also includes correction of the earlobe, including its bifurcation.

Reconstructive otoplasty is a more complex procedure that requires time and patience. It involves the restoration of the entire ear or part of it and is carried out in 3-4 stages. The patient receives the final result only after a year. First, the surgeon will create a frame using rib cartilage. He will then secure it in a subcutaneous pocket where the ear will be located.

It will take 2 to 6 months for the frame to take root, after which the specialist will detach it from the head, giving the lobe the desired position. The wound remaining behind the ear is closed with a skin flap obtained from the patient. The final stage is the formation of the tragus and recess.

Advances in plastic surgery today make it possible to obtain an ear that is visually no different from that created by nature. Such an operation will not restore hearing, but it will relieve the patient of complexes and give him self-confidence.

There are open and closed otoplasty. In the first case, access to the ear tissue is provided by one, but rather wide, incision. Closed otoplasty is more gentle. Although it involves several incisions, they are small and do not require sutures. The access method is chosen by the surgeon, focusing on the nature of the problem and his preferences.

Non-surgical method

Laser otoplasty is becoming increasingly popular. This is a non-traumatic and almost bloodless method of ear correction. Laser otoplasty has undeniable advantages:

  • reducing the risk of developing inflammatory processes, including purulent ones;
  • painlessness;
  • no need for dressings;
  • almost invisible scars;
  • instant healing of blood vessels, absence of swelling;
  • natural appearance of the ears;
  • a significant reduction in the time spent in the bandage (only 5-6 days);
  • fast rehabilitation.

Laser otoplasty solves the same problems as surgical methods for ear correction. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is administered. Usually the procedure lasts 30 minutes, but it can be longer, it all depends on the complexity of the particular case. The laser has unique properties.

It is able to cut and connect tissue at the same time, so the procedure does not require sutures. By exerting a thermal effect, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of the laser, the elasticity of cartilage tissue improves, and it easily takes on a new shape, and the removal of excess areas becomes easier. The regeneration process also accelerates.

This correction avoids blood loss and complications, so the patient does not need to stay in the hospital. The targeted effect of the laser allows the specialist to be as precise as possible; the likelihood of touching nearby tissue is reduced to zero.

Non-surgical plastic surgery aimed at correcting earlobes, eliminating protruding ears or normalizing deformed parts of the shell is safe even for children. It can be done to a child as early as 4-6 years old.

By the time the baby becomes a first-grader, his ears will no longer protrude, and the complexes caused by their imperfections will disappear after laser otoplasty. The child will quickly forget about previous experiences, without having time to acquire deep psychological trauma.

Laser otoplasty is also indicated for adults.

But you can't do it:

  • during acute infectious diseases;
  • for bleeding disorders;
  • in the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • during menstruation.

Contraindications to otoplasty, which is performed surgically, are additional to diabetes mellitus and inflammatory diseases localized in the outer and middle ear and of a chronic nature.

After the procedure

Correction of the shape and size of the ears, their full or partial restoration, correction of the earlobe - all these interventions include a recovery period. Rehabilitation after otoplasty consists of strictly following the doctor’s recommendations:

  1. Immediately after the operation, a pressure bandage is put on, in which the patient must walk for several days, depending on the complexity of the case. The minimum period of wearing it is 3 days. But according to experts, the bandage after otoplasty should not be removed for a week.
  2. They change it on the first day.
  3. You need to sleep in a fixing bandage for 3 weeks. This will prevent accidental damage and seam splitting.
  4. Analgesics will help relieve pain. They are taken in the first 3 days after surgery.
  5. The surgeon prescribes antibiotics for a course of 5 days.

Any operation, including correction of the shape of the ears, is not without consequences. The affected areas do not immediately acquire a normal appearance. Those who have undergone otoplasty claim that for 2 weeks after it they will not be able to calmly look at their ears. The skin on them becomes bluish, hematomas and swelling appear. They will begin to subside only on days 14-16, and it will take 2 months for complete resorption.

All this time, ear sensitivity will be reduced. She will return, but this process will take time. It will be accompanied by unusual sensations, “goosebumps”. If rehabilitation goes well, the surgeon will remove the suture on day 10-14.

To speed up the recovery process, the patient will have to avoid physical activity for 3 weeks. The operated ears will need to be taken care of, especially in the first 2 months. If they become injured, repeat otoplasty may be necessary. It is better to avoid going to the solarium and spending long periods in the open sun during this period.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and hardware cosmetology methods will help ease the rehabilitation period. The doctor will give an expert assessment of the results of otoplasty after 6 months.

Those who are afraid of the unpleasant consequences of surgery should think carefully about how necessary it is. The blueness and swelling of the ears will go away quickly, but their beautiful shape and proportional size will remain with the patient for life.

One has only to look at photographs of world and Russian stars (a striking example is Pavel Priluchny, the favorite of millions) before and after otoplasty, and the solution will become obvious.


Failed otoplasty may result in:

  • hematoma developing into necrosis of cartilage tissue;
  • infection in the wound;
  • deformation of the ear, its return to its original form;
  • cutting the suture that secures the cartilage through the skin;
  • formation of a keloid scar;
  • development of an allergic reaction to anesthesia.

To avoid complications, it is important to choose a clinic and doctor wisely. When deciding on a medical institution, many focus on how much ear surgery costs. But think about it: won’t the cheaper option lead to serious health problems in the future?

You should trust your beauty only to highly qualified specialists with extensive experience. Forums or entries in guest books will help you find them. Most people who have had otoplasty agree that the procedure is best performed by male surgeons.

Brad Pitt vehemently denies any surgical interventions on his appearance, but the photos speak for themselves. The actor corrected his protruding ears and made the shape of the auricle more elongated. We believe that after the operation, Pitt began to look much more attractive and courageous, so there is clearly no need for him to be ashamed and deny otoplasty.


As a child, Bea suffered from the fact that her ears were “almost bigger than her head.” The girl grew up and decided to change even before she appeared on stage. The plastic surgeon corrected the protruding ears, but did not touch the shape of the ears - you can still see the singer’s slightly curved right ear in some photos.


Rihanna decided to have otoplasty as a child - and she clearly did it for good reason. Now the singer happily emphasizes her neat ears with clips, cuffs and earrings.

Ben Stiller

At the beginning of his career, the actor did not pay attention to his shortcoming at all. But the more comedy roles he appeared in his filmography, the more Ben wanted to change his appearance. Still, Stiller decided to have otoplasty - and he did the right thing, because a big-eared comedian is too much!

Pavel Priluchny

Pavel began acting and acting in the theater at a time when his protruding ears were obvious. But the actor believed that his protruding ears would greatly forgive him and prevent him from getting a serious role. Pavel corrected the defect and began acting in leading roles, but fans are still unhappy: Priluchny’s ears now look strange and unnatural.

Kate Hudson

The actress inherited her ears from her father. The girl didn’t have a lot of complexes about this, but she still decided to have the operation. The surgeon only slightly pressed her ears, and the actress’s appearance became more sophisticated.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence denies having otoplasty, and some surgeons do not see obvious signs of intervention. But fans are adamant: Lawrence’s ears have become smaller and neater. We believe that it’s all about the right hairstyle and angle in the photo, and most likely there was no surgery.

Otoplasty, an operation that may seem simple at first glance, is fraught with many pitfalls. If certain rules are not followed and aesthetic proportions are followed, there is a high probability of obtaining an aesthetically unsatisfactory result.

The most common mistakes when performing otoplasty are the following:

-Insufficient pressure of the auricle
Sometimes the patient remains dissatisfied due to insufficient correction of protruding ears, which is especially often manifested by the so-called “protruding tips.”

Operating surgeons often rely on the “too hard cartilage” of the auricle and say that there is no way to correct this feature. Although in practice this is not the case. This requires repeat otoplasty.

- Excessive tightness of the ear

Normally, the distance from the helix to the scalp is from 1.0 to 2.0 cm. If the surgeon overdoes it, the ear may be completely pressed against the head, which is not aesthetically acceptable. In some cases, this requires a repeat operation, during which an ellipsoidal piece of skin is taken from the donor site and sewn into the area behind the ear.

- Distant (protruding) lobe

In practice, operating surgeons rarely pay due attention to the position of the earlobe relative to the auricle, which leads to dissonance: one part of the ear is pressed in, while the other is sticking out. It is considered optimal to create the correct position of the lobe when performing primary otoplasty, but it is possible to do this later, if this problem is identified.

-Telephone ear deformation

It is characterized by excessive compression of the middle part of the auricle, with the apex and lobe separated. Corrected by performing repeat otoplasty

-Uneven contour of the antihelix

This type of problem most often occurs when using otoplasty methods, in which the proper bend of the antihelix is ​​formed by applying incisions to its anterior surface. The risks are especially great when performing this stage blindly, as with the Sternstorm method. Some correction of this is possible with repeated otoplasty, including the use of camouflage techniques.

To avoid such mistakes when performing otoplasty, you need to contact a plastic surgeon who specializes in performing such operations. Proper planning, clear analysis before surgery and precise surgical technique can avoid such complications.


In plastic surgery, surgery to change the shape, correction, or reconstruction of the ears is one of the easiest and safest. In medicine, this operation is called “otoplasty”; if indicated by a doctor, it can be performed on both adults and children. There are about 150 types of otoplasty, but up to 5 types are the most common.

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct the shape and reconstruct the ears, the deformation of which can be congenital or resulting from injury.

The operation does not affect the degree and quality of a person’s hearing, since it is aesthetic. Important to know! Popular types of otoplasty are among the safest procedures.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Defects of the ears, which are indications for surgical intervention:

  • Asymmetrical position of the ears;
  • protruding ears;
  • earlobe defects;
  • scars on the ears;
  • absence of the auricle;
  • congenital defects (changes) of the ears.

The causes of congenital ear deformation may vary. The most common include:

  • incorrect location;
  • excessive amount of cartilage tissue;
  • damage to parts of the ear.

The main cause is considered to be heredity; a defect in the formation of the ear can appear even after a generation.

There are some restrictions for otoplasty:

  • presence of cancer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • infection, ear disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • poor blood clotting.

Otoplasty 1st degree of complexity

Surgery to correct the auricle can be of varying degrees of complexity, and the technique and its cost depend on this. The execution technique is of great importance.

For example, surgery to correct protruding ears has 3 degrees of complexity, which depend on the angle of the auricle in relation to the head.

The price for laser otoplasty of the 1st degree of complexity in Moscow or St. Petersburg starts from 20,000 rubles. This operation is considered simple; the surgeon removes excess cartilage tissue; the total duration of the procedure is from 30 to 50 minutes.

Otoplasty 2nd degree of complexity

In the second stage of the concha defect, in addition to standard actions, the surgeon needs to re-form the antihelix fold. The duration of this operation is up to one hour. The cost of an operation of increased complexity starts from 25,000 rubles.

Methods and types of otoplasty

There are the following main types of otoplasty:

  1. Aesthetic - involves the elimination of external defects: changes in the shape and location of the ears;
  2. Reconstructive – used to restore a lost ear or part of it.

There are several methods for correcting ear defects:

  • Traditional (mechanical surgery) - all incisions are made using a scalpel. The procedure is lengthy and the recovery period takes a long time. Scars may remain after surgery;
  • Laser is a modern method by which incisions are made with a special laser. The process is faster than with the traditional method, healing is also faster with less likelihood of complications.

Based on the technique used, otoplasty is divided into:

  • Seamless way- involves the correction of an ear defect due to the elasticity of the cartilage tissue, which makes it easy to bend. The surgeon excises the cartilage and skin, performs a correction, no stitches are applied. Another method involves making incisions on the outer part of the cartilage to correct the defect.
  • Suture method- is divided into two types: Furnas - this is the removal of part of the skin on the back of the ear, the cartilage tissue is sutured to the temporal part of the head. Mustarde: an incision is made along the inside of the ear, sutures are placed on the cartilage tissue and thus the shape of the ear is corrected.
  • Correction without cartilage removal. Used for protruding ears. Part of the skin behind the ear is cut off, the cartilage is folded back and secured with permanent sutures. Thus, the shape of the auricle changes;
  • Closed otoplasty method- considered less traumatic than others. Several punctures are made on the back of the ear to access the cartilage.

The method of performing the otoplasty procedure is chosen by the doctor, based on tests and the patient’s consent.

Ear surgery – elf ears

In recent years, young people, captivated by the world of fantasy, are trying to make their appearance similar to the heroes of John Tolkien. Among the types of aesthetic otoplasty in this area, ear plastic surgery is especially popular, aimed at changing the shape of the ears like elf ones.

The phenomenon of changing ears to the elven shape became widespread in Hungary and China.

Important to know! In Russia, a patient for plastic and aesthetic surgery can be a person who has reached the age of 18 years. He must confirm his intentions in writing by signing documents indicating his desire to carry out a specific surgical intervention.

This is especially important in the case of otoplasty to change the shape of the ears to unusual - elfin ones in young people, who are often influenced by modern fashion trends.

Before performing such an otoplasty, the patient is explained the features of changes in appearance and the possible consequences of the operation.

The following factors are traditionally considered to be the negative effects of aesthetic otoplasty “elf ears”:

  • It will be difficult to return the auricle to its normal shape;
  • This type of otoplasty is performed under local anesthesia. After the procedure, the pain does not go away for several weeks;
  • You should not sleep on your side for a long time after surgery to avoid infection.

Otoplasty - elf ears

Before the operation begins, a simulation of the auricle is performed on a computer. The form is agreed upon with the patient, and incision lines are outlined. The surgeon must foresee all postoperative consequences.

The main thing is to take into account cartilage tension so that the tissue does not return to its original position after surgery.

To secure the resulting shape, the cartilage tissue is connected from the inside with suture material, which dissolves over time, and from the outside - non-absorbable. Fixers are applied on top, and an adhesive plaster may be used.

Rehabilitation can last up to 3 months, since cartilage tissue does not grow together as quickly as soft tissue. During this period, the patient will have to temporarily change their usual lifestyle: stop drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

After surgery, it is necessary to regularly carry out restorative procedures as prescribed by the surgeon. The first dressings are done by a specialist, but then you will need to do it yourself.

Otoplasty of the earlobe

The shape and location of the earlobe plays an important role in facial aesthetics. The most popular plastic surgery on the ear is the restoration of a torn earlobe. Injury can occur for various reasons: wearing heavy earrings, piercings.

Plastic surgery is possible if the lobe is too large. Piercing can also cause keloid scars. Otoplasty of the lobe is used to change its size.

The operation to correct the earlobe takes place in a hospital. The duration and type of anesthesia depends on the complexity of the lobe reconstruction. Surgery for a torn lobe is usually performed under local anesthesia. New incisions are made on the inside, excess skin is removed and the fresh edges are stitched. The operation lasts up to half an hour. The stitches are removed after 4-5 days.

During lobe reduction surgery, the excess is removed and a new lobe is formed. This operation lasts about 20 minutes. Keloid scars can form on the lobe; they can also be removed using otoplasty. During the procedure, scars are excised and healthy tissue is moved to reconstruct the lobe.

Otoplasty for protruding ears

Congenital protruding ears can also be corrected by surgery to correct the shape of the ears. The defect does not affect the functionality of the auditory organ in any way; it changes the appearance of a person.

The purpose of the procedure is to give a normal shape and correct positioning of the upper part of the ears relative to the head. The normal position of the auricle is at an angle of 30° to the head and the line of the ear should run parallel to the cheek.

There should be a distance of no more than 2 cm between the ear and head. Otoplasty aimed at correcting protruding ears is an aesthetic operation. In most modern clinics, it is performed under local anesthesia using the Furnas suture method.

For children, general anesthesia is used. Depending on the complexity, the operation lasts from half an hour to 1 hour. For the correct outcome of the operation, before starting, a photograph of the ears is taken from the front, side, and back.

Incisions are made on the back of the ear and the auricle is brought closer to the area behind the ear and fixed. After the operation, the incisions are almost invisible. After 2-3 hours the patient is allowed to go home.

Ear surgery after tunnels

One of the popular types of otoplasty is the restoration of the ears after tunnels. When the earlobe is stretched to 4-5 cm, the skin is unable to independently restore its original size and shape.

This requires reconstruction of the lobe. Plastic surgery after tunnels is considered a complex operation. It is necessary to close the tunnel and remove excess skin.

The effectiveness of the operation can be ensured by a qualified specialist who has experience in performing this type of otoplasty.

First, the material used to form the lobe is prepared in a shape and size that is ideal for the patient. The duration of the operation is from half an hour to 1 hour. After 5-6 days, the stitches are removed, and the area is sealed with medical glue, which allows you to even wash your hair.

Advantages of laser otoplasty over traditional

Correcting an ear defect using a laser is considered an advanced and safer method in modern aesthetic surgery.

The traditional scalpel procedure is inferior to the laser procedure on several points.

So with laser otoplasty:

  • there is a non-contact method of influencing the ear tissue;
  • the laser connects blood vessels without blood loss;
  • cartilage tissue, when heated, becomes more plastic, which makes it easy to give the desired shape;
  • the action of the laser has a disinfecting property - this minimizes the risk of infection during surgery;
  • significantly less swelling and bruising;
  • the procedure is carried out with perfect precision, the incisions are barely noticeable;
  • no scars, like after a scalpel;
  • pain is much less;
  • healing and rehabilitation is much faster;
  • laser exposure stimulates tissue regeneration.

How is the operation performed?

Tests before otoplasty

Before the operation, the patient undergoes the necessary examination and needs consultation with a general practitioner and an otolaryngologist. You also need to take the following tests:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • urine test;
  • tests for the presence of viral hepatitis, HIV infection, RW (syphilis), Australian antigen HBS;
  • coagulogram;
  • cardiogram;
  • fluorography.

Women should note that otoplasty is not recommended during menstruation, or 4 days before and after. Otoplasty should not be performed during an acute respiratory illness. You should not come to surgery hungry.


The main stages of a standard operation for aesthetic correction of the shape of the ear are as follows:

  • an incision is made on the desired side of the ear (usually the back);
  • the skin is separated from the cartilage tissue;
  • The defect is corrected, the incision is secured with sutures.

During reconstructive surgery, the cartilage base is recreated. The material used is the patient's rib cartilage. Next, a “pocket” is formed to create the ear. At the last stage, the ear itself is formed and inserted. After the operation, over time, the sutures dissolve, leaving almost no traces of incisions.

Rehabilitation period

After otoplasty, the recovery process is quick. There is almost no pain, the sutures heal quickly. Some patients complain of headaches and numbness in the ears. These symptoms go away quickly.

To relieve pain, in the first days, the doctor prescribes analgesics. If otoplasty was done in the traditional way, the sutures will be removed on the 10th day, for laser surgery - after a week. After a few days, you can return to your normal rhythm of life.

Results before and after otoplasty

Features of otoplasty for children. At what age can you do it?

At the 3rd month of pregnancy, the baby’s ear is formed, and by six months the auricle is formed. Prominent ears can be noticed immediately after birth. At this time, such a defect can be corrected without surgery, since the cartilage at this time is soft and amenable to correction.

If prominent ears are not corrected “manually” during the first six months of life, then the cartilage becomes dense and correction is only possible with the help of otoplasty.

By the age of 8, the auricle is fully formed, but still quite flexible. The technique and duration of otoplasty depends on several factors:

  • on the degree of deviation of the auricle from the head;
  • if there is an injury, then on the degree of its severity;
  • child's readiness.

Aesthetic otoplasty (protruding ears) takes no more than 2 hours. For children, it is recommended to undergo surgery using general anesthesia, as it is not easy for a child to remain motionless for a long time. Local anesthesia is used for surgery in adolescents.

Mild sedatives are used for anesthesia, so the child will not feel pain after the anesthesia. After the operation, the patient is under medical supervision for another day; the adult is released after 2-3 hours.

You need to wear a bandage for up to 2 weeks, then wear it at night for another 1 month (so as not to injure the stitches). You can't wash your hair for several days. The child is exempt from physical education for 1-2 weeks.

The cost of otoplasty in Moscow clinics. What does the price depend on?

There are more than 80 plastic surgery clinics in Moscow where otoplasty can be performed. The price depends on the volume, complexity and technology of otoplasty. The laser method is more expensive.

The cost is affected by the anesthesia used. General anesthesia is more expensive than local anesthesia. The average cost starts from 15,000 rubles. There is a separate fee for consultation. Price table for otoplasty in Moscow clinics

Among the Moscow clinics we can highlight: the Treatment and Diagnostic Center of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the network of medical centers SM-Clinic, ON-Clinic - a network of multidisciplinary medical centers, the Family Medical Center Nixor Clinic in Khimki.

The best clinics and surgeons. What to look for when choosing

Usually, when choosing a place for otoplasty, most people pursue two goals: high quality and low price. To achieve an optimal balance, you need to know what the cost of the operation consists of.

  • Clinic status is of great importance. A medical center with many years of experience guarantees quality work. The price will rightly be higher. Young clinics can also provide quality services, but this is to some extent risky;
  • Surgeon's qualifications. The services of an experienced, well-known specialist will cost more;
  • Otoplasty method. Laser will cost more;
  • Cost of anesthesia and the severity of the operation also affects the final price

When choosing a well-known clinic, it is assumed that the main part of the cost of the operation is the “luxury” service. Otoplasty is considered the most popular plastic surgery in the world.

Prices in Russia are lower than European and world prices. Prices for otoplasty depend on each specific case. They are determined after consultation with a surgeon.

Answers to popular questions

Bandage after otoplasty. How long to wear it

For a month, you must wear a bandage at night to protect the stitches from accidental damage.

Also, for 4 weeks you cannot visit the pool, sauna, and limit sports activities. The ears finally heal within 6 months. It is recommended to sleep on a high pillow to avoid swelling.

Failed otoplasty. Consequences, possible complications and why they happen

Otoplasty is considered a safe operation and there are almost no complications. Negative consequences may occur if you do not follow your doctor's recommendations. Complications are possible due to surgeon error.

Otoplasty - does it hurt, is there anesthesia?

The operation to correct the auricle is performed mainly under local anesthesia. Children under 14 years of age are recommended to use general anesthesia. Pain is usually not a concern. After the operation, you can go home 2-3 hours later.

Is otoplasty possible without surgery?

Congenital protruding ears can be corrected without surgery only before the age of six months. The cartilage is then still very soft, which can be corrected “manually”.

An adult can hide his protruding ears under his hair or a hat. For example, the famous Julia Roberts is not at all embarrassed about her protruding ears. If there is no complex, then you can do without plastic surgery.

Are there any stitches after otoplasty?

After otoplasty, the sutures dissolve within approximately 1 year. The incisions are made on the back of the ear, so no marks are visible. If the lobe is sutured, the seams gradually dissolve and disappear.

Swelling after otoplasty

Is it possible to get otoplasty for free or on special offer?

Many clinics hold promotions where otoplasty can be done at a large discount (up to 60%) or even with partial payment for the service. Information about such events can be found on the websites of medical clinics.

The operation is performed free of charge exclusively in public clinics for patients who need to restore the auricle due to deformation as a result of injury.

Stars before and after otoplasty

There are many people known to the world who have undergone otoplasty. Among them is Hollywood actor Brad Pitt.. Despite the fact that he denies ear correction, his fans claim that this fact is easy to trace by studying photographs of the star at the very beginning of his career and a few years later.

Russian actress Evgenia Kryukova on the contrary, she does not hide the fact that for a long time she experienced discomfort due to her protruding ears. Before the operation, I tried to hide the defect using adhesive tape and special glue.

Famous singer Beyonce For a long time I had a complex about big ears. Having undergone plastic surgery, she was pleased with the result, and does not hide it from her fans.

The young singer Rihanna has repeatedly turned to the services of a plastic surgeon. She had otoplasty at a young age, but from time to time she still uses the services of aesthetic surgeons.

Videos about what otoplasty is, types of surgery



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