Unlocking your brain's potential. Closed thinking

There are simply no limits to human capabilities. But how we use them and whether we use them at all depends on the functioning of our brain. Most of us, as scientists have proven, use only 2-3% of our brains. In addition, as recent medical research shows, based on numerous ten-year experiments and in which more than 7,000 volunteers took part, our brain begins to age after 45 years. So, you need to try to make the most of it until then.

Moreover, during the experiments, an interesting trend emerged: men lose their intellectual potential faster than women. According to scientists, it is necessary to constantly and maximally use your mental potential. An inquisitive person who has a lot of hobbies has a significant increase in brain capabilities, and in addition, completely unknown previously abilities are revealed.

In addition, our brain has many enemies. For example, regular consumption of alcohol provokes the death of pituitary cells, which is simply fatal for brain function. Constant stress and lack of sleep also lead to exhaustion of our brain. Previously, it was believed that our brain works as a single whole and loses its abilities as a result of disturbances in its structure. But recent medical research has shown that some parts of the brain take over all the functions of the damaged areas. Scientists and doctors were especially surprised by the fact that each hemisphere is a kind of “separate personality” with its own memories, emotions and knowledge. Therefore, sometimes people experience cases of “split” consciousness, and sometimes there is a feeling that two completely different people live inside us.


The so-called intuition is another mystery, still incomprehensible, of the human brain, and, moreover, has nothing to do with the laws of logic. Our logical thinking is based, first of all, on analyzing facts, collecting information, and establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Intuition often offers us a ready-made answer, one that comes out of nowhere. There is a popular belief that the first thought is the most correct. People endowed with intuition quickly navigate difficult situations, make prompt, error-free decisions, and this has already been proven by scientists.

The right hemisphere is responsible for intuitive thinking. Therefore, modern education and the education system are aimed at developing our left hemisphere, which is responsible for rational thinking and logic. This is where many of the secrets of our infinite Universe lie. Scientists are trying in every possible way to unlock the untapped capabilities of the human brain with the help of the right hemisphere. Recently, a method of spiritual knowledge that exceeds logic has been increasingly presented.

The influence of thoughts on events

The influence of our thoughts on certain events still remains a mysterious phenomenon. Scientists believe that emotional mood directly affects, for example, surgery, the consequences of surgery, and the success of further treatment. Sometimes the lack of synchronicity of our words and desires does not allow us to bring our thoughts to life, which should be developed in ourselves.

We bring to your attention 121 tips that will help you think faster, comprehend information better, and in the future use the full potential of your brain.

1. Engage in solving puzzles and solving problems.

2. Ambidexterity should be developed - the ability to control the left and right hands well. Try performing certain actions with your non-dominant hand. Learn to write equally skillfully with both hands. While eating, alternate hands when using a fork and spoon.

3. Deal with uncertainty and ambiguity. Learn to fully enjoy optical illusions and paradoxes.

4. Master mind maps.

5. Try to block one or more sensations, for example, taking a shower with your eyes closed.

6. Develop comparative taste sensations. Learn to feel fully, savor beer, wine, chocolate, cheese, etc.

7. Look for areas of intersection between certain events and things that, at first glance, are completely unrelated.

8. Learn to touch type and use a keyboard with different key layouts.

9. Think of other uses for common objects, such as wire or a nail.

10. Do not stick to one idea about a specific event or thing, change it to the opposite.

11. Improve and study the techniques used in creativity.

12. The obvious should not become a dogma for you; look for other answers to questions.

13. In every possible way, break your idea of ​​the established order of things.

14. Don’t be discouraged, but rather frolic.

15. Turn photographs and paintings upside down.

16. Improve and develop critical thinking, reject established misconceptions.

17. Solve logical problems, thereby improving your logic.

18. Become familiar with scientific methods of thinking.

19. Take up drawing or, you don’t have to be an artist for this.

20. Put positivity in your thoughts first and foremost.

21. Try yourself in painting, sculpture, and music.

22. Develop manual dexterity and learn tricks.

23. Give preference to foods that are exclusively beneficial for your brain.

24. Learn to undereat rather than overeat. It is better to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

25. Exercise should always be in your daily schedule.

26. Sit exclusively with a straight back.

27. The more water you drink, the better for you and your brain function.

28. Breathe deeply.

29. Laugh more often, laughter prolongs life.

30. Certain hobbies and passions will help diversify your life.

31. A good full-fledged person - above all.

32. Treat yourself to short naps.

33. Listening to good music will have a positive effect on your well-being.

34. Declare war on slowness and laziness.

35. Do not overuse technology.

36. Learn modern materials regarding the functioning of the brain.

37. Change your wardrobe. If possible, go barefoot.

38. Try to find a compromise with yourself.

39. Don’t complicate everything in life, keep it simple.

40. Chess and board games have a beneficial effect on brain function.

41. Games for the “mind” - crosswords, puzzles and other games - should be constantly in your leisure time.

42. Spontaneity won't hurt you.

43. Play video games.

44. A sense of humor has never hurt anyone; develop it, for example, by writing jokes.

45. Make a list of 100 for yourself - the main focus of which is: decision making, detection of hidden problems, techniques for generating ideas.

46. ​​Apply the Idea Quota method to yourself.

47. Make a bank of ideas that come to your mind, and then consider them one by one.

48. Develop your ideas. At regular intervals, return to the ideas you put aside for later.

49. Concentrate on “optical observation.” For example, fixate objects of a certain color throughout the day.

50. Train yourself to keep a diary.

51. Studying foreign languages ​​will be useful.

52. Don’t visit the same restaurant - it’s boring and uninteresting. Give preference to national ones.

53. Studying computer programming will be very useful for you in modern reality.

55. Change the interior of your apartment more often. If possible, move somewhere; a change of environment is always useful.

56. Try writing poetry or stories, start your own blog.

57. It is quite interesting to study the language of symbols.

58. Pay attention to musical instruments, learn to play any of them.

59. Visit museums more often.

60. Study the functioning of the brain, its capabilities and abilities.

61. Learn speed reading techniques.

62. Stick to your learning style.

63. Try to learn to identify any day of the week by date.

64. Evaluate any periods of time based on your feelings.

65. Perform a “rough estimate,” for example, of such an episode, which in reality is greater – neural connections in the brain or the number of leaves in the Amazon forests.

66. Be familiar with mathematics. Learn to count properly.

67. Build Memory Palaces in your thoughts.

68. To improve your memory, master the system of figurative thinking.

69. Sex must be present in your life.

70. Try to remember people's names on the first try. Practice meditation.

71. Practice meditation. Train equally both complete absence of thoughts and concentration.

72. When watching movies, there should be different genres. Preferably

73. It is advisable to spend as little time near the TV as possible.

74. You should learn the ability to concentrate from childhood.

75. Close contact with nature will help you be harmonious with both yourself and nature.

76. Solving mathematical problems will be useful.

77. Don’t rush; haste is appropriate when catching fleas.

78. When performing certain types of activities, change your usual speed of performance.

79. Take any task or task seriously and do it right away, on the first try.

80. Develop and improve curiosity.

81. Become an actor for a while and try on someone else’s consciousness. Take on the role of a stranger, think about what you would do?

82. Cultivate a contemplative attitude towards the world around you.

83. There should be time for solitude and relaxation in your daily routine.

84. Be prepared to be a lifelong learner.

85. Don't sit at home, travel, it will help you get to know other people's lifestyles better.

86. Get to know the biographies of geniuses.

87. Surround yourself exclusively with reliable friends.

88. Look for competition.

89. Surround yourself with people with a different worldview.

90. Take part in brainstorming sessions.

91. Get to the root of all problems.

92. Change methods of planning the future: collective/individual, short-term/long-term.

93. Write down quotes from famous and popular people.

94. Change the way you communicate: use a voice recording instead of a letter, prefer paper to a computer.

95. Read the classics more often.

96. Develop the art of reading.

97. Make annotations of the books you read.

98. Perfect your self-awareness.

99. Speak out all problems out loud

100. Comment on your feelings in detail.

101.Use the Braille method.

102. Stimulate your senses and thoughts, for example, by purchasing one of the works of art.

103. Buy different perfume scents.

104. Don't be afraid to mix sensations. What does a rose smell like? How much does blue weigh?

105. Don’t be silent - argue if necessary. Defend your arguments, but also listen to your opponent.

106. Use the time boxing method.

107. Take time to improve your brain.

108. Fantasize.

109. Create a place that exists solely in your imagination.

110. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself.

111. Develop the art of visualization, 5 minutes a day will be enough for this.

112.Record and classify dreams.

113.Learn to lucid dream.

114. Keep a notebook where you will record interesting words. Try to create your own - your own.

115. Connect concrete and abstract concepts, look for metaphors.

116. Don't let stress control you.

117. Read selected sites at random. Write down the words that strike you from the journal. Master the method of randomly entering information.

118. Don’t follow the same “beaten” path. Constantly change the streets you walk, run or return home to.

119. Don’t mark time “in one place.” Install different operating systems on your PC.

120. Expand your vocabulary.

121. Strive for better and more, do not stop at the results achieved.

As you can see, there are too many tips and it’s up to you to decide which ones to take note of and which ones to ignore. But, all of them are definitely aimed exclusively at revealing the capabilities of your brain.

Surely many have heard that a person uses only a small percentage of the capabilities of his brain in daily activities; while the enormous potential of intellectual and creative abilities simply remains unclaimed. The question arises, how to unlock these resources? There are certain recommendations and specific techniques that help activate brain potential.

Nourish your brain

Good blood circulation is the first step towards brain development. Therefore, any physical activity (regular) helps improve thinking. It is also important to eat right and forget about alcoholic beverages and smoking. Bad habits destroy brain cells, and in this case there can be no question of any creativity.

Create additional load

When we do routine work, household chores, or watch TV, our brain is essentially not used. How to develop the abilities of the brain if it is used to working by inertia? That's right, set new tasks. Various puzzles, riddles, even ordinary equations from a school mathematics textbook are suitable for this. The main thing is not to give up. Even if you can’t find a solution, strain yourself to the end, because the brain develops in the process of finding an answer. To train your memory, you can memorize poems, maybe in a foreign language. And of course, don’t forget that a good book is an excellent brain trainer!

Healthy skepticism

Since developing the brain means moving away from stereotyped thinking, often ask yourself the question “why is this so?” Constantly criticize and doubt any, even known, information, thereby you will trigger the dormant mechanisms of logic.

Developing the right hemisphere

The recommendations described above develop more, that is, they include in the work the left, which is responsible for the imagination. Since you can develop the capabilities of the brain only by using the whole brain, you should turn to techniques for unlocking the potential of the right hemisphere. Guided visualization is great for this. For half an hour, in a relaxed state, imagine various pictures and images. For example, that you are walking in the forest or park. “Consider” the landscape, follow your imagination. You can also learn to remember dreams. Keep a pen and notebook next to your bed so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Over time, you will begin to remember your dreams better and better and may gain some information from them.

How to develop your brain through drawing

Creative activity always leads to development. Drawing (especially with your non-dominant hand) helps unlock the potential of the right hemisphere. You can sketch your dreams, events of the day. You can learn to denote various objects with schematic drawings. Try to sketch abstract phenomena (kindness, spirituality, morality and the like).

There are many ways to develop your brain. The main thing is to set yourself such a goal. Systematic classes aimed at developing both hemispheres will improve memory and logic, help you make and implement decisions faster, and become a more creative and versatile person.

The human brain is an amazing organ. It is the most accessible and at the same time the most complex “device” in the Universe.

We offer you several techniques that will help “pump up” your brain.


  • Aerobic exercise. These are exercises where oxygen is the main source of energy. Aerobic training strengthens muscles, normalizes blood circulation, and relieves stress. And a recent study from the University of Illinois also showed that “oxygen” exercise has a beneficial effect on the brain. Just 30 minutes of training a day, and cognitive function improves by 5-10%.
  • Strength exercises. Are jocks stupid? No matter how it is! Lifting weights not only builds muscle, but can also increase levels of something called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein responsible for protecting neurons in the brain.
  • Music. Another study found that the brain begins to work better if you listen to your favorite music during exercise. So let's move on to genius.
  • Dancing. This is a great way to keep fit, improve flexibility and coordination. Moreover, according to Daniel J. Amen, MD, neurophysiologist and neuropsychiatrist, author of the book “Great Brain at Any Age,” dancing is also an excellent thinking simulator. After all, when dancing, we use different parts of the brain.
  • Golf. It is not for nothing that it is called an intellectual game: calculating the force of a blow and the trajectory of the ball is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In addition, doctors believe that golf stimulates the sensory cortex of the brain.
  • Yoga. The ancient Indian spiritual-physical practice, it turns out, not only has a beneficial effect on health, but also improves memory, the ability to self-control and long-term concentration. At least, this is the conclusion reached by scientists from the University of Illinois, led by Neha Gothe.


  • Water. The body is 80% water. Every organ needs it, but the brain in particular. In the course of another scientific experiment, it was found that people who are thirsty cope worse with logical problems than those who drank half a liter of water before testing.
  • Omega-3. Unsaturated fatty acids are super healthy. Including for the brain and nervous system. They provide a rapid influx of energy necessary to transmit impulses from cell to cell, which, in turn, increases mental abilities and helps to quickly retrieve the necessary information from memory “reservoirs”. There are a lot of Omega-3s in fish, walnuts and flaxseed oil.
  • Green. Spinach and other greens contain folic acid, vitamins E and K. These substances prevent the development of dementia (dementia). In addition, the antioxidants contained in greens protect the brain from stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Apples. They contain quercetin, a substance that has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and other beneficial effects. But the main thing for us is that quercetin protects brain cells from damage, and therefore prevents the impairment of its cognitive properties. Most of it is in apple peel.
  • Nuts. They are rich in protein, and protein supplies the brain with energy. In addition, nuts are rich in lecithin, the lack of which in the body can cause multiple sclerosis and other nervous diseases.
  • Vitamins. B9 (citrus fruits, bread, beans, honey) and B12 (liver, eggs, fish) - without these substances the normal functioning of the body is impossible. The former is necessary for the creation and maintenance of new cells in a healthy state, and the latter reduces the symptoms of senile dementia and mental confusion.
  • Eggs. What came first: the chicken or the egg? Perhaps you will find the answer to this philosophical question if you eat both. After all, chicken yolk is a source of choline, and it helps develop the cognitive functions of the brain, that is, the ability to understand, cognize, study, realize, perceive and process.
  • Milk. Children, drink milk and you will be healthy! After all, milk is calcium, which strengthens bones. In addition, scientists have found that a glass of milk a day improves memory and other mental abilities.
  • Coffee. This is not a joke. Scientific research has found that caffeine can improve attention and short-term memory. And of course, it will add vigor.
  • Chocolate. When you go to an exam, eat a chocolate bar. Everyone does this, but few people know why. Or rather, few people know how chocolate makes us smarter. It's all about glucose and flavonols. Sugar speeds up reactions and improves memory, while flavonols stimulate other cognitive skills.

Daily routine

  • Sound sleep. We have already talked about how important sleep is for normal functioning. Let’s just repeat - in order for the convolutions to move, you need to sleep at least seven hours a day.
  • Nap. Taking a nap is beneficial. This is an indisputable fact. The question is how much? The ideal duration of an afternoon nap is 10-20 minutes. A person does not have time to fall asleep soundly and it is easier for him to wake up. But on the other hand, according to scientists, a 90-minute nap has the best effect on the brain (memory improves, creative ideas appear). More details about.
  • Habitual way of life. Break it! Yes, yes, for one day, destroy the established order for years - drink coffee in another cafe and not at 9, but at 11 o’clock, go to work on a new route, rearrange the things in your diary. Such “shake-ups” are very useful - they help the brain to be in good shape.
  • Sense organs. Another interesting workout for the brain is the sharpening of individual senses. For example, hearing. To do this, blindfold yourself and try to walk around the room, focusing only on the sounds around you.
  • Workplace. Will the devil break his leg on the table? Then in my head too. A cluttered workspace is not only unsightly, but also has a significant impact on productivity. Has a negative impact. Get your workspace in order and you will be surprised how much faster your brain will work.
  • Sketches. If you're having a hard time focusing on a task (and you really should), try taking a pen and paper and drawing it. Schemes, tables and other sketches will help you concentrate and, perhaps, open up a new vision of the problem.
  • Notes. It is useful not only to draw by hand, but also to write. Gadgets have almost replaced paper from our lives, which is why we are unlikely to become smarter. After all, creating handwritten text develops higher brain functions such as memory, attention, psychomotor coordination and others. It is no coincidence that a foreign word written by hand is remembered better than one entered on the keyboard.
  • Flight of thoughts. Everyone is familiar with the round dance of thoughts. This is when you need to think about a project, there are a thousand and one ideas in your head, but not a single one you need. At such moments, we try to “curb” our randomly racing thoughts and, finally, get down to business. And in vain. Scientific research shows that by letting our thoughts fly free, we stimulate the creative activity of the brain. So relax and let yourself just dream.


  • Novelty. New, more complex activities stimulate the release of dopamine, which promotes neuronal growth. Go up the intellectual ladder. Each time, complicate the task for yourself - solve more difficult puzzles, read smart books.
  • Orientation. Don't know your city or even area well? Great! From the point of view of training mental abilities. Mastering new routes develops memory, attention and other cognitive functions.
  • Music playing. Musicians have a well-developed parietal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for hearing, motor and visuospatial skills. If you want to “pump up” these qualities, try learning to play some musical instrument.
  • Foreign languages. Learning a second or third language improves memory, broadens your horizons, and also protects the body from Alzheimer's disease.
  • Oral speech. If you say something out loud, you remember it better. Proven scientific fact.
  • Positive thinking. Positive psychology experts are relentless and unanimous: think positive thoughts and you'll become smarter.


  • Meditation. We have already written about that. Let us only recall that regular meditative practice helps to get rid of sudden feelings of anxiety, respond more adequately to physical illness, and also better understand other people.
  • Computer games. They shout on TV that children are becoming dumb from playing computer games, that teenagers who spend a lot of time playing Xbox are degenerating. But a professor from the University of Rochester claims that gaming improves multitasking and spatial thinking. In addition, logic computer games cannot be called “stupidizing”.


  • Conversations. "Hi, how are you?" – do you hate this phrase? Do you feel sorry for the time for “empty” chatter? Do you prefer to keep the dialogue strictly to the point? On the one hand, it is commendable, but on the other, even trivial conversations, “about nothing,” develop cognitive functions - speech, attention and control.
  • Sex. This enjoyable activity in all respects increases the level of serotonin in the blood (“the hormone of happiness”, which, among other things, increases creativity) and the level of oxytocin (“the hormone of trust” - helps a person think in new directions and make bold decisions).
  • Laughter. It, like sex, is the best cure for many diseases. If you have been engaged in intense intellectual activity for a long time, then you should not pick up a volume of Schopenhauer when you come home from work. Give your brain a break, turn on a good comedy and laugh heartily.
  • Ancestors. It was published in a prestigious journal dedicated to social psychology. According to him, people who thought about their ancestors before taking tests of memory, thinking and attention scored better than those who did not remember their grandparents. It’s difficult to say how objective the scientists’ arguments are, but knowing your genealogy is definitely useful.

How do you train your brain?

Your brain's potential is enormous. And yet, in your limited thinking, you are only able to use one third of it. What do you think the rest of it is for?- to fill the empty space?


Even though your brain was designed to receive every frequency of thought of the Divine Mind, the body of inner knowing, it will only be able to receive frequencies that you allow yourself to receive. And of all the beautiful thoughts that bombard God holding you as one, most people allow themselves only one inner knowledge, and that is the lower frequency thoughts: social consciousness thoughts, very limited thoughts, very narrow; and you know this well from your experience.

And when you live according to the social consciousness and reason only in those frequencies that dominate its limited thinking, the active parts of your brain are only the upper part of the right and left level of the brain and some parts of the cerebellum located above the spine. Most of your brain resides. And that's because you will reject any thought that does not fit the limited thinking of your family, peers, society or dogma. You will turn away from it, which means that you allow yourself to contemplate and think only those thoughts that will be accepted by others.

You have a term called “closed thinking.” So this is his literal description. When you refuse to think beyond the social consciousness, parts of your brain are literally closed to higher frequency thoughts. And this is because you only slightly open your “mouth opening”; therefore, it activates only those parts of the brain that accept lower frequencies of social consciousness.

The only reason that someone is a genius and knows something that you don't know is because that person has opened his mind to the contemplation of "what if...", to the contemplation of daring thoughts, brilliant thoughts that go beyond the limited thinking of man. He allowed himself to have such thoughts and occupy his thinking with them, while you abandoned them. You cannot accept them because you have yet to activate those parts of your brain that will give you the ability to involve them in your thinking. What happens to the great thoughts of limitless understanding that constantly bombard your light structure? They bounce off the receiving device and are sent back into the river of thought through the Spirit of your being.

Having a closed mindset means not allowing the possibility of something existing that cannot be sensed by your body's senses. Yet in the realm called “God” nothing is impossible. If something was conceived or thought out, it exists, because everything that is dreamed of, everything that is imagined, is already in the sphere of existence. This is how everything created came into being. Every time you tell someone that it is just their imagination, you are programming them to be confused and have limited creativity. This is exactly what is happening to the children on this plane - to all of you.

I tell you: . And whatever you allow yourself to conceive will become your experience because your electromagnetic field will attract it to you.

You see, The cruelty of closed thinking is that it prevents you from knowing joy. It keeps you in bondage. It keeps you from knowing the glory - your own and God's. As long as you are narrow-minded and live and think according to the social consciousness, you will never dare to touch the unknown or admit the possibility of better realities for fear that all this means change. And this is so because much more awaits you than what you have in the ordered world that lives and dies. There is a lot waiting for you that you need to see and understand in order to become part of something bigger. As long as you accept only the limited thoughts that have been instilled in you by your upbringing, you will never be able to activate a significant part of your brain to accept and experience thoughts different from those that you encounter every day of your existence.

Whenever you entertain a thought that is broader than what is normal for you, that thought activates another part of the brain for purposeful use. Each time you do this, the larger thought will serve as a signal to expand your thought process. This will activate other parts of your brain, priming them to think more, to perceive more, to know more. And when you want to know superconsciousness, limitless thinking, your pituitary gland will open and bloom like a beautiful flower. And the more it opens, the stronger the current of hormones will be and the more actively the sleeping parts of your brain will work to accept higher frequencies of thought.

You see, being a genius is very simple. All you have to do is think for yourself.

The brain is a great mystery that leaves many perplexed. They take it out to look at it, but they cannot find anything in it except liquids; and this is water. Water is a conductor of electric current. The denser the water, the more powerful the increase in electric current that passes through it. ° In the dormant parts of the brain, the fluid is denser so that higher frequencies of thought can be amplified to form powerful electric currents and spread throughout the body with even greater speed. Therefore, when you allow most of your thoughts to reside in the sleeping areas, your body begins to work so that its reactions become faster and more profound. When your whole brain is involved, you can do anything with your body. With the help of your soul, which registers and firmly holds the emotion of every thought you receive, your brain and its impulses sent to the body can create your body as your thoughts decide to create it.

Did you know that when your brain is at its full potential, in an instant you can turn your body into a spark of light and your body will live forever? Did you know that your brain has the ability to grow a new limb if you are missing one? When your entire brain is involved, it has the ability to completely heal your body in one moment or change it physically according to any ideal you give it.

Your brain's potential is enormous. And yet, in your limited thinking, you are only able to use one third of it. What do you think the rest of it is for, to fill the empty space?

Your body is maintained as your brain and your thoughts tell it to, because every thought you allow to enter your brain electrifies and nourishes every cell in your body. Even when you were a child and thought in social consciousness, you accepted a program for yourself according to which you must grow up, grow old and die. Therefore, since you accepted this thought, you began to weaken the life force within your body, because the thought of old age sends an electrical spark of a slow or low frequency to every cellular structure. And the lower the speed, the faster the body loses flexibility, because the body’s ability to rejuvenate and recover decreases. And so aging receives permission to exist, and ultimately, the death of the body. However, if you allowed to myself constantly accepting higher frequencies of thought, you would be able to send powerful, high-speed electric currents throughout your body, and it would always be in the present moment and therefore would never age or die. But everyone here knows that he will grow old and die, so the current gradually loses its strength.

Those parts of your brain that are not currently in use have the ability - by inner knowledge alone - to repair any damaged part of your body, wherever it may be. The moment you know that your body can heal, that thought - through the central nervous system - sends a strong spark to where the damaged part is; and this allows the factor of each cell to clone and repair the cell in the most perfect manner. The most perfect. Do you think this is a miracle? But that's how it should be, and that's how it is.

Do you think that your body can only be healed by doctors and medications? And they help because you believe in it. You have also been told - and you believe it - that you cannot heal yourself; and you cannot, because this inner knowing is present in you. However, there are creatures who seek healers, knowing that everything they hear will be the absolute truth. And this inner knowledge becomes absolute truth within the physical embodiment, which is why they are healed in one moment. That's what inner knowing does, and it can change your body the way you want it to. You have the ability to be limitless even in the movements of your body because it was designed that way.

Every moment of your existence - while sleeping or waking, conscious or unconscious - you are constantly receiving thought from the Divine Mind. And all the frequencies of thought that you allow to come through this beautiful God who holds you as one, you will feel, feel for the reward of life and its only reality - emotion. So anyone who is gloomy, scared, bitter, angry, jealous, anyone who feels unhappy, always in a hurry, uninteresting, unloved and unwanted, what frequency of thoughts do you allow yourself to feel? Thoughts of social consciousness. “Where is the joy? - you ask. - Where is the love? Where is eternity? Where is God? They are just a thought away from you.

Why don't you recognize all these beautiful thoughts that pass through your Spirit every moment? Because you didn't want to know them. Your choice is to live under the shadow of social consciousness and dress, behave, and think like a herd. Your choice is to fit into the frame, to be accepted so that you can survive. You did not want to know, because if you were to think that you are sovereign, that you are God, that you are eternal, that you are omniscient, it would mean going against your family, against your friends, against religion, against your countries. Therefore you have given up your power. You have given up your sovereignty. You have forgotten your true face. You have closed your brain. Teaching you how to open it again is the reason I'm here.

What is this religious figure called "God", this eternal mystery that man has desperately tried to unravel for eons? It is thought and its ability to accept itself, and by accepting itself, to become and expand. This is all that God is: the totality of thought, the pinnacle of life. And within your own being you have the power to become God completely. Fully. Because if the full spectrum of your brain were in action, at this moment you would already be on the edge of eternity; you would know everything that exists for knowledge, you would become the reflection of the sun, the depth of the sea, the power of the wind and a star above the horizon.

What prevents you from learning? What prevents you from becoming the totality of God? It is distorted because the distorted ego cuts off God, refusing to accept the frequencies of all thought that God is, so that it can live in peace and quiet, away from harm. This is why the distorted ego is what is called the Antichrist: because it denies that you are the son of God. It does not allow you to accept the thought and realize that you and your Otei are one, you and your Father are one and the same, that you are a divine immortal principle with the power to create eternity and with the power to create death.

The Antichrist is the distorted ego, and his kingdom is the social consciousness. It is precisely this that does not allow limitless thought, and its dogma is fear, condemnation and survival. Christ is a man who fully expresses the power, beauty, love and endless life of the Father living in him. This is a person realizing his divinity and becoming that realization; this is a man who transcends dogma, prophecy and fear, for he knows that beyond the social consciousness there is an infinite power called “God”.

So, Antichrist and Christ live under the arches of one temple, and this temple is you. Everything is within you because God, as you are, allows both the Antichrist and the Christ to be. It allows for both life and death. It allows for both limitation and limitlessness.

Have you heard of the prophecy called "Armageddon"? So you live in his times all this life. Armageddon is the struggle between the realization of God and the recognition of the Antichrist - the distorted ego that does not allow limitless thoughts to enter your brain to express itself limitlessly. This is a war between social consciousness and limitless inner knowledge. This is what Armageddon is. This battle is not outside of you - it is within you; it is the inner conflict between the awakened Christ and the distorted ego in command. Therefore, the prophecy is actually coming true in these times.

To be God means to be a limitless inner knowing, a limitless being. To be human means to be a limited being who does not open his thinking to even greater knowledge; this means to be a being who accepts theories, but does not practice them in life and is in the position not of a teacher, but of a student, in the position of not a discoverer, but a comfortably settled one.

I tell you: you have the ability to know everything that exists for knowledge. And whatever you want. You have the ability to live forever in your body if that is your desire. But to all this the distorted ego answers: “No way.” And therefore you will know who man is, but God will always remain a mystery to you.

based on materials from the book: Ramtha - "White Book".

translation into Russian: Nikonov Vladimir
original article: litemind.com/boost-brain-power

121 tips on how to think faster, improve memory, better absorb information and use the full potential of your brain.

You can start doing them right from today.

  1. Solve riddles and puzzles.
  2. Develop ambidexterity (two-handedness, the ability to use the right and left hands equally well). Try to brush your teeth, comb your hair, and manipulate the computer mouse with your non-dominant hand. Write with both hands at the same time. Change hands when eating when using a knife and fork.
  3. Work with ambiguity, uncertainty. Learn to enjoy things like paradoxes and optical illusions.
  4. Mind mapping ( note: connection diagram, a way of depicting the process of general systems thinking using diagrams).
  5. Block one or more sensations. Eat blindfolded, temporarily plug your ears with tampons, take a shower with your eyes closed.
  6. Develop comparative taste sensations. Learn to fully feel, savor wine, chocolate, beer, cheese and anything else.
  7. Look for areas of intersection between seemingly unrelated things.
  8. Learn to use keyboards with different key layouts (learn to touch-type).
  9. Come up with new uses for common items. How many different ways can you think of, for example, for a nail? Ten? One hundred?
  10. Change your usual ideas to the opposite ones.
  11. Learn techniques for developing creativity.
  12. Don’t stop at the obvious, look beyond the first, “correct” answer to the question.
  13. Change the established order of things. Ask yourself the question “What if...”
  15. Turn paintings, photographs upside down.
  16. Develop critical thinking. Challenge common misconceptions.
  17. Study logic. Solve logic problems.
  18. Learn the scientific way of thinking.
  19. Draw, draw automatically. You don't need to be an artist for this.
  20. Take up some form of art - sculpture, painting, music - or test yourself in some other creative activity.
  21. Learn the art of performing tricks and develop sleight of hand.
  22. Eat foods that are good for your brain.
  23. Strive to constantly feel a slight feeling of hunger.
  24. Exercise!
  25. Sit up straight.
  26. Drink plenty of water.
  27. Breathe deeply.
  28. Laugh!
  29. Vary your activities. Choose a hobby for yourself.
  30. Make sure you get good sleep.
  31. Practice short naps.
  32. Declare war on your propensity to procrastinate.
  33. Limit yourself in the use of technology.
  34. Study materials on brain research.
  35. Change your clothes. Walk barefoot.
  36. Get better at talking to yourself.
  37. Get simpler!
  38. Play chess or other board games. Play over the Internet (it’s especially fun to play in real time via email!).
  39. Play mental games. Sudoku, crosswords and countless other games are at your service.
  40. Be spontaneous, like children!
  41. Play video games.
  42. Develop a sense of humor! Write or make up jokes.
  43. Make a List of 100 ( note: technique for generating ideas, discovering hidden problems or making decisions).
  44. Use the Idea Quota method ( note: a method of compiling a preliminary list of ideas during the day).
  45. Consider every idea that comes to you. Create a bank of ideas.
  46. Let your ideas develop. Return to each of them at certain intervals.
  47. Conduct case observation. Try, for example, to mark red objects as often as possible throughout the day. Tag cars of a specific brand. Pick a topic and focus on it.
  48. Keep a diary.
  49. Learn foreign languages.
  50. Eat in different restaurants - preference to national restaurants.
  51. Learn computer programming.
  52. Read long words backwards. !einejuborP
  53. Change your environment - change the location of objects, furniture, move somewhere.
  54. Write! Write stories, poetry, start a blog.
  55. Learn the language of symbols.
  56. Learn the art of playing musical instruments.
  57. Visit museums.
  58. Study the functioning of the brain.
  59. Study.
  60. Determine your learning style.
  61. Learn a method to determine the days of the week for any date!
  62. Try to judge the time intervals by your feelings.
  63. "Approximate calculation." What is more abundant - leaves in the Amazon forests or neural connections in the brain? (answer)
  64. Make friends with mathematics. Fight “inability to count.”
  65. Build Memory Palaces.
  66. Study the system of figurative thinking to develop memory.
  67. Have sex (Sorry, no comments here!).
  68. Remember people's names.
  69. Meditate. Train concentration and complete absence of thoughts.
  70. Watch films of different genres.
  71. Give up TV.
  72. Learn to concentrate.
  73. Stay in touch with.
  74. Solve math problems mentally.
  75. Don't rush.
  76. Change your habitual speed of different activities.
  77. Do only one thing at a time.
  78. Develop curiosity.
  79. Try on someone else's consciousness. How do you think other people would think in your place and solve your problems? How would a fool behave if he were in your place?
  80. Cultivate a contemplative attitude towards the world.
  81. Find time for solitude and relaxation.
  82. Commit to continuous learning throughout your life.
  83. Travel abroad. Get to know the lifestyle of people from other countries.
  84. Study the geniuses (Leonardo is great company for you!)
  85. Create a circle of trusted friends.
  86. Look for competition.
  87. You should not communicate only with like-minded people. Surround yourself with people whose worldviews are different from yours.
  88. Participate in brainstorming sessions!
  89. Change the way you plan for the future: short-term/long-term, collective/individual.
  90. Look for the roots of all problems.
  91. Collect quotes from famous people.
  92. Change your medium of communication: use paper instead of a computer, voice recording instead of writing.
  93. Read the classics.
  94. Improve the art of reading. Effective reading is an art, develop it.
  95. Write a summary of your books.
  96. Develop self-awareness.
  97. Voice your problems out loud.
  98. Describe your feelings in the smallest detail.
  99. Use the Braille method. Start by counting the floors as you take the elevator.
  100. Buy a piece of art that will shake you up. Stimulate, provoke sensations and thoughts.
  101. Use different perfume scents.
  102. Mix your feelings. How much does pink weigh? What does lavender smell like?
  103. Argue! Defend your arguments. Try to also accept your opponent's point of view.
  104. Use the time boxing method ( note: a method of fixing a specific period of time to complete a task or group of tasks).
  105. Take time to develop your brain.
  106. Create a mental sanctuary ( note: a place that exists only in your imagination).
  107. Be curious!
  108. Challenge yourself.
  109. Develop the art of visualization. Spend at least 5 minutes a day on this.
  110. Write down your dreams. Keep a notebook and first thing in the morning, or when you wake up, write down your dreams.
  111. Learn to lucid dream.
  112. Get a dictionary of interesting words. Create your own words.
  113. Look for metaphors. Connect abstract and concrete concepts.
  114. Master the method of randomly entering information. Write down random words from a journal. Read randomly selected sites.
  115. Take a different route every day. Change the streets you take to work, jog, or get home.
  116. Install different operating systems on your PC.
  117. Develop your vocabulary.
  118. Achieve more than you thought possible.

Best wishes,
Nikonov Vladimir



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