Mental degradation. What is degradation? How to understand “degrade”

The concept of personality degradation is widely known to everyone, but few people have thought about what leads to such a state, how to help a loved one. After all, he completely loses the ability to develop and improve. It is so important to establish the root cause and try to eliminate it (of course, if this is possible).

In a broader sense, this concept means a person’s loss of mental calm, efficiency, sober mind and the ability to think logically. Moreover, not the best character traits are shown: irritability, passivity, and often aggressiveness. The ability to concentrate gradually fades away, feelings become dulled, and the person lives his own life, understandable only to him. Personality degradation can cause a complete loss of connections with the outside world, and the most serious consequence is dementia.

How to recognize degradation?

It is very important to notice any deviations in behavior in time in order to be able to help a loved one. Signs of personality degradation concern both external appearance and internal state. In this condition, less and less attention is paid to what a person looks like and what he says. Speech becomes quite simplified, no one tries to convey their thoughts in publicly accessible words (this also requires quite active brain activity). The social circle is becoming narrower, those who cause trouble simply disappear from life. The main phrase becomes “I want,” and detachment from everything, family, children develops. A person does not want to think or care about someone, he seems to fade and plunge into himself, moving away from loved ones.

Causes of personality destruction

It is not only important to notice the signs of personality degradation, but also to understand the reasons. Undoubtedly, a serious tragedy can cause such a state. Depression and mental anguish can completely change consciousness and lead to the destruction of moral foundations and principles. Often retirement is the trigger for this disorder. After all, for a long time a person was needed, he was in a team, but now he is forced to rest. Feelings of guilt, apathy and even banal laziness can make changes in consciousness. In the modern world, where money plays a significant role, material values, the struggle for them and the opportunities they give, often lead to spiritual destruction. And, of course, drug addiction and alcoholism are the main causes of mental disorders. Alcoholic personality degradation is a fairly common occurrence, and this becomes a serious danger. The human appearance is completely lost, thoughts are directed only to where to get poison. You need to know that personality degradation due to alcoholism is irreversible; there are no drunkards who have not lost their normal moral character. It doesn’t matter the type of alcoholic drink; even beer that seems light at first glance can become a source of personal destruction.

If personality degradation is caused by depression, strong emotional experiences, then the following stages are observed. First, a person loses his ideals, his purpose in life. Then moral principles and internal norms are lost. He becomes unable to overcome the difficulties that arise along the path of life. Among the feelings, envy, aggressiveness, and apathy predominate. Then the ability to actively act and think, to understand others, disappears. A person simply repeats other people's thoughts and actions. And finally, it all ends with a complete loss of the sense of reality. The main argument of such people is to argue over any issue; in order to achieve their short-term goals, they are capable of vile acts. Very often they try to live at the expense of others, but the relationships that such people are able to create are pathological and destructive. Anyone who stops appreciating and respecting himself is unable to appreciate another. Interestingly, women are less at risk of completely degenerating; their maternal instinct saves them.

Alcoholism and stages of destruction of moral character

Alcohol poses a serious danger to maintaining moral character and normal functioning. Personality degradation occurs quite quickly. At the initial stage, there is a psychological dependence on alcoholic drinks; it is more comfortable, more fun, and easier to find a common language with. A characteristic feature is that large doses of drinks are tolerated quite easily, so their quantity is poorly controlled. But quality requirements are decreasing. The second stage is characterized by the development of physical dependence, a hangover syndrome appears. In addition, temporary memory loss is possible. Very often at this stage, all sorts of injuries arise during a drunken state, professional qualities deteriorate, quarrels do not stop in the family (and often it simply falls apart). Aggression increases, psychosis is possible. Alcohol degradation reaches its maximum level at the third level. Binge drinking, amnesia, decreased tolerance to strong drinks, nervous disorders - these are symptoms that the personality is losing its normal appearance. Over time, the ability to work is completely lost.

How can I help?

Personality degradation can stop. First of all, you should take a critical look at yourself from the outside and adequately evaluate your actions. To escape from heavy thoughts, you need to spend as much time as possible with people, go to the movies, to exhibitions, and read more books. You shouldn't be alone with yourself. Help people - good deeds add meaning, you will experience the pleasure of knowing that someone needs you. An active life position, a favorite job, a lot of hobbies - this is the guarantee that personality destruction will bypass. Don’t be shy about asking your loved ones for help; they will happily surround you with warmth and attention.

Treatment of alcoholism

With alcohol degradation, things are somewhat more complicated. After all, a person does not admit that he is sick and needs help. In addition, there are often cases when there is no one in particular to help him. The greater the dependence, the more often all social ties are destroyed. At the last stage, enormous intoxication of the body is added to mental problems. Therapy should be carried out by both a narcologist and a psychotherapist. At the same time, it is very important to ensure that the patient understands all the destructive effects of alcohol and changes his attitude towards its use. And, of course, help remove toxic substances from the body and relieve withdrawal symptoms. Gender, the amount of alcohol consumed, and mental state also matter. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that a person will return to a normal lifestyle. And even reasonable doses of alcohol drunk in the future will not cause binge drinking or other negative reactions.

Not many people have an idea of ​​what personality degradation is. In a condensed sense, this term implies the complete destruction of human capabilities. If we talk about such a concept as personality degradation in more detail, then it represents a loss of mental balance and performance, as well as a comprehensive weakening of activity. Human degradation is the loss of his inherent abilities and qualities, which is accompanied by the loss of judgment, talents and feelings. If a person has become more irritable or his memory has deteriorated significantly and his ability to concentrate attention on something, there are processes of degradation. The interests of such a person are significantly narrowed. At the same time, such negative qualities as carelessness, lack of will and complacency may appear.

One of the most severe types of degradation is considered to be insanity, which is dementia. With it, contacts with the outside world are lost. The person expresses complete indifference to other people and maintains a very carefree life.

Signs of personality degradation can be observed in many people. Moreover, such problems are characteristic not only of chronic losers, but also of fully conscious individuals. This is the danger of the withering process. This state of affairs once again confirms the vulnerability of the individual.

Causes of human degradation

Often a person degrades because he is overcome by apathy. In situations where a person needs to complete some important task or make a responsible decision, many prefer to do nothing. A person without a will, who acts only in accordance with his desires and reluctances, has every chance of degenerating morally and intellectually.

Personality degradation is a process that can often be observed in adults. When a person retires, in a sense, he dies, as younger colleagues see him off to a “well-deserved rest.” In fact, in such a situation the person relaxes, because now there is no need to be responsible for anything or make efforts to achieve some goal. As a result, destructive passivity completely takes over the person. Such an amorphous state can be compared to preparation for physical death. Surprisingly, among older people there are quite a lot of those who have not been spared by degradation.

The problem of personality degradation is more common among lonely people or those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. In the latter case, the person becomes depressed, which contributes to rapid personal decline. It is interesting that a huge proportion of people, wanting to take revenge on life for their misfortune, for the most part kill themselves. Thus, a person practices a kind of slow suicide.

Another reason for degradation may be a feeling of guilt. People who feel unnecessary often experience personal disintegration. If a person has lost faith in himself due to several consecutive failures, then there is a high probability of degradation.

It is impossible to list all the reasons for the decline of personality, among which, undoubtedly, there are such as lack of will, drug addiction in all its manifestations, cruelty, procrastination and banal laziness. However, the main reason is still the lack of spirituality, intelligence, compassion and love. It is these components that make a person human.

Undoubtedly, there are many examples where a person without a soul can demonstrate an extraordinary mind and achieve considerable success without degenerating. However, to become such a person you must initially be a person and be formed in certain conditions.

The famous psychologist Abraham Maslow believed that human degradation has the following stages of progression:

  • Formation of the “pawn” psychology. A person has the feeling that he is completely dependent on some other forces. This phenomenon is called the phenomenon of “learned helplessness.”
  • The emergence of a shortage of basic goods. The primary needs of food and survival become a priority.
  • Formation of a “clean” environment. The entire society is divided into bad and good people, “us” and “strangers”. Often a person develops a feeling of shame and guilt for himself.
  • The emergence of the cult of “self-criticism”. A person is able to admit the commission of even those actions to which he has nothing to do.
  • Protection of "sacred foundations". The individual categorically does not want to think about the main premises of ideology. Such people do not doubt their “sacred foundations” and are not able to look at them with a skeptical eye.

How to avoid degradation

Spiritual degradation of personality may well overtake anyone who does not engage in self-development. Thus, any person has every chance of coming to complete, comprehensive collapse. It is necessary to invest time and effort to maintain yourself at a consistently high level. Build, improve and do - this is what those who do not want to degrade need to concentrate on. Otherwise, spiritual death will overtake a person much earlier than physical death.

To avoid degradation, you should be able to fight your passivity. This skill allows you to increase a person’s internal energy and strengthen willpower.

There is physical and social death. The second concept implies that a person, being healthy, is of no value to society. Moreover, such a person can also cause harm to society, since he is a burden and is far from the best example. In order to avoid social death, it is necessary to make efforts to maintain an active physical state and be interested in everything that is happening in the world. A person should strive to be useful to the people among whom he lives. To maintain high life potential, you need to live not only for yourself, without surrendering to the hands of internal passivity. It should be understood that the main food for the mind is both the information that we consume when reading or through auditory perception, and what we talk about and are interested in.

Those who have a fairly active life position and live in mission mode will never face the problem of degradation. Usually such people do what they love and have many interests.

You need to understand that the environment has an incredible influence on the development or degradation of the individual. If a person mainly comes into contact with people who are going downhill, then this will not have a beneficial effect on him.

There is a parable about a cucumber that tried with all its might to preserve its freshness. Once in a jar of pickles, he felt very unpleasant at first, since the brine did not help maintain freshness. Besides, appearance fresh cucumber was a reproach to its pickled brothers. However, after a while, the pickle was no longer disgusting to the cucumber, and its neighbors no longer seemed so salty. The cucumber thought that it was very convenient to be like everyone else. However, to avoid becoming a salty snack, you need to follow the right direction in life.

Now you know what human degradation is. Having a general understanding of this problem, you can easily avoid the fate that is prescribed for a huge number of people.

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Degradation is a disease and is by no means rare. Many of us are already on the path to this personal “grace” without realizing it. Personal degradation is nothing more than a loss of efficiency, will, interests, feelings, principles. In a word, the global primitivism of man, which is advancing, is not by the will of God, but is being built brick by brick by God itself.

The best examples of complete personality degradation are alcoholics (we won’t touch drug addicts, there are still fewer of them than those who like to gargle). Their thoughts are superficial, their ideals are unshakable, their phrases and words are all similar in their simplicity and unpretentiousness. The brain works only in the name of obtaining the main need of life - alcohol. But we will talk about them in detail later.

Causes of degradation

In the world you can find a lot of reasons for giving up and losing faith in yourself. That is why there are an innumerable number of reasons for personality degradation, each has its own, each is similar.

Often people begin to degenerate as a result of the loss of a loved one, a series of failures, or the collapse of hopes. A person commits slow and sure suicide, as he takes revenge on life for treating him so vilely and dishonestly. “To the evil” of life, he gives up, stops monitoring himself and events in the world, does not develop intellectually, and forgets about his former interests. Often he goes on a binge, because with personality degradation it can be not only the cause, but also the consequence.

Also characteristic is degradation after retirement. Young employees are escorted off to a “well-deserved rest,” which is psychologically equivalent to a wake. Spiritual death occurs: there are no more duties and no responsibility, no worries and affairs, no headaches and the brain is not overworked - but for some reason life is not beautiful.

Psychologists say that retirement is actually very harmful. Only a few manage to avoid the spiritual degradation of the individual by retiring, but only if the person always finds something to do even without work. A well-deserved rest is useful only for those who are multifaceted individuals, for whom life does not end when leaving work, but on the contrary, free space opens up for a host of new things. There are only a few of them.


Personality degradation has a number of characteristic stages, which were described by psychologist Maslow.

  1. A person perceives himself as a pawn, on which nothing depends, either in a global or in a personal sense.
  2. Basic primary human needs come to the fore.
  3. The world is divided into “us” and “strangers”. The patient protects himself from “strangers.”
  4. The person is overcome by feelings of guilt and shame. The patient blames himself for all mortal sins, even those to which he has nothing to do.
  5. The ideology of the degrading is unshakable and is not subject to discussion, criticism or discussion.
  6. Simple language, elementary, easy to pronounce and remember phrases. When degraded, the brain does not want to waste energy even on verbal functions.

There is only one way to protect yourself from degradation - to develop, between new experiences and comfortable old ones, always choose something new, make decisions independently, regardless of society’s stereotypes.

Recently, the concept of “degradation” is a favorite word among people. “You are deteriorating”, “our society is degrading” - what philosophical conversation with neighbors and friends is complete without including this concept. And by what signs is a person considered degraded?

This definition should be studied in order to really operate it competently. After all, this word often sounds offensive. What is human degradation and why do people use this concept to offend or humiliate someone?

Chronic alcoholism leads to personality degradation

Personality degradation is the gradual loss of human appearance. When irreversible changes occur for the worse in character, habits, inclinations and hobbies. The development of such traits as irritability, passivity, and then aggressiveness is manifested.

What does degradation include?

The most severe consequence of personality degradation is the appearance of progressive dementia.

Signs of degradation

A degraded person does not come to his condition in one moment. Sometimes regression takes several decades to develop. The main distinguishing signs by which one can suspect a decline in personality include the following symptoms:

  1. Gradual loss of the ability to think soberly and reason sensibly.
  2. The ability to concentrate on any one task/goal disappears.
  3. There is a attenuation of all feelings exhibited by a person in a normal state.
  4. One notices a gradual withdrawal into oneself, into one’s inner, artificially created world.
  5. Conversational and familiar speech becomes more primitive and incoherent.
  6. Busyness in business and work decreases sharply.
  7. The circle of human communication is also narrowing.
  8. An apathetic state occurs, in which the person stops showing any care and attention to others.

A person, being in the developing stages of regression, eventually loses mental stability. All manifestations of activity and performance are stopped. They are replaced by nervousness, global disturbances of attention and memory. All interests disappear, giving way to lack of initiative, lack of will and carelessness.

Degradation can also follow the spiritual path

Human degradation and Abraham Maslow

A medical psychologist who lived in America in the last century, he devoted his life to the study of human nature. A psychiatrist has compiled a hierarchy of personal needs. The world-famous scientist noted the main qualities that manifested themselves in all people walking along the road of degradation. According to the psychologist, people with regression tend to have the following perceptions:

  1. The degenerate considers himself to be a “pawn.” That is, I am sure that his actions, as a conscious individual, depend entirely on someone: other people or external forces. This phenomenon is called “learned helplessness.”
  2. The priority of degraded people becomes survival, only the desire to achieve all the needs necessary for the functioning of the body. Food, sleep, natural needs.
  3. The regressed personality divides the entire society into two camps: bad/strangers and good/our own.
  4. He is fully confident that his opinion is not subject to any discussion/criticism and is the only correct one.
  5. The brain of such a person stops expending active efforts on the implementation of verbal functions. Therefore, those who are degraded will have a poorer vocabulary.

Senile insanity

This type of irreversible disease refers to the extreme degree of personality degradation. A hopeless disease evolves gradually. At the beginning of the pathology, a person exhibits some behavioral disorders, becoming:

  • stingy;
  • greedy;
  • grumpy;
  • absent-minded;
  • selfish;
  • unassembled;
  • inattentive.

Gradually, as the pathology develops, the symptoms of regression become more pronounced. Now the patient’s character contains such traits as a reluctance to take care of himself and his own hygiene. Memory and speech functions deteriorate. Many memories are replaced by imaginary fantasies. A patient with senile dementia requires comprehensive assistance and daily care and attention..

One of the types of personality degradation is senile insanity

Doctors refer to marasmus as an irreversible and progressive pathology that occurs against the background of atrophy of the functioning of the brain, vascular system and irreversible neuropsychic disorders.

Personality degradation in alcoholism

Regular excessive consumption of alcohol-containing drinks gradually provokes the development of chronic alcoholism in a person. This pathology, formed at the mental and physical level, is accompanied by regressive disorders in the functioning of the brain and disorders of the organic type.

Alcoholism always leads to degradation

Mental deviations that occur against the background of alcohol dependence are the main factors leading to personality degradation in alcoholism.

At its core, alcoholic personality regression is human development going in the opposite direction. That is, in this case, the alcoholic gradually experiences a weakening of intellectual abilities and memory. Character traits such as:

  • selfishness;
  • callousness;
  • callousness;
  • tactlessness;
  • self-confidence.

The whole idea of ​​the existence of such a person comes down to one goal - to get the next dose of alcohol. An alcoholic begins to have problems sleeping, constantly waking up and not being able to calmly fall back asleep. Such individuals cease to be interested in everything: the world around them, the needs of strangers, the needs of their own family.

Signs of personality degradation in an alcoholic

According to medical observations over many years, the first symptoms of regression of a person suffering from alcoholism begin 6-7 years after the start of an alcoholic career. At the first stage, a person stops feeling the need for self-realization, learning, and gives up all his usual hobbies and interests. The following factors indicate the formation of regression:

  1. Loss of a sense of responsibility and duty to family, relatives, and colleagues.
  2. Familiarity, shamelessness, annoyingness and sloppiness are more clearly manifested in behavior.
  3. The feeling of guilt and awareness of the wrongdoings committed goes away.
  4. Skills acquired through study and work disappear. An alcoholic becomes unable to concentrate and perform usual activities.
  5. Primitivism is visible in thoughts and actions; now the speech is dominated by the same type and simple words.
  6. Often the symptoms of personal regression go away against the background of complete immersion in oneself. The alcoholic becomes detached from the needs of those around him, existing in his own world, where the only need is to obtain the next dose of alcohol.

At the same time, the person suffering from alcohol addiction is completely unaware that his own personality is being destroyed and degraded. He often makes vows, initially assuming that he is unable to fulfill them. He does this only to create the appearance of a significant, obligatory person.

How personality changes with alcoholism

Degrading alcohol addicts are particularly intrusive. They are ready to talk for days about their past achievements, swearing friendship to their comrade. And after a few minutes, discuss the same person with others and slander him.

It also happens that alcoholics admit that they have a problem. But they try with all their might to justify themselves, blaming anyone for the development of addiction: strangers, circumstances, but not themselves .

In each individual case, alcoholic personality degradation manifests itself individually. Some people are more complacent, passive and obedient. Others fall into a state of extreme depression and melancholy. It happens that symptoms switch from one manifestation to the opposite.

Types of regression in alcoholism

Alcoholic personality degradation has its own classification. Experts divide it into four types:

  1. Alcoholic.
  2. Psychotic-like.
  3. Astheno-neurosopod.
  4. Alcohol-organic.

Alcohol type of regression

Such people are characterized by the appearance of numerous psycho-emotional disorders. These problems are based on low adequacy of emotional certainty. The main distinguishing feature of this level of regression is duplicity.

The degradation of an alcoholic also concerns appearance

That is, they can fully support the opinion of a certain person, but behind their backs they can do the opposite. This type of degradation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cynicism;
  • complete lack of will;
  • constant euphoria;
  • manifestations of hypocrisy;
  • lack of self-criticism;
  • superficiality of reasoning;
  • high level of suggestibility;
  • lack of disgust and shame;
  • problems with memory and attention;
  • frivolity towards one's own safety;
  • swagger towards strangers;
  • disregard for the needs of the family and work team.

A recognizable feature of these patients is their complete lack of will to change their own lives. Most of them are aware of the presence of destructive problems, but cannot show strong-willed qualities to change their lives for the better.

Psychiat-like type of degradation

Alcoholics with this type of regression are characterized by mood swings and suffer from pronounced manifestations of irritability. For people with psychotic-like degradation, alcohol becomes the only way to calm down and feel like a full-fledged person.

This type of regression is most typical of young people. Addiction to alcohol in young people develops due to the influence of bad companies and lack of proper attention and care from parents.

Such people are constantly gloomy, stern and taciturn. They prefer solitary drinking and often hide alcohol in different corners of their apartment. When drunk, such alcoholics become especially aggressive. They can throw and break dishes, get into fights, create scandals and hysterics.

What does alcoholism lead to?

Astheno-neurosis-like type of regression

This type is caused by asthenic manifestations of alcoholism. Such patients are characterized by attacks of irritability and severe manifestations of insomnia. Often such alcoholics get drunk before going to bed, in the evenings and sleep 4-5 hours throughout the day, often waking up from nightmares. They also experience other symptoms:

  • absent-mindedness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • physical weakness;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • frequent headaches, heart pain;
  • decline in performance;
  • suppression of sexual desire;
  • unexplained soreness;
  • the appearance of obsessive thoughts and ideas;
  • instability of behavioral reactions;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration.

The main feature of this type of alcoholic is the awareness and desire to get rid of addiction. In fact, this is the most “correct” path of degradation (so to speak). After all, a person tries with all his might to change, strictly listening and adhering to all the doctor’s recommendations. With timely measures taken, alcoholics with this type of regression have many chances to return to their previous healthy state.

Alcohol-organic type of degradation

This type manifests itself in addicts who also have a number of physical ailments. These are vascular atherosclerotic brain lesions, alcoholic encephalopathy, and traumatic brain injury. These alcoholics are characterized by the following features:

  • complete lack of will;
  • increased talkativeness;
  • sluggishness of thought processes;
  • passivity in actions and decisions;
  • decreased memory and intelligence;
  • loss of self-esteem;
  • the appearance of normal sentimentality;
  • withdrawal into one’s own world, consisting of invented illusions.

But, regardless of what kind of alcoholic personality degradation is observed, the person suffers morally and physically. Any type of regression in alcohol dependence requires immediate, comprehensive treatment.

Stages of alcoholism

Causes of alcoholic personality degradation

Even a slight intake of alcohol into the body has a negative effect on the human brain. The breakdown products of ethyl alcohol destroy brain receptors, having a detrimental effect on its cortex. According to doctors, the true reasons for the development of regression in alcoholism lie in the negative effect of alcohol on blood cells.

When exposed to acetaldehyde (a toxic breakdown product of ethanol), red blood cells begin to clump together. Which leads to the formation of blood clots and the closure of vascular lumens. The result is massive death of brain cells.

Brain structures, experiencing severe oxygen starvation and not receiving the necessary nutrition, begin to experience severe hypoxia. A person may feel this state as intoxication or intense euphoria. The alcoholic does not even notice the beginning signs of degradation, attributing them to the usual manifestation of intoxication.

How to treat regression in alcoholism

The development of alcohol degradation can only be stopped with the help of a complete and irrevocable refusal to drink alcohol in any form. Alcohol addiction is a severe, deadly pathology. This disease not only takes away a person’s physical and mental health, but also mercilessly destroys socialization.

Treatment of degradation due to alcohol dependence falls under the competence of experienced psychotherapists. The addiction to drinking alcohol itself can be cured by a narcologist. The main condition for such therapy is the presence of a conscious desire of the addict to give up alcohol and return to a normal, healthy life. This attitude will greatly facilitate the task of doctors and help the sick person to rehabilitate more quickly.

Personality degradation is the loss of human appearance, the ability to think logically and soberly.

Changes occur in the character traits of the person himself: passivity, increased irritability, which can then turn into aggressiveness.

Signs of personality degradation: the ability to concentrate on the main thing is lost, which fades over time, feelings are inhibited, a person lives separately, with his own life. Dementia can be a serious consequence of personality degradation.

It is important to notice changes in actions in time and help your close relative, which can manifest themselves either in an external or internal state.

Colloquial speech becomes primitive and unconnected, while enterprising employment decreases. The circle of general communication is narrowing. Apathy sets in; you have to think about something and show concern. Gradually there is a process of fading and immersion into oneself.

Degradation is personality, in the words of Abraham Maslow

The American psychologist was able to note the qualities characteristic of people with personality degradation:

  • Subject refers to himself as a "pawn". According to his concept, his actions depend on external forces. “Learned helplessness” is what this phenomenon is called.
  • The priority in life for them is food and survival.
  • Society is divided into two categories: “strangers” - bad; “ours” are good. Sometimes he is ashamed of himself.
  • He reads that his opinions are not subject to discussion and criticism, they are unshakable.
  • The word is scanty. The brain does not expend effort on verbal function.

What is personality degradation

This is a loss of mental stability, balance, lack of performance and activity.

Personality degradation is characterized by increased nervousness, memory and attention disorders, decreased interests, lack of will and carelessness.
His characteristic skills and qualities are accompanied by a narrowing of feelings and talents.

Senile insanity refers to a particularly hopeless type of personality degradation. The evolution of the disease is gradual. At first the patient becomes disorganized, inattentive, greedy, grumpy and selfish. Symptoms of the disease become more pronounced. There are no previous events in the memory, fictitious memories arise. Then he doesn’t recognize his relatives well. Self-care skills are lost. Daily support and supervision is required.

Marasmus refers to a progressive disease due to an irreversible psychological disorder, brain atrophy, and changes in blood vessels.

Continuity plays an important role.

Personality degradation due to alcoholism. This disease is acquired, but heredity cannot be ruled out.

A deep contempt for the environment and loss of contact with it supports a carefree and indifferent life. The main need of a drunkard is alcoholic drinks.

Symptoms in a sick person appear immediately. The personality becomes emotionally unstable, touchy, whiny. The attitude clearly turns into excitability, rage and irritability. Unexpected and abnormal actions, feelings of understanding and guilt are absent. Life's difficulties are not appreciated.

Signs of personality degradation

  • Loss of human appearance;
  • Lack of desire to: wash, change clothes, get a haircut;
  • Constant use of alcohol and drugs;
  • Loss of interest in life;
  • A disregard for moral laws;
  • Inability to give up base instincts;
  • Loss of place in society, unwillingness to restore one’s “I”;
  • Lack of understanding of decent behavior.

In the process of personality degradation, a healthy young (aged) personality can turn into a humanoid, creepy animal.

Only strong individuals survive and are not subject to personality degradation, while weak ones vegetate or die out.

Undoubtedly, the environment has a great impact on the human body. Spinning with degraded personalities will pull you along with it, and personality degradation will be ensured.

The parable of a fresh cucumber is appropriate.

The cucumber was placed in a jar where the pickles were. He really didn’t want to be like them, he wanted to look green while maintaining his freshness. But the brine played its role, the fresh green cucumber became similar to its fellows. He fell in love with pickles and pickled cucumbers nearby. And I told myself how convenient it is not to be different from others.

The causes of personality degradation can include: gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, drunkenness, ferocity, abulia, ruthlessness.

What is personality degradation? In what cases does it appear?

A process is observed - personality degradation, usually in a mature person.

As usual the person is approaching retirement age. He is escorted off to his so-called “deserved” rest. But what is going on in the soul of a pensioner is not clear. Some believe that life is over and no one needs him. The personality relaxes. Sometimes the amorphous position is equal to training for physical demise (death). But this doesn't happen to everyone. Only the more active, purposeful older people are spared degradation.

Lonely people or who have experienced the loss of a loved one, are also susceptible to the problem of personality degradation. Subjects plunge into decline, lightning-fast individual weakening sets in, and a slow, peculiar suicide occurs.

Feelings of guilt, laziness may cause personality degradation. A person who is superfluous in society, in a family, or in a family is prone to personality disorder. Defeat after defeat haunts a person for a long time. The opportunity is immeasurable, degradation will come suddenly.

Is it possible to avoid personality degradation?

Of course it's allowed. You need your desire, effort and work on yourself:

1. Read more often.

In books you will find smart advice and wisdom. The brain develops in the process of reading, and does not dry out. If you feel that your memory is disappearing, learn poetry.

2. Love yourself, your appearance.

Do not succumb to provoking yourself to all sorts of troubles, failures, and bad habits.
Keep your body clean and your figure. Wear fashionable clothes.

3. The best is yet to come.

Everything in life is wonderful. The first candidates in the line of personality degradation are pessimists and sad people.
Remember, any mother gave birth to a child for joy, for the continuation of the human race. But not in order to be foolishly guided by one’s own life, to subject oneself to personal degradation.

4. Love comes first.

Love life, friends, loved ones, parents, spouse, animals. Only lovers are not subject to signs of personality degradation.

5. Self-development.

Trainings, video courses, educational institutions will provide an opportunity to keep abreast of all events and increase self-development.

6. Don't slander.

Not censored words, obscenities destroy the soul. The worst thing is that they take the money out of your wallet. Remember, swearing, when used frequently, turns your personality into an ape.

7. Rule of decency.

Loud yawning, scratching the genitals, slurping, cleaning the nose is a sign of personality degradation.

8. Calm response.

Be calm about other people's tragedies. If you can, help. But do not perceive everything in dark colors, that everything in the world is bad, it is choked by high prices.

Stages of development of personality degradation

Degradation is caused by complete depression and constant worries. The subject loses ideals, forgets about goals in life. Morals and norms are being lost. He is no longer able to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Hostility, envy, and indifference appear. He loses the ability to think and work entrepreneurially, and to listen carefully to others. The subject copies other people's actions and ideas. Finally, there is a loss of sense of real life. Disputes to achieve your own goals, even the smallest ones, is the main argument.

It is important to promptly detect the prerequisites for personality degradation and find the causes of their occurrence. Perhaps it’s not too late to fix everything and live a full, healthy life.



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