Prevention of cardiovascular diseases in children. Cardiovascular diseases in children and their prevention

When it comes to children’s health, they primarily talk about the harms and benefits of vaccinations, prevention viral infections, allergies. A healthy heart is, of course, very important, but all this fuss with measuring blood pressure, maintaining normal level cholesterol... this, in the minds of parents, is the prerogative of grandparents. Let older generation cares about the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. In fact, this opinion is fundamentally wrong.

The key to cardiovascular health vascular system is caring for her throughout her life, starting with the birth of a child. It has been shown that initial changes in the walls of arteries in the form of fatty (lipid) deposits are detected already in the first months of life in 16% of children. After three years they are detected in almost 100%. Another thing is that over time these changes, as a rule, disappear. However, if they are created favorable conditions, in place of lipid spots and stripes, atherosclerotic plaques begin to form.

Vascular atherosclerosis is main reason development of heart attacks and strokes. In children, atherosclerosis does not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms may only appear in adulthood, and then without medical intervention no longer possible. At the age of 16, 60% of boys and 40% of girls have risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases.

In order to prevent problems with the heart and blood vessels from overshadowing the life of an adult, a number of recommendations should be followed from childhood.

Rational nutrition

If a child eats properly, this helps prevent obesity, maintain normal blood pressure, and maintain the required level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. The most big risks development of obesity in children - in the first year of life, at 5-6 years, during puberty. Exclusive breastfeeding up to 4 - 6 months is the best care for the heart of a newborn baby. At breastfeeding The child himself regulates the amount of food he needs. Besides, breast milk changes its taste depending on the foods mom eats. Thus, if a woman eats a varied diet, there is a greater chance that the child, after introducing complementary foods, will favorably accept healthy foods.

In the future, it is important that the child’s diet is complete and includes products from different groups. The child's menu should contain:

  • meat and meat products
  • fish and fish products
  • milk and dairy products
  • fruits and vegetables
  • bread and bakery products
  • cereals, pasta and legumes
  • edible fats
  • sweets and confectionery

What principles should be followed?

It is important to correctly calculate the proportions, how much and what to include in the diet. Try to imagine a “healthy plate” of food for your child. Half of it will consist of vegetables and fruits, a quarter - of products with high content starch (potatoes, rice), a quarter from protein sources (meat, fish, poultry, eggs).

Sugar should be consumed approximately 40 - 50 g, confectionery– 20 – 25 g per day.

It is necessary to minimize the child's salt intake. Constant use salty foods are a risk factor for the development arterial hypertension. At the same time, preference for salty foods is an acquired habit. Therefore, it is better not to overuse canned meat or fish, salty cheeses, sausages and delicacies.

It is also important to properly organize the ritual of eating. If you forcefully restrict a child from certain foods, this will only increase their attractiveness. On the contrary, pushing porridge and vegetables into the mouth will only lead to the child hating them.

Divide responsibilities at the table. Your objectives: First, to provide healthy, diverse and good nutrition; secondly, create a favorable and friendly atmosphere at the table.
The child’s task is to choose what and when, in what quantities to eat. Try to suppress your natural parental desire to force your child to eat “at least one more spoon.”

Another rule to follow: serve positive example. It is much easier to persuade a child using the “Do as I do” method rather than the “Do as I say” method. Stick to yourself healthy eating. This will benefit both you and the child.

Active lifestyle

Problem physical development especially relevant in modern world. The main leisure time for children is no longer playing football in the yard, but computer games. Often the child in kindergarten or school is taken by car, which makes life much easier, but at the same time eliminates even minor physical activity. To prevent heart problems, children over 2 years of age should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day. Daily. Of course it is impossible to force small child perform strictly prescribed exercises. But this is not what we are talking about. You can walk more, and older children can ride a bike. Climb stairs if possible. Helping with active chores around the house is also physical exercise.

Children from 6 to 17 years old are recommended to exercise at least 60 minutes every day. Moreover, if a child is involved in some kind of sport, it is important to focus on participation, and not on winning the competition. Otherwise, failures may push the child away from physical exercise at all.

Children should be given no more than 2 hours a day for sedentary activities. Of course, if certain habits have already been formed, it is very difficult to switch to healthy image life. Therefore, the regime needs to be changed gradually: increase the time allotted for active activities by 30 minutes, and reduce “sedentary” activities by 30 minutes every day.

Unlimited TV viewing is fraught with another problem. Remember what is usually advertised during the day? Sugary cereal, food from restaurants fast food, sweet drinks and candies. Nobody advertises vegetables and fruits! Thus, sedentary image life is often associated with the formation of cravings for “unhealthy food”. All this contributes to the development of obesity and arterial hypertension.

Quitting smoking

Yes, yes, we need to think about the problem of smoking even in childhood. If one of the parents of a small child smokes, the child himself becomes a smoker, only a passive one. In addition, children smoking parents suffer more often bronchopulmonary diseases, otitis. If you couldn't quit smoking for yourself, try to do it for the sake of your child. From the age of 8, pediatricians are recommended to ask the child whether he or she smokes. According to statistics, children from low-income families smoke more often. social status. By the way, a lot of pocket money can also push a child to try smoking.

If you suddenly find out that a child or teenager smokes, you should not punish him, scold him, or intimidate him. Reasonable facts must be presented. If you talk about your risk of getting sick lung cancer in the future, this may not have the desired effect. During the survey, only 5% of teenagers answered that they would smoke as adults (in reality, 75% continue to smoke). It's better to tell what you have smoking people Your breath smells bad, your teeth turn yellow, your clothes smell like smoke.

If you smoke yourself, you shouldn’t say: “I’m big, I can do it.” It's better to openly admit that you smoke because you can't get rid of the habit. Point out the benefits of quitting smoking: the child will get fewer colds, his success in sports will improve, he will look better, he will be able to spend money on more interesting things than cigarettes.

Regular examination

It is important to monitor indicators, changes in which may serve as a signal that the risk of heart and vascular diseases in a child is increased. In children, it is necessary to determine the level of total cholesterol in the blood. This can be done between the ages of 2 and 10 years.

High cholesterol levels are a reason for more thorough examination child. At the age of 3 years it is recommended to begin to determine blood pressure. Its increase is promoted by obesity, excess salt consumption, sedentary lifestyle life.

When the baby is born, it is important that parents know their cholesterol levels and blood pressure. If the indicators differ from normal, this is also a reason for a more thorough examination of the child.

The alarm signal is early manifestation cardiovascular diseases in close relatives: grandparents, their brothers and sisters. For men it is 55 years old, for women it is 65 years old. If your child is already having problems with overweight, blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol, it is better to immediately consult a doctor: pediatrician, cardiologist, endocrinologist, qualified nutritionist.

Start taking care of healthy heart your child today. This will help him become active and successful person in the future.


Diseases cardiovascular system- This is a problem of all developed countries of the world, including Russia. Diseases of the circulatory system reduce human life expectancy, are the main cause of disability, and sudden death. Often the origins of these diseases in adults are in childhood and adolescence. Known Factors risk of coronary heart disease - overweight bodies, addiction to smoking, low physical activity - begin to form precisely in childhood and adolescence. Starting in childhood, most of them accompany a person throughout his life.

Doctors have an expression: “Our age is the age of our blood vessels.” This means that a person’s age and physical activity are determined by the state of blood vessels. Good condition The circulatory system largely ensures human health and longevity. Many cardiovascular diseases tend to manifest themselves in old age: hypertension and ischemic disease, atherosclerosis. However, there is a worldwide trend towards rejuvenation of these diseases. The share has increased cardiovascular pathology in children. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances are no longer uncommon in childhood and adolescence. Therefore, if we want to have a healthy society in the future, then preventive measures should begin in early childhood.

1. Balanced nutrition

Children should have a nutritious diet appropriate physiological needs growing organism. Content vegetable fats in the diet should be at least 30% of the total amount of fat. Useful fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, and you should limit tonic drinks, extractives and foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates. Of the microelements, potassium and magnesium are “loved” by the heart (these are dried fruits, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant), and sodium (salt) is “unloved”. For a certain part of the population, the cause of the disease is excessive salt consumption. Limiting salt intake (up to 5 g) should primarily concern those who are obese and have a family history of arterial hypertension.

2. Physical activity

For good health adults and children over 5 years old need 30 minutes of moderate physical activity and 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes of intense physical activity. An example of moderate physical activity are:

  • brisk walking 3 km in 30 minutes;
  • cycling 8 km in 30 minutes;
  • dancing at a fast pace for 30 minutes;
  • basketball, volleyball game 30 minutes.

3. Weight control

It is no secret that the number of children with overweight. An obese child is usually a potentially overweight adult. Such children develop a number of socio-psychological problems that persist throughout for many years, sometimes for life. Many researchers believe that the development of obesity great value has heredity. At overweight both parents have up to 80% of children also have increased weight. Two factors come together here: hereditary predisposition and the habit of doing the wrong thing, poor nutrition due to family traditions. Development of obesity in to a large extent cause overeating and low physical activity. Obesity is based on an imbalance between the body's energy intake and its expenditure. Correcting nutrition, increasing physical activity and taking into account psychology full baby- necessary components of normalizing his weight.

4. Giving up bad habits

Smoking, drinking beer and alcohol have become the norm among teenagers. In refusal bad habits The example of parents is important. Often it helps to talk with a teenager about how a different lifestyle is fashionable now. Nowadays it is fashionable not to smoke, but to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and do fitness!

5. Monitoring the growth and health of the child

If a child or his parents have any complaints, are bothered by any symptoms, and also if there is a family history of cardiovascular diseases, then you should immediately contact a specialist at the clinic. The doctor will examine you and, if necessary, prescribe necessary examinations. For prevention hypertension important in children and adolescents early detection high blood pressure, staged treatment, long-term medical examination with lifestyle correction.

Diseases of the circulatory system- one of the most acute problems many countries of the world. Diseases of the circulatory system shorten human life expectancy and are the main cause of disability, as well as sudden death. According to WHO, cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke, are the leading cause of death in the world. They claim 17.5 million human lives a year. Among the social significant diseases, they take first place. Often the origins of these diseases in adults are in childhood and adolescence. Known risk factors for coronary heart disease - excess body weight, smoking addiction, low physical activity - begin to form in childhood and adolescence. Starting in childhood, most of them accompany a person throughout his life.

Children are increasingly suffering from adult diseases - arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, rhythm disturbances and even atherosclerosis. These diseases progress and often cause disability in older age.

For children, everything is really “grown-up”. This is confirmed by the following fact: currently one of current problems pediatric cardiology are disorders heart rate and arterial hypertension. For recent years The number of children with hypertension and high blood pressure has increased significantly. All these children are under the supervision of specialists. In our city, 20 children have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension.
Remember how long ago your child visited a pediatrician? Did they measure his blood pressure? Did your son or daughter have a cardiogram before going to the sports section?

It would seem that these are trivial questions, but the health and future of the child often directly depends on them. Unlike adults, children rarely complain of symptoms characteristic of diseases of the cardiovascular system, so a more thorough examination is necessary.

Cardiologists also note that it should be remembered that with a mild severity of the disease, the child for a long time can grow and develop normally, play and run with healthy children. However, untimely diagnosis of heart disease can lead to severe heart failure in the future.

Experts note that a healthy lifestyle is of great importance in preventing heart and vascular diseases. First of all, you should give up bad habits. The risk of heart disease increases with excess body weight. However, not everyone succeeds in changing their lifestyle and diet. Meanwhile, this is necessary to maintain health. At least 80% of premature deaths from heart attacks and strokes can be prevented by proper nutrition, regular physical activity and abstinence from smoking, as well as maintaining normal weight bodies.

Lifestyle changes are the best way to prevent complications or reduce the risk of heart disease. The main ways to reduce the risk of heart disease should be controlled by the patient himself, not doctors.

So, prevention of cardiovascular diseases:

1. Balanced nutrition.

Children should have a nutritious diet that meets the physiological needs of a growing body. The content of vegetable fats in the diet should be at least 30% of the total fat. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and juices are beneficial, but tonic drinks, extractives, and foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates should be limited. Of the microelements, potassium and magnesium are “loved” by the heart (these are dried fruits, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant), and sodium (salt) is “unloved”. For a certain part of the population, the cause of the disease is excessive salt consumption. Limiting salt intake (up to 5 g) should primarily concern those who are obese and have a family history of arterial hypertension.

2. Physical activity.

According to American Association cardiologists, for good health, adults and children over 5 years old need 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily and 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes of intense physical activity. Examples of moderate physical activity are:

Walk at a brisk pace of 3 km in 30 minutes;

Cycling 8 km in 30 minutes;

Dancing at a fast pace for 30 minutes;

Basketball, volleyball game 30 minutes.

3. Controlling body weight.

It's no secret that the number of overweight children is growing. An obese child is usually a potentially overweight adult. Such children develop a number of socio-psychological problems that persist for many years, sometimes for life. Many researchers believe that heredity plays a big role in the development of obesity. If both parents are overweight, up to 80% of children are also overweight. Two factors are combined here: hereditary predisposition and the habit of improper, irrational nutrition due to family traditions. The development of obesity is largely determined by overeating and low physical activity. Unfortunately, many parents feed their children incorrectly. The opinion of such parents is " fat baby“a healthy child” is very far from the truth. Obesity is based on an imbalance between the energy entering the body and its expenditure. Correcting nutrition, increasing physical activity and taking into account the psychology of an overweight child are necessary components of normalizing his weight.

4. Giving up bad habits.

Smoking, drinking beer and alcohol have become the norm among teenagers. The example of parents is important in giving up bad habits. Often it helps to talk with a teenager about how a different lifestyle is fashionable now. Nowadays it is fashionable not to smoke, but to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and do fitness!

5. Monitoring the growth and health of the child.

If a child or his parents have any complaints, are bothered by any symptoms, and also if there is a family history of cardiovascular diseases, then you should immediately contact a specialist at the clinic. The doctor will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary examinations. To prevent hypertension in children and adolescents, it is important to have early detection of high blood pressure, step-by-step treatment, and long-term medical examination with lifestyle correction.

These simple rules will help you live in the future without the constant threat of heart disease!


Diseases of the cardiovascular system in children are not as rare as we would like. Some people are already born with them, others develop disorders during life due to infectious diseases, unfavorable factors or heredity.

Most often, children are diagnosed with heart and vascular defects, heart rhythm disturbances, and high or low blood pressure. Most of the diseases respond well to treatment, but the prognosis and outcome depend on the timely diagnosis and initiation of therapy.

Features of the cardiovascular system in children

In order to promptly suspect heart and vascular disease in a child, you need to know age characteristics cardiovascular system in children - what and at what age is normal and what is not, what exactly you need to pay attention to.

Children are born with a heart larger size than in adults (in relation to total mass body), and located higher due to the higher position of the diaphragm. The sizes of the right and left ventricles immediately after birth are the same, so the shape of the heart during this period is more like a ball. As he ages various departments increase unevenly, reaching adult proportions only by 14-15 years (see).

In prenatal period blood circulation in the heart is carried out a little differently - due to the functioning of the oval opening, arterial and venous ducts. After the baby is born, they close on average within two to four weeks.

The pulse of newborn children is normally more frequent than that of adults. This is ensured by more active contractility of the heart muscle and is provided by nature due to the need for more intense blood circulation for the growth and development of the body. As you age, your heart rate will slow down.

Table. Heart rate norms for children.

Blood pressure in newborn babies is much lower than normal for adults. Immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, the top numbers systolic pressure rarely exceed 70 mm Hg, and by one year they reach only 90 mm Hg.

The final establishment of blood pressure figures to adult levels will occur only during puberty, since the development of the cardiovascular system in children ends by the age of 16-18.

The lumen of the arteries in newborns is wider than the veins, better developed capillary network, between the coronary (coronary) arteries there is an abundance of anastomoses. This ensures better blood supply to all tissues, organs and systems, but makes thermoregulation difficult.

Summarizing all of the above, we can state that the structure of the cardiovascular system in children is designed in such a way as to facilitate blood circulation throughout the body, ensuring intensive saturation of all cells nutrients and oxygen.

How do heart and vascular diseases manifest?

In order to suspect heart problems in a child, you need to know how cardiovascular diseases manifest in children.

Of course, it is much easier when the child is already old enough, can speak and can complain about what is bothering him. With kids this matter is much more difficult. But still, the semiotics of lesions of the cardiovascular system in children is quite extensive, and there are many symptoms that will help to suspect problems without words.

These include:

  • skin color;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling;
  • heart murmurs;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • chest pain;
  • pathological pulsations, etc.

Skin color in heart disease

Changes in skin color in diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the first sign. At first, her pallor is observed, but still main symptom– cyanosis.

First of all, the blue tint takes on nasolabial triangle. Therefore, if cyanosis appears on the lips and tip of the nose, it is necessary to show the child to a cardiologist. Later the blue discoloration spreads to the entire face, neck, top part breasts

Cyanosis can also occur on the arms and legs - acrocyanosis. This symptom also needs to be paid attention to, as it may be a sign of peripheral circulatory failure.


This is also one of the first symptoms of heart disease. Evidence of stagnation in the pulmonary circulation. Shortness of breath can only occur during physical exertion and prolonged crying, and maybe at rest (a very unfavorable sign). Therefore, noticing too rapid breathing in a child, it would be a good idea to show him to the doctor.


Pastosity and swelling lower limbs always accompany cardiovascular diseases. They indicate circulatory failure, most often due to insufficient work of the right ventricle.

Heart murmurs

Heart murmurs during auscultation are caused by disruption of blood flow due to various deformations and anomalies in the structure of the heart. Murmurs can be diastolic and systolic, functional and organic. Systolic murmurs More often they are functional in nature, that is, they are not associated with disturbances in the structure of the heart.

Diastolic murmur occurs predominantly when organic pathologies– congenital defects, stenoses, valve insufficiency, etc. In any case, the nature and cause of the heart murmur will be determined by the doctor, and based on these signs he will be able to suggest a diagnosis.

Heart rhythm disturbances

With heart disease in children, an increase or decrease in heart rate may be observed, and arrhythmias may be detected. It must be borne in mind that tachycardia is not always a sign of disease.

It often occurs in emotional children during periods of worry, during adolescence, during stress, and prolonged crying. Bradycardia can occur during sleep or in children actively involved in sports.

Chest pain

Pain of a cardiogenic nature is characterized by localization behind the sternum and irradiation into the left hand, spatula, lower jaw. They can be of a pressing or cutting nature.

Babies under one year old cannot say that something hurts, but this is indicated by frequent and causeless crying, refusal to eat, and anxiety. Shouldn't be ignored similar symptoms, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

Pathological pulsations

Due to disturbances in the structure of the heart, various parts of the heart and some vessels are affected by increased load, which causes visible pathological pulsations to appear on the body. May swell and pulsate carotid arteries, veins in the neck, vessels in the stomach area, in the intercostal spaces to the right and left of the sternum, in the jugular fossae and other places.

Heart palpitations (“cat purring”) is one of the types pathological pulsations. Occurs with aortic stenosis or pulmonary artery. Due to the intense work of the heart, a “heart hump” can form in the area of ​​its apex - a bulge in the area of ​​the ribs due to an increased apical impulse.

What heart and vascular diseases occur in children

Congenital and acquired malformations, arrhythmias (heart rhythm disturbances), high blood pressure are the most common heart and vascular diseases in children.

Malformations of the heart and blood vessels

Congenital heart and vascular defects in children develop in utero as a result of:

  • genetic mutations;
  • chromosomal disorders;
  • infectious and other diseases of the mother during pregnancy;
  • taking some medicines during pregnancy;
  • maternal malnutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption during pregnancy and lactation;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Development risk birth defects increases with the age of future parents. But this disease can also be acquired, since the peculiarities of the development of the cardiovascular system in children suggest the final formation of all its organs by the end of the year. puberty. Acquired heart defects most often cause infectious diseases(flu, rheumatism), metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases.

There are more than 100 possible defects development of the heart and blood vessels, but more often in children they occur:

  • defects of the interventricular and interatrial septa;
  • pulmonary valve stenosis;
  • aortic valve stenosis;
  • common arterial trunk;
  • tetralogy of Fallot;
  • coarctation of the aorta;
  • patent aortic duct and others.

Schemes of hemodynamic disturbances with various heart defects can be seen in the photo below.

They are all in to varying degrees are treatable, but in most cases surgery is required as soon as possible. Read more about surgical options You can learn how to solve such problems from the video in this article.

It is worth noting that the most common cardiac diagnosis is open oval window– does not pose a risk to the life and health of young patients in most cases. Normally, this hole closes in the first month of life, but in some children it may remain partially open until adulthood. At the same time, no unpleasant symptoms or phenomena of heart failure arise.

Arrhythmias in children

Heart rhythm disorders represent the second group of common heart diseases in children. Most of them are not dangerous, and many are observed in healthy children under various physiological conditions.

For example, tachycardia occurs during intense emotional experiences and during physical activity, and bradycardia can occur during sleep. But there are also dangerous arrhythmias, the treatment of which should not be delayed.

These include:

  • atrial fibrillation;
  • ventricular extrasystole;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • sick sinus syndrome;
  • atrioventricular block and others.

With a purpose timely detection heart rhythm disturbances, all children undergo an ECG during a clinical examination, since many arrhythmias clinically manifest themselves for the first time in situations life-threatening children.

Arterial hypertension

Arterial hypertension is almost never found in children. But teenage children often have to deal with this disease.

The causes of childhood arterial hypertension lie in:

  • congenital heart and vascular defects ( high blood pressure in these cases it is also observed in children);
  • thrombosis and stenosis of the renal arteries,
  • parenchymal kidney diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • injuries and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • tumors, etc.

In addition to pressure surges, adolescents often experience. This pathology is not dangerous, but for its unpleasant symptoms You can view the development of heart disorders, so you should not neglect regular medical examinations even in the absence of obvious problems. The cost of negligence in this matter may later prove to be too high.

Medical examination of children with heart and vascular diseases

Medical examination of children with cardiovascular diseases is carried out in the clinic by a local therapist and a cardiologist. The instructions require examination of such children twice a year. But depending on the type of pathology and degree cardiovascular failure, dispensary observation may be done more often.

In children with heart and vascular diseases, lesions need to be eradicated in a timely manner chronic infections, so they need to undergo regular examinations with a dentist, otolaryngologist and gastroenterologist. If possible, all children with cardiovascular diseases should undergo spa treatment twice a year.

Heart and vascular diseases in children - serious pathologies, requiring immediate treatment. In case of non-dangerous violations, regular monitoring and examination is necessary in order to notice the deterioration of the situation in time. The activity of the cardiovascular system of children directly depends on their emotional status, as it is regulated by hormones and neural connections.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care not only of the immediate condition of children, but also to protect them from worries, ensuring a calm childhood in a cozy environment among loving people. This best collateral their continued health!

Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.

Diseasescardiovascular system - This is a problem of all developed countries of the world, including Russia. Diseases of the circulatory system shorten human life expectancy and are the main cause of disability, as well as sudden death. Often the origins of these diseases in adults are in childhood and adolescence. Known risk factors for coronary heart disease - excess body weight, smoking addiction, low physical activity - begin to form in childhood and adolescence. Starting in childhood, most of them accompany a person throughout his life.

Doctors have an expression: “Our age is the age of our blood vessels.” This means that a person’s age and physical activity are determined by the condition of the blood vessels. The good condition of the circulatory system largely ensures human health and longevity. Many cardiovascular diseases, as a rule, manifest themselves in old age: hypertension and ischemic diseases, atherosclerosis. However, there is a worldwide trend towards rejuvenation of these diseases. The proportion of cardiovascular pathologies in children has increased. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, and heart rhythm disturbances are no longer uncommon in childhood and adolescence. IN Kirov region The prevalence of arterial hypertension among adults over the past 10 years has increased by 2 times, and among adolescents by 10 times. Therefore, if we want to have a healthy society in the future, then preventive measures should begin in early childhood.

So, prevention:

1. Balanced nutrition .

Children should have a nutritious diet that meets the physiological needs of a growing body. The content of vegetable fats in the diet should be at least 30% of the total fat. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and juices are beneficial, but tonic drinks, extractives, and foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates should be limited. Of the microelements, potassium and magnesium are “loved” by the heart (these are dried fruits, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant), and sodium (salt) is “unloved”. For a certain part of the population, the cause of the disease is excessive salt consumption. Limiting salt intake (up to 5 g) should primarily concern those who are obese and have a family history of arterial hypertension.

2. Physical activity.

According to the American Heart Association, for good health, adults and children over 5 years of age need 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily and 30 minutes of vigorous exercise 3-4 times a week. Examples of moderate physical activity are:

Walk at a brisk pace of 3 km in 30 minutes;

Cycling 8 km in 30 minutes;

Dancing at a fast pace for 30 minutes;

Basketball, volleyball game 30 minutes.

3. Controlling body weight.

It's no secret that the number of overweight children is growing. An obese child is usually a potentially overweight adult. Such children develop a number of socio-psychological problems that persist for many years, sometimes for life. Many researchers believe that heredity plays a big role in the development of obesity. If both parents are overweight, up to 80% of children are also overweight. Two factors are combined here: hereditary predisposition and the habit of improper, irrational nutrition due to family traditions. The development of obesity is largely determined by overeating and low physical activity. Unfortunately, many parents feed their children incorrectly. The opinion of such parents - “a plump child is a healthy child” - is very far from the truth. Obesity is based on an imbalance between the body's energy intake and its expenditure. Correcting nutrition, increasing physical activity and taking into account the psychology of an overweight child are necessary components of normalizing his weight.

4. Giving up bad habits.

Smoking, drinking beer and alcohol have become the norm among teenagers. The example of parents is important in giving up bad habits. Often it helps to talk with a teenager about how a different lifestyle is fashionable now. Nowadays it is fashionable not to smoke, but to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and do fitness!

5. Monitoring the growth and health of the child.

If a child or his parents have any complaints, are bothered by any symptoms, and also if there is a family history of cardiovascular diseases, then you should immediately contact a specialist at the clinic. The doctor will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary examinations. To prevent hypertension in children and adolescents, it is important to have early detection of high blood pressure, step-by-step treatment, and long-term medical examination with lifestyle correction.

These rules will help you live in the future without the constant threat of heart disease.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs