Take a cold shower. Heavy physical activity

We know that morning is the time when you try to open your eyes and force yourself to get out of bed. In general, this is not what it should look like. Don't let your laziness control you. Start your morning tomorrow differently. We offer you.

1. Get a good 7+ hours of sleep

Yes, it sounds utopian, but it is really very important. Just as important as drinking a glass of water or eating something in the morning. You can’t neglect sleep and you can’t deplete your body either.

In the USA there is an organization responsible for sleep issues (it exists!) and it is called The National Sleep Foundation (NSF). So researchers found that 40 million Americans suffer from 70 different types sleep disorders In general, about 60% of adults and 69% of children experience sleep problems at least once a week.

Now we will try to convince you that you need to sleep and what the lack of sleep affects:

Memory deteriorates

Your life is shortening

You become less creative

You can't concentrate

Are you better able to cope with stress?

The risk of getting into all sorts of unpleasant situations increases,

You are prone to depression

2. Reach g armonia

After you've had enough sleep, you need to set yourself up for a good day, a positive one. Everyone does it differently. You can, for example, meditate or... pray.

Clear yourself and your head of all terrible thoughts, tune in to the good. Man is a magnet. He attracts good things to himself if he radiates them.

3. Exercise

Physical activity is the key to good health. Man is a creature that requires movement, and in our time we hardly get it. Go for a run in the morning, do a 30-minute yoga class, and you'll feel better.

Force yourself to move first thing in the morning. Move!

4. Eat 30 grams of protein

Professor Donald Layman from the University of Illinois in his book "The 4-Hour Body" claims that this is the secret to his weight loss. 30 grams of protein (fat cottage cheese, eggs, a sandwich with butter and a piece of meat, and so on).

Protein = protein. Protein = life. Having consumed this amount of protein in the morning, you won’t want to eat for a long time and breakfast will really become the key to a successful day for you.

5. Take a cold shower

Accelerates blood throughout the body, tones, accelerates metabolism and strengthens immune system. Yes, this one contrast shower might just change your life!

Your quality of life should improve, just believe it. Yes, of course, accept cold shower in Russia in winter is something out of science fiction. But in the summer you can easily afford it. Moreover, the water is turned off so quickly and for so long. Stop heating the basins!

*20 seconds will be enough to get used to cold water.

6. Listen/read something useful

Ordinary people are looking for entertainment. Unusual people With high level intelligence seek knowledge. And they are constantly learning.

Take 15 minutes in the morning to listen, for example, to a couple of videos from a course (they all only take a few minutes). Or start reading a book.

7. Reconsider your goals

Everything must be formulated and written down. Set yourself big goals and achieve small ones. If you do this every day, you will have a manifesto.

Achieving a goal is a science that you have to comprehend in life. It's just better to do it consciously. Gnaw granite and practice at the same time.

8. Do something you've been putting off until later.

Do the worst and most unpleasant things at the beginning of the day. This will give you a charge and you can do everything else quickly and painlessly. Just start. Tomorrow you can start changing your life, stop putting it off. It's not even funny anymore!

Modern life is so busy that following your dreams can sometimes be an overwhelming task. The situation gets even more complicated if you work full time and have children.

How to move forward in this case?

You need to set aside time every day to work on yourself and your goals. Otherwise, your time will simply be lost in the vacuum of an increasingly complex life. Before you know it, you'll be old and amazed at how quickly time has flown by.

As Professor Harold Hill said, “You keep putting things off until tomorrow, and you end up finding that all you have are a lot of empty yesterdays.”

This article is designed to make you reconsider your approach to life and get back to the basics.

Exiting Survival Mode

Unfortunately, most people's lives are filled with meaningless and trivial things, and therefore they do not have time for anything truly important.

These people are in survival mode. What about you?

Like Bilbo the hobbit (from The Lord of the Rings), most of us feel like a piece of butter spread on too much bread. And the bread, in fact, does not belong to us, but to someone else. Only a few take life into their own hands.

Just one generation ago it was considered normal to live by someone else's rules. And many who were born in the 2000s continue to follow this principle simply because this is the only worldview they were taught.

However, there is a growing awareness that with enough effort and desire, you can live every moment of life on your own terms. You are the creator of your destiny and you are responsible for everything that happens to you. It's up to you to decide. If you don't make a decision, someone else will make it for you.

Thanks to 8 small rules, your life will change before your eyes. They may seem complicated to you, but in reality they are all very simple things.

So let's begin.

1. Sleep at least 7 hours a day

Sleep is as important as food and water. With all this, millions of people do not pay due attention to it, which leads to various problems with health.

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) found in a study that at least 40,000,000 Americans suffer from more than 70 various types sleep disorders 60% of adults and 69% of children have trouble sleeping several times a week.

In addition, more than 40% of adults experience sleepiness during the day so severely several times a month that it interferes with their daily activities, and 20% of them experience this problem several times a week.

Healthy sleep promotes:

  • improving memory;
  • increasing life expectancy;
  • reducing irritability;
  • increasing creativity;
  • increasing concentration;
  • reduction excess weight and an increase in muscle mass (subject to training);
  • reducing stress levels;
  • reducing dependence on stimulants such as caffeine;
  • reducing the risk of an accident;
  • reducing the risk of developing depression;
  • and much more...

You won't last long this way. You can use various stimulants to compensate for the lack of sleep, but this will not help you for long. After some time, your health will deteriorate greatly.

2. Take time to pray or meditate

Prayer or meditation immediately after waking up from healthy sleep will help you stay positive. Remember: what you focus on is what you get.

Prayer and meditation give you a deep sense of gratitude for everything in your life. With this mindset, the whole world is at your feet. Limitless possibilities open up before you.

People are like magnets. When you are truly grateful for everything you have, you attract more positivity and goodness into your life.

Gratitude is perhaps the most important key to success.

If you start each morning by immersing yourself in a state of gratitude, you will attract the best that this world has to offer.

3. Exercise

If you want to have a healthy, happy and productive life, make it a habit to exercise regularly. Many people immediately go to the gym to get themselves moving. But even ordinary exercise or housework can bring a strong influx of new strength.

Regardless of your preference, just keep your body moving.

It was found that physical exercise reduce the chance of developing depression, anxiety and help cope with stress. Among other things, playing sports helps you achieve success in your career.

If you don't take care of your body, every other aspect of your life will suffer.

4. Eat 30g of protein per day

Donald Layman, professor emeritus of nutrition at the University of Illinois, recommends eating at least 30 grams of protein for breakfast. Tim Ferriss makes a similar recommendation in his book “The Perfect Body in 4 Hours.” Following this advice, Tim's father managed to lose 8 kg in a month.

Protein-rich foods saturate the body for a long time due to a longer digestion process. In addition, protein keeps your blood sugar levels normal, which prevents sudden hunger pangs.

  • At least 40% of the calories in your breakfast should come from protein.
  • You can get the right amount of protein by eating 2-3 eggs (one egg contains approximately 6 g of protein)
  • If you don't like eggs, choose bacon or cottage cheese
  • You can also make a protein shake

Those people who avoid consuming dairy products, meat and eggs can replace animal protein on vegetable and get it from legumes, greens, nuts and seeds.

5. Cold shower

Tony Robbins, author, self-improvement entrepreneur, motivational speaker, actor, coach, and best-selling life coaching author, begins each morning by jumping into a 13-degree pool. Why is he doing this?

Immersion in cold water radically improves physical and mental health. With regular practice, it helps improve immune, lymphatic, circulatory and digestive systems your body. Accordingly, your quality of life improves.

According to the results of a study conducted in 2007, daily intake Cold showers are much more effective in treating symptoms of depression than medicines. Cold water causes the body to produce special chemicals that give us a feeling of happiness.

Of course, getting into a cold shower can be a little scary at first. And perhaps, if you were ever going to do it, you managed to immediately talk yourself out of the idea. Or you made up your mind, but as soon as you felt the cold drops on you, you immediately switched the water to hot.

Think of the shower as a swimming pool cold water. There is nothing more painful than slowly entering such a pool. You just need to jump into it. In 20 seconds you will feel in perfect order. The same goes for cold showers. As soon as you stand under it, your heart will start beating crazy, but after 20 seconds everything will pass.

A cold shower trains willpower, affects creativity and energizes inspiration. While standing under a cold shower, try to slow down your breathing. After such a shower you will feel much happier. Many ideas will begin to appear in your mind, and you will feel a strong influx of strength to achieve your goals.

Plus, something like this will make you feel alive and set the tone for the whole day.

6. Listen/read motivating content

Most people seek entertainment, while extraordinary individuals constantly strive for knowledge. The most successful people read at least one book a week. They are constantly in the process of learning.

During the time you spend on the road every day, you can easily listen to one audiobook per week.

Just 15-30 minutes of reading motivational and educational literature in the morning can change you. This information puts you in the zone of highest productivity.

By making reading one of your habits, you will be able to understand completely different topics. This will help you see the world from a different perspective.

Your goals should be written down, both short and long term. When you read this list every day, you will notice how it changes your day.

If you review your long-term goals every day, you will think about them every day. And if you think about them every day, you will begin to act in accordance with them. And one day you will certainly achieve your goal.

Achieving goals is a science. If you follow this simple pattern, you will be able to achieve all your goals, no matter how big they are.

8. Take at least one step towards your main goal.

Willpower is like a muscle that wears out at the end of a workout. Likewise, our ability to accept right decisions by the end of the day it decreases noticeably. The more decisions you make, the worse their quality becomes—the weaker your willpower becomes.

Therefore, the most difficult and important things must be done in the morning.

If you don't do this, there is big risk that you won't do it in the evening. By the end of the day you will be tired, and then there will be a million reasons to do it tomorrow, that is, never.

By taking small but daily steps towards your main goal, you will soon discover that it is not so far away.


After completing all the steps described above, it no longer matters what awaits you next during the day. You have already embarked on the path that will sooner or later lead you to success. You are already closer to your dream.

By doing this practice, you can improve your life in absolutely every area. You will become more successful both at work and in your personal relationships. You will become much happier and more confident. And luck will always be on your side.

High conversions to you!

Based on materials:

Try including it in your morning schedule these simple but important habits.

Every day, Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up before 04:00. PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi arrives at the office at 07:00, and Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey is ready for work at 06:00.

You may think this is all a bit much. Then it's time to understand that the rest of your day depends on how your morning goes. Research shows that morning habits help you take the initiative and change your life for the better. Not to mention, it's hard to achieve success and wealth if you struggle to get to work on time.

The idea of ​​sacrificing a couple of hours of precious sleep may seem blasphemous to many, but the result is worth it. You don't have to go for a run at five o'clock. Just try incorporating these small but important tricks into your morning routine.

1. Wake up your brain

When Tesla CEO Elon Musk was asked how he knew so much about science and rockets, he replied: “I read a lot.” Plenty of research and other voracious billionaire readers back up Musk's claims.

Since the morning is usually a quiet one, it makes sense to set aside some time for reading. You're rested, so you'll be able to focus as much as possible and absorb information faster—so you'll get your brain's engine running before your workday even starts.

2. Set yourself up for the best

Internal dialogue with yourself helps you do much more and protect yourself from negativity - that’s why even naval special forces use this technique. Start the day by feeding your mind with good thoughts. This will boost your morale and help you become better at what you do.

3. Write a to-do list

Once you master the skill positive thinking, you need to make a plan for your victories in daily battles. Simply write down the tasks that need to be completed during the day, and order will come into your life. Instead of grasping at everything - you understand that this is completely unproductive? - you will be able to correctly prioritize.

It's hard to progress when there's chaos all around. But when you complete tasks one after another, there is an opportunity to carefully analyze every little thing. Ask yourself: is it really that urgent? Is it possible to delegate this to someone? This, in fact, is the whole secret of productivity, to which many prefer to turn a blind eye.

4. Find your inspiration

Inspiration from more likely will get you out of bed than even the strongest coffee. Some find it in motivational videos, others just need to exchange a few words with a loved one or friend, and still others choose meditation.

There are many ways to get inspired. Regardless of which one is right for you, the result is the same - you will have the strength to work harder while staying in shape.

5. Make a budget for the day

Budget planning gives good result. But all efforts go down the drain when expenses go beyond the plan simply because our mind is absorbed in solving work problems and we cannot simultaneously count every penny.

To avoid this, train yourself to put into your wallet first thing in the morning exactly as much money as you need to get through the day without losses and stay within your budget. Ideally, this should be a minimum amount. Then, if you can, leave your credit cards at home so you can stay debt-free for as long as possible.

Instead of paying exorbitant interest, you could allocate those funds to investments that will only grow your wealth over time.

6. Be grateful

To be grateful means to have in reserve huge amount scientifically proven benefits. Your productivity will increase, your stress will decrease, and you will feel happier.

Celebrity speaker Tony Robbins suggests taking at least 15 minutes each morning to think about what you are grateful for in your life.

7. Eat breakfast and stay fit

Breakfast is the best important technique food for the whole day. Successful CEOs from Branson to Zuckerberg confirm that abundant healthy breakfast brings them great benefit.

Science agrees with them. Breakfast helps you concentrate and stay in shape. Those who do not agree to spend time cooking in the morning can always prepare everything they need in the evening.

And before eight in the morning you can do exercises - your mind and body will thank you. We're not talking about grueling workouts and heavy loads. You can, for example, just walk to the office on foot.

8. Stop and think

Researcher Thomas Corley found that rich people spend at least 15 full minutes a day thinking. During this time, they think about how they can improve their lives, for example, how to earn more money.

When rich people need money, they don't wonder if it's possible—they just take action, says Corley.

But not many people will be able to break away from their work and find time to think about something of their own in the middle of a busy working day.

That's why the predawn hour - best time for this. Nothing will stop you from thinking about the coming day and how to take a step, or at least half a step, towards your long term goals. Over time, these few minutes will help you make your dreams come true.

If you want to work at your full potential, work on your relationships with your loved ones and at the same time want you to have free time for your hobbies, you have to admit that life is too complicated, it’s hard to do everything, but it’s the same for everyone. But that doesn't mean you can't progress and improve. It's all about time management and you should start doing it the minute you wake up! Here are 7 basic morning rituals that will make you feel healthier and happier every day, and, accordingly, productivity will not be long in coming.

Sleep at least 7 hours a day

Yes, in this article we're talking about about 7 things that it is very desirable to have time to do before 8 o’clock in the morning, but it makes no sense to get out of bed at 5 o’clock in the morning if you went to bed only three hours ago. So before you worry about what else to do in the morning, try to get sufficient quantity sleep so that you have a good and productive day.

Meditation for clarity of mind and vigor

Meditation is a great practice to clear your mind and focus. This is literally what the process itself is aimed at. Focus your attention on a specific point or object, such as your breathing, so that you can calm your mind.

After your morning meditation, you will have a clearer idea of ​​what you want to achieve that day, without feeling like your thoughts are all jumbled, in other words, like your head is a complete mess.

Increased physical activity

Exercise is not only good for your body, but also for your mind. If you want to be healthy and happy, you need to get into the habit of working out.

Be it gym or a brisk walk, move your body. Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress and relieve depression.

Eat 30g of protein every morning

Protein-rich foods keep you at full performance longer than other foods, and eating protein reduces cravings for carbohydrate foods. This refers to those carbohydrates that make you fat.

Here's how to get the protein you need in the morning:

  1. Try to consume at least 40 percent of your breakfast calories from this element.
  2. Eat a couple whole ones boiled eggs(each contains approximately 6 g of protein).
  3. If you don't like eggs, take something like turkey fillet, pork or regular sausage, you can use healthy cottage cheese.
  4. Or you can always satisfy your hunger with a protein shake and water.

Take a cold shower

Many athletes jump into the pool, where the water temperature is only 13 degrees. For what? Since it has been proven that this kind of water radically changes all processes in the body, you will be calm about your health, mood, condition every minute, every day. At regular procedures Such water provides positive changes in the immune, lymphatic, nervous and digestive systems of the body, which improve the quality of your life.

Listen to the news or read the morning press

If you want to be productive and successful person in this life, you need to constantly learn. A common practice among the most successful people in the world is to read, read, and read some more. If you set aside 15-30 minutes every day to read the press and educational information, you would read hundreds of books over a period of time. You will look at the world more wisely and completely differently!

Write down your goals both for tomorrow and longer-term ones. Take just a few minutes to read these goals every day. This way, you will see the prospects more clearly, regardless of whether you are on the right way or not. Each day will feel a sense of purpose. If you follow a simple plan, you will be able to complete all your tasks, no matter how big they are.

As you can see for yourself, all this is not very difficult to accomplish, but your life will be filled with meaning and sparkle with new colors.

Are you able to follow your dreams? Sometimes it seems like this challenging task. And if you're lucky enough to have a full-time job, a family and children, keeping up with your own aspirations becomes even more difficult.

So how do we move forward?

You will have to find a little time every day to work on yourself. Otherwise, you will soon lose yourself in the bustle of days. Before you realize it, several decades will have passed. And the rest of your life will turn into a sad similarity to “The Tale of Lost Time.”

So, here's what you need to do: reflect on your life and get out of constant survival mode.

You are reading this article in order to reconsider your attitude towards life. Fully. Deep. Truthful and honest. This is the only way you can get back to basics.

Unfortunately, many people fill their lives with banality and meaninglessness. They waste all their time on this nonsense. Therefore, they don’t even have a minute to stop and think.

Such people are constantly in survival mode. What about you?

Remember how the hobbit Bilbo Baggins said he felt like a tiny piece of butter being smeared thin layer too big a piece of bread? Surely many could recognize themselves in this phrase. Unfortunately, in most cases, even this piece of bread belongs to someone else. Few people are ready to take responsibility for their lives.

This situation was absolutely normal for the previous generation: living according to the rules and traditions established by other people. Many people continue to go with the flow, not wanting to change anything.

You can’t continue to live like this if you want to succeed, achieve something, be better than others. Because the people around you already understand their own responsibility and are ready to get to work and live every moment of their lives consciously, according to the rules that they themselves have established.

There is no escape: you are responsible for your life. You will have to decide. To you need to decide. If you don't do this, someone else will decide for you.

To teach yourself to take responsibility for your life and learn to make decisions, you need correct image actions. We have prepared a list for you. It seems long, but in fact it is very simple and obvious.

  • Wake up.
  • Come to your senses.
  • Move.
  • Eat right.
  • Prepare yourself.
  • Get inspired.
  • Evaluate your life.
  • Start moving towards your goal.

So, before eight in the morning you need...

Get some sleep

Just as important as healthy eating. Surprisingly, even knowing this, millions of people neglect normal sleep and constantly feel side effects such thoughtless behavior.

Healthy sleep helps:

  • improve memory;
  • prolong life;
  • increase creativity;
  • increase concentration;
  • lose weight and gain weight faster muscle mass(if you supplement your sleep with exercise);
  • reduce stress levels;
  • reduce dependence on stimulants such as caffeine;
  • reduce the risk of developing depression.

Everything written below will not matter if you are not going to get enough sleep. What's the point of getting up every day at seven o'clock in the morning if you go to bed at three or four o'clock in the morning?

You won't last long anyway. You can, of course, use stimulants and drink a lot of coffee, but you won’t last long in this state. In the future, your heart will be the first to let you down - it won’t stand such a life. Agree, this is a rather gloomy scenario for the development of events.

Meditate and/or pray

Once you wake up, you need to fill yourself with calm and positive mood. To do this, you need to either pray - whichever is closer to you (perhaps you practice both). The main thing is to focus and know what you want to achieve with this action.

Prayer and meditation cultivate a sense of gratitude for everything you have. Gratitude implies that you understand how many blessings you have been given. This feeling works like a magnet. When you are truly grateful for everything you have, you attract more positivity and goodness into your life.

And gratitude is easily transferred to others. Perhaps this feeling is the main key to success.

Accordingly, if you start every morning with the practice of gratitude, you will automatically attract all the best that is in this world. And the Universe will definitely not refuse you.

Do exercises

Despite the fact that the body constantly requires physical activity, the vast majority of people ignore these signals.

If you want to live a long, happy, and productive life, you need to train yourself to exercise regularly. Many people make the right decision and go to the gym. If you don't like this kind of activity, there are other options: gardening or a long walk.

Just find something that gets your body moving.

For what? About the positive physical activity An incredible amount has been said. Exercise helps reduce your risk of depression and manage stress. Playing sports has also been linked to career success.

If you don't take care of your body, don't expect to succeed in other aspects of your life.

Eat 30 grams of protein

Donald Layman, a professor at the University of Illinois, recommends eating at least 30 grams of protein for breakfast. Tim Ferriss, author of The Four-Hour Body, also recommends eating 30 grams of protein when you wake up.

Tim says his father strictly followed this recommendation and lost 8.5 kilograms in a month. Food, rich in protein, helps you stay active much longer. It does not leave the stomach so quickly, which means you will not feel hungry soon.

  • Eat at least 40% of your breakfast calories as protein.
  • It is advisable to eat 2 or 3 eggs (each egg contains about 6 grams of protein).
  • If you don't like eggs, replace them with pork, turkey or cottage cheese.
  • Another option is to make a protein shake.

People who try to avoid (or eat less) meat, milk and eggs can get their protein needs from legumes, greens or nuts.

Take a cold shower

Tony Robbins, a famous American entrepreneur and author, starts every morning by jumping into a pool of water whose temperature is 14 degrees. Why is he doing this?

If you take cold showers regularly, you will feel better - physically and mentally. With the help of a cold shower, you train your immune system, improve the functioning of the lymphatic, circulatory and digestive systems, and therefore improve the quality of your life.

In 2007, a study was published showing that cold showers help relieve symptoms of depression and make it more effective. medical supplies. Cold water gives us good mood: the body begins to release chemicals that make us feel happier.

Of course, dousing yourself with cold water is scary. If you've ever taken an ice-cold shower, you know that in the morning you'll spend a few minutes deep in thought, wondering if you even need all this.

You may have even entered into internal dialogue with yourself and talked yourself into not taking a cold shower. “Tomorrow,” you solemnly promised yourself and went to work.

Or did you jump under the first drops? ice shower and instantly turned on the hot water.

You might want to think about it again and imagine yourself diving into a swimming pool. No one goes into a cool pool slowly because it is painful. It's easier to run and dive. After 20 seconds, the body will get used to it and everything will be cool.

The same goes for cold showers. First, the icy jets burn you, and your heart beats like crazy. After 20 seconds everything is fine.

By taking a cold shower, you train your willpower and set yourself up for creativity and... You will have to learn to breathe slowly and calmly until cold water pours down your back. But then you will feel happy. Many new ideas will come into your head, and some of them can and should be applied to achieve your goals.

In addition, this ritual helps you get out of your comfort zone right in the morning.

Motivate yourself

Ordinary people are looking for ways to have fun. You should look for ways to learn something new and interesting. The most successful people in the world read at least one book a week. It is incredibly important for them not to stop learning.

You can definitely listen to one audiobook a week if you turn it on on your way to work. And in the morning you can find 15 minutes to read something motivating and practical, something that will charge you for the whole day. This kind of information changes you. It seems to put you in the zone where you are the most productive, creative and purposeful person.

You have already read hundreds of books. You are good at what you do. But now you need to broaden your horizons, look at the world from a new point of view.

Evaluate your life

All your goals, big and small, need to be written down. It will only take a few minutes. Every morning you need to re-read this list and coordinate your day with how you see your own life.

If you re-read your list of big goals every day, you will think about them in one way or another both morning and evening. And when you learn to evaluate and reflect on your life every day, you will begin to act on your goals. Sooner or later, your list of goals will turn into a proud manifesto of your entire life.

This is science. You can't cheat.

Take at least one step towards a big goal

Willpower is like a muscle. It can and should be trained. The same can be said about our ability to make good decisions. This ability can be wasted on nonsense. It can be lost - briefly or forever. You need to use it wisely.

All the most difficult decisions must be made in the morning. This is very important.

If you don't do this you won't be able to accept difficult decision In the evening. Which means it will be postponed until tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Or you will think that you can decide “later” - that is, never.

It's very difficult. But making the necessary decisions one step at a time brings you closer to the big goal. You'll soon realize that those big goals aren't so far away.

After eight in the morning

Once you've done all of the above, it doesn't matter how the rest of the day goes. You have already done all the most important things, what will help you become more successful. You have already moved forward on the path to your dream.

If you were able to accomplish everything on this list, you have shown that you are ready for a better life. Each of the points will help you be more productive at work, build harmonious relationships, and become happy. Each of the above steps is a movement towards confidence, calmness and responsibility.

It's amazing how quickly life changes for the better if you gather your willpower and just do what you need to do.



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