Causes of pain in the shoulder joint during lifting. Shoulder hurts when raising your arm up: what to do

The human shoulder joint can withstand heavy loads, but only up to a certain point. When he participates in hard work or is affected by diseases of the internal organs, the person’s shoulder hurts. Pain manifests itself in a variety of ways, resulting in swelling, effusion, inflammation, or damage to the muscles and tendons.

Regardless of age, lifestyle, or type of activity, a person may experience pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm. The shoulder joints are actively working throughout the day. When the shoulder joint of the right hand hurts, it is difficult to immediately find treatment methods. First you need to understand why this happens.

Why does my shoulder hurt? This symptom manifests itself due to improper physical activity, inflammation, injury and even diseases of internal organs.

The joint has a complex structure, its performance and being in a certain state is supported by tendons, cartilage, and muscle tissue. If one of the muscles ceases to function fully, the joint stops moving and the person in the shoulder area begins to feel pain of varying nature and intensity.

Chronic diseases can cause pain in the shoulder joint.

Some chronic diseases, anatomical pathologies, and injuries can provoke pain in the right shoulder joint.

Injuries can be different, ranging from a slight dislocation, sprain, to an impact, in which the humerus is dislocated and, as it were, pushed out of the articular socket.

When dislocations occur, periarticular tissues are damaged and pain occurs. The cause of pain can be either awkward movement or heavy load on the limb, or osteoporosis.

Pain may occur with:

  • tendon rupture;
  • muscle damage;
  • inflammation (tendinitis);
  • swelling (bursitis).

Important! Pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm can be considered a consequence of angina pectoris, heart attack, pneumonia, cancer or liver disease.

This also happens with lesions of the nerve plexuses. Taking into account the nature of the pain, an experienced specialist can easily understand its cause and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Possible diseases

The shoulder joint is one of the most complex in the entire body. Nature has endowed it with maximum functionality. However, improper use disrupts its functioning, leading to inflammation, swelling, destruction of the joint capsule and even disruption of the integrity of the tendons. Like any other mechanism, the shoulder joint works even if used incorrectly for some time, after which it “breaks” - the person experiences pain in the shoulder, and the mobility of the joint decreases.

Diseases that cause shoulder pain:

  1. Inflammation of the tendons of a joint - tendinitis. The reason for this is excessively intense stress on the joint. During physical work, such as sawing wood, the tendons interact tightly with the surface of the joint, causing pain and irritation.
  2. Biceps tendinitis is a flexor muscle located on the top of the shoulder. With this disease, the shoulder constantly hurts, and the pain intensifies when palpating the muscle and when moving the limb. If the muscle tendon is completely torn, you may notice a ball-shaped swelling.
  3. Bursitis is a common accompaniment of tendinitis, which also appears with prolonged overexertion. But with bursitis, the joint swells.
  4. Salt deposition. This phenomenon occurs when you raise your hand up. When salts are deposited, the ligaments become rigid. Most often, salts are deposited under the collarbone and shoulder blade. Such disorders are called “collision syndrome.” They are found in people over 30 years of age. The pain appears suddenly, it is quite strong and does not go away with any position of the hand. It is difficult to move your hand away from your body even 30 centimeters. But in some cases, salt deposits do not manifest themselves in any way and are detected only with x-rays.
  5. Genetic disorder of joint formation.
  6. Joint injury. For example, young people or athletes often experience a recurrent form of shoulder dislocation. In mature and elderly people, injuries to these tissues are usually a consequence of age-related degenerative processes.
  7. Neoplasm.
  8. Overextension of the shoulder ligaments. This phenomenon is typical for bodybuilders. When overstretched, the joint becomes unstable, so the athlete cannot do many exercises. The cartilage ring may also tear.
  9. The pain radiates from diseases of the internal organs (liver, heart, pneumonia, radiculitis, neoplasms in the chest).
  10. Humeroscapular periarthrosis. Shoulder pain is the main symptom of this disease. Over time, the pain intensifies so much that the patient cannot sleep at night. It can be of a very diverse nature, from dull to burning.
  11. Tendon rupture.
  12. Neurogenic pathology, in which the sensitivity of the neck and upper extremities is impaired.
  13. Herniation or protrusion of discs of the cervical spine.
  14. Arthritis, arthrosis of the joint.

What are the risks of training?

Excessive sports activities can lead to pain in the shoulder joint.

During severe physical activity, for example, during bodybuilding, instability of the shoulder joint causes pain in the shoulder and elbow. When your shoulder hurts when you raise your arm up, move it to the side, or even at rest, this does not allow you to carry out some physical activity.

Why does my left or right shoulder hurt after exercise? This symptom is caused by three reasons:

  • stress in the shoulder girdle, in its joint capsule;
  • damage and even rupture of the cartilage ring;
  • sprain of the ligaments located in the shoulder.

Difficulty moving your arms, pain, temporary, partial loss of ability to work is the result of the desire to quickly build up muscles or working with excessive loads.

Injuries and inflammation: when to sound the alarm

Painful movement of the arms or pain when palpating the shoulders or when moving the arms back may occur due to inflamed tendons. This condition is called tendonitis. Tendonitis is caused by excessive stress on the arms, which occurs during games or difficult work. If the tendon is torn, a ball-shaped swelling appears in the area of ​​damage. This is a reason to contact a doctor.

Diseases of the internal organs cause pain in the shoulder and arm.

If the ligaments of the joint are burdened by deposits of salts and calcium, then this is a collision syndrome, which is also accompanied by pain.

When it hurts to raise your arm up and your shoulder hurts, the cause may be joint injuries, anomalies in the anatomical structure of a person’s arms, or a tumor. When a person leans on his arm during a fall, the impact causes a displacement of the bone in the shoulder, and this leads to the fact that the arm flies out of the socket of the joint. Such damage causes severe pain and requires immediate hospitalization.

Injuries occur not only in athletes, but also in young people, which is associated with tissue wear. In adults, this occurs due to tissue aging.

Internal pathologies

The right or left shoulder often hurts due to diseases of the internal organs:

  • pneumonia;
  • liver disease;
  • cervical radiculitis;
  • tumor process in the thoracic region.

As a result, discomfort occurs in the arm from shoulder to elbow.

Pain in the shoulder or arm is also characteristic of the following conditions:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • angina pectoris.

In the following video, a vertebrologist talks about the most common cause of shoulder pain:

Types of pain

Shoulder pain varies differently for everyone. The type of pain is directly related to the cause. This is how severe pain in the shoulder joint is caused by inflammation, trauma, pinched nerves, tendon rupture, or in the case of a hernia. Additionally, swelling forms around the diseased area.

The pain may be caused by a recent injury.

The pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm is aching, indicating a long-term inflammatory process. Sometimes he talks about angina pectoris, heart attack, periarthritis. It is felt only with prolonged loads on the hand, and may “ache” depending on the weather. In a calm position of the limb, it most often subsides.

Sharp pain can occur as a result of injury, blow, severe inflammation, which happens with arthritis, capsulitis, osteoarthritis, pinched hernia and other diseases.

Acute pain in the shoulder joint indicates an exacerbation, an advanced stage of the inflammatory process. This happens with arthrosis, neuritis of the brachial nerve, tendinitis, osteoporosis, and with injuries with bone displacement. In this case, this joint hurts when raising the arm, physical activity, or at rest. This type of pain is considered the most dangerous!

The source of pain in the upper shoulder may be a neck disease. Such pain covers the entire upper limb to the fingers. The pain worsens when moving the head, often combined with partial loss of sensitivity. In such cases, during diagnosis, hernias of the cervical or thoracic spine are often detected.

The properties of the affected discs deteriorate, the spaces between them shorten, the nerve endings are pinched, and the person feels pain. At the same time, tissue swelling develops at the site where the nerve is compressed, they contract more intensely and hurt even more.


If you have severe shoulder pain, you should seek advice from the following specialists: therapist, traumatologist (if there is an injury), orthopedist, neurologist, rheumatologist, dermatologist (if the pain syndrome is a manifestation of skin diseases).

Important! Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of shoulder pain.

If this is an injury, then an x-ray of the shoulder joint is required, after which the traumatologist prescribes treatment (painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs).

For tendonitis and bursitis, anti-inflammatory therapy is mainly carried out with local injections.
For arthritis - pain relief therapy and a course of physiotherapy.

Herniated intervertebral discs require changes in movement patterns and pain relief, and in more severe cases, surgical intervention.

If myocardial infarction is suspected, a full examination is carried out to confirm the diagnosis, followed by complex treatment carried out according to a special scheme.

Any disease that causes pain in the right or left shoulder joint must be treated urgently; slowness threatens disability and the development of more serious ailments. In any case, you can’t do without a specialist!

If your shoulder hurts, then you need to visit a sports doctor or an orthopedist, you need to consult with specialists who work with joints. To determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to undergo an examination and then begin treatment for the disease.

Treatment methods:

  • medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • traditional medicine.


Ointments with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are additionally used as medications. Gels that improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and inflammation. Such products help restore atrophied tissues and alleviate the condition.

A remedy for relieving inflammation and pain in the shoulder joint.

If the shoulder hurts when raising the arm up and the pain is moderate, then the patient is prescribed paracetamol. Do not use more dosage of the drug than indicated in the package insert, having read the instructions before using it.

The bulk of gels and ointments are made on the basis of menthol and novocaine, which allows them to provide a cooling effect immediately after an injury. When first aid has been provided, it is possible to use anti-inflammatory and warming drugs

Increasing the dose of this drug will not help you get rid of pain if it continues. In order to feel comfortable, go to the doctor - he will prescribe a different drug. If your shoulder hurts badly, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Naproxen.

Corticosteroids will help relieve inflammation. They stop inflammatory processes in the joints, helping the patient get rid of pain. Shoulder pain when raising the arm is caused by glenohumeral arthritis or other disorders. Corticosteroids help relieve discomfort for several weeks. During this period, the affected inflamed tissues are restored and the pain goes away.

Important! We must be aware of the following side effects when using medications: weight gain, acne, increased appetite and sudden mood swings.

With long-term use of these drugs, the side effects increase. Glaucoma occurs, thinning of the epidermis, hematomas, muscle weakness and increased blood pressure, all symptoms disappear after the course of treatment with corticosteroids ends.

Inflammation of the shoulder joint requires serious treatment.

In the event that the measures taken do not bring the desired result, if the patient took medications in the form of tablets, then he is recommended to undergo a course of injections. Such measures are effective in cases of bursitis or tendonitis, they help the patient increase the range of function of the shoulder joint.

A safer drug for treating shoulder problems is hyaluronate. It has not been fully studied, so it is used quite rarely in therapy. Doctors claim the effectiveness and safety of this prescription, so after research, it may be used more often.

Physiotherapy and surgery

If a patient has shoulder pain, the doctor refers him to a physiotherapist for treatment. This direction occurs with pain that occurs when raising the arm up. A physiotherapist prescribes special exercises to alleviate the condition or prescribes a massage course for the patient.

Treatment for the causes of shoulder pain involves laser therapy or electrical nerve stimulation through the skin. The pain weakens or goes away completely due to stimulation of the nerve fibers. This treatment is carried out by applying a weak electric current to the affected tissue. This restores the affected tissue and relieves pain.

Massage is still considered the best treatment for shoulder pain as it improves blood flow, provides muscle relaxation, and provides a natural feeling of well-being. A soothing massage every hour on the problem area, rubbing the shoulder on the opposite side will help relieve the burning pain of the shoulder.

Pressing the trapezius muscle for 15 to 30 seconds will also help relieve burning pain in the shoulders and back, as the pressure will slow the blood flow and the release will flood the area with blood and oxygen.

When these methods of therapy do not produce results, the doctor prescribes surgical intervention. For example, cutting a tendon for tendonitis.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of shoulder pain with folk remedies occurs in different ways and depends on the cause of the disease. If pain occurs after exercise, after training or after hard work, apply a cold compress to the sore spot. You need to make it from ice wrapped in a piece of cloth; you can use frozen foods. Keep the compress on the shoulder for about 10 minutes or increase this time to half an hour.

Important! Using ice, you should try to prevent hypothermia of the joint. This will only make the situation worse and intensive therapy will be required.

Compresses made from honey and yeast, herbal infusions with anti-inflammatory effects, rubbing with vinegar and other means are also used.

Treatment with traditional methods gives results for moderate injuries, but for complex injuries they will be ineffective. You should consult a doctor for consultation and prescription of effective medications.

At the first sensation of pain in the right shoulder joint, the patient should be laid horizontally and something cold should be applied to the damaged area. It is recommended to apply cold compresses for the first 24 hours, and then rub warming, anti-inflammatory agents into the sore joint of the right shoulder.

What products can be used at home:

  1. So, dilute a tablespoon of acetic acid in a glass of water, soak gauze in this liquid and apply it as a compress overnight.
  2. Grind the burdock root, take a tablespoon and add a twisted pod of hot pepper to it, pour a liter of alcohol over the whole thing and use it for compresses.
  3. Warming ointment. Combine a spoonful of rendered lard with a pod of twisted hot pepper, add ground cinquefoil powder, adding 3 teaspoons, stir, the ointment is ready. Additionally, you can add two pinches of St. John's wort or dried lilac flowers.


Shoulder discomfort cannot be ignored, even if the pain is moderate, such an attitude will lead to the development of complications. Due to the fact that the symptom is caused by various diseases, a doctor’s consultation and examination are necessary; further treatment and its effectiveness depend on this; the use of folk remedies in many cases does not give the desired results. The treatment prognosis is favorable with timely visit to the clinic and adequate medical care.

Many patients come to the clinic with complaints of pain discomfort when raising their upper limbs. In order to exclude complications (ankylosis of the shoulder girdle) leading to disability, all patients are recommended to arm themselves with information: shoulder pain when raising the arm up, treatment, causes. Movement creates a pain reaction plus inhibition of motor function. The causes of this pathology are mechanical injuries or somatic diseases.

Pain syndrome is a consequence of inflammatory reactions in certain parts of the articular structure of the shoulder joint. For proper treatment, followed by a full recovery without relapses, in-depth instrumental plus laboratory diagnostics are necessary. Each patient is prescribed a specific or completely individual treatment regimen.

A cutting pain reaction in articulatio humeri is caused by a wide list of causes, which are conventionally divided into several positions. They are strictly associated with reactions of an inflammatory, allergenic, and destructive nature.

Groups of reasons contributing to the development of pain when raising the arm:

  1. Total defeat articulatio humeri involving all anatomical elements: bones plus a reinforcing corset.
  2. Pathological reactions with damage to muscle tissue, ligamentous system, meniscus, synovial recess (bursa).
  3. Inflammation or destruction individual articular components, that is, destruction of one ligament, articulation zone, muscle, bursa with synovial fluid.

These groups apply to all patients, regardless of gender and age. According to statistics, men are more often affected than women and children. And in terms of age, older people get sick in 80% of all cases.

Sources of pain:

Pathology Brief description
Injuriesarticulatiohumeri different etiologies Traumatization of the articulatio humeri through severe physical stress on the shoulder with carrying weights, intense training, as well as after car accidents, falls from a certain height or from the height of the body - leads to subluxation, dislocation, sprain or ligamentous rupture. Often the injury is accompanied by broken bones or cracks. Athletes who perform high jumps, long jumps, engage in wrestling, weightlifting, and grenade throwing are susceptible to frequent injuries to the shoulder girdle. The risk group also includes loaders, builders, tractor drivers, and drivers. Injuries to the shoulder joint in various cases can occur without visual changes, but with deep destructive processes.
Specific joint diseases plus rheumatism For ankylosing spondylitis, gout, osteoarthritis, hydroxyapatite arthropathy, rheumatism, juvenile arthritis, and Lyme disease, the main symptom is pain when trying to raise your arm up. Polychondritis, Shulman's disease, lupus erythematosus also impair the flexion function of the articular joint of the shoulder. This occurs due to inflammation of the ligamentous-muscular junction plus inflammation of the synovial recess. In all cases, the biomechanics of the joint is impaired, especially locomotor, namely elevation + rotation + lowering of the limb.
Inflammatory reaction in the ligamentous structure (tenosynovitis, tendinitis) The inflammatory reaction is located purely in the articular ligaments. The chronic form of pathological processes leads to destruction of tendons, soft tissues, and cartilaginous plates. Tenosynovitis and tendinitis occur after increased function of the upper extremities, as well as after sudden hypothermia, infectious diseases, long chemotherapy, intoxication with poisons or drugs. Specific symptoms of these pathologies are a dull crunching sound when performing any type of movement. It is accompanied by pain when lifting the locomotor organ. The nature of the pain depends on the depth of the lesion. The pain can be moderate, dull, sharp, or paroxysmal.
Tendobursitis For the inflammatory-infectious process of the ligaments + joint pocket, pain is specific even when lightly touching the affected joint. It worsens when trying to lift the limb. It radiates to the neck, shoulder blades, forearms, and is often accompanied by migraines. These pathologies are characterized by sharp drops in overall body temperature: from normal numbers to 38-39 degrees at night. The joint is slightly increased in volume, erythematousness is observed, and upon palpation the patient reacts to pain by abruptly removing his hand. A general blood test shows an increase in the level of leukocytes and protein. After treatment, the joint functions normally, and the patient returns to his normal rhythm of life. But, at first it is recommended to reduce physical activity.
Bursitis Bursitis is a lesion of the synovial bursa. Pathology of an inflammatory nature, with severe swelling of the shoulder girdle + complete limitation of the locomotor ability of the shoulder, especially the function of lifting. Acute pain is the result of mechanical injuries, urolithiasis, and heavy metal poisoning. Suppuration of synovial fluid occurs through an open wound or scratch on the skin. Pathology can only be treated surgically.
Inflammation of the ligament of the shoulder cuff Long-term overstrain of the muscular + ligamentous corset of the shoulder or shoulders leads to the development of girdle tendinitis. Painters and plasterers are at risk. The pain in the limb intensifies in the morning when attempting any movement; it subsides during the night's rest. The joint is externally unchanged; when pressing on the shoulder girdle, acute pain is felt. It responds well to drug treatment, but if you do not change your profession, relapses of the pathology will often alternate with remissions.
Periarthritis of the glenohumeral region Periarthritis is characterized by pathological processes around the joint, that is, neurodystrophic changes occur in the muscles + articular ligaments, but without involving the cartilage layer and bones. Injuries in the same place lead to muscle inflammation, sclerosis, as well as weakening of tendons and ligaments. This development mechanism is characteristic of increased physical work of the upper extremities.

Muscular sclerosis (muscle atrophy) disrupts the trophism of articulatio humeri. Gradually, the joint structure loses its stability and mobility. Frozen shoulder syndrome develops, and then the ankylosis phase begins. The locomotor organ does not rise upward, it stops at a horizontal level. The rotation is impaired, plus the limb loses its “grip,” that is, there is no strength to lift any objects. The pain syndrome is permanent. Combined treatment: medication + surgery.

Inflammatory process of the muscle corset Myositis or inflammation of muscle tissue occurs after intense training, strong blows, compression of soft tissues, poisoning, and viral infections. The muscles become “stony”, swollen, and react to acute pain upon palpation. Locomotor functions are completely impaired. You feel lethargic, fever and constant muscle pain. After anti-inflammatory plus detoxification therapy, discomfort in the shoulder girdle is completely eliminated. Attempts to lift the limbs are not accompanied by pain, the arms move freely.
Interdiscal hernia Pinching of a nerve bundle in the neck, with the formation of a hernial sac, is a source of stabbing + unbearable pain in the shoulder. Irradiation zone: left articulatio humeri, neck, back of the head. There is a specificity of pain: shooting and sharp. The pain goes away in certain forced positions, slowly becoming aching or dull.

The nature of these pains may also be signs of myocardial infarction.

Attention! If one of these diseases is diagnosed, it is recommended to be treated according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor or to have surgery on the diseased joint. Otherwise, the hand will lose its locomotor function, and the patient will be assigned a disability group for life.

Sources of pain in the extremities include:

  • Curvature of the spinal column.
  • Oncology.
  • Anomalies of articulatio humeri.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Angina pectoris (angina attacks).
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Consequences of surgery.

The list can be supplemented by diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathologies, cerebral palsy, head injuries, and poisoning. All cases are considered individually, taking into account vital indications, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Types of pain

Pathologies that lead to pain in the arm when raising it give rise to several types of pain. They depend on the main cause plus concomitant diseases and the individual reactivity of the body. The pain can be aching, dull, sharp, constant, variable, short and long.

After dislocation of the shoulder joint, the pain is the most severe, and after its reduction, the pain syndrome disappears; when raising the upper limb, almost no pain is felt. Inflammation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle generates acute, constant pain that goes away without a trace after treatment. Arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia are pathologies in which the pain of raising the arm never goes away. In this case, the pain is aching, variable or acute. If the affected shoulder joint is operated on, the pain reaction will disappear.

Initial steps to alleviate the condition

The hand must be placed in a suitable position in which the pain subsides. Pain is relieved with analgesic drugs, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Dikloberl, Voltaren, Diclofenac. Acute pain requires both analgesics and NSAIDs. First aid consists of administering an intramuscular solution of Baralgin plus Dicloberl. Arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, tendinitis have an individual treatment regimen. For initial pain relief, before the doctor arrives, you need to take Analgin (in tablets or injections), Ortofen, and locally apply gels or ointments based on diclofenac sodium such as Feloran, Naklofen, Voltaren Emul Gel.

Attention! For acute pain, compresses or warming ointments are not recommended. And these drugs are taken by patients who do not have a history of allergic reactions to these drugs.

You need to be extremely careful with traditional methods of treatment. These drugs are effective only after drug therapy or during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Examination methods

In the clinic, that is, in a hospital setting, the attending physician recommends to patients with pain when raising their arms the following instrumental and laboratory tests:

  • blood tests;
  • X-ray in three projections;
  • computed tomography.

To exclude rheumatoid factor, a test for rheumatic agents is prescribed. After establishing the final diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe adequate comprehensive treatment, and if the case is urgent, he will refer you for surgery.

Therapeutic tactics

Treatment tactics take into account the complex structure of the shoulder joint, individual reactions, and concomitant diseases, which can manifest as painful raising of the arm. After diagnostic results and the cause of discomfort are determined, nutrition is adjusted, medication and surgical treatment are prescribed, as well as massage + exercise therapy.

Medicines to relieve pain in the arm when lifting it

The treatment regimen should contain only targeted medications that relieve pain and stop the spread of the inflammatory process to the joint components. Treatment should act on the lesion, strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder girdle.

The treatment regimen consists of:

  • Analgesia of pain syndrome through intramuscular injections of a solution of Analgin, Baralgin.
  • Stopping the inflammatory process with NSAID medications such as Diclofenac, Dikloberl, Movalis, Nimesil in the form of solutions or tablets.
  • Antiallergic drugs: Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin (solutions or tablets).
  • Novocaine blockade of the affected joint.
  • Prescription of muscle relaxants.
  • Drugs that enhance immunity.
  • Preparations for the protection and restoration of cartilage tissue (Chondroxide, Chondrolone).
  • Combinations of vitamin series (B, A, D, E).

Therapeutic tactics are based on general + biochemical blood tests, as well as instrumental data (MRI, ultrasound, arthroscopy).

Physiotherapy, massage

The course of physiotherapy consists of electrophoresis, UHF, laser therapy, as well as paraffin, ozokirite, and therapeutic mud procedures. Relaxing at the sea or on lakes rich in sulfur is a good method for restoring lost health. Massage and exercise therapy will help strengthen and stabilize muscles, ligaments, ligaments, restoring the function of the sore arm.

Gymnastics, performing a special set of exercises with alternating massage will increase the peripheral and deep blood supply to the joints of the bones of the shoulder joint. Good blood supply is a trigger for improved metabolism, which directly affects the production of chondrocytes + collagen. After the full course of treatment, the synovial fluid in the bursa and inside the joint reaches normal levels, which will support the functionality of the arm for many years.


Pain when raising the upper limbs can be avoided by reducing physical activity and certain movements of the limb. Plus, you need to consider a completely nutritious diet, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates. Fried food, alcohol, and smoking are not recommended. You need to eat small and often, including salads from fresh vegetables in the menu.

In addition to nutrition, an important point is caution in movement + exclusion of mechanical injuries (bruises, compression, fractures, cracks). Constant exercise in the morning is an effective preventive method for preventing pathology of the shoulder joint. If an injury or inflammation of the shoulder has occurred, then in order to further exclude relapse, in addition to the indicated points, it is necessary to include timely examination and therapeutic therapy sessions in order to prevent relapse of the pathology.

Pain when raising your arm up bothers almost every person, but not all incidents are pathological. More serious cases, when the pain does not go away and is simultaneously accompanied by inflammation, swelling and loss of motor function, are an alarming sign. In these situations, immediate medical attention will be needed. Chronic joint diseases need to be treated in a timely manner, maintaining the functionality of the organ of movement. Knowing everything about: shoulder pain when raising your arm up, treatment - complications plus disability will pass you by.

The occurrence of pain in the shoulder is an unpleasant and inconvenient factor, since because of this the mobility of the arm, and sometimes the entire joint, is limited, and the person cannot work, do household chores, becomes, in fact, disabled, his shoulder even hurts when lifting Hands up. Treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis in a medical facility.

What you need to know about the shoulder joint?

The shoulder joint functionally unites scapula and arm bone. The upper part of the shoulder, with its spherical shape, fits into the cavity of the scapula. It turns out that there is a so-called hinge joint, which provides rotation of the arm with a large amplitude. The fossa serves to soften the friction of the shoulder bone and provide protection from damage and prevent pain in the joint.

The capsule of the shoulder joint is attached to the base of the scapula. The connection of the shoulder joint and the scapula firmly holds a bundle of dense threads with nerves located in it. This arrangement of nerve endings causes them to begin to hurt with sudden movements and unexpected jerks. Apart from this connection, the joint does not have nerve endings, which makes it possible to make circular movements with the hand, but the complexity of the articulation creates the prerequisites for various injuries.

Pain when raising your arm

A symptom of the disease, the shoulder begins to hurt after raising the arm, is an unpleasant manifestation damage to the joint or ligaments. This unique articulation of the human body, which allows for a wide variety of movements, cannot withstand excessive and prolonged stress and begins to hurt. As a result of a frivolous attitude, inflammation develops, leading to swelling and subsequent thinning of the cartilage tissue in the shoulder joint and requiring mandatory treatment.

Pain in the shoulder should alert the patient and serve as a reason to contact a traumatologist, neurologist or orthopedist, but people rarely pay attention to the first minor symptoms and take pain in the shoulder joint for granted. If your shoulder begins to hurt when you lift or move your arm back, lifting minor weights, turns, in calm state or at night, during sleep, you should know that such unpleasant sensations can be caused by a variety of pathological changes in the bone or ligamentous tissue of the shoulder joint.

Like other “mechanisms” of the human body, the shoulder joint continues to work under incorrect conditions - increased load, developing related diseases. Such use of the joint leads to “breakage” and limited mobility of the shoulder joint. The joint can hurt due to various ailments of the cervical spine. The pain extends all the way down to the fingers. A cervical origin is indicated by repeated unpleasant sensations when moving the head, and partial loss of sensitivity often occurs.

The cause revealed by x-ray is hernia in the thoracic or cervical spine. The working properties of the affected discs become less pronounced and the gaps between them decrease, the protrusion of the hernia causes pinching of the nerve threads and the person feels pain. The surrounding tissues become inflamed and the pain becomes more intense.

Causes of shoulder pain

Despite the many reasons that cause severe pain, there are several characteristic causes that cause persistent pain.

The most common cause is various injuries. These include muscle strains and joint dislocations. The cause is a fall on the ground or from a height, a blow to the shoulder or an unusual movement. The symptom is acute pain that appears after injury or after some time during the day. Swelling of the shoulder area occurs, possible redness, worsening when moving the hand up and to the side.

Overexertion is an unusual increase in load in the form of force or during non-standard movements that a person has never performed before. As a rule, such pain lasts from two to four days and goes away on its own, without any medication or physiotherapeutic treatment.

Osteochondrosis causes pain in the neck, which gradually spreads to the upper arm. Displacement of the vertebrae contributes to nerve pinching, the pain is often constant and does not go away, and long-term treatment is required.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a chronic disease caused by metabolic disorders and a decrease in the production of synovial fluid, which nourishes cartilage tissue. As a result, the cartilage, which serves as a shock absorber and cushion during joint movement, ceases to perform its function and is gradually destroyed. Overgrowths form on the bones to compensate for the missing cartilage, and every movement of the arm when moving it back or raising it causes pain.

Inflammatory tendonitis in the periarticular area appears due to increased stress, overstrain of muscle fibers and as a result of drafts and cold. Inflamed tendons interact with bones when moving and cause pain. With such an inflammatory process, the patient can clearly point to the painful spot. Dull tingling sensations they do not appear too intensely, and upon palpation of the affected area they intensify slightly.

The accumulation of calcium deposits in the joint is popularly called salt deposition; leaching of lime from the articular ligaments most often occurs in people over the age of forty. The pain manifests itself as an unpleasant feeling of creaking and crunching when moving the hand. Salts are most often localized in the area of ​​the shoulder blade and collarbone. Sometimes such layers do not manifest themselves as any unpleasant sensations, treatment is not prescribed, and changes are detected only with x-rays.

Referred pain refers to discomfort in the arm or shoulder associated with diseases of other important internal organs. For example, liver and gallbladder diseases, heart attack, angina pectoris transfer pain to the arm area. In this case, in addition to the shoulder girdle, there should be pain in the area of ​​the affected organ, colic in the side, pain in the abdomen or chest, and overall health deteriorates.

Biceps tendinitis is an inflammation of the large flexor muscle located in the upper part of the shoulder. And although it is located below the shoulder girdle, the pain is constantly transferred to it. When palpated, the pain intensifies. If the tendon is torn due to injury, the shoulder swells into a ball shape.

Bursitis is an accompanying disease with tandenitis, which manifests itself with prolonged tension and increased force load, but it is not the tendon or muscle that is affected, but the joint.

Tendobursitis is called inflammation of the joint capsule, and calcification of the muscles occurs. The pain manifests itself acutely, the range of motion is significantly reduced, the pain affects the surface along the entire length from the fingertips to the neck.

Capsulitis occurs infrequently; with this disease, the patient cannot raise his arm or move it behind his back. Impairment of motor function occurs after work that is non-standard for a person, for example, in team sports that he has never practiced or after working on walls with repeated monotonous sweeping gestures.

Pain can occur when the structure of the joint is incorrect from birth, which is formed under the influence of genetic heredity.

Initial steps to alleviate the condition

The patient cannot cope with the disease, as well as determine its name and cause of occurrence, on his own; for this, a doctor is required and the right treatment, but you can help with severe pain in order to improve the condition at least a little:

Types of pain

Depending on the cause of the disease and the nature of the manifestation, pain according to standard signs divided into categories:

  • an acute course is typical for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, neuritis and traumatic lesions, with pain covering the entire surface of the arm or shoulder, and when using the arm, the discomfort intensifies;
  • pain when moving occurs suddenly when you raise or abduct your arm, this condition is caused by calcium deposits in the joints or sprains of ligaments and tendons, unpleasant sensations occur when palpating the muscle;
  • chronic pain occurs with tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis and tendobursitis, palpation is characterized by increased discomfort, joint disorders are manifested by swelling, it is impossible to sleep on the problematic shoulder;
  • the aching nature of the pain is characteristic of periarthrosis, myalgia and referred conditions, constant pain does not allow any movement, often accompanied by pain in neighboring affected internal organs - the heart, abdomen, kidneys, liver.

Going to hospital for medical care

Despite the huge variety of pain sensations and the variety of causes that cause them, You can’t put off going to the doctor. Many inflammatory processes go away on their own, but this is no reason to treat the joints of your body lightly and neglect treatment. Some mild unpleasant sensations do not force attention to themselves, so they are simply ignored. But repeated many times, they already enter the system and mean a serious illness that must be treated immediately.

If the pain recurs in the same place in the shoulder girdle for a week or more, this is a reason to visit a doctor for treatment. When examining a sore shoulder, the doctor will ask the necessary questions and conduct additional instrumental examination, prescribe blood tests and determine the correct diagnosis.

Knowing which movements of the joint and arm cause pain, the doctor will accurately determine name of tendon or bone of a joint damaged:

  • if discomfort occurs when the limb is moved to the side, then the damage concerns the supraspinal tendon;
  • pain is disturbing when turning with the elbow pressed to the body of the shoulder outward - problems in the infraspinal tendon;
  • pain occurs when turning the shoulder inward, while the elbow is pressed to the body - the scapular tendon is damaged;
  • pain appears in the biceps brachialis muscle when turning the shoulder inward - the biceps is damaged.

Examination methods for joint diseases

Doctor during examination will refer the patient for examination:

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is impossible to overload any joints of the human body, including the shoulders. If joint disease Once it has manifested itself, there is no point in provoking its reoccurrence with various strength exercises or hard physical work, the body will not forgive such a thoughtless attitude.

According to statistics, from 7 to 20% of patients go to the doctor with the complaint that their shoulder hurts when raising their arms. This pain can occur in people of any age, both men and women. The intensity of physical activity and an active lifestyle will not always be the cause of such pain.

Causes of pain

Pain in the shoulder can occur both due to an excess of vitamins or minerals in the body, and as a result of previous diseases. The shoulder joint moves more than any other joint, and shoulder pain is the first sign of a malfunction.

The causes of pain may be:

  1. Dislocations, bruises, fractures.
  2. Sports activities.
  3. Viral diseases.
  4. Uncomfortable posture while sleeping or resting.

With fractures and dislocations of the shoulder joint, in addition to pain, its function is disrupted, swelling appears and the sensitivity of the skin decreases, and it becomes impossible to raise the arm. A photograph can confirm the injury.

With bruises, joint movement is not limited, but painful. Pain occurs when lifting and moving the arm to the side. The bruise will not be visible on an x-ray.

Pain also occurs due to heavy load on the joint, for example, in children or tourists when wearing a backpack incorrectly that weighs more than it should.

Any joint requires constant movement to maintain functionality. Lack of movement can lead to atrophy of the shoulder muscles and cause pain. But you can’t overload the joint with physical activity. Athletes often complain of shoulder pain due to improper training.

Possible diseases

Shoulder diseases that can cause pain:

  1. Arthritis. This disease is characterized by a dull, aching pain. Arthritis occurs due to infection entering the joint. Movement of the arm up and to the sides becomes limited.
  2. Bursitis. The infection penetrates into the joint capsule, which causes an inflammatory process. Inflammation is accompanied by severe pain and hyperemia in the shoulder area. Most often, bursitis occurs in athletes due to.
  3. Capsulitis, or adhesive arthritis, is characterized by severe pain and decreased mobility of the arm. It occurs, like bursitis, due to the penetration of infection into the joint capsule, but the synovial membrane is also affected. In this case, the hand does not rise above the horizontal level and cannot be placed behind the back.
  4. Neuritis. Inflammation of peripheral nerves. In addition to pain, there is a loss of sensitivity up to paralysis.
  5. Periarthritis (humeral) affects the periarticular tissues (tendons and capsule), without affecting the joint itself. The causes can be various types of injuries and excessive stress. Pain during periarthritis intensifies when moving the hand. The pain can be either mildly aching or unbearably sharp.
  6. Tendinitis. With this pathological condition of the shoulder, the tendons and soft tissues surrounding the joint become inflamed. When pain occurs in the shoulder, the patient limits his arm movements, which leads to adhesions in the joint capsule. Due to the formed adhesions, the already inflamed tendons begin to thin out.
  7. Shoulder osteochondrosis is one of the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, expressed by disorders in articular cartilage. It is characterized by painful sensations in the shoulder muscles and stiffness of movement. Pain in osteochondrosis is sharp, frequent and acute.
  8. Shoulder sprains occur due to excessive stress and physical activity. Painful sensations occur only when moving the hand.

Who to contact and how to treat

For any injuries to the shoulder joint, you must consult a traumatologist and take an x-ray.

For fractures, dislocations and bruises, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. The main condition for recovery from such injuries is complete rest of the shoulder.

For fractures, the patient is given a plaster cast. In case of a displaced fracture, an operation is first performed to compare the bone fragments for better fusion.

In case of dislocations, the patient is reset to the affected joint, after which a plaster cast is applied for a month.

For bruises and sprains of the shoulder, in addition to resting the limb, the doctor prescribes treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and external use of warming ointments.

In case of infectious inflammation of the shoulder joint, the patient seeks help from an orthopedic doctor, surgeon or traumatologist. It is also possible to contact a neurologist if a pinched nerve is detected in the upper spine.

To treat an inflamed shoulder joint, NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ibufen), ointments and gels (Voltaren), intra-articular administration of glucocorticosteroids are prescribed, and if necessary, a course of antibiotics is added.

To restore the motor ability of the limb, physical therapy and physiotherapy are indicated.

How to relieve pain

When relieving pain, it is necessary to take into account the cause of its occurrence. If you have a shoulder injury, before the ambulance arrives or you go to the emergency room, you must immobilize your arm, take a painkiller, and apply an ice compress.

In case of inflammation, local painkillers (Nurofen, Diclofenac, Ketonal, etc.), as well as solutions for external use (camphor alcohol), will help relieve pain before contacting a specialist. You can take painkillers in tablets.

Preventive measures

When turning to a specialist, patients ask why their shoulder hurts if they haven’t hit or fallen anywhere. Shoulder pain can occur due to poor posture while sleeping or working at the computer. To avoid shoulder problems, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Sleep on a comfortable pillow and use an orthopedic mattress. Often shoulder pain and cervical osteochondrosis occur due to an uncomfortable sleeping position.
  2. When working at a computer, sitting at a table, take a comfortable position, do not slouch.
  3. Evenly distribute the load on both shoulder joints. If you wear a backpack, then choose a comfortable one with the correct anatomical shape.
  4. During long periods of work at a desk, take breaks to briefly warm up your joints.
  5. Engage in physical exercise aimed at strengthening and stretching the shoulder muscles.
  6. Take care of your health, toughen up, strengthen your immune system.

It is necessary to take care of joints from an early age, since even minor problems with the shoulder can worsen the quality of life in the future. By following preventive measures, you can keep your musculoskeletal system in healthy shape for a long time.

Humeral periarthritis is an inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder. Other names for this disease are capsulitis, frozen shoulder.

The disease can occur in several ways and take different forms.

For example, there is a mild form of this disease - simple glenohumeral periarthritis. With simple humeroscapular periarthritis shoulder pain very weak and occur only with certain movements of the hand.

The mobility of the hand is not very strong, but it decreases: it appears limitation of movement in the shoulder- it is impossible to stretch your arm up or move it far behind your back, or touch your spine with your knuckles.

Pain also occurs when the patient tries to move his arm while the doctor is fixing it. After all, at this moment the affected tendon becomes tense. Particularly painful in such a situation are the patient’s attempts to raise his arm up, overcoming resistance doctor Or attempts, overcoming resistance, to rotate the arm straightened at the elbow around its axis - clockwise or counterclockwise.

Surprisingly, the same movements, performed without resistance, bring absolutely no discomfort.

This form of the disease is easily treatable, and sometimes the discomfort disappears on its own within 3-4 weeks. However, without treatment, simple glenohumeral periarthritis can easily transform into spicy glenohumeral periarthritis. This transformation occurs in approximately 60% of cases, and is usually preceded by additional trauma or overuse of the affected shoulder.

Although sometimes acute glenohumeral periarthritis occurs on its own, as an independent primary disease - against the background of severe damage to the arm and a sharp response of the body to this damage. The consequence of this response of the body is sudden, increasing pain in the shoulder that radiates to the neck and arm. At night the pain intensifies. Movements of the arm through the side upward, as well as rotation of the arm around its axis, are difficult and cause sharp pain, while moving the arm forward is more free and almost painless.

The patient’s appearance is characteristic - he tries to keep his arm bent at the elbow and pressed to his chest. When examining the patient, a slight swelling may be noted on the anterior surface of the shoulder. General condition patients often worsen due to severe pain and resulting insomnia. There may even be a slight temperature (within 37.2-37.5ºСº).

An acute attack lasts several weeks, then the intensity of pain decreases slightly, and movement in the shoulder is partially restored.

Alas, in about half of the cases the disease progresses to the next stage - chronic glenohumeral periarthritis. Chronic glenohumeral periarthritis manifests itself as moderate pain in the shoulder, which many patients could easily come to terms with. But periodically, with unsuccessful movements or rotation of the arm, the sore shoulder shoots with acute pain. In addition, some patients have disturbed sleep due to a feeling of aching in the shoulder, which most often manifests itself especially strongly in the second half of the night, in the morning.

In this form, chronic glenohumeral periarthritis can exist for quite a long time, from several months to several years, after which the disease in some cases “resolves by itself” - sometimes even without any medical intervention.

However, in a third of patients, chronic glenohumeral periarthritis transforms into ankylosing periarthritis (capsulitis, frozen shoulder). This form of the disease is the most unfavorable, and it can develop not only as a continuation of other forms of glenohumeral periarthritis, but also independently. With this form of periarthritis, pain in the affected shoulder is initially dull, but it is accompanied by a severe deterioration in shoulder mobility. The shoulder becomes very tight to the touch and indeed looks frozen.

Most arm movements that involve the shoulder result in severe pain. Some patients say that compared to the pain of frozen shoulder, toothache is a breeze. Although there are also forms of “frozen shoulder”, in which there is practically no pain, but the shoulder is blocked and immobilized.

In any case, whether there is pain or not, with a frozen shoulder, the sick person is always deprived of the ability to normally raise his arm up - the straightened arm forward does not rise above shoulder level; and from the side it rises even worse - it happens that it is impossible to raise the arm from the hip to the side by more than 40-50 centimeters. In addition, the arm practically stops rotating around its axis, and it is impossible to move it behind the back.

Another form of glenohumeral periarthritis, inflammation of the long head of the biceps, occurs mainly in men due to microtrauma that occurs after a sudden movement of the hand, or after a blow to the front surface of the shoulder. Pain from inflammation of the long head of the biceps shoots into the front surface of the shoulder. It is rarely permanent; Most often, pain occurs unexpectedly, with some movements. Lifting weights from the floor, as well as bending and straightening an arm bent at the elbow, are usually painful, especially when carried out with resistance, that is, when someone interferes with these movements.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs