Teeth hurt after the flu. Toothache during a cold: treatment and causes

Many patients are faced with the fact that during the flu or ARVI, not only their throat and head hurt, but also their teeth, gums or cheekbones (see also:). Why does this symptom occur? Most often, discomfort is caused by pressure arising in the maxillary sinuses, as well as the active proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. If your teeth hurt due to a cold, they usually do not need to be treated - the discomfort will go away after recovery. However, sometimes pain in the teeth and gums can be a complication of a serious disease that cannot be treated at home.

The cause of tooth pain during respiratory diseases and how to eliminate them

Drinking acidic drinks

If a person has a toothache due to a cold, you need to pay attention to the means used to treat it. Frequent consumption of powdered flu tea, drinks with a slice of lemon or raspberries change the environment in the oral cavity. Acidic foods containing vitamin C are great at fighting infection and relieving fever, but they have a destructive effect on teeth, causing microcracks. Aggressive liquids gradually increase the sensitivity of the enamel.

To reduce discomfort, you need to limit your consumption of drinks containing acid. Vitamin C, which is necessary for a speedy recovery, can be obtained not from teas prepared according to traditional medicine recipes, but by taking pharmaceutical Ascorbic acid or Undevit.

Dry mouth due to inability to breathe through the nose

With ARVI, teeth may hurt due to dry mouth. Due to a runny nose, the patient is unable to breathe normally through the nose, a cough appears, and the oral mucosa constantly dries out. A lack of saliva provokes the deposition of sugar, acids and other substances on the teeth that can spoil the enamel and aggravate a person’s existing problems in the oral cavity. This is the main cause of toothache.

Drinking plenty of fluids will help relieve discomfort. During illness, a person should drink water or weak tea without sugar, which will eliminate dryness and wash away acid residues from the teeth. You can also periodically rinse your mouth with clean water or a solution of salt and soda. Vasoconstrictor drops or rinsing with saline solution will help improve nasal breathing during a runny nose.

Toothache as a symptom of general intoxication

When you have a cold, tooth pain can be a symptom of general intoxication. Pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in the body, poisoning it with the products of their vital activity.

Usually the disease is accompanied by intestinal dysfunction. The patient is bothered by constant nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. During illness, the stomach produces a large amount of gastric juice, which is predominantly acidic. Rising up the esophagus along with vomit, the acid hits the enamel and gradually destroys it. The patient feels severe discomfort - his teeth ache over the entire surface, they become sensitive to thermal irritants.

If you vomit during a cold, you should rinse your mouth with water afterward. This will eliminate the unpleasant odor and remove remaining gastric juice from the enamel. It is not recommended to use a toothbrush for cleaning.

Pain in the jaw due to ARVI

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Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Toothache during a cold can be a consequence of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (see also:). This disease develops due to a viral infection and inflammation in the jaw joint. The infection that penetrates the nerve and plexuses of blood vessels quickly spreads and sometimes makes the whole face hurt.

The patient feels that his jaw is aching and his teeth hurt on the side where the inflammation develops (we recommend reading:). The disease is accompanied by slightly noticeable swelling of the face, and when trying to yawn or swallow food, the person feels severe discomfort.

What to do to reduce pain? It is worth remembering that you cannot self-medicate. Using a heating pad at home is strictly prohibited - improper heating of soft tissues can aggravate the inflammatory process and pain. In addition, discomfort in the cheekbones and teeth can be caused by otitis media or inflammation of the articular sac of the lower jaw, and not the nerve. In these cases, diagnosis and treatment is carried out by an ENT specialist, not a neurologist.

If there is an inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve, the specialist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. One of the commonly used drugs for this diagnosis is Carbamazepine. Physiotherapy is also used for treatment: electrophoresis, ultrasound and magnetic therapy.

There are several methods to reduce dental discomfort due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve:

  • use dental drops purchased at a pharmacy;
  • suck mints;
  • chew a piece of propolis or apply it to the gum;
  • Take a little hot sage decoction into your mouth and hold it on the side where the tooth aches.

What if it’s sinusitis?

In some cases, a cold or flu can cause a serious complication in the form of sinusitis. The maxillary sinuses are located next to the upper jaw, and many people have teeth quite close to them. Due to the development of the disease and the concentration of fluid with pus in the sinuses, pressure on the bone increases, causing pain in the oral cavity. Sometimes sinusitis provokes pain in the temples, cheekbones, the pain spreads to the entire upper jaw and intensifies when the head is tilted.

Severe inflammation in the maxillary sinuses can lead to the formation of bags of pus on the gums or an abscess and cyst on the root of the tooth. Then the patient will need treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and the complications caused by it. As a rule, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and physiotherapy, and then he is sent to the dentist for further treatment.

For extremely advanced sinusitis, a specialist uses a puncture. The sinus is pierced, after which the accumulated fluid, which is a source of infection, is washed out of it. A complete cure will require from 3 to 10 procedures.

To ease breathing, vasoconstrictor drops are used for 5–7 days, as well as drugs that thin the mucus in the nose. Sinupret, a product based on natural ingredients, is often used in therapy.

Inflammation in the gums during a cold

Many patients experience gum inflammation when they have a cold. A person is bothered by different symptoms:

The development of the pathological process is associated with insufficiently effective functioning of the immune system - the body is unable to cope with actively reproducing microorganisms that affect the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. With a high body temperature and insufficient fluid intake into the body, favorable conditions arise for the development of bacteria located between the teeth and gums, and their metabolic products cause irritation of the mucous membrane. If you have a fever, cough, and gums begin to ache during a cold, then do not worry - these are the symptoms in most cases they disappear after a few days.

To speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation that develops in soft tissues, you can use special means:

  • Chlorhexidine. The liquid can be mixed with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio and used to rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day. The action of the antiseptic is aimed at destroying pathogenic flora.
  • Metronidazole. The drug tablet must be crushed and dissolved in a glass of warm water. The product is also used for rinsing.
  • Ibuprofen. A medicine that can be used for severe toothache and high fever. It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Paracetamol. A relatively harmless drug that is used for mild pain. At the same time, the product helps lower body temperature.

Many people know firsthand about pain in the teeth during a cold. Typically, pain appears when taking cold liquid, in the wind, draft, during long walks in the cold season, in case of swimming in cool water. Unpleasant sensations in the teeth can also occur as an independent inflammation, but with a cold, the pain in the mouth is felt much more acutely.

You can get rid of unpleasant and sensitive reactions with the help of anti-inflammatory and painkillers. But if the patient is tormented by pulsating and sharp sensations, first you need to find out why your teeth hurt when you have a runny nose.

The feeling of pain in the teeth during a cold is familiar to many people. Unpleasant and itchy sensations may appear after walking in the cool season or contact of teeth with cold foods. Sometimes the reason for the formation of painful sensations lies in walking in wet shoes or in connection with swimming in too cold waters.

Such signs may increase the pain of a cold or become the root cause of the disease. Regardless of the factors causing discomfort, the patient should consult a dentist. If tooth sensitivity manifests itself as a result of a viral or infectious lesion of the body, the patient is prescribed medicinal treatment using antiviral, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pain in the teeth is not always a sign of a cold in the body. Sometimes discomfort appears due to caries.

The reason for increased tooth sensitivity during infectious or viral inflammation lies in the patient’s immune system. If it is weakened, the patient should increase the level of protective functions with the help of vitamins and mineral complexes.

Inflammation of the ternary nerve

Another reason for tooth pain lies in damage to the ternary nerve. Typically, this disease occurs against the background of viral inflammation. The first symptom of the disease is pain and discomfort in the jaw, as well as a feeling of aching in the lower part of the face.

The disease is often accompanied swelling of the face and swelling due to the inflammatory process. Any attempts to take food or liquid are accompanied by terrible pain.

Remember! With inflammation of the ternary nerve, the patient feels pain when laughing or trying to yawn.

Infection in the paranasal sinuses

The accumulation of fluid in the nasal passages causes pressure in the respiratory cavity. It is this symptom that causes pain in the teeth, which is why patients complain of discomfort and itching in the upper jaw.

Other reasons

In some cases, pain occurs against the background of non-communicable diseases. Such reasons include dry mouth. It can appear as a result of illness or due to excessively dry air in the living room.

If the nose is very clogged, the patient breathes through the mouth. This causes dryness in the cavity.

Besides, the patient may breathe through the mouth due to nasal congestion. This process also causes a pathological process, which causes pain.

Lack of moisture in the oral cavity leads to the fact that foods, including sugar and acids settle on the surface of the teeth. The process causes destruction of the integrity of the tooth and severe pain.

Remember! You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms by drinking a glass of warm water or tea without sugar.

Another reason is signs of severe intoxication. The consequences of influenza or a cold are dangerous to the patient's health. They cause an unhealthy amount of acid to form in the stomach, which travels up the esophagus. The only way to get rid of it is by vomiting.

Remaining acid in the oral cavity can corrode the surface of the enamel, which becomes the main cause of untidy sensations. Therefore, if a cold lasts for a long time, it is necessary to rinse your mouth daily with plain water or a solution of and.

Violation of hygiene rules

With prolonged rhinitis and colds, the patient is very tired and exhausted. Therefore some hygiene rules may be violated, which is a big mistake for every patient.

High-quality removal of organic acids and other substances from the oral cavity is only possible with daily brushing of teeth.

Insufficient cleanliness in the oral cavity causes a number of unpleasant and painful sensations. So don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day.

Treatment methods

To get rid of toothache, the patient must find out the reason for its formation. When determining the factors causing the disease, you should follow some recommendations.

Pain in the teeth during a cold indicates an insufficient amount of vitamin C. Therefore, when the question arises, what to do if your teeth hurt from a runny nose, first of all, take care of your oral hygiene and take vitamin complexes.

Vitamin C is found in large quantities in ascorbic acid.

During treatment, avoid taking aggressive liquids, including sour and sweet drinks. In addition, the patient should not eat foods that are too cold or too hot.

Treatment of the ternary nerve

For inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy and a course of anti-inflammatory medications. At the same time, it is useful to carry out treatment with physiotherapy, in particular with electrophoresis and UHF procedures.

The most popular drug for the treatment of inflamed ternary nerve is “ Carbamazepine».

Improper use of traditional medicine methods can lead to increased pain.

In case of joint dysfunction, the patient It is prohibited to use any methods of alternative medicine, warm up the affected area, and also stay in the cold for a long time.

Therapy for purulent discharge

For purulent accumulations, which have become the main cause of dental pain, therapy is aimed at the root cause.

  1. To begin with, the patient is prescribed daily rinsing using the following drugs: “Aqualor”, “Aqua Maris”, “Humer”, “Marimer”, “No-Sol”, “Dolphin” and others.
  2. After sanitizing the nasal passages, drops should be placed into the nose vasoconstrictor drops– “Naftizin”, “Nazivin”, “Tizin”, “Otrivin” and others.
  3. To ensure nasal breathing and reduce symptoms of inflammation, your doctor may prescribe combined drops– “Isofra”, “Polydex”, “Bioparox”.
  4. To speed up the healing process, the patient needs hormonal drugs– “Flixonase”, “Beconase”, “Nasonex”, “Nasobek” and others.
  5. The course of treatment includes taking antihistamines– “Allergodil”, “Levocabastin”, “Cromhexal”, “Sanorin”
  6. Helps neutralize pain pain pills- “Analgin, “Ketanov”, “Nise”.

These drugs should be used for seven days. If after one week the patient does not feel better, the purulent discharge is removed surgically.

Treatment of inflammation during the formation of purulent accumulations is carried out as follows:

  1. First you need to excise the affected tissue.
  2. Then the doctor cleans the mouth and removes all accumulated pathogenic fluid.
  3. After this, drainage is installed, which will reduce pain.

You can’t count on the pus sacs to resolve on their own, so take action immediately after your health worsens.

Medicines to improve well-being

During treatment it is important strengthen the immune system. For this, doctors prescribe the following drugs - “Imudon”, “IRS-19”, “Ribomunil”, “Licopid”.

Until relief occurs, the patient should monitor his diet and Take a lot of regular warm water.

Do not drink juices, compotes and other drinks that contain sugar.

Daily caress your nasopharynx and oral cavity with saline solutions.

To reduce pain, the patient should use analgesics– “Spazmalgon”, “Analgin”, “No-shpa”. Painkiller tablets are best taken at night.

For pain in the teeth due to a cold You can use compresses based on Lidocaine. If you don’t have the drug on hand, use lotions. To do this, apply a cold object to the tooth for a few minutes. After this, a tampon soaked in valerian or calendula tincture should be inserted into the affected area.

For reference! To get rid of pain quickly, try sucking on peppermint candies.


It is important to understand that discomfort in the oral cavity during a cold is not an independent disease. Therefore, the entire course of treatment should be aimed at the root cause of the disease.

Colds in themselves are unpleasant - after a person has caught a cold, been in a draft for a long time, or has been in contact with someone who has ARVI, the whole body begins to ache, the temperature rises, the nose runs, and the throat gets a sore throat. The situation is often complicated by the development of secondary infection and sinusitis if treatment is not started in time.

But when your teeth hurt with a cold, not all people with a cold experience this phenomenon. When the jaw begins to ache, and all teeth, even healthy ones, experience tedious pain, a person experiences a natural feeling of fear. Today we need to figure out why a sharp toothache sometimes begins against the background of a cold, how to cope with this phenomenon, what medications and folk remedies are useful for this.

Causes of toothache

Can teeth hurt when you have a cold? Definitely yes, among the people this phenomenon has acquired the term “dental cold”, and although doctors do not make such a diagnosis, the phenomenon does occur. There may be several reasons why teeth hurt during a cold; they are directly related to the disease itself or act as a consequence of infection. So, the main factors suggesting the development of toothache during a viral or bacterial infection.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

If a person is sick with a viral infection, inflammation of the jaw joint may begin when an enemy agent enters the body. It is accompanied by aching in the jaw and acute pain on the side where the inflammatory process predominates; swelling and swelling of the facial tissues are also pronounced.

When chewing food, trying to yawn, open your mouth wide, or laugh, severe discomfort occurs. Not only a viral infection can cause acute pain in the jaw; nerve damage can also occur if a person’s limbs and facial tissues freeze in the cold.


If the first signs of a cold and runny nose are ignored by a person, sinusitis develops as a result of the layering of a secondary bacterial infection - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Against the background of this disease, the patient’s teeth ache along the entire length of the jawbone, and purulent bags may form on the gums. They weigh down the roots of the teeth, causing severe pain.

Respiratory infection

When a person’s feet are very cold or he has spent a long time in frosty, windy conditions, a cold will not be long in coming, especially if the immune system is weakened. At this time, the airways and paranasal sinuses become inflamed. The mucous epithelium becomes covered with sputum, which is difficult to remove. It interferes with normal breathing and creates increased pressure in the sinuses, resulting in a person's jaw pain.

Dry mouth

During a cold, a severe runny nose begins, which is not so easy to stop. The nose is clogged, the patient has to breathe through his mouth, the situation is aggravated by coughing - the mucous tissue of the oral cavity dries out. For this reason, sugar and acids intensively settle on the surface of the teeth, damaging the enamel layer; the process is accompanied by severe discomfort and aching pain in the jaw area.

Signs of poisoning

Another reason why teeth can hurt is a severe case of influenza. A viral infection often causes nausea and vomiting, upset stomach, and diarrhea. The stomach intensively produces acid, which is thrown out during vomiting, and its remains actively corrode the enamel layer of the teeth.

What to do if your teeth hurt due to a cold? The most important thing is to establish the root cause of the phenomenon and deal directly with it

To reduce unpleasant symptoms, you should rinse your mouth more often with saline or soda solution, potassium permanganate or Furacilin. This way, you can at least remove acid residues from the surface of the teeth and wash away bacterial plaque from the mucous membrane.

Additional negative factors

Pain in the teeth during a cold does not always occur for physiological reasons - due to increased acidity in the stomach or a viral infection. In some situations, the person himself provokes the problem, which further aggravates the course of the disease; discomfort in the jaw develops here for the following reasons:

  • Inadequate oral care. When a person is sick, he does not have the desire and strength to carry out hygiene procedures with the same zeal; this can be explained by fatigue, fever, and drowsiness. Most of the time the patient lies in bed, ignoring brushing his teeth, believing that it recedes into the background. But after a week of lack of dental care, food debris accumulates in the gaps, and bacteria multiply, destroying the enamel. All this is aggravated by the remnants of vomit and other factors discussed above; if the teeth were previously affected by the initial stage of caries, it begins to progress rapidly.
  • Eating acidic foods. Everyone knows that when you have a runny nose or a cold, it is useful to drink tea with lemon and raspberries; the drink removes toxins, copes with infections and reduces fever. However, a large amount of acid entering the body and settling on the teeth corrodes the enamel layer, causing discomfort and pain. Sensitivity increases, there is an acute reaction to sweets, hot and cold.
  • Periodontitis. This is an inflammation of the gums and tooth root, which does not occur just like that; it develops as a consequence of untreated caries. During a cold, due to inadequate oral care, the carious process worsens, which is fraught not only with acute pain, but also with the development of dangerous complications (autoimmune reactions, pathologies of the heart, kidneys, joints).
  • Granuloma. So, it is called a capsule filled with purulent contents, located deep in the gums, at the root of the tooth. The formation of a granuloma is accompanied by aching and bursting pain in the gums, swelling of the surrounding mucous tissues and an increase in temperature. Pathology can occur either independently or against the background of a viral infection, but it is aggravated by caries and bleeding gums (and these problems come to the fore with a severe cold).

In order to promptly identify the source of toothache, which is directly related to a cold, it is worth calling a doctor at home or visiting the dentist after recovery if the pain does not go away and pus bags appear on the gums.

If the patient assumes that the problem has arisen due to poor oral hygiene, he should begin to care for his teeth and gums, then the symptoms may disappear on their own

Treatment options

What should you do if your teeth and gums become inflamed due to a cold, but you want to quickly get rid of the acute discomfort? To begin with, it is worth finding out the reason why the jaw aches and aggravates the situation, because with a cold facial nerve or granuloma, symptomatic treatment of ARVI alone will not be enough; specific therapy is required here.

To make toothache go away at least temporarily, there are several ways:

  • take a painkiller from the group of anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nimesil, Nurofen, No-spa;
  • rinse your mouth as often as possible with a solution of Furacilin, hydrogen peroxide, a decoction of chamomile, calendula or plantain (the procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day), you can also prepare a soda-salt composition or add 1-2 drops of iodine to it;
  • prepare a rinse solution with alcohol tincture of propolis and use it twice a day to obtain an antimicrobial and analgesic effect;
  • make a warm compress (if the pain is caused by inflammation of the facial nerve or a viral infection); if you have granuloma or periodontitis, you should never heat the jaw, this will aggravate the inflammation in the tissues;
  • drink as much fluid as possible to eliminate dryness of the oral mucosa - as already mentioned, it is provoked by snot and constant nasal congestion.

A good effect for toothache caused by a cold is provided by dissolving mint tablets, they are often found in the home medicine cabinet, one tablet should be dissolved under the tongue until completely dissolved, relief will come in 10-15 minutes. You can buy dental drops at the pharmacy, apply the required amount to a cotton swab and apply it to the source of pain. The drug contains valerian extract and other painkillers and sedatives, so it can be used to quickly eliminate discomfort.

Treatment of sinusitis involves prescribing antibiotics, to which the causative agent of the infection is sensitive, and rinsing the nose with saline solution at home or in an ENT doctor’s office. In advanced situations, the doctor uses a YAMIK catheter to suck out purulent contents from the sinuses and then rinse with antiseptics.

The fact that the teeth began to hurt due to sinusitis is indicated at an early stage by the sign that the upper molars, the roots of which are in close contact with the paranasal sinuses, ache. For inflammation of the facial nerve, the patient is advised to take antiviral, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs (non-hormonal and corticosteroid). Neuroprotectors, agents that restore the structure of osteochondral tissue, and physiotherapy are also prescribed.

Tooth granuloma is a concomitant pathology that provokes pain

To cure granuloma, dentistry first involves conservative methods of therapy - taking antibacterial drugs, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory tablets. But these measures will only help with small amounts of suppuration and the absence of an inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues. If pus has already accumulated in the gum cavity, the doctor must open the bag and pump out the contents; this procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, after which the patient must also drink antibiotics.

Treatment of periodontitis will take longer, because you need to relieve inflammation and save the tooth. First, the doctor removes the damaged dental tissue, then cleans the canals without filling them. The channels are left open for free outflow of purulent contents; tampons with an applied antibiotic are also inserted into the hole. At home, the patient rinses with antiseptic solutions.

After the pain in the teeth has passed and the infection has subsided, the dentist again cleans the canals and fills them with the selected material.

Traditional methods

To soothe aching pain that is not associated with a purulent-inflammatory process in the teeth and gums, a collection of folk recipes offers the following treatment methods:

  • rub the gum in the place where it especially hurts with a clove of garlic cut lengthwise, you can tie a clove in your wrist where the pulse is felt and wear it all day;
  • rub the inflamed areas of the gums with crushed ginger root or prepare a decoction for rinsing the mouth;
  • rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs (thyme, yarrow, sage) every 3–4 hours;
  • put a piece of lard behind the cheek on the side where the teeth hurt - you need to hold it until the unpleasant feeling of discomfort goes away;
  • geranium leaf - a fresh flower leaf needs to be crushed a little so that the juice comes out of it, and applied to the sore gum, hold until you feel better.

Traditional medicine helps in cases of treatment and prevention of dental diseases

In addition to the methods listed above, you can use Kamistad pharmaceutical gel. It contains the anesthetic substance iceocaine and chamomile extract; the drug relieves pain well and relieves inflammation in tissues. At first glance, it may seem that toothache has nothing to do with an ongoing cold, but we must not forget that in the human body all structures are subtly interconnected.

Therefore, when affected by a viral or bacterial infection, symptoms of a “dental cold” are not uncommon. It’s one thing if the discomfort is caused by dryness of the oral mucosa or non-compliance with hygiene rules - here a person is able to help himself. And another thing is when you cannot do without the help of a doctor (in case of inflammation of the facial nerve or purulent inflammation of the gums), here delay can lead to dangerous complications.

Whether to consult a doctor depends on the nature of the toothache and accompanying symptoms; most often the problem goes away on its own, after the ARVI is cured, but it never hurts to be extra careful.

Teeth may hurt due to a common cold. These include their fever, as well as cough and general weakness, muscle pain and headache. Sometimes when you have a cold, your teeth also hurt. Are you worried about toothache when you have a cold? Find out how to remove it in such a situation in this article.

Causes of toothache due to a cold

It would seem, how can a toothache be caused by a cold? Our body is a complex system, where disruption of a certain component suddenly affects the activities of all others. With flu or a cold, when the disease primarily affects the respiratory tract, an inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses is observed. In this case, phlegm forms on the mucous membrane, blocking the passages of the nasal sinuses, creating pressure there. This is what leads to toothache during a cold.

Sinus pressure is the main cause of dental colds. But there are many other causes of cold toothache.

Mainly, when we have a cold, we drink a lot of acidic liquids. Let's take tea with lemon. Lemon contains a huge number of organic acids that negatively affect teeth. To reduce the harmful effects, we can advise you to keep such liquids with acid in your mouth less often and swallow them immediately.

Secondly, during a cold, our mouth quickly becomes dry, since we are often simply unable to breathe through a clogged nose. Add to this a cough, which also dries out the mouth and throws out particles of liquid from it. When the mouth remains dry, the remaining sugar is very harmful to the teeth. To avoid this, you need to drink something often, preferably just water.

Thirdly, one of the signs of a severe cold, especially the flu, is intestinal upset. And this means vomiting and nausea. The stomach produces a huge amount of acid. When it comes out along with masses of vomit, its individual parts remain on the tooth enamel, damaging it. If you have a severe cold, do not forget to rinse your mouth. You will be able to eliminate not only the unpleasant odor, but also the remaining gastric juice. It is best to simply rinse your mouth without using a toothbrush.

How to relieve toothache during a cold?

An acute, aching toothache has never brought joy to anyone. It can strike at any moment in your life - while eating, talking, laughing, drinking cold water, etc. Many people are wondering what to do.

There are a large number of medications for toothache and colds, however, they are not always effective. In addition to them, there are many means of, so to speak, traditional medicine. For example,

Rinsing the mouth with an aqueous solution of baking soda (to do this, dissolve one teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting solution). This method will help relieve inflammation and reduce irritation of the periodontal tissue. Usually, 3 similar procedures within an hour are sufficient.

An indispensable remedy for toothache are Dental drops, which can be purchased at every pharmacy. The recipe for their use is very simple: moisten a cotton swab in a few drops of the product and apply it to the sore spot. These miracle drops contain valerian and camphor, which are known to have a calming effect.

Many people find that sucking mint tablets helps. To do this, place one or two tablets under the tongue until they are completely dissolved. After fifteen minutes the pain should subside.

A hot decoction of sage also fights toothache. It should be kept warm in the mouth in the place where the painful tooth is located.

If all of the above methods do not help you in the fight against toothache, then an urgent visit to a dental clinic and the help of a specialist will help you.

Other ways to treat toothache due to a cold

In addition to medications and traditional medicine recipes, there are many homeopathic remedies for treating toothache. However, their use is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

It is worth noting that dentistry as a science does not stand still, but is constantly evolving. New equipment, new technologies and new methods for treating toothache and colds are being created. Recently, scientists from one of the English universities came to the conclusion that cranberries and cranberry juice remove bacteria that cause caries from the surface of teeth.

Despite the availability of numerous methods, the only correct solution is to contact a dentist in a timely manner, who can not only identify the cause, but also help solve the problem itself.

Everyone has had a cold more than once in their entire life. However, when a throbbing or sharp toothache appears, the other symptoms are little felt, and people are looking for all possible ways to get rid of it. In this article we will look at why a common cold can be accompanied by tooth pain and how to get rid of the problem using medical and home methods.

In fact, if your teeth hurt due to a cold, there may be several reasons. Most of them are associated with natural processes and respiratory symptoms, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.

Toothache during a cold

This symptomatology should not always be attributed only to natural phenomena. Sometimes a person's dishonest attitude can also aggravate the disease and cause new symptoms, such as toothache:

  1. Lack of quality oral hygiene. The most common case is when a person himself is to blame for toothache due to a cold. Weakness, apathy, loss of strength, muscle pain and high temperature lead to the fact that the patient spends most of his time in bed, preferring to get up only when necessary. Of course, during this period he completely ignores oral hygiene and thinks about it at the last moment. What happens when the flu doesn't go away for a week or more?

    Consuming organic acids (lemon, berries) during colds often causes toothache

    During this time, food debris accumulates in the teeth, bacteria actively multiply, releasing enzymes that destroy enamel. The above-mentioned acids, sputum, remnants of vomit and other pathological fluids also settle. All this gradually destroys the tooth, causing the beginnings of caries, and, therefore, painful sensations in the socket and interdental space . In this case, we can only recommend finding strength for daily oral hygiene.. If the patient has difficulty getting up, an antiseptic rinse and a spitting basin should be placed on the bedside table. Have him rinse his mouth thoroughly after every meal and use dental floss at least 1-2 times a week.

  2. Consuming acid when sick. Since childhood, each of us has been instilled with the idea that tea with lemon or raspberry is excellent in reducing fever and fighting infection. That’s true, however, organic acids contained in citrus fruits and berries have a destructive effect on the enamel, causing microcracks on it. Thus, the sensitivity of the tooth gradually increases, the patient begins to complain of pain when eating too cold or hot food, sweet, sour foods.

    If you find pain in your teeth due to a cold, try to get vitamin C from other sources, for example, from ascorbic acid or Undevit, without resorting to traditional recipes for medicinal drinks.

The above cases depend entirely on the patient himself. The main recommendations for eliminating toothache in this case will be to follow the rules of hygiene and avoid getting aggressive liquids and other components (too spicy, sour, sweet, icy or hot foods and drinks) into the oral cavity.

How to cope with toothache during illness

First of all, you should calm down and not stress yourself out - toothache often accompanies diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis and simply respiratory ailments.

Next, you need to accurately determine the cause of the pain. to know which treatment will be effective and quick. If the above signs do not help you diagnose the cause, then try to lower your temperature and consult a dentist.

In case of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve or joint dysfunction, you may be prescribed antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Warming the area using electrophoresis and other procedures are also effective. Never use a homemade heating pad yourself.– improper heating (as well as cooling) of soft tissues can increase the inflammatory process and, accordingly, pain.

Sinusitis can also be treated with medication or requires minimal surgery to drain fluid and relieve pressure on the sinuses.

If, as a result of the disease, the gums become inflamed and purulent bags appear, then, most likely, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The dental surgeon will excise the inflamed bags and remove the pus, which will not only relieve pain in the jaw, but also preserve a healthy tooth.

Do not expect that the bags will resolve on their own and disappear with the end of the disease. As soon as you notice growths on your gums, try to neutralize other severe symptoms (lower your temperature, don’t overload your stomach, etc.) and immediately go to the dentist.


Many people are interested in why teeth hurt when they have a cold and what to do if the cause of the pain is unknown.

As a rule, if you do not see obvious signs that cause pain, then the cause is dry mouth. We discussed this problem above. Try to drink neutral drinks without sugar and fruits (berries) often, rinse your mouth if possible, and treat coughs and runny nose as quickly as possible, which cause the outflow of fluid from the oral cavity.

If you have indigestion due to a cold(also discussed above), then try to follow a strict diet to calm your stomach. Eat dry food (crackers, cookies), drink strong tea or just water, and a couple of hours after eating, eat a few tablets of activated carbon according to your weight. Be sure to eliminate the consequences of each vomiting! Rinse your mouth thoroughly using a weak solution of manganese or furatsilin, as well as a saline-soda solution.

You can also deal with the problem symptomatically. Analgesics will simply help relieve pain - Spasmalgon, Analgin, No-shpa and others. These medications will help relieve spasms for several hours, which will help you fall asleep peacefully and begin more effective treatment in the morning.

You can also make compresses from Lidocaine or hold a cooled object near a sore tooth. This will only dull the pain temporarily, but will not eliminate the underlying problem.

There are also convenient and affordable Dental Drops. Moisten a cotton sponge with the solution and apply it as a compress to the sore tooth. Camphor and valerian in the composition of the drug will soothe soft tissues.

A quick way to relieve minor soreness is to suck on mint candies.

Remember that pain in the teeth during illness can signal the development of parallel pathologies, so do not wait for a complete recovery and make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible.



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