Complete horoscope for cancer born in the year of the dog. Characteristics of a Cancer man - Dog from A to Z! Compatibility in love between Cancer and Dog men

In Ancient China, a dog was considered a symbol of devotion; the appearance of an animal in the house was a good sign, as it promised profit and prosperity. The dog was valued because it was believed in China that it was able to drive out evil spirits and “bring” food into the house.

Therefore, the Year of the Dog will be calm, stable, and will give people confidence. The Mistress of the Year is always on the alert and will guard her home. Luck will accompany purposeful and hardworking people. Investments in real estate will be successful.

Representatives of the sign who have long-term relationships are advised to legitimize their union closer to autumn. In September - October you can plan a trip together; it will turn out well, since the mistress of the year will protect everyone who leaves her home

The horoscope warns that at the beginning of the year it is necessary to pay attention to health prevention, as exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. The stars recommend that everyone who works in a team try to avoid any friction with colleagues, because Cancer conquers not with force, but with cunning and can calmly wait out any troubles. Take advantage of this quality - and good luck will accompany you.

Love astrological forecast

Cancers prefer calm family relationships, so married couples will experience peace of mind this year. Throughout his life, Cancer constantly experiences periods of ups and downs, but even if everything goes well, he prefers to retreat and wait on the sidelines.

This year, the horoscope recommends that lonely representatives of the sign “not sit back”, but take the initiative in love relationships. In spring there is a chance of meeting someone that will become significant, and a long-term relationship is possible. The representative of the sign is especially sensitive; an unkind word accidentally spoken to him can cause him depression. People around him can feel his mood.

The horoscope warns that Cancers need to monitor their mood, because the mistress of the year is friendly and will not support a pessimist. Try not to upset the person close to you, otherwise there may be serious complications in the relationship in the second half of the year. Children born this year will be excellent helpers, inventive, and affectionate. Therefore, those who plan to have offspring in 2018 will be especially lucky.

Marriages created in the year of the Dog will be strong and happy for those representatives of the sign who will not “back away” and put off once again legitimizing their union.

Money horoscope for Cancers

In general, the year offers good prospects for those who make every effort for professional growth. Cancers born in June will have great success in their careers. At the beginning of the year, it is possible to obtain a new position or the prospect of advanced training. Cancers usually have a high opinion of themselves, so having received a higher job, they may behave incorrectly in a team. The Mistress of the Year does not like arrogant and lazy people, try not to upset her, everything will turn out well, if you hide your mood away, maybe under your favorite “stone”.

The stars recommend that Cancer the businessman accept an offer to expand his production in the second half of the year. This will attract additional capital and significantly increase your income. It is recommended to trust only trusted people or relatives with whom you are doing business together.

2018 will be especially successful for those who have good relationships with colleagues. For Cancers, fame and honor come first; the financial side is not so important. Possessing an innate sense of humor, representatives of the sign will be able to easily get out of difficult situations. At the end of summer, you can successfully invest money or make a profitable purchase of something you have long wanted.

In 2018, it is undesirable to live in debt, take out a loan, and if this happens, then you need to try to return the money as quickly as possible.

Emotional background and health of Cancers in 2018

Pay attention to your health, especially in January-February, this concerns your emotional state. Cancers are very sensitive to criticism, this worsens their mood, which is transmitted to everyone around them. Therefore, carefully monitor your mood, be distracted by active recreation, travel, and adventure.

During the winter months, the horoscope advises drivers to be careful on the road; accidents are possible, which can result in serious injury. In winter, abandon regular preventive measures for the sake of work. In the spring, a disease associated with the bones of the arms or legs may be detected.

In the fall, a problem with the nervous system is possible. Hard work will not allow you to rest on time, and this can negatively affect your health. You should not forget about proper nutrition, do not overload your body with fatty foods and alcohol. In summer, chronic diseases may worsen.

Cancer is a good family man and a home environment will be a good release after a hard day at work. Pay attention to active recreation. It is advisable to plan a vacation at sea this year; water will help remove the negative energy accumulated over the year.

What will please the Cancer woman's horoscope?

In the spring, you may have worries about your health. Sensitive Cancer may become depressed. Pay more attention to home and children; women of this sign are very attached to their loved ones. Family comes first for them. While you're worrying about your home and children, don't forget to take care of yourself - change something in your appearance, change your wardrobe. Your spouse or partner will undoubtedly appreciate it.

At the beginning of the year, small problems at work will arise, but the strong internal energy of the Cancer woman will help overcome difficulties. Single women will have a meeting this summer that they won't take seriously, but it could turn out to be fateful. Perhaps it will be a work colleague.

A married woman will want to change something in her current way of life. The Mistress of the Year will support you in improving your home or buying a new one. If your children want to buy a dog, then this is a must. The horoscope predicts that this animal will bring good luck to the house. At the beginning of autumn, any trip or trip with your other half will be successful.

A woman who has long dreamed of a child should make her wish come true in the Year of the Dog. A child will bring happiness and stability to your relationship with your loved one.

What awaits a Cancer man in the year of the Dog?

The year will be successful for men financially, because they are prone to hoarding, and the mistress of the year will patronize them in this. The stars advise using your capital wisely and not saving money in vain. A good investment would be the purchase of housing, investments and reliable financial systems.

At the beginning of the year, you should reconsider your relationships in the team; perhaps you are unfair to some colleagues. You shouldn’t look down on those less fortunate, otherwise you may change places.

In the Year of the Dog, you need to give your all to achieve your goal. This is not easy for a Cancer man, since he is not used to wasting his strength to the maximum. The horoscope recommends taking advantage of the patronage of the mistress of the year and everything you strive for will be achieved.

You should not refuse the offer to improve your professional level, it will open up new prospects for you. At the beginning of spring, those representatives of the sign who work in the public sector may have minor problems with management. You need to use your “hide under a rock” trait and wait it out, not get into any disputes, then everything will end peacefully. Colleagues and management will appreciate this, and your authority will be at its best.

Married Cancers should pay more attention to their family and spend more time in nature with their children in the summer. Only in a home environment can they receive emotional support. Bachelors, those who like to “back up” - don’t miss your destiny. Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps among them is the one you have been waiting for all your life. The upcoming 2018 is very successful for marriage and the birth of children; you should not miss this opportunity.

Years of birth according to the Dog sign: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Dog Woman - Personality Characteristics

A woman born in the year of the Dog is endowed with beauty, grace and natural sexuality. She has her own individual style and does not follow inspired fashion trends.

She is witty and demanding, clearly knows what she wants from life, and is usually more ambitious than the Dog man. In society he behaves modestly and inconspicuously, and tries to avoid crowded places altogether.

To many people she seems cold and indifferent, but in reality she is just worried and worried and only opens up completely to those who have become true friends. The Dog Woman has a pessimistic outlook on life, expects only the worst and constantly doubts her capabilities. She always does several things at once, so she is never able to completely relax.

The Dog Woman combines the best features of human nature, although, like everyone else, she has her shortcomings. A woman, as well as a man, was born in the entire eastern horoscope. She never loses friends, but on the contrary, she acquires more and more new ones.

She is faithful, honest, and has a strong sense of duty. You can always count on her, she will not betray you, and she will keep your secrets better than anyone else. Dishonesty and deception make the Dog woman suffer greatly, in addition, she tends to get hung up on one problem and is ready to endlessly discuss it, turning into a rather unsympathetic bore.

The Dog Woman generally takes everything in life very seriously, and is not inclined to joke or have fun for no reason. She can be overly serious at times and gets easily irritated when things don't go as planned.

The disadvantage of a woman born in the year of the Dog is a tendency to needlessly worry and a tendency to perceive things rather pessimistically. Often all her worries are not worth a damn and are invented by herself. Cautious in making decisions, the Dog woman almost never commits rash acts.

She doesn’t trust others too much, and she checks and reevaluates her own ideas about the world several times. She can analyze herself and her actions for a long time, therefore, even despite her natural abilities, life events often pass her by, and she can only contemplate from the sidelines.

When choosing friends for a Dog woman, the main thing is emotional contact and spiritual aspiration. And very often it happens that the Dog woman becomes so emotionally united with the object of her affection that she loses her freedom.

At the same time, she can simply love her friend, her husband, tolerate all his shortcomings, because it is very difficult for her to retreat, break off relationships and feel abandoned. She will try with all her might to avoid problems and endure.

A Dog woman can become an ideal wife for most men - attentive and reliable, a wonderful mother who knows how to find a common language with children. She always lives in the interests of her family, enjoys the company of loved ones and supports them in difficult times.

Life is not easy with her, but her responsibility is good for the family. She loves her children selflessly. Helps them get on their feet and guides them throughout their lives. Really, you can't be so picky. She must understand that no one is obliged to follow the rules she sets.

The Dog Woman does not need any special material goods. She does not seek the power of wealth and is quietly content with a modest lifestyle, and in most cases she is selfless. For her, family relationships, relationships at work, among friends, and the positive opinion of others about herself are more important.

The Dog Woman prefers to follow the beaten path rather than be a pioneer. It is in her character rather not to lead people, but to work diligently for the benefit of the common cause, and without demanding recognition of her merits. She is a friendly, honest and open woman who does not like to beat around the bush.

She has high moral values ​​and believes it is her duty to fight for good in general and her ideals in particular. She is not shy about speaking about what she believes in and is wise enough to listen to others before making a decision.

The greatest pleasure for a Dog woman is helping others or doing something for the benefit of society. The Dog Woman considers herself responsible for everything that happens in this world and cannot be absolutely happy when at least one person is unhappy. She suffers when there is misfortune, unemployment, war. She suffers from hunger on the globe, suffers for the past and present.

She is characterized by such qualities as piety, generosity, leniency, constancy and the desire to be useful. It is important for the Dog woman to feel that she is doing something useful for humanity, even if it bears fruit after thousands of years.

Most women born in the year of the Dog fight the forces of evil until their death, rush to every cry for help, while feeling that they are doing the right thing, they can easily give their lives to save someone. This is how, for example, Jeanne D, Arc, born in the year of the Dog, acted.

Woman of the Year Dog - love and family

A woman born in the year of the Dog is beautiful, intelligent, insightful, calm and wise. He tries to avoid crowded societies and behaves modestly. She behaves quite timidly around people, especially men. Psychological complexes and the fear of becoming a universal laughing stock often literally paralyze her.

Any contact with a newly recognized person is a big problem for the Dog woman, and often she completely refuses communication due to the prospect of suffering and stress. It takes her a long time to get closer, but if she recognizes you as a friend, then it’s forever. True, not everyone has the patience to wait for this moment.

Most often, a Dog woman can be found not in discos and restaurants, but in some kind of volunteer program. She loves to dedicate her free time to helping others and is willing to work for community organizations.

It is difficult to find a more faithful and devoted woman than a woman born in the year of the Dog. She has an inner desire to provide help to those who need it, even sometimes forgetting about herself. And for the safety of her loved ones, the Dog woman will do anything, even self-sacrifice.

When a Dog woman has a family, home becomes the most important thing in the world for her, something sacred. In love, in marriage, she is very faithful and even hates the word “divorce.” The Dog Woman has a hard time breaking up and is ready to endure a lot in order to save her family. She can carry her grievances and problems within herself for a long time until her “cup of patience runs out.” Then she becomes aggressive, angry and can “show her teeth.”

This woman makes no fundamental demands on her partner. The main thing for her is to be loved. True, due to the fact that she is a strong woman, she needs a man stronger than her, and, as a rule, much older and wiser. And if he also shows his authority, then the Dog woman will immediately feel the “master” in him. Also, in a love relationship, the Dog woman requires one hundred percent fidelity, because she herself guarantees devotion on her part.

A woman born in the year of the Dog firmly believes that her soul mate exists on Earth, with whom she can build an ideal relationship and diligently searches for him. Passing hobbies are not for her. and for life. But, as practice shows, many representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope have several marriages.

To be absolutely happy in love, a Dog woman is hindered by her nervousness, jealousy and anxiety. Very often she is unsure of her husband’s feelings and pessimistic thoughts about the future make her unhappy. If she can remove her suspicions and be able to look at life more optimistically, which, unfortunately, rarely happens, then her fate will be happier and more joyful.

A woman born in the year of the Dog is infinitely devoted to her children and husband, but she is never limited to just housekeeping. The fact is that she looks for inspiration not in herself, but in the world around her. She cannot be put on a “short leash”, otherwise she will quickly lose her love for the one who does this.

So that the spouse does not experience jealousy in vain, it is necessary to have a business that would bind together. This could be a general business, travel or hobby. Most women born in the year of the Dog prefer a dynamic lifestyle, love to dance, play tennis, walk through the forests, and engage in any outdoor activity.

To win the heart of a Dog woman, you must, first of all, remember that she is a romantic nature who loves sentimental dates in picturesque places. You can invite her to a concert, take a walk under the moon, or admire the sunset over the sea together.

If a man can prove to her that he is interested not only in matter, but also in spirit, eternity and the future, then, most likely, she will agree to come on the next date with such an intelligent and spiritual admirer.

Dog woman horoscope – career

It’s difficult to call a Dog Woman a careerist. She does not strive to be a leader and is ready to be content with the position of the leader's right hand. As a rule, management values ​​and listens to her advice. The Dog Woman is a good adviser and assistant, because she is able to quickly navigate the situation and give the right advice in a timely manner.

She is distinguished by nobility, prudence, and a sense of duty. At the same time, she has well-developed intuition, she is insightful and smart. With such qualities, she herself could be a leader, but she doesn’t need it, and her superiors know about this and are not afraid that she will begin to claim their place.

In addition, the Dog woman will never ask for remuneration for her work. She is selfless and can be content with a very modest lifestyle. Material things do not occupy the main place in her life. Much more important are relationships with colleagues, with your boss, with your spouse and children.

The Dog Woman, when she gets down to business, tries to complete it as efficiently and quickly as possible. She is attentive to detail and brings any task to completion. She copes with all tasks, even the most important and difficult ones, perfectly and can master almost any profession.

Thanks to her logical mind and ability to quickly find the right solutions, she learns new things quite quickly. Thanks to her excellent business qualities, she inspires confidence in those around her. She is respected and rewarded for her good work. If she is asked for help, she will do everything in her power, but she herself will never make it difficult for others with her problems.

The Dog Woman always knows what she wants. As a rule, they specialize in some narrow area. Her hard work and diligence are legendary, and she usually finds work easily. A woman born in the year of the Dog is famous for her hard work, honesty, and high efficiency, but at the same time she does not strive for fame and career growth.

She has enough of a golden mean and easily lets others pass ahead. She understands perfectly well that she clearly lacks ambition to achieve great success in life. In addition, she is unsure of herself, doubts her abilities and needs the constant approval of others.

If a Dog woman occupies a leadership position, she will certainly enjoy authority among others. She is attentive to her subordinates and will always lend them a helping hand. In addition, he does not trust anyone with the most complex and responsible tasks and performs them independently. But, this is a leader dedicated to her work, who will not hesitate to express her comments and will demand quality work done.

In general, Dog women are sensitive and compassionate, so they can achieve a lot by working in charitable organizations or being doctors, missionaries, and teachers. Such famous people as Mother Teresa and Winston Churchill were born in the Year of the Dog.

By the way, if the Dog woman cannot find a use for herself, she may fall into melancholy and engage in self-criticism. It is very important for her to feel that the world needs her and her activities.

Sensitive Dog. Overly vulnerable.

Chinese horoscope: year of the dog
Zodiac horoscope: sign Cancer

Cancer-Dogs often seem cold and indifferent, but in fact they are one of the most sensitive and vulnerable people. They value family very much, but can be possessive towards their loved ones.

The dog in Chinese astrology is considered a sign of compassion and natural loyalty. Cancer-Dog men and women are people who study the benevolent aura around them. These people thrive on fairness and usually treat others the way they would like to be treated.

Cancer-Dog people are very compassionate, loyal and hear not only their own point of view, but also all the reasons for people’s complaints. They hate injustice and will not calmly watch if they are treated unfairly.

When dealing with strangers, they become a little instinctively cautious, which is why they never relax at the beginning of a relationship. They may be a little shy at first and may need some talking to get them to relax, but once they feel comfortable they will begin to act at ease.

They are good listeners, will not judge, and will give you impartial and practical advice. Their all-round versatility and ability to do multiple things at once makes these people popular and they never lack friends and allies. These people value friendship and deep loyalty and often look for these very qualities in their partner.

These people have a wonderful character, the only weakness in their personality is that they are stubborn, capricious and demanding at times. However, all these qualities appear only during periods of anxiety and restlessness.

A dog of the Cancer zodiac sign can become a hostage to his passions. She is able to rush anywhere for anything, as long as she likes it. This is her strength and weakness.

Being easy-going, the cancer dog does not sway when it is necessary to make unexpected decisions. At the same time, it simply does not occur to him to understand the recklessness of such situations. I saw it, I wanted it, I did it - and come what may. The Cancer dog is able to grasp the situation on the fly, which allows him to make not only successful, but also fair decisions. Such qualities, of course, are not wasted.

The Cancer dog woman has an idealistic mindset, but is not averse to indulging her weaknesses. The emotional component occupies perhaps the most important place in the lives of such people. Being materialists, they can get carried away with religion, without forgetting about all the existing entertainment.

The ability to captivate others takes the cancer dog so far that they are able to pass off their own fantasies as real views and situations. Attempts to bring them to life create a lot of problems for these dogs, which, however, they know how to ignore. The ups and downs of life interest these people only as something that accompanies their passions, hobbies and inclinations.

Cancer dog men make good writers. Sexually they are at least interesting, but they are hardly created for family life.

The relationship between a woman and a man is very complex. It is quite difficult for representatives of both sexes to understand each other. Especially if, according to their zodiac signs, they have little compatibility in love. The heart does not always tell you that the right choice has been made. It is better to turn to the horoscope in a difficult situation.

Characteristics of a Cancer – Dog man

The Cancer Dog man is a fairly flexible nature. Outwardly, everything seems easy for him. It is soft and pliable, i.e. knows how to adapt well to the current situation. However, this is not entirely true. The representative of this zodiac sign only seems so soft-bodied. In fact, he has a solid core of life positions. He never allows him to abandon the work he has begun, bringing a good deed into the world.

The Cancer Dog man is a realistic person. He does not believe in miracles, he never fantasizes. Everything is extremely simple for him. The only thing that matters is what is real, what you can touch and use. These guys never whine about nothing. They don't tend to get depressed. Especially when it comes to thinking about the meaning of existence. They clearly know what a person should do and always follow the required path. It seems that such a person should be too serious, sometimes boring. But the guy himself understands this, so he always resorts to irony and sarcasm to brighten the situation.

The Cancer Dog man always lives in strict order. But he always makes it himself. This is the only way he believes he should live.

The character of the representative of this zodiac sign is ambiguous. On the one hand, he has a very developed intuition, which can help him achieve whatever he wants. But often this guy doesn’t listen to her at all, but goes to his goal with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign are interested in occult sciences. They believe in mysticism. But they are exceptions to the rule. The rest of the guys are quite down-to-earth people with ordinary human needs.

Because The Cancer-Dog man has his own clear position in life, he strictly follows it and demands it from others. However, he does not tolerate any objections. Everything should be the way he intended it.

For every situation in life, a guy born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Cancer has his own solution. Such scenarios make his existence easier. People around him think that he bends to the circumstances. But no one assumes that this decision always agrees with the heart, intuition and mind of this guy.

Although the Cancer Dog man has clear, realistic views on life, they do not always extend to his career. For him, a comfortable position is more important than an awkward promotion as a specialist at work. This guy needs a good incentive to move. This is not even a financial reward, but a competitive struggle between employees, a conflict with the boss. Then the Cancer-Dog man does everything to prove that his life position and aspirations are the most correct. No one can simply argue against this. In his opinion, this cannot be done.

If there are no stimulating factors in the life of a representative of this zodiac sign, he will remain on the line of the golden mean. On the one hand, he will not be in poverty, but on the other hand, he will not achieve any success.

Compatibility in love between Cancer and Dog men

Relationships with a woman for a representative of this zodiac sign are important only because their nature requires it. Those. Physical contact for these guys is more significant than a spiritual connection. They are much more comfortable being alone than trying to educate a loved one, convincing them that only his position in life can be correct. Therefore, they need a woman only for physical intimacy.

In their youth they change girls very often. They don't really focus their attention on what kind of girl she is. They don't care about her inner world. The main thing was that it was physically attractive. If a representative of the opposite sex begins to count on a deep relationship, then such a connection is immediately interrupted by the man. It is more convenient for him to remain alone than to endure all the hardships of intersexual relations.

Outwardly, such a guy often attracts women to him. However, they still do not suspect his true intentions. It’s even hard to think how cruel a representative of this zodiac sign can be in a love relationship. His callousness and insensitivity cannot overcome even a passionate intimate relationship.

In adulthood, a Cancer-Dog man can get married. However, his soulmate will have to accept him completely with a firm position in life without any emotions or experiences. You will rarely hear any words of love from him. He will show his feelings during sexual intercourse. This guy thinks that this is quite enough. Not every woman can accept all this. The most suitable signs for him are Horse, Dog and Tiger. Ladies Dragons, Monkeys and Rats will immediately see through his intentions. They won't be able to connect with these girls. Yes, they don’t particularly strive for this. Often they have neither a wife nor children. Their lives are devoted to completely different realities.

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The Cancer-Dog woman has a magical charm that not every man can resist. Such a nature is surrounded by an aura of mystery, which makes it a mystery to many people.

Characteristics of the horoscope

The Cancer Dog woman has an unusually beautiful appearance combined with great intelligence. She always knows what she wants from life and largely relies on her own intuition. This nature is always attracted to everything unknown and incomprehensible, so she spends a lot of time studying literature.

This girl is wary of everything new. She is very punctual and responsible, so it is almost impossible to convict her of squandering or inattention. These qualities are the key to a lady’s successful life, and the only thing that can stand in her way is her own laziness.

The Cancer Dog is determined by energy and hard work. Such a person does not need help and prefers complete independence to team work. She is used to setting high standards for herself and always tries to live up to this level.

Thanks to precise calculations and careful weighing of each step, the representative of this combination of signs always reaches incredible heights. However, the end does not always justify the means, and Cancer-Dog spends too much time and effort on the task assigned to it.

Despite her strong-willed character, such a woman is highly susceptible to apathetic and depressive states. She is easily offended, although the lady may not show this outwardly. The girl is always in the center of attention, as her peacefulness and compassion attracts people.

Attitude to family and marriage

A woman born in the year of the Dog under the zodiac sign Cancer is a homely person. She values ​​her home and constantly monitors order and comfort. This lady knows how and loves to cook, and is generally well adjusted in everyday life.

To create a family, a Cancer-Dog woman needs to gain life experience, since marriage at a young age most often leads to the dissolution of the union. The difficult character of a lady can burden relations with her husband, who would like to see a soft and compliant wife next to him.

In adulthood, a woman’s integrity and independence are not so strongly expressed, since over the years she learns to make compromises. If such a woman is able to understand and correct her shortcomings in time, she will be able to build strong and harmonious family relationships.

For the Cancer-Dog woman, it is important to be able to talk about problems, and not close herself off from them. She will achieve mutual understanding with her husband only if there is a mutual desire to improve the marriage.

Compatibility in love

In their youth, representatives of this horoscope experience only disappointment from love. Their categorical and unwavering attitude can ruin any relationship. In addition, such a lady loves to point out her lover’s shortcomings, and does it very rudely.

The Cancer Dog will be able to experience real feelings only in adulthood, when its character softens a little. An adult lady is a sensual and emotional partner, capable of completely devoting herself to her loved one. She becomes a caring and gentle companion who knows how to make concessions.

In order to create strong relationships and build a family in the future, the Cancer-Dog woman needs to look for a calm and serious man who knows how to conduct a dialogue. These include: Horse-Taurus, Cat-Scorpio, Tiger-Pisces, Horse-Pisces and Cat-Taurus.

In order to learn to compromise, the Dog-Cancer girl needs a man, Dog-Capricorn, Rat-Leo and Pig-Sagittarius. With other signs it will be quite difficult for a lady to create a happy family.

Finance and career

A woman who combines the stubbornness of Cancer and the poise of a Dog knows how to handle money. She has the ability to foresee a successful outcome of a business, and therefore is always confident in her investments. This quality allows a lady to attract good luck to herself, which ultimately directs her towards money.

As for a career, the Cancer Dog feels confident here. In the workplace, a woman shows only her best side; she is responsible and efficient. Thanks to stubbornness and determination, such an employee achieves the favor of his superiors, and, in the future, he himself can occupy a leadership position.

See the following video for the characteristics of the Dog sign.



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