Useful properties and contraindications for eating Brazil nuts. What are the possible harms? Walnut oil – area of ​​use

Nutritious and tasty, Brazil nuts are good for people who are at risk of developing cancer. Two or three nuts a day reduces the risk of tumor development. This nut is good for skin, hair and overall health of the whole body. It is full of nutrients that our body needs to normal functioning.

Brazil nuts are the seeds of the Bertholetia talla tree, which grows in the virgin tropical forests of the South American continent. They are called nuts because of their size and the dense shell in which the nut is enclosed.

With a rich, creamy taste, Brazil nuts are one of the popular foods in countries South America and all over the world.

Where do Brazil nuts grow?

The habitat of high bertholia is located in Venezuela, Guyana, the eastern parts of Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and, of course, in Brazil itself.

Single small areas of growth of this tree can be found in the Amazon shallows.

They are trying to grow Bertoletia as a cultivated plant, but unfortunately, these attempts are not very successful. They don’t get such a rich harvest as from a tree growing in the wild.

The plant fully justifies its name. The height of this tree, with a straight smooth trunk, can reach 45 meters. During drought, Bertholetia sheds its leaves.

Bertoletia plays important role in the ecological system of the tropics of South America. Bertholetia fruits serve as food for many animals, including the South American rodent agouti.

This tree is a wonderful illustration of the complex interactions of the rainforest. The plant blooms with complex looped flowers that ordinary insects cannot penetrate. Therefore, pollination occurs only by one species of bees, which have a long proboscis.

But such bees are attracted not by the blooming Bertholetia, but by the orchid that grows in this area. By attracting male orchid bees with their scent, they in turn attract females, which pollinate Bertoletia. Therefore, Brazil nuts can only grow in virgin tropical forests, where all the growing conditions are available for it.

After pollination, the ripening of the nut lasts 14 months. The nuts themselves are inside a large coconut-like capsule. The size of such a nut is approximately 10-15 centimeters in diameter and weighs up to two kilograms. If you cut it, you can see a row of triangular nuts with a very dense shell.

This nut is the staple food of the natives living in the Amazon region.

Useful properties, composition and calorie content of Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are of particular importance in nutrition due to their unique nutritional value. This richest source protein, which is especially important for vegetarians. The nut contains a large amount of fat, about 69 percent, of which 41 percent is unsaturated fat, which reduces bad cholesterol.

It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other substances beneficial to the human body.

Brazil nuts are a rich source of B complex vitamins, such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin. B vitamins are extremely important for metabolic processes in the human body.

These nuts are the richest source of the micronutrient selenium. Selenium is an antioxidant and is considered one of the most important minerals for a person.

In addition to selenium, Brazil nuts contain magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, and phosphorus.

While magnesium is involved in many internal processes in the human body, copper prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Manganese acts as a coenzyme in many metabolic processes. By eating 2-3 nuts a day, you can forget about fatigue.

Zinc is very important for men. It has a major role on the condition of hair and skin, it is needed for reproductive system And strong immunity. A few nuts a day can provide 9 percent of this element for men and more than 20 percent for women.

Contains Brazil nuts and fiber, which is important for normal operation intestines.

Omega-6 fatty acids help fight skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema. They are also needed for heart function and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Antioxidants in the nut are vitamin E and selenium. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, support immune system. Vitamin E is also important for eye health.

This nut contains a large amount of L-arginine, an amino acid that is important for blood vessels and the heart.

Brazil nuts are gluten-free, which is important for people with celiac disease.

Brazilian high-calorie product. 100 grams contain 656 calories. Their high calorie content is due to monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic acid, which increases the content good cholesterol in the blood.

Benefits of Brazil nuts for the body

Based on chemical composition Brazil nut, it is difficult to overestimate its benefits for the human body. They:

Improves the functioning of the digestive system;

Increase immunity;

Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases;

Improve hormonal balance;

Improves male fertility;

Reduces risk oncological diseases;

Promotes weight loss;

Improves skin condition, prevents and reduces signs of aging.

The main benefit of Brazil nuts is due to the presence of selenium in them. Selenium neutralizes free radicals, which are highly reactive particles that can oxidize and damage body tissue cells. They are often called the culprits of cardiovascular diseases, oncology and a number of other diseases. In addition, selenium is important for immunity.

Selenium is involved in 25 types of enzymes. Therefore, its presence is important for:

Reducing the risk of cancer;

Protecting cells from free radicals;

For the functioning of the thyroid gland;

For the treatment of AIDS patients.

Studies have shown that a lack of selenium in a man’s body increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, selenium increases sperm motility and blood flow to the male genitals, which can help with male infertility.

Oil is extracted from the nuts, which has amazing properties. It turns out to be a beautiful pure yellow color with a very pleasant taste and aroma. This oil is used as medicinal oil for massage and for treatment, in particular acrodermatitis. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin well.

How many Brazil nuts can you eat per day?

This question interests many. Still, Brazil nuts are among the most nutritious and high in selenium. Therefore, before answering this question, you need to know daily norm consumption of this microelement, which is given below.

Children 1 to 3 years old – 15-20 micrograms per day

Children 4 to 8 years old – 25-30 micrograms per day

Children 9 to 13 years old – 35-40 micrograms per day

Adults and children over 14 years of age – 50-55 micrograms per day

Pregnant women – 55-60 micrograms per day

Women breastfeeding – 60-70 micrograms per day

100 grams of the nut contains 3485 percent of the recommended daily intake for an adult. 100 grams is a small pile of nuts. Therefore, 2-3 nuts a day for an adult is quite enough.

Brazil nuts can be eaten as a snack. You can add them to various dishes: salads, puddings, cookies, sprinkle on pasta, fruits.

How to choose a Brazil nut

Fresh ivory Brazil nuts. In our stores they sell already peeled nuts. The main thing is not to buy a rancid product. Because of high content fat, they quickly spoil and become bitter.

Therefore, you should not buy wrinkled or damaged nuts. If the nuts are yellow, then most likely they will be bitter.

Since we have to export nuts, our stores sell nuts that are already prepared in a special way. But if you are lucky enough to purchase a fresh Brazil nut for storage, it needs to be processed so that it does not become bitter. To do this, you can use two methods: soak them in salt water or fry them.

In the first case, take 1 tablespoon for 4 cups of nuts sea ​​salt and 7 glasses of water. Having prepared the solution, soak the nuts in it for 8-12 hours, covering them with a clean cloth or towel.

Throw away any nuts that do not sink to the bottom. They are already bitter.

Remove the rest from the water. Rinse and lay them out to dry. Then pour into an airtight container.

According to the second method, you need to roast the nuts in an oven preheated to 200 degrees on a dry baking sheet. Fry for about 10-12 minutes. If necessary, stir them during the frying process. The nuts should turn light brown.

Cool and pour into a container with a lid.

Possible harm

Most importantly, you should not eat Brazil nuts in large quantities. This can lead to selenium poisoning. This can be manifested by nausea, vomiting, garlic breath, and emotional stress.

Manifestations of selenium poisoning can include dermatitis, hair loss, brittle nails, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

The second disadvantage of these nuts is increased radiation. Surprised! Nuts contain large amounts of radium, which is a radioactive element. Where does the radium in nuts come from? It's just that in Brazil there is a lot of this element in the soil. The plant absorbs it from it and, accordingly, radium is present in the nuts.

The radioactivity of Brazil nuts is 1000 times higher than that of other foods such as bananas, carrots, and potatoes. Although this radiation is not very harmful to the body, you should not get carried away with nuts.

If you have an individual intolerance, you may have an allergy to nuts, which can manifest as a rash, redness and other symptoms.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: Brazil nuts are a healthy food product that can provide many useful nutrients to our body. But they need to be consumed in moderation.

Nutritional value table for Brazil nuts per 100 grams of product

Find out more about the benefits of Brazil nuts from the video “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva

Nuts have long been known for their beneficial and healing properties. Brazil nut is one of the varieties of this type of plant, which has individual characteristics and properties that are used both in the field of traditional medicine and, for example, in cosmetology. What does the product contain? How safe are Brazil nuts for health? Who can use it, and who falls under the group of contraindications? Let's take a closer look.

Brazil nut is a small oblong fruit white, wrapped in a protective brown film and hidden in a hard shell, reminiscent of a medium-sized box. These “wooden boxes” grow high on trees, which are most often found in the jungle. Latin America.

Brazil nuts are also grown as a cultivated plant, but in terms of productivity their wild counterparts are far ahead

It should be noted nutritional value nut, since just one small fruit already contains the daily requirement of all nutrients and vitamins for the normal functioning of the body throughout the day.

Comparison of Brazilian and Greek

Compared to other nuts, Brazil nuts are very large and are often used to produce oils.

Benefits of nuts

Small Brazil nut fruits correct use have the following general action on the body:

  • Cleansing blood from cholesterol.
  • Normalization of work gastrointestinal tract.
  • Removing waste and toxins from the body.
  • Ensuring the prevention of cancer of the intestines, breasts, prostate gland and lungs.
  • Replenishing energy and strength, eliminating stress and depression.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Security effective recruitment muscle mass.
  • Quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger.
  • Improved brain functioning.
  • Increased blood clotting levels.
  • Preventing the aging process of cells.
  • Increasing immunity and stabilizing the nervous system.
  • Relieving inflammation and healing wounds.
  • Memory improvement.
  • Preventing anemia.
  • Strengthening bone tissue, skeleton, relief of osteoporosis with systematic consumption of fruits.

How it helps women

It is worth separately noting the benefits of nuts for the female body:

  • Reducing the risk of infectious and viral diseases during pregnancy.
  • Preservation of reproductive function.
  • Thyroid protection.
  • Giving hair a healthy shine.
  • Strengthening the nail plate.
  • Tightens the skin and gives it more elasticity.
  • Helps with weight loss by stabilizing cholesterol levels.
  • To improve the health of pregnant women (see details below).

Unsaturated fats contained in Brazil nuts reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, cataracts and atherosclerosis

Brazil nuts also have a positive effect on the male body:

  • Increased potency.
  • Increase in the number of active sperm.
  • Preventing the development of prostate cancer.
  • Increased sexual activity.
  • Providing assistance in the treatment of infertility.

How does it affect people with diabetes mellitus types I and II?

  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus 2 types with constant use.
  • Preventing retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that can later lead to blindness.

How to use it correctly

You can eat Brazil nuts both raw (no more than 2 fruits per day) and after heat treatment, for example, by frying in a frying pan until golden brown (the same rate) or by adding other ingredients to create a separate savory dish.

How many pieces can you eat during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnant women are not only allowed, but also recommended to eat Brazil nuts while pregnant, as a small portion of the fruit (2 nuts daily) will be enough to improve health expectant mother And developing baby. But it is worth noting that Brazil nut, like any other nut, is an allergen and can cause an allergic reaction in a baby, so exceed permissible norm Not recommended for expectant mothers. Women during breastfeeding You should introduce nuts into your diet gradually, one fruit per day in the morning, observing the child’s reaction. If no changes in the baby’s skin or difficulties with digesting milk were detected, then you can continue to eat one nut a day.

Fruit salad recipe

  • Avocado (ripe) – 1 pc.
  • Strawberries - 300 g.
  • Brazil nut (raw) – 50 g.
  • Lettuce leaves - 4 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 50 g.
  • Sugar – ½ tbsp. l.

Mix lemon juice, honey, butter and sugar thoroughly, put the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour. We wash the lettuce leaves, absorb excess moisture with a paper towel and place them on the bottom of the dish. Peel the avocado and cut into small slices and place on lettuce leaves. Cut the strawberries into large pieces and distribute evenly over the avocado. Chop or grind the nuts, sprinkle a layer of strawberries. We take the chilled ready-made dressing out of the refrigerator, pour it on top and mix everything.

Combined with Brazil nuts in one dish, avocado makes for the most nutritious snack possible.

Walnut cupcakes

  • Flour - 300 g.
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Brazil nut - 100 g.
  • Soda – ½ tsp.
  • Jam (to taste) – 100 g.
  • Chocolate (black or milk) – 100 g.

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer or whisk, add soft butter and beat again. Add flour, soda, jam, chopped nuts and mix. Grease the muffin tin with butter, fill 2/3 of the tin with batter and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 40–50 minutes.


  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Brazil nut - 20 pcs.
  • Dates - 4 pcs.
  • Bananas - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla - 1 pack.

Soak the nuts in water for 2 hours. Peel the dates, peel the bananas, and chop finely. Mix the solid ingredients and grind in a blender. Add milk, vanilla and beat until smooth.

Brownie (recipe on video)

For weight loss

Despite the fact that Brazil nuts are high in calories and contain a lot of fat, their fruits are recommended for consumption during a diet. But this does not mean that you can eat nuts for breakfast, lunch, dinner and spend time on them fasting days. Brazil nuts are effective for weight loss if used as an additive or salad dressing, since even a small portion of it can satisfy hunger for a long time.

Several nut fruits can become a nutritious snack and will not harm your health or cause exhaustion, because they contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, replenishing energy reserves and saturating the body useful substances.

In the nutritional system according to blood type

Proper nutrition in accordance with a certain blood type implies a list of acceptable and non-recommended foods. Brazil nut is undesirable for the first blood group, as it is quite heavy product, and this group needs to eat as “light” meals as possible and follow a low-carbohydrate diet.

Brazil nuts are recommended for blood groups II and III as a filling and nutritious snack. The fourth blood group includes in its diet the menu of the second and third groups, therefore it also allows nuts, including Brazil nuts, in everyday meals.

In cosmetology

The beneficial properties of Brazil nut, or more precisely, its oil, are used in anti-aging cosmetology to slow down the aging process and improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails by adding to various cosmetic products:

  • Effective moisturizing of facial skin.
  • Creating a protective layer on the surface of the skin.
  • Relieves inflammation and heals wounds and ulcers.
  • Promoting facial rejuvenation, smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Cleansing pores of impurities.
  • Nourishes hair roots and nail plates, strengthens them.

Thanks to the fats in the nut, products prepared on its basis protect cells from drying out and the harmful effects of many atmospheric phenomena

Nourishing mask for face and hair

  • Walnut - 10 pcs.
  • Heavy cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Chop the nuts, grind them in a mortar, mix with cream and butter. Apply to a previously cleansed face and hair roots for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, pat the skin with a terry towel, and wash the hair with shampoo.

Anti-wrinkle cream with Brazil nut oil

Mix the components and use it as a regular cream according to the instructions indicated on the packaging of the cosmetic product used as a basis.

Body scrub

  • Cosmetic scrub - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped nuts - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply the finished scrub to pre-steamed skin while taking a hot bath. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off at the end of the bath procedures.

Contraindications and side effects

You should stop eating Brazil nuts or reduce your daily intake to a minimum if you have the following symptoms:

  • Individual intolerance or allergy to nuts.
  • Obesity.
  • Hypertension.
  • Excess levels of selenium, zinc and radium in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Under the age of 12 or after 65 years.

Did you want to grow a head of hair faster and ate more Brazil nuts than you should? Receive reverse effect!

In case of overdose, serious consequences are possible:

  • Radium, which is 1000 times more concentrated than any other product, causes disturbances in the body.
  • Aflatoxin, which occurs in the shell due to improper storage of fruits, is a real poison that provokes tissue destruction.
  • Phytin, which prevents the complete absorption of iron in the body, can cause iron deficiency and lead to poor health.
  • Selenium contained in Brazil nuts can upset you if you overuse the delicacy. nervous system, destroys the structure of hair and nails, and can provoke the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Despite all the benefits and pleasant taste of nuts, you should not abuse them, since violation of the daily norm can lead to significant disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of excess weight and overdose separate components and minerals in the plant. Therefore, to maintain general condition and to improve health, you need to eat up to 2 fruits per day and not ignore contraindications to eating nuts.

Brazil nut (Bertoletia) is one of the most striking and unusual representatives of the plant world of South America. The tree on which nut fruits grow loves hot climate. Its height reaches about 46 meters, and it is long-lived. This unusual plant can only be found in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela and Bolivia.

The fruits of the tree received scientific name"Berthollet" in honor of the chemist Claude Berthollet. They gained wide popularity due to their unusual taste and rich natural composition.

Natural composition and calorie content

The natural composition of Brazil nuts is very diverse. The nut contains a large number of nutritional elements, including:

  • vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, C, D;
  • macro- and microelements - magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc;
  • amino acids - alanine, aspartame, glycine, histidine, leucine, glutamine, lysine, methionine, serine, proline, tyrosine, cystine, tryptophan, threonine;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty saturated acids- pentadecane, dodecane, margarine, stearic, myristic, arachidic, butane;
  • polyunsaturated fats— Omega 3, 6, 9;
  • styrene and polyhydric alcohols;
  • fiber, etc.

Nutritional value of this product presented:

  • saturated fat - 66.4 g;
  • proteins - 14.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.2 g;
  • starch - 0.25 g;
  • fiber - 7.5 g;
  • ash - 3.5 g;
  • water - 3.4 g.

Calorie content of Brazilian grains are 656 calories per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties

Brazil nuts, due to their huge number of beneficial properties, are considered a very valuable product. It is recommended to be used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Healing properties of this nut are characterized by the presence in it various groups vitamins, antioxidants, microelements important for healthy body.

Brazilian fruit is good for:

  • Prevention of cancer.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • In inflammatory processes.
  • Hormonal system.
  • Cardiovascular system.
  • Vision.
  • Protecting the body from harmful substances.
  • For weight loss.
  • For muscles and tissues.

The product protects cells from free radicals, prevents the occurrence of cancer of the intestines, breasts, lungs, and prostate glands. It also increases the body's resistance to various viral diseases.

Brazil nut normalizes endocrine system, improves hormonal background and the activity of thyroid hormones.

Eating Brazil nuts reduces the risk of cataracts. It helps remove harmful toxins from the body and heavy metals(lead, mercury).

The product is suitable for those who want to lose weight. Grains help burn body fat, normalize sugar levels in the body and improve metabolism. With the right dosage, consumption of these fruits helps to gain muscle mass, restores damaged muscle cells.

For women

Brazil nuts are especially beneficial for a woman’s body. It has a beneficial effect on well-being and health. Brazil nuts contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is incredibly beneficial for the beauty and health of hair, skin and nails.

Selenium, which is part of the Brazil nut, ensures the preservation of female reproductive function and provides correct flow pregnancy, protecting the baby from various pathologies development.

One of the beneficial properties of Brazil nut grains is that consuming these components in food allows you to maintain the youth of the body. This is due to the content of antioxidants, which effectively help fight free radicals (usually they interrupt the transmission of cellular impulses, and cells stop cooperating with each other).

For men

About the benefits of nuts For male body It's worth talking separately. This fruit completely ensures the health of the male reproductive system. The substances included in its composition strengthen male strength and strengthen sexual desire.

Daily use several grains help to increase potency, improve sperm quality and stimulate sperm production. Thanks to a number of useful components, Brazil nuts help prevent the development of prostate cancer.

However, it should be remembered that such a product rich in vitamins should not be consumed in large quantities. To maintain a healthy body, one or two fruits per day are enough. Otherwise, an overdose of selenium may occur, which can cause various adverse reactions.

What are the benefits of Brazil nut oil?

Brazil nut oil is a very valuable nutritious product. It gained particular attractiveness due to its rich natural composition. The oil contains a huge amount of selenium, vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on our health.

Brazil nut oil helps:

  • Rejuvenation of the body;
  • In the fight against skin diseases;
  • In the treatment of burns and various damages skin;
  • Prevention to eliminate fine wrinkles;
  • Collagen production;
  • Increasing skin elasticity;
  • Stopping the development of cancer;
  • Slow down inflammatory processes in people suffering from HIV infection;
  • Stress relief, positive impact on the nervous system.

Bertholetia oil found wide application in cosmetology, aromatherapy, cooking and other traditional medicine. IN for cosmetic purposes Selenium product is used as a skin and hair care product. At home, special rejuvenating and healing masks are prepared based on these grains.

Application of Brazilian grains

Brazil nut is widely used in various areas. The grains of this product are used in folk medicine, cooking, cosmetology, the perfume industry, and even in painting.

Bertholetia oil is used:

  • In cosmetic medicine.
  • In painting.
  • In the perfume industry.
  • In cooking.

Brazil nuts are used to make various moisturizing and nourishing masks for the face and body. It is added to various perfumes and fragrances to enhance the aroma and increase the longevity of the product.

Artists use oil to preserve the painting on for many years. To eliminate fading of paints, this oil is added to the main palette to enhance its durability, as well as to obtain more rich shade

Brazil nuts are most often used in cooking. Traditional cuisine in some countries involves adding this product to salads, sauces and various snacks. Nuts are also used to make sweets, baked goods and many dessert dishes.

In folk medicine

Brazil nut has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times. His beneficial properties and the presence of selenium in the composition make it possible to use this fruit to treat many ailments.

In Latin American countries, the nut peel is used for healing. skin diseases(bruises, wounds, cuts), etc. In our circles, this fruit became known not so long ago, so about the methods of its use in medicinal purposes, not everyone knows.

In our homeland, where there is no opportunity to purchase useful leaves and bark of this plant, it is customary to use the fruits and oil of Brazil nuts for medicinal purposes.

For iodine deficiency This tincture is useful: take 4 teaspoons of Brazilian fruit powder, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, then strain. We take the infusion twice a day, 50-70 ml after main meals. The course is three weeks.

To improve reproductive function It is recommended to take a glass container and pour 200 grams of chopped Brazil nuts into it. Then pour natural honey into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. Use this remedy You need one spoon daily at any time of the day.

Brazil nut oil is excellent for healing burns, wounds and ulcers. As remedy Apply oil to the affected areas of the skin. After half an hour, blot the wound with a dry cloth.

For thyroid dysfunction caused by excess iodine in the body, it is recommended to eat 2-3 nuts per day.

In cosmetology

Brazil nut oil is most often used in cosmetology. It is recommended to use it
for skin and hair care. As a medicinal product, the oil is used to treat wounds, burns and various skin diseases.

In order to prevent appearance of early wrinkles, you need to make the following mask:

  • Take 30 ml. Brazil nut oil.
  • Add 30 ml. wheat and sesame oil.
  • Mix in 20 ml. jojoba oils.
  • Carefully add 3 drops of mint and geranium essential oils.
  • Mix all components well.
  • Apply the resulting mixture with light tapping movements to problematic areas (skin area around the eyes, nasolabial folds, décolleté, neck).
  • It is recommended to use the mask three times a week, spending 15 minutes on the procedure

To cook face mask dry skin, take 30 ml. oils grape seed, 30 ml. avocado oil, 30 ml. Brazil nut oil. Add a few drops of chamomile, sandalwood and geranium essential oils to this mixture. Apply the resulting essential mass with light circular movements to the surface of the skin. After 20-25 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.

It is also recommended to use Brazil nuts for making nourishing mask for hair. Heat the Brazilian fruit oil in a water bath and apply it to the entire length of the hair, including the roots. Next, cover your hair with cellophane and wrap your head with a towel on top. The duration of the procedure is one and a half hours. It is also useful to add three drops each of rose, sandalwood, lavender, oregano, clove and orange oil to heated Brazil nut oil.

For a mask to strengthen hair roots Mix Brazilian oil with almond and apricot oil in equal proportions. Add a couple of drops of rosemary and jojoba oil to this mixture. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp using massaging movements. Next, apply the mask along the entire length of the hair. After this, wrap your head with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, wash off the mask warm water.

A medicinal bath is wonderfully relaxing. To do this, draw a bath with hot water(temperature 36-38 degrees), add 10 drops there essential oil lemon and mint, and 20 ml. Brazil nut oil. This bath has a relaxing effect and will be especially useful before bed.

Brazil nut oil is recommended to be used to strengthen and enhance nail growth. To do this, rub one drop of this oil into the nail plate using massaging movements. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily before bedtime.

In cooking

Brazil nuts are widely used in cooking. Famous chefs around the world use these amazing grains in salads, side dishes, desserts, confectionery and baking. The southern nut is added to food raw, fried, sweetened or salted.

Prune and Brazil Nut Cake

To prepare a cake with Brazilian grains, you need to prepare the necessary ingredients in advance:

  • pitted prunes - 150 g;
  • clean water- 1 glass;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • baking powder - 15 g;
  • Brazil nut - 100 g;
  • ground cinnamon and cloves - 0.5 tsp each;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon zest - 3 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 80 g.

Wash the prunes well and soak them in boiled water for 20 minutes. Then pour the water into a separate container. Sift the flour with baking powder, add crushed nut grains, spices and sugar. Next, mix the water left over from the prunes with oil and lemon zest.

Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and mix everything thoroughly. Next, add prunes and beat everything with a spoon until it has an airy, homogeneous consistency. Place the dough in the mold and decorate it with nuts on top. Bake the cake for 40-50 minutes.

Dessert with ice cream and nuts

A dessert based on Brazilian grains with ice cream will be very tasty and healthy. to prepare it you will need:

  • sugar - 150 g;
  • nuts - Brazil, hazelnuts, almonds - 70 g;
  • praline;
  • chocolate or vanilla ice cream - 5 scoops;
  • Baileys cream liqueur - 70-100 ml.

The praline needs to be melted: heat 115 ml. water, add praline, bring to a boil. Boil until golden brown syrup forms. Then remove it from the stove, allowing it to cool slightly. Place the ice cream in saucers or glasses and pour in a little syrup and cream liqueur. Sprinkle chopped nuts and nuts on top of the dessert.


Cheesecakes based on this nut are incredibly tasty and rich in minerals. Selenium makes them the perfect start to any day. To prepare them you need the following components:

  • Brazil nut - 4 pcs;
  • walnut— 2 pcs;
  • cottage cheese - 700 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • wheat flour - 80 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Take a bowl and beat eggs and sugar in it. Add cottage cheese to the resulting mass and wheat flour. Mix all ingredients well and add chopped nuts to them. From the resulting mass we make cheesecakes, fry on both sides vegetable oil. Decorate the prepared dish with powdered sugar and pieces of fruit.


Despite the content of a large number of useful substances in Brazil nuts, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the product. It is not recommended to consume these Brazil nut fruits for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • penchant for allergic reactions,
  • allergy to any type of nuts,
  • asthma,
  • hypertension,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis),
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (excess iodine in the body).

Brazil nuts are quite high in calories and nutrition, so it is very important to follow a certain norm in its consumption. It is recommended that a healthy adult consume 2-3 nuts per day to avoid exceeding the selenium requirement. It is this amount of product that allows you to enrich the body with all necessary for the body elements, vitamins, minerals and omega acids.

For example, to provide the body with a daily dose of selenium and protect your body from premature aging and development cancer diseases, you need to consume only 2-3 nuts per day.

It is better to buy Brazil nuts in sealed bags, which are sold in the store, so the selenium and vitamins in its composition will retain their properties longer. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date, integrity of packaging and appearance nuts

Brazil nut kernels should be firm and deep brown in color.

The surface of the fruit must be flat and absolutely smooth, without damage. Small irregularities and wrinkled grains are a sign that the nut is stale or wrong choice its storage.

A sealed bag of nuts can be stored for up to six months. But if this package has been opened, it is better to transfer the product to a sealed plastic container. In this form they are stored for up to three weeks.

Brazil nut is also called Bertoletia or Bertoletia, in honor of C. L. Berthollet, a French chemist of the 18th–19th centuries. Its third name is very suitable for the plant - South American, or American walnut, since it is common in the countries of the northern part of South America located along the Amazon River: Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela and Brazil. This nut differs from others in that it is actually a seed that only tastes like a nut. But the main thing about this product is how tasty and healthy it is.


Bertoletia is one of the largest trees in the Amazon. It reaches a height of 45–50 m and a width of 1–2 m. The plant is a long-liver among trees: it lives for 500 years, and sometimes 1000 years, as some scientists claim. The tree has a straight and smooth trunk without branches. The crown occupies only a quarter of the length of the trunk and forms a round dome.

Only large orchid bees can pollinate flowers. This explains why most of the harvest comes from wild trees in the Amazon forest, and not from specially planted plantations. One forest Bertholetia can produce 200–300 kg of fruit per year.

Did you know? There is no need to climb to the top of a huge tree for nuts, since mature specimens themselves fall to the ground. Perhaps that is why colonists from Spain gave the tasty nuts the name “gift of God from heaven.”

The fruit has a round capsule with a diameter of 10–15 cm with a strong, coconut-like shell, the thickness of which is 8–12 mm. The box is filled with elongated grains (4–5 cm), which are similar in shape and arrangement to orange slices. There can be from 8 to 24 pieces inside the fruit.

The tree-like shell of the Bertholet fruit is so hard that even falling from enormous height, she often remains unharmed. But the strong and strong can handle it sharp teeth small rodent agouti. These creatures gnaw the grains from the inside. They bury what remains as a reserve, and then forget about their storage facilities, from which new shoots later grow.

Bertholetia fruit seeds are the “Brazil nuts” that we buy in the store and which have many beneficial properties.

Composition and calorie content

Bertholomew nuts are so healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Their composition:

  • vitamins A, D, E, C and almost all B vitamins (, nicotinic, and);
  • 10 essential microelements(selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, sodium);
  • flavonoids;
  • 18 valuable amino acids, including betaine and arginine;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • fiber.
Brazil nuts are very high in calories. 100 g contains:
  • energy value - 682 kcal or 2851 kJ;
  • proteins - 14 g;
  • fats - 66 g (saturated - 15.1 g, monounsaturated - 24.6 g, polyunsaturated - 20.6 g);
  • carbohydrates - 12 g (including sugar - 2.3 g).
By eating 100 g of nuts, a person will replenish his body daily norm vitamins and minerals.
  • - 51 %;
  • - 25 %;
  • - 7 %;
  • - 5 %;
  • - 4 %;
  • - 3 %;
  • - 2 %;
  • - 1 %.
  • - 2739 %;
  • - 104 %;
  • - 94 %;
  • Copper - 58%;
  • - 33 %;
  • - 27 %;
  • - 24 %;
  • - 24 %;
  • - 16 %;
  • - 1 %.

Important! American nuts are high in calories. Therefore, you should not exceed the daily intake, especially for those who want to lose excess weight.

Beneficial properties for the body

Brazil nuts are very nutritious and useful for people predisposed to cancer, because the selenium it contains prevents the development of intestinal, breast, lung and prostate cancer. Fiber cleanses the intestines and promotes digestion. The vitamins and microelements contained in this nut strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism in the body.

You can use this product as a preventive measure for various diseases: cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, atherosclerosis and cataracts. This means that all people of all ages, men and women, need to eat it.


Brazil nuts are important for men's health, since they supply the body with valuable selenium in large quantities, which prevents the development of many male diseases.
Benefits of nuts:

  • Selenium and magnesium take care of prostate health: prevents the development of prostatitis and prostate cancer.
  • Antioxidants and vitamins C and E stop oxidative processes, thereby reducing the possibility of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Testosterone levels increase by several percent, and sperm motility improves.
  • Cholesterol levels are reduced, which has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Eating Brazil nuts is beneficial for the male reproductive system, in particular it improves the functioning of the testes.
  • nuts contained in nuts are protection against problems with the heart, blood vessels and excess weight.


  • Selenium is necessary for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system, normal pregnancy, birth healthy child without pathologies. It also provides protection to the thyroid gland.
  • Antioxidants fight free radicals, slowing down aging and prolonging the youth of the female body.
  • Every woman needs vitamin E to look beautiful, as it takes care of the health of skin, hair and nails.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids lower cholesterol levels.

Contraindications and harm

Like most others healthy products nutrition, Brazil nuts have contraindications. Here are the reasons why it may be harmful:

  • Nut allergy.
  • Walnut peels contain aflatoxin, a poison that, if consumed in excess, is dangerous for the liver and contributes to the development of cirrhosis and cancer. Therefore, you should not eat or store nuts in their shells.
  • The product contains some harmful radium, so you should not overuse nuts.
  • Selenium, if overeaten, has dangerous side effects: nausea, vomiting, confusion, redness of the skin, bad smell from the mouth, difficulty breathing, pneumonia and liver failure.
Abusing it healthy nut may cause irreparable harm to health.

How to use and daily dose

American walnuts are usually eaten raw, unprocessed. But it is very tasty fried, salty and sweet. It is used as an ingredient in confectionery, added to salads and other cold dishes, to which it adds piquancy. Nut oil is made from it, which is used in cosmetology and cooking.

Doctors recommend eating 2-3 nuts every day. This amount will provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, including valuable selenium. Exceeding this daily dose may lead to hazardous health consequences.

Did you know? Brazil nut oil is used not only for culinary and cosmetic purposes. It is also used to produce artistic paints and oil for lubricating watches.

How to choose the right one

When choosing Brazil nuts in the shell, you should shake them: fresh grains sit tightly in the shell and do not rattle. The shelled nuts should be quite heavy, dense and crunchy.
They should have their own characteristic nutty smell. Light, dry and odorless specimens should not be taken, as they are of poor quality or stale and have been stored for too long.

Important! It is best to buy peeled nuts, as their skins are poisonous.

Storage conditions and periods

Brazil nuts absorb extraneous odors very strongly. For this reason, they should be kept tightly closed at home. glass jar or porcelain dishes. If there are only a few nuts, they can be packed in a plastic bag.

The container with grains should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place, preferably away from strong-smelling foods, such as sausage.

In a dark, cool and dry place, nuts, even without peels, are stored for about 2 years without losing their healing properties.

Exotic American nuts are an expensive product. But you don’t need a lot of them. It is enough to eat a couple of pieces a day. It won't hurt your pocket too much, but will bring great health benefits.

Brazil nuts are the fruits of Bertholletia excelsa, a tree that is the only representative of the Lecitis family and grows in the virgin forests of the Amazon (in Bolivia, Brazil, Peru). Nuts intended for supply to the international market are collected only from wild trees (plantations are considered low-productivity and unprofitable due to the lack of sufficient quantity large bees, which are natural pollinators of this plant). This is how a program is being implemented that allows you to generate income from wild tropical forests without destroying them.

Bertoletia is a tree up to 45 meters high. Straight plant trunk covered with smooth bark gray, can reach a diameter of 200 centimeters. The large spherical crown of Bertoletia is formed by long branches located in the upper part of the trunk. The plant's green, elongated leaves, which have a smooth or serrated edge, can reach 35 cm in length and 16 cm in width. The small, pale green flowers of the Brazil nut form in panicles up to 100 mm long.

Bertoletia fruits are large boxes with a hard tree-like shell, having a diameter of up to 16 cm and a weight of up to 2.3 kg. In each such box you can find from 8 to 24 triangular-shaped grains, reaching 50 mm in length. It takes at least 14 months for the fruit to fully ripen.

Fresh Brazil nuts have a pleasant aroma and crack with a slight crunch. A wrinkled surface covered with plaque and an unpleasant rancid odor are signs of deterioration. Store Brazil nuts in a tightly sealed container in a cool place, away from light and moisture (for example, in the refrigerator). In such conditions, Bertoletia fruits retain their properties for up to 3 months.

Brazil nuts are eaten raw, roasted, sprinkled with sugar or salt. In addition, they are used to make oils used for food, medical and industrial purposes (for the manufacture of perfumes, paints, for lubricating moving parts of mechanisms, etc.).

Nutritional value of Bertholetia fruits and vitamins in their composition

Nutritional value Brazil nuts (per 100 g):

  • 14.296 g protein;
  • 67.319 g fat;
  • 12.416 g carbohydrates;
  • 7.491 g dietary insoluble fiber;
  • 3.476 g water;
  • 3.499 g ash;
  • 2.341 g sucrose;
  • 0.248 g of starch and dextrins;
  • 2.341 g of monosaccharides, disaccharides;
  • 0.016 g fatty acids omega-3;
  • 20.571 g omega-6 fatty acids;
  • 15.138 g saturated fatty acids;
  • 24.547 g monounsaturated fatty acids;
  • 20.569 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Vitamins in Brazil nuts (per 100 g):

  • 21.987 mcg folate (B9);
  • 0.183 mg pantothenic acid(B5);
  • 0.694 mg ascorbic acid(C);
  • 0.616 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 5.724 mg tocopherol equivalent, alpha-tocopherol (E);
  • 29.112 mg choline (B4);
  • 0.391 mg betaine;
  • 0.034 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 0.294 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 0.099 mg pyridoxine (B6).

Brazil nut calories

Brazil nuts and dishes prepared from them are characterized by increased energy value.

  • Calorie content of Brazil nuts (per 100 g) – 657.897 kcal.
  • The energy value of 1 fruit (average weight - 6 g) is 39.474 kcal.
  • Calorie content of 100 g of Brazil nut oil is 897.661 kcal.

Healthful Elements in Brazil Nuts

Microelements in Brazil nuts (per 100 g):

  • 1916.612 mcg selenium;
  • 1.221 mg manganese;
  • 2.421 mg iron;
  • 4.058 mg zinc;
  • 1742.007 mcg copper.

Macronutrients in Brazil nuts (per 100 g).



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