Plantar (plantar) fasciitis. Treatment and symptoms of plantar fasciitis: how to get rid of heel pain? Fasciitis of the right foot

Plantar or plantar fasciitis of the foot is an inflammatory and degenerative change in the plantar fascia. With improper distribution of the load on the legs, long standing, and intense sports, every tenth person on the planet experiences acute pain in the heel. The disease is treated with pharmaceuticals, physiotherapeutic procedures and traditional methods. At home, simple recipes are easy to prepare and do not require any money.

Plantar fasciitis affects many people, and it can develop in anyone. The risk group includes athletes, people with excess weight, flat feet, and “standing” work. Inflammatory processes in the heels occur in patients with diabetes.

Fascia is a connective membrane that covers organs, vessels, nerves and performs a supporting and trophic function. When inflammation occurs, the patient begins to experience severe, acute pain in the heel area. It gets worse in the morning and then goes away.

At the first signs of fasciitis, accurate diagnosis and mandatory treatment are necessary. There are many methods for relieving pain:

  • traditional medicine;
  • physiotherapy;
  • medicinal;
  • blocking the disease with injections;
  • surgical intervention.

Fasciitis is popularly called a heel spur. Calling the disease that way is not entirely correct. A spur is a bone growth, a consequence of plantar fasciitis that has not been cured.

Home remedies

At the first signs of fasciitis - acute pain in the heel area, you need to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Give your legs more rest. The load on the feet should be minimal.
  2. Conduct a shoe inspection. Avoid tight, high heels. Due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, boots, sandals, a person’s body weight is incorrectly distributed on the feet, and blood circulation in the lower extremities is impaired. Tissue elasticity is lost, and the first symptoms of the disease appear.
  3. The pain will subside if you apply an ice compress to your feet.
  4. Massage helps relieve acute pain. You will need a plastic bottle of water placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. It is used to massage the sole of the foot. Cold relieves pain, massage strengthens ligaments.
  5. Make to order or buy orthopedic insoles and orthopedic shoes.
  6. Simple foot exercises. It relieves tension in the leg and relaxes the ligaments. Stretch your lower legs and toes for 5 minutes. With the help of simple exercises, the muscles of the foot are strengthened.
  7. Using a splint or plaster. If the pain returns and prevents you from living normally, it is recommended to wear a splint at night. With it, the sole takes the correct position. You can't put any weight on your leg with a cast. After removal, 2 weeks later you will need to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures.

For acute pain, heating pads should not be used. Heat can provoke an increase in the inflammatory process. If a hot compress helps, it should be alternated with ice.

Pharmacy creams and ointments

The pharmacy offers a whole line of creams and ointments that effectively act on the heel tissue. Treatment of foot fasciitis is possible at home with the following medications:

  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac;
  • prednisolone ointment;
  • Viprosal;
  • Cotractubex;
  • Chondroxide.

External local drugs are well tolerated. May cause side effects. Before starting use, consult your doctor and read the instructions carefully.


If inflammation bothers the patient for a long time, and creams do not help, the patient is offered injection therapy. The surgeon injects corticosteroids into the heel tissue with a needle, which temporarily block inflammation for up to 6 months. After the procedures, the patient quickly recovers.

For injections are used:

  • Diprospan;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Kenalog.

Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment with folk remedies is used by most people who have experienced acute heel pain. There are different ways to combat fasciitis: medicinal baths, homemade ointments, compresses. Components that relieve pain and inflammation are found in every home:

  1. Baths of sea salt, ordinary rock salt, with the addition of chamomile decoctions, burdock leaves, plantain, dodder, elecampane, woodlice, nettle, celandine.
  2. Baths with iodine. Add 4 tablespoons of iodine to 4 liters of water.
  3. A compress of garlic cloves acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Keep the bandage with the mixture on the sore spot for no more than 30 minutes.
  4. Medical bile compress. Before starting the procedure, the foot is steamed and wiped dry. Bile is applied to a natural, preferably linen, strip of fabric and applied to the sore sole. The foot is wrapped in film and a sock is put on. The compress is left overnight.
  5. Pharmacy Bishofite is known as a drug with a high content of microelements.
  6. Rubbing sore spots with tinctures of pine nuts or red elderberry.
  7. It is advisable to use a compress made from a mixture of laundry soap and chopped horseradish before bed. Leave the mixture on the heel until the morning, after wrapping the foot with film and putting on a sock.
  8. A simple method for getting rid of heel pain is a compress of unsalted lard twisted in a meat grinder. Apply it to the heel and leave it overnight.
  9. Propolis ointment has anti-inflammatory properties. The recipe is simple: melt 25 g of propolis and 200 g of butter in a steam bath, then apply warm to the heel. Put socks on your feet and leave the ointment until the morning.
  10. A cake made from honey and wheat flour in a 1:1 ratio is used as a compress. With constant use, metabolic processes improve, pain goes away and swelling of the heel tissue decreases.
  11. An ointment based on propolis with the addition of petroleum jelly and butter in a 1:2:2 ratio with an integrated treatment approach relieves heel pain, stopping tissue inflammation.

Folk remedies for plantar fasciitis help relieve pain, but require complex treatment and a mandatory course. Before applying an ointment or compress, baths are necessary. They soothe, relieve pain, and steam the skin of the feet. Thanks to the baths, the ingredients of the ointment or compress are lighter and penetrate the skin faster.

Contraindications to home methods

Treating plantar fasciitis at home is not suitable for everyone. Not every person will strictly follow the necessary stages of treatment. The inflammation will be blocked for a while, but at the first serious load on the ankle the pain will return. There is a possibility of allergic reactions to one of the components of the mixtures.

Practice and statistics on the number of people who have gotten rid of fasciitis at home indicate that it is possible to be treated effectively without visiting a doctor, using pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies. In combination with ointments, compresses, changes in daily routine, and nutrition, most patients overcome the disease.

About 10% of patients did not achieve positive results for various reasons. The main reason: a heel spur is one of the symptoms of a serious disease. Treatment of heel fasciitis should include complex therapy of the disease that became the source of the spur.

Traditional medicine offers many ways, in addition to drug treatment, to overcome the disease:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • UHF, UVT therapy, ultrasound;
  • magnetotherapy.

If the fasciitis returns and the pain gets worse, your dermatologist may suggest a blockade method using corticosteroid injections. Their effect is assessed ambiguously; after the course, complications are possible in the form of suppuration, necrosis, inflammation of the tendons, and in extreme cases, rupture of the fascia.

Surgery is a last resort method to combat heel inflammation. It is acceptable in cases where all of the above methods have been tried and have not brought results.

Therapeutic exercises are indeed an important factor in the prevention and treatment of plantar fasciitis. However, to be completely honest, she is not able to cope with this disease alone. A whole range of measures is needed, we will consider them in this article.

Let's be honest: despite the menacing name, heel spurs rarely cause pain in the heel and foot. In most cases, this disease is detected by chance and comes as a surprise to a person. In turn, pain, which forces people to seek medical help, is a consequence of another serious disease - plantar fasciitis. Since the locations of these pathologies often coincide, they are strongly identified in our minds and used as synonyms. Although in reality this is not the case.

Exercises to prevent and treat plantar fasciitis

Therapeutic exercises are indeed an important factor in the prevention and treatment of plantar fasciitis. However, to be completely honest, she is not able to cope with this disease alone. A whole range of measures is needed, but we will consider them a little later. Let's start our conversation with basic concepts.

The plantar fascia is a layer of dense fibrous tissue that runs along the bottom surface of the foot. Its main purpose is to maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is nothing more than inflammation of the fascia, and this inflammation is usually localized in the heel area. A heel spur also forms in the area of ​​the heel tubercle and is a bone growth, an osteophyte. In some cases, the appearance of osteophytes is a direct consequence of plantar fasciitis.

Rice. 1. Difference between plantar fasciitis and heel spurs

The cause of inflammation of the fascia is its constant microtrauma associated with low tissue elasticity and mechanical stress on the foot. In most cases, the body restores the damaged areas, but sometimes a pathological process still develops.

Inflammation of the fascia can be accompanied by pain along the entire plantar surface(though most often in the heel area). Their distinctive feature is appears in the morning with the first steps or after a long rest of the legs. During a long break, microtears heal, but with some shortening, as a result, as soon as we begin to move, stretching the foot, the fascia is injured again, causing pain.

Rice. 2. Frequency of pain localization in different parts of the foot with plantar fasciitis

There are no statistics for our country, but in the USA up to 2 million calls related to pain in the heel are registered annually. The risk group includes people:


    having various foot deformities (planovalgus, hollow foot);

    having problems with the spine, large joints of the legs; with impaired metabolism;

    with injuries of the heel bone;

    those experiencing physical overload (for example, athletes);

    wearing the wrong shoes;


Rice. 3. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of plantar fasciitis (heel spur syndrome)

Gymnastics and other methods of treating plantar fasciitis

If the disease has made itself felt, then there is no way to do without adequate treatment. It is worth mentioning the fact that there is no generally accepted method of treatment, so the further fate of your foot will entirely depend on the qualifications of the attending physician.

I would also like to warn against the use of so-called traditional methods of treatment, especially those that promise a complete cure in a few days. Only a few, far from the most “harmless” official methods of therapy are capable of this.

Poultices and lotions may have some kind of therapeutic effect, but, firstly, it has not been confirmed, and, secondly, a miraculous recipe can simply heal another disease with similar symptoms. In our digital age, it is unlikely that anyone will post test results online before and after “folk” treatment, but rave reviews, please.

The safest thing for health that a doctor can prescribe is therapeutic exercises in combination with adequate unloading of the foot, massage and some types of physical therapy (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be taken to relieve pain in the initial stages). This treatment should have a positive effect within several months. If this does not happen, other methods are used: shock wave therapy, x-ray therapy, drug blockades.

Many patients report with delight that after many years of suffering and treatment with traditional methods, they can again live a full life. This is often true. But, unfortunately, these methods are not so harmless and after them there are relapses. In addition, in 5-10% of cases, even this heavy artillery does not help people. And the only option left is surgery.

Below is a video about how to treat heel spurs.

Therapeutic gymnastics promotes:

    increased blood and lymph circulation in the problem area (tissue nutrition improves, inflammation and swelling decrease, salt formation processes slow down);

    strengthening the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the foot and ankle;

    increasing the elasticity of ligaments, tendons, fascia.

Principles of performing a set of exercises to stretch and strengthen the foot:

    regularity (it is advisable to perform gymnastics twice a day, morning and evening);

    a sufficient number of repetitions (from 4 times);

    delay in peak phases of exercise for at least 15 seconds;

    preliminary warm-up with the participation of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

Warming up the muscles of the calves and Achilles tendon is very important, but the complex must include special exercises aimed directly at stretching the plantar fascia. Their effectiveness is much higher for the treatment of heel spurs.

In addition, the earlier treatment with physical therapy is started, the better. In particular, the study showed a higher effectiveness of therapeutic exercises compared to shock wave therapy in the acute phase of the disease.

Before performing a complex of therapeutic exercises, it is advisable to consult with your doctor or exercise therapy instructor.

A set of exercises for the treatment of heel spurs

Sit on the floor and grab the top of your foot with a band or strap. Pull the band toward you until you feel tension in your calf muscles. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Return to i.p.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Raise your leg slightly and rotate your feet (the toe of your foot should describe a circle).

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Bend your toes, then straighten them so that your toes are facing you. When extending, try to spread your fingers as far apart as possible.

Stand near a wall, place your foot on your heel and press the top of your foot against the wall (leg straight). Drive your knee toward the wall until you feel a stretch in the bottom of your foot.

Stand near a wall, resting your hands on it. The healthy leg is in front, the sick leg is behind (if both legs are sick, alternate them). Squat down slowly without lifting your heels off the floor. We do not bend the back leg. As soon as you feel the stretch in the calf muscles of your back leg, stop and slowly count to 15. Return to the starting position.

I.P. as in the previous one. Squat down slowly, keeping your heels on the floor but bending both legs. As soon as you feel tension in your Achilles tendon, stop and slowly count to 15. Return to the starting position.

Sit on a chair, hands on your belt, one leg bent, the other extended. Slowly lean forward until you feel tension in your hamstring.

Count to 15 and return to the starting position.

Take a stack of books, a rectangular beam, or use a ladder (the main thing is that the height of the hill is at least 5 cm). Stand on a hill so that your heels hang freely, and press your hands against the wall.

Lean forward, keeping your body in one line. Your hands, wrists and forearms should touch the wall.

If everything is done correctly, you will feel the tension in the lower leg muscles. Count to 15 and take the starting position. Then start doing raises and lowerings on your toes. Make sure your heels are lower than the support level.

Do at least 10 lifts and start the whole exercise again. You can make the exercise more difficult by performing it on each leg alternately.

Take one of the following items: a bottle, a rolling pin, a roller, a small ball (preferably a bottle filled with cold or even ice water).

Place your foot on the selected object and roll it back and forth across the entire surface of your foot. While performing the exercise, press your foot firmly against the object.

Place objects of various shapes and sizes on the floor. Using your feet, collect all the laid out items into a container.

Repeat the exercise several times if necessary. You can use both legs in the collection process.

Sit on a chair, place your sore leg on the edge of a piece of cloth or towel. Gather the fabric by curling your toes.

Sit on a chair, place your sore leg on the knee of your healthy leg. Place one hand on the heel, the other on the toe of the sore leg. Pull the toe of your relaxed foot toward you until you feel tension.

Stay in this position for 7 seconds. Then tense your foot and try to return it to its original position, while simultaneously creating resistance to this action with your hand.

Stay in this state for 7 seconds. Return to the starting position.

Stand on a hill by analogy with step 8. Place your healthy leg completely on the support, and only partially support your affected leg. Rise onto your toes, transferring your body weight to your healthy leg.

Lower yourself so that the heel of the affected leg drops below the level of the support. In this case, the weight must be transferred to the sore leg. As soon as you feel the tension in your leg muscles, count to 15 and return to the starting position.

You can simplify the exercise by eliminating the rise on your toes. In this embodiment, the weight is simply transferred to the healthy leg.

After the evening warm-up, it is recommended to fix the foot with an orthosis. It will not allow the stretched fascia to shrink during the night's rest, as a result, micro-tears will heal correctly, and there will be no new damage during the first morning steps. In addition to therapeutic exercises, barefoot walks on uneven surfaces are recommended.

Treatment methods accompanying therapeutic exercises

The most important condition for the effectiveness of treatment is to ensure unloading of the painful area. To do this, for plantar heel spurs, individual orthopedic insoles are prescribed with lining of the internal and external longitudinal arches, a recess and soft padding under the heel.

A good addition are warm foot baths with sea salt, soap, soda, as well as physiotherapy(ultrasound, electrophoresis, laser therapy). published .


    Dubrovsky V.I. Therapeutic physical culture (kinesitherapy): Textbook. for students higher schools, institutions. – 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2001. - 608 pp.: ill.

    Korzh N.A., Prozorovsky D.V. Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of some foot pain syndromes in adults (Russian). Health of Ukraine (06/27/2013)

    Traumatology and orthopedics / Guide for doctors: in 3 volumes / Ed. SOUTH. Shaposhnikova. – M.: Medicine, 1997. – 624 p.

    Traumatology and orthopedics. Textbook for higher education students. textbook establishments / G.M. Kavalersky, L.L. Silin, A.V. Garkavi et al.; By ed. G.M. Kavalersky. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2005. – 624 p.

    Plantar fascia-specific stretching exercise improves outcomes in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis. A prospective clinical trial with two-year follow-up. –

    Plantar fascia-specific stretching versus radial shock-wave therapy as initial treatment of plantar fasciopathy –

Anton Rikhov

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Plantar fasciitis is an extremely unpleasant condition that, if not treated promptly, leads to the development of heel spurs. If you have typical symptoms of plantar fasciitis, then treatment should begin immediately, since every day during normal walking the affected ligament tissue structures are subject to additional trauma. This provokes progressive growth of scar tissue. In the later stages, it is very difficult to treat plantar fascia due to severe deformation of the tendon and muscle apparatus of the foot. Surgery and a long rehabilitation period will be required to restore normal functioning of the foot.

Diagnosing plantar plantar fasciitis is quite difficult, since the disease can successfully masquerade as various neurological and vascular pathologies for a long time. If you experience characteristic clinical signs that are described in this material, do not delay visiting your doctor. Visit your podiatrist in the next few days. The doctor will make a diagnosis and tell you what needs to be done for successful treatment right now.

If you have symptoms of plantar fasciitis, you can receive treatment at our chiropractic clinic. We provide an initial consultation with an orthopedist completely free of charge to every patient. During the appointment, the doctor will conduct an examination and tell you what options exist for effective therapy. Based on the results of the appointment, you will be able to make the right decision.

In the meantime, you can find out a little more information about plantar fasciitis of the foot, its symptoms and treatment, probable causes of development and effective prevention measures.

What is calcaneoplantar plantar fasciitis of the heel?

Heel-plantar fasciitis is, as the name of the disease suggests, an inflammation of the fascia (muscle sheath) connecting the heel bone and the base of the foot (in the area of ​​​​the metatarsal bones. Plantar fasciitis of the heel often develops, since maximum physical activity occurs at this point connections of soft and bone tissues.

A short excursion into anatomy will help you understand what fasciitis is:

  • the human foot consists of 35 bones;
  • they are all interconnected with the help of small joints, which ensures flexibility and mobility of the entire anatomical structure;
  • to ensure mobility, muscle arches (longitudinal and transverse) are formed;
  • muscles are protected by dense membranes of connective tissue (fascia);
  • at the ends of the fascia there are tendon fibers with increased strength; they form the ligamentous apparatus and provide reliable fixation of the muscle at the point of attachment to the bone structure.

When a movement is made, a nerve impulse is transmitted to the muscle fiber along the motor type of axon. The muscle contracts or relaxes. in this case, tension or relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus occurs. If the force of muscle contraction is too strong or does not match the load on the fascia, then small cracks appear in them. They then fill with scar tissue.

The larger the area of ​​scar changes in the fascia area, the higher the likelihood of its complete rupture. The more often the injury occurs, the higher the chances of developing plantar plantar fasciitis of the heel of the foot.

The inflammatory process causes not only severe pain and swelling of the surrounding soft tissues. In the area of ​​attachment of the connective tissue fiber, a scar change in the bone structure begins to form. This can lead to the formation of a “heel spur” over time. Unfortunately, in most cases, such a disease requires surgical intervention to restore the patient’s motor activity.

Plantar fasciitis and causes of inflammation

Let's consider the main causes of plantar fasciitis as a disease of initially inflammatory etiology. But we should not forget that quite quickly the primary inflammatory reaction leads to increased production of fibrinogen. This provokes deformation of the connective, tendon, muscle, cartilage and bone tissue of the foot.

Common causes of inflammation and plantar fasciitis include the following:

  1. incorrect placement of the foot with a change in the shock-absorbing distribution of physical load along the longitudinal and transverse muscular arch of the foot, which leads to rotation of the fascia and its gradual rupture at the attachment points;
  2. overweight and obesity, leading to foot deformation and increased stress on bone and muscle tissue while walking;
  3. active running and walking over long distances without the use of special orthopedic sports shoes that support the foot in the correct position;
  4. permanent or regular injuries of the ankle joint with sprain of its ligamentous apparatus;
  5. deformation of the knee and hip joints, leading to changes in the configuration of the foot;
  6. O-shaped and X-shaped curvature of the legs leads to the fact that the fascia of the sole is twisted and exposed to microscopic injuries with the formation of internal hematomas;
  7. age-related degeneration of cartilage and connective tissue against the background of decreased collagen production due to changes in hormonal levels (women during menopause are often at risk);
  8. consequences of bruises, cracks and fractures of the calcaneus and talus;
  9. somatic, autoimmune and endocrine diseases leading to disruption of the trophism of the soft tissues of the lower extremities (obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, diabetic foot, thyrotoxicosis, gout, rheumatoid polyarthritis, etc.).

Identifying and eliminating all potential causes is essential for successful treatment. If injury and irritation of the fascia continues, then no amount of manual therapy will help get rid of pain and swelling. In the near future, the patient will develop a heel spur in the form of a rough bony growth in the area of ​​the heel bone.

Symptoms of plantar plantar fasciitis of the foot

You can independently recognize the symptoms of plantar fasciitis by the characteristic pain that occurs in the initial stages of the pathological process only after serious physical exertion. For example, after moving to an unusually long distance, the patient first notices the appearance of a local focus of pain in the plantar part of the heel. The pain is point-like, local, quite sharp. It may even make you stop for a while. This is the primary episode of microscopic tearing of a small area of ​​the plantar fascia. After rest, all signs will disappear without leaving a trace.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis will reappear after the next episode of severe physical activity. Their appearance can also be caused by a twisted foot, incorrect positioning while walking, sprained ankle ligaments, etc.

In this case, plantar fasciitis of the foot no longer goes away on its own. Immediately after waking up in the morning, the patient experiences severe pain when trying to step on the sore heel.

Typical symptoms of plantar fasciitis of the foot include the following clinical manifestations:

  • local pain in the plantar part of the heel after physical activity;
  • when stepping on the heel, a sharp point of pain is felt;
  • mobility of the foot is limited in terms of flexion and extension;
  • swelling of soft tissues is determined;
  • during acute inflammation, the skin may be hyperemic and hot to the touch;
  • palpation of the plantar part of the heel is sharply painful.

When performing an X-ray examination in the early stages, no pathological changes can be detected. Pathological changes in the fascia can only be seen using MRI. In later stages, x-rays show the presence of a bone spur typical of a heel spur.

How to treat plantar plantar fasciitis?

There are several ways in which plantar fasciitis can be treated. The first method is symptomatic measures. They are offered to the patient by official medicine. When visiting a doctor in a city clinic and presenting such complaints, the patient will receive a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis and a prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of external ointments.

In severe cases, these drugs are prescribed as intramuscular injections. In addition, physiotherapy, massage and rest will be prescribed for a certain time. At home, it will be recommended not to load the leg and apply heat. It is possible to use compresses with Dimexide, which is also designed to have an anti-inflammatory effect.

All these measures have a positive effect. But, even if you do not use them, then in the absence of physical activity this disease will go into remission on its own within 7-10 days. This does not mean that the pathology has been completely eliminated. A scar has formed in the fascia area. And in its area, with the next excessive physical activity, an even larger gap is formed.

This will continue until, as a result of constantly occurring aseptic inflammation, a rough growth forms in the area of ​​the heel bone, preventing normal walking.

We strongly recommend that before treating plantar fasciitis with anti-inflammatory symptomatic measures, you understand that they do not lead to recovery. They only temporarily relieve pain caused by tendon tissue injury. But we’ll talk further about how to treat the disease effectively and safely.

Treatment Methods for Plantar Plantar Fasciitis

There are more effective methods of treating plantar fasciitis - this is manual therapy, which allows you to completely restore the damaged structure of the ligamentous apparatus. Methods of massage and osteopathy, therapeutic exercises and reflexology, laser treatment, etc. are used.

When treating plantar fasciitis using manual therapy methods, the process of regeneration of damaged tissue is started. Scar tissue dissolves, fascia restores its physiological functions and capabilities. Even under very severe stress, patients do not experience relapses of this disease.

The secret lies in the special approach of our doctors. They carefully study the medical history and the pathological changes present. They draw conclusions about what reasons provoked such changes. And then targeted work is carried out to eliminate potential causes. The patient gets rid of excess body weight, learns the correct positioning of the foot, and receives help with flat feet and curvature of the lower leg. All these measures make it possible to ensure long-term protection of the entire musculoskeletal system from destructive changes.

We invite you to a free initial consultation. During your appointment, you will learn about what is causing your heel pain. The doctor will talk about the possibilities of safe and effective treatment.

Plantar fasciitis is a slowly developing disease, and in the initial stages, attention is usually not paid to it. If any unpleasant sensations arise, it seems that your legs are simply tired, and everything will go away as soon as they rest. However, over time, the pain only gets worse, especially after rest.

Heel fasciitis is more common in women, older adults, and athletes. According to the international classification of diseases, the disease is given the name plantar fascial fibromatosis. Popularly, plantar fasciitis is called a “heel spur”; the scientific name is plantar fasciitis. At its core, this is an inflammatory process in the heel bone. As the disease progresses, tissue compaction occurs, and a bony protrusion appears at the site of salt deposition.

Fasciitis of the foot causes a person’s gait to change, and permanent lameness may develop, and it is also very unpleasant, at first the pain is present only when walking, and then at rest too.

Causes of the disease

Elderly people often encounter a disease such as plantar fasciitis, the reasons for which lie in severe and regular overload of the ligamentous apparatus. That is why professional ballerinas and athletes often suffer from this pathology.

The disease has an inflammatory onset, but after some time the disease progresses, and as a result, degenerative processes begin to develop. This can be caused by:

  • excess weight, as obese people place increased stress on their feet;
  • the presence of osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine;
  • wearing tight shoes and high heels;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • flat feet;
  • poor blood supply to the lower extremities.

In order to cure this disease, it is necessary to find out for what reason it developed, since fasciitis is only a consequence, if you try to treat it, you may not achieve the result.

It is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the pathology, and after that you can begin to treat heel fasciitis using conservative methods.

Clinical picture

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis cannot be ignored or confused. The clinic is quite bright:

  • pain in the heels or entire feet;
  • burning sensation when placing weight on the heel;
  • swelling of the ankle and ankle joint;
  • pain in the Achilles tendon area.

To confirm the diagnosis, you need to do an ultrasound (the photo shows what it looks like), but you can begin to suspect plantar fasciitis on your own. Severe sharp pain in the morning is the main symptom of the disease.

During the day the pain becomes less intense, but gets worse towards night. It may intensify after prolonged sitting and sudden rise. Also a striking symptom is flabbiness of the arch of the foot. Since the symptoms of plantar fasciitis are more than typical, there are usually no difficulties with diagnosis.

Therapy for fasciitis

When the cause of the disease has been identified and, if possible, eliminated, treatment can begin. It is primarily aimed at reducing pain.

For plantar fasciitis, treatment is prescribed by an orthopedic traumatologist or surgeon. To relieve the inflammatory process, homeopathic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Provided that the ligamentous apparatus has not lost its elasticity, even the resulting bone growth will not cause pain. But if there is severe pain, anti-inflammatory drugs must be taken for a long time. As for local treatment, compresses and...

The use of physiotherapy gives positive results:

If conservative treatment of plantar fasciitis is ineffective, then the question of surgical intervention arises, but according to statistics, only 70% of operations can be considered successful.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia - it is injected into the spine, thereby blocking sensitivity. The operation can be traditional (open) or endoscopic (minimally invasive). The latter is naturally less traumatic, and the recovery process is easier and faster.

The following complications are possible after surgery:

  • the nerve may be injured during the operation;
  • the postoperative wound takes a long time to heal and it may fester;
  • pain may intensify;
  • nerve cells can form a benign tumor.

Treatment with traditional methods

How to treat plantar fasciitis at home? The beneficial properties of ginger relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Grate the ginger root, take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mass and fill it with water (glass). Boil the product for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes, then drink throughout the day.

  1. Turmeric is also a fairly strong pain reliever. For a glass of warm milk you will need 1 tsp. turmeric, mix it well in milk and drink. If you don't like the taste, you can add honey.
  2. Fish oil will help relieve muscle stiffness and inflammation, and it also contains beneficial omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce pain. Eating fish or drinking fish oil is very helpful for plantar fasciitis.
  3. Cayenne pepper is also a good pain reliever and you can use it to make foot baths. Just add a pinch of pepper to a bowl of water. Make sure that the water is not hot, otherwise it may cause skin irritation. The bath should be taken for 10 minutes, then be sure to rinse your feet with warm water. If your feet have cuts or inflammation, you should not use pepper. If the bath causes discomfort and causes severe burning, you should immediately stop the procedure and rinse your feet with clean water.
  4. The “king” of all home remedies is apple cider vinegar; it perfectly relieves pain and treats inflammation. Take a glass of warm water, add 1 tsp to it. honey and 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, stir and drink. Important: do not drink apple cider vinegar without diluting it with water - this can cause various gastrointestinal diseases. Apple cider vinegar can also be used for baths: add 2 tbsp to a bowl of water. l. and soak your feet for 5-10 minutes.

Folk remedies (like medications) are also aimed at relieving pain. However, to treat plantar fasciitis, the main thing is to eliminate its cause.

Prevention of disease

To prevent fasciitis, you must follow these guidelines:

  • watch your weight;
  • before training, stretch, warm up your calf muscles and feet, especially for runners;
  • increase the mileage for the race once a week and by no more than 10%;
  • if you run on asphalt, choose good running shoes with springy soles;
  • do not wear shoes that are too narrow or loose, they should support your feet well;
  • Take a stop regularly in the evenings;
  • Once a week, relax your feet in a bath with ginger or any medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Remember that a progressive and protracted disease is more difficult to treat. Therefore, at the first unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor for diagnosis.

In this article we will talk about the treatment of plantar (plantar) fasciitis of the heel at home, about all the methods and features of this process.

Plantar fasciitis is a foot disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the plantar fascia, which envelops the muscles of the arch of the foot. The result of the body's protective-adaptive reaction is injury to fibrous tissue due to stretching, heavy and regular load.

The role of the fascia is to maintain the foot in the correct position, and as soon as it begins to hurt, a person cannot move normally or engage in physical activity. If the problem is just beginning, then you can figure out how to treat plantar fasciitis at home. In case of increased and already intolerable pain, they resort to drug therapy. Let's look at these issues in more detail.

Flat feet are another cause of pain. It can be congenital, due to an insufficient amount of connective tissue during the formation of the foot, or acquired, as a result of wearing low-quality shoes.

Arthritis, arthrosis and vascular disease in the legs also affect the normal nutrition of fibrous tissue, limiting the flow of essential microelements for metabolism.

People who are overweight need to think about losing it. Only by eliminating the original cause of fasciitis can you get rid of it forever.

Symptoms of heel spurs are important signs that help in determining the overall picture of the disease and in the fight against it.

Drug treatment for plantar fasciitis

Heel fasciitis, or otherwise plantar, plantar fasciitis in an advanced stage can only be treated with medication. This includes therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets and ointments: Motrin, Indomethacin, Aleve, Diclofenac and its analogues, Advil. They contain the active ingredients ibuprofen and aspirin. The course of treatment is long but effective.

Injection procedures with the introduction of corticosteroids are also practiced: hydrocortisone or betamethasone. Such hormonal medications with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect can damage the fascia and result in acquired flat feet and chronic pain.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis is possible with homeopathic remedies when there are no bone spurs yet. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, preparations based on plant extracts improve the elasticity of the ligaments, which leads to a reduction in pain during mechanical impact on the foot.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Plantar fasciitis is effectively treated with the help of devices that affect the diseased area only mechanically - ultrasound (phonophoresis), current (iontophoresis), laser, magnetic field; Shock wave therapy is improved with the use of corticosteroids: betamethasone, hydrocortisone and disprospan.

Physiotherapeutic methods are successfully used in complex and conservative treatment of foot diseases.

Traditional medicine

In the initial stages of the disease, you can use proven methods of traditional medicine: compresses, ointments and applications.


Plantar fasciitis, which is supposed to be treated at home, responds well to the correct application of compresses:

  • each overlay should be wider than the previous one;
  • It is not recommended to use excessive force when fixing the layers on the ankle;
  • Allow a lot of time for the action (make a compress at night).

So, what folk remedies are used for compresses:

  1. medicinal herbs in the form of tinctures in alcoholic liquid;
  2. apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1:1;
  3. cabbage (burdock) leaf smeared with honey (chalk);
  4. raw potatoes or garlic, grated on a coarse grater;
  5. raw black radish and horseradish root, grated and mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

The given recipes are medicinal components of compressors, which must be applied according to the following rules:

  • prepared natural ingredient;
  • cling film to create a thermal effect;
  • warm material (bike, woolen scarf);
  • bandage for fixation.


Treatment of fasciitis at home is practiced by taking a variety of baths:

  • Saline. The solution is prepared as follows: dilute 3 tablespoons in 1 liter of hot water. spoons of salt. Place the sore heel in the bath and steam for at least half an hour. Wipe your foot dry and wrap it in a warming cloth, go to bed;
  • Iodine-soda. Pour 1 teaspoon of soda into a bowl with 1 liter of warm water and add 10 drops of iodine. Steam for 10 minutes, then wipe the foot dry and treat the sore spot with iodine mesh;
  • Vodka based. How to treat plantar fasciitis at home by taking a bath with a solution of vodka, table vinegar and turpentine? You need to mix all the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio, heat, place your foot and hold until the composition cools completely. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times.
  • Icy. Immerse the heel (without toes) in cold water with ice for 10 minutes;
  • From walnut peels. Plantar fasciitis in the initial stage or in complex therapy is well treated with a bath, the solution for which must be prepared as follows: boil the chopped green peel of walnuts for 10 minutes. Before going to bed, steam your foot in the bath for 15 minutes;
  • Based on an antispasmodic and antimicrobial drug. The bath consists of 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 table. spoons of honey and 2 tablets of furatsilin and analgin. Bring the mixture until smooth and place the foot for 20 minutes. After the procedure, subject the heel fasciitis to heat - wrap it in clay for 10–20 minutes.


Plantar fasciitis, which can be treated at home (photo below), can be treated with application overlays. This procedure helps to use all the forces of nature from natural ingredients, nourishing the tissue with microelements important for it.

An effective application is considered to be a mixture of mountain wax and paraffin. They are heated to 40 °C, mixed, applied to the sore spot, wrapped in a warm cloth and put a plastic bag on the leg. Leave the application for half an hour.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to cure complex shaped plantar fasciitis with overlays, but using them in complex therapy will be useful.

Auxiliary procedures

Plantar fasciitis: treatment at home and in the hospital, may undergo additional procedures that are aimed at restoring fibrous tissue. These include:

  • patches with medicinal composition;
  • ointments with a warming and analgesic effect;
  • homeopathic lotions.

Fasciitis of the sole, which can be treated at home, cannot be allowed to develop into a severe form, otherwise all methods will be powerless, which will lead to surgical intervention.

Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the plantar fascia) is often diagnosed in women 40 years of age and older. Doctors call the main causes of the disease:

  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time.
  • Having excess body weight.
  • Diabetes mellitus, gout and other diseases.
  • Flat feet, circulatory and metabolic disorders in the lower extremities.
  • Previously suffered foot injuries (this is especially typical for people involved in professional sports).

It can be difficult to recognize and begin treatment in a timely manner, because the disease in the early stages can manifest itself in the form of swelling and fatigue of the legs. After some time, patients may notice an increase in pain in the heel area, which will persist even at rest. That is why if you are in at least one of the risk groups, and you begin to notice unpleasant sensations in your feet, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Treating plantar fasciitis at home

Despite the warnings of doctors, many patients who have been diagnosed with fasciitis prefer to undergo treatment at home, using traditional recipes. Judging by the reviews, such remedies as medical bile, salt, iodine, honey, propolis, etc. help relieve pain, swelling of soft tissues, restore blood circulation and metabolism. Medicines made on the basis of these components must be taken in courses, taking into account the availability contraindications. Some patients who comprehensively used both folk and traditional methods of treatment experienced relief quite quickly and most of the unpleasant symptoms disappeared. That is why it is necessary to list common folk methods for eliminating plantar fasciitis.

Medical bile against inflammation

Medical bile, which was used in ancient times as a treatment for joint diseases, helps relieve unpleasant symptoms of fasciitis. You can find this medicine at any pharmacy, and you do not need a prescription from a doctor to purchase it. The following bile-based recipes will eliminate heel pain, reduce swelling of soft tissues, and normalize metabolism:

Mix bile and vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Steam your sore feet in hot water, and then apply a bandage soaked in the medicinal composition to the affected areas. Place parchment or wax paper on top, apply an elastic bandage and put on a wool sock. It is more advisable to do such warming compresses at night for 20–25 days (usually after this time noticeable relief occurs).
A compress of vodka, shampoo and bile will not only relieve pain, but also make the skin soft and elastic. To prepare this remedy, you will need 20 grams of vodka (or alcohol) and shampoo, as well as 50 grams of medical bile. The composition is also applied to gauze and applied to sore spots.
There are other folk recipes using bile for plantar fasciitis, however, the above can be called not only effective, but also easy to make.

Egg and vinegar

An ointment made from vinegar, eggs and honey was previously famous for its anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. To prepare such a remedy for plantar fasciitis, you need to take a chicken egg and place it in a container with vinegar for several days (the vinegar can be anything - apple, rice, etc.). During this time, the shell will dissolve, and the egg-vinegar essence will remain in the cup. The resulting ingredient must be poured into a large container, add 30–50 grams of natural butter and mix thoroughly. The finished medicine should be applied to a piece of bandage or gauze and applied to the heel spur overnight, providing the sore foot with rest and warmth.

Aspirin for plantar fasciitis

The familiar aspirin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on plantar fasciitis, eliminating most of the unpleasant symptoms. With a course of treatment with folk remedies based on aspirin, you can not only get rid of acute pain in the heel area, but also improve blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues affected by the disease.

The easiest way is to prepare a solution of aspirin and vodka by mixing the components in a ratio of 10 tablets per 250 ml of liquid. As soon as the product has infused (1–1.5 days), it must be applied to a piece of gauze and applied to the sore heel overnight. To prevent the material from drying out quickly, put polyethylene on top, fix it with an elastic bandage and put on a woolen sock. Relief occurs in approximately 7–14 days. If the solution dries out and corrodes the skin, it should be treated with a rich cream or natural butter in the morning.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis with iodine

Folk remedies based on iodine-alcohol solution are in great demand among patients who have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. Their main difference is ease of preparation, as well as impressive efficiency. During the course of treatment, many patients stopped complaining of acute pain in the heel, noticed the appearance of ease when walking, a decrease in swelling and a burning sensation.

Iodine baths

This method of treatment will not require special time and material costs, because to prepare the medicine you need to take 2–5 tbsp. l. iodine solution and dilute them in 3 liters of hot water. Baths should be taken daily for 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, the feet are wiped dry, an iodine mesh is applied to the heel and woolen socks are put on. In addition, you can simply immerse your heels in a concentrated iodine solution for 5–10 minutes. With this treatment, the active component penetrates into the skin, stopping the process of inflammation of the soft tissues.

Sea salt for heel spurs

Sea and table salt have also worked well in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. This substance has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect, allows you to normalize metabolism and blood circulation in soft tissues.

Compresses with sea salt, iodine and honey

To prepare this remedy, you will need 50 ml of iodine-alcohol solution, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of salt. All components must be thoroughly mixed, then applied to a piece of gauze or a cotton swab, applied to the sore spot and secured with an elastic bandage. It is more advisable to do this procedure at night, providing the foot with warmth and peace.

Salt massage

A daily massage with salt heated in a frying pan will help relieve pain from fasciitis. During a course of treatment, in some cases, complete elimination of the disease was observed.

Salt baths

It is very simple to prepare a salt bath that will eliminate the pain and burning sensation of a heel spur. To do this, you need to dissolve a pack of table or sea salt in hot water, wait for the water to cool slightly and immerse your sore heels in it. The procedure continues until the water cools to room temperature. The course of treatment is 10–14 days.

Folk remedies based on burdock

Fresh burdock leaves can also stop the inflammatory process with plantar fasciitis, improve blood circulation, and help remove toxins and waste from soft tissues. In order for the plant to begin to provide healing properties to the feet affected by the disease, you simply need to apply this natural remedy to the sore heel, secure it with an elastic bandage and put on a woolen sock. As soon as the burdock leaf dries, you should take a fresh one and repeat the procedure.

Crushed burdock leaf with the addition of a tablespoon of castor oil can relieve the unpleasant symptoms of fasciitis, as well as soften cracked and irritated skin in the heel spur area. In most cases, improvement becomes noticeable within 7-14 days from the start of treatment.

Honey and propolis in the fight against plantar fasciitis

Bee products (honey and propolis) are also used as folk methods for getting rid of plantar fasciitis. From these components you can make decoctions, compresses, ointments. For example, you can make a natural ointment from honey and wheat flour by mixing the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mass should be thoroughly kneaded, shaped into a flat cake and applied to the heel spur. During a course of treatment, the active components contained in honey normalize metabolic processes, relieve pain, and reduce swelling of inflamed tissues.

A similar effect can be achieved by preparing propolis-vaseline ointment. To do this, you need to combine the components in a 1:2 ratio, respectively, and mix them thoroughly. You can add a small amount of butter to the finished mass. Propolis medicine for fasciitis is applied to sore feet every day until complete healing (during the procedure, you need to provide warmth and rest to your feet).

In conclusion, it is worth saying that folk remedies for plantar fasciitis cannot be used as the main method of treatment. To completely eliminate the disease, it is necessary to use traditional methods - massage, physiotherapy, patches, medications. It is also necessary to provide relief for sore feet, wear comfortable orthopedic shoes, and maintain a sleep-wake schedule. Only in this case can a noticeable improvement in the condition be achieved and the development of the disease be stopped.

Plantar fasciitis is a disease that is caused by inflammatory and degenerative changes in the tissues of the plantar fascia and is accompanied by heel pain during exercise.

Plantar fascia (plantar aponeurosis) is a dense connective tissue that attaches to the heel bone and phalanges of the toes. Its main function is to form and support the longitudinal arch of the foot. If a person stands, half of his weight puts pressure on the plantar aponeurosis. High load provokes micro-tears in the area that is attached to the heel tubercle.

In many cases, while staying in an upright position (during sleep), injuries regress on their own. But under the influence of unfavorable factors, fascia ruptures recur. As a result, plantar fasciitis develops, the cause of which is constant microtraumatization of the aponeurosis, leading to aseptic inflammation of the tissues and the occurrence of pain.

Plantar fasciitis of the heel most often affects women over 40 years of age. The following unfavorable factors increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • overweight;
  • playing sports that place prolonged stress on the heel or Achilles tendon;
  • flat feet or too high arches;
  • turning the foot inward while walking;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • injuries;
  • gout.

Chronic plantar fasciitis over time can lead to the formation of a heel spur, a bone growth (osteophyte) that occurs as a result of the deposition of calcium salts.


The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the heel area. Unpleasant sensations arise or intensify with exertion. In the morning they are most pronounced, then gradually subside. This is due to the rupture of the fascia that has grown together during night sleep. In addition, the pain intensifies after a long period of sitting, when a person takes his first steps.

The formation of a heel spur can increase the intensity of the symptoms of plantar fasciitis of the foot as the bony growths put pressure on the surrounding tissue. In many cases, the osteophyte does not manifest itself at all.


Plantar fasciitis is diagnosed based on an analysis of complaints and examination. In addition, radiography is prescribed, which allows you to detect a heel spur.

During the examination, plantar fasciitis is differentiated from diseases such as:

  • tarsal tunnel syndrome;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Reiter's syndrome and so on.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis is determined by the severity of its symptoms. In mild cases, the main directions of therapy are to ensure unloading of the plantar aponeurosis and eliminate inflammation of the soft tissues.

Unloading the plantar fascia is achieved by reducing physical activity and periodically resting while walking. The main methods of therapy are gymnastics, taping and the use of special devices for the foot.

The purpose of exercises for fasciitis is to stretch, strengthen and increase the elasticity of the aponeurosis. They must be done every morning after warming up. Regular exercise helps lengthen the plantar fascia. As a result, pain is reduced and future injuries are prevented.

After physical therapy, the foot is taped - the application of an elastic band (tape) or patch to support the longitudinal arch and fix the aponeurosis. When applying the tape, it is necessary to increase its tension when it bends around the leg from below.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment of plantar fasciitis at home, braces or orthoses are used - devices that fix the foot at a right angle. They are worn all night and do not allow the aponeurosis to shorten. During the daytime, patients with fasciitis are advised to wear orthopedic shoes or insoles with arch support and a depression in the center of the heel.

To relieve tissue inflammation and reduce pain, the following are practiced:

  • massage;
  • applying ice;
  • rubbing with warming and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • mud applications;
  • warm foot baths;
  • analgesics – ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid, naproxen.

How to treat plantar fasciitis in severe cases? For severe discomfort and significant bone growths, the following methods are used:

  • injection of glucocorticoids into the foot tissue in combination with anesthetics;
  • shock wave therapy to destroy heel spurs;
  • laser or ultrasound effect on inflamed tissue.

If conservative treatment of plantar fasciitis is ineffective, an operation is performed during which the osteophyte and altered parts of the fascia are removed.

Plantar fasciitis has a favorable prognosis. In advanced cases, the course of the disease may worsen due to a fracture of the heel spur.


Basic measures to prevent plantar fasciitis:

  • wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • adequate physical activity;
  • maintaining normal weight;
  • treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

If plantar fasciitis occurs, treatment at home should begin immediately. The sooner you take the necessary measures, the greater the chances of quickly getting rid of the problem and achieving improved well-being. Therapy for the disease is aimed at relieving pain and reducing the inflammatory process, rapid healing of micro-tears and cracks, increasing the flexibility and strength of the foot.

Priority actions

If initial signs of the disease occur, you should pay attention to lifestyle and physical activity. If possible, they should be adjusted so as to relieve unpleasant symptoms and prevent complications from occurring in the future.

If you have plantar fasciitis, you need to get enough physical activity. If you wear thin-soled shoes every day, you should avoid walking on asphalt or concrete. It is forbidden to run, as this promotes activation of the inflammatory process. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to stop playing sports or limit exercises that provoke pain.

Ice has a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be applied to the heel area at the end of the working day. This will allow you to quickly and effectively relieve the condition.

Very severe pain can be relieved by drugs from the NSAID group. They are characterized by a complex effect and have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and decongestant effects. For this purpose, you can use medications based on Diclofenac or Ibuprofen.

However, drugs cannot be used uncontrolled. They have a large number of side effects, in particular, they negatively affect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and can provoke the development of ulcers and bleeding.

Choosing the right shoes plays an important role in successfully getting rid of discomfort. It should successfully absorb the shock of walking and support the arch of the foot. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to stop using slippers, high-heeled shoes or sandals. You should give preference to a pair with a soft and thick sole. The ideal option is sneakers.

Proximal fasciitis requires improved footwear. Special inserts in the heel area or orthopedic insoles will help solve this problem. This way you can reduce the load on the area of ​​inflammation.

Walking barefoot can increase pain, so you need to put on shoes as soon as possible after getting out of bed. It is advisable to do calf stretching exercises in the morning. It won’t take much time, only 3-4 minutes, but it will help to effectively strengthen the ligaments and muscles, which will have a positive effect on the course of the disease.

Excess weight has a negative impact on a person’s ligamentous apparatus, exposing it to increased stress. Therefore, one of the first recommendations in the treatment of plantar fasciitis is weight loss. It is not necessary to lose half the weight; even a slight decrease in indicators will have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being.

When treating a disease at home, you should remember some limitations. For example, a ban on long-term thermal procedures. In this case, cold will help reduce pain and relieve inflammation, and increased temperature will negatively affect the patient’s condition. It is advisable to observe this rule even during water procedures and be sure to complete hygiene measures with a cold shower.

The use of baths in the treatment of diseases

How to treat plantar fasciitis with folk remedies? Alternative medicine involves an integrated approach. Therefore, one of the important conditions for successful therapy is the use of baths. Thanks to water procedures, the skin of the affected leg will steam well and soften. To enhance the positive result, it is necessary to add medicinal components to the liquid.

An additional advantage of this treatment method is that subsequent application of a compress will provide a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

The simplest recipe for preparing a bath is to add soda and salt. For 1 liter of hot water you will need 1 tbsp. l. each means. If desired, you can add a few drops of iodine, which has an antiseptic effect. The duration of water procedures is about 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to use liquid that is too hot, as it can not only cause a burn, but also worsen the patient’s well-being.

The healing composition, which includes turpentine, vinegar and vodka, has a good effect. All components must be mixed in equal proportions and heated slightly in a water bath. The procedure achieves an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect.

Treatment with folk remedies includes the use of an “ice bath.” Very cold water is suitable for this. Adding crushed ice will lower the temperature of the liquid even further. The procedure should be done carefully, only the heel should be immersed in the water, and the total duration should not exceed 5–10 minutes. Otherwise, there is a high risk of frostbite on your feet.

The use of compresses in the treatment of plantar fasciitis

Folk remedies in the treatment of the disease necessarily include medications for topical use. The use of compresses has a good therapeutic effect. Thanks to the correct application of the application, optimal conditions are created for deep penetration of the drug deep into the epidermis. For compresses you can use the following recipes:

  1. Horseradish and laundry soap. Grind both components in equal proportions, mix well and place on the area of ​​inflammation. Attach to the leg, cover with a plastic bag or wax paper and wrap. It is advisable to do this procedure at night so that the medicine acts on the pathological focus for as long as possible. The product has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Apply the application daily before bed until you feel better.
  2. Sunflower tincture. Cut off the head of a flowering plant and remove the white, porous pulp. Grind the mixture, put it in a glass container and fill it with vodka. The liquid should cover the sunflower by 0.5–1 cm. Leave the product in a dark place for 10–14 days. Before use, strain the tincture and add sunflower, olive, flaxseed or any other vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. Use the product for rubbing and applying compresses.
  3. Infusion of cinquefoil. To prepare it, you need to grind the root of the plant. 2 tbsp. l. pour 50 ml of water and leave for 2 hours. After this time, strain the product and mash the remaining pulp to a puree-like consistency. Place the mixture on the heel and apply a compress. The duration of use of the medicine is at least 10–12 hours. Therefore, the procedure should be done before bedtime so that the patient does not have to walk with the application.
  4. Beets and apple cider vinegar. To apply a compress, you need to grate the vegetable and mix it with apple cider vinegar in equal proportions. The product has a pronounced softening, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Its only drawback is that it can paint the sole red, which is only relevant in the hot season.
  5. Elderberry tincture. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. To prepare it, you need to pour medical alcohol over the berries and leave for 5–7 days. It is advisable to do this in a glass container. Use the finished product for rubbing and applying compresses - moisten a piece of cotton cloth or gauze in liquid, apply to the sore spot and wrap it on top.

Using ointments and rubs

Treatment for plantar fasciitis with folk remedies involves using medications to rub into the inflamed area several times a day.

The easiest way to prepare an ointment is to grind fresh unsalted lard in a meat grinder and use it as a rub. To enhance the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of fat, it should be attached to the heel area and left overnight. To avoid unnecessary worries, you don’t have to twist the lard and add a whole slice. It will also have a positive effect.

When treating fasciitis with folk remedies, you should definitely use an effective propolis-based recipe. To prepare the ointment, mix 25 g of herb and 200 g of butter, melt the mixture in a water bath and rub on the inflamed heel. The product can be left overnight, and to avoid soiling the bed linen, put a sock on top.

Golden mustache has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Ointments, infusions, rubs and other forms based on it are used in the treatment of many diseases. The stem and leaves of the plant are used for medicine. To enhance the healing effect, the cut parts should be placed in the freezer for several hours. After this, pass through a meat grinder and add animal fat (pork, bear, badger). For 1 part golden mustache you will need 2 parts lard. The product is used as an ointment, but is not used for applying compresses. The medicine should be kept in the refrigerator so that it retains its consistency.

Treatment of fasciitis with folk remedies will help cope with the inflammatory process without the use of pharmacological drugs. However, you should be patient, because although this treatment is absolutely safe, it does not act as quickly as medications.



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