Why don't you want to eat in a dream? Is it harmful to eat at night: a harmless habit or a full-fledged disease?

However, so far we have not been particularly affected hot topic– regular trips to the refrigerator under cover of darkness. ?

What is it for us: harmless habit or a full-fledged disease? I propose right now to deal with a problem that is “familiar” to millions of people. The main question for today: Is it harmful to eat at night? Now I will try to acquaint you as fully as possible with the features of eating in the dark.

Determining the diagnosis of the problem: the main consequences of night snacks

In order to provide site visitors with not only interesting, but also the most reliable information, I had to turn to the opinion of leading nutritionists Russian Federation. The experts’ answers were identical, so I have prepared for you a list of the main consequences of night eating:

  • The gastrointestinal tract system at night “submits” to the human biorhythm, so its functioning slows down. The food eaten is absorbed by the body only in the morning, and during the resting process it simply “rots”, waiting for its “hour”.
  • If you are used to getting up at night to eat a few sandwiches or a piece of cake, then be prepared for the onset of insomnia. Full stomach“presses” on other organs, reducing the amount of oxygen entering them.
  • If you interrupt your sleep for a quick snack, you risk gaining weight over time. At night, the human body is practically motionless, so all carbohydrates become part of existing fat deposits.
  • The quality of sleep is determined by the amount of melatonin produced by the body. If you consciously interrupt your rest, radically change your activities and start eating, then be prepared for problems with sleep.

There is no doubt about the above facts, because they are based on what has already happened. scientific research. A person who cannot cope with his desire to snack on something tasty at night is prone to becoming overweight. Guys, is this what we put effort into in the gym?

Fact from the world of science: “The result of research by sleep specialists from an institute in Los Angeles was the identification negative impact night “gluttony” on brain activity. If you regularly eat in the dark, a person’s natural biorhythm is disrupted, memory deteriorates and vision decreases.”

Properly satisfying hunger: top 10 foods you can eat at night

Knowing how many people are prone to nightly trips to the kitchen, I decided to look at the circumstances from the opposite angle. What can you eat at night if you can’t “overcome” the feeling of hunger?

Is there any food that does not have a negative impact on your figure? What food will be the most beneficial for the body at night? Considering the scale of the problem, nutritionists have identified a list of foods that are most harmless at night:

  • A small portion of oatmeal.
  • A handful of almonds.
  • Medium sized banana.
  • 250 ml of milk with a teaspoon of honey added to a glass.
  • Warm chamomile tea.
  • Grainy cottage cheese or several slices of cheese (hard variety).
  • Mushrooms (cannot be fried in refined oil).
  • Corn cob.
  • Kefir (fat content no more than 2.5%).
  • Carrots or beets.

As we see, guys, we even have a choice! ? The main thing is to know moderation in everything. If the carrot is useful product, then you don’t need to eat several kilograms of such a vegetable at night, washing it down with liters of milk, scooping tablespoons of honey from a jar. ?

Eat not to the point of satiety, but to satisfy the feeling of hunger - this is the basic rule that you should remember. If we can't stop in time, then even healthy food will cause the appearance excess weight.

It is contraindicated to eat at night: “Tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and apples are foods that contain a lot of fiber in their structural composition. To digest "complex" dietary fiber the body expends a lot of energy, so the feeling of hunger does not disappear.”

Effective methods of combating a bad habit: weaning ourselves from eating at night

Guys, we have already diagnosed the problem, we even found it healthy counterparts harmful products. However, we still need to wean ourselves from eating under the cover of darkness, because a full stomach negatively affects the functioning of vital processes.

To get rid of a bad habit, I suggest you read useful recommendations qualified nutritionists:

  • Normalize your diet throughout the day, have a hearty breakfast and a hearty lunch. This way, you will be able to fill up before nighttime.
  • If you exclude it from your diet junk food, then the level of temptation to look into the refrigerator before going to bed will significantly decrease.
  • Do not consume foods containing serotonin, the hormone of “happiness” and “joy,” in the evening. Chocolate and pastries do not satisfy your hunger, but provoke you to have another piece of sweets.
  • Train your willpower, try to refuse to go to the kitchen at night on your own.
  • To prevent the desire to snack before bed, train yourself to brush your teeth after your evening meal. Friends, I assure you that you will not want to spend similar procedure again - most people become simply too lazy to eat, because then they will have to pick up a toothbrush again.
  • Strictly follow your regime, which you have previously established. If you develop “reflexive thinking” in your body, then the feeling of hunger at night simply will not appear.
  • Do you find it so difficult to give up snacking after dark? Fine. Prepare a healthy product on the nightstand near your bed in advance so as not to be tempted by the abundance of food in the kitchen.

Friends, advice from nutritionists is effective ways forget about restless sleep, regularly interrupted by trips to the refrigerator. In some European countries there is even a full-fledged diagnosis for which people are treated in special clinics - “Night overeating”.

Everything is much more serious than it seems at first glance, so think about the dangers of eating in the dark today.

Helpful advice: “If you really want to eat, but it’s already night outside, drink a glass warm water, “trick” your stomach. The feeling of hunger will disappear for about 15–20 minutes. The main thing is to have time to fall asleep during this time period.” ?

Guys, the process of getting rid of a bad habit can take a long time - you don’t need to wait for results in just a couple of days. However, be patient, because achieving your cherished goal justifies the effort we expended. The main thing is don’t give up and don’t give up. Eat a small portion at night healthy food with a feeling of guilt - this is also a small “victory”.

Dear Start-health readers, to supplement my information, just leave your comment on this article. We respect any opinion of people who are also on their way to healthy image life. With joint efforts, we will definitely be able to overcome the road full of difficulties and temptations.

Bye everyone! See you soon! ?

Eating food at night can cause very, very serious consequences for figure and health. But it is precisely after dark that the body of many people requires food. If you are tormenting yourself with a problem: I want to eat at night, what should I do, then you need to pay attention to this great attention. After all, even harmless snacks during a sleep break can be more than unpleasant for you in the future.

Why can't you eat at night?

The night is made for sleep. And when at this time you want to have a snack, then this is a false reaction of the body. This is more of a glitch than the norm.

Night meal is:

  • Deposition of fats in huge quantities;
  • Pressure full stomach to all organs of the body;
  • Poor sleep due to stomach activity;
  • Failure of the daily routine (eat once at night, you will eat like this all the time);
  • Poor digestion of food, which causes digestive problems;
  • Failure of blood circulation and breathing. As a result, burping, snoring, etc.

At night, the stomach works many times slower than during the day. Because of this, food is digested extremely poorly. Nutrients are poorly absorbed into the blood and go into fat fibers. And the belly itself remains full for a long time, and creates a large internal pressure. Keep this in mind when going to the refrigerator at night.

Why do you want to eat at night?

There are several reasons why you experience artificial hunger. At night you want to eat because:

  1. Fasting. You missed dinner. Now the body wants to have dinner while sleeping;
  2. Stress. Something is bothering you. And you are trying to distract yourself, although you yourself do not suspect it;
  3. Poor daily routine. For example, you go to bed, sometimes at 22.00, or even at 3.00. This is not correct;
  4. Insomnia. You don't sleep well. And the body thinks that it’s already day and it’s time to have breakfast;
  5. Gastritis. Sometimes, it is because of illness that the walls of the stomach are irritated. Therefore, here it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist.

Remember also the power of habit. If you eat several times at night, then you will continue to do so. Therefore, it is better not to get used to this.

Among other things, the body stores food for the night. So to speak, this is a burst of activity before rest. It is expressed differently in everyone. It's better not to give in to this. Just remember that this is not the right feeling of hunger.

To avoid running to the refrigerator every night, you need to eat less junk food. After all, it provokes a feeling of hunger. Therefore, after all sorts of hamburgers, you want to eat twice as much.

Drink dairy products before bed. They allow you to get normal amount nutrients. At the same time, they are easily digested.

Drink more water. If there is not enough water, then the volume of the stomach is not filled. This provokes the desire to eat. Just don't drink soda. After all, it contains too much sugar.

Walk on fresh air and have a normal motor activity. Then your body will not give false signals.

Brush or caress your teeth before going to bed. This slightly reduces your nighttime appetite. Indeed, with such an event, the sensitivity of the receptors in the mouth decreases and the production of saliva decreases.

And learn to distinguish real hunger from imaginary hunger. Otherwise, you will constantly have problems with this. To prevent this from happening, the imaginary urge to go to the refrigerator must simply be suppressed.

Everyone knows that the last meal should be taken 3 hours before bedtime. Then why do hands reach for the refrigerator when the clock hand passes midnight.

For those whose dream is to lose weight beach season, is destroyed every day by the “night watch” at the refrigerator - 3 main reasons why this happens.

Night raids on the refrigerator are not at all uncommon, although even inveterate gluttons understand that this is wrong - there is nothing to do in the kitchen at this time of day. To wean yourself from eating at night, you first need to understand what such snacks do for your body.

1. We eat at night because we don’t eat enough during the day.

Night eating can have a very simple explanation: a person eats in the middle of the night because he does not eat during the day. Or rather, he doesn’t eat normally - for some reason he skips breakfast, lunch or dinner. During the day he succeeds, but in the evening the level of self-control decreases and it becomes more and more difficult to fight the temptation to empty the refrigerator. The matter may end with the person waking up in the middle of the night, eating a pot of soup or half a cake (those who are undernourished during the day usually do not limit themselves to a couple of sandwiches, they eat thoroughly) and calmly go to bed.

The next morning he will also be glad that he doesn’t feel like having breakfast, although in general there is nothing to be happy about. This diet becomes a habit, and the night eater ends up in vicious circle: tolerates during the day, eats at night, is not hungry in the morning - and so on.

2. Not for the sake of sausage - for the sake of peace

Food, as you know, is a great way to relieve stress - hence the problem of stress eating, which leads many to excess weight and because of which it is so difficult to treat obesity. A person who opens a refrigerator in the middle of the night is not just looking for sausage, he is looking for a way to get rid of negative emotions accumulated during the day. And it doesn’t matter that he was sleeping before - he was mentally in a state of tension. The next morning, a person may not remember that he chewed something in the kitchen at night.

3. We eat... fear

Many fully grown, sane people are afraid of the dark, sometimes subconsciously, without understanding their problem. This can also be a reason for eating at night.

A person goes to bed, turns off the light, but cannot sleep due to strange discomfort and anxiety. One day he may find a simple way to get rid of this feeling - in the kitchen: night snacks will give him a feeling of security and the opportunity to fall asleep peacefully.


At night a person should not eat - he should sleep. Eaten less than 2 hours before bedtime is an additional burden on the liver, pancreas and all other digestive organs. If you want to have a snack before bed, let it be something dairy or vegetable salad with a spoon vegetable oil, but not a piece fried meat, pie or sweet. If it is still difficult to resist going to the kitchen in the middle of the night, it is better to limit yourself to warm tea or milk, kefir.

Expert advice

Learn to eat normally during the day and relax

For those who snack at night, there are both medical and psychological recommendations. You need to start eating normally during the day: have breakfast, lunch, and a full dinner so that you don’t feel like eating before bed. We strongly advise against getting carried away with fashionable restrictive diets, because they, as a rule, lead to eating at night.

In the evening and at night it will be more difficult to cope with restrictions than during the day - you will probably end up at the refrigerator.

It is important to learn to relax during the day, come up with interesting and enjoyable activities for the evening, and relieve stress with the most in different ways- not just food. Often those who like to eat at night say: “I was in a fog, my head turned off. I don’t understand how I could eat a whole cake.” If a person realizes his problem, begins to monitor what and when he eats, this is already good: he begins to understand himself, his emotions, needs, that is, to work on himself. Gradually, the tension goes away, and with it the night snacks. But breaking the habit of eating at night takes time.

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When night falls, many who are so zealously trying to lose weight literally wake up. beastly appetite. Is it worth starving yourself, or is it still possible to have something to eat before bedtime? If you don’t have the strength to endure hunger, there are foods that will not harm your figure or health and can be consumed at night. Which? Find out further.

The main thing in the article

Why do you want to eat before bed?

The first thing to note is that at night a person should go to sleep and allow the body to rest, but not eat. If the meal was taken less than two hours before bedtime, then what was eaten will not be beneficial, but will only give additional load on the organs of the digestive system.

If you really want to eat, limit yourself dairy dish or vegetable salad with the addition of vegetable oil. Food should be light; fatty, rich or sweet foods are not suitable. Best optiona glass of kefir, warm tea or milk - Replace snacks with drinks.

In order to wean yourself from such a wrong habit, you can safely even say “harmful”, you must first find the reason for such a sudden manifestation of appetite in the dark:

  1. What you didn’t have time to eat during the day, you finish at night. Most people, due to the crazy pace of life, simply do not have time to eat normally during the day, missing out on breakfast, lunch or dinner. And in the evening there is no way to control the hunger accumulated during the day. This activity is fraught with the fact that after a night of overeating, a person will not want to have breakfast at all in the morning, and this is not a reason to rejoice. The body quickly gets used to eating at this rhythm and a certain algorithm of actions occurs daily: Restraint from eating during the day – Overeating at night – Lack of appetite in the morning , and so on in a circle.
  2. Eating for comfort. For many, food is a kind of antidepressant. A person simply eats away the excitement, thereby relieving excess tension. This ritual, although indirectly, reminds bad habits smoking and drinking alcohol. In this case, a person does not need food as a way to refresh himself, but only as an opportunity to get rid of the negativity accumulated during the day.
  3. Eating fears. For example, darkness. On a subconscious level, when going to bed, a person feels strange discomfort and anxiety. And eating at night can create the illusion of security and calm.

To eat or not to eat: what to do if you want to eat before bed?

Why is eating at night harmful?

In addition to overloading the digestive organs, as already mentioned, eating food at night can cause a number of other troubles.

From the medical point of view, eating heavily at night is harmful to health - this leads to excessive production insulin , which in turn “helps” the accumulation of adipose tissue . This is where the dilemma arises - overeating is bad, but Not eating at all is also a no-no.

Therefore, it is important to have a full dinner, but not to overeat at night - there should be golden mean. Remember! Fully does not mean tight, these are not synonyms.

Scientists from the USA conducted a study. Experiments were carried out on mice, they were divided into two groups and fed too much fatty foods. The only difference was that one group was fed morning time, and the other in the evening. Absolutely all mice gained weight. Only the first group recovered by 20%, and the second - by 50% respectively. Here is a clear example of the dangers of eating food at night. Food at night and slim figure- things are incompatible.

What foods are bad for you at night?

There are a number of foods that can make you feel worse, cause you to gain extra pounds, and can completely ruin your sleep.

  • Avoid eating foods at night that take a long time for the stomach to digest. In other words - who have low glycemic levels .
  • Eliminate foods that tend to cause fermentation: at night, digestion does not work as intensively, while pathogenic microflora is active and can cause discomfort, bloating and diarrhea.
  • Spices and seasonings (including garlic) stimulate appetite, consuming them in the evening can lead to the fact that after 1-2 hours you will want to eat again.
  • It takes a long time, up to about 6 hours, to digest fish and meat, except chicken breast and turkeys. Don't load up on them after 6-7 pm.

Don't have dinner the following products:

Is it harmful to drink water at night?

Water is the basis of all living things, without which life on Earth is simply impossible. Water can and should be drunk at any time of the day when your body requires it. This brings undoubted benefits.

  • At night, when a person breathes or sweats, a lot of fluid is lost. To maintain water balance Replenish your body with drink, or better yet, place a glass of water near your bed.
  • For normal the course of digestion processes Water is necessary, it regulates many issues related to acidity, prevents constipation, etc.
  • Helps remove toxins from the body, promotes healthy skin color. Lack of fluid can affect the formation of kidney and gallstones.
  • Promotes the removal of toxins, perfectly suppresses appetite, which will benefit your figure.
  • Plus for cardiovascular system . According to research, people who drink less than two glasses of water a day are more likely to develop heart attack 41% more than those who drink more than five.

Read about how to drink water to lose weight and what other weight loss cocktails will help you get in shape in our special section.

Restrictions associated with drinking water at night:

  1. People are often afraid of swelling. Yes, indeed, when the body lacks water, it begins to accumulate it in reserve in the form of edema. But after quite short time the body will understand that it is not in danger of dehydration, and the problem will go away on its own. However, this rule does not apply to people suffering from water-salt metabolism disorders.
  2. It is also alarming Healthy kidneys the passage of a liquid of 2-2.5 liters through them does not pose any threat (which is considered normal), but for those who have problems, it is better to check with the doctor.
  3. Drinking daily norm water, you don’t have to worry that important microelements will be washed out of your body.

How to get rid of the habit of eating at night?

The main task remains to put your diet in order, resorting to less fatty foods and reducing its volume.

  • Evening walk. Late eating often occurs due to the need to calm down, rather than to satisfy hunger. To avoid eating too much, go for a walk.
  • Treat your body, not your stomach. Relax with a bubble bath and aromatherapy oils, get a massage or take a contrast shower. Physical euphoria will not allow you to think about food.

  • Hiking. Physical activity invigorates, improves mood, and when a person is on the move, he simply has no time to think about food. But don’t overdo it, the load should be feasible and moderate.
  • If you fall asleep earlier, you will eat less. Healthy good sleep Hasn't hurt anyone yet. Go to bed early, so there will be less temptation to inspect the refrigerator.
  • Aromatherapy. Place a few drops of your favorite into the aroma lamp essential oil or simply buy incense sticks. Choose soothing scents and direct your sense of smell to relax. Read about what smells help fight appetite.
  • The principle of self-hypnosis. Convince yourself that you can eat at night, then this activity will become completely uninteresting. But if you constantly think that you can’t eat at night, then it’s easy to break down.
  • No time to eat. The crazy pace of life often leaves little time for a meal, so turn this disadvantage into an advantage. Visit public places: cinema, theaters, museums, exhibitions. It will enrich your inner world and you will temporarily take your mind off thoughts about food.
  • Keep only healthy foods on display. Place a bowl of fruit on the table; it’s not scary to snack on them. But keep high-calorie foods out of your sight.
  • The most charming and attractive. See yourself as a slender and seductive girl. Will someone like this eat in the middle of the night?
  • Stickers for the refrigerator. Cover the refrigerator with stickers with your bad habits, let them always be under your nose and prevent you from opening the refrigerator again.
  • Motivational photo for the refrigerator. This could be a photo of a chubby woman that you never want to turn into, or an image of a slender woman whose figure you would like to have.

Foods to eat before bed

There is an exception to every rule; if you really want to eat and you can’t fall asleep, snack on one of these foods, they are low in calories and will not have a detrimental effect on your figure and health:

As soon as you've had dinner, brush your teeth. psychological technique, which will protect you from further consumption of food and set you up for sleep.

Each person is unique, and each person has their own “own” method of dealing with emerging hunger. Don’t be afraid to deal with the problem - seek help from specialists; it is important to work together to find the cause excessive appetite at night. Don't make a cult out of food. A person must eat to live, and not vice versa. Normalize your nutrition throughout the day, and late-night snacking will no longer be necessary.

Well, very interesting topic. True, it has not been fully revealed, but there is a lot useful tips. Read it, dear women. However, this also applies to men.

Personally, I will never sleep on an empty stomach. If I’ve already gone to bed and suddenly feel hungry, then I curse, get out of bed and go to the kitchen. I know that I still won’t fall asleep until I eat something.

Sometimes we receive letters from dear readers asking for help. Today there are two of them on the agenda with complaints about hunger that overtakes our heroines during sleep. Together with a psychologist and a somnologist, we are trying to understand what causes this desire and how to deal with it.

Our experts:
Olga Sushko. Psychologist, specialist in eating disorders
Ekaterina Tarasenko. Somnologist, pediatrician, Ph.D.

Our editors received two letters almost simultaneously. Here they are:

“Not so long ago I lost weight, and the method I chose was not the most correct: I ate practically nothing and, having gained weight 46 kg with a height of 169, I thought that I looked simply amazing. Although things were still dangling, as if they had put a bag on me. In the end I made money severe depression, termination menstrual cycle and obvious nutritional problems. Now I have gained weight and weigh about 51 kg, but literally every night I get up to eat. This is painful because sleepless, half-starved nights do not make me more attractive or healthier, and emotional state He suffers a lot, and besides, his strength has become much less. I really hope that you can give me some good advice.”


“I love sweets very much, I can eat a lot at once and often try to limit myself. But, having woken up at night to use the toilet, I, half asleep, go into the kitchen and sweep away all the candies and cookies in my path - and I can’t stop. This is practically how I sleep, and in the morning I really regret it. How can I get rid of late-night snacking?


What is the reason

The main reason: We never tire of repeating that food restrictions lead to breakdowns. The more hardships you endure, the more more likely the body will begin to pick up the deficiency. Our experts agreed that in the first case, night trips to the refrigerator are a consequence of daytime (and extreme) malnutrition, which is quite physiological.

Why does everything happen under the cover of darkness? Because willpower is dormant at this time - the body cleverly takes advantage of the moment, it is not a fool. In the second letter with sweets, the same line can be traced - “I often try to limit myself” - but there are nuances.

Another option: “First, you need to understand whether you, Anastasia, go to bed empty stomach. Roughly speaking, when you’re “half asleep” sweeping away candy, maybe you’re just hungry?” – Olga Sushko is interested.

“If you are healthy and go to bed not at all hungry, it’s worth figuring out what’s behind your cravings for sweets. Maybe, high anxiety, which you learned to cope with in such a simple way. Or something is missing in the diet (what about nutrition in general and carbohydrates in particular?). Maybe sweets have some additional meaning for you? Perhaps this is encouragement, consolation, a reward for a job well done?”

Other options: There is such a thing - negative associations (habits) of falling asleep. “If a person is used to going to bed on a full stomach - immediately after a meal, then, waking up at night, the body has the right to demand the usual conditions - food, otherwise it will not fall asleep,” explains Ekaterina Tarasenko. Not only sweet tooth Anastasia, but also the second girl, Elizaveta, may find herself in such a situation. And in general, any person who is accustomed to eating before bed.

What to do?

Nutrition: “I never advise anyone on diets or dietary restrictions unless it is a medical necessity,” says Olga Sushko. – In my practice, they always lead to breakdowns, and then people try for years to get off the swing of diets - overeating. In order not to gain weight, you need not to limit yourself, but simply not to overeat.” To prevent night trips to the kitchen, the expert gives simple advice - eat well during the day: have a hearty breakfast, have a tasty lunch (not just steamed broccoli, but what you want - even steak or pasta) and under no circumstances skip dinner.

Let the latter be light (fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, milkshake– whatever), but you absolutely cannot go to bed on an empty stomach. In this case, you need to eat 2–2.5 hours before bedtime. “Then, over time (in a few weeks or months), the nighttime overeating will pass, the body will calm down, realizing that no one will starve it anymore,” Olga promises. You can turn to a nutritionist to create a diet: he will develop a menu that will be tasty, healthy, and sufficient quantities so as not to be hungry, but at the same time not to gain weight.

And here's what else. In Elizabeth’s situation, it is very important to stop thinking about losing weight altogether. “Thinking about getting control of yourself leads to a feeling of guilt for every meal, a person strives to reduce portions and ultimately gets a vicious circle: limiting oneself in food - overeating. This is what Elizaveta is describing when she says: “As a result, I developed severe depression, cessation of the menstrual cycle and obvious eating problems,” Olga explains. “It’s important to give yourself time to recover.”

Doctors: If your menstrual cycle is disrupted, you should definitely contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist to rule out pathology. The situation “weight 46 kg with a height of 169 - I thought I looked simply amazing” (if it continues or recurs) requires consultation with a psychologist - and better before you bring yourself to multiple organ failure.

If cravings for sweets have been tormenting you for a long time, Olga Sushko advises going to an endocrinologist to rule out diabetes. If there are no health problems and candy does not stifle banal hunger, explore the reasons by working with a psychologist. After all, Olga reminds: often behind such cravings there are emotional difficulties. Until the issue is clarified, it is better not to keep sweets at home at all.

Sleep: Don't forget to monitor the quality of your sleep. “It’s better not to watch TV in the evening, and not to look at the monitor either - instead, you can take a walk in the fresh air,” reminds Ekaterina Tarasenko. - Accept warm shower, thoroughly ventilate the bedroom. And remember that the bed is a place only for sleep and sex, it should not be associated with daytime activities, and therefore it is not recommended to read in it.”

“Before going to bed, you can do relaxation exercises - not instead of food, but in addition to it,” adds Olga Sushko. - There are two very good complex to relieve anxiety - yoga nidra and progressive muscle relaxation. Both of these methods are wonderfully relaxing. One of the reasons increased appetite(besides malnutrition) – high level anxiety."

This is not sleepwalking

A sleepwalker is unlikely to be able to find himself at the refrigerator at night and then methodically throw the contents of the cool depths into himself. “In reality, sleepwalking is not so common - in 4-7% of the population,” shares Ekaterina Tarasenko. – Sleepwalking refers to sleep disorders called “parasomnias”, and has nothing to do with the moon.

Parasomnias usually occur during the phase slow sleep. In this case, the person does not walk around the surrounding area, but rather tosses and turns violently, can sit on the bed or stand up, then lie down again, or at most, walk along the corridor. Long walks in dreams are more common in movies than in life.”



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