Why does a dog vomit often? Why does a dog vomit?

Vomiting in dogs is as common as in humans. Sometimes the urge to empty the stomach can be completely benign, and sometimes the desire to empty the womb can mean serious problems within the body.

If a dog’s vomiting in the morning causes a cough, the process is accompanied by loss of appetite, the dog experiences convulsions, all these are symptoms of certain pathologies. How to stop a dog from vomiting? What does it mean when a dog vomits white foam? Will Cerucal and Enterosgel help? What other antiemetic drugs can be used and how to treat a pet?

As you can see, there are many questions in connection with such an unpleasant phenomenon as vomiting in a pet. There are even more reasons why a dog empties its stomach by returning the eaten food through the esophagus, and not in a more natural manner.

Let's very briefly explain the mechanism of this unpleasant event. Why can a dog vomit in principle? Vomiting is known to be preceded by nausea. When there is a feeling of heaviness and obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract, the animal feels the need to empty it of food debris in the fastest way.

This is if we talk about conditionally controlled vomiting. Sometimes the dog cannot control himself completely, and the eruption occurs by itself, involuntarily.

There can be plenty of reasons for this, from specific needs that do not entail any continuation, to the presence of serious pathologies within the body that require treatment.


Symptoms preceding the urge to vomit are not so numerous. However, we will still list the main signs indicating the presence of a feeling of nausea in an animal, followed by actual emptying of the stomach.

So, a pet’s eruption is preceded by such manifestations as:

  • restlessness with pacing in a small area from one side to the other, like a tiger in a cage;
  • noticeable excessive salivation in the dog;
  • sometimes the urge accompanies a dog’s cough;
  • possible stomach upsets with diarrhea, lethargy;
  • the dog often burps, it is not difficult to understand that not everything is in order in the pet’s gastrointestinal tract;
  • just before vomiting, the animal often licks itself; this is typical for all pets, not just dogs.

All these manifestations of nausea, causing vomiting in a pet, probably many had the opportunity to observe with their own eyes. This is especially true for anxiety and licking before the urge.

The connection between diarrhea and vomiting in a pet should also not be ignored. Most often, this indicates a general cause of problems in the body. It is clear that something is happening to the dog.

There can be a huge number of reasons.

Moderate reasons

As we have already said, the desire to vomit does not always mean that the dog has serious illnesses that require treatment.

There are many non-hazardous reasons why an animal can simply empty its stomach in a targeted manner, just as a person sometimes does, without any further consequences.

Here the main criterion is the subsequent behavior of the pet. If he behaves normally, his appetite is the same and there is external cheerfulness, most likely there is no need to worry. However, let's list the reasons why a dog may vomit without further symptoms of any problems.

These include the following, namely:

  • overeating;
  • poor quality nutrition or sudden change in diet;
  • nervous excitement, stress;
  • pregnancy in a pet;
  • recently received a vaccine;
  • after anesthesia, if surgery was performed;
  • eating greens to stimulate bowel movements;
  • heat stroke, overheating in the heat;
  • motion sickness in stuffy transport.

All of these listed situations can become a normal reaction of the pet’s body to various catalysts that can cause the dog to vomit.

At the top of the list is rightfully the cause of overeating. This is the most common cause of nausea in pets with a desire to return some of what they have eaten. Everything is simple here. The greed of the fraer ruined him! The dog has eaten too much and his stomach can’t handle it. Therefore, there is a feeling of heaviness followed by regurgitation of food.

In this case, the dog sometimes vomits white foam frequently. In principle, there is also no need to get scared ahead of time. Vomiting foam may indicate that the pet has caught air while eating. This is the so-called hungry vomiting.

Also, if your dog eats low-quality food, it can lead to slight indigestion. Especially if the dog previously ate selected food. Here I want to scold the owners who sometimes feed their pets with forbidden sweets or smoked meats.

All canines are very emotional animals. A strong emotional outburst can also cause a gag reflex in a dog who is nervous about his food bowl.

It is necessary to evaluate both the nature of vomiting and the general condition.

Let's list all the main reasons for bad character that can cause such unpleasant things as vomiting in a dog that is yellow, with a pink admixture, orange or green in color. The dog may also experience a cough, loose stools, vomiting with bile and mucus, brown vomit and many other very unpleasant symptoms.

As you can see, there are many reasons. Let's go through some of the points from the list.

Very often, the cause of vomiting with undigested food in an animal can be poisoning, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis in a dog, a stomach ulcer - all this can easily lead to indigestion. Also for these reasons, coughing in dogs, lethargy and apathy are observed. Vomiting in a dog after eating is not always a reason for hysterics, but it is an alarm bell.

Diarrhea and vomiting in a dog of undigested food are direct signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or symptoms of intoxication of the body due to poisoning by poor-quality food, uncontrolled drug therapy or household chemicals.

The first day do not feed at all. Only water and rice water on the second day. Further, in the absence of morning urges, sick animals are given special food in small portions. Don't forget to take prescribed medications.


Cerucal is good for helping dogs with vomiting. You can give your pet this remedy at a dose of 0.6 mg. by 10 kg. masses. Cerucal is also used for indigestion, viral infections and kidney and liver diseases.

However, Cerucal should not be used if there is intestinal obstruction. All contraindications are indicated in the instructions.


Enterosgel causes a decrease in the urge to defecate and the animal. This remedy is an excellent absorbent and helps well in removing toxins from the body, thus solving the problem of loose stools.

The dosage is calculated by the veterinarian individually for the animal. It depends on the weight of the animal. A puppy can be given Enterosgel once a day in a dose of 1 teaspoon. An adult dog can take Enterosgel in 2 doses, 1 tsp each, or 2 tsp at once. at a time.


Is it possible to give Smecta to a dog?

This is another absorbent drug that can be given to a dog for diarrhea. The dosage directly depends on the size and age of the pet.


What antiemetic drugs for animals do you know? Do you have experience in this area? Share!

The digestion process is complex and consists of several main and intermediate stages. A failure at a certain stage will lead to problems for subsequent ones, resulting in disruption of the entire digestive system.

So that your pet does not suffer from various types of problems related to food intake, and you do not rush from article to article in search of a solution, we have collected and structured all the necessary information in one place.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long it takes for food to pass into the intestines and be digested. Let's divide it into subparagraphs:


The more you eat at one time, the longer it will take to digest. This is due to the ratio of the amount of food and the volume of secretion of gastric juice, bile, and digestive enzymes. Moreover, a large volume of food puts pressure on the walls of the stomach, which leads to increased blood pressure.

Nutrient type and consistency

  • Carbohydrates, food of plant origin, etc., take longer to digest, since the length of the intestines in dogs, its microflora and the composition of enzymes are more suitable for the rapid digestion of products of animal origin.
  • Squirrels. Digested much faster than any other nutrients. Their digestibility depends on the fat content of the meat; leaner meat is digested and absorbed more easily than pork and lamb.
  • Fats. Absorbed a little faster than proteins. The dog's body digests only animal fats, while vegetable fats are excreted in urine and feces. In other words, the more carbohydrates in a meal and the less fat and protein, the more food will be digested.

Useful video

Check out this video where a veterinarian answers all your questions about vomiting in dogs:


Digestive problems are an unpleasant thing that affects your mood and overall quality of life. To prevent problems from occurring, follow the regime, eat a minimum of junk food and products of questionable composition, feed your pet at a time so that the stomach gets used to it and establishes biorhythms.

Visit your veterinarian once a year for a diagnosis. If necessary, do something that will protect your pet from viruses and infections.

Vomiting in dogs is a common occurrence that occurs due to various reasons. Fortunately, an unpleasant ailment does not always signal danger, however, vomiting is an unpleasant and alarming phenomenon. Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body, which seeks to cleanse itself of toxic, poisonous, inedible substances and foreign bodies that have entered the digestive tract.

Vomiting is a common and ambiguous phenomenon

The contents of the stomach and duodenum can be reflexively erupted through the mouth. Changes in the animal's behavior: frequent licking of the muzzle, excessive drooling, refusal of food and anxiety should alert you. These are clear signs of nausea, followed by vomiting.

Vomiting is a symptom that signals illness. Vomiting, depending on the cause that prompted the reaction, is divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological vomiting includes vomiting caused by overeating and regurgitation in puppies feeding on mother's milk, and the body's reaction to substances that irritate the taste buds of the tongue and pharynx. The mentioned vomiting does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

Pathological vomiting is always dangerous

As much as physiological vomiting is harmless, pathological vomiting in dogs is considered a threatening sign. Treatment varies and depends entirely on the diagnosis. To establish the cause, you will have to undergo an examination. The dog will undergo tests (biochemical and general blood tests), the results will indicate the disease.

Cases where a dog vomits foam should alert the owner. Often the phenomenon indicates starvation of the animal. If the dog is happy and active, there is no reason to worry.

If the foam is yellow with a lot of mucus, the dog is probably seriously ill. Such vomiting is provoked by hepatitis, cholecystitis, and piroplasmosis. Foamy vomit may indicate indigestion.

The life-saving gag reflex

Among other symptoms of any dog ​​illness, vomiting is a very unpleasant one. The dog does not choose places where to empty its stomach in order to cause minimal trouble to its owners. A dog can vomit on an expensive carpet or in a car. It's annoying and troublesome, but you can't scold an animal. Vomiting is an evolutionary mechanism that, among others, ensures the survival of the species; the condition cannot be controlled when vomiting occurs.

A dog that has vomited should be monitored. If you know or guess that the dog swallowed or ate something unsuitable or of poor quality, but the resulting vomiting and diarrhea went away after a day, general treatment will suffice. The dog should be given small portions of water; it makes sense to give the animal activated charcoal. Keep the animal on a fasting diet to allow the digestive tract to rest and cleanse itself.

Vomiting bile

Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs vary in symptoms and causes. Often dog breeders find themselves in situations where their pet begins to vomit bile. The owner is trying to help the dog and save it from suffering. Let's try to understand the reasons that cause this type of vomiting.

Some time after the pet has consumed food, the stomach becomes empty and the contents begin to pass through the intestines. At this time, in addition to the presence of a small amount of bile, mucus appears in the stomach. It prevents the possibility of self-digestion. The composition contains mucopolysaccharides and proteins. As a result of movement through the stomach and interaction with air, the substances contained in the mucus are whipped into a foamy mass.

Good day! Tell me please. There is no way to go to the vet, I hope for help! The mongrel is six months old. The dog is lethargic for the fifth day, does not eat, but drinks. Belching! For the first two days I lay immobilized! If this is important, for the first 3 days the heat was more than 40 degrees! Now she walks cheerfully, of course, she doesn’t run or play! He doesn't even eat his favorite food! The tongue is clean, there are no ulcers or red spots! Is it possible to cure a dog? Thanks in advance!


There are many reasons why an animal refuses to eat. Lack of appetite may be behavioral in nature or due to the dog being tired and unwell. The combination of food refusal, vomiting and weight loss indicates that your pet has a digestive disorder.

Vomiting is a natural reaction of an animal’s body to an irritant of a mechanical and chemical nature.

It is important not to confuse gagging with regurgitation, which is a physiological process when food is not digested in the stomach, but is rejected from the esophagus. Vomiting is not an independent disease; it is a sign of a number of other diseases, so it is important to understand the reason for its occurrence.

Vomiting due to disorders of the digestive tract

The appearance of vomiting in an animal in a state of hunger is considered evidence of a disease of the digestive system, for example, gastritis or gastroenteritis. The cause of vomiting several hours after eating is a swallowed foreign body remaining in the stomach cavity.

To determine the cause, a gastroscopy must be performed. This can be done in a special clinic. Prolonged repeated vomiting with lesions of the bile ducts and pancreas is observed in the morning and is accompanied by yellow foam.

A number of conditions have been described that can be diagnosed by a specific odor emanating from the animal’s mouth:

  1. If the smell from your dog's mouth resembles urine or ammonia, this is a likely sign of kidney disease.
  2. With diabetes mellitus, a sweetish, cloying odor or the smell of acetone appears from the pet’s mouth.
  3. A putrid odor may indicate problems with the intestines or diseases of the oral cavity.

Vomiting with food refusal

If your pet is vomiting, accompanied by a refusal to eat, there are many reasons: from banal food poisoning to a severe bacterial or viral infection.

  1. Do not try to force feed your dog. It is better to take a long break from feeding her.
  2. If vomiting and refusal to eat does not go away on its own after 12 hours, consult your veterinarian.
  3. When the temperature rises, one should not expect spontaneous cessation of vomiting. Help is required immediately.

Such symptoms indicate acute poisoning with food or toxic substances, severe infectious and viral damage. Dogs are often susceptible to leptospirosis, intestinal plague, and parvovirus infection. In dogs, such diseases are often fatal; you should not delay visiting a doctor. The earlier and more accurately the diagnosis is made, the more effective the treatment and the more favorable the prognosis.

What should the owner do?

If a dog vomits and refuses food, you should not scold your pet for stains on the floor. The animal is unable to control its urges. For a dog’s body, the gag reflex is a salvation. Vomiting removes toxic substances from the body. If a dog is wearing a muzzle or a tight collar, it is necessary to remove the device immediately, preventing the mongrel from choking.

Analyze the symptoms to provide the doctor with complete information about the pet’s condition. Pay attention to a set of factors:

  • The nature and abundance of vomiting, time of occurrence (morning or evening, on an empty stomach or after eating).
  • The nature of the separated masses, the presence of impurities.
  • Associated symptoms (general malaise, loss of appetite, thirst, refusal of food and water, body temperature, stool character, pathological discharge from the nostrils, drooling).

Remember what happened to your pet the day before. Perhaps the dog ate garbage, came into contact with stray strange dogs and strangers who treated it with hostility, and came into contact with toxic chemicals.

Treatment of vomiting

It is supposed to cleanse the dog's stomach and intestines without giving food or water. Offer the animal ice cubes. If vomiting does not recur within a couple of hours, try giving your dog low-fat chicken broth.

After a day, give bland liquid food: turkey pulp puree or chicken meat. Food portions are prepared small. You can give the animal fresh herbs and rice water. Regular food is given starting from the third day.

If vomiting is persistent and ongoing, a blood test should be done to rule out serious lesions. An X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity will also be required.

To relieve spasm and pain, the dog is given papaverine or no-shpu. Remove toxins with activated carbon or smecta. Omez is given to reduce acidity in the stomach. Cerucal will calm gagging. Severe dehydration may require hospitalization and IV drip placement.

After the pet’s condition improves, it will have to be kept on a gentle diet.



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