Pros and cons of electronic cigarettes. Composition of the smoking mixture

The number of smokers is gradually decreasing around the world. And at the same time, the level of sales of electronic cigarettes is increasing. The electronic cigarette is a completely harmless alternative to smoking tobacco and is ideal for people trying to get rid of bad habit.

The advantages of an electronic cigarette over a regular one are obvious:

  • An electronic cigarette contains no tar, and the process of smoking it is fundamentally different from smoking traditional cigarettes. No soot or carbon monoxide enters your lungs, you simply inhale steam. But this creates the illusion of combustion and heavy smokers receive in the process sensations similar to smoking a regular cigarette, but excluding the intake harmful substances into the body
  • you can adjust the nicotine level by choosing the appropriate cartridge. And gradually reducing its amount, over time you can switch to a cartridge without nicotine. Thus, you will quietly and easily get rid of nicotine addiction
  • When smoking an electronic cigarette, you do not harm your health and the health of those around you. The vapor you exhale is completely invisible, has no odor, and the very concept of “passive smoking” in relation to electronic cigarettes is completely irrelevant. Now you can smoke without polluting environment and without irritating your loved ones with acrid smoke
  • The electronic cigarette looks fashionable and beautiful. Its design and structure will be appreciated by all lovers of modern electronic gadgets. With this accessory, you can demonstrate to others not only that you care about your health, but also that you value stylish, truly high-quality things
  • an electronic cigarette will save you from the most unpleasant effects traditional smoking: from disgusting breath, from brown plaque on the teeth, from yellowed fingers and an obsessive cough. You will simply say goodbye to these companions and forget about them forever
  • Remember how uncomfortable you feel when you want to smoke, but the situation or environment is not conducive to it. Now you can feel free in any place and even in the company of non-smokers. You won't have to look around the room for an ashtray or ask permission to smoke. You can take your electronic cigarette out of your pocket at any time and put it back at any time
  • The issue of savings is important. Calculate how much it costs you to smoke regular cigarettes every day and you will understand that the most expensive electronic cigarette with replaceable cartridges and liquids will be cheaper.

It's really simple and safe

Take care of your health, discover new opportunities, show your friends your great taste. Choose and try a variety of cartridges, control the nicotine level, taste and smell of your cigarette. Soon you will forget about the inconvenience that it gives you regular smoking. An electronic cigarette is the most modern solution for a heavy smoker who is unable to quickly and immediately give up the bad habit. This is a wonderful gift that will save money, health, time and nerves. This is an easy and affordable way to get rid of negative consequences tobacco smoking, improve health, quality of life and self-esteem.

Avoid traditional cigarettes, inhaling toxic smoke and tar, and poisoning your own body and the surrounding area with them. Make a choice in favor of an electronic cigarette and you will notice that now ordinary things: communicating with friends, work moments, relaxation and entertainment bring you much more pleasure and satisfaction.

The harm from smoking is undeniable, has long been proven and is known to everyone. And yet, the number of smokers is very large, and only a few of them decide to fight this addiction. Some act radically, giving up smoking once and for all, while others try to fight this addiction using various options: tablets, patches and folk remedies.

Vaping—vaping electronic cigarettes—is now becoming a popular way to quit smoking. The process feels like smoking, but the steamer inhales not smoke, but the steam produced by this device. Before deciding whether to buy an electronic cigarette as a replacement for a regular one, you need to understand the vaping process and the design of the device. It is also necessary to understand whether this miracle of technology can replace habitual smoking, and to consider all the pros and cons of an electronic cigarette.

An ES is a device that converts liquid into vapor, which the user inhales. The most simple model looks like a regular filter cigarette.

The “filling” of e-sig consists of the following elements:

  1. A cartridge filled with vaping liquid. There is a large selection of e-liquids with different nicotine contents and flavors.
  2. An atomizer (evaporator, steam generator) is a device with a heating system; it is in it that the liquid is converted into steam, which is inhaled by the steamer.
  3. Air sensor.
  4. Electronic device, activating the operation of the device.
  5. Rechargeable battery or battery.
  6. Simulator of the smoldering tip of a cigarette.

The vaping liquid contains propylene glycol and glycerin ( food additives), as well as various flavors and nicotine. The nicotine content in the liquid varies, including zero. If the steam generator is used as an alternative to cigarettes, then the liquid can be selected based on the usual strength of regular cigarettes.

In the process of classic smoking, many harmful tars, carbon toxins and toxic compounds enter the body along with smoke. During vaping, all these substances are simply not produced, since there is no combustion process. The main benefit of electronic cigarettes is that only nicotine enters the body of the smoker.


Let's look at the advantages of electronic cigarettes:

  • Smoking EC does not have such a detrimental effect on health as regular smoking. There is no plaque left on the teeth, fingers do not turn yellow, and the skin does not deteriorate.
  • From floating no unpleasant odor tobacco, which many non-smokers find unpleasant;
  • When switching to vaping, many note a general improvement in their condition, the absence of shortness of breath and heaviness in the bronchi, and the restoration of their sense of smell. The so-called “smoker’s cough” gradually goes away.
  • Steam from ES is safe for non-smokers, as it does not contain harmful substances.
  • Vaping does not cause inconvenience to others, since the exhaled steam dissipates very quickly and has a very light smell.
  • There is no risk of starting a fire due to an unextinguished cigarette, the device is fireproof.
  • No ashes or cigarette butts.
  • Opportunity to reduce smoking costs.
  • It is believed that by gradually reducing the nicotine content in the mixture, it will be possible to quit smoking over time, as the need for nicotine will decrease.

Sometimes, having become familiar only with the advantages of vaping, vapers biasedly assess the effects of vaping on the body. Believing that vaping is absolutely harmless, beginners vape very often, forgetting that the nicotine that enters the body is far from useful substance.

We celebrate them useful qualities, but the question still remains open: are electronic cigarettes harmful or beneficial? To answer this, it is necessary to evaluate the disadvantages of smoking EC. First of all, it is worth noting that vaping does not eliminate nicotine addiction, but only helps to gradually reduce nicotine consumption by reducing its concentration in the vaping liquid. When assessing the disadvantages of an electronic cigarette, you should also pay attention to the fact that the intake of nicotine into the body, in principle, cannot be absolutely harmless.

ES is a successful replacement for cigarettes, allowing a person, following the usual smoking ritual, to receive the required dose of nicotine without the addition of harmful impurities.


These include:

  • The lack of mandatory certification for ES, liquids and flavors leads to a large number of fakes of dubious quality. When purchasing uncertified products, you cannot be completely sure that only approved and tested components were used for its manufacture.
  • Since extensive medical research has not yet been produced, it cannot be stated unequivocally that smoking EC does not cause harm. This is especially true for those who are already soaring long time.
  • The illusion of the harmlessness of smoking EC often leads to an increase in nicotine consumption, which can cause poisoning, the so-called “nicotine hit”, accompanied by deterioration of health, nausea, loss of coordination and headaches.
  • The propylene glycol content in ES liquid can cause allergies and, as a result, respiratory problems.
  • Often, when trying to quit smoking using e-cigarettes, an even more stable vaping habit is acquired. Less harmful, but unsafe. Narcologists and psychiatrists believe that with the help of electronic cigarettes you can quit smoking by using liquids without nicotine and gradually reducing the amount of vaping.
  • The passion for vaping can turn into a kind of collecting, and then there is no need to talk about saving money compared to regular smoking. Constantly purchasing new mixtures, flavors and devices for e-cig is not a cheap pleasure.

Differences between electronic and regular cigarettes

These include:

  1. ES only imitates the process of smoking; in fact, it is inhaling steam, not smoke.
  2. A regular cigarette is a paper tube filled with shredded tobacco, often accompanied by an acetate fiber filter. An ES is a device with an evaporator that converts liquid into steam.
  3. ES liquid uses purified nicotine, or mixtures without nicotine are used.
  4. They do not provide negative impact on others, unlike regular cigarettes.
  5. Electronic devices can be used in public places, whereas smoking regular cigarettes is prohibited there.
  6. They require maintenance, replacement of cartridges or refilling of liquid and regular battery refilling.
  7. The main thing that distinguishes ES from conventional one is the absence of combustion products that cause great harm body.

Let's start with the negative qualities. This is a big cost. For example, when buying a regular pack of cigarettes, you shell out a fairly small amount, but when buying an electronic cigarette, this cost will be equal to several dozen packs of regular cigarettes. For many people, it is very difficult to shell out such an amount at once, so they continue to buy at affordable price regular cigarettes. It is also worth noting: to start smoking regular cigarettes, you also need to spend a little money, that is, buy a pack of cigarettes directly, as well as a lighter and matches.

It must be emphasized that when buying an electronic cigarette, you need to think first of all about the quality and the style that suits you. Even when smoking an electronic cigarette, you feel a soft, pleasant aftertaste, which is not at all similar to the aftertaste that you feel after smoking a regular cigarette. That is, you get a feeling of “not being high,” and you want to reach for an electronic cigarette again and again. This irritates many smokers, especially in the first time after switching to it. Accordingly it will be consumed more nicotine

This creates the second disadvantage, this is the maintenance of the electronic cigarette. Note that when smoking a regular cigarette, you only need to purchase cigarettes, a lighter, light it, smoke it and throw it in the trash. Well, sometimes you need to empty the ashtrays and take out the trash. When servicing an electronic cigarette, everything is much more complicated. This means constant charging, filling with liquid, as well as changing coils and wicks. It takes very little time, but still requires some fiddling.

A strong passion for using electronic cigarettes also plays a role. People who try it once begin to become very interested in this activity. Very often they begin to experiment, make new purchases, and improve their electronic cigarette. There are cases when no money is spared for this, and therefore the waste can be colossal.

Now let's look at the main positive aspects of the electronic cigarette. First of all, positive quality It is believed that when smoking an electronic cigarette, no harmful carcinogenic substances and tars enter the body. When smoking this way, only nicotine is inhaled. You need to understand that the “benefits of smoking” are a complete cessation, but when smoking an electronic cigarette you cause less harm to your health than from a regular one. When you completely give up regular cigarettes and smoke their electronic equivalent, a healthy complexion appears, and shortness of breath after exercise completely disappears.

The second advantage is that smoking an e-cigarette does not disturb the people around you at all. Tobacco smoke is completely eliminated, there is no smell from your clothes or from your mouth. There are often cases when non-smokers allow an e-cigarette smoker to “blow off steam” in front of them in the room, and this does not bother them at all. People have become more tolerant of electronic cigarettes than regular cigarettes.

And it’s worth noting the important third positive side smoking electronic cigarettes is that a person who has completely switched to an electronic analogue quits smoking, that is, gets rid of this cigarette forever addiction. Now he just wants to sometimes exhale warm steam, perhaps with flavorings. Since a person quit smoking tobacco, it means he has won a certain small victory and can be proud of himself for taking control of his health. Namely, these facts raise self-esteem and thereby earn you the respect of others.

The fourth positive influence from switching to an electronic cigarette is that a person becomes more sociable, he has topics for conversation, and the number of new friends with whom he can discuss new products, as well as experiments with the new cigarette, noticeably increases.

After reading this article, you have a complete understanding of the electronic cigarette. Now you can, after weighing all the pros and cons, think about buying such an analogue of a regular cigarette. Think about it, an electronic cigarette is a way to improve your body’s health and get rid of bad habits.

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Regular cigarettes, that is, are a device for consuming nicotine in a form different from smoking.

Brief characteristics, purpose of the device

The term "electronic cigarette" is adopted in Russian-speaking countries former USSR, and in English-speaking countries the terms are used to refer to this device personal vaporizers (PV) And electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). The last term electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) is the official designation of electronic cigarettes adopted by the World Health Organization and translated into Russian as electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS). In addition, in various countries who use English as their lingua franca (a universal language for communication that most people understand), the following terms are used to refer to electronic cigarettes - e-cigs, e-cigarette, etc. All of these terms are used to refer to the same device – an electronic cigarette.

The process of using electronic cigarettes is called vaping, which is simply the spelling English verb vaping in Cyrillic. This is the word in English used to refer to the process of using an electronic cigarette. Also in the Russian-speaking environment, the term “vaping” is used to refer to the process of smoking an electronic cigarette, which is a literal translation of the English vaping. That is, if a regular cigarette is smoked, then an electronic one is “vaporized”. The choice of the verb “vapor” to denote smoking an electronic cigarette is not accidental - during the operation of the device, an aerosol is formed, similar to steam, which is inhaled by a person. Thus, since the main product of an electronic cigarette is a certain aerosol in a vaporous state, the process of using this device is designated by the verb “vapor”.

Electronic cigarettes were invented in China because there are a lot of people who smoke in this country, resulting in structures public health are interested in minimizing the harm their compatriots receive from tobacco use. It was with the aim of reducing the harm from the addiction that the electronic cigarette was created and introduced into use, allowing the smoker to perform habitual automatic actions (bringing the cigarette to the mouth, inhaling, exhaling smoke, etc.) and, at the same time, ensuring that it enters the bloodstream only nicotine without inhaling the accompanying harmful combustion products of tobacco and paper soaked in saltpeter. In China, electronic cigarettes began to be sold in 2002, and in Europe and the USA - from 2006 - 2007.

Functioning of an electronic cigarette quite simple - the device, using an electric discharge, creates an aerosol from the liquid in it, which in appearance is very similar to ordinary vapor or smoke from tobacco. It is this aerosol that contains nicotine and flavorings that a person inhales. After inhalation, part of the vapor is exhaled. That is, when using an electronic cigarette, a person completely repeats the actions performed when smoking a regular cigarette. Thus, there is a complete imitation of all the usual smoking actions, which is very important for experienced smokers.

The cigarette is activated using a special button or simply by inhaling. As a result, the device triggers a source of electricity (battery), which supplies a discharge to the atomizer, which, in turn, quickly heats the liquid with nicotine and flavoring to a very high temperature so that it turns into a gaseous state. Next, the person inhales the aerosol thus formed and after a few seconds exhales it back.

Power up your e-cigarette possible at any time, provided that there is liquid in it and sufficient battery capacity. Accordingly, when using an electronic cigarette, you need to monitor the capacity of its battery, regularly recharging it or replacing it with a new one, and the amount of liquid, which should be added to a special container as necessary.

Liquid in an electronic cigarette may contain varying amounts of nicotine and a wide variety of flavorings. Depending on what flavoring is added, the “vapor” of an electronic cigarette will have one or another pleasant smell and taste. And depending on the concentration of nicotine in the solution, a person will receive more or less of this substance with each puff.

The design and principle of operation of an electronic cigarette

Any electronic cigarette, regardless of its type and design features, has a fundamentally the same type of device and operating principle. To better understand the operating principles of the device, we will first consider its structure and the purpose of individual components.

The schematic structure of an electronic cigarette is shown in Figure 1. As can be seen from the figure, any cigarette consists of three main structural blocks - an evaporator (atomizer), a liquid cartridge and a power source, and all other parts (for example, a cigarette tip burning simulator, touch sensors and etc.) are optional. Accordingly, such additional parts may or may not be present in the various models and modifications of electronic cigarettes.

Figure 1– Schematic representation of the electronic cigarette device.

Atomizer (evaporator)- this is a device that contains a spiral of metal that can quickly heat up to high temperatures(for example, nickel, titanium, nichrome, kanthal, fechral, ​​etc.). Heating the coil causes the smoking liquid supplied to the atomizer to begin to evaporate, forming an aerosol. This aerosol, under the influence of the blowing system, enters the cigarette mouthpiece and is inhaled by the person during the inhalation. The operation of the atomizer is ensured by the discharge of electric current supplied battery. Accordingly, the battery in the electronic cigarette device is the power source for the operation of the atomizer.

Liquid reservoir for smoking, in which nicotine and flavorings are dissolved, is located in close proximity to the atomizer and is intended, accordingly, for storing and supplying the solution to the evaporator. In many models of electronic cigarettes, the vaporizer and liquid reservoir are combined into a single structural unit, which eliminates the need to use a synthetic wick to supply the solution to the heating coil. If the atomizer and the reservoir with liquid are not in a single block, then various design techniques are used to connect them.

The general principle of operation of any electronic cigarette is as follows: the smoking liquid containing nicotine and flavorings is either in a special tank or impregnated with a padding polyester wick. When you start using an electronic cigarette, this liquid is supplied to the atomizer, the main element of which is a spiral made of some metal. The heated coil gives off heat to the liquid and breaks it into small gaseous particles, which a person inhales during the process of “vaping” an electronic cigarette. The atomizer coil is heated by an electric discharge supplied to the metal by a power source (battery). Thus, it is obvious that the operation of an electronic cigarette is ensured by an atomizer and a battery.

The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette is described in more detail using the following sequence of actions that occur in the device during its operation:

1. The device is turned on either with a button or with a simple tightening. If the design of the electronic cigarette has a button, then for each puff you need to press it. If the device is not equipped with a button, then a normal tightening turns it on by applying a stream of air to a special sensor.

2. After turning on the device, the liquid with nicotine and flavorings dissolved in it travels through a wick made of non-flammable material (for example, silica cord, oxidized metal mesh, etc.) to the atomizer coil.

3. The battery transmits an electrical discharge to the atomizer, due to which the metal coil of the latter heats up.

4. The heated spiral almost instantly transfers heat to the liquid, as a result of which the latter sprays, forming an aerosol cloud.

5. A person takes a puff through the mouthpiece of a cigarette, thanks to which a stream of air enters the atomizer through small holes. Next, the aerosol is captured by this stream of air and the person inhales the finished mixture containing nicotine and flavorings.

This sequence of actions in an electronic cigarette occurs with each puff. Turning off an electronic cigarette is simple by stopping its use.

The benefits of an electronic cigarette. Why is an electronic cigarette less harmful than a regular one?

The benefit of an electronic cigarette lies in the only factor - it is less harmful than a regular one. But if we compare the use of electronic cigarettes with a complete cessation of smoking, then the devices are definitely harmful, since they deliver nicotine and other, in principle, neutral substances into the human body, which nevertheless settle on the lungs during inhalation. Thus, the benefits of an electronic cigarette are very conditional and relative, that is, it is more useful to use than a regular cigarette, but such a replacement should be considered only in cases where it is not possible to completely quit smoking. Without a doubt, compared to completely quitting smoking, an electronic cigarette is only harmful. Given this state of affairs, let's consider why an electronic cigarette is less harmful than a regular one, and, accordingly, what its benefits are.

The harm of smoking is known to everyone, and the negative impact of a cigarette or cigar is due not only to nicotine, but also to a number of other chemicals formed during the combustion of tobacco, such as tars, formaldehydes, etc. When using an electronic cigarette, they do not enter the body harmful products combustion of tobacco and paper, and only nicotine is released, which, of course, is also not a vitamin, but is not as harmful and carcinogenic as resins, phenolic compounds and other substances formed during the combustion of tobacco leaves.

After all, when smoking tobacco greatest harm For the body it is not nicotine, but tars and carcinogenic combustion products of tobacco leaves and paper. Nicotine is a stimulant, due to which the addiction to smoking occurs. In principle, nicotine can be considered a soft drug (like coffee, alcohol, and other mild stimulants), since its regular use is addictive. That is, a person addicted to smoking becomes dependent on the regular intake of nicotine into the body from the outside.

But when smoking tobacco, in addition to nicotine, numerous carcinogenic substances that are formed during the combustion of tobacco leaves enter the body. When using an electronic cigarette, these carcinogenic compounds do not enter the body, but only nicotine, since the tobacco leaf is not burned in the device. Thus, thanks to an electronic cigarette, a person can obtain nicotine in an alternative and less harmful way than smoking.

In general, we can say that the less harm of an electronic cigarette compared to a regular one is due to the fact that when using it, you can saturate the body with nicotine without simultaneously inhaling extremely harmful carcinogenic substances, formed during the combustion of tobacco in a traditional cigarette.

Why an electronic cigarette? Advantages of an electronic cigarette over a regular one

The main advantage of an electronic cigarette is that it allows a person to get nicotine without necessarily inhaling carcinogenic combustion products of tobacco. In addition, the additional advantages of an electronic cigarette compared to conventional ones are the following:

  • Absence of a specific smell of tobacco from the mouth, from clothes, from hair, in the room, etc.;
  • No risk of fire;
  • The ability to get your dose of nicotine anywhere (at a party, on an airplane, in an apartment, in a public place where smoking is prohibited, etc.);
  • Reducing smoking costs.
However, it must be remembered that the electronic cigarette is not the only alternative way obtaining nicotine without smoking tobacco. Thus, currently, nicotine can be obtained from skin patches and chewing gum, which are sold in pharmacies and are intended for people who want to quit smoking. Such chewing gum and patches provide nicotine and reduce the craving for smoking. But, according to smokers, it is the electronic cigarette that is the optimal alternative way to obtain nicotine, since neither chewing gum nor the patch eliminates the discomfort that a smoker feels when he stops performing his usual actions and falls out of the existing social circle. In this regard, an electronic cigarette is much preferable to chewing gum and patches, since the usual ritual of smoking is preserved.

After all, it is important for a smoker that, thanks to an electronic cigarette, he can retain his usual rituals and actions, such as bringing it to his mouth, inhaling steam, exhaling, raising and lowering his hands, etc. In addition, an electronic cigarette gives a person the opportunity to regularly go out for a “smoke break” with friends, which allows him not to be deprived of his usual social circle and maintain his socialization. Thus, we can say that the electronic cigarette is a very convenient device for obtaining nicotine.

Since we are talking about the advantages of an electronic cigarette over a regular one, it should be understood that a device for obtaining nicotine cannot be considered absolutely useful. It is only less harmful than a cigarette, but in no way useful. Naturally, the best strategy For a person, it is a complete cessation of nicotine consumption, but if for some reason this is not possible, then the use of electronic cigarettes is preferable to conventional ones, because from them a much smaller amount of harmful substances penetrates the body.

The harm of electronic cigarettes

When talking about the dangers of electronic cigarettes, you need to clearly understand what causes them. You also need to be aware that their harm is relative, since it is determined in comparison with traditional tobacco smoking, and not with the use of other products and devices useful to humans. You need to know that electronic cigarettes are not healthy products for humans, but compared to regular cigarettes they are less harmful, because when using them, fewer harmful substances enter the body than when using the usual way smoking. However, even their lower harmfulness compared to conventional ones does not make electronic cigarettes absolutely neutral (harmless) or useful. The use of these devices ensures that substances that have a negative effect on its functioning enter the human body. Let's consider the potential harmfulness of electronic cigarettes based on the composition of their components, since their harm to health is caused by entering the human body various substances contained in the smoking liquids with which the device is refilled.

Due to the fact that potential harm any electronic cigarette is caused by the influence of the substances included in the filling liquid, as well as their decay products, let’s look at what components are present in smoking solutions.

Any smoking solution includes the following substances as base substances:

  • Glycerin (trihydric alcohol);
  • Propylene glycol (polyhydric alcohol);
  • Distilled water.
Glycerin and propylene glycol are necessary to create an aerosol that a person will inhale. And propylene glycol has an irritating effect on mucous membranes, which provides the “Throat Hit” effect when inhaling the “vapor” of an electronic cigarette. The Throat Hit effect is an irritation of the upper respiratory tract, that is, imitation of the impact tobacco smoke. Distilled water is needed to dilute the mixture and dissolve the nicotine and flavorings.

Smoking solutions for electronic cigarettes may also contain nicotine and various flavorings. These components are not mandatory, but optional, so they may not be included.

Accordingly, glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavorings, as well as the chemicals formed from them during vaping, can cause potential harm to the human body. Let's consider how harmful these substances have on the human body.

On my own glycerol is a substance harmless to humans; moreover, it has long been used to create smoke in various shows. Therefore, inhaling glycerin particles is not dangerous or harmful. But when heated, part of the glycerin decomposes to form acrolein, which is a toxic substance used during the First World War as a chemical warfare agent. And since the smoking liquid in an electronic cigarette is heated, then, accordingly, part of the glycerin can turn into acrolein, which a person inhales along with other components of the aerosol formed from the solution.

Acrolein, of course, causes great harm to the human body, so its presence even in minimum quantities in aerosols produced by electronic cigarettes causes harmful effects of the device. However, do not panic, since acrolein is found in e-cigarette vapor extremely rarely, only if the device is working hard for a long time (more than 10 - 15 minutes) or the device is initially of poor quality. After all, the formation of acrolein occurs when glycerin is heated to 300 o C, and normally in electronic cigarettes the liquid is brought only to a temperature of 200 o C. Thus, the formation of harmful acrolein occurs only in cases where the atomizer coil overheats, which is possible with prolonged continuous use or poor quality of the device. Because of this, to minimize the risk of acrolein formation, it is recommended to purchase electronic cigarettes only from trusted manufacturers.

The harm from acrolein can, in principle, be reduced to zero if you monitor the condition of the electronic cigarette and monitor for signs of its appearance in the aerosol. The fact is that acrolein is very irritating to the mucous membranes and has a specific odor, similar to food burnt in hot oil. Accordingly, if the e-cigarette begins to smell like burnt food, and the eyes and respiratory tract are severely irritated, this means that acrolein has formed, and you cannot inhale the “vapor”. Moreover, in such a situation, it is best to throw away the device and buy another one. If there is no smell of burnt food, and the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract are not irritated, then there is no acrolein in the “vapor”, and you can safely use an electronic cigarette.

Propylene glycol is a harmless substance used not only as a component for electronic cigarette liquid, but also in the food industry in the form of additive E1520. This additive ensures moisture retention in various products intended for long-term storage. In addition, propylene glycol is a component of cosmetics and is used to impregnate the tobacco leaves of cigars, which prevents them from drying out and crumbling.

Distilled water, naturally, is not harmful to the human body.

Nicotine, which is part of most e-cigarette liquids in a concentration of up to 3.6%, is certainly not a substance beneficial to the human body, but it cannot be considered absolutely harmful either. The fact is that it is nicotine that forms dependence on its use, but this substance does not cause such powerful harm to the human body as other products of tobacco combustion. However, since when using an electronic cigarette there are no combustion products of tobacco, the harmfulness of nicotine itself comes to the fore.

Nicotine is a harmful substance that can lead to human death if it enters the bloodstream at a dose of 0.5 - 1 mg per 1 kg of human body weight. That is, the lethal dose of nicotine for a person weighing 70 kg is 35 – 70 mg. In smaller dosages, nicotine can cause poisoning, manifested feeling unwell, headache, spasm peripheral vessels as well as nausea, dry mouth and some other symptoms. However, the human body is able to cope with such poisoning, so it is certainly harmful, but not fatal. And get lethal dose It is impossible to consume nicotine when using electronic cigarettes, since its concentration in the liquid is too low. Thus, nicotine from an electronic cigarette causes the same harm to the body as nicotine from a regular cigarette or cigar, and is not capable of leading to fatal poisoning.

Summing up the intermediate results, we can say that of the main components of electronic cigarettes (glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and distilled water), none causes serious harm to the human body. Of course, the intake of substances such as nicotine and glycerin into the body cannot be considered beneficial, but their harmfulness is very moderate, comparable to the inhalation of other toxic substances found in abundance in the air of modern large cities.

Liquid for electronic cigarettes, in addition to the main components, contains flavorings, which are the main sources harmful effects on the body. The reason for this state of affairs is that the use of flavorings is not standardized and not regulated, due to which any aromatic substances, including very harmful and carcinogenic ones, can appear in the solution for an electronic cigarette. Although food flavorings are mainly used for solutions for electronic cigarettes, the effect of most of them on the human body when inhaled as part of an aerosol is unknown and has not been studied.

Quite often, flavorings contain acetyl propionyl, diacetyl and acetoin, which are very toxic and large dosages capable of causing bronchiolitis, which is extremely difficult to treat. Diacetyl, acetyl propionyl and acetoin impart a creamy, sweetish taste, so to avoid possible negative impact It is recommended to avoid flavors with similar tastes.

Colored e-liquids often contain titanium dioxide, which is also a carcinogenic toxic substance. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid using any colored e-cigarette solutions.

In addition, according to data obtained by a number of research laboratories, the aerosol of some electronic cigarettes, which a person inhales during the “vaping” process, contains harmful substances such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, alpha-methyl-benzaldehyde, N-nitrosonicotin, N-nitrosoanabatine and N-nitrosoanabasin. These substances are formed from nicotine and, accordingly, are also present in the smoke of a regular cigarette. These substances are certainly harmful to the human body, but their content in the vapor of an electronic cigarette is several times lower than in the smoke of burnt tobacco. This means that the harm of an electronic cigarette is somewhat lower than that of a regular cigarette.

E-cigarettes may make some people feel worse., which does not indicate that the device is more harmful than conventional cigarettes, but is usually due to the following reasons:

  • Withdrawal syndrome. The human body is accustomed to the constant supply of various harmful substances from burning tobacco, and when their delivery stops, it begins to adjust to a different mode of operation. In the process of changing the mode of functioning, the human body begins to remove accumulated toxic substances, as a result of which acne, bleeding gums, suffocating cough, etc. may occur. Such a variety of symptoms from various organs and the system usually does not progress and goes away on its own within 2 to 5 weeks after quitting smoking regular cigarettes. Withdrawal syndrome is not a sign of deterioration general condition organism, but reflects the process of transition to new mode functioning in connection with changes in living conditions.
  • Incorrect dose of nicotine. If the dosage of nicotine in the liquid is too low, then the person suffers constant feeling"non-smoking". If, on the contrary, there is too much nicotine in the solution, then symptoms of an overdose appear.
  • Allergic reactions.
In addition to the listed negative impact factors caused by harmful influence chemicals, e-cigarettes can also cause indirect harm, such as increasing nicotine addiction. After all, when smoking a regular cigarette, you have to go to specially designated places and take breaks from your working time. That is, in order to smoke, a person needs to choose a time and get to the appropriate place. When using an electronic cigarette, such restrictions on the choice of place and time for smoking are removed, as a result of which a person can get another dose of nicotine as soon as he wants, for example, right at the workplace, in the living room while watching TV, etc. As a result, when using an e-cigarette, a person can receive a total greater amount of nicotine than when smoking regular cigarettes. After all, to do this, he does not need to break away from watching TV and go outside or to the stairwell, but he can take a couple of puffs on the spot, in the presence of children, etc.

The World Health Organization does not consider e-cigarettes safe and calls for avoiding or limiting their use, especially in children, adolescents and pregnant women. Moreover, statements by sellers and manufacturers that WHO has recognized e-cigarettes as harmless are untrue. And WHO staff even issued a special statement on this matter, obliging manufacturers and sellers to remove such statements from their websites.

The WHO's current position is that electronic cigarettes are less harmful than regular ones, but it is advisable to completely abandon their use, since the long-term consequences of their use are unknown and there are no clear quality standards for vaping compositions.

Electronic cigarette: how does it work, does it help you quit smoking? Features of the use of tobacco in different forms: pipes, cigars, cigarillos, hookah, chewing and snuff, nasvay - video

10 myths about electronic cigarettes - video

Types of electronic cigarettes

Currently, there are several types of electronic cigarettes, and the division into types is made depending on different parameters and characteristics of the devices. The most important thing is to divide electronic cigarettes into various types depending on the type of battery and atomizer, since these are the structural parts that form the basis of the device.

So, depending on the type and power of the battery, electronic cigarettes are divided into the following types:

  • eGo (electronic cigarette eGo)– the cigarette is equipped with a small thin battery with a diameter of about 14 mm, which provides a stable voltage supply to the atomizer of 3.3 V (volts). The battery format gives its name to a whole class of electronic cigarettes - thin, easy to use, but short-lived and providing low-quality vaping.
  • Batteries with a diameter of 16 – 17 mm, 20 mm, 22 – 23 mm– electronic cigarettes with automatic on/off are equipped with such batteries. Batteries of this size are used in many modern electronic cigarettes and allow you to give the devices different shape, as well as ensure ease of use, sufficient reliability and relatively high quality of “hovering”. Batteries are supplied to the atomizer stable voltage 3.3 V.
  • Varivolt and variwatt– such batteries allow you to change the voltage supplied to the atomizer and, accordingly, regulate the intensity of “vapor” and the saturation of the resulting aerosol. Electronic cigarettes equipped with variwatt/varivolt batteries are protected from overloads and short circuits, as a result of which they have a high degree of safety.
  • Mech mods– batteries that completely lack electronics. Accordingly, electronic cigarettes equipped with mechanical mods are turned on by pressing a button, supply a constant voltage of approximately 3.3 V to the atomizer, and have a high degree of reliability and safety during operation, and also provide good vaping quality.
  • Box mod and stick– battery in the form of a box. According to the mechanism of action, box mods can be vari-watt/vari-volt or mechanical mods and have high power.
Depending on the type of atomizer, electronic cigarettes are divided into the following types:
  • Maintenance-free(numerous “mizers”, such as tankomizers, cartomizers, bakomizers, clearomizers, etc.) - such electronic cigarettes are equipped with an atomizer, which simply needs to be replaced as its service life expires. Maintenance-free cigarettes are easy to use, since a failed part is simply replaced with a similar one, after which the device continues to work. In such a situation, a person does not need to perform independent actions to maintain the device.
  • Serviced (RBA/RTA)– such electronic cigarettes are more difficult to use than maintenance-free ones, since periodically, as the atomizer coil fails, it will have to be replaced and the wick must be laid independently to the container with the vaping solution. Serviced electronic cigarettes allow you to achieve excellent vaping quality by adjusting the arrangement of parts to individual needs.
  • Genesis- a subtype of serviceable atomizers in which it is not a wick, but a mesh that leads from the container with the solution to the atomizer coil. They have all the advantages of serviced electronic cigarettes.
  • Dripka (RDA)– a variant of semi-serviced electronic cigarettes that do not have a container with liquid for vaping. In drip devices, the vaping solution should be dripped directly onto the wick winding. This type of electronic cigarette allows you to get the most aromatic and rich “vapor”.

Liquid for electronic cigarettes

Liquid for electronic cigarettes is designed to create a “vapor” that will be inhaled by the person using the device. The liquid contains a base (base) and auxiliary components.

The basis of liquid for electronic cigarettes consists of the following substances:

  • glycerin - necessary to soften the taste and create steam;
  • propylene glycol – necessary for good dissolution of flavors, formation of steam and providing the “Throat hit” effect ( this effect consists of irritating the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and producing sensations similar to smoking a regular cigarette);
  • distilled water - necessary for dissolving nicotine and optimal mixing of glycerin and propylene glycol.
Auxiliary components of any liquid can be the following substances:
  • nicotine;
  • flavorings – provide a pleasant taste of steam.
The content of base and auxiliary substances in each specific liquid may be different to ensure a particular effect. For example, to ensure a powerful “Throat hit” effect, the liquid base must contain a lot of propylene glycol, to produce a large amount of vapor, a high glycerol content is needed, etc. Flavorings are also added in varying quantities, achieving greater or lesser intensity of the flavor of the steam, but their concentration in the finished solution in any case is no more than 10%. Nicotine is also added in varying amounts (in concentrations from 0 to 3.6%) to provide variations in the “strength” of the cigarette.

Depending on quantitative ratio base substances, solutions for electronic cigarettes are divided into the following types:

  • Traditional– the solution contains equal amounts of glycerin and propylene glycol, no distilled water. This composition provides an optimal balance between the amount of steam, the severity of the "Throat hit" effect and the intensity of taste.
  • Velvet cloud (velvet cloud)– the solution contains 80% glycerin and 20% distilled water, no propylene glycol. This composition provides the formation of a large amount of steam with a mild and weakly expressed taste, as well as with a complete absence of the “Throat hit” effect.
  • Ice blade– the solution contains 95% propylene glycol and 5% distilled water, no glycerin. This solution provides the formation of a small amount of steam, but a very rich, intense taste and a powerful “Throat hit” effect. The steam from this composition is very “dry”, as a result of which it often causes coughing. Ice blade vaping liquid is usually used if a person is allergic to glycerin.
Nicotine and flavorings are added to the right quantity in any version of the liquid base for electronic cigarettes. Depending on the concentration of nicotine, solutions are divided into the following varieties according to the degree of “strength”:
  • nicotine-free– nicotine is completely absent in the solution;
  • super light– nicotine is contained in a concentration of 0.05 – 0.6% (0.5 – 6 mg/ml);
  • lungs– nicotine is contained in a concentration of 0.7 – 1.2% (7 – 12 mg/ml);
  • strong– nicotine is contained in a concentration of 1.3 – 1.8% (13 – 18 mg/ml);
  • very strong– nicotine is contained in a concentration of 1.8 – 3.6% (18 – 36 mg/ml).
The choice of nicotine concentration in the solution is determined by a person’s habit of the strength of conventional cigarettes. To do this, you need to look at the nicotine content of the cigarette indicated on the pack. tobacco products which a person usually smokes, and select the strength of the solution for electronic cigarettes that corresponds to the same amount of nicotine. That is, if a person smoked regular cigarettes with a nicotine content of 5 mg per cigarette, then he needs a super-light solution, etc.

Of course, the classification of solutions for electronic cigarettes by strength depending on the nicotine content is very arbitrary, since the actual intake of this substance into the body will depend on the power of the device, as well as the frequency and depth of puffs taken. This means that the more powerful the battery of an electronic cigarette, the more nicotine a person will receive in one puff, because the appliance will produce more steam. Therefore, a liquid with the same nicotine concentration can be both light and strong, depending on the power of the battery in the e-cigarette used. For example, e-liquid with a nicotine concentration of 12 mg/ml in a cigarette with a 3.3 V eGo battery will be light. But the same liquid from a cigarette with a box mod type battery with a power of up to 100 V will be very strong.

Usually, ready-made liquids for electronic cigarettes are sold in stores, but they have a standard content of all components. Therefore, if a person wants to try “vaping” with his own composition with a ratio of components that differs from the standard options, he can purchase all the substances for the liquid separately and mix them himself. By mixing the components yourself, you can obtain a vaping solution with any desired nicotine content, different from the standard options.

Flavors for electronic cigarettes

Flavorings are part of the vaping liquid and provide different flavors to the resulting “vapor.” Since food flavorings are mainly used, the “vapor” of electronic cigarettes is given the flavors of berries, fruits, drinks, etc. Therefore, you can choose a liquid with the taste that, for subjective reasons, a person likes most.

In addition, there are "tobacco" flavors that provide the taste and aroma of tobacco, thereby creating the illusion of smoking regular cigarettes. The names of such “tobacco” flavors are similar to well-known and common brands of regular cigarettes, for example, “Marlboro”. However, a person who decides to try liquids with such flavors must be prepared for the fact that their taste will be only vaguely similar to the taste of ordinary cigarettes of the same name.

Also, when choosing any liquid for electronic cigarettes, you must remember that compositions with the same flavor, but produced by different companies, will have different tastes. Therefore, the selection of a liquid with the optimal flavor is a purely individual matter and is done exclusively by sampling various compositions from various manufacturing companies.

In addition, flavors for electronic cigarettes are divided into two types - natural and artificially synthesized. Unfortunately, it is the origin of flavors that often leads to speculation on the part of sellers of vaping liquids, since formulations with natural flavors are sold at unreasonably inflated prices, which is motivated by their supposedly complete “harmlessness.” However, in reality, the safety of artificially synthesized and natural flavors is exactly the same, since, regardless of the method of production, manufacturers of liquids for electronic cigarettes use only substances that are harmless to humans. And both artificially synthesized and natural flavors can be harmful if they are poorly purified and contain chemical impurities. Therefore, the origin of the flavor (synthetic or natural) does not seem to be an important factor affecting the safety of the vaping liquid.

The subjective perception of the tastes of artificial and natural flavors with the same taste (for example, natural and synthetic flavors with raspberry flavor) can differ significantly, so the question of choosing the optimal option is also entirely determined by the preferences of the person himself.

Electronic cigarettes without nicotine

An electronic cigarette without nicotine is quite accessible to anyone, and any device can be made so by filling it with vaping liquid with zero nicotine concentration. Thus, to get a nicotine-free electronic cigarette, you just need to fill any device with liquid with zero nicotine concentration.

The best electronic cigarettes

The question of which electronic cigarettes are the best usually arises from a person who wants to purchase this device for the first time in his life and, accordingly, wants not to waste money. But there is simply no clear answer to the question of which electronic cigarettes are the best, since this is not determined speculatively, but solely based on the conditions of their use. That is, in some cases, we can name the best electronic cigarettes, correlating their characteristics with a person’s wishes for their properties, as well as the frequency and characteristics of using the device. This means that an e-cigarette that is best for one person may be absolutely terrible for another because it does not meet their needs.

In addition, do not forget that for both experienced and novice vapers, the key to choosing the best electronic cigarette is their own sensations received from a particular device. And such sensations are exclusively subjective, as a result of which it is impossible to choose universal devices that fully satisfy the wishes of almost all people.

For example, even for an experienced steamer, for an evening walk with the dog, it is more convenient to take a small and easy-to-use electronic cigarette, rather than a large and solid device, which is much more difficult to use, although it provides a tastier “vapor”. Therefore, for the same person, for use in a quiet environment, one version of the electronic cigarette is best, and for use in “field” conditions, a completely different model of the device will be best. Accordingly, to generalize, we can say that the best electronic cigarette for each person is different and it is the one that in the best possible way satisfies his wishes.

Which e-cigarette to choose?

For a novice vaper, the best devices, of course, will be easy to use and maintain, which will allow you to enjoy the sensations and get used to the electronic cigarette. Such simple devices are not of poor quality, they are only easy to operate, that is, they provide the formation of “steam” without performing complex actions, which are immediately difficult to get used to and adapt to. And when a person gets used to the device, you can move on to using others that are more difficult to manage, but still give best quality"pair".

For people who are just starting to use electronic cigarettes, the most important things are convenience, comfort and ease of control of the device. These characteristics are the most important, because initial stage The degrees of intensity and richness of tastes have not yet been differentiated, pools of the types of liquids and flavors that are most liked have not been formed, there are no good skills in maintaining the device, etc. Therefore, we do not recommend immediately purchasing a “serious” device, which, of course, provides excellent vaping quality, but for a beginner it will be so difficult to manage and maintain that there is a high probability that complete refusal from using an electronic cigarette. Therefore, it is recommended that a beginner in vaping choose an easy-to-use device.

Among the easy-to-use devices, the most convenient and reliable are eGo electronic cigarettes. To get a high-quality and reliable device, it is recommended to choose a visually pleasing electronic cigarette from the eGo-C or eGo-CC series from Joyetech, because this manufacturer brings to the market the best products of this type. Of course, you can choose an eGo electronic cigarette from any other manufacturer, but their quality will be significantly lower than that of Joyetech products, since this company has excellent experience in producing eGo and maintains the quality of its brand at the proper level.

If a novice vaper wants to purchase a thin electronic cigarette, which appearance will resemble a regular slims or superslims cigarette, then the best option is Joyetech eRoll.

Also for beginner vapers, the Joyetech eCab electronic cigarette may be suitable.

Thus, a person just starting his journey in vaping is recommended to opt for Joyetech devices from the eGo-C, eGo-CC, eRoll, eCab lines.

In addition to ease of use, it is also very important for a novice vaper that the electronic cigarette is easy to maintain. Therefore, it is recommended at the initial stage to purchase either maintenance-free or semi-serviceable electronic cigarettes, since serviced devices require certain skills, time and knowledge, which, naturally, a beginner simply does not have.

If a person still wants to purchase a serviced electronic cigarette, then it is recommended to make a compromise decision, namely: buy an eGo format device and separately, in addition to it, select any of the following evaporators: Bulli-Smoker A2, Kaifun-mini tank tank or The Dripper Spiral. Next, install the selected evaporator into the eGo electronic cigarette and thereby obtain a relatively simple, but high-quality and reliable device that combines the advantages of serviced and unserviced devices.

In general, regarding the choice of electronic cigarettes, you can use a simple rule, which is that you need to buy something that you simply like, that is, trust your intuition. After all, despite all the advice and recommendations, a person may not be suitable or like what is good for other people. And an electronic cigarette, which most people don’t like at all, is suitable for him, so the best rule for choosing a device is to rely on intuition. And after a while, when a person receives his own experience using an electronic cigarette, he will understand what is important to him, what characteristics of the device he needs, then he will be able to choose another device that fully satisfies all his needs.

How to buy an electronic cigarette?

To prevent the purchase of an electronic cigarette from turning into disappointment, you do not need to immediately purchase the device in a regular or online store after making a decision. Before purchasing, it is recommended that you first find online stores and brick-and-mortar stores in your city of residence and study their assortment, talk with sellers, and listen to advice on which device is best to purchase based on individual needs. And only after that, choose any device and buy it purposefully.

It is best to choose among the range of electronic cigarettes from serious manufacturers with a good reputation, such as Joyetech, Eleaf, Innokin, Pons, Golden Greek, VapourArt, Leo, Kanger, SMOK, Boge and Sigelei.

If the purchase is made in a regular store, then discuss the possibility of returning and replacing low-quality goods. If the seller refuses this opportunity, then it is better not to purchase anything from such a store, since there is a high probability of buying a fake. If you plan to purchase an electronic cigarette in an online store, then it is best to first ask for advice on the forum of your city or region, which trading platform is best to deal with.


The cost of electronic cigarettes varies quite widely - depending on the complexity, you can purchase a high-quality device for about 90 - 170 dollars. It is not recommended to purchase cheaper electronic cigarettes, since their quality is almost always very questionable. Devices costing more than $170 are recommended to be purchased by “advanced” vapers who are already very well versed in the subject and can independently choose an electronic cigarette with the desired characteristics.

The most expensive are Greek electronic cigarettes, which offer users both interesting technical solutions and excellent vapor quality.

We all know that regular cigarettes are harmful. But are electronic cigarettes harmful?

Due to the fact that electronic cigarettes are a fairly young product, today there are no reliable and supported scientific point view of evidence of their absolute harmlessness. There must be decades of clinical trials and research. During this time, electronic cigarettes themselves will completely change, and millions of skeptical smokers will die without ever “jumping off” the poisonous tobacco stick.

Everyone who encounters it for the first time says “So this is just as harmful!!!”, but to the question "- What is their harm?" no clear answer other than "There's nicotine in there too!" can't give...
Oh, if it was all just a matter of...
All the harm of conventional cigarettes is precisely due to the combustion products formed when burning the tobacco mixture - tars and carcinogenic compounds that cause terrible diseases. All this is completely absent in electronic cigarettes, because no combustion occurs in them. The smoker inhales only vapor containing aromatic substances and nicotine (or without it at all).

IN lately The topic of electronic cigarettes is increasingly being raised in the media. We invite you to watch a video from the program “About the Most Important Thing” on the RTR channel. Perhaps this will help you strengthen your opinion.

Therefore, let’s leave the topic of the harm or harmlessness of electronic cigarettes to the shoulders of doctors and researchers, and consider their undeniable advantages.

We put the absence of passive smoking as the first advantage. Unfortunately, our compatriots do not always treat others with understanding, allowing themselves to smoke in front of children and loved ones, not to mention smoky staircases, bus stops and restaurants. But the harm from passive smoking is sometimes greater than from direct smoking. Electronic cigarettes can be safely smoked anywhere, because the exhaled vapor does not contain any harmful substances. This has already been proven.

In practice, this also allows smokers themselves to get rid of many restrictions. For example, they may smoke e-cigarettes in places where regular smoking is prohibited. As a rule, these include transport and the vast majority of public institutions. Moreover, electronic cigarettes can be used even during air flights, which can be quite long.

  • It doesn't burn.

How many fires are caused by an unextinguished cigarette? A lot... How many times have you burned through expensive clothes, carpets, car covers with inappropriately fallen ash? Probably more than once too. This is basically impossible.

  • It's convenient

Forget about lighters that constantly get lost and ashtrays that exude you know what kind of “aroma” and dirt around. You can simply carry an electronic cigarette in your pocket and, after taking a couple of puffs, put it back in your pocket or purse. And you don’t have to “finish smoking until the bull” :)

  • No smoky smell

Your clothes, hands and hair will no longer emit a smoky smell. The steam does not smell)). Your breath will finally become fresh. There is no need to ventilate the room.

  • Teeth don't turn yellow

It's a fact - smoking electronic cigarettes does not make your teeth yellow, and your skin does not become rough, dull or age like regular cigarettes. (Remember the film “The Tourist,” in which Johnny Depp’s character, after changing his appearance, was able to “whiten” his teeth by simply switching to electronic cigarettes.)

  • Smoking in the car

You will appreciate electronic cigarettes if you spend a lot of time driving. There is no need to open windows, no need to light a cigarette on the go, losing concentration. The "bull" will not fly into the back seat. When selling a car, you can now safely indicate “Never smoked in the car” in your ad :) Car chargers for many sets of cigarettes are already included as standard.

  • It's delicious

Yes, they try to stuff regular cigarettes with all sorts of flavorings like cherry or flowers, but when they burn they leave a literally bitter impression. Electronic cigarettes use food flavorings that do not lose their quality when evaporated. You can fully enjoy dozens of different flavors, discovering new smoking sensations.

  • This helps to quit smoking.
Now let's look at the disadvantages of electronic cigarettes.

This is an expensive pleasure.

The first association of a person hearing the phrase “electronic cigarette” is “It’s expensive, I can’t afford it.”
Let's destroy this myth. One is approximately equivalent in capacity to 1 pack of regular cigarettes. The cost of the most expensive cartridge presented in our online store is 100 rubles. This, of course, is twice as expensive as a regular pack of cigarettes. BUT! Electronic cigarette is the most effective way quit smoking. Gradually you will smoke less and less, reducing nicotine addiction. You don’t need to finish smoking a cigarette “to the point”, but heavy smokers generally smoke like this - two or three puffs and into the ashtray. As a result, 2-3 packs per day are consumed. And with an electronic cigarette, in this case, 1 cartridge will be enough for you. In addition, let's not forget that in the end your health is more valuable...

It's inconvenient.

You need to keep an eye on your e-cigarette. It needs to be constantly recharged, keep a supply of cartridges with you and replenish it on time. All this requires accuracy and punctuality from the user. Of course, with regular cigarettes, it becomes a habit to “not stress” about this. If you ran out of cigarettes, you bought one from a friend or ran to the nearest stall. With electronic cigarettes you will need to be more collected.

It's not fashionable.
Unfortunately, many people put the concept of “electronic cigarettes” on a par with “non-alcoholic beer” and “rubber woman”.
It is difficult to introduce such people to electronic cigarettes. “Smoking so real” is their motto.
And they will shout it even with a lung removed. You are not one of them.



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