Poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops. Nasal drops can cause severe poisoning

Is it possible to do harm with such a simple over-the-counter drug?

Canadian pediatricians presented an analysis of a case involving an overdose of vasoconstrictor drops: a 4-month-old baby was admitted to the intensive care unit after using vasoconstrictor drops in the nose due to congestion for 2 days. The baby received 8 drops of xylometazoline in the nose (0.1% concentration) 12 hours before the child was admitted to the intensive care unit.
This dosage is for adults; in children it is used only from 6 to 12 years. This child was admitted to the intensive care unit in a coma. The situation ended well.
The Medline library contains an analysis of 13 cases of xylometazoline overdose in children under 5 years of age, 11 of which occurred in children under 2 years of age.
Doesn't seem like much, does it? What if it was YOUR child?
In addition, these phenomena may have varying degrees of severity, go unnoticed or simply not be documented.
Unfortunately, the minimum nontoxic dose of xylometazoline for such young children has not been established. When instilling xylometazoline, pharmacological reference books recommend maintaining an 8-10 hour interval between doses and in children under 6 years of age using strictly 1 drop of the drug in a pediatric dosage in each nasal passage. And such a dosage does not pose a danger to children's health.
This is just an example of the incorrect use of one substance, but this is possible with any vasoconstrictor nasal drops. And, unfortunately, even full compliance with the instructions does not guarantee the absence of an overdose. Since there are data on cases of overdose of oxymetazoline/xylometazoline in premature babies or babies in the first months of life when taking the drug according to the instructions in children with symptoms of nasal congestion due to ARVI.

Overdose symptoms:
difficulty breathing or stopping breathing;

lethargy, even to coma;

blurred vision;
blue lips and nails;
change in pupil size;
violation of blood pressure - first an increase, then a decrease;
decrease in body temperature;
nausea and vomiting;
trembling of limbs.

If you suspect poisoning of a child with a vasoconstrictor drug, you should immediately seek help.
Tell your doctor:
patient's condition;
name of the drug;
timing of use and dosage.

How to avoid such reactions to the drug:
keep medications out of the reach of children;
do not use vasoconstrictor drops as self-medication for more than 3 days;
Vasoconstrictors do not have a regular dosage regimen - this is a means of symptomatic relief, if we are talking about a common runny nose - there is congestion - we drip. The nose is breathing - let us pass.
For otitis media, the doctor may prescribe a different regimen.
The time interval between doses is of great importance, for example, for Xylometazoline it is 8-10 hours; Oxymetazoline -12 hours; Phenylephrine -4-6 hours.
Such drugs cannot be used in newborns without a doctor’s prescription!
It is strictly forbidden to use nasal drops, e.g. naphthyzine, into a nebulizer or other devices and do inhalations!
The form of release of vasoconstrictors for children - drops - is much preferable, so you can see exactly what got into the nose. ️Vasoconstrictor drops in the treatment of a runny nose are not the most important medicine! Even swelling can be quite safely removed with hypertonic saline solution.
Be careful and stay healthy!

How often do we resort to self-medication without thinking, especially if we have to treat a common runny nose. What would seem simpler: any pharmacy has a wide variety vasoconstrictor drops, which, after instillation into the nose, cause vasoconstriction and, as a result, removal of swelling and reduction of mucus formation. And here it is, the longed-for freedom of nasal breathing for several hours.

Few people think that vasoconstrictor drops do not have a therapeutic effect, but only relieve symptoms for a short time. After the medication wears off, the swelling reappears, so it makes no sense to treat a runny nose of any origin only with vasoconstrictor drops. This is only an auxiliary therapy that helps ease nasal breathing during the treatment period.

What is naphthyzin and why is it dangerous?

Naphthyzin- These are short-acting vasoconstrictor drops that easily penetrate both into the wall of the vessels of the nasal cavity and into the general bloodstream, exerting a vasoconstrictor effect on all vessels in general, and therefore is contraindicated in cases of severe hypertension.

Now on the pharmaceutical market there are many vasoconstrictor drops that differ in composition: there are both short- and long-acting drugs, but unfortunately, all of them can cause symptoms in case of overdose naphthysine poisoning.

Even less do we think about the fact that drops can be life-threatening, especially when used in children. An overdose of drops, exceeding the dose of the drug by 3-4 times, can cause such a serious complication as naphthyzine poisoning. As a rule, this happens when the age-specific concentration of the solution is not observed, or when the visual number of drops that have entered the nose is difficult, or simply when they are used uncontrolled, when the child does it himself or the drops are within his reach.

Signs of mild or initial stages of naphthyzine poisoning:

  • increased arousal
  • rapid heartbeat
  • dizziness
  • stomach pain

If the drug continues to accumulate in the body or the overdose was more significant, then the symptoms worsen: the heart rate slows down significantly, blood pressure drops, and severe lethargy, weakness, and drowsiness appear. At the same time, the child is sleeping, but this sleep is unnaturally deep, the tone in the arms and legs drops (if you lift them, they fall like “lashes”), confusion, a decrease in body temperature, the skin becomes pale, cold and damp, breathing is shallow.

What to do if these symptoms appear while using vasoconstrictor drops?

First of all, call an ambulance. Before the doctor arrives: stop taking the drug, cover the patient with a blanket, give him a warm drink, measure the temperature, blood pressure and try to maintain consciousness, do not let him fall asleep. Considering the seriousness of the consequences, do not use vasoconstrictor drops, especially if the child is sick; be sure to consult an otolaryngologist to prescribe treatment and follow-up over time. Remember that most vasoconstrictor drops can be used for 2-3 to 5-7 days; this is a short period of time that must be used to treat the inflammation process.

In ENT clinic number 1, in order to minimize the number of prescriptions of drug therapy, they will help you relieve swelling and inflammation using unique highly effective physiotherapeutic techniques, such as: USOL therapy of the nasopharynx, photochromotherapy of the nose, laser therapy of the nose, which will allow in the shortest possible time not only to relieve swelling, but and the cause of inflammation.

Naphthyzin is a very effective drug that constricts blood vessels in a short period of time. If the drug is used incorrectly, an overdose of naphthyzine may occur.

Naphthyzin is an effective vasoconstrictor drug

Young parents often wonder: can the drug be used by children? The use of naphthyzin is permitted by pediatricians, but only if the concentration of drops and dosage are correctly selected. Naphthyzin is available in the form of 0.05% drops. A solution of 0.1% is an adult dosage, which is strictly prohibited for children to take, as it can cause severe poisoning.

Danger of the drug

Can a child be poisoned by this drug? Of course yes. Nasal drops seem harmless, but they are quite capable of harming your baby. Poisoning with naphthyzine drops in children is not uncommon. Naphthyzine poisoning occurs when inexperienced parents independently, without a pediatrician’s prescription, treat their child’s runny nose with vasoconstrictor medications. Young mothers very often turn to medical institutions for help with naphthyzine poisoning.

Reasons why poisoning may occur

Naphthyzin, like any other drug, can cause harm to the body. Symptoms may appear not only with long-term use, but also with one-time use of drops. So, let's figure out why seemingly ordinary drops can cause serious poisoning.

  • Vasoconstrictor drops called Naphthyzin are available in plastic bottles. It is not always possible to give the child the required number of drops by pressing on the bottle; in this case, the dose may increase several times.
  • Parents very often confuse the adult dosage of 0.1% with the children's dosage of 0.05%.
  • Very often there is non-compliance with the rules for using a medicinal product. The instructions indicate that the drops should not be used by children under one year of age, and young mothers use the drug on their own, which risks causing serious harm to the health of the baby.
  • Naphthyzin is an effective, inexpensive drug that is very popular. For children, its use can have dire consequences.

Poisoning with naphthyzine drops in children is not uncommon

First symptoms

Naphthyzine poisoning in children is quite common. In order to determine whether the child has actually been poisoned, it is necessary to monitor his condition. The first symptoms that you might be concerned about are:

  • pronounced weakness and lethargy in the baby;
  • mood swings, tearfulness;
  • cramping pain in the head and slight dizziness;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • complete refusal of food;
  • drowsiness;
  • pale skin (skin becomes damp and cold);
  • slight constriction of the pupils.

When the first such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to urgently call a qualified medical specialist who will provide the necessary assistance and eliminate the symptoms of overdose. It is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment at home!

First aid

While you are waiting for the doctor, do not panic so that it is not transmitted to the child. It is necessary to monitor the baby’s condition, calm him down and ensure a comfortable position.

  • Monitor the general condition of the child.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. This can be ordinary boiled water.
  • Monitor the baby's pulse and breathing.
  • Wrap him in a blanket so the child can stay warm.

The medicine must be prescribed by a pediatrician in accordance with the dosage

Treatment for poisoning

First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning. Upon arrival of the emergency doctor, it is necessary to tell how the drug was taken and in what dosage. If a mild form of poisoning occurs, the baby will be given first aid on the spot and given further recommendations for treatment. In severe cases, they are transported to the hospital and treated in a hospital setting.

It often happens that children independently use medications for medical purposes. To prevent this from happening, parents should be careful about the storage of all medications, that is, keep them out of the reach of children.

Note for young parents

  • The drug should not be used by infants.
  • Drops should be prescribed by a pediatrician in accordance with the dosage according to the child’s age.
  • Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but increases the risk of severe poisoning.
  • The recommended dose for a child should not exceed 1-2 drops of a 0.05% Naphthyzin solution.
  • Correct use of the drug will clear the child's airways and make nasal breathing easier.
  • Due to the fact that the drug is addictive, drops can be used no more than once with an interval of 6-7 hours.
  • It is effective to use a pipette to accurately measure a drop. This way you can see the amount of the drug collected.
  • In order not to cause addiction in the child, it is necessary to alternate naphthyzin with other drops intended for the treatment of colds in children.

Naphthyzin - nasal drops to relieve symptoms of nasal congestion. Many people use them for years and become truly dependent, losing the ability to breathe on their own. Meanwhile, the drug in large doses and with prolonged use is dangerous not only for health, but even for life. The greatest danger is Naphthyzine poisoning in children, but overdoses in adults are also not uncommon.

Composition and purpose of Naphthyzin

The active ingredient of the anticongestive drug, alpha-adrenergic agonist, or more simply, Naphthyzin vasoconstrictor drops, is naphazoline. The composition contains purified water and boric acid as excipients.

The medicine has vasoconstrictor properties, quickly reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa, exudation (discharge), hyperemia (redness).

The use of Naphthyzin is indicated for:

  • acute colds or allergic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • eustachitis (inflammation of the auditory tube);
  • to perform the rhinoscopy procedure.

Information about contraindications and side effects

The annotation for the drug specifies conditions in which Naphthyzin has contraindications for use.


The medicine is contraindicated in:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • severe eye diseases;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In addition, there are age restrictions for the use of this medicine:

  • for a 0.1% solution – up to 18 years;
  • for a 0.05% solution – up to 1 year.

Side effects

As a result of long-term use or consumption of high doses of Naphthyzin, side effects may occur:

  1. Deterioration of blood supply to the brain and mucous membranes, resulting in symptoms of migraine, nervousness and weakness; in school-age children, learning ability decreases; in younger children, vision may deteriorate.
  2. Increased blood pressure, headaches.
  3. Swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa, hyperemia, dryness, burning sensation in the nose.
  4. Increased heart rate (tachycardia).
  5. Reduced duration of action of the drug, provoking the use of higher doses and increasing the frequency of their use.

The latter effect is most common in patients who have used Naphthyzin for more than 1 week. During this time, the small blood vessels of the nasal cavity adapt to nasal drops, and Naphthyzin ceases to have a long-term effect on them as a vasoconstrictor. As a result, patients become dependent on the drug and begin to increase its dosage uncontrollably.

Interaction with alcohol

Due to the fact that the study of the actions of Naphthyzin is still ongoing, and many aspects, including interactions with other drugs and alcohol, have not been sufficiently studied, it is difficult to talk about the effect of alcohol on the effect of the drug. However, from the experience of practicing doctors, it is known that drinking alcoholic beverages can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa in patients addicted to Naphthyzin, as a result of which they have to “drip” after drinking alcohol.

Is it possible to be poisoned by Naphthyzin?

Considering the vasoconstrictor effect of the drug and its ability to cause addiction in patients, the question arises whether it is possible to be poisoned by Naphthyzin, and how harmful the drops are when treating rhinitis in a child.

Consequences of improper treatment

Strictly speaking, Naphthyzin is not a cure for the common cold as such. These drops serve as an aid to facilitate breathing in various respiratory diseases. Therefore, you cannot count on a therapeutic effect for a runny nose when using only this medicine. Moreover, you cannot independently increase the recommended doses and frequency of use of Naphthyzin, because it's dangerous.

An uncontrolled increase in doses can lead to dependence on the action of the drug, which will force you to increase its amount even more. And this will already lead to an overdose and poisoning with Naphthyzin.

Consequences of use in children

Sometimes small children are brought to the intensive care unit whose parents have ignored the warnings in the instructions regarding the age restrictions for the use of Naphthyzin. The mucous membranes of a small child are much more delicate and sensitive than those of an adult. Therefore, even small doses, according to parents, can cause the child to develop adverse reactions with quite serious consequences. Under no circumstances should you use Naphthyzin, the concentration of which does not correspond to the age of the child or in children under 1 year of age!

What happens if you take medicine

The worst-case scenario can await a baby who drank the contents of a bottle of Naphthyzin due to the carelessness of his parents. This happens most often in families with small children, where the mother or other adults are drug dependent on Naphthyzin. Drops that are used several times a day may end up on the sofa, under the pillow, on the windowsill, that is, where the baby can easily get them and drink.

You can be poisoned by a low-quality, expired drug, even if you follow all other rules of use.

Clinical picture of overdose and degree of poisoning

Signs of Naphthyzin poisoning may include the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain, nausea;
  • slow heart rate (bradycardia);
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, in children – a sharp deterioration in mood;
  • appearance of cold sweat on the skin, paleness.

These symptoms can be either mild or pronounced. The clinical picture depends on the degree of overdose.

  • A mild degree of intoxication is manifested by one or more symptoms that quickly disappear when the drug is discontinued and do not require medical intervention.
  • The average degree is usually detected by several symptoms at once, but when you stop using Naphthyzin, it goes away on its own and also does not require hospitalization of the patient.
  • A severe degree poses the greatest danger, since with it the heart rate is primarily disrupted - from tachycardia to bradycardia, vomiting and other signs of intoxication may occur and, if measures are not taken, the person may fall into a coma.

Of course, at the first suspicion of severe Naphthyzine poisoning, you must call an ambulance.

How to provide first aid to a victim

The danger of poisoning lies in the fact that the longer the victim does not receive help, the more widespread intoxication becomes in the body. The consequences of extensive intoxication can be difficult to predict and sometimes the patient cannot be saved. To alleviate the condition of the poisoned person and prevent further spread of intoxication, you should be vigilant before the doctors arrive.

  • Make sure that the victim is conscious.
  • Constantly monitor his respiratory function and heart rhythms.
  • Put the victim to bed, cover him with a warm blanket and let him drink plenty of warm drinks.
  • By monitoring your pulse, remember or write down its changes; doctors may need the information.

Treatment in hospital

When the victim is admitted to the hospital, his blood will first be taken for biochemical analysis and an electrocardiogram will be performed.

  1. If poisoning occurs as a result of an overdose during use, then most often treatment consists of taking sorbents (for example, Enterosgel).
  2. If Naphthyzin has been drunk, be sure to rinse the stomach, prescribe sorbents and symptomatic therapy.
  3. If bradycardia is detected, a subcutaneous injection of the antidote, atropine sulfate, is given.
  4. In severe cases, the administration of Prednisolone may be required; in extremely severe cases, Dopamine and infusion therapy are used.
  5. For moderate Naphthyzin poisoning, taking rehydrating solutions is effective. As a rule, all manifestations of intoxication can be stopped within 30-60 minutes.

The cheapness and availability of the drug provokes people with chronic forms of rhinitis to use the drug uncontrollably and independently treat children with it. But the consequences of an overdose can bring incomparably greater expenses to save the victim from poisoning, not to mention the damage to the health of the poisoned person. Therefore, the use of Naphthyzin is recommended for 5-7 days, no more.

If after this time the nasal congestion does not go away, you should look for the causes of a prolonged runny nose and other methods of treatment. And for those who are already firmly “hooked” on Naphthyzin, we can advise you to quit it in one motion, in the morning. It will be difficult at first, but no more than 2-3 days. Then your respiratory function will be restored, and you will feel complete freedom from not very useful drops.

With a common runny nose and nasal congestion in children, not all parents consider it necessary to seek medical help. They use proven and inexpensive medicines that have been used for treatment for more than one generation. Among them, the most popular are naphthyzin drops. Meanwhile naphthyzine poisoning in children is quite common. The situation of poisoning is further aggravated by the fact that parents do not always associate taking naphthyzine with a deterioration in the child’s well-being.

Let's consider how dangerous naphthyzin is, in what cases poisoning occurs and what to do if it does happen.

Causes of poisoning

Naphthyzin belongs to vasoconstrictor drugs. It is effective in the treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the nasal cavity. The use of the drug eliminates swelling, constricts blood vessels, allows air to enter the nasal cavity and facilitate the child’s breathing. Naphthyzin is effective for chronic conjunctivitis, allergies, and nosebleeds. The medicine contains the main component naphazoline and auxiliary ingredients: boric acid and distilled water.

Despite all the effectiveness of the medicine, statistics inexorably show frequent poisoning in children. To answer the question whether naphthyzin is harmful and how justified its use is, it should be remembered that children are more sensitive to the effects of this medicine. Naphthyzine is prohibited for use in infants. When treating older children, the dosage must be strictly observed.

A known factor is that long-term use of the drug is addictive and a kind of dependence. Therefore, even adults are not recommended to take the drug for more than five days.

It is a mistaken belief that poisoning occurs only if a child drinks naphthyzine. When taken as usual, an overdose of naphthyzine leads to rapid entry of the drug into the blood through the developed vascular system of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. This causes general intoxication of the baby’s body.

Thus, the following causes of naphthyzine poisoning in children can be identified:

  1. Percentage of solution inappropriate for children's age. Often parents use a 0.1% solution. In adults, this dose does not cause side effects, but for a child it can become dangerous. Recommended solution for children is 0.05%. On the recommendation of a doctor, a 0.025% solution can be used. To obtain it, 0.05% of the product is diluted with distilled water.
  2. Uncontrolled use of the drug or its use to treat children under one year of age.
  3. Insufficiently thought-out form of release of the drug. Naphthyzine is produced in plastic vials, which does not always allow you to accurately measure the required number of drops.
  4. Over-the-counter sales of the product, adults’ attitude to the drug as “innocent” drops.

The low price of the drug and its popularity are often the main factors in parents’ choice. Having decided to use naphthyzin, not all parents are aware of what the consequences of poisoning may be. Since naphthyzine has a short-lasting effect (approximately 4-6 hours), it requires frequent use. By dripping the product into our child 4-6 times a day, parents, without even realizing it, bring the concentration of the active substance in their baby’s body to a dangerous point.

10 mg of naphthyzine can be fatal in children in the first two years of life!

In some cases, poisoning occurs when using an expired product. Parents should be very careful with packaging and throw away the medicine immediately after its expiration date.


In case of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drugs, parents first pay attention to extreme weakness and lethargy in children. Most children fall asleep quickly, and the duration of sleep is much longer than usual. But these signs may not always be alarming; sometimes they are regarded as symptoms of an underlying disease. Parents begin to sound the alarm when, in addition to weakness and increased drowsiness, their children exhibit the following symptoms:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • a sharp decrease in body temperature (up to 35 C and below);
  • cold and damp skin;
  • blue lips, heavy breathing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • profuse sweating;
  • reduction in heart rate.

There are 3 stages of naphthyzine poisoning: mild, moderate and severe.. With a significant overdose, the pulse and pressure drop to a critical level, and coma is possible.


If there are even minor signs of poisoning, urgent medical attention is required. Of particular danger are cases when a child, due to the neglect of adults, drinks naphthyzine or other vasoconstrictor drugs. Before doctors arrive, you need to rinse your stomach with boiled water and enterosgel.. Manganese solution is contraindicated in these cases. You can give your child activated charcoal.

The baby must be wrapped in a warm blanket, calmed down and given plenty of fluids. You should not give milk, as it helps accelerate the entry of the drug into the blood.

For mild poisoning, hospitalization is not necessary. Symptoms of intoxication of the body disappear after discontinuation of the drug. A moderate and especially severe overdose of naphthyzine requires treatment in a hospital.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and normalize the well-being of children, in the first minutes of doctors’ arrival, the antidote naphthyzine is used. The victim is administered atropine sulfate, taking into account the weight and age of the child. Children also need a subcutaneous injection of prednisolone. The dosage of medications is prescribed by the doctor. To eliminate the negative consequences of poisoning, all manifestations of intoxication in the body must be stopped within 40-60 minutes. The further course of treatment and recovery in a medical facility lasts from one to three days.

In some cases, doctors prescribe naphthyzine inhalations for children. They are indicated for complicated laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis. To carry them out, 0.05% naphthyzine is diluted with saline solution. The safe duration of inhalation is 3 minutes when carried out no more than 3 times a day. The procedure is quite effective if the prescribed dosage is followed. If you have a runny nose and nasal congestion, inhalations with naphthysine will not bring the desired result, so the risk in carrying them out is absolutely not justified.

How to prevent poisoning

If parents, for one reason or another, still decide to use naphthyzine to treat their children, they must observe the following precautions:

  • use only the solution intended for children, warn pharmacists about this before purchasing;
  • drip the drug no more than once every 6-8 hours;
  • use a pipette to avoid errors in maintaining the exact dose;
  • alternate the drug with other vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • do not use the drug in infants, limit its use in preschool children;
  • In case of a negative reaction of the child’s body, immediately call emergency medical help.

Instead of instillation, naphthyzin can be used for lotions. Cotton swabs are soaked in a 0.05% solution and placed in each nostril for 2 minutes. A new swab is used for each sinus.

Doctors recommend using naphthyzine analogues. Its main active ingredient is included in such drugs as Sanorin (regular and based on eucalyptus oil) and Naphazoline Ferein. The products relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, facilitate breathing and eliminate signs of intoxication in infectious and viral diseases. Eucalyptus oil provides an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, chronic rhinitis, and the prevention of influenza, the Aqua Maris Baby spray is used. The drug is made on the basis of natural sea water that has undergone sterilization. The nasal passages are washed with Aqua Maris twice a day. The drug can be used for a long time. Provided that the instructions are followed, manufacturers guarantee the absence of side effects.

Another effective and safe remedy is Aqualar Baby. Its main advantage is that it can be used from the first days of children’s lives. The release form of the product is a spray in a bottle, equipped with a convenient tip with a limiter. The medicine is also available in the form of drops. The drug has no contraindications or restrictions on use.

The listed drugs belong to more expensive drugs, but their relatively high price is compensated by safety and effectiveness.

In order to alleviate the baby’s condition, parents must weigh all possible risks and be extremely careful! The ability to purchase a vasoconstrictor without a prescription and at a low price cannot justify its uncontrolled use without first consulting a doctor and following the instructions for use.



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