Examination colposcopic examination can. Preparation for cervical colposcopy, procedure and possible complications

Cervical colposcopy is one of the diagnostic methods that is now widely used in gynecology. This procedure allows us to identify the most minimal changes mucous membranes or disorders, which is especially important in the prevention and early diagnosis malignant tumor.

How is colposcopy performed?

There are four types of colposcopy:

  1. Simple. In this case, the woman sits on a chair, and a gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina to better review, after which the cervix is ​​examined using a colposcope.
  2. Extended. It is carried out in the same way as a simple one, only the uterine mucosa is stained with Lugol's solution and a three percent solution acetic acid. This method makes it possible to identify all lesions more clearly. After staining, the mucous membrane becomes brown, and the lesions turn white.
  3. Colored. The procedure itself is similar to the previous ones, but solutions are used with which the cervix is ​​painted green or blue colors. Using this method, we study in more detail vascular network and lesions.
  4. Luminescent. Mainly used to identify cancer cells. For examination using UV rays, fluorochromes are used to treat the cervix. Cancerous lesions will be highlighted in pink.

The main purpose of colposcopy is to determine the presence benign disease flat cervical epithelium and establishing signs of possible malignancy. This procedure is important for women who have cytological smears signs of cellular atypia were found.

With the help of colposcopy, you can diagnose any pathologies; it makes it possible to determine which areas of the epithelium are most affected. If such zones are detected, the patient is sent for a targeted biopsy of the cervix, which is also very important in order to make a conclusion about the condition of the cervix.

Colposcopy refers to methods for determining cervical diseases along with smear examination. It is recommended to perform it at least once every three years if previous cytological smears were normal. If there are pathologies according to a cytological smear, colposcopy is mandatory.

When is it better to do colposcopy: indications and contraindications

Colposcopy is used to diagnose a number of gynecological diseases.A gynecologist may prescribe such an examination in the following cases:

  • bloody discharge;
  • blood and pain during or after sexual intercourse;
  • long-term nagging pain lower abdomen.

Colposcopy is mandatory in the following cases:

  • poor cytological smear result;
  • detection on the genitals genital warts that were caused by HPV.

On what day is it better to do a colposcopy? The study is carried out immediately after the end of menstruation or before it begins. Despite the fact that the study is quite simple, it has a number of contraindications.

Colposcopy cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • three to four weeks after abortion;
  • eight weeks after birth;
  • recent surgical treatment or treatment of the cervix using cryodestruction;
  • allergy to acetic acid or iodine (with extended colposcopy);
  • severe atrophy of the ectocercus;
  • pronounced inflammatory process.

Preparation for cervical colposcopy

Before colposcopy, you must refrain from sexual intercourse one to two days before the colposcopy. When preparing for the study, you need to completely abandon douching and any other means for several days. intimate hygiene- washing the genitals is recommended only warm water.

You should stop using any medications in the form of tablets, sprays or vaginal suppositories for several days before your colposcopy unless their use has been discussed with your doctor in advance.

Results of colposcopy examination

The main task of colposcopy is to predict possible cellular composition cervical mucosa to detect cervical cancer and precancerous diseases. Colposcopy does not make it possible to immediately make a diagnosis; it only identifies the areas of greatest damage. For precise setting A targeted biopsy is used for diagnosis.

During colposcopy, the doctor can see changed areas of tissue. If no changes are detected, then the examination result is considered good and a biopsy of cervical tissue is not prescribed. If the doctor finds changes, he performs a biopsy and sends its results to the laboratory for further analysis. Accurate results can only be obtained one to two weeks after colposcopy, when the results of histological examination are ready.

What to do after colposcopy

This procedure considered safe and simple gynecological examination. However, many patients complain that their stomach hurts after colposcopy, and there may also be a slight discharge with blood from the vagina. Usually these inconveniences go away after a few days. In the most in rare cases Colposcopy can cause an infection of the cervix or vagina. Contact your doctor if you experience the following after a colposcopy:

  • increased body temperature after colposcopy (higher than 38 degrees);
  • chills;
  • copious discharge with blood;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;

After colposcopy, you may experience scanty discharge dirty green or dark brown. Just like nagging pain after colposcopy in the lower abdomen, this phenomenon is considered normal.

For two weeks after colposcopy you cannot:

  • use vaginal tampons;
  • engage in sexual relations;
  • do physical activity;
  • do douching;
  • visit a bathhouse or sauna;
  • take medications that contain acetylsalicylic acid.

Thus, colposcopy - safe research, used for the prevention and diagnosis of cervical cancer. If you follow all the simple recommendations before and after it, it will not cause any problems.

It's called colposcopy instrumental method a study during which a specific device is used - a colposcope. Using the technique, the cervix is ​​examined using magnification and special lighting. Colposcopy is performed on gynecological chair. The name of the method literally translates as “examine the vagina,” and it was first introduced in medical practice H. Hans, who, using a special magnifying device, discovered it in the woman being examined. Modern colposcopes increase the minimum 3 and maximum 40 times. Some devices have special devices allowing for more accurate inspection vascular bundles vagina and cervix. Also, modern devices are equipped with photography and video surveillance options, which allows you to record or photograph the results of the study for future evaluation. This option is especially important for assessing the dynamics of the disease and the success of the treatment.

The colposcopy procedure is included in the complex gynecological research for many diseases. The doctor decides individually whether the procedure should be used, however general indications for it are the following states:

  1. Discharge of various nature from the vagina (especially with unpleasant smell and accompanied by itching);
  2. Bleeding from the uterus or vagina outside menstrual cycle;
  3. Painful sensations associated with sexual intercourse or of a permanent nature;
  4. Bloody discharge after sex;
  5. Aching or pulling painful sensations in the lower abdomen (constant or intermittent);
  6. The presence of genital warts on the external genitalia (and any other manifestations of HPV);
  7. Suspicion of an oncological process in the cervix.

Often, with the help this method The study confirms or excludes an oncological process in the cervix, and also evaluates the presence and severity of erosive degeneration in this organ.

Contraindications for the study

Despite the fact that colposcopy is a common examination that is used quite often, it has a number of contraindications. The main reasons why colposcopy cannot be performed:

  • Allergic reactions to iodine or acetic acid;
  • Two months after the completion of labor;
  • One month after the abortion;
  • Some time after surgical intervention on the cervix or after treatment with minimally invasive methods, for example, cryodestruction;
  • Bleeding from the genitals;
  • Inflammatory process in the acute stage;
  • Atrophic changes in the vagina.

Some of these contraindications are permanent, but most are temporary, so diagnosis using colposcopy can only be delayed, but not completely canceled.

How to prepare for colposcopy?

This procedure requires some preparation so that the doctor can evaluate reliable results research. Therefore, preparation for the colposcopy procedure begins with abstaining from sex a few days before visiting the doctor. You should also not use any products during intimate hygiene procedures, and douching before colposcopy is strictly prohibited. It is best to wash the genitals with warm water without using additional funds. In addition, before the procedure, a few days before it, it is recommended to avoid any medicines, especially, local application. The exception is those drugs whose use has been approved by a doctor. Girls are often interested in which day of the cycle to do a colposcopy in order to get the most correct results research. In most cases, the technique is carried out immediately after the end of menstruation, that is, a day or two after the last day.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure during menstruation, so during the consultation the doctor should question and take into account the characteristics of the patient’s menstrual cycle.

Is it possible to have a colposcopy during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is neither an absolute nor a temporary contraindication for this procedure. However, the girl must inform the doctor about her situation. The main reason for prescribing colposcopy in pregnant women is the suspicion of oncological degeneration of the cervix. The procedure should only be carried out experienced doctor, since during pregnancy the lumen of the vagina and cervix may be blocked by mucus. Upon confirmation oncological process A biopsy may be taken, but this is not recommended unless indicated. The mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus is excessively supplied with blood during pregnancy, which is why a biopsy can lead to the appearance of uterine and vaginal bleeding. Treatment of pathologies detected during colposcopy in pregnant women may be postponed indefinitely. However, in the presence of life-threatening pathologies for the mother therapeutic measures can begin regardless of the stage of pregnancy and possible risk for the fetus.

How is colposcopy of the cervix performed?

The procedure is performed only by a gynecologist in a special room designed for procedures and equipped with a colposcope. Many people wonder: is it painful to have a colposcopy. It is worth noting that the procedure is completely painless, but some discomfort may be caused by taking biopsies from particularly suspicious places on the cervix. The examination apparatus is installed at a distance of 20–25 cm from the cervix. In this position, all visible areas of the cervix are examined, adjusting the magnification and inspection angle using special screws. The research is often carried out first of all. Since colposcopy is performed for various reasons, there are several options for assessing certain properties of the cervix. different types carrying out the methodology:

  1. Survey colposcopy is the most commonly used technique, as it does not involve the use of additional means. With its help you can evaluate general condition organ walls, pathological changes on the mucosa, disruption of the lumen cervical canal and other characteristics.
  2. Using filters allows you to more accurately and in detail assess the condition vascular network cervix.
  3. Extended colposcopy of the cervix is ​​a technique that involves the use of some additional substances, for example, iodine or acetic acid. Using this type of procedure, it is possible to confirm the presence of oncological degeneration of mucosal cells.
  4. Colposcopy using dyes also allows one to evaluate pathological changes in the mucous membrane, since those areas that have succumbed to neoplasia will not be stained.
  5. Colposcopy with magnification up to 300 times allows you to evaluate even the composition and normality of the cells of the cervix.

The procedure takes on average just over a quarter of an hour. In this case, the woman undresses below the waist and sits in a gynecological chair, where the doctor first conducts a visual assessment of the condition of the genital organs and vagina using mirrors, which remain inside during colposcopy. During the procedure, the vagina is periodically irrigated saline solution, which avoids drying out. During the study, if necessary, tissue is taken (biopsy) or scraped (curettage).

These additions to the procedure can give the woman discomfort, which pass quickly. After colposcopy, you should not douche, use tampons, or use local products for about two weeks. medicines. You should also avoid any intimate hygiene products other than water. Sex is also prohibited for several weeks after colposcopy. The procedure may result in bloody or greenish discharge from the vagina, which is why you need to use panty liners for a couple of days. An important factor is the absence of odor in such secretions.

Interpretation of the results of cervical colposcopy

Exists unified classification the results obtained after colposcopy. It includes three large groups:

  • Normal mucosa;
  • Benign changes in the mucosa;
  • Abnormal epithelium (this group is also divided into simple abnormality and increased).

The doctor also separately evaluates the vessels, which may be unchanged, dilated, or pathologically tortuous. The group of simple abnormal epithelium includes precancerous conditions when cell degeneration has already begun, but has not yet reached malignancy. All forms of cancerous degeneration of the cervix or if they are suspected have increased abnormality. Benign changes in the cervix include inflammatory processes, for example, colpitis, atrophic degeneration, cervical erosion, pseudo-erosion and the presence of polyps (and, depending on the cause of their appearance, the risk of malignancy can be either minimal or almost 100%).

Complications after the procedure

Colposcopy is absolutely considered safe procedure, which practically does not cause complications. Normal physiological reactions after it are carried out are:

  1. Discharge with bloody or greenish impurities and no odor;
  2. Discomfort and moderate pain in the lower abdomen (especially if curettage was performed).

These unpleasant sensations should disappear within a few days, but in rare cases, the mucous membrane becomes infected, causing additional symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (increasing);
  • Increase in temperature to subfebrile, and sometimes to febrile levels;
  • The appearance of discharge that has an unpleasant odor;
  • Gain bloody discharge(up to the development of uterine bleeding).

Any of the listed symptoms that do not go away within 24 hours is a direct indication for an immediate visit to the doctor. In order not to miss the development of complications, a woman should carefully evaluate her condition for several days after the procedure.

Colposcopy is a gynecological procedure that involves examining the walls of the cervix and vagina using a magnifying device. This examination allows you to diagnose wide range women's diseases.

Colposcopy is used to identify various gynecological diseases, including:

  • Cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina;
  • Genital warts;
  • Precancerous changes reproductive organs;
  • Inflammation uterine cervix(cervicitis);
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Pathologies of development of the genital organs;
  • Tumor neoplasms;
  • Microbleeds;
  • Minor defects in the tissues of the vagina, vulva, etc.

Depending on the expected diagnosis and clinical manifestations, two types of colposcopy are performed: simple and extended.

  • The procedure of simple colposcopy is aimed at visualizing the outlines and parameters of the cervix, as well as examining the vessels and the features of their location. No testing drugs are used.
  • Extended colposcopy is characterized by the use of a number of tests that allow you to determine normal functioning uterine cervix. The most effective test for making a diagnosis is considered to be a test using a solution of acetic acid. Also, as part of an extended colposcopy of the uterus, a vascular (adrenaline) test, a dye test, a Schiller test (use of Lugol's solution) and other additional studies are performed.

When is cervical colposcopy indicated?

First of all, colposcopic examination is a diagnostic method that is prescribed in the presence of the following pathological symptoms:

  • Burning, itching in the vaginal cavity;
  • The appearance of genital warts and various rashes in intimate places;
  • The presence of bloody discharge outside the menstrual cycle;
  • Bleeding, pain during or after sexual intercourse;
  • Dull pain in the lower abdomen of increasing character.

In addition, colposcopy is indicated in the presence of erosion, detected abnormalities in cytological smears and suspected oncology of the reproductive organs. The study is also prescribed for dynamic observation for the effectiveness of treatment of gynecological diseases.

Colposcopy is quite safe and does not cause harm to the body. It can be used even in pregnant women if pathologies of pregnancy occur.

Colposcopy of the uterus: contraindications for the examination

The colposcopic examination procedure is not prescribed in the following situations:

  • After delivery for 2 months;
  • Recent gynecological manipulations in the uterine cavity (termination of pregnancy, diagnostic curettage);
  • Individual intolerance to the tested drugs used for extended cervical colposcopy (vinegar, iodine);
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterine cavity.

Preparing for colposcopy

Colposcopic examination is not prescribed during menstruation. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure in ovulatory period, since heavy mucous discharge may interfere with the examination. The optimal time for colposcopy is 2-3 days before the start of menstruation or 3-4 days after its completion.

In addition, for several days before the study, a woman should adhere to the following recommendations:

Immediately before colposcopy, it is necessary to perform genital hygiene.

How to do a cervical colposcopy

The colposcopic examination procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. First, a simple colposcopy is performed, followed by extended options. The optical device is installed at a certain distance from the vulva, and the gynecological speculum is installed in the vaginal cavity, which increases its visibility. During the study, the structure of the mucous membrane, vascular pattern, amount of vaginal discharge, appearance epithelial tissue, as well as the size and outline of the uterine cervix.

Then the doctor treats the vaginal part of the cervix with a vinegar solution. Under the influence of acid healthy blood vessels shrink and become invisible. Pathological ones, being recently formed, do not have muscle fibers for contraction, and therefore do not change their appearance. The epithelium in these areas becomes whitish.

The next stage of the study is treatment of the uterine cervix with Lugol's solution. Under the influence of an iodine-containing drug, normal epithelium becomes dark brown. The affected tissues of the epithelial layer acquire a mustard or gray tint with clearly defined outlines.

Another option for an extended colposcopic examination is colpomicroscopy, a technique based on 150x magnification using special dyes. This is the most informative procedure detection of cervical pathologies. Colpomicroscopy is not prescribed for necrotic changes tissues, vaginal stenosis and abdominal bleeding.

If oncological formations are suspected, a biopsy of the uterine cervix is ​​prescribed - excision of a section of pathological tissue for subsequent diagnosis.

A colposcopic examination lasts about 30 minutes (when biomaterial is collected, the duration of the procedure may increase). Colposcopy is interpreted by a specialized specialist.

Possible complications and regimen after colposcopy

Like any manipulation in the uterine cavity, colposcopic examination can provoke the appearance of such side effects like bloody vaginal discharge, fever and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. If similar symptoms last more than 3-4 days - you need to consult a doctor.

If a cervical biopsy was not performed during colposcopy, the woman can lead her usual way of life. In the case of tissue collection for analysis, the patient should follow several rules for 5-6 days:

  • Refrain from intimacy;
  • Do not take hot baths;
  • Avoid sports and heavy physical activity;
  • Do not douche, do not use sanitary tampons and suppositories.

The wide spread of diseases of the female reproductive system leads to the use of various diagnostic procedures, one of which is colposcopy. Why is colposcopy needed? This is a minimally invasive method of examining the cervix and vaginal part of the uterus, allowing one to identify diseases in this localization. The procedure is performed using a special colposcope in outpatient setting or in medical hospital. Colposcopy is prescribed for suspected cervical disease, as well as for monitoring the condition of the mucous membrane during treatment.

Regular colposcopy allows you to detect pathology at an early stage

General description of the method

Such a procedure can reveal various lesions cervix and vaginal part of the uterus in women. Hysteroscopy is performed using a special optical system called a colposcope. The hysteroscope is a special binocular with interchangeable eyepieces varying degrees increase. In addition, there is a built-in lighting device that allows you to illuminate the mucous membrane during the examination process.

What is colposcopy in gynecology? This is a modern and highly effective way to diagnose diseases of the female genital organs.

Similar optical system allows the gynecologist to carry out visual inspection conditions of the mucous membrane and diagnose a wide range of diseases without serious invasive interventions. The resulting image can be displayed on a computer screen and also be recorded in its memory for subsequent study or for analyzing the effectiveness of treatment.

Indications for examination

Colposcopic examination is performed only if women have appropriate indications for the procedure and there are no contraindications. Indications include the following situations:

  • Suspicions of benign or malignant neoplasms in the vagina and cervix, as well as precancerous processes.
  • Identification of ectocervix foci and their nature.
  • The need for a biopsy for subsequent morphological analysis and selection of treatment.
  • The need to choose treatment tactics and additional diagnostic procedures.

In all these cases, colposcopy provides important information for the gynecologist and can be recommended for wide application. However, it is always necessary to remember about contraindications that limit the use of this diagnostic method. In what cases from this method Should I refuse the examination?

  • Recent history of childbirth (less than 4-10 weeks ago).
  • If a woman has undergone destructive or surgical treatment for cervical erosion, etc.
  • Based on previous studies, intolerance to a solution of iodine and acetic acid was revealed.

If a woman has indications for colposcopy, but there are also contraindications, then the method should be abandoned, choosing other methods of examination.

Types of colposcopy and their implementation

Colposcopy can be simple or extended

It is very important that the patient knows the answer to the question, how is colposcopy done and why is it necessary to undergo it? This allows you to properly organize preparation for colposcopy, as well as reduce the level of stress during it.

If a woman has female complaints and has never undergone any examinations or tests, then colposcopy is the method of choice for diagnosing diseases.

All types of colposcopy can be divided into two large groups: diagnostic and therapeutic. In this case, during a diagnostic examination, the doctor:

  • visually examines the condition of the cervix;
  • evaluates its surface;
  • external os;
  • border between epithelia;
  • and also studies discharge from the cervical canal, if any.

The examination does not go deeper than the external os of the cervix. After such an external examination, it is necessary to do an extended colposcopy.

Colposcopy is a completely painless procedure

The procedure takes place as follows: the cervix is ​​treated weak solution acetic acid (no more than 3%) and evaluate changes in the epithelium. This solution leads to a slight swelling of cells in the mucous membrane and swelling of the epithelium, which reduces blood flow in the submucosal vessels. After this, a Schiller test should be performed using Lugol's solution, which is applied to the surface of the cervix using a cotton-gauze swab. Identified cells with glycogen in their composition can serve as an indicator of affected areas and serve as a guide for a biopsy.

If necessary, vital microscopic examination Using a colposcope, preliminary staining of the cervical epithelium with a hematoxylin solution is prescribed, which makes it possible to identify individual cells and their structures. What does colposcopy show in this case? The gynecologist has the opportunity to evaluate individual cells and identify signs of atypia (increased nuclear size, pathological mitoses, etc.), which may indicate the onset of malignant growth.

Colposcopy is highly informative. The coincidence of such an examination with the subsequent histological examination observed in more than 98% of cases, which is very high rate accuracy of diagnosis. To increase the specificity and sensitivity of this method, special yellow and green filters can be used to improve the resulting image.

Results obtained

Ectopic columnar epithelium

After a woman has received an answer to the question of how colposcopy is performed, it is very important to understand how to correctly interpret the results and who can do it.

Compliance with the rules and technique of performing the procedure allows you to prevent the development of complications and significantly increase the information content.

This method of examining the female reproductive system allows you to quickly identify endometriosis, endocervicitis, precancerous and oncological lesions cervix, as well as polyps and warts on the surface of its epithelium. If the epithelium has a normal structure, then this area is externally distinguished by a light pink tint of color, smoothness and shiny surface. When performing Lugol's staining, all cells acquire brown, which is associated with the deposition of glycogen in them.

Among pathological processes leukoplakia may be detected (the appearance of areas of keratinization of epithelial cells), atypical blood vessels, areas of tumor and precancerous cell transformation. Such findings serve as an indication for biopsy and other additional methods diagnostics

Upon completion of colposcopy

Discomfort in the lower abdomen after colposcopy

Immediately after the diagnosis is completed, a woman may continue to feel discomfort, pain and minor bleeding from the vagina, which is associated with minor damage mucous membrane. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse, douching and tampons. If symptoms do not go away within 2-3 days or become severe, you should immediately seek medical help.

What is colposcopy and how is it done? This is a highly informative, minimally invasive method of examining the cervix, widely used in gynecology to identify diseases at the most early stages their development. Such a study should always be carried out after consultation with the attending physician, defining indications and contraindications, and only in a special office.

Colposcopy is translated from English as examination of the vagina. This procedure is diagnostic examination, through which the vaginal cavity and cervix are examined using a special instrument - a colposcope. Indications for use this study the gynecologist suspects the development of abnormalities and pathologies. To verify the presence of pathology or refute suspicions, a woman needs to undergo a colposcopy procedure. The research procedure is absolutely safe and painless, which women are convinced of after completing the study. In the material we will consider what the study is, when it is better to do a colposcopy on what day of the cycle, as well as the presence of restrictions.

Features of the method

It should be noted that the accuracy of the study results is influenced not only by the experience of the doctor who conducts the study, but also by the correct preparation of the patient for the process. Colposcopy is performed using a special device that resembles a microscope. In essence, this device is a microscope, only additionally equipped with a lighting system and a modified design. The woman needs to sit on a gynecological chair, after which the doctor expands the vaginal cavity using ordinary mirrors. After this, the device is turned on, which illuminates the vaginal cavity and allows for a visual inspection. Depending on the cavity being examined, the doctor changes the eyepieces, which allows focusing the quality of the image.

If, when examining the walls of the vagina or cervix, areas of the epithelium are found that differ from normal, then the doctor additionally applies iodine solution. With the help of iodine, suspicious areas of the epithelium are treated, and if the cells of the integument change their color, this indicates the absence of pathology. If cells or areas of the epithelium are stained in white, then this indicates the presence of cancerous formations. If a pathology is detected, appropriate treatment measures must be taken.

When is the best time to have a colposcopy?

The need to undergo a colposcopy examination for women arises not only when the gynecologist suspects abnormalities. Every woman should know that colposcopic examination is required, if not regularly, then at least periodically. This is done for the purpose of preventive research, through which one can verify the presence or absence of pathologies in women.

To receive accurate results it is required that the procedure be carried out in certain time female menstrual cycle. Examination of the epithelium in the vaginal cavity and uterus requires special accuracy and care. Such accuracy can only be obtained by conducting research in specific cycle menstruation, about which the doctor must warn the patient in advance.

Colposcopy of the vulvar neck should be performed directly in the first half of the menstrual cycle. Doctors who conduct the study inform their patients that optimal time for colposcopy is on the third day after the end of menstruation. This period is a reference period, since it is on the third day of menstruation that the study can be carried out with maximum accuracy and reliable results obtained.

Colposcopy during menstruation is strictly prohibited, because this period is characterized by heavy bleeding and the release of rejected mucus. Menstruation prevents the doctor from conducting research, so it is necessary to reschedule the procedure for another time. If there is insufficient visibility of the walls of the vagina and cervix, the doctor may provoke the appearance of pain during colposcopic examination.

When else can the examination be carried out?

We found out when it is better to do a colposcopy and on what day of the cycle. The third day after menstruation is the reference day, but it is not always possible to get to the doctor on this day. You can do a cervical examination after ovulation. During ovulation, the cervical canal fills significant amount mucus that interferes with the examination.

To obtain good and accurate results, a woman is recommended to conduct research in the first half of the cycle. Colposcopy is not recommended in the second half of the cycle, due to the development of complications. Examinations after ovulation may cause the development of pain, since the vaginal cavity takes a long time to heal after ovulation. If implemented physical impact in the form of a colposcopic examination in the second half of the cycle, this can lead to the development of pain and complications.

Availability of restrictions

It is important to understand that the accuracy of the research results depends on the menstrual cycle. Colposcopy can be performed on the last day of menstruation, but mucous discharge along with blood will not allow you to get a more accurate picture.

There are two contraindications for which colposcopy is not recommended and a woman should refuse:

  1. Period of menstruation with heavy menstrual bleeding. Examination for menstrual bleeding is not done at all, since any manipulation will lead to an increase in the healing time of the mucous membrane.
  2. Ovulation stage. During ovulation, when the egg enters the uterus, a large volume of mucus is formed. This mucus, like menstrual discharge, distorts the results of the study, so there is no point in talking about their accuracy at all.

Having understood the question of which day of the menstrual cycle a colposcopy can be performed, attention should be paid to the preparatory process.

Consequences of colposcopy

To find out when is the best time to have a colposcopy, you can ask your doctor, who will issue a referral for the examination. When conducting simple research, no consequences can arise. When undergoing extensive colposcopy, a woman may experience sequelae, manifested in the form of dark-colored discharge. Such discharge is a provoked reaction through the use of various medicinal reagents, among which is iodine.

At the end of the study, the woman may experience bloody discharge from the vagina for 2-3 days, reminiscent of menstruation. These secretions are also normal factor, which pass quickly.

During pregnancy, the consequences of colposcopy and biopsy can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. During pregnancy, colposcopy may be prescribed for early stages or after the birth of the child. After the examination procedure, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for 2 weeks, and also not to use tampons and douching, which can contribute to the development of complications.



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