Should I sleep without panties? Slows down the aging of the body

Chances are you haven't even tried sleeping naked. Try it! Throw away all conventions! Only you, the fresh night and your free body!

Sleep is freedom; when you fall asleep, you are freed from the cycle of life, your mind and body rest. Why dress yourself up in pajamas, creating unnecessary restrictions on your body? Science has proven why sleeping naked is the most beneficial.

Surprisingly, relatively few people enjoy these fantastic benefits.

Why you should sleep naked

Better sleep

You might prefer to snuggle up in a warm bed, but a number of studies have shown that being cool can lead to a more restful night's sleep.
According to the UniSA Sleep Research Centre, the body needs to lower its core temperature so that sleep can begin normally, and if the body fails to do this, insomnia can be the result.

Moreover, researchers at the University of Amsterdam found that lowering skin temperature increases the depth of sleep and reduces the number of night awakenings.

Radiant skin and shiny hair

While we sleep, our body produces two important hormones that slow down the aging process: melatonin and growth hormone.

Growth hormone stimulates cell reproduction, which improves the appearance of skin and hair. But this is not the only role it plays in the body. HGH also increases bone mineralization, increases muscle mass and stimulates the immune system, among many other vital functions.

Melatonin is another powerful hormone that actually controls other hormones.

Therefore, if the melatonin levels in the body are not right, it can lead to an imbalance of other hormones, which can cause serious damage not only to our appearance but also to our health.

Stress relief

High levels of stress over a long period of time lead to a range of negative consequences, such as decreased immunity, cognitive function, blood sugar imbalances and an increased risk of depression, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Sleeping without clothes reduces the amount of the hormone cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is regulated when we sleep.

The higher the quality of our sleep, the easier it is for our body to keep cortisol at optimal levels, relieving us of unnecessary stress and enabling us to better cope with the stressors we face every day.

The thing is that sleeping naked reduces the number of night awakenings, during which there is a sharp release of cortisol into the blood.

Research has proven that lack of sleep actually causes cortisol levels to rise the next evening, which means we are caught in a vicious cycle: lack of sleep causes stress, which in turn causes more sleep problems!

This vicious circle can be broken simply by taking off your pajamas, which, as already mentioned, improves the quality and duration of sleep. Anyone who goes to bed in what their mother gave birth to can be sure that in the morning he will wake up calm and ready for any difficulties that the new day will present to him.

Maintain the bedroom temperature at approximately 20°C

When you fall asleep, your body temperature drops. This is necessary for healthy sleep; sleep in a cool place is sound and restorative.

Set the right temperature in your bedroom. For most people, the optimal room temperature for sleeping is approximately 20°C.

Sleeping in cooler temperatures also helps the body regulate melatonin and growth hormone. Unfortunately, overheating and poor sleep prevent their production.

If you don't get the deep sleep that comes with sleeping in a cool room, your body won't have a chance to properly produce hormones that are important for repairing your cells.

When your body overheats, often due to tight clothing, you don't get the deep, restorative sleep you need to stay healthy.

Regardless of the season, keep your bedroom temperature low and sleep naked so your body can regulate its own temperature. If you feel cold at night, just use an extra blanket. It's much better for you than packing your body into tight pajamas.

Sleeping without clothes will help you lose weight

Weight loss can occur through a number of different processes.

First, there are two types of fat - brown fat, which we need because it produces heat to keep us warm and also speeds up weight loss, and white fat, which is so difficult to lose.

According to the Joslyn Diabetes Research Center, an affiliate of the Harvard School of Medicine, brown fat begins to be burned when we are cold.

What's more, a study conducted by the US National Institutes of Health found that sleeping in cool conditions activates more brown fat, speeding up your metabolism throughout the day.

While increased brown fat burning may not lead to significant weight loss, lack of good sleep has long been proven to lead to weight gain by increasing hunger hormones in the blood and cravings for sweet, salty and fatty foods.

Third, sleeping naked can help you lose fat (especially in the belly area) by reducing cortisol levels. When cortisol levels remain high for a long time, more visceral fat can be deposited on the belly. Sleep without clothes and you will get rid of extra centimeters on your waist.

Improved relationships

Sleeping with your only ones not only promotes more trusting relationships, but also helps the production of oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone.”

German researchers believe that oxytocin plays a key role in attraction to each other, and other studies have found that it helps relieve tension in relationships that can lead to arguments.

What's more, a survey of 1,000 Britons found that couples who sleep naked have happier marriages and relationships. By promoting physical and emotional intimacy, skin-to-skin contact, unhindered by clothing, helps relationships flourish in today's stressful world.

Oxytocin also naturally increases your sense of optimism, trust, and self-esteem, which in turn strengthens your connection with your partner.

Skin-to-skin contact doesn't just make your relationship healthier. It can also have far-reaching benefits for your physical health - from lowering blood pressure and heart rate to boosting immunity and relieving pain!

Oxytocin has also been shown to reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces stress levels, the risk of food sensitivities, allergies, prevents cancer, and slows down inflammatory processes in the body. Thanks to oxytocin, a person becomes calmer and is no longer haunted by depression.

Feeling your partner's bare skin nearby can lead to more frequent sex. According to Dr. Jennifer Landa, “Sleeping without underwear encourages sex, and relationships that involve a lot of sex tend to be stronger and happier.” Therefore, sleeping naked can improve the quality of your sex life and strengthen your relationship.

To make sure you're both comfortable, have an extra blanket or two on either side of the bed. This way, each partner can take cover if they want.

Increasing self-esteem and self-acceptance

People who sleep naked tend to feel more comfortable in their bodies and have a healthier body image. It is extremely beneficial for self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-esteem. People with healthy body image are less likely to develop an eating disorder or suffer from mood swings.

Plus, increased self-esteem and self-acceptance will help you face your fears, embrace challenges, and remain optimistic even when you face life's challenges.

Once you begin to accept yourself as you are, you will begin to accept others as they are, and this will allow you to form stronger relationships with a wide variety of people.

For example, researchers at a Florida university found that students who slept naked were more tolerant of other ethnic groups than those who slept clothed.

Let's not forget that the hormone oxytocin can actually make you appear more attractive to your partner - which can be another source of boost to your self-esteem.

A man should sleep naked to improve sperm quality, scientists have found.

Male fertility - the ability to reproduce - is influenced by many factors: the presence of bad habits, weight, age, characteristics of physical activity and lifestyle.

But a group of scientists from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Maryland and Stanford University in California proved that reproductive functions also depend on how and in what the representatives of the stronger sex sleep.

According to experts, sperm quality improves if men sleep naked and worsens if they wear tight underwear to bed.

For more than a year, American scientists observed 500 men and assessed the quality of their sperm. The study found that members of the stronger sex who wear tight underwear only during the day and fall asleep naked have 25% better sperm quality than those who do not take off their underwear at night.

The fact is that tight clothing provokes an increase in temperature in the area of ​​the testicles (testicles). The best temperature for the testicles to work is slightly lower than the temperature inside the body.

When the temperature in the testicular area rises, the quality of sperm becomes significantly lower.

Scientists note that it definitely won’t hurt future fathers to give up underwear while sleeping; this will help to conceive a child faster.

It is believed that if it is too hot during sleep, it interferes with the production of testosterone, a hormone responsible for muscle growth and increased libido and energy.

Say goodbye to fungal infection

Clothing while sleeping creates a cozy, damp atmosphere for the development of bacteria and fungus - this can lead to a variety of infections.

For women, this can lead to the fact that the vagina is not ventilated enough to prevent fungal infections, especially for those who are predisposed to them. For men, this can lead to skin irritation in the groin.

All of this can be avoided by saying goodbye to tight nightwear... or any nightwear for that matter!

Are you convinced by the list of wonderful health benefits that come from sleeping naked? So why don't you experience it for yourself?

Hang dark curtains to block out street light from your bedroom. Turn off your night lights and electronics so you can sleep in pitch darkness. Sleeping in complete darkness allows your brain to be at rest, promoting good sleep.

You will be more comfortable sleeping naked if you take a shower or a warm, relaxing bath before bed. You'll feel fresh and clean, and your sheets will stay clean for a long time too.

Sleep naked under a breathable sheet. Choose natural fabrics, preferably cotton, to allow your skin to breathe.

Using polyester and other synthetic materials is not as beneficial for your skin. Fabrics can trap heat or block air, reducing the beneficial effects of sleeping naked.

Choose your sheets and blanket according to the season. Many people complain that it is too cold to sleep naked in winter. This can be easily remedied with season-appropriate bedding.

If you have a good duvet, your body will adapt to the environment and will be warm and comfortable without pajamas. In the summer, one sheet may be enough to provide comfort.

Make sure your extremities are warm. During the cooling process before sleep, the body resets its temperature through the palms and soles of the feet. Taking a cold shower before going to bed can interfere with this process.

For normal sleep, it is important that your body (especially your limbs) is brought to normal temperature a few hours before you go to bed.

Take care of everything before going to bed. If you live in a house with people other than your partner, then you'll probably want to take precautions to avoid awkward moments.

Make sure the children are ready for bed before you get ready for bed and undress. This will ensure that a sleepy baby won't disturb you while you're naked.

Don't forget to leave a robe next to your bed just in case.

Sleeping naked is so natural! You'll get better sleep when your clothes aren't restrictive. Try sleep without restrictions, and you will no longer want to be voluntarily trapped in your pajamas.

Recently, publications appeared about the benefits of sleeping naked and the harm of sleeping in shorts. Main arguments: underwear (tight and synthetic) can have a detrimental effect on sexual function.

According to researchers, the combination of these factors can lead to rapid growth of fungi in the groin folds due to increased sweating, and an increase in temperature is known to have a bad effect on male sperm production. Accordingly, scientists believe that the best sleep will be one in which people sleep without clothes, only covered with a blanket.

Well, there really is a certain reason for such recommendations. In this regard, we can recall, for example, that in Rus' it was customary for newlyweds to be left on their wedding night in a cold entryway, even if they provided them with something to cover themselves with. Well, underwear in those days, especially among poorer sections of the population, was generally, to put it mildly, unpopular.

Exactly the same and modern doctors, when treating marital infertility, recommend that husbands not wear too tight and warm panties, not go to saunas and steam rooms, and not even use electric heated seats in cars. After all, it’s not for nothing that men’s testicles are located in the scrotum - so that their temperature is lower than in the rest of the body. And with “cryptorchidism,” the failure of the testicles to descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum, which is sometimes observed in boys, the latter are at risk of guaranteed infertility without appropriate surgery.

And, of course, if the panties are also made of synthetics and do not absorb sweat well, then, naturally, high humidity is an excellent environment for the accelerated proliferation of bacteria and fungi. Which can lead to all sorts of "athlete's foot" - and even to urethritis, and with further advancement of the infection along the genitourinary tract, and to prostatitis, cystitis, etc. Which, of course, has a very negative effect not only on the quality of sperm - but and on elementary “male strength”.

Give up panties forever?...

So should men give up panties in bed from now on and forever? I think there is no need to rush here, though.

Let's start with the fact that underwear performs not only a purely “decorative” function. Firstly, it is the very first “barrier” separating the body from the environment. And it appeared, not least of all, purely for pragmatic reasons: changing it for a clean one, followed by washing, is much easier than an entire sheet or duvet cover, or, say, trousers. That is, those who like to sleep naked need to understand that if, based on modern ideas of hygiene, panties need to be changed at least once every few days (or even daily), then if you refuse them, bed linen will have to be changed with much less frequency.

Yes, progress has given us automatic washing machines - but the “big wash” is still not such a simple task, because bedding sets still need to be hung out and dried, many still continue to iron them for beauty. Although this is devoid of practical meaning - since after ironing the fabric largely loses its main property, it is good to absorb sweat. So, if you have the desire and opportunity to remake the bed every two to three days, followed by washing the bed linen, then yes, you can sleep naked without much fear. Otherwise, you will have to wallow in your own dirt - which may not be any better for the health of the sphere than sleeping in tight and wet underpants.

What you shouldn’t forget when living without panties

However, even with frequent changes of bed linen, do not forget that underwear performs another function - warming. Yes, during sleep, the blanket mainly plays this role. But you never know what happens in a dream - a person becomes hot, he opens up - and taking cover “automatically” is often much more difficult. Meanwhile, although cold is beneficial for spermatogenesis, noticeable hypothermia of the lower abdomen and groin area is also fraught with the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area. Which is especially important for, let’s say, not very young men.

Don’t forget that sleep normally lasts no more than 8 hours a day. And work, the commute, household chores - the remaining 16. And all this time, the men do not walk naked at all - in addition to shorts, they are also wearing trousers. So to seriously contribute to the improvement of sexual function, you need to pay attention to, so to speak, “groin comfort” not only at night. Just as one can only hope that the achieved “night ideal” completely neutralizes the negative factors of most of the day.

On the other hand, these same considerations make it possible to look at the too radical demands to sleep only naked with some skepticism. After all, if underwear were really so harmful to the male genital area, then, based on the fact that they spent most of their lives wearing it, almost all men would be infertile. Which, fortunately, is not observed in practice.

It is necessary to refrain from synthetic panties

What is really definitely worth remembering in the recommendations of Anglo-American scientists is the completely reasonable advice to refrain from tight and synthetic underwear. Yes, in tight-fitting swimming trunks a man, especially an athletic man, of course, looks sexier in the eyes of his girlfriend than in some “family panties”. But swimming trunks are designed specifically for swimming - so that after leaving the water they dry as quickly as possible, without creating the risk of catching a cold in the genitourinary area. The rapid drying of the fabric is precisely achieved due to its poor absorption of liquid.

But underwear for everyday wear has the exact opposite function - to have maximum absorbency so that the body, even after sweating, does not “swim in its own sweat.” What is achieved through the use of natural fabrics - cotton and linen. Unfortunately, at the expense of the sacrifice of external aesthetics - sexual smartness and “tightness”.

In general, the main recommendation for sleepwear is that it should not be tight, be clean and absorb sweat well, and, if necessary, warm (but not overheat) the sleeper. And what will act as this - panties, pajamas, or just with a duvet cover - this is a matter of taste and personal choice of each individual person.

What are the benefits of sleeping naked? Scientists and doctors were puzzled by this question.

And we found 12 undeniable advantages, after learning which you will immediately get rid of sleepwear! Even the most fashionable and comfortable.

From weight loss to diabetes prevention, here's everything you need to know about the benefits of sleeping naked.

Why is it good to sleep naked?

The best air temperature in a sleeping room is no more than 18 degrees Celsius, doctors say. The stuffiness in the room, as well as the “greenhouse” conditions under the blanket, prevents you from falling asleep, causing insomnia.

During sleep, body temperature, as a rule, decreases; this “natural cooling” guarantees us strong and sweet dreams. That's why it's so hard to sleep on a hot summer night! “An increase in body temperature reduces the production of the “sleep hormone” melatonin,” comment experts from National Sleep Society, USA.

More vitamin D

During the sunny season, we are traditionally afraid of insidious UV rays, which strive to “undermine” the health of the skin, starting the aging process. Sun protection during this period requires special attention, and the higher the SPF factor, the better.

But few people think that the sun's rays are dangerous only when we are directly under them for a long time. Moderate sunbathing - 10-15 minutes early in the morning - will bring great benefits! They will improve your mood and increase the concentration of vitamin D in the body!

If you sleep naked, the sun looking out the window will give you health and will help strengthen your bones and increase your immunity. In general, sleeping naked at dawn is very beneficial!

Prevention of skin diseases

Artificial fabrics and tight-fitting clothing interfere with skin respiration. Modern fashion encourages us to wear spectacular, but often uncomfortable things - skinny jeans, tight dresses and suits. Increased sweating, caused, among other things, by tight clothing, contributes to the appearance of acne and allergic reactions, as well as the development of bacterial skin diseases.

Sleeping naked minimizes all risks, allowing your skin to stay healthy and beautiful longer. In addition, being naked, a person sweats less, making a night's rest even more enjoyable.

If a couple's sexual relationship has become very predictable, the best tip for rekindling passion is to sleep in the nude. The contact of two bodies leads to the formation of an explosive “hormonal cocktail”, which sets partners in a loving mood and provokes passion. No sexy lingerie will cause such an effect!

The most pleasant way to increase the level of the “love hormone” - oxytocin - is to cuddle with your partner’s body.

Improving sperm quality

A group of scientists from Stanford University from California, has proven that sleeping in the nude affects a man’s reproductive functions. The fact is that underwear often increases body temperature in the testicular area, while sleeping naked does not have such an effect. This is why sperm quality is usually higher in men who like to sleep naked.

Protection against bacteria

There is good news for the fair sex too! Sleeping naked is good for a woman's intimate health. It's common knowledge that bacteria love warm, moist environments, so tight, tight underwear is contraindicated for women battling yeast infections.

Normal air circulation during sleep prevents the creation of the “greenhouse effect”, so beloved by bacterial flora, and to some extent is a deterrent to the increase in their numbers.

Sleeping in moderate temperature conditions helps reduce the level of cortisol - the “stress hormone”, increases the amount of somatropin - the “growth hormone”, and at the same time guarantees sufficient production of melatonin - the “sleep hormone”. The tandem of three hormones reduces anxiety and food cravings, which promotes sweet dreams.

“No” to clothing marks

Representatives of the fair sex often face this problem. Thin bra straps that dig into your shoulders, tight elastic bands of skirts and trousers that leave marks on your thighs, and shapewear that causes redness...

Tight underwear slows down blood circulation in the body, causes severe discomfort and can even lead to fainting!

Sleeping naked is a great opportunity for the body to take a break from conventions, get rid of red marks on the skin and chafing.

“Yes” to accelerated metabolism

By falling asleep in a cool room, you help your body fire up its metabolism. In turn, this promotes weight loss.

In addition, sleeping without clothes, as mentioned above, reduces the production of the “stress hormone” cortisol, and its increased concentration is one of the main reasons for weight gain, scientists are sure.

Reducing your chance of getting diabetes

According to reports American National Sleep Foundation, sleeping naked reduces the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because cool temperatures help improve metabolism and reduce blood glucose concentrations.

Every person strives to be energetic and less sick. And sleeping in the nude helps with this! Moderately cool temperatures harden the body and strengthen the immune system. Thanks to this, you risk being the only working person in the office, while others are drinking cold medicine.

Young and fresh appearance

A good night's rest not only has a beneficial effect on your complexion, but also on the health of the whole body in general! Scientists from University of Warwick found that chronic sleep deprivation is associated with a risk of diabetes and heart disease. But that's not all!

“Growth hormone,” which is actively produced at night, is “afraid” of high temperatures. If the room is stuffy and hot, its production decreases. This means a person’s chances of looking attractive and young! Since somatropin is involved in the process of cell regeneration, it is the main “engine” of muscle growth and promotes active fat burning.

Sleeping naked is a great way to feel more comfortable in your own body. A pleasant awakening, which always comes after a sound, healthy sleep, is the key to vivacity and energy for the whole day! And this is what will help you look young and beautiful every day.

Research shows that only 30% of people prefer to sleep naked, while the rest decide to stay in their underwear or buy comfortable pajamas. But what is actually better for our health? Some claim that sleeping naked has more benefits, while others note that it doesn't work for everyone. Many people choose to get rid of their pajamas simply because they feel more comfortable without them. But sleeping naked has both pros and cons that you probably don't know about.

1. Quality sleep

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam have found that to improve sleep quality and reduce the number of night awakenings, it is necessary to lower skin temperature. A good way to do this is to sleep naked, as you won't even have to change the temperature in your bedroom.

In addition, clothing limits freedom of movement. If you sleep naked, you don't have to worry about your T-shirt or pajamas riding up, which will help you sleep better and deeper.

2. Weight loss

Unfortunately, it is impossible to lose weight just because of this, but in combination with a proper diet and regular exercise, sleeping naked will help you get rid of excess weight. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health say that sleeping at a cooler temperature can speed up your metabolism and prevent the development of diabetes.

Additionally, your weight is also affected by your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. If you overheat while you sleep, its levels in the body remain high. This, in turn, often leads to weight gain, increased anxiety, and even overeating.

3. Improved skin condition

Throughout the day, almost your entire body is covered in several layers of clothing. By ditching your pajamas, you give your body (and especially your intimate areas, which tend to sweat more often) a chance to breathe. In fact, it reduces the risk of a skin condition called athlete's foot, which is caused by excessive sweating of the skin.

Moreover, the reduced temperature during sleep has a protective and anti-aging effect on cells. This is the action of the “sleep hormone” melatonin, which prevents cell degeneration.

4. Beautiful hair

Sweat can cause serious damage to your hair. When it dries, it leaves behind salt, which irritates the scalp, while the hair becomes more vulnerable and brittle. If your body doesn't overheat at night, it reduces the intensity of sweating, which means you're doing less damage to your hair.

5. Healthy reproductive organs

Female reproductive organs are a breeding ground for the appearance of fungi and bacteria. Sleeping naked helps your intimate areas breathe and stay dry, reducing the risk of overheating.

In the case of men, tight underwear can impair sperm quality and reproductive health in general. To reduce the risk of illness, it is recommended to remove your underwear before going to bed and sleep at a cooler temperature.

6. Self-confidence

Confidence is the key to a successful career and a fulfilling social life. Sleeping naked helps you become more confident. And when you feel comfortable in your own skin, it affects how you act throughout the day.

7. Improved sex life

Couples who sleep naked have happier marriages and relationships, according to a survey of more than 1,000 people. Of these, 57% reported having a good romantic relationship with their partner, compared to 48% of those who sleep in pajamas.

This can be explained by skin-to-skin contact, which causes each partner's body to release large amounts of oxytocin, which is also called the happy hormone. Oxytocin, in turn, makes you feel more relaxed and fills you with love for your loved one.

You should forget about sleeping naked if...

8. You are a sleepwalker

If you're one of the 3% of sleepwalkers, don't throw away your pajamas. There are many cases where naked lunatics have become a problem for their neighbors, and some of them have even been arrested.

People suffering from sleepwalking should think twice before going to bed without clothes, as it could damage their reputation and even be dangerous.

9. You have sensitive skin

If you suffer from allergies or have sensitive skin, sleeping naked is not for you. In this case, pajamas provide the necessary protection from various irritants. Dust and insects in contact with skin can lead to problems such as allergies, irritation and even asthma.

10. You are prone to colds

Sleeping naked can be a problem for people living in cooler climates or without good heating. Temperatures drop at night, so it's important not to expose yourself to extreme cold to reduce your chance of getting sick the next morning.

11. You feel anxious

If you feel uncomfortable sleeping naked or are afraid that children or roommates might enter your bedroom, then you will not be able to sleep peacefully. So don't worry and enjoy your comfiest pajamas! Remember that good sleep is essential for your health and well-being!

Many people do not accept sleeping in suits, pajamas and underwear, preferring to rest naked at night. And for good reason, because it is believed that such a dream is much more useful. That is why the answer to the question “is it healthy to sleep naked and why?” is relevant.

Clothing that a person cannot part with throughout the day interferes with normal blood circulation, especially underwear that is not the right size. An uncomfortable bra with constantly protruding underwires, tight-fitting panties and even socks negatively affect blood circulation, and therefore you may feel pain in certain areas of the body, in particular in the areas of the nerve plexuses in the abdomen. In addition, wearing clothes while sleeping can prevent you from falling asleep normally. If insomnia is your frequent guest, then to get rid of it, you need to sleep naked.

It should be noted that a person’s torso naked during sleep promotes better regeneration of the skin on it. When the body falls asleep, it does not mean that it stops behaving actively:

  • skin regeneration occurs;
  • the sebaceous glands begin to secrete a secret that improves the process of skin restoration;
  • metabolism improves.

Why you should sleep naked - rejuvenation

Those people who like to sleep naked may not even suspect that they are keeping themselves young for a long time. The fact is that if you fall asleep with your clothes on, the process of formation of growth hormone and melatonin, which actively take part in the rejuvenation of the body, is disrupted. This is one of the surprising and intriguing reasons why you should sleep naked.

If you maintain your body’s natural temperature during sleep, then:

  • you can lose weight;
  • restore skin (rejuvenation);
  • increase the natural growth of muscle mass;
  • will promote the release of growth hormone in the body;
  • reduce the production of the stress hormone (cortisol), which reduces the feeling of hunger when waking up;
  • reduce blood cholesterol;
  • you can stimulate the immune system.

Sleeping without underwear

When a girl sleeps in panties, the discharge on them is retained and concentrated, which causes discomfort and contributes to the development of infections. Conversely, the bare genitals are enriched with air, which reduces the likelihood of the spread of fungus.

Why can't you sleep in a bra?

Many women, coming home from work, forget to take off their bra at night, which is highly not recommended. So why can't you sleep in a bra? At night, teenage girls' breasts grow much faster. Compression of developing mammary glands leads to:

  • to improper growth;
  • impaired blood supply;
  • formation of mastopathy;
  • cancer development.

Can a woman sleep in a bra? Adult women are also not recommended to use this item of clothing. The reasons are the same:

  • compression of the mammary glands;
  • blood stagnation;
  • squeezing of blood vessels;
  • risk of breast cancer.

Some women try to lie down in a bra so that their breasts do not sag. This myth can be refuted. The breasts will sag only when the lady takes a vertical position - stretches to the bottom under its own weight. And during sleep, when the body is positioned horizontally, such negative consequences for the contour and volume of the mammary glands are absolutely not terrible.

Interesting to know: Women who don't wear a bra at all are 20 times less likely to get breast cancer. Only 10% of the fairer sex who wear a bra for less than 6 hours are prone to cancer. For women who wear a bra all day, the risk of breast cancer increases 25 times.

Protection of male genitals

Sleeping naked is recommended by many urologists for the stronger half of humanity, since it maintains the desired temperature of the testicles, which in turn affects the quality of sperm. As is known, the male body, focusing on the temperature of the external environment, independently “tightens” or “lowers” ​​the testicles. And if a man wears swimming trunks that press the genitals close to the body, the high temperature has a detrimental effect on the sperm, killing them. In this case, the process of restoring normal functioning of the testicles may take six months.

Is it possible to sleep in socks?

To ensure comfortable sleep, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that adversely affect it, causing discomfort. And socks are no exception. The elastic on this piece of clothing pinches the blood vessels and impairs blood circulation.

In addition, socks worn on feet often cause discomfort to the vacationer. And it’s no coincidence that when you put them on in the evening, you may wake up with an unpleasant feeling in your legs.

Experts recommend sleeping in socks in two cases. When it's too cold and you can't warm yourself up before going to bed. And during a cold, when you need to sweat a lot (it is better to choose wool socks; you can put a little mustard in them to improve blood flow to your feet). Thus, the harm from sleeping in socks is caused by the presence of a compressive elastic band, or by using a wardrobe item made of synthetics.

Sleeping naked improves relationships

Many scientists believe that sleeping naked is beneficial from a psychological point of view. Thus, American psychologist Ashley Gordon claims that such a dream improves relationships between spouses. If people have a disorder, then in the future it leads to irritability and quarrels in the couple. When both partners prefer to sleep naked, then when touching their naked bodies, oxytocin is released, which promotes a stormy and passionate sex life.

In addition, waking up without pajamas will make you sexually predisposed to intimacy. The absence of a barrier in the form of clothing between partners can double the likelihood of morning sex.

It should be noted that sleeping without clothes minimizes night awakenings associated with discomfort, which means it has a beneficial effect on the production of the stress hormone. Lack of sleep always leads to stressful situations and psychological disorders, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

It has also been proven that people who sleep naked are more confident. When a person goes to bed naked, he perceives his body differently, which, in turn, builds confidence.

Sleeping naked for weight loss

According to a study from the Harvard School of Medicine Center, stored fat is burned when a person becomes cold. From this we can conclude that sleeping in cool conditions leads to the loss of extra pounds. At the same time, a lack of normal sleep provides an increased feeling of hunger and creates a desire to immediately eat sweet, fatty or salty foods.

In addition, sleeping without clothes contributes to the acquisition of a wasp waist in girls. If you sleep naked, the production of the hormone cortisol will return to normal (excessive amounts have been proven to contribute to the deposition of visceral fat in the abdominal area).

Thus, sleeping in clothes, particularly underwear, is harmful. It interferes with normal blood flow, increases the production of stress hormones, and causes discomfort during sleep. Underwear contributes to the development of fungal infections in women and affects the quality of sperm in men. For this reason, it is recommended to sleep naked.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of a practicing physician. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008.
  • National Institutes of Health. NINDS Hypersomnia Information Page (June 2008). Archived April 6, 2012 (English)
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016. 248 pp.



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