New research on the benefits of a raw food diet. Wrong food combination

Modern medical science about nutrition acknowledges that natural products, raw vegetables and fruits have a positive effect on the body and are important for its functioning. It is known, for example, the use of raw grated apples for certain forms of diarrhea, the use of grapes for liver disease and exhaustion, kumiss treatment for tuberculosis and some stomach diseases.

Benefits of raw vegetables, berries and fruits

Raw vegetables, berries and fruits have the following advantages compared to boiled ones:

First of all, they preserve all water-soluble vitamins, which, when cooked, go into solution and are destroyed by exposure to high temperature; Water-soluble vitamins include vitamins C and group B.

In raw vegetables, fruits and berries we get everything they contain. mineral salts, which when cooked turn into a decoction.

In raw products, phytoncides are completely preserved - plant antimicrobial substances that suppress the activity of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

Raw vegetables and fruits have so-called immune properties, i.e. can increase the body's resistance to infection. This is an incomplete list of the beneficial properties of raw vegetables and fruits.

It should be especially emphasized that preparing dishes from raw products requires careful compliance with sanitary requirements. Vegetables and fruits must be washed with running water. To remove worms and worm eggs from lettuce, cabbage and other leafy greens and vegetables, they should be immersed in salted water (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Some fruits and vegetables with rough peels can be blanched to neutralize them from microbes and worms, i.e. immerse for 3 - 5 minutes in boiling water,

It can be noted that the basis of nutrition with raw plant products according to the Bircher-Benner method are the following rules: the daily diet should include dishes with raw leafy fresh greens containing iron and folic acid stimulating hematopoiesis. It is recommended to eat bread made from flour coarse, rich in vitamin E and group B, magnesium salts, which are of great importance for the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Spices should be added to food only in the form of aromatic herbs and spicy vegetables: parsley, leeks, celery, etc. Pepper and mustard are excluded, as they irritate the stomach, intestines and kidneys. Salt consumption is limited to 3-5 g per day, sugar - to 20 g. It is recommended to use honey as a source of sugar. Meat is not included in the diet. Along with cow's milk Soy and almond are widely used.

Mixtures of vegetable oils are used as fats: almond with nut, olive with vegetable and nut, nut with butter. Such combinations are quite rational, since they provide the body with all fatty acids. Various raw juices are widely included in the diet in the form of mixtures of fruit, berries and vegetables: carrot with tomato, lemon, etc. Dried herbs, prunes and dried apricots in soaked form are also used.

When compiling the menu of his food rations, the Swiss scientist took into account, of course, individual characteristics health status of patients, but in general view they were the following set of ingredients.

Breakfast: apple salad, 20 - 30 g of nuts (served separately or added to the salad), 100 - 200 g of fresh fruit, dried rosehip tea.

Lunch: 150 - 250 g of fresh fruit, 50-100 g of green salad, 100-150 g of fresh vegetables, 20 g of nuts, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Dinner: same as breakfast.

This was the diet menu of raw fruits and vegetables. Menu designed for permanent use, was less strict, since the preparation of vegetarian soups, stewed vegetables and egg dishes was allowed. Let's give an example of such a menu.

Breakfast: apple salad, nuts, milk, Rye bread with butter, fruit.

Lunch: fruits and nuts, vegetarian soup (every other day), vegetable stew, potatoes cooked in their skins, periodically - dishes made from eggs, cheese, peas, beans. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetarian soup alternated with dessert (cookies, pudding or compote).

Dinner: same as breakfast.

As you can see, the second (gentle) diet for constant use differs significantly from the first dietary diet and has very little relation to a raw food diet. It can rather be called a “semi-raw food diet,” which allows it to be prescribed in cases of a gradual transition to eating exclusively raw foods.

From a culinary point of view, the technology of preparing dishes in accordance with the Bircher-Benner principles is of interest. For example, apple salad includes: 1 tbsp. spoon oatmeal, which are soaked for half a day in 3 tbsp. spoons of water, then add the juice of 1/2 lemon or other sour fruit, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, kefir or honey, 2 grated apples and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated nuts (if they are not included in the breakfast menu).

Internal vitamin factory

Vitamins are relatively simple organic matter, V human body Most of them are not synthesized; therefore, they must enter the body from the outside - with food, although in insignificant doses, on the order of several thousandths, or even millionths of a gram per day.

Deviation from the requirement in one direction or another is harmful to health; hypovitaminosis, in which the level of a vitamin is less than necessary, is especially dangerous.

To combat the lack of vitamins in food, they are introduced artificially - food is fortified, the pharmacy also offers us vitamin preparations.

We are more interested in other approaches here. For example, this: in her famous book “Healing with Plants” N.G. Kovaleva states: “it is much more useful when the body itself synthesizes vitamins rather than receiving them in ready-made form.”

These vitamins are synthesized mainly by microbes living in our intestines (microflora).

Some researchers believe that even the minimal vitamin-forming activity of these microbes can provide the amount of vitamins necessary for our body.

It seems that this is so, if only one type of these bacteria - Escherichia coli - synthesizes nine vitamins! This means that it makes sense not to stock up on pharmacy vitamin tablets (although sometimes this is the only reasonable option), but to eat natural food containing raw starch and alimentary fiber- fiber, which creates a good environment for the development of beneficial bacteria.

It seems that the human need for vitamins is already well known, but from time to time serious disagreements are discovered on this issue.

Dr. T. Todorov points out: “It is generally accepted that the daily requirement for vitamin A is 5 mg. But latest research showed that it is significantly higher - 14-20, and according to others - 40 mg per day. An abundant supply of vitamin A (carotene) is best achieved through carrots and green leaves."

It is worth mentioning that the rich content of vitamins in the food of raw foodists also helps to reduce the need for protein: protein losses, inevitable with a lack of vitamins B2, B6, B12, A and folic acid, are minimized.

The famous scientist Linus Pauling conducted a truly naturist study; it is presented in his book “Vitamin C and Health” (M., 1974).

He determined how much vitamin C is contained in a daily diet of raw vegetable food that provides 2500 calories, i.e., he analyzed the diet of our distant ancestors, who did not yet have fire, for the content of ascorbic acid.

It came out to be something like 2-3 grams of vitamin C, and this is suggested as medium daily norm for the majority of people.

Pauling accuses orthodox medicine of underestimating the true norm, the actual human need for vitamin C by “only” 30-40 times!

You should also remember the results of the work of Kyiv researcher E. P. Samborskaya “The influence of ascorbic acid on the function of generative organs”: large doses synthetic vitamin C caused degeneration of the testes in young male rats.

By the way, Samborskaya’s work could save a huge number of women from abortions if the data obtained in experiments and clinics reached them.

In terms of the number of abortions, our country seems to rank almost first in the world, but it is quite simple to avoid this traumatic and unsafe operation: Samborskaya prescribed only 4-6 grams of ascorbic acid to women whose periods were delayed by 10-15 days. acid (vitamin C) per day for 3-4 days.

This dose is relatively small, and therefore “did not make an impression” on some: the absence of the desired effect was observed in 43 percent of women, but for the rest, the pregnancy was still interrupted, blood appeared like menstruation or spotting bloody issues, then the normal cycle continued.

Gynecologists, who boldly prescribed more than high doses- 10-15 grams per day (he recommended these for colds), achieved almost one hundred percent effect already on 2-3 days.

The optimal dose - up to 1.5 grams - was given 8-10 times a day with an interval between doses of one and a half to two hours.

Pauling is infected with the general “economic thinking”, which orders, first of all, to quickly put the worker into work, and does not delve into the fact that microbial disease is essentially a painful, but healing procedure of nature itself, ridding the body of an unhealthy state (cluttered with protein substances, dead cells), and interrupting this healing process ahead of time is unreasonable and harmful.

To help the body, first of all you need to understand it...

But let's return to our internal vitamin factory - intestinal bacteria.

These friends and defenders of ours are capable of more: back in 1932, it was discovered that the most famous intestinal microbe, coli coli, is capable of producing a substance that destroys cancer cells.

This is called colibacterial anti-cancer defense of the body. This substance circulates in the blood and destroys cancer cells that constantly appear in the body of every person.

This is for healthy people. And in patients, especially cancer patients, the normal ratio of the numbers of bacteria living in the intestines is usually seriously disturbed, and often the same coli sticks, having degenerated into another strain, which look (under a microscope) are exactly the same sticks, secrete not an anti-cancer substance, but another - stimulating tumor development...

Bacteria turns from a friend into a deadly enemy!

Tried to populate the intestines normal bacteria. And there were enthusiasts who claimed that they achieved complete cure cancer patients by replacing the modified coli sticks with normal ones, while simultaneously prescribing a strict diet (apparently promoting the proliferation of these bacteria).

The content of the article:

A raw food diet is a special nutritional system that involves eating only raw foods. At the same time, any heat treatment is completely excluded - boiling, frying, baking, as well as pickling. The main products are vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, nuts, seeds. Some raw foodists do not give up meat, fish, fresh milk, eggs. But most adherents of a raw food diet are also vegetarians. This power system has both positive sides, and negative, i.e. it can bring both benefit and harm. This article describes all its advantages, disadvantages and features.

The benefits of a raw food diet

A raw food diet is unacceptable for many due to their great love for culinary dishes traditional food system. The majority of people on the planet cannot refuse pastries, smoked meats, baked dishes, sweets and other dishes in the preparation of which the products have been subjected to heat treatment.

Raw foodists believe that food intake is necessary to replenish useful substances in the body and its normal functioning, and not for enjoying different tastes, which, among other things, not only make people hostage to addiction to a variety of prepared dishes, but also cause certain harm to the body.

A raw food diet has a number of undeniable advantages, which some people imbue with, which is why they switch to new system nutrition. So, let’s describe how consuming only raw foods can benefit the body:

  • For improved nutrition of the body. It is known that heat treatment of any product leads to the fact that most of the beneficial substances in it are significantly reduced. Many vitamins and minerals are destroyed during cooking, frying or baking, so foods become less healthy. On the contrary, the absence of heat treatment allows all useful substances to enter the digestive tract unchanged, from where, after interacting with enzymes, they are distributed throughout the body, replenishing the necessary reserves.
  • To improve digestion. The raw food diet includes the consumption of large amounts of fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive processes, improving the movement of food through the digestive tract.
  • To cleanse the body. In progress long-term use By eating only raw foods, accumulated harmful substances, because Such a diet, by supplying the body with a sufficient amount of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, significantly improves metabolic processes.
  • To establish the balance of substances in the body. Raw foodists quickly return to normal water balance due to the fact that they consume less salt. The content of other useful micro- and macroelements, vitamins and vitamin-like substances, and amino acids is also normalized. Acceleration of metabolism and normalization of the glands of the endocrine system lead to normal level synthesis of hormones.
  • For general health and prevention of many diseases. Again, the reason for this is the supply of a large amount of useful substances that are so necessary for good health and normal operation immune system, heart, blood vessels, nervous system, hematopoietic systems. There are mentions that among adherents of a raw food diet there are fewer patients with heart disease and any form of cancer.
  • To reduce body weight. Largest quantity fats and harmful carbohydrates are found in foods cooked at high temperatures. As is known, they have a detrimental effect on the entire body, in particular they provoke fat deposition, i.e. weight gain. Sometimes this leads to advanced obesity. Raw foods contain a small amount of fat, they are low in calories, and therefore contribute to weight loss. Many diets for weight loss are based specifically on the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as sprouted seeds. Dates and nuts are quite high in calories, but even in small quantities they are able to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time and provide the body with energy, which again results in weight loss.
Statistics show that raw foodists are less likely to develop chronic diseases, and sharp forms diseases are cured much faster. With the help of a raw food diet, it is possible to get rid of constipation, hemorrhoids, reduce the manifestation of hypertension, kidney disease, rheumatism, get rid of unpleasant odor from mouth.

This food system, in addition to all of the above, significantly saves time on cooking. However, when switching to a raw food diet, it is not recommended to be guided only by this criterion.

It is important to understand that all benefits are achievable only if certain conditions are met. Food products must be of high quality, natural, grown without the use of chemical stimulants. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the calculation of the content of useful substances in them, so that every day the body receives everything necessary for normal life vitamins, minerals and other elements.

The harm of a raw food diet

Along with the beneficial properties of a raw food diet that are understandable to every person, this nutritional system also has certain disadvantages that can cause significant harm to the body:
  1. Pernicious anemia. The disease occurs due to a lack of vitamin B12, which is observed due to refusal of animal foods. The gastrointestinal tract simply loses the ability associated with the absorption of this element. Of course, many cases can be cited when of this disease Not only raw foodists suffer, but the risk of illness in the latter is tens of times higher compared to people who eat well. The danger is that with anemia, degeneration may develop spinal cord, failure of many organs. In this case, lifelong intake or injections of the same vitamin B12 and regular medical supervision. And the answer to the question whether this disease can be cured is negative.
  2. Exacerbation of diseases digestive system . These diseases include, for example, gastritis and ulcers. The point is that the menu of raw foodists contains a large amount of fiber, the digestion of which is difficult. This leads to additional irritation of the walls of the digestive tract and exacerbation of the above diseases, and also contributes to the occurrence of indigestion and flatulence. That is why doctors do not recommend resorting to a raw food diet for children, people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, and pregnant and breastfeeding women. Raw foodists are more likely to develop colon and rectal cancer - by 40% compared to people who eat well.
  3. Depletion of endogenous proteins. Of course, raw foodists consume protein, because it is found not only in animal foods. But there is one “but” here. When not coming from outside sufficient quantity necessary elements the body begins to use internal reserves, in our case endogenous protein. People who eat meat have full recovery this component, but raw foodists do not. Ends up getting lost muscle mass body, but what is even worse - muscle mass internal organs. The heart is no exception in this case, which represents serious threat for a person.
  4. Deficiency of useful elements. Despite the fact that raw vegetables and fruits supply many vitamins and minerals, they still do not contain all the substances necessary for the body, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of nerve fibers. A raw food diet provokes poor absorption of zinc, iodine, magnesium, and vitamin A. Another problem is that some raw foods slow down the absorption of others, which again leads to a lack of any nutrients. And the body can absorb vitamin A only when it is consumed simultaneously with fat, which raw food vegetarians often refuse. With a lack of calcium and magnesium, you may experience a feeling of numbness in your arms and legs.
  5. Development of kidney stones. Some unprocessed plants (rhubarb, spinach, sorrel) contain large amounts of acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. Oxalic acid, entering the body, leads to a disease associated with the formation of kidney stones. All plants containing this element are recommended to be scalded or boiled to eliminate it Negative influence on the body.
  6. Violations reproductive function women. Often, with such a long-term diet, representatives of the fair sex experience a cessation of menstruation. This already indicates a serious malfunction that occurs in the female body. A raw food diet can be the trigger that provokes premature birth and the birth of a low birth weight infant. And insufficient cholesterol levels, which are established with such a nutritional system, can also lead to autism in a child.
  7. Development stress conditions . Most people find it quite difficult to change something in their lives, especially if it concerns food addictions. When quickly switching to a raw food diet, headaches, irritability, bad feeling And general weakness. With a long-term raw food diet, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, which provokes causeless anxiety and depression.
  8. Tooth erosion. With prolonged eating of raw foods, there is a weakening of tooth enamel and an increase in the severity of tooth erosion. The results of numerous studies show that such a system carries with it increased risk, if you compare it with a normal diet.
  9. Difficulty digesting certain foods. Legumes are difficult to digest. They are used by raw foodists as the main source of protein. Thus, due to the sluggish and incomplete digestion of soybeans, beans, peas and other legumes in best case scenario the body will not receive the required dose of protein; in the worst case, toxins are formed in the stomach from undigested particles of such food, which in turn is a negative consequence of a raw food diet.
  10. Wounds do not heal well. With a raw food diet, there are often cases associated with disruptions in work hematopoietic system. In particular, in the presence of wounds, the fact that they heal poorly is noted.
  11. Hormonal disbalance . The consequence of a diet with raw food There may be a disruption in the functioning of the thyroid gland, which will lead to a lack of synthesis of certain hormones and the development of hormonal imbalance. Men experience changes in the production of sex hormones, in particular a decrease in testosterone.
The result of a raw food diet can be not only digestive disorders and the formation of kidney stones, but also the development of allergies, a lack of nutrients, which in itself can cause negative consequences even without previously diagnosed chronic diseases. In addition to everything described, people who are allergic to certain types of protein should not indulge in a raw food diet.

A complete transition to eating only raw foods is considered extreme by many nutritionists. Scientists emphasize that such a diet may not be beneficial in the long term. The best option They call a certain ratio of processed and raw food in the menu - 40/60.

Currently, it is quite difficult to become a raw foodist, especially for residents of large cities. This is because stores mostly sell processed foods. Milk is pasteurized and sometimes contains preservatives to increase shelf life. Dried fruits are most often dried in special ovens, and nuts are fried. Vegetables and fruits are often grown using stimulants and are treated to prevent pests and natural spoilage during transportation and storage.

Features of a raw food diet

The raw food diet has a lot of features that should be taken into account when switching to this food system. At any stage it is worth following common sense and recommendations of medical specialists who can identify the presence of contraindications and also avoid extremes.

Where to start a raw food diet

A raw food diet has many advantages, but at the same time it also has a number of contraindications. That is why to begin the transition from familiar system In order to eat only raw foods, it is necessary to adequately weigh all the “Pros” and “Cons”.

The best advice can be obtained from a doctor who will take into account all existing disorders in the body and, if necessary, prescribe tests on basic vital signs that can reveal hidden diseases.

A nutritionist can help in creating a menu, although a raw food diet is not considered a diet, but a nutritional system.

Perhaps the best option would be not a complete transition to raw foods, but a partial one with the simultaneous rejection of obviously harmful ones.

Rules for switching to a raw food diet

The transition to a raw food system must necessarily be gradual.

The stages of the most acceptable scheme are as follows:

  • Refusal of alcohol, coffee, black tea.
  • Exclusion from the diet of semi-finished products, as well as sweets flour products, sweets.
  • Avoid all drinks except clean water, mineral, freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks.
  • Crossing out smoked and canned foods from the menu.
  • Except for frying, then baking.
  • Processing products at a temperature of no more than 45 degrees.
  • Complete rejection of cooked foods and switching only to raw or soaked foods.
Do not forget to monitor your well-being at every stage. Alarming symptoms there may be malaise, loss of strength, chills, digestive problems and menstrual cycle, development of nervous disorders.

If negative consequences appear and you decide to return to your usual diet, you should also not quickly introduce all your favorite foods into your diet.

Examples of dishes and menus for a raw food diet

Fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, legumes - these are the first foods that come to mind when you think of a raw food diet. But it is quite difficult for many to imagine how to eat them correctly so that it is not only healthy, but also tasty and varied.

What foods and dishes can raw foodists eat? Let’s describe some of them:

  1. Oatmeal, but not brewed, but soaked in water, milk, kefir. Before use, you can add finely chopped fruit. The same cooking principle applies to some other cereals.
  2. Vegetable soups. Prepared using a blender. To do this, the desired peeled vegetables are chopped and consumed cold.
  3. Vegetable cutlets for raw foodists. This is a completely unusual dish for generally accepted system nutrition. All ingredients are crushed and mixed thoroughly. The formed cutlets are sent to the dehydrator. The result is a dish with a crispy crust and a tender juicy center.
  4. Vegetable and fruit salads. They can be seasoned, for example, with lemon juice, vegetable oil without additional processing, or apple cider vinegar.
  5. Fruit, berry and nut snacks. The desired ingredients are crushed in a blender or meat grinder, then mixed with honey, not supplemented big amount lemon juice. You can form balls from this mixture, sprinkle them with sesame seeds and serve them at the holiday table.
With the arrival of cold weather, creating a full menu may become more difficult, because... Some products will disappear from shelves until spring, while prices for others will increase significantly. In addition, there is no guarantee of maintaining the high quality of products due to not always proper storage and use of chemicals designed to prevent the development of rot or the appearance of pests.

Raw food diet for weight loss

Some people resort to a raw food diet not for the purpose of healing and cleansing the entire body, but to desire to lose weight. excess weight. In this sense, eating raw foods can give both positive results, and leave everything in its place.

At the very beginning, when giving up thermally processed food, the body most often gets rid of 2-7 kg, depending on the initial weight. From the second week, weight loss occurs much less.

Nutritionists do not recommend switching to a raw food diet for just a few months, because... after returning to a normal diet, the weight returns, sometimes even being added beyond the initial values. Because of this, the recommendations of nutritionists are related to the preparation of a combined menu and the exclusion of foods that are harmful to the body.

Raw food diet results

IN in a good way An adequate raw food diet can lead to the following results:
  • Weight loss. This effect will be temporary if you later return to traditional food. Weight loss may be insignificant, it all depends on the correct selection of dishes and meal plan.
  • Cleansing the body of cholesterol, toxins, and breakdown products. Such changes occur gradually. Sometimes it is necessary to eat raw food for at least one month so that the body removes all unwanted substances as much as possible.
  • Getting rid of some chronic diseases. The raw food diet leads to a reduction in the manifestations of hypertension, kidney disease, and rheumatism due to cleansing the body and establishing water and chemical balance.
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Removing toxins and lowering cholesterol levels leads to improved blood flow, and blood vessels regain their former elasticity.
  • Improved appearance. When eating a raw food diet, the skin is cleansed of acne, skin color is evened out, hair and nails become less brittle.
  • Increasing body resistance external influence . Additional nutrition of the body leads to strengthened immunity, and therefore to increased protective functions organism even in relation to development cancer cells. There are claims that a raw food diet prolongs life.
  • Increased performance. Raw fruits and vegetables supply the body with more energy, as a result of which a person becomes more resilient. A large amount of vitamins helps enhance brain activity, improve memory and attention.
If a raw food diet is practiced in the presence of contraindications, without proper menu planning, consumption of low-quality products, this system nutrition can lead to negative consequences. People who are disappointed in the raw food diet note the following manifestations: deterioration of emotional state, apathy, development depressive states, increased irritability, deterioration in the quality of tooth enamel, decreased libido, impaired vision, constant feeling hunger, bloating.

Watch a video about raw food diet:

No two opinions are exactly the same on any topic discussed. The raw food diet is no exception. One person notes the miraculousness of this food system, and the other notes its destructive effects. That is why it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism, listen to yourself and not go to extremes, but look for a middle ground.

IN last years One of the most popular methods of cleansing the body and combating excess weight is the use of various options raw diets, capable of providing a person with that significant set of nutrients that he previously lost irretrievably during the heat treatment of foods.

Such nutrition programs allow the consumption of meat and fish (in raw form, of course), so they should not be confused with vegetarianism, in which such dishes are prohibited, and veganism, where the consumption of any products of animal origin (including dairy products, eggs and other).

A raw food diet allows you to consume foods in their natural, raw form and is a healthy alternative to highly refined foods. food products, which has filled supermarket shelves.

Its supporters firmly believe that this type of nutrition increases internal energy reserves, improves health, cleanses the intestines and promotes fast weight loss. By the way, a person who eats more than 75% raw food is already considered a raw foodist!

Instead of the benefits of a raw food diet, you can get serious harm to the body, since a strictly defined set of raw food products deprives a person of many important nutrients. For this reason, adherents of a raw food diet must have a sufficiently large amount of knowledge to provide themselves with products that, in their raw form, provide a person with all the substances and elements necessary for the body. In addition, raw foodists must constantly monitor their diet, every day, counting what and how much they need to eat.

Research has revealed that raw foodists have significantly more severe erosion of tooth enamel, and are also very low level B 12 in the blood (which promotes hematopoiesis, stimulates growth, has a beneficial effect on the state of the central and peripheral nervous system). Vitamin B 12 is most found in animal foods - meat (especially liver and kidneys), fish, eggs and dairy products. IN plant products There is a very small amount of this vitamin.

Deficiency of protein compounds that people have normal nutrition obtained from meat, adherents of a raw food diet supplement them with protein from legumes. And excessive constant use raw legumes in large quantities are harmful to the body due to the presence of toxic substances in them (which they accumulate inside themselves as a protection against eating), which can only be neutralized by heat treatment.

In addition, sorrel and spinach, rhubarb and chard should not be consumed in large quantities, since their constituent compounds reduce the amount of calcium absorbed by the body. Oxalic acid, contained in large quantities in these plants, causes the formation of kidney stones. Plants containing oxalic acid must first be scalded or boiled. It is especially not recommended to consume them raw for those who suffer from kidney stones, elderly people and children, otherwise a raw food diet will cause harm.

Lack of sleep and erratic sleep patterns

In the raw food community, there is an opinion that after switching to live food, the body needs less time to sleep. On the one hand, this is true - on average, the duration of sleep among raw foodists is reduced by one to two hours, but on the other hand, such changes do not occur for everyone, not immediately, and depend on the lifestyle that a particular person leads. Many, especially beginners, feeling a surge of new strength and succumbing to euphoria, reduce the duration of their sleep, stay awake half the night and jump up early in the morning. As a result, the body does not have time to rest, lethargy, drowsiness, and apathy appear, while the body needs additional rest, because the process of restructuring is actively underway. As a result, your health worsens.

Unsystematic power supply

Another factor that can lead to harmful consequences on a raw food diet is unsystematic nutrition. People are accustomed to concentrated high-protein foods. There are no concentrated foods in the raw food diet, except fatty foods. Naturally, a person who has changed his diet tries to make up for what he is used to and begins to eat a large amount of fat-containing foods, such as: nuts, seeds, avocados, legumes, and pour plenty of water on his food vegetable oils. All this can lead to unpleasant consequences, because large consumption of such products is not always beneficial for the body.

Also, many problems arise from the wrong combination of products. A person thinks: since it’s raw, it means it’s healthy, and he doesn’t keep track of what he eats and in what order. This leads to indigestion, flatulence (gas formation), and indigestion. Fermentation in the stomach and indigestion destroy beneficial microflora intestines, and this stops producing the microelements necessary for the body. As a result, all kinds of diseases can develop. But following the simplest rules for combining products allows you to avoid this.

This also includes overeating, which is so typical of many beginning raw foodists, as well as abuse of salt, spices, toxic foods (for example, hot peppers), etc. All this is neither in the best possible way affects health.

To summarize, I would like to say that any person who wants to change their food system to a raw food diet must thoroughly understand this issue and firmly decide whether they need it or not.

To those who do not want to change anything in their diet, I will say: enjoy life! Everyone on this earth goes through their own path and choice. life path- everyone's personal business.

When creating this article, I tried to collect all the most important things for the first dive into the topic, because new image life must be built on a solid foundation of knowledge. It's time to learn about all the pros and cons, take into account different opinions and understand whether it is safe to change your diet so radically.

Briefly about what a raw food diet is

A raw food diet is the most natural form of nutrition for humans. It is this argument that raw foodists are the first to provide.

Their opinion is not without meaning. Humans come from the hominid family, which means primates are closest to us on the evolutionary tree. They are 100% suitable for consumption plant food with a small addition of animal products.

But omnivory is more a way to survive, rather than required condition, plus this percentage is negligible compared to the total amount of food. Man has moved away from nature as far as any other biological species has ever done. Therefore, switching to a raw food diet will allow you to return to natural food intended by nature itself.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet: table



1. Improving the functioning of the immune system. 1. Severe depression. You will miss junk food.
2. The overall endurance of the body increases, fatigue disappears. 2. Weakness, instability of sleep. At first the body does not understand what is happening to it; in fact, it is withdrawal.
3. Risk is reduced cardiovascular pathologies. 3. Numbness of hands and feet. The body switches to new mode life.
4. The skin is cleansed, toxins that have accumulated in the body for years are released. 4. Hair loss. It doesn't always happen, but it does happen. Depends on the method of transition, the state of the body. Happens temporarily.
5. Recovers normal weight. 5. Indigestion. Especially if you mix different groups products are not correct with each other.
6. Sleep soundly and healthy. Much less time is required for rest - on average no more than 5 hours.6. Mood swings. A lack of vitamin B negatively affects balance.
7. Emotional dependence on food, scourge modern society, leaves and does not return. You eat really little and that's enough for you.7. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. During a sharp, incorrect transition.
8. Thermoregulation improves. Heat and cold are tolerated much better. Some raw foodists demonstrate amazing resistance to cold and use a minimum of clothing.8. Erosion of tooth enamel. It occurs when the diet is not balanced.
9. Eating this way internal “defense” systems better protect humans from poisons and carcinogens.
10. Clarity of thinking, a feeling of joy from every minute of life, incredible optimism. Mental state improves.

Raw food diet and health

Studying the raw food diet, its benefits and harm to the body, we are faced with a new statement - significant improvement work . The body, freed from the daily burden of digesting unnatural food, directs its energy to recovery processes in body.

Infectious, chronic diseases bypass the person. We are healthier than we have ever been before. Plus, the overall endurance of the body increases significantly, fatigue disappears. This is especially noticeable for those who prefer sports and leisure. Laziness, apathy, loss of strength - all this will remain in the past.

Switching to a raw food diet involves a different way of eating

A raw food diet has both benefits and harm, but you should focus on the positive aspects of the issue. Followers of this menu reduce the risk of cardiovascular pathologies and even oncological diseases.

Many, knowing about the probable heredity, precisely because of this, switch to and share hundreds positive feedback about feeling great.

Stop inflammatory processes, accumulated in the body over the years. Even the smell goes away, the hair regains its shine and does not become greasy for a long time. Some even wash them once every 2 weeks.

Raw foodists receive absolutely all the beneficial substances from fruits and vegetables, which is not observed during heat treatment.

Normal weight is restored: thin people gain weight, fat people lose weight. And this is relative quick results, or other digestive problems that common occurrence on diets.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone opens their positive aspects, but everything is individual and depends on the condition of the body, age, etc.

Considering the raw food diet as a lifestyle, its benefits and harms, it becomes clear that only fresh food nutrition. And at the same time, this same fact carries a whole layer of negativity from opponents of a raw food diet.

Advice: start this practice only after a well-chosen nutrition program.

We understand the benefits and harms of a raw food diet

Harm and possible consequences

Even experienced raw foodists know that this is a coin with two sides. And all the “bonuses” listed above do not mean that such nutrition is right for you.

The first thing you will stumble upon is a total misunderstanding of those around you. And this is no joke! Family, relatives and loved ones will almost certainly say “stop” to your aspirations. Moreover, they may categorically resist this, try to “save” you and return you to a normal diet.

When I just threw out obvious garbage from my food basket and started looking towards a raw food diet, my family seemed to support me (verbally). Noticeable results and healthy looking contributed to this, but in reality they began to panic, I would say subconscious horror.

They literally palmed me off with harmful substances and put psychological pressure on me, dissuading me from a raw food diet because they were really scared.

This picture, like nothing else, illustrates well the attitude towards food in our society. You can literally find yourself outside of society and be a “black sheep” among the crowd. And then one of two things: either everything will work out and you will help your friends, or you will quit.

A long and frequent painful period restructuring of the body, physiological and psychological. After switching to a raw food diet, the benefits and harms will become obvious and the stronger the effect.

Raw food diet and vitamins

Opponents of a raw food diet insist that such a set of foods is limited and a person does not receive too many vitamins. And this is very dangerous. Everyone is especially concerned about the topic of pernicious anemia.

This rare and serious disease occurs when there is a deficiency. Subsequently, it simply is not absorbed. The enzymes responsible for its transition to the active phase die. This disease has no cure and can cause neurological damage and even death.

In contrast, an experiment is provided that proves that the connection between an unbalanced diet and vitamin B12 is a very rare phenomenon.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the issue itself has been little studied, and now raw foodists in our country are for the most part pioneers who experiment on themselves. On the one hand, this approach is justified; on the other hand, there are no guarantees.

A sudden transition is very dangerous and unpredictable, and a breakdown in regular food threatens a severe deterioration in health. But this is still a question of who is to blame: junk food or a raw food diet.

Advice: for complete information, before switching to a raw food diet, studying its benefits and harms, read the story of former complete raw foodist Victoria Butenko. Many people criticize her for her lack of scientific analysis, but perhaps her experience will help you avoid possible mistakes.

It is important to remember the need for mineral and vitamin balance in organism

Raw food diet - benefits and harm to the pancreas

A terrible disease when destructive inflammatory processes occur in the body. The produced enzymes remain in the pancreas itself and the organ digests itself. As a result, toxins have a destructive effect on the kidneys, brain, liver, etc.

This disease appears as a consequence of poor nutrition and consumption of:

  1. Acute
  2. Smoked
  3. Frankly harmful
  4. Fat
  5. Preservatives

Fearing possible consequences, we strive to switch to proper diet. In this case, if your choice has fallen on a raw food diet, you should not rush, otherwise you can “break the woods”.

An abrupt transition can provoke exacerbations of the disease and a series of attacks. In addition to the fact that the body is not used to digesting food in this form, you are also depriving it of its usual animal protein.

For those who suffer from pancreatitis or are concerned about the health of their pancreas, we recommend using the services of a raw food doctor. He will help you create the correct balanced diet for your specific case.

Go to new model food should be as soft as possible

You should smoothly switch from cooked to raw, starting with a ratio of approximately 50 to 50. Avoid foods with coarse fiber, lots of sugar. The emphasis should be exclusively on vegetables. Avoid tomatoes and citrus fruits completely.

Some raw foodists argue that it will not be possible to completely avoid unpleasant sensations, because the pancreas, even a healthy one, is also being rebuilt in a new way.

They help a lot with this. They do not burden the pancreas, since their absorption does not require a large amount of enzymes.

Whether to be treated in this way is up to you to decide. This requires careful monitoring of the reaction to a particular product and consultation with a specialist.

Tip: Whenever possible, eat foods grown in your own garden. This way you will be sure that you are not making the situation worse with harmful chemicals.

Raw food diet - benefits and harm. Doctors' opinion. What does science say about this?

Official medicine for the most part has a negative attitude towards a complete raw food diet. Seeing it as a maximum of a week-long course of healing, no more. Most often, they are worried about the lack of a number of useful substances; they treat alternative sources with distrust.

Again, the lack of B12, which can only be obtained from animal products, is a concern. But, in truth, we can solve this issue by taking vitamins in a timely manner and periodically taking tests.

Raw foodists, in turn, cannot fully trust the opinion of such interested people that they promote completely different forms of health improvement.

Most negative reviews from doctors are associated with cases where the culprits of the problems were the people themselves, who ignored own illnesses and anxiety symptoms.

These include:

  1. Disappearance monthly cycle among women
  2. Improper mental development in raw food-fed children
  3. Psycho-emotional state disorder

Try to eat only natural products

At the same time, Alexey Kovalkov, the chief nutritionist of Russia insists that when the right approach such a diet is quite acceptable. But at the same time, it is important to correctly calculate exactly how much protein we get from plant foods.

In such conditions, if you have the full range of knowledge, a raw food diet will not cause harm. The main thing is that it becomes a part of life, and not a fashionable trend for a day or two, in which case it is better to refrain from the idea.

The video at the end of the article will help you dot the i’s in the topic “Raw food diet - benefits and harms”. Mikhail Sovetov is a former doctor, and now a fruitarian with 6+ years of experience on a raw food diet.

He tried this diet and by example dispelled a number of myths about the dangers of the direction. At the same time, he notes that this diet plan is not suitable for everyone. The most important thing is to take each step consciously and slowly, so that a raw food diet does not lead to physiological and mental abnormalities.

He himself claims that a complete transition will require a very decent life goal. For the rest, it will be enough to ensure that their diet is full raw vegetables and fruits in the amount of 70%.

Advice: in mandatory do a complete blood test every six months.

Switching to a raw food diet is an extremely responsible step.

Difficulties of transition

If you decide to take this innovative path to wellness, be prepared that things won't be smooth sailing at first. At this time, the body is completely rebuilt in a complete way.

Approximate stages of transition:

  1. At first there will be a state similar to euphoria. Your body will feel light and happy.
  2. You start thinking about food, eating and thinking again. A “zhor” may appear when the psyche rather than the body requires saturation.
  3. Depression, apathy, coldness in the extremities. You will be unhappy with the situation, perhaps nervous or even aggressive towards your neighbor. Crises and exacerbations of diseases occur precisely at this moment.
  4. Normalization of appetite, intrusive thoughts retreat away.
  5. Digestion has completely changed. Weight gain occurs, thinking becomes easier, health returns to normal and only improves from now on.

Advice: if you are interested in this topic, check out the books by Paul Bragg, Arshavir Ter-Avanesyan and Alexander Eliseev (“Raisin”).

Almost everyone understands what a raw food diet is. This is a peculiar condition in which food cannot be subjected to heat treatment. Simply put, food is not boiled or baked, but eaten raw.

There are a lot of similarities between vegetarians and raw foodists. After all, they believe that the most benefits are found in vegetables and fruits, as well as cereal crops. However, raw foodists often do not give up eating meat and fish.

There are several reasons why people come to a raw food diet. One of them is desire lose weight. The new one does not contain many calories or preservatives. In addition, there is no excess salt, which means that water does not stay in the human body for long. Hence the possibility of gradual weight loss.

Someone comes to a raw food diet to get rid of diseases. The thing is that with such a menu the body is cleansed. After all, some toxic substances The body no longer receives it through food. Metabolism and immunity return to normal. The risk of cancer is significantly reduced.

Many people prefer a raw food diet as a way to survive long years. Such people have everything internal processes begin to proceed slowly, because they absorb great amount proteins are no longer required. On the contrary, with raw food comes more carbohydrates, which allows raw foodists to become hardy.

Despite its advantages, there are many facts that indicate the harm of a raw food diet. It is worth noting that in some cases this regimen is completely contraindicated.

Raw food diet. Harm from diseases

Doctors do not recommend following a raw food diet if you eat. It is especially important to get nutritious food if there is a disturbance in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. It also has a negative effect on chronic or acute pancreatitis raw food diet. Harm is caused to health if you eat only raw foods when you have gout.

Cholecystitis, peptic ulcers intestines and stomach also do not accept a raw food diet. Finally, after some surgical interventions You shouldn’t stick to this diet for a long time either.

Raw food diet. Harm to the body

Each plant accumulates many of them. All of them have an undue effect on human health. Of course, they all get inside with raw food. Constantly accumulating, they can unexpectedly result in unpleasant disease. Of course, all these substances are destroyed if they are thermally treated.

Some raw foods can cause allergies. And indeed, even in a person who simply eats fruits and berries, it can manifest itself. And for raw foodists this risk increases.

One of the reasons for refusing to heat treat foods is the loss of valuable vitamins. It is worth dissuading raw foodists. The main thing is to do the cooking correctly. However, there is a provitamin A that can only be obtained by heat treatment with the addition of fats for better absorption.

It is very important that raw foodists receive the full range of nutrients. Therefore, you need knowledge that will help you balance your diet. For an ignorant person, a raw food diet is harmful.

Raw food stars

No matter how much talk there is about the dangers of a raw food diet, some still adhere to this particular form of nutrition. Among the famous people who are raw foodists, Demi Moore can be distinguished. Despite her busy work schedule, she looks great. In addition, she also has three children. The actress is sure that a raw food diet is a way to remove all harmful substances from your body.

Uma Thurman is also a fan of the raw food diet. She is convinced that her diet gives her beauty, health and energy.



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