The leg hurts, the top of the foot is swollen. What are the types of bumps on the top of the foot and on the instep? ⚕️

Pain in the upper part of the foot and swelling of the leg can be caused by various reasons, including infections.

Autoimmune diseases

One of the most common reasons why there is a slight swelling on the top of the foot and very painful to walk is autoimmune diseases, including systemic connective tissue diseases.

These diseases are based on inadequate activation of the immune system, as a result of which it begins to perceive the body’s own tissues as foreign and destroys them.

The most common autoimmune disease is rheumatoid arthritis, in which joint damage comes to the fore. Although this disease is more likely to involve small joints of the hands in the pathological process, in some cases there is damage to almost the entire musculoskeletal system, including the upper parts of the foot.

The lower part of the leg swells, there is pain and a feeling of stiffness, which is most pronounced in the morning.

Other diseases that cause a slight swelling on the top of the foot and make walking very painful include rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, gout and sarcoidosis.

Foot and ankle injuries

Changes in hormonal balance and metabolic processes in the body can lead to a wide range of different consequences. Among metabolic and endocrine disorders, certain diseases can lead to complaints that it is very painful to walk and swollen legs:

If the foot hurts only during walking or other activity, but does not give other reasons for concern, then this may be a manifestation of a lack of calcium in the body (so-called osteopathy) and associated pathologies in the form of rickets, osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and senile osteoporosis .

By the way, pain in the foot with light pressure on the bone is in these cases a characteristic sign of the described pathology.

At rest, pain in the feet is especially severe with osteoporosis, which is caused by both injuries and inflammatory processes in the joints, bones and soft tissues spreading from the ankle to the foot. They can even lead to complete loss of supporting function of the legs.

Osteoarthritis is also known as a degenerative change in cartilage or wear-and-tear disease. It is a problem for many people who reach middle age, when the ability of cartilage to repair itself is greatly reduced.

Over the years, the smooth, slippery surface at the ends of the bone (cartilage) wears down and loses its quality, usually leading to swelling and pain in the toes or other joints.

Foot pain can also be a symptom of soft tissue damage, such as an ingrown toenail, which is accompanied by inflammation and redness of the affected areas.

This most often occurs on the big toes. If you do not pay attention to this problem in time, the ingrowth site may fester and become very swollen.

Bursitis can also be very painful for the foot. This disease is caused by bruises or chronic microtraumas, which lead to inflammation of the synovial bursa and the accumulation of exudate in it.

In addition to painful sensations, bursitis is usually accompanied by the appearance of clearly defined formations that are hot to the touch.

It is treated by applying a plaster splint and taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pain in the foot and swelling on top develops as a result of various reasons:


In the body, the disease develops due to a malfunction in purine metabolism. Tophi (crystallization of uric acid) form in the tissues and cells of the joints. Gout inflammation is characterized by changes in the toes or swelling of the instep.

The foot swells and turns red, the slightest movement brings unbearable pain. The pathology is chronic; exacerbation occurs with poor nutrition. To identify it, you should take a urine and blood test. If you do not seek help from a specialist, joint deformation occurs over time.


A chronic disease characterized by premature wear of cartilage tissue. The initial symptoms of osteoarthritis are aching pain and crunching in the foot.

Over time, the cartilage is destroyed and osteophytes grow, as a result the patient begins to complain of pain. Please note that the disease leads to joint immobility and deformation of the fingers.



Pain in the foot when walking or at rest is divided into the following types:

  • diffuse;
  • involving the entire foot;
  • local type.

The nature of the manifestation of pain and its localization may indicate the root cause, however, this does not mean that you can independently make attempts to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Self-medication can lead to the development of serious complications.


In this case, it is difficult to identify the overall clinical picture, since the nature of the symptoms will depend on the underlying disease.

Pain in the sole of the foot may indicate the development of osteoporosis or arthritis, which is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • pain can bother a person even at rest; when pressing on the heel, the pain can intensify;
  • in the morning, stiffness in the joints and numbness of the toes may occur;
  • increased fatigue, even with short physical activity;
  • pain in the fingers of the lower extremities may intensify after prolonged exercise or prolonged inactivity;
  • general malaise;
  • sleep cycle disturbance;
  • deterioration in work ability.

If swelling is visually inspected, it is easy to detect that the affected area is swollen. The area affected by swelling increases significantly in size.

The color of the skin often changes and becomes bluish. Swelling does not exclude pain in the area of ​​the toes.

Swelling causes heaviness and discomfort accompanied by pain.

If the swelling is located on top of the feet, it spreads to the ankles. To avoid unpleasant symptoms and their progression, you should consult a doctor who will identify the cause of the disease and help eliminate the ailment.

If the leg hurts while lifting, the patient notes the following symptoms:

  1. Edema;
  2. Swelling at the site of the lesion;
  3. The skin takes on a bluish tint;
  4. Possible pain in the fingers;
  5. Over time, the swelling spreads to the ankle;
  6. High local temperature.

Over time, symptoms begin to progress, so be sure to make an appointment with a therapist.

Diagnosis of sciatica

Only a qualified medical specialist can tell why your feet hurt after an examination. First of all, a thorough objective examination of the patient is carried out, with the clarification of complaints and the collection of an anamnesis of the disease and life. To make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment, the following diagnostic methods may be prescribed:

  • X-ray of the affected limb;
  • ultrasound examination of the joint;
  • scintigraphy;
  • arthroscopy;
  • myelography;
  • contrasting discography;
  • electrospondylography.

The doctor prescribes an accurate diagnostic program based on the collected medical history and the current clinical picture.

Because pain on the top of the foot can be a sign of many different problems, a doctor takes a person's medical history and also performs medical tests to make a diagnosis.

Diagnosis may include a physical examination of the foot, X-rays, MRI or other scans. Testing for diabetes, gout, and other diseases may also be needed.

Treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the pain.


Basic therapy will depend entirely on the diagnosis and the etiology of the underlying factor. Conservative treatment is not always advisable; in some cases, surgery may be required.

Drug treatment may include the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestants;
  • anticoagulants - for hematomas;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • vitamins and microelements.

In addition to drug treatment, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures, a course of manual therapy, and physical therapy.

In some cases, diet adjustments may be necessary, since excess weight also negatively affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, serious complications can be avoided. Otherwise, it is possible to develop concomitant diseases that ultimately lead to disability.

Determining the cause of pain in the upper part of the foot and treating this condition is carried out by a rheumatologist, and if there is a clear connection with injury, then by an orthopedic traumatologist.

After a comprehensive examination, the most optimal treatment regimen is prescribed, which should be strictly adhered to in order to stop the progression of the disease and avoid serious complications.

Depending on the cause of pain on top of the foot, therapeutic tactics may undergo some changes:

  • For autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus and others), long-term use of corticosteroids and cytostatics is indicated.
  • For psoriatic arthritis, constant monitoring by a dermatologist is indicated.
  • If the pain on top of the foot is caused by infectious causes, then antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

As a first aid measure, if the next appointment with a doctor is only possible in a few days, it is permissible to use anti-inflammatory ointments, apply an ice pack (always wrapped in a towel) to the leg, and in case of severe pain, take painkillers for a short time.

It is important to rest your foot, as additional stress will only worsen the condition.

If a rather dense lump appears on your foot, which begins to grow and hurt, then most likely you have hygroma of the foot. This is a benign formation, which is an accumulation of fluid and mucus in the subcutaneous area.

As a rule, its development is caused by uncomfortable shoes or heavy loads on the feet. At first, this tumor does not bother the patient, but later, when pressing or during movement, a dull pain in the foot may be felt.

Treatment of this disease depends on the degree of tumor growth. If it is greatly enlarged, surgical excision of the hygroma is indicated.

If it is small, then the patient is punctured and the contents are pumped out, and sclerosing drugs are injected into the resulting cavity and a compressive bandage is applied.

There is no universal method for treating fasciitis. As a rule, to alleviate the condition, symptomatic drugs are used in the form of painkillers, for example, Advil or Ibuprofen.

To relieve swelling, doctors advise applying ice or cold compresses to the soles, limiting the amount of strain on your feet, avoiding hard surfaces, and doing calf stretching exercises several times a day.

And special attention should be paid to this in the morning, just waking up.

In severe cases of this disease, surgical intervention is used, which involves separating the fascia ligament from the heel bone, which will prevent it from subsequently pulling on the bone, causing pain in the foot when walking.

This intervention is done using microsurgical instruments through two small incisions on the leg.

Typically, the main goal in treating osteoarthritis is to slow the progression of the disease and reduce pain. It is very important that treatment helps maintain mobility of the affected joints.

For this purpose, foot massages, special exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, and foot baths are used. Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken as medications that can reduce pain in the foot.

In the case of deforming arthrosis, a surgical treatment method is used, in which bone growths are removed or the damaged joint is replaced with prosthetics.

If the patient manages to seek medical help even during the period of stiff sensations in the legs in the morning, then the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis will be most effective.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They act specifically on the inflammatory process that causes pain in the foot, and from the first days of use they provide a good therapeutic effect. The most effective of them is the drug “Diclofenac Forte”.

Another important component of the treatment complex is hormonal drugs (for example, Prednisolone), which have a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

But it should be noted that the drugs in each case should be selected only by a doctor.

In addition, the patient will have to reconsider his diet and devote time to physical exercises specifically designed for such patients.

The primary goal of treatment is to reduce pain. But often, in order to restore the function of the affected joint, surgery is used. This is the so-called endoprosthetics method, which allows the patient to be relieved of constant pain and lameness.

To effectively alleviate the condition of a patient with sciatica, it is necessary to restore normal metabolic processes in the intervertebral space, release compressed nerve roots and eliminate spasms.

For this purpose, methods of manual therapy, acupressure and acupuncture are used. Electrical muscle stimulation produces good results.

In addition, the patient is offered to wear special fixing belts.

But increasingly, doctors are resorting to surgical methods to treat the disease.

Prevention of flat feet

The risk of developing this disease can be completely eliminated if the following recommendations are put into practice:

  • wear only comfortable, orthopedically correct shoes;
  • promptly treat all infectious diseases and other pathological processes;
  • eat right;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • perform moderate physical activity.

In addition, you should remember the importance of a systematic preventive medical examination.

In order to prevent the development of this defect, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of scoliosis in childhood and treat it.

It is important to monitor your weight, choose the right shoes - the sole should be soft and the heel small, regularly massage your feet and perform a special set of exercises. It helps to prevent the development of flat feet and reduce pain in the foot, if it already exists, by wearing orthopedic insoles.

If you watch your weight and periodically rest your legs, especially when working while standing, then acquired flat feet will avoid you.

As you can see, the list of pathological changes that cause pain in the foot or above is quite large, the symptoms are serious, and the consequences can lead to disability.

But in order to avoid these frightening moments, it is enough to follow the basic rules of life. Remember, your legs are under stress all the time, don’t increase it! That is:

  • watch your weight;
  • do not wear uncomfortable shoes (down with high heels and flat soles!);
  • treat leg injuries in a timely manner;
  • avoid heavy loads on the lower limbs;
  • do regular foot massage;
  • Make it a habit to do leg exercises.

All these preventive measures will help you stay “on your feet” for a long time, literally and figuratively. Be healthy!

The top brings significant discomfort to a person while walking and interferes with living a peaceful life. Pain in the top of the foot often occurs suddenly. The reason for this is pathological processes in this area, which should be eliminated in a timely manner. What to do and how to remove such a symptom depends on what disease or what external factor is responsible for the development of pain.

Autoimmune diseases

One of the reasons for the occurrence of such a symptom as pain and slight swelling on the top of the foot is the development of an autoimmune disease, including connective tissue diseases. The development of such diseases is due to the fact that the immune system in the body rejects its own tissues, mistaking them for foreign and destroying them.

Very often the top of the foot can hurt due to rheumatoid arthritis, which is characterized by damage to the joints. Considering the fact that arthritis mainly involves the small joints of the hands, there are still cases when the entire musculoskeletal system, including the upper one, is affected. In this case, the foot swells, hurts, and there is also a feeling of stiffness in the morning.

Other autoimmune diseases in which include rheumatism, lupus, and gout.


Athletes most often injure their limbs, especially football players, sprinters, speed skaters, and hockey players. Excessive physical exertion or improper technique for performing certain exercises can damage the ankle joint, and a fracture or dislocation is diagnosed. In this case, severely from above at the moment of its movement, swelling appears in the ankle area.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Pain in the upper part of the foot and in the ankle area can occur due to degenerative processes, especially in the case of deforming osteoarthritis.

This common disease is characterized by disruption of the structure of bones, joint cartilage, their thinning, fragility, and decreased mobility. Arthrosis can also occur due to the presence of excess weight in the body, which additionally loads the limbs, causing them to quickly “wear out”.

Diseases of an infectious nature

Damage to the joints in the foot area also occurs in the event of an infectious process developing in the body. These include:

  1. Pseudotuberculosis. Occurs as a result of exposure to Yersinia bacteria. Infection occurs if a person consumes unwashed vegetables and fruits, as well as poor-quality products. The first stage of the pathology is characterized by the same symptoms as in the case of an intestinal infection. Over time, a rash appears on the skin, and the joints of the limbs are affected.
  2. Brucellosis. People whose profession is related to animals are most susceptible to the disease. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by a prolonged febrile syndrome. Over time, pain in the joints develops, and nodes appear under the skin. Mental activity is often impaired. At a later stage, infertility develops.
  3. Tick-borne borreliosis (lyme arthritis). You can become infected with the disease as a result of a tick bite. The early stage of the disease is characterized by damage to the central nervous system. Over time, damage to the joints and skin occurs.

Hallux valgus deformity

Toe, or hallux valgus, is one of the most common diseases today. There are 3 stages of development of this disease:

  1. A small angle of deviation of the finger, a small bump at its base.
  2. Greater deviation of the toe towards the neighboring ones, the bump hurts and is enlarged in size; when walking, the inner edge of the foot rests significantly on the support (normally, the foot should rest completely on the support).
  3. A pronounced deviation of the toe, deformation on other toes, a large bump at the base of the first toe, the appearance of calluses, severe pain when walking, which spreads to the entire surface of the foot.

Women who regularly wear high-heeled shoes are most susceptible to the disease. Also provoking factors are: rickets, inflammatory diseases of the joints, flat feet, congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the feet, pregnancy, excess weight, osteoporosis.

The disease can be diagnosed in such ways as a visual examination by a doctor, radiography, plantography, and computer analysis.

Treatment of deformity is determined taking into account its stage of occurrence. The early stage is corrected by wearing shoes with an instep support, an interdigital roller, an orthopedic corrector or a corrective insole. Thanks to such shoes, you can correct your gait, eliminate pain, and slow down the process of deformation.

If we talk about drug treatment, corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Physiotherapy for hallux valgus is also helpful. In the case where such a disease is a consequence of another systemic process in the body, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

If the deformity is in an advanced stage, surgery is performed. During it, the growth is removed, deformed bones are reconstructed, and the periarticular muscles are balanced.

Exostosis of the foot bone

Exostosis is a benign tumor of bone and cartilage tissue on the bone.

The reasons for the appearance of such formation can be called:

  • injuries (especially bruises);
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • bursitis;
  • infringement of the periosteum;
  • as a consequence of ongoing chronic inflammation in the bone;
  • aseptic necrosis;
  • ligament rupture;
  • as a consequence of surgery in the foot area;
  • syphilis;
  • congenital skeletal anomalies.

Most often, exostosis occurs on the big and middle toes. At the same time, they form growths at the edge of the nails, reaching a centimeter.

In this case, the toe hurts greatly, which helps limit the mobility of the foot. Exostosis causes the nail to become deformed and peel off. In other areas of the body, exostosis is not accompanied by pain. If such is observed, then this is a signal of malignant degeneration.

Exostosis can be detected using an x-ray, which will also determine the size of the growth, its location, shape, and structure. In the case when the growth is small in size, which does not increase over 20 years, does not interfere with the vital functions of the body, treatment as such is not required. In such a situation, observation is sufficient. It is worth noting that physiotherapy for this diagnosis is prohibited, since it is possible to achieve the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one.

In the case when there is rapid growth of a neoplasm, which also brings discomfort and interferes with a person’s quiet existence, an operation is performed to remove it.

Horse foot

This develops due to the absence or limitation of joint mobility, which, in turn, occurs due to pathological changes in soft tissues (paralysis, convulsions).

The development of deformity is associated with foot injuries and diseases of the central nervous system, the complications of which are localized in the extremities. You can also name the following reasons that contribute to the occurrence of deformation:

  • due to prolonged inactivity (in case of injury or stroke);
  • in case of injury to the anterior group of leg muscles, tendons;
  • in case of a fracture of the ankle bone, its improper fusion;
  • in the presence of inflammation in the soft tissues of the leg;
  • with improper use of gypsum over a long period of time.

Such deformation can be suspected without special examinations. The symptoms are pronounced - a person walks, leaning on the front edge of the foot, the back side, that is, the heel is suspended, there is also arching of the foot by more than 90% and limited mobility of the limbs.

For diagnostics in a hospital setting, radiographic examination, magnetic resonance imaging, and electromyography are performed. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment, which can be either conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment is characterized by the application of an orthosis on the feet. Thanks to an orthosis, you can return your foot to its natural position. It is also recommended to regularly perform gymnastics, which reduces muscle tone and also helps correct foot deformities.

If it does not bring results, surgery is prescribed.

Foot fungus

Itching and pain in the foot can occur with fungal infections (mycosis). But not only symptoms such as itching and pain are observed with mycosis. So, there is a burning sensation and an unpleasant odor. The skin may also crack and become wet.

Such a fungal infection can affect the body if you wear tight, airtight shoes, wear synthetic underwear, excessive sweating, or poor foot hygiene.

The infection can enter the body in the pool, shower, or by using someone else's shoes. There is an increased risk of infection in people with weakened immune systems and diabetes.

You can eliminate pain (itching) by curing the underlying disease - mycosis. So, antifungal drugs and pathogenetic agents are prescribed. Pain and itching can be eliminated with folk remedies. Iodine, tar, sulfur, and salicylic acid are actively used. Lotions with disinfectants are no less effective. If there is erosion in the foot area or cracks, such remedies will help avoid irritation and eliminate itching.

Painful upper feet are also observed in some skin diseases, such as psoriasis.

Upper foot pain doesn't just happen. In any case, there is a provoking cause, which can only be determined by a doctor.

Man is the only creature that can walk upright. The price to pay for such a gait is numerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The foot is especially often affected. Why does my foot hurt, and what does it mean?

Possible reasons

They are so numerous that each of them should be considered in detail. The main thing to do is to correctly identify the location of the pain. Depending on this, the specialist will look for a possible cause. So, common causes of pain in the foot can be:

  • injuries or dislocations;
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • metatarsalgia;
  • flat feet;
  • neuroma;
  • soft tissue damage.

If the doctor does not detect any of the diseases in a person, then pain may appear due to improper shoes. For example, if your leg hurts on the outer side, the cause may be tight shoes. The sole must match the size - length and width of the foot. By the way, sometimes it happens that one leg of a person is larger than the other, and it is very difficult to choose the appropriate shoe size. So, usually the left leg is slightly smaller than the right.

In such cases, it is recommended to choose a pair of shoes that fit your foot with a large size, and put a special gel insole in the other to seal this area and reduce friction between the skin of the outer part of the foot and the shoe material. If the top of your foot hurts, this may be a symptom of joint deformation. In this case, the foot turns outward, and fixed in this state for several hours, it signals its unenviable position.

Injuries and dislocations

This is the first cause of pain in the foot area. Trauma does not always mean a fracture of a bone. This may be a tendon strain, in which the connective tissue is no longer able to perform its functions. The main therapy for this diagnosis is complete rest during recovery. It is very important to allow the tissues to recover and fill the torn areas on their own. In addition to this, the specialist can prescribe medications that have a positive effect on the synthesis of cells and tissues in the joints and promote accelerated healing.

When a fracture occurs, there is a bluish discoloration in the area of ​​the broken bone, as well as severe swelling of part of the foot.

What is the nature of pain during injury? It differs greatly depending on her character. So, with fractures in this area, bluish skin and severe swelling are observed. The leg in the area of ​​the fracture swells greatly. Treatment of fractures without applying plaster (fixation of the joint) is impossible. Displacement of the bone is usually accompanied by rupture of cartilage and tendons, as well as deformation of the foot. Analgesics are used to treat pain.

Plantar fasciitis

If your foot hurts in the heel area, then there is a high probability of plantar fasciitis. This disease causes stretching of the connective tissue in the foot. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not start treatment, then there is a high probability of developing a complication - a heel spur. How exactly do the feet hurt with this disease? A person feels slight numbness in the foot. Gradually the nature of the pain intensifies. Particularly severe discomfort is felt after the night, in the morning.

A person does not feel full rest in the arches of his legs; it hurts to step on them. There is minimal discomfort when lifting your leg. We should immediately describe the heel spur, which is a complication of plantar fasciitis. In this case, a bone growth forms in the area of ​​the tendon, which not only changes the geometry of the foot, but also brings significant discomfort to a person’s life. The main thing is pain in the feet, which appears regardless of the time of day, load and other factors. She is constant.

Heel spurs are a functional disorder that can only be treated with surgery. What sensations does a person experience when diagnosed with a heel spur? Patients describe the pain as being similar to a needle or nail being stuck in the heel. Even simple walking or standing with this diagnosis is very difficult.

Provoking factors for this disease:

  • overweight;
  • patient's history of heel injuries;
  • longitudinal flatfoot;
  • constant excessive loads, especially jumping.

With a heel spur, even simple walking turns into real torture for a person.


The foot may hurt due to damage to the nerve fibers in this area. Why might this happen? Metatarsalgia is most often diagnosed in people with arthrosis or arthritis of the foot. The processes occurring in these diseases contribute to compression of the nerve endings, causing them to become pinched and signal pain. Compression of the nerves can be permanent, for example, with enlargement of the metatarsal bones.

You can understand the causes of the primary disease. Most often they are associated with age-related changes in joints and changes in metabolism. This leads to a deteriorated version of the bone composition, which becomes fragile and vulnerable. As the fat layer decreases, the shock-absorbing function of the foot also worsens. Where does it hurt with this disease? The patient feels severe pain in the metatarsal bones of the foot. The side of the foot hurts, usually on the inside.

For metatarsalgia, it is necessary to use therapy against the primary disease - arthritis or arthrosis. It is not always possible to completely cope with severe pain with this diagnosis, and in such cases the doctor may advise the patient to undergo surgery in order to surgically restore the disturbed anatomy of the diseased joint of the foot.

Flat feet

Surprisingly, one of the most common pathologies of the anatomical structure of the arch of the foot is the cause of pain in this area. With this disease, the foot is no longer able to fully absorb the loads when walking and standing. The pain here can be compared to fatigue of the joints, which wear out even when standing. Flat feet is a disease that can be congenital or acquired. The latter is worth talking about in more detail. Even if a person’s foot was previously of absolutely correct anatomical shape, this does not mean that it will remain that way forever.

Very often, this diagnosis is made to middle-aged people, when the basic anatomy of the body is already fully formed. Why is this happening? Flat feet can be caused by overloading the legs, lack of vitamin D during the period of joint growth, and constant carrying of heavy objects. Most often, the disease develops in people whose profession requires them to stand on their feet often and for a long time - hairdressers, salesmen. If we add to this the patient’s excess weight, then the development of flat feet will develop more rapidly.

Symptoms characteristic of flat feet:

  • periodic pain in the foot, especially while running or walking;
  • burning in the foot area;
  • a feeling of leg fatigue that appears very quickly and not always after work.

Subsequently, pain from the arch of the foot will move to other important areas of the musculoskeletal system, including the knees and spine. By the way, there is also traumatic flatfoot. In this case, this pathology is diagnosed some time after the ankle injury, and not on the leg whose bones were broken.


With this disease, a benign tumor forms in the nervous tissue. It can form in the middle of the foot, near the toes or heel. Most often, this pathology affects women, so there is an assumption that it appears as a result of constantly wearing high-heeled shoes. Symptoms of this disease are burning and tingling in the area of ​​the tumor.

Soft tissue damage

This is not an independent disease, but a symptom of some other disease not associated with pathologies of the skeletal system. This includes plantar warts, calluses, ingrown toenails and other growths that are not physiologically correct. If the leg hurts from below, but the doctor does not find any pathologies on the x-ray, then this is a reason to examine the foot by a dermatologist. The patient may have plantar subcutaneous warts.

Various methods are used for treatment. For example, laser therapy is considered very effective, when laser beams quickly, almost painlessly and safely eliminate pathological processes in soft tissues.

First aid

Of course, the best decision would be to immediately visit a doctor. But you can alleviate the condition even before seeing a specialist. To relieve the intensity of pain, it is recommended to sit on a chair and do gentle exercises that improve blood microcirculation in the feet. To do this, you need to try to move your toes. Next, you need to remain in this position for at least some time. It is advisable to place your legs at a slight angle in relation to your body and relax as much as possible. The body position should be comfortable and not create discomfort.

Another first aid option is wiping the foot with a towel wrapped in ice cubes. Thus, you need to wipe the sore area for 2-3 minutes. Ice quickly eliminates pain and relieves swelling. Such first aid does not directly affect the causes of pain in the feet. After this, you can wipe your feet with cologne. As the liquid evaporates, it will slightly cool the skin of the leg and prolong the analgesic effect.

What not to do

There are some “tips” that, in cases of pain in the leg area, can have a negative impact on their cause:

Foot massage

Massage is a very useful procedure. It helps normalize blood circulation, improve the nutrition of joint cells in general, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the bone skeleton. But in the case of pain, especially if it appears suddenly, massage is unacceptable! So, in case of a fracture, massaging the affected area will only increase the pain and increase the likelihood of complications. Cracks and fractures of bones should not be moved or touched even with gentle massaging movements.

Even a specialist performs light palpation, but makes the final conclusion after an x-ray. The same can be said about dislocation. Massage will likely only make the pain worse. The movements, which many people know as “bone realignment,” can only be performed by specialists and must be carried out under radiographic guidance. If your joints hurt, it is first recommended to relieve the main symptoms with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and only then proceed to physiotherapeutic methods.

Running, gymnastics, stress on foot joints

In general, movement has an extremely positive effect on the health of any body system, including the musculoskeletal system. But if your legs hurt badly, then the intensity of physical exercise should be reduced or stopped altogether for some period of time.

You will have to give up high heels if you have pain in your feet.

During this time, it is better to consult a doctor and find out whether discomfort in the feet is a symptom of a serious illness and whether it is possible to continue training as before. It is considered especially harmful to start intense training immediately after the first clinical manifestations of leg problems. An unprepared body will most likely react with increased pain in this area.

Traditional medicine

Any recipes, be it applications, compresses, baths or taking herbal decoctions, should be an auxiliary therapy, but not the main treatment. In other words, traditional therapy should be started after consulting a specialist. Trying to treat pain with folk remedies on your own is a risk of complications that may appear if treatment is not treated in a timely manner.

What to do when your foot bones hurt? Of course, the main recommendation is to see a doctor. The appearance of pain from the hip to the foot can be a symptom of various diseases, many of which are irreversible. You can provide first aid to yourself, but even if your condition improves, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Periodic prevention of diseases of the lower extremities is the key to healthy feet.

A lump on the top of the instep can be a symptom of various diseases. Such a formation may be located:

  • at the base of the first toe;
  • on the rise.

The location depends on the cause of the disease. In some cases, a lump that appears on the instep of the foot is not associated with another disease and is an independent pathology. But its appearance is accompanied by pain and discomfort, difficulties in choosing comfortable shoes.

More often, this problem occurs in women due to underdeveloped muscular system. A lump also develops in a child due to muscles and ligaments that are not fully formed. It may disappear or form again, but this does not mean that everything will resolve on its own - the disease can progress. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help from a doctor in a timely manner.

Why does a formation occur on the top of the foot?

The appearance of a lump on the top of the foot is associated with existing general and local risk factors that have a long-term effect on the body.

In women, the main reason is the constant wearing of tight, narrow-toed shoes with heels up to 15 cm in height. The load is distributed unevenly: the pressure of the entire body weight falls on the fingers. This leads to deformation of the foot, causing the development of curvatures and growths. With prolonged high loads, the metatarsal bones diverge, horizontal flat feet develop, and compactions occur.

Etiology of the phenomenon

Often the formation of foot deformities occurs simultaneously for several reasons. Its development is promoted by:

  1. Eating disorder.
  2. Hypovitaminosis and lack of collagen.
  3. Change in basal metabolic rate.

With prolonged exposure to such disorders, the following develop:

  1. Gout is a failure in purine metabolism: uric acid is deposited in the joints with the formation of nodules (tophi), mainly near the first toe.
  2. Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density due to a lack of calcium: bones become brittle and their fragility increases. Even a slight bruise can cause a fracture.
  3. Arthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic phenomenon in the joint, leading to the destruction of cartilage and deformation of the joint.

Etiological factors that contribute to the fact that a limb may become deformed after a certain time with the development of a thickening on the foot also include:

  1. Transverse flatfoot. Thanks to the normally raised arch of the foot, the body weight is distributed evenly, balance is maintained, and the function of support is provided. If the arch drops, the bones move closer together, the joints are compressed, and at the same time, the tendons and ligaments are stretched. With great physical exertion, the foot becomes deformed, growths and curvatures form.
  2. Heredity: if one of the parents has a lump on the rise, it increases the risk of its development in the child in the future.
  3. Injuries - bruises, dislocations, sprains of varying severity, incorrect choice of shoes. People whose professional activities involve heavy loads on their feet and a high likelihood of developing injuries (athletes, ballerinas) suffer.
  4. Arthritis is an inflammation accompanied by deformation and destruction of joint tissue (bone and cartilage). The shape changes, its function decreases or is completely lost. Neoplasms on the arch of the foot are associated with the development of not only arthritis, but also bursitis (involving the joint capsule). They are called osteophytes.
  5. Periostitis is an inflammatory process that affects the periosteum, spreading to surrounding tissues.

More often, due to developing changes in the shape of the foot, women have to suffer due to large and prolonged losses of calcium during the menstrual period and during pregnancy and wearing dress shoes. This causes brittle and brittle bones. In men, changes develop after injuries (dislocations, fractures, bruises).

Characteristic signs

The development of a bunion on the top of the foot is clinically manifested by one or more general symptoms. There are:

  • pain of various types;
  • hyperemia and edema;
  • tension when standing for a long time;
  • numbness of the toes;
  • restriction in movements;
  • unsteadiness of gait.

The listed manifestations accompany pronounced curvatures of the foot in the form of:

  • outward deviation of the thumb;
  • other protruding bones (bumps) or calluses;
  • abscess - inflammation of soft tissues with the formation of purulent contents.

All changes require elimination of the defect, in many cases - surgically. Without timely treatment, the pathological process progresses and causes the development of complications.

Types of formations

The localization, structure and clinical manifestations of neoplasms on the instep of the foot are different and depend on the causes that caused them. Several types of pathological changes in the upper part of the foot have been described:

  1. A hygroma is a cyst on a tendon that can grow in the middle of the bend of the foot.
  2. Exostosis is a single or multiple benign growth on the surface of the bone. It can develop and grow from cartilage tissue, which ossifies over time. Often appears on the ankle. Passed on by inheritance.
  3. Lipoma is a wen.
  4. Fibroma is a neoplasm of connective tissue.
  5. Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of the wall of a venous vessel.
  6. Keratoderma (diffuse or focal) is a violation of keratinization of the skin, predominantly the growth of the epidermis occurs on the sole.
  7. Phlegmon is an acute purulent-inflammatory phenomenon in soft tissues.
  8. A wart is a disease caused by the human papillomavirus.
  9. A callus is a keratinized area of ​​skin that is the result of prolonged friction or pressure from shoes on the foot.
  10. Keller's disease is a growth on the bend of the foot that occurs due to progressive degenerative processes in bone tissue. Complicated by aseptic necrosis.


Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of the vein walls followed by the formation of a blood clot. It is characterized by compaction and hyperemia along the venous vessels with the development of dark blue nodules. When pressure is applied, pain occurs, followed by swelling and a local increase in temperature.

Thrombophlebitis is a common pathology and is one of the complications of varicose veins. After a stroke or major surgery, when the patient does not get out of bed for a long time, the pathology develops over several days. A lump on the rise is a characteristic symptom of thrombophlebitis. In addition to the tumor developing as a result of inflammation of the vein, other clinical signs appear:

  • hyperemia or cyanosis of the skin;
  • pain when pressed;
  • pigmentation associated with impaired blood circulation at the site of the affected vein.

Such symptoms are characteristic of inflammation and the development of a blood clot in the superficial veins.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis develops acutely and requires emergency hospitalization. The pathology is treated using therapeutic methods, but in some cases surgical intervention is necessary.

Indications for surgery are:

  • ascending inflammation that spreads along the veins;
  • high probability of developing PE (pulmonary embolism);
  • a history of severe attacks of acute thrombophlebitis;
  • detachment of a blood clot with the likelihood of it reaching the site of reunification of the superficial veins with the deep ones.

The operation is contraindicated if:

  • severe vascular or cardiac pathology;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • infectious skin inflammation (erysipelas, eczema);
  • varicose veins in the later stages.

Hygroma is a benign formation filled with transparent contents of a jelly-like consistency (mucus or fibrin). It is a cyst associated with a tendon or joint capsule. Bounded by its own strong connective tissue membrane. It looks like a dense lump, rising in the middle of the ankle, ranging in size from 3 mm to 7 cm. It is formed under the influence of various factors, including heredity. Frequent causes are constant physical activity (in athletes), traumatic damage to the joints.

When a cyst appears, there are complaints about an unaesthetic appearance and discomfort in the leg. If the hygroma reaches enormous sizes, it compresses small blood vessels and nerve endings.

Due to progressive tissue compression, inflammation of the tendon and joint capsule, the following occurs:

  • pain in and around the lump when pressing or walking;
  • stiffness of movement (prevents you from climbing stairs and bending your foot when walking calmly);
  • hyperthermia (temperature rise to 40°C) with developing purulent inflammation.

Hygroma develops as a result of an inflammatory lesion:

  • synovial membrane of muscle tendons (tenosynovitis);
  • mucous membrane of the periarticular bursa (bursitis).

Due to frequent injuries and disruption of the integrity of these membranes, the epithelium, consisting of secretory cells, is replaced by fibrous tissue. A scar is formed: it fills the resulting defect, but cannot withstand high pressure, heavy loads and spreads beyond the capsule. Gradually, a hygroma forms - an additional cavity. In the structure of its walls there are 2 types of pathological cells:

  • fusiform - form a hygroma capsule;
  • spherical - secrete fluid that fills the cyst.

If, when the tumor is removed, even a small area of ​​its tissue remains, the hygroma recurs. This explains the lack of effect of conservative therapy and traditional medicine, which cannot completely cure the cyst.

Hygroma can be single, but there are cases of several closely located cysts. They are characterized by:

  • elastic structure, although some new growths are dense and hard;
  • small area;
  • immobility - firmly attached to the tendon;
  • slight displacement of the skin over an uninfected cyst;
  • pain when pressed;
  • constant severe pain when located close to the nerve.

The development of a tendon cyst is a long process, but sometimes its growth occurs rapidly. If an anastomosis has formed, connecting the hygroma to the joint cavity, its size may decrease, and during heavy physical activity it may increase.

Regardless of complex therapeutic treatment, complete resorption of the cyst does not occur, and it is also impossible for it to break through naturally.

Foot valgus is a common orthopedic disease. It begins with disturbances in the first metatarsophalangeal joint: the first toe deviates outward, and the metatarsal bone deviates inward. As a result, the angle between the metatarsal bones changes and all elements of the foot shift. The protruding joint becomes a bump protruding from the side near the first toe. The foot of a small child is also susceptible to valgus when exposed to unfavorable factors.

In the absence of timely treatment, planovalgus deformity gradually begins to form. It changes the appearance of the foot and causes dysfunction of all its structures: ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones. The lump makes it difficult to wear normal shoes and hurts.

Taylor deformity

Tailor in English means tailor. Foot pathology under this name was described hundreds of years ago. Tailors and apprentices occupied a forced position while working: they sat on the floor with their legs crossed for a long time. The little finger was deformed as a result of constant pressure on its bones. Tailor's foot is a change in the shape of the foot in which the fifth metatarsal bone deviates outward and the little toe bends inward from the midline. A varus deformity is formed (a mirror image of the valgus one) in the form of a lump at the base of the fifth finger.

Diagnostic methods

To effectively treat the pathology that leads to the formation of a bunion, to get rid of any protrusion that makes the top of the foot uneven, it is necessary to accurately determine the disease in the early stages.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are necessary:

  • x-ray of the foot;
  • Ultrasound of a changed joint is an additional diagnostic method used to examine a child;
  • laboratory tests to exclude gout, rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis of other etiologies.

How to treat bunions on the foot?

After clarifying the diagnosis, the underlying disease that caused the formation of the lump is treated. Therapy consists of eliminating the possible cause of its development and is carried out comprehensively using:

  • medicines;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

In advanced cases, growths are removed:

  • operative method;
  • cryodestruction;
  • shock wave exposure;
  • laser.

If drug therapy is ineffective and in the case of a pronounced change in the shape of the foot, surgical intervention is used. The operation prevents relapse. At the initial stage of the disease it is necessary:

  • ensuring peace;
  • purchasing comfortable shoes;
  • the use of orthoses (foot supports) - insoles, heel pads, silicone interdigital inserts, night bandages;
  • conducting physiotherapy.

In terms of effectiveness, physiotherapeutic methods occupy second place after operations. The most successful and effective in the initial stages of the disease:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;

Therapeutic methods cannot achieve the disappearance of deformity. They act symptomatically: relieve inflammation, pain, swelling. Drug therapy may not be used in all cases. For example, hygroma cannot be treated with medication.

Arthritis or arthrosis also require complex treatment. Applicable:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - non-hormonal (NSAIDs), in severe cases - hormonal (GCS);
  • painkillers to relieve pain symptoms;
  • chondroprotectors that restore the structure of cartilage.

Gout is treated with:

  • diets - the consumption of meat and fish, spinach, legumes is limited, a complete abstinence from alcohol is necessary;
  • Allopurinol - to stabilize uric acid levels;
  • NSAIDs – to relieve inflammation;
  • massage with other physiotherapy (dry heat, phonophoresis with corticosteroids, ultraphoresis, mud therapy) - to reduce small tophi (accumulations of urates in the area of ​​the joint of the first finger).

Flat feet in the initial stages of development can be corrected by physical therapy and wearing specially selected orthopedic shoes.

Injuries require immediate medical attention to avoid complications.

Hygroma is treated using:

  • blockades;
  • punctures;
  • crushing;
  • sclerotherapy, when, after removing the contents of the cyst, a special composition is introduced to disinfect and accelerate the healing process.

Indications for radical treatment are:

  • lack of effect from conservative treatment methods;
  • high degrees of existing pathology;
  • sharp progression of pathology;
  • poorly corrected impairment of all functions of the foot;
  • gross aesthetic deficiencies (the patient’s desire to remove the deformity and wear elegant shoes).

The use of traditional medicine methods will not get rid of an already formed lump, which has a bone or other structure, is a damage to the joint or the result of its deformation. The use of ointments, tinctures, lotions will not lead to the disappearance of bone growth. They act symptomatically: they relieve pain for a while without reducing the size of the lump.

You should not choose treatment on your own. Before you start using traditional medicine, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the optimal method of influencing the affected joint for a specific diagnosis.

Self-medication can cause deterioration of the condition: it will cause an exacerbation of the disease or its complication.

It is useful and safe to use relaxing foot baths with herbs (chamomile) or saline solution and soda before bedtime. They reduce muscle tension and pain.

Natural remedies should be used with caution. At home, decoctions, compresses, and tinctures are prepared. Effective recipes:

  1. Onion peel tincture: pour it with table vinegar in equal proportions and leave for 2 weeks. The tincture is used in the form of compresses on the affected part of the foot.
  2. Compresses with grated raw potatoes relieve pain and relieve swelling.
  3. Iodine nets on the bone are effective in the initial stages.
  4. Iodine with Aspirin: 5 Aspirin tablets are dissolved in 10 ml of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine, infused for 24 hours. Apply the resulting solution to the sore spot before going to bed and put on warm socks. Course treatment - 3 weeks.
  5. Bay leaf relieves inflammation well: 5 crushed large leaves are placed in a bottle with ammonia (100 ml), left for 7 days. Before using the tincture, soak your feet in a soda bath (1 tablespoon of soda per 3 liters of water). The bones are lubricated with the resulting solution, and socks are put on. The course of treatment is 2 months.

There are many traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of tumors on the foot. But it is impossible to radically get rid of it completely using such methods. Such therapy has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in the initial stages of the pathology. Traditional methods should be used as part of a complex treatment prescribed by a doctor, as an addition to the main one.


Even after successful treatment, a person’s foot bump may reoccur. This is due to many factors. In order to prevent repeated curvature of the foot bones, it is recommended to adhere to several mandatory rules:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials with low heels (4–6 cm). Use a soft liner where the cone comes into contact with the shoe.
  2. During heavy physical activity at work, take breaks to rest your legs.
  3. Use orthopedic shoes that reduce the load on the foot, since the foot is securely fastened with rigid fixing inserts.
  4. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, do gymnastics: regularly do a set of exercises to strengthen muscles and ligaments.
  5. In case of traumatic injury, be sure to consult a doctor.
  6. To improve blood circulation, walk more barefoot on sand and small pebbles, and use special massage mats in winter.
  7. Take multivitamins and calcium in courses.
  8. Eat right: include vegetables, fruits, fish in your diet (it contains substances that are beneficial for joint function).
  9. Begin treatment of diseases of bones, joints, and blood vessels in the early stages.

To prevent deformities, it is important to maintain foot hygiene. If discomfort, pain or lump formation occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor promptly. Only a specialist will help cure the pathology in a short time and explain how to prevent the development of complications.

Painful sensations in the foot are a fairly common complaint, because ever since a person acquired the ability to walk upright, his legs began to be subjected to enormous loads. Features of the layered structure of the area often contribute to the occurrence of pain in the upper part of the foot. In this case, the area may become red and swollen, causing even greater discomfort.

Causes of pain syndrome

When long-term discomfort occurs in some area of ​​the body, consultation with an appropriate specialist is necessary - after all, health is one thing and seemingly trivial symptoms can be the initial signs of a serious illness that needs prompt treatment. The principle is also relevant in case of problems in the lower areas of the legs. If a person’s foot hurts on top, this can signal a variety of pathological processes occurring in this part of the foot. As a rule, diagnosis and prescription of therapy are carried out by surgical doctors:

  • traumatologists;
  • orthopedists;
  • actually, surgeons.

In some cases, rheumatologists and even endocrinologists can do this, depending on the factor that caused the symptoms. But the primary diagnosis and the appointment of examinations are usually carried out by a therapist.

The most common reasons for which pain occurs in the top of the foot, and the area itself swells, are:

  • A fairly typical and simplest one is a banal muscle overstrain. Usually before this there should be hard everyday life, full of walking. Wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes, especially heels, can add to the severity of symptoms.
  • If the appearance of discomfort when walking was preceded by injury to nearby areas, the doctor’s diagnostic task is greatly simplified. Here, an x-ray of the foot from the side of the injury is required.
  • Flat feet. It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend monitoring the development of the arches of a child’s feet from a very young age. In the future, pathological changes can lead to serious consequences - one of them is the appearance of swelling on top, which intensifies when walking.
  • Inflammation of the joints and their dystrophic changes of a non-inflammatory nature - arthritis and arthrosis, respectively. In this case, both the ankle joint and others - the joints of the tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges of the toes and other areas of the human body - are affected. The diseases are often autoimmune in nature, in which the soft tissues surrounding the joints, including the top of the foot, also suffer.
  • Various deformities of the lower legs, both congenital and acquired: clubfoot, valgus, equine and marching foot, Egyptian and Greek deformity.

Accurate identification of the origin of symptoms is essential for successful treatment and relief from their debilitating effects.

Endocrine and metabolic pathologies as causes of foot pain

Changes in hormonal balance and metabolic processes in the body can lead to a wide range of different consequences. Among metabolic and endocrine disorders, certain diseases can lead to complaints that it is very painful to walk and swollen legs:

  • Gout is a disease that occurs as a result of a disorder in the metabolism of purines, substances contained in DNA and RNA, as well as many other compounds. As a result, uric acid accumulates, which is deposited, among other things, on bones and joints. Such changes also affect the surrounding tissues, causing various unpleasant sensations when walking, moving the feet, and even at rest.
  • A separate complication of carbohydrate metabolism disorders is diabetic foot. The reasons why the foot hurts on top lie in damage to blood vessels and disruption of tissue nutrition. When walking, such patients experience lameness, and the foot may become very swollen.
  • A bone formation called a heel spur causes serious discomfort. One of the possible causes of the disease is a metabolic disorder, primarily mineral. Its occurrence is also associated with the development of gout.

In the modern world, where the environmental situation continues to rapidly deteriorate and human nutrition is becoming more and more “artificial,” the problem of metabolic pathologies and the endocrine system is more relevant than ever. Ischemia (lack of blood supply) of tissues, mineral deposits and other harmful consequences of these groups of diseases can cause pain not only in the foot, but also in other parts of the body. When the area of ​​the toes or the back of the foot begins to hurt, at rest or when walking, timely consultation with a doctor significantly reduces the risks of disease progression and complications.

Infectious agents and pain in the upper part of the foot

Some pathogenic microorganisms can also cause a similar set of symptoms. First of all, it should be said about the possibility of developing purulent inflammation, which, as is known, does not occur without the participation of an infectious component. In the foot area this could be:

  • panaritium is a special term denoting an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the fingers;
  • wounds with bacterial infection;
  • abscesses and phlegmons of the foot.

In the latter case, the development of the disease largely depends on the location. For example, deep phlegmon of the sole, as a rule, accompanies a complication of diabetes mellitus - diabetic foot.

There are certain bacteria that attack joints. And, as mentioned earlier, when they are damaged, pain in the area of ​​surrounding tissues occurs quite often. The following specific infectious diseases can cause discomfort in the upper area of ​​the foot:

  • Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis);
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • brucellosis.

It is worth noting that complaints that “the leg hurts in the foot area” with these diseases are far from the only and not the main symptoms of the pathology. Therefore, as a rule, if a person’s overall health is normal, there is no need to be afraid of such terrible infections in advance. But preventive measures against infection with a wide variety of viruses and bacteria should still be observed.

Do not forget about the possibility of developing benign and malignant formations, which can cause swelling and pain. This is, first of all, hygroma (accumulation of fluid in a special serous bursa or tendon sheath). The problem can also be caused by a violation of the outflow of lymph, which is popularly called “elephantiasis.”

How to relieve pain and swelling

When the leg hurts in the top of the foot, in addition to eliminating the cause of the ailment, symptomatic therapy is possible if you are unable to get an appointment with a doctor. Treatment in this case is as follows:

  • use of anti-inflammatory ointments;
  • the use of physiotherapeutic techniques, for example, an ice pack;
  • if absolutely necessary, take painkillers.

It is important to remember that the use of any medications is unacceptable if a person has not tried them before and does not know exactly how his body will react to them. It is best to immediately seek qualified help and not engage in amateur activities. If the attending physician approves the use of certain traditional methods as additional treatment, you can use the following recipes when in the area of ​​​​the back and fingers, as well as to relieve pain in the foot when walking:

  • To quickly stop the swelling area from hurting, use baths with sea salt at a cool temperature.
  • If the limb is covered with nodules (varicose veins), it is recommended to use elderberry leaves.
  • If your legs hurt when you touch the swollen part, a light massage with an ice cube is effective. It is possible to add various medicinal herbs, for example, eucalyptus or sage, to the water from which ice is made.

When it is found on top and it hurts, don’t panic. You should sit down calmly and analyze what recent events in your life could have led to the development of such symptoms - why does the top of your foot hurt? It is possible that the person has already been diagnosed and warned about the likely occurrence of pain and swelling, as well as how to behave in this situation. If suddenly the occurrence of a pain symptom takes you by surprise, this is another reason to visit a doctor as soon as possible.



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