Inexpensive antibiotic for the treatment of female diseases. The most effective antibiotics for inflammation in women

Exists huge amount various infectious diseases, which, among other things, affect the health of women and their reproductive function. That’s why it’s so important to immediately contact a specialist from the moment you discover any problem.

Summary of the article

Nowadays there are practically no difficulties in treating a particular disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms, since modern pharmaceutical industry is ready to offer a huge selection of effective antibiotics.

For convenience antibiotic drugs divided into classes and generations. They are also distinguished by their field of activity and chemical composition. Antibiotics include substances that can actively affect disease-causing microorganisms.

Treatment of inflammatory processes in gynecology

Gynecologists often encounter manifestations of various inflammatory processes, which are caused by pathogenic microbes that have entered the body. Their treatment is most often carried out using various antibiotics. Before prescribing an antibiotic, it is necessary to determine which microorganisms caused the inflammatory process in the woman’s body.

In order to get rid of the problem, you need to perform certain sequential actions:

  • undergo examination and do tests
  • detect the infectious agent
  • choose the appropriate antibiotic
  • determine the woman’s body’s reaction to the medicine
  • select concomitant antifungal drugs
  • monitor the intake of antibiotics (up to 7 days).

The effect of drugs

According to the mechanism of action, antibiotics are divided into:

  • bactericidal – actively destroy bacteria and then remove them from the body
  • bacteriostatic – do not allow microorganisms to actively multiply and develop.

By effectively influencing harmful bacteria, antibiotics allow women to get rid of even the most severe inflammatory processes. There are many gynecological diseases that can be cured with antibiotics. Among them are diseases:

  • uterus and ovaries
  • labia
  • fallopian tubes
  • cervical canal
  • vaginal mucosa, etc.

A woman’s genitals can become infected with infections that the immune system simply cannot fight alone. Gonococci, streptococci, chlamydia and staphylococci - all of them create huge problems for women's health. In this case, correctly selected antibiotics will be a real salvation and will help in as soon as possible remove inflammation.

It is impossible not to notice when an inflammatory process occurs in the body, since it can be accompanied by strong painful sensations, elevated temperature, heavy discharge. Moreover, it is important to understand that this will not go away on its own, but will progress further. The most rational treatment is carried out in acute phase illness. Usually for complete cure If you follow certain rules, 1-2 weeks are enough. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease and its advanced stage. If you ignore the symptoms of the disease, it can develop into a chronic form.

Classification of antibiotics

In order to choose the right antibiotic that can cope with the infection, you need to know what pathogen caused the disease and at what stage the disease is. Too weak antibiotic may simply harden pathogenic bacteria, and it will be more difficult to fight them. Too much strong medicine capable of completely destroying beneficial microflora, which will lead to additional problems. Therefore, under no circumstances should you self-medicate. A doctor should prescribe medications, sometimes combining antibiotics with other drugs.

Antibiotics are most often used in gynecology wide range actions. These include:

  • Streptomycin
  • Vifamycin
  • Aminoglycoside
  • Kanamycin
  • Erythromycin
  • Ampicillin
  • Penicillins
  • Cephalosporins
  • Metronidazole
  • Neomycin
  • Monomycin
  • Azithromycin
  • Tetracyclines.

These antibiotics can kill both harmful and beneficial microflora in the intestines. However, they are very popular because they can cope with almost all microorganisms.

Along with the above antibiotics, potent antibiotic agents are used to treat severe inflammatory processes in gynecology. Despite their high efficiency, they are not so toxic, since they are based on purified active substance. Such drugs include:

  • Rulid
  • Unidox Solutab
  • Rovamimitsin
  • Cefroxitin
  • Cefamandole
  • Avelox
  • Ceftazidime
  • Cefpodoxime
  • Cefuroxime
  • Fuzidin
  • Cefotaxime
  • Spiramycin
  • Latamoxef
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Amoxilav
  • Cefixime.

These drugs are new generation antibiotics, and therefore they are more effective in treating many diseases associated with infections genitourinary system.

The use of suppositories for inflammation

In addition to tablets, antibiotics are also used to treat inflammatory processes in the form of intravenous and intramuscular injections and candles. The latter are vaginal and rectal for local and general use. They can be used as additional remedy in therapy and as a full-fledged therapeutic drug. Suppositories are very effective in treating infections, since their active substance is almost instantly absorbed by the mucous membrane.

Suppositories are classified according to the medications they contain. .

  1. Anti-inflammatory - with hexicon, are an excellent prophylactic agent, minimizing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Pimafucin - used to treat fungal infections.
  3. Bactericidal - with betadione, helps with bacterial vaginosis.
  4. Infectious - with metronidazole, used to treat Trichomonas.

In addition, suppositories with analgesic and antipyretic effects are also used in gynecology.

Antibiotics in gynecology are a powerful “weapon” that allows you to cope with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed by a doctor and used in treatment various diseases, throughout long period time. The average course of treatment is 7–10 days.

What diseases are treated

For gynecological inflammations, antibacterial drugs are prescribed only if indicated. The reason is that medications of this class are not effective against viruses and fungi.

Antibiotics may be prescribed:

  1. For inflammation of the ovaries.
  2. With inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
  3. With inflammation of the uterine body.
  4. For inflammation of the cervical canal.
  5. For inflammation of the labia.
  6. For inflammation of the vagina.

Medicines in this class are effective against the following pathogens:

  • Staphylococcus;
  • Streptococci;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Gonococci.

Attention! Even one of the oldest venereal diseases, syphilis, is treated with antibacterial drugs. The causative agent of syphilis is the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphilis treatment is long-term character, but if carried out in a timely manner it ends well for the patient.

For inflammation of the reproductive system, the antibiotic is selected individually. Before carrying out therapy, an analysis is carried out for the sensitivity of strains to the drug (bacterial culture of microflora for sensitivity). This helps to choose effective medicine and optimize treatment.

Indications for antibacterial therapy:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. The appearance of discharge from the genital tract.
  3. Severe pain syndrome.
  4. Signs of intoxication.

Gynecological diseases can be treated various methods, conduct:

  • monotherapy;
  • combination therapy.

Monotherapy is the use of one drug, which is considered the basis of treatment. The action of the medication helps stop the course of the inflammatory process and get rid of the signs of the disease.

Combination therapy is most effective; it contains several drugs that enhance each other's effects.

What medications can be prescribed

Antibiotics for gynecological diseases are prescribed differently, but their effect is:

  1. Bactericidal nature.
  2. Bacteriostatic nature.

Bactericidal medications act on pathogenic microflora, they kill bacteria. Their massive death leads to the appearance of intoxication or its intensification, but as the bacteria are removed from the body, the patient’s condition improves.

Bacteriostatic agents have a different effect on microorganisms; they block the process of their growth and reproduction. This leads to the death of pathogenic microflora. Simply put, drugs create unfavorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which allows you to cope with the signs of the disease and recover faster.

Pros and cons of antibiotic therapy

Antibacterial agents have advantages and disadvantages, their use helps:

  • stop the inflammatory process at the stage of its development, before complications arise;
  • avoid further problems with the reproductive system;
  • It is normal to conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy child.

Important: When gynecological diseases therapy using antibacterial agents is carried out promptly. This allows you to avoid complications and the transition of the inflammatory process to a chronic form.

In the chronic form of the disease, the disease is in latent form, but under unfavorable circumstances it turns into an acute form. This happens due to the fact that bacteria are constantly in the body; therapy does not help get rid of them, it only reduces the activity of microorganisms.

Disadvantages of antibiotic treatment:

  1. After antibiotics, digestive problems arise.
  2. Candidiasis appears.
  3. The activity of the immune system weakens.

When treating an inflammatory or infectious nature antibacterial agents in the body die en masse beneficial bacteria. This happens because the medication affects the body as a whole. It kills both beneficial and harmful microorganisms, which is fraught with certain consequences.

At the same time, it will take time to restore beneficial microflora. For this purpose, several drugs are prescribed that can correct the situation.

What antibiotics are prescribed

To treat infection, gynecology uses drugs various forms release. The doctor may prescribe to the patient:

Help: help cope with bacteria various types, most often they are prescribed in tablet form.

The tablets are taken orally, which is associated with certain risks. Once in the stomach, they destroy beneficial microorganisms and quickly lead to the development of dysbiosis and other digestive disorders.

The injections are different the greatest efficiency, they are used mainly in hospital settings. Injections of various nature increase the effectiveness of antibacterial agents. Helps reduce them negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.

The purpose of suppositories is perceived as adjuvant therapy. In fact, antibiotics in the form of suppositories are quite effective and have local action to problems, minimizing the risks associated with such therapy.

Attention! IN female gynecology use suppositories for vaginal administration. But for the treatment of men, suppositories are used for rectal administration.

Medicines: their classification and action

Various antibiotics are used in gynecology for infections and inflammation.

The drugs used can have a wide spectrum of action; such drugs are considered universal; they are available in the form of tablets or injections. There are also new generation antibiotics, they are less toxic and very effective.

TO universal means worth mentioning:

  1. Ampicillin is a drug well known to many, of semi-synthetic origin, often prescribed by doctors, but has a number of disadvantages.
  2. Erythromycin is a medicine that is well tolerated and belongs to the class of macrolides; it disrupts molecular bonds, which leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal and antimicrobial medication, available in several forms (injection solution, vaginal gel and tablets).
  4. Tetracycline is an inexpensive antibiotic used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  5. – available in the form of an injection solution, it is well tolerated, but is prescribed only if indicated.

Medicines newest generation, list:

  • Cefamandole (powder for the preparation of a solution intended for injection) is used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary, genitourinary system and infectious diseases of a gynecological nature.
  • Rulid is available in tablet form and penetrates the barrier of the gastric mucosa well. Applied once every 12 hours, it is effective against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Ceftazidime is a broad-spectrum drug that belongs to the 3rd generation antibiotics. Its bactericidal effect is due to the destruction of the cell membrane. Used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases severe course.
  • Amoxiclav is inexpensive, but very effective drugs wide sector of action. Contains penicillin and amoxicillin.
  • Unidox Solutab belongs to the group of tracyclines, due to the action of its components it leads to the destruction of the membranes of pathogenic cells and a decrease in protein synthesis. Available in tablet form.

Inflamed organs of the reproductive system can be treated with other drugs, in the form of suppositories.

Suppositories are:

  1. With metronidazole - they are used to treat infectious diseases caused by Trichomonas.
  2. With bactodin - different bactericidal effect, create an unfavorable environment in the vagina for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
  3. With hexicon - have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are used as prophylactic or component complex therapy. When using suppositories of this class, the risk re-infection is reduced to a minimum.

Important: The doctor may strengthen antibacterial therapy with the help of suppositories, the action of which is aimed at reducing other signs of the disease: reducing the severity pain syndrome, decrease in body temperature.

Regenerative therapy

Restoration of microflora in gynecology is carried out after completion of a course of antibiotic treatment. The procedures are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract and vaginal dysbiosis.

Restorative therapy is carried out using various drugs, suppositories are suitable for restoring vaginal microflora:

  • Ecofemi;
  • Vagilak;
  • Gynoflor.

These drugs contain lactobacilli, which help restore the flora and cope with the signs of the disease.

You can also use:

  1. Genecotex (have an anti-inflammatory effect and act as a contraceptive).
  2. Acylact (increase the activity of local immunity).
  3. Genferon (have a good anti-inflammatory effect, can be part of combination therapy in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases)

Names of drugs for restoring microflora in the intestines, list:

  • Smecta (belongs to sorbents, well absorbs toxins that remain in the body after the death of pathogenic microflora);
  • Hilak-forte ( medicine, creating a favorable environment in the intestines and stomach for the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms);
  • Bifidumbacterin (contains beneficial bacteria that help cope with digestive problems).

To restore the microflora after therapy, you will also need to follow a diet. It is recommended to adhere to certain nutritional rules:

  1. Include fermented milk products in your diet.
  2. Consume fresh fruit and vegetables.
  3. Drink fresh juices and mineral water.

Reference: Proper nutrition will help improve the functioning of the immune system and recover faster after past illness and toxic therapy.

And you will also have to:

  • play sports or walk in the fresh air;
  • take vitamins;
  • avoid stress and nervous shock.

Antibacterial therapy in gynecology is used to treat a large number of diseases. But don't forget that similar treatment may lead to certain consequences. Therefore, it is recommended not to select medications on your own, but to entrust this to a doctor.

Inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system can be caused by various pathogens, among which most often bacterial infections. Correctly used antibiotics for inflammation of the uterus effectively combat pathogenic microorganisms and help prevent the pathology from worsening.

Antibiotics in natural conditions produced by various microorganisms. Their main task is to resist the invasion of foreign microbes and destroy them. Most often, these substances are synthesized by bacteria and fungi. There are many modified antimicrobial compounds known that have a wide spectrum of action and a high degree of effectiveness.

Treatment of inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages (ovaries, fallopian tubes and ligaments), cervical canal and in the vagina is almost always carried out with the use of antibiotics. Doctor's choice of form medicinal product, its dosage depends on the sensitivity of the pathogen to the pharmacological agent.

In order to determine the body's response to a particular antibiotic in bacteriological laboratory a special analysis is performed. If this is not possible, then specialists practice prescribing drugs that act on large number infectious agents.

Antibiotics do not act on viruses and fungi, which also sometimes cause inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs of women. However, most often the source of the problem is bacteria that provoke the development of the disease:

  • vaginitis (cause – streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, trichomonas);
  • vulvitis (pyogenic and intestinal flora);
  • bartholinitis (streptococci, gonococci and other microbes);
  • salpingitis (streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, tuberculosis bacillus);
  • salpingoophoritis (gonococci, colibacillus, streptococcus, staphylococcus);
  • endometritis ( Staphylococcus aureus, tuberculosis bacillus).

Microorganisms, having entered a woman’s body, immediately begin to actively multiply. Immune system is not always able to cope with them. Therefore, it is necessary to be treated with antibiotics to relieve the inflammatory process.

All antimicrobials divided into two groups:

  • bacteriostatics that inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogens;
  • bactericides that destroy microbes that are later eliminated from the body.

Features of antibiotic therapy

With pronounced and other reproductive organs, which are confirmed laboratory tests, a course of treatment is prescribed. A mandatory part of it is the use of antibiotics.

Depending on the severity of the process, the doctor determines the dosage of antimicrobial drugs used in treatment. In order not to waste time waiting for the results of microflora sensitivity tests, the first step is to prescribe antibiotics that have a wide spectrum of action - Azithromycin, Kanamycin, Rifampicin, Metronidazole and others.

When research data is received, they are changed to the drug that has a detrimental effect on the identified infection.

Such drugs include:

To strengthen healing effect Their use is practiced in combination with Metronidazole (Metrogil). One of effective ways treatment – local application antibiotics.

For inflammation reproductive organ The gynecologist is faced with the task of eliminating the pathological process and normalizing menstrual function. It is disrupted due to swelling of the mucous membrane and manifests itself in the form of bleeding that occurs at the wrong time or too much. scanty discharge, often acquiring a spotting character.

The principle of action of antibacterial drugs is based on the fact that they are quickly absorbed into the blood and enter the diseased organ. There, antibiotics disrupt the synthesis of protein structures in bacterial cells, which leads to their death.

Along with high efficiency drugs used for cervicitis, endometritis and others can cause adverse reactions. Most often they manifest themselves in the form of allergies, digestive and nervous system. Other symptoms possible individual intolerance.

Using vaginal suppositories with antibiotics

If you need to get rid of endometritis or, the treatment and suppositories that are used must contain antibiotics. This form of medication is very convenient because it allows you to deliver the active substance directly to the source of inflammation, bypassing the effects on other organs and systems, among which the digestive system is especially sensitive.

Therapeutic effect when used vaginal suppositories, as candles are otherwise called, comes faster. This applies to complex therapy and their individual use. Suppositories for inflammation, which gynecologists prescribe to their patients, contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components. Their effect begins immediately after insertion into the vagina. Medicinal substance, which is present in them, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It affects the diseased organ for a long time.

Only a gynecologist can prescribe suppositories that a woman should use in the treatment of inflammation in the pelvic organs, focusing on which pathogen caused the disease. He also recommends the duration and pattern of use of suppositories.

Most often, experts prescribe suppositories that contain an antibiotic or antiseptic substance that has a wide spectrum of action.

It could be:

In some cases, suppositories containing anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances are used as an additional remedy. These are Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Movalis. It is also possible to prescribe Ovestin suppositories, which are based on estriol, a synthetic substance that acts as female hormone estrogen.

The use of vaginal suppositories helps to achieve the destruction of the bacterial pathogen and quick removal inflammation. Already half an hour after insertion into the vagina, up to 50% of the medicine contained in the suppositories enters the body, and after an hour it is completely absorbed. Additional components of suppositories (fragrances and paraffin) do not enter the bloodstream. They are removed from the woman's body through secretions.

Unlike injections and tablets, with which antibiotics enter the body, suppositories are much less likely to cause side effects. However, there is still a small probability of an allergic reaction to the active substance. In some cases, disorders of the hematopoietic, digestive, genitourinary and nervous systems appear.

Application vaginal suppositories, containing an antibiotic, is used in pregnant women and nursing mothers only if there is no risk of harming the baby. Therefore, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

The cause of endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, in women is often caused by sexually transmitted pathogens - infectious diseases. Often the cause of the development of pathology is its own opportunistic microflora, which is normally present in the lower parts of the reproductive tract. These are hundreds of species of microorganisms - aerobic, anaerobic, gram-negative, gram-positive and bifido - and lactobacilli, which make up up to 98% of the total number. The latter, as an exception, never take part in the inflammatory process.

External or internal factors violate their own protective properties reproductive system, a pathological process develops with a shift in the density of certain microbial associations. Occur independently or in various combinations diseases:

  • acute or chronic endometritis (inflammation of the mucous and muscular lining of the uterus);
  • salpingitis (tubal infections);
  • oophoritis (inflammatory process in the ovaries);
  • ovarian abscess;
  • septic abortion;
  • peritonitis.

Treatment of inflammation of the female genital organs is somewhat difficult. Identification of one or more types of microorganisms from among the conditionally normal flora in a smear does not prove their involvement in the occurrence of pathological process.

Therapy is chosen empirically by the doctor using broad-spectrum antibiotics. At the same time, many microbes have already acquired individual and cross-resistance to commonly used groups of drugs (cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones), which significantly complicates the treatment of infections caused by them.

Therefore semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic broad-spectrum amoxicillin for inflammation of the appendages in pure form does not apply. Most bacteria have now developed resistance to this drug.

Modern antibiotic drugs

The most successful choice for the treatment of bacterial endometritis, salpingoophoritis and other infectious diseases of the genital area is a combination of protected aminopenicillin (amoxicillin/clavunate) with a macrolide or doxycycline. Such therapy is precisely aimed at suppressing the main aerobic, anaerobic and intracellular microorganisms that are most often isolated during the diagnosis of pelvic infections.

The addition of the substance clavulanic acid to amoxicillin, which became inactive against penicillin-resistant strains of many microorganisms that constantly inhabit the body, led to an increase in the antibiotic effectiveness of the drug and an expansion of its use in gynecological and obstetric practice. This additional substance introduced into the drug protects amoxicillin molecules from the destructive action of bacterial cell enzymes.

Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is well tolerated long-term use, but it cannot be used for intramuscular injections. Tablet forms of drugs are also available for intravenous supervised use in a hospital setting.

Due to the fact that there is not a single antibiotic that is immediately active against all microorganisms that cause inflammation of the pelvic organs, for treatment in medical practice combinations of several drugs are used.

Protected amoxicillin for endometritis, inflammation of the appendages and others mixed infections pelvic organs is prescribed by a doctor 1000 mg in the morning and evening for at least 10 days in combination with ofloxacin tablets 400 mg twice a day for a week. With concomitant thrush, the antifungal drug Fluconazole is introduced into the treatment regimen, 150 mg once or 50 mg for at least 7 days. The tablets should be taken with water during meals, without chewing.

Antibiotics of the group of protected penicillins (Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Panclave) are also used for preventive (preliminary, prophylactic) therapy infectious complications for gynecological surgical interventions. Thanks to biochemical properties The drug creates the necessary concentrations of the antibiotic in the tissues before contact with possible microbes during surgery, which reduces the risk of complications.

Preference is given to soluble forms of modern antibacterial drugs (solutab) protected amoxicillins. They are characterized by more complete absorption active substance from the gastrointestinal tract, protecting beneficial intestinal microflora and allowing you to maintain constant therapeutic concentrations in the blood to eliminate the pathogen from inflammation. Thus, when treating diseases of the internal genital organs, the frequency of relapses and transitions of infection into a chronic form is reduced.

In female representatives, inflammatory processes affecting the appendages and ovaries are most often provoked infectious agents and in most cases require the use of antimicrobial drugs as treatment. Inflammation usually begins to develop due to decreased resistance of the body under the influence of hypothermia or due to the penetration of bacteria, fungi and viruses into the ovaries.

For inflammation of the appendages in women after establishing accurate diagnosis antibiotics must be administered immediately drug regimen. Even if at this moment there are studies that determine the type of pathogen, the initial stages of therapy can be carried out without clarification. It must be remembered that antibacterial pharmaceuticals will provide positive impact only in case acute form ongoing inflammation. In some cases, antimicrobial drugs can be used in case of exacerbation of the disease. chronic form diseases.

Nuances of pathology and principles of antimicrobial treatment

Inflammatory processes occurring in the appendages are primarily dangerous due to possible subsequent complications:

  • inability to get pregnant;
  • suppurative processes that form in the ovary and affect the peritoneum;
  • against the background of suppuration, pelvioperitonitis is formed, which can only be eliminated through surgery.

The presence of an acute form of adnexitis or oophoritis can be assumed when pain appears in the lumbar region or lower sections belly. Pain may occur when visiting the toilet, accompanies discomfort general weakness and increased temperature. A woman who is experiencing similar signs, immediate examination is necessary, delivery vaginal smear for the purpose of carrying out bacterial culture and determining the nature of the microflora. This approach will allow you to most accurately select tablets and other forms of drugs for therapy.

On initial stages While the research results are unknown, injections of drugs with a wide range of effects can be used to relieve the inflammatory process of the ovaries. Their advantage lies in the ability to destroy not just one, but simultaneously many types of bacteria that provoke pathologies of the genitourinary system. The main rule here is that the selected drugs must be active against chlamydia, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma - these are the organisms that most often cause the development of diseases.

Important point. The next stage after receiving the results laboratory research– possible adjustment of the therapeutic regimen if it is found that to eliminate the pathogen the best option there will be another drug.

When choosing antibiotics for inflammation of the appendages, you need to follow some rules. There are certain principles of treatment using antimicrobial drugs:

  • To avoid side effects as much as possible negative phenomena and polypharmacy established diagnosis verified by PCR and ELISA.
  • When determining the dose of medications for inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, the patient’s body weight is taken into account.
  • When selecting antibiotics, preference should be given to antimicrobial substances that can remain in the blood for a long period. If the drug is cleared from the plasma too quickly, the required concentration of the active substance cannot be achieved, which gives pathogens a certain head start.
  • The therapeutic regimens being developed should not harm the patient’s health; therefore, before treating ovarian inflammation and determining how to do it, bacteriological studies are carried out.
  • In case of complications, it is recommended to combine antibiotics, selecting drugs with by various mechanisms impact on the pathogen and different periods removing infection from the body.
  • After stopping the pathological process, one cannot ignore prophylaxis aimed at preventing the formation of adhesions and restoring intestinal motility. You should also check the integrity endocrine system after the treatment.
  • The progress of treatment is monitored through tests, which helps prevent failure of the liver.
  • If inflammation of the appendages is advanced, it is advisable to prescribe injections and take drugs with a more powerful effect. These include the group of Cephalosporins, Lincomycin or Fluoroquinolone.

If within several days of treatment the victim’s condition does not change for the better, there is no progress in both symptoms and test results, it is necessary to either change the medication or increase the dosage.

Antibiotic drugs prescribed for inflammation

Drugs for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the appendages must meet a number of requirements. They are expected to be highly effective against pathogens that cause pathology, easy penetration into the site of the disease, as little toxicity as possible, and good level interactions with prescribed anti-inflammatory substances. Treatment is usually complex, carried out with a combination of antibiotics and NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Purpose of NSAIDs necessary to prevent damage from developing inflammation.

Regarding antibiotics, the following medications are usually prescribed:

  • Tetracyclines, despite the fact that most of the pathogens present during inflammatory processes in the appendages, have become quite resistant to this group of drugs over time. It should also be noted that tetracyclines have a considerable list of side effects. At the same time, tetracyclines well eliminate the possibility of the pathogen to actively reproduce and are effective against gonococci, streptococci and staphylococci, mycoplasmas, spirochetes, chlamydia and others. Experts prefer to use Doxycycline, which is highly effective in small amounts. negative manifestations. It quickly leaves the body and is effective not only for adnexitis, but also for chlamydia.
  • If you make a list of the most effective medicines for adnexitis, macrolides are next on the list. This group of antibiotics is not subject to breakdown in gastrointestinal tract, the drugs have a long half-life, which ensures their accumulation in the body and accelerates recovery. The most popular products are Sumamed with Klacid.
  • In gynecology, the group of fluoroquinolones is good because resistance in pathogens to such drugs develops very slowly, so that even with prolonged treatment frequent changes no antibiotic required. If the patient does not have accompanying pathologies in which the use of fluoroquinolones is prohibited, similar drugs For adnexitis it is best to use. Pefloxacin, Norfloxacin or Ofloxacin may be prescribed.
  • To other synthetic antibacterial agents, which have a wide spectrum of effects and are good at destroying aerobes, include Metronidazole and Tinidazole from the group of nitroimidazoles.
  • To additionally appointed uterine preparations for inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, Erythromycin is used, which effectively destroys mycoplasmas and chlamydia.
  • In case of severe complicated inflammation of the appendages, experts prescribe a group of Aminoglycosides, which are also relevant in the event of the pathology spreading to other organs. There are four generations of such antibiotics. The first includes Streptomycin and Neomycin, the second - Gentamicin. The third generation is represented by Amikacin, Sizomycin, Tobramycin, and the fourth generation includes Izepamycin.
  • A substitute for all the above names of antibiotics against inflammatory processes in the appendages is the group of Cephalosporins. Depending on the activity, drugs are divided into four generations. The first generation of narrow spectrum includes Cephalexin and Cefazolin, the second generation includes Cefaclor or Cefuroxime. The third generation consists of broad-spectrum drugs Cefixime, Ceftibuten, Ceftazidime. The fourth generation includes Cefpirome and Cefepime.

Important nuance. For inflammation of the appendages, drugs will help better if they are administered by injection - intravenously or intramuscularly. When does therapy begin to show positive result The specialist prescribes tablets or suspensions, and vaginal suppositories can also be used.

Suppositories used for inflammatory processes in the ovaries

Antibiotics for ovarian inflammation can be in the form of vaginal suppositories, and this practice is widespread in the field of gynecology. Conventionally, suppositories are divided into two groups - those that inhibit the activity of bacteria, viruses and fungi, and those that act anti-inflammatory and soothing. Let's look at which antibiotic suppositories of the first group are used most often and summarize the names in a table:

Name of suppositories Active ingredient Brief description Peculiarities
Hexicon Chlorhexedine Suppositories are used to treat inflammation of the ovaries in women, their use is contraindicated at the age of less than 12 years; when carrying a child, strict monitoring is required and prescribed only when absolutely necessary Suppositories are administered in the morning and evening, the duration of treatment is seven days. Possible side effects include itching and allergic reactions
Depanthol Chlorhexedine It is prescribed if the ovaries become inflamed; it can be used by pregnant women. Suppositories are contraindicated in childhood One suppository inserted into the vagina twice a day. Duration of treatment is 10 days, allergic manifestations are possible
Klion-D Metronidazole It is forbidden to use in the first trimester, if breastfeeding, for diseases circulatory system It is administered at night, the treatment period is 10 days. Side effect - headache, burning and itching sensation
Polygynax Neomycin, Nystatin, Polymyxin B Antibacterial, not used in the first three months of gestation, during breastfeeding and in case of intolerance to the components It is recommended to use the drug at night in the amount of one capsule. Duration of therapy – 12 days
Clindacin Clindamycin Highly effective antibiotic One suppository at night, duration of treatment 3-5 days
Terzhinan Ternidazole, Nystatin, Prednisolone, Neomycin Sulfate A complex drug, there are almost no contraindications. Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components; when carrying and breastfeeding a child, use only when absolutely necessary Duration of treatment is 10 days
Betadine Iodine Prescribed for fungal or viral inflammation, not indicated in the first three months of pregnancy Application – once every 24 hours, the duration of treatment is individual, depending on the condition of the victim

The drugs considered have a detrimental effect on pathological microorganisms and reduce the symptoms of inflammatory processes. If we consider what in women, based on the second group, we should note the most popular Diclofenac and Indomethacin. They are anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and cannot be used when carrying a child. Contraindications for use include allergic reactions, problems with liver function, ulcers gastric pathologies and diseases of the circulatory system. Suppositories are not prescribed for inflammatory pathology if the patient’s age does not exceed 14 years. Suppositories are used rectally, once every 24 hours, after defecation. The duration of treatment is determined by the treating specialist depending on the patient’s condition.

Treatment during pregnancy and possible contraindications

Separately, you should consider what antibiotics to treat in women carrying a child. In general, antimicrobial drugs are not indicated during pregnancy, since they can negatively affect both the condition of the fetus and the health of the mother. There is also a risk of penetration when breastfeeding active component into milk. Particularly high risk negative consequences when using antimicrobial agents during the first three months of pregnancy. If symptoms of inflammation of the appendages occur medicinal preparations may be prescribed taking into account the following factors:

  • It is not customary to take tetracyclines during pregnancy, since they are able to cross the placental barrier, then accumulating in the tissues of the fetus. The expected risk for the child is pathology in the formation of his skeleton.
  • Certain macrolides are also contraindicated for pregnant women. Clinical studies The negative effects of Clarithromycin have been proven. The least harm will be caused if the diseases in women are treated with medication, Erythromycin, Josamycin or Spiramycin prescribed by the attending physician. If the inflammation is particularly severe, the pregnant patient may be prescribed Azithromycin.
  • Fluoroquinolones are not prescribed at all when pregnant.

Only the attending physician can determine whether taking antibiotics is advisable and sets the dose and duration of their use. But in any case, when using antibiotics, a number of side effects and contraindications are possible. So, with an overdose of Macrolides and Fluoroquinolones, problems with stool may occur, nausea appears, and changes in heart rate. Tetracyclines should not be used for renal failure and leukopenia.

Drug interactions should also be considered. If the patient takes fluoroquinolones, she is prohibited from drugs that contain calcium, bismuth, aluminum and magnesium. Simultaneous use NSAIDs can cause seizures and central nervous system problems. Tetracyclines must not be mixed with barbiturates, as their toxicity increases markedly. Tetracyclines also inhibit the effects oral contraceptives. Macrolides and aminoglycosides are not combined. The attending specialist informs the patient about other features of the interaction of antibiotics and other substances.



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