Burdock tincture with vodka recipe. For what properties is burdock root most recognized in traditional medicine? Video: Using burdock

In our country, alternative (traditional) medicine recipes are very widely used. And if earlier to drugs prepared from various parts plants, mainly people from the outback resorted, but now even those who live in large cities prefer herbal medicine. Pharmacy shelves are literally filled with herbal medicine. And the demand for them is only increasing every year.

Traditional medicine - what are its benefits?

This situation occurs due to huge amount diseases with which a person is already born. Use the same pharmacological drugs, which are derivatives chemical industry, often causes healthy organs irreparable harm to our body. This is what pushes modern man to the time-tested grandma's recipes", prepared on the basis of various plants that our country is so rich in.

Herbs are used for literally any disease, from the simplest, such as a mild cold, to such terrible ones as oncology. Anyone knows very well that St. John's wort, chamomile, and burdock root have only excellent reviews as components of traditional medicine. In addition, when using them, they are not observed side effects, which often occur during treatment with tablets.

Burdock or burdock - what kind of plant?

Everyone knows about such a plant as burdock - from young to old. Who among us has not grumbled when, during a walk, we had to clean our clothes from burdock thorns clinging to them? And many people consume its ground parts as food, especially in early spring, when the newly hatched leaves have a fairly delicate structure. They are added to all kinds of salads, replenishing the vitamin deficiency in the body that has formed over the long winter months.

Burdock root is also used as food. Properties that have not only healing effects on the body, but also preventive effect, may appear even after it heat treatment. Due to this quality, the roots are often added to soups or eaten fried.

In our country, where burdock grows everywhere and is perceived by everyone as a weed, its roots are very often used in folk medicine. Therefore, many people who have heard about their benefits often have a question: “What cures burdock root or its other parts?”

Burdock is an excellent folk remedy

The answer is quite simple. It can be easily found by simply turning to publications on herbal medicine. The most popular in the manufacture of all kinds of ointments, decoctions and tinctures in folk medicine is burdock root. The medicinal properties received only the best reviews from people who used it in the treatment of various diseases.

This happens for a reason. Truly magical potions are prepared from the rhizomes of this plant. There is probably no disease for which it would not be used. therapeutic effect rhizomes of this wild plant. It is worth understanding in more detail what burdock root heals, so that at any time, without hesitation, you can use its healing power:

  1. Excellent results are achieved with liver problems or gallbladder. Juice from burdock roots restores their function.
  2. Women use them to treat diseases genitourinary system.
  3. Anyone can be cured very well with it.

But not only in fresh Burdock root is used. Dried plants also have medicinal properties, reviews confirm this. They are used to make alcoholic tinctures, decoctions and all kinds of infusions. Each recipe is useful in its own way.

The attitude of traditional medicine to the use of burdock for treatment

This is all good. But many of us are accustomed to relying on the opinions of experts. So on such a question as the use folk decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants, most people will turn to medical specialists. There are two opinions about some plants here. Only burdock root has earned the most excellent reviews in traditional medicine, which are recommendations.

It is used in folk medicine as additional remedy, which does not cause side effects, in the treatment of many diseases. Especially wide application in such a carbohydrate contained in the rhizomes of burdock as inulin. It is indispensable for restoring disrupted metabolic processes in our bodies. Burdock oil, which is part of burdock oil, is also extracted from burdock roots.

For what properties is burdock root most recognized in traditional medicine?

Burdock, mostly its root, received recognition in folk medicine for its presence in large quantity substances important for the body. Among them there are vitamins of groups B, E, A, and C, proteins, saturated fatty acids, polysaccharide inulin, various essential oils, such as bardanova, as well as large number necessary for the body microelements - iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and tin.

Due to its composition, burdock rhizome has medicinal properties such as analgesic, mild laxative, diaphoretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects. So, what does burdock root cure? Traditional medicine Its effectiveness has been recognized for the following diseases:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Dentistry (treatment of toothache).
  • All colds.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Oncology.

Burdock root is the main component in most tinctures and decoctions that are used to relieve symptoms and prevent these diseases.

Burdock roots - harvesting rules

But in order for the roots of this plant to be beneficial and not cause any harm to the body, certain rules must be followed when harvesting them. The most a common question everyone who uses this plant for medicinal purposes, it happens like this: “When to collect burdock root so that it brings greatest benefit? Its importance is undeniable, because any medicinal plant, which is prepared untimely, loses its quality.

In burdock, only young roots taken in the fall from the plant in its first year of life can be collected. It is during its first period that the plant accumulates a large amount in its rhizomes. useful substances necessary for further growth, flowering and reproduction. They are dried in rooms that have good ventilation, cut into small pieces and spread out thin layer onto sheets of paper or fabric.

Basic rules for preparing potions

A decoction of burdock roots also requires compliance with certain preparation rules. Especially when it is supposed to indoor application. In this case, a teaspoon of dry and well-crushed root should be placed in a thermos, filled with a glass of boiling water, and allowed to brew overnight.

In the morning the result healing decoction should be poured into a jar and allowed to cool. Drink it a third of a glass before meals in the case when there are diseases of the genitourinary system. You should drink one glass of it at night. This decoction is also good for rheumatism.

People often ask about when to collect burdock root for external use and what it treats in such remedies. In this case, it is also possible to use rhizomes from the second year of the plant’s life, collected in the spring. The decoction is used both for hair care and for washing. Thanks to its healing properties, it perfectly smoothes and cleanses the skin, and also eliminates excessive dryness of hair.

Incurable diseases - and burdock root will help here

And in oncology, burdock root has proven itself to be an excellent healer. Its extract is present in almost all antitumor drugs. And the life-giving juice from the young rhizomes of this simple plant, familiar to each of us from childhood, is used to combat any malignant neoplasms.

Burdock root for oncology is taken from a first-year plant. Juice is squeezed out of fresh rhizomes, as well as young leaves, which improves the patient’s condition. The only contraindication for taking this unique miracle drug internally is the woman’s pregnancy. Therefore, in response to this question: “What does burdock root treat?” we can definitely say that almost any disease can be cured with it, or at least its course can be alleviated.

Hello regular readers and casual visitors to the MEDIMARI website!

I want to tell you about a wonderful weed, from the prickly fruits of which, as a child, the boys and I sculpted various figures, and the mischievous children threw them and we could not get these prickly “hedgehogs” off our clothes. Of course, you guessed it, we will talk about burdock, the medicinal properties of this plant and contraindications.

You can hear how burdock is popularly called burdock. Burdock or burdock are names of the same plant. Only burdock, sometimes felt burdock, is considered a medicinal plant in pharmaceuticals.

In folk medicine, burdock root has received recognition, but its juice and leaves also have the same beneficial medicinal properties and therefore have found their use in human health.

In the pharmacy you can find for sale not only crushed and dried burdock roots, but also its extract and oil.

Burdock root extract Doctors usually recommend taking it in case of metabolic disorders in the body, when joint diseases are detected, when infectious diseases and various poisonings.

Burdock root oil prescribed to be taken orally for illnesses gastrointestinal tract and liver. Externally – for hair loss and skin diseases.

Burdock in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has many recipes based on burdock for the treatment of various diseases. These recipes are time-tested and have a lot of positive reviews.

Burdock roots, leaves and juice in its composition have:

  • tannins
  • polysaccharides - especially inulin (invert sugar, which inside the body as a result of synthesis is converted into healthy fructose), normalizing metabolic processes in the human body, which means strengthening the immune system
  • lactone – a substance that tonics the heart muscle
  • saturated fatty acids
  • essential oils
  • proteins, proteins
  • vitamins
  • trace elements: zinc, boron, iron, and many others

Medicinal properties of burdock:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antimicrobial
  • painkiller
  • antiglycemic (lowers blood sugar)
  • blood purifying
  • diuretic
  • choleretic
  • sweatshop
  • antipyretic
  • laxative
  • reducing itching
  • regulates gastric acidity

Burdock root. Medicinal properties

From burdock root, rich a large number active biological substances, prepare decoctions, infusions, extracts that are used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Metabolic disorder
  • Weakening of the body after a long illness
  • During infectious and inflammatory diseases(various “-ites”):
    • Cystitis
    • Tonsillitis
    • Laryngitis
    • Stomatitis
    • Gastritis
    • Colitis
    • Hepatitis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Constipation
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Joint diseases: arthrosis and arthritis, gout
  • Urolithiasis
  • Liver diseases
  • Poisoning, especially with alcohol
  • Skin diseases:
    • Furunculosis
    • Acne
    • Psoriasis
    • Eczema
    • Unhealed wounds
    • Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp
    • Burns

How to make an infusion of burdock roots

In order to prepare an infusion of burdock, take both fresh and dried crushed burdock roots.

  • Chopped burdock root - one teaspoon
  • Boiling water - one glass
  • You need to leave for at least two hours. Use a thermos, this will make the infusion richer. I fill the thermos overnight. In the morning the infusion is ready.
  • Strain and the burdock root infusion is ready.
  • Take the infusion before meals.

One glass is enough for three doses, i.e. you need to drink 1/3 cup of infusion at a time.

How to prepare a decoction of burdock roots

  • Chopped fresh or dry burdock root - two teaspoons
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Burdock roots are filled with water and brought to a boil.
  • The broth boils for 5-7 minutes over low heat
  • Let sit for at least 20 minutes
  • Strain

Now you can use the decoction for medicinal purposes:

  • - Inside - usually before meals 4 times a day, one tablespoon.
  • - Externally – as compresses for joint diseases and lotions for skin diseases.

How to prepare tincture of burdock horse

Usually medical tinctures prepared with 40% alcohol, at home - with vodka. I use store bought vodka.

  • 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol or vodka
  • Fresh burdock roots – crushed – half a cup
  • Pour vodka over the roots and seal
  • Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks
  • Strain

Burdock root tincture is usually used to treat skin diseases such as furunculosis, ulcers, pimples and acne.

Burdock leaves. Medicinal properties

In folk medicine, fresh, healthy-looking burdock leaves are used to treat joint pain, headaches, ulcers and non-healing wounds on the skin.

To do this, the leaves are crushed a little with your hands and a compress is made: applied to the sore spot and then wrapped. Usually such compresses are done on long time rest - at night.

  • Our grandmother tied a burdock leaf to her sore knee and walked around during the day. And when she had a headache, she had a burdock leaf under her scarf. She claimed that the pain gradually subsided imperceptibly.
  • A neighbor treated an ulcer with burdock leaves. He said that the sheet must be washed to remove dust and dirt, dried in the sun, and the smooth side of the sheet applied to the wound and secured with a bandage. After two hours, he let the ulcer “breathe,” and then again applied a bandage based on burdock leaves. I repeated this for three or five days. The wound was healing.

In summer make a medicinal herbal tea and drink it for metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and prediabetes, to strengthen the immune system. Fresh burdock leaves, pre-crushed, need no more than one tablespoon per standard teapot

in winter dried burdock leaves are added to various herbal teas from strengthening and vitamin body plants.

Burdock juice. Medicinal properties

Prescribed to drink burdock juice when various diseases liver. Since the juice is a choleretic agent, it should be taken with caution by those who have large stones in the gall bladder.

Externally, burdock juice is used to treat bedsores, ulcers, wounds and burns. It relieves inflammation and itching, accelerates healing.

How to make burdock juice

Burdock juice is squeezed from fresh leaves, sometimes young roots of the plant are added. Young leaves are usually collected at the end of spring - in May. Soak them in water, wash them thoroughly, dry them from the water and only then squeeze them out. fresh juice.

Drink fresh juice no earlier than 30 minutes before the main meal three times a day, 1 teaspoon. A course of taking juice is usually recommended from 7 to 14 days with a week break.

How to prepare burdock oil at home

Burdock oil is used in folk medicine as a hair treatment. Of course, you can already buy it not only in a regular pharmacy, but also in any cosmetics store. But you can cook it at home, on your own.

  • ½ cup chopped burdock horseradish
  • 1 glass of any vegetable oil(they say it’s better to take olive oil - I take regular vegetable one)
  • Mix, shake occasionally, and leave in a dark place for two weeks or more. We filter and the burdock oil is ready.

Burdock oil is usually used as a hair mask in combination with onion juice, egg yolk and honey. mask from burdock oil It is recommended to keep it on your head for no more than an hour and do it once a week. Otherwise, the scalp may become oily. How to wash off this mask with shampoo oily hair or

Burdock- Arctium lappa Mill.
Family Asteraceae - Compositae.
Common name: burdock, burdock, burdock root, grandfather.


Large burdock - biennial herbaceous plant up to 180 cm high. The root is fleshy, slightly branched, up to 60 cm in length. The stem is erect, ribbed, reddish, highly branched in the upper part. The leaves are petiolate, the lower ones are large, gradually decreasing upward along the stem, broadly heart-shaped-ovate, green above, gray-tomentose below. The flowers are collected in spherical baskets located in corymbs or corymbose panicles at the ends of the stem and its branches. The wrapper of the baskets is bare or cobwebby, green, made of imbricated linear, hard, hooked leaves. The receptacle of the basket is slightly convex, densely planted with awl-shaped bracts. All flowers are tubular, bisexual, with a lilac-purple corolla; cup in the form of a tuft; There are five stamens, a pistil with an inferior ovary, a filiform style and two linear stigmas. The fruits are achenes with a tuft. In the first year, the plant forms only a rosette of leaves, and the stem grows in the second year. In addition to large burdock, there are 10 more types of burdock. The most common are small burdock, oak or forest burdock, felt or woolly burdock, or cobwebby burdock.


Burdock is found in southern and middle lane the European part of the former Union, Siberia and Central Asia.


It lives in weedy places, wastelands, the edges of roads and fields, in vegetable gardens and orchards, near housing, along river banks.

Flowering time


Collection time

The leaves are collected in June–September, preferably in the first phase of the moon, from sunrise to noon. Roots - in the fall (September–October) in the first year of growth or in the spring (April–early May) of the second year, on the waning Moon. The roots of the first year are juicy and fleshy, but in the second year the plant uses up the reserves accumulated in them nutrients and the roots become woody, flabby, and unsuitable for medicinal purposes.

Harvesting method

Dug up burdock roots are cleared of soil soft brush, washed in water, dried and cut off the above-ground parts at the root collar, then cut into pieces 5–10 cm long, and thick ones are also cut lengthwise. Dry burdock roots outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. In humid weather, the roots are dried in dryers at a temperature of 45–50°C. The dried roots are grayish-brown on the outside, pale gray at the break. The finished raw material breaks rather than bends and has a sweetish taste with a slimy feeling. The shelf life of the roots is 3 years.

Burdock leaves are often used fresh - for compresses, wraps and for extracting juice. Leaves for cooking medicinal infusions collected during flowering and dried in the shade in well-ventilated areas.

Burdock inflorescences are collected during flowering and dried in the shade in well-ventilated areas.

Chemical composition

The burdock roots contain the polysaccharide inulin (up to 19%), proteins, fat, special essential bardan oil (0.17%), palmitic, stearic acids, sitosterol, stigmasterol, glycoside arctiin, tannins and bitter substances.

The leaves and young shoots of burdock contain a lot of vitamin C - from 50 to 250 mg%, which is much more than in beets, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots and 17 times more than in grapes, which is why it is recommended to eat it in early spring when there is a particularly lack of vitamins.

Applicable part

First year roots (Radix Arctii), leaves, inflorescences.


The leaves, shoots and roots of the plant are eaten as vitamin supplement. This plant is an excellent honey plant. Honey from burdock is dark olive, viscous, with a sharp pleasant smell, pleasant to the taste, and honey from felt burdock is light yellow in color.

It should be noted that chemical composition this plant has not yet been sufficiently studied, which limits the widespread use of this valuable plant in scientific medicine. However, at the pharmacy you can buy drugs such as:

  • Burdock root extract;
  • Burdock oil;
  • Biologically active liquid - “Burdock”;
  • Various creams, lotions, shampoos.

The healing properties of burdock have been known since ancient times, and nowadays, this plant is widely used in folk medicine in many countries for a wide variety of diseases. Burdock preparations are used:


At individual intolerance The external use of burdock also requires great care.

Directions for use

Burdock is often used as an independent medicine, less often used in training camps. Oil, juice, decoctions, infusions, tinctures, teas, ointments are prepared from the roots, leaves and inflorescences of burdock.

Infusion, decoction, tea

Infusion, decoction, tea are prepared from roots, leaves and inflorescences. It is used internally and used for rinsing for diseases of the mouth and throat, for washing wounds and as lotions for the treatment of various skin diseases.

  • 10 g of roots are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, kept in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, stirring frequently. Leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours, strain and take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of dry crushed burdock root into a thermos with 3 cups of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain and drink 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day for stomach cancer, as well as for other malignant tumors gastro- intestinal tract.
  • Infuse 1 tablespoon of dry crushed roots in 2 cups of boiling water. Take 1/2 cup hot 2-4 times a day
  • Infuse 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves in 1 glass of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon 4–6 times a day, an hour after meals
  • 2 tablespoons of dry crushed leaves collected during flowering, pour 500 ml of water. Drink 1/2–1 glass 2–3 times a day for malignant tumors various localizations. The same decoction can be used to treat the liver and remove warts.
  • 4 tablespoons of crushed roots, or 15 inflorescences, are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and left for 12 hours. Then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The resulting decoction is drunk at oncological diseases, delayed menstruation, kidney stones and bladder, rheumatism, diabetes, rickets, constipation, as a diuretic and antiallergic agent. Externally used in the form of compresses for rheumatism, joint pain, skin inflammation, ulcers and eczema.
  • 2 tablespoons of burdock seeds are poured into a thermos with 2 cups of boiling water overnight. In the morning, strain and drink 1/2 glass after meals. For colitis with poor peristalsis, atrophic changes mucous membrane of the large intestine, persistent constipation.
  • Infuse 20 g of crushed burdock roots in 200 ml of warm water boiled water and drink 100–150 ml 3–5 times a day before meals to cleanse the blood for various poisonings.
  • To prepare tea, pour 8–10 burdock inflorescences into a porcelain teapot with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10–15 minutes, strain and drink 1/2 cup for stomach cancer, as well as other malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.


Alcohol tincture prepared from burdock inflorescences and roots.

  • Place burdock inflorescences in a jar 1/4–1/3 full. Fill to the top with vodka. Infuse in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Strain. Take 1 teaspoon 15 minutes before meals when taking a course of treatment. The course of treatment is 2 months. And 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before meals for a single use. It is used to improve intestinal perilstatics and as a mild laxative.
  • Mix dry crushed burdock roots in a dark glass bottle with vodka in a ratio of 1:10, leave in a dark place for 8–10 days, shaking from time to time, then filter and squeeze. Mix 1 tablespoon of tincture and 1 tablespoon of aqueous propolis extract and take 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for gastrointestinal cancer.
  • 10 g crushed burdock root, 10 g bee honey pour 1 glass of vodka. Leave for 10 days in a dark place, then strain, squeeze and take 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon in 30-50 ml of boiled water 3-4 times a day for cancer.


Juice from young May leaves is a good diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a pronounced antirheumatoid, antidiabetic and antiallergic effect, improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, metabolism and protein absorption, and normalizes blood composition. The juice is used as an independent medicine and as aid in the treatment of oncological diseases.

The juice is usually taken orally 20–30 minutes before meals, from 1–2 tablespoons to a glass, depending on the disease and the intended course of treatment. Externally, the juice is rubbed into the head to strengthen hair and prevent baldness; tampons soaked in it are applied to wounds, burns, and ulcers.

  • Freshly squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
  • For long-term storage, the juice can be preserved with alcohol (200 ml of alcohol per 1 liter of juice) or 1:1 with moonshine or vodka. Store in a cool, dark place.
  • Use honey for canning. Mix freshly squeezed juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio. It is advisable to store in the refrigerator.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of juice immediately before meals. The juice can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, but not sweetened. The dosage regimen is to drink for a week, take a week off, and so on up to 5 courses. You can repeat the five-week course after 3 months. Used for liver problems, to treat various hepatitis and other diseases.
  • Mix freshly squeezed juice with chopped fresh leaves. The mixture is applied to wounds, ulcers, burns and bedsores.
  • Mix 500 ml of freshly squeezed juice, 150 ml of honey and 150 ml of alcohol. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.
  • Squeeze 2 cups of juice from fresh May burdock leaves, add 2 cups of honey and 1 cup of vodka. Divide the resulting mixture into two parts. Take one part orally immediately after preparation, and the other half a year later (in October–November). Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for salt deposits.
  • Mix freshly squeezed juice with honey in a ratio of 10:1 and take 70–100 ml of the mixture orally 3 times a day before meals.


Prepared from infusions or decoctions of vegetable oil or animal fat, including boiling and prolonged evaporation until thickened. Most often used for various skin diseases and as a rubbing treatment for joint diseases. Ointment based badger fat treat radiculitis.

  • 100 g of crushed burdock root pour into 150 ml olive oil, leave for 2 days in a dark place at a temperature not lower than 20°C. Then boil for 15–20 minutes over low heat, cool slightly and strain. Used to treat skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, burns, hemorrhoids, to strengthen and improve hair growth.
  • Pour 4 tablespoons of chopped root into 4 cups of boiling water. Boil over low heat until the volume is reduced by half. Mix one part of the resulting broth with 4 parts of cow butter. This ointment is effective for burns.
  • Grind 25 g of burdock leaves and roots, boil in half a glass of water for 20 minutes, after which the resulting mixture is ground with 100 g of butter. Used for the prevention and treatment of baldness, again for the treatment of burns and frostbite.
  • Pour 75 g of finely chopped fresh root into 200 ml of vegetable oil and leave for a day in a dark place. Then simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Cool slightly, strain. Use for skin lesions.
  • Pour 1 part of the ground roots with 3 parts of olive or sunflower oil, leave for a day in a warm, dark place, then boil over low heat for 15–20 minutes, cool slightly and strain


To enhance therapeutic effect, burdock is used in mixtures.

  • Grate 100 g of burdock roots, mix with 100 g of unsalted butter, boil, cool slightly, add raw yolk chicken egg and mix everything thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20–30 minutes before meals. tumor diseases respiratory organs. At the same time, take 1 tablespoon of propolis aqueous extract and drink carrot juice with honey 1/2–1 glass 2–3 times a day.
  • Grate fresh burdock roots and mix with butter in a ratio of 1:4, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Add raw chicken yolk, mix thoroughly. Use as applications for skin cancer.


Prepared from fresh or dried crushed burdock roots, infused in olive or almond oil. You can use any vegetable oil.

  • 3 full tablespoons of chopped fresh burdock root, pour a glass of sunflower oil, leave in a warm place for 24 hours, then boil over low heat for 15 minutes, strain. Store in a cool, dark place. Heals wounds quickly and helps with burns.
  • 75 g of fresh root is poured with 200 g of vegetable oil. Leave for 24 hours, then cook over low heat for 15 minutes and strain. Used to improve hair growth and skin diseases.


  • Take 1 tablespoon of cutter herb, 5 g of crushed burdock roots, 3 g of ground chasteberry fruits (Abraham's tree), 3 g of orchis roots. Mix everything and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours (preferably in a thermos), then strain. Take 50–100 ml 4 times a day. The course of treatment is to drink for a month, take a 10-day break. As a rule, you need to take 3-4 such courses. Use for the treatment of small fibroids, infertility, spontaneous abortions.
  • Boil 20 g of crushed burdock root and 10 g of calendula flowers in 1 liter of water. Use a warm decoction for washing hair loss and scalp diseases. Wash your hair 2 times a week.
  • Burdock, leaves - 25.0; lungwort, herb - 20.0; medicinal letter, herb - 20.0; shepherd's purse, grass - 20.0; common thyme, grass - 15.0. Pour two tablespoons of the dry crushed mixture into 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 20–30 minutes, strain and drink 150 ml 3 times a day 15–20 minutes before meals for uterine cancer. At night, douche with a decoction of the herb Greater Celandine. At the same time, take polyphyte oil 1/2–1 teaspoon 2–3 times a day and aqueous extract propolis 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Fresh leaves and roots

Young may leaves and roots of burdock have a strong antibacterial and wound-healing effect.

  • For an abscess, apply a fresh burdock leaf with the smooth side.
  • For inflammatory processes in the stomach, you should eat 4-5 freshly dug young burdock roots every day for two to three weeks. But after a few hours, fresh roots begin to lose their beneficial qualities.
  • TO erysipelas Apply a burdock leaf spread with sour cream.
  • The leaves are applied to the head for headaches.
  • Wash fresh leaves, dry slightly, apply in 5-6 layers to the sore spot for radiculitis and joint pain.
  • In crushed or crushed form (you can simply chew it) it is applied to the affected areas of the skin for itching, hives, eczema, lichen, burns, boils, acne, snake and insect bites.
  • Take a fresh leaf, place it in a bowl with the shaggy side up and pour it over it from a just boiled kettle as soon as the leaves appear on the leaf. dark spots, it must be quickly shaken from the water and applied with the shaggy side to the sore spot and, wrapped in a scarf, left for at least two hours.
  • At sudden fainting per region solar plexus put a well-mashed burdock leaf.
  • Burdock leaf helps to survive the heat and sun. To do this, place a burdock leaf on the top of your head and secure it with a cap or scarf.
  • A pulp of fresh leaves is used to treat purulent and trophic ulcers.


In our cooking, burdock has not yet taken root to the extent it deserves, which is a shame. In China and Japan, burdock is cultivated as a vegetable. Its roots are also very popular in France, Belgium, and the USA: they are eaten raw, boiled, baked, fried; in soup they replace potatoes and roots; They make cutlets and bake flatbreads.

  • Burdock root stew: Burdock roots are thoroughly washed and lightly scraped top layer, cut and put into boiling water along with carrots grated on a coarse grater. Boil for 1–2 minutes, salt, pour in while stirring raw egg, after which it is infused for 5–6 minutes without heating under the lid. Before serving, sprinkle green onions and dill.
  • Burdock roots stewed with vegetables: 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 5 burdock roots, 1 onion, 1 cup chopped cauliflower, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, salt to taste. Peel carrots, parsley roots, burdock, wash, cut into circles, onion into half rings. Finely chop the cauliflower. Mix everything. Add salt, sour cream and pour hot water so that it does not reach the top of the contents by 2 cm. Cook for 8–10 minutes and leave without heating for 6–8 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with parsley.
  • Burdock leaf salad: 1/2 cup chopped burdock leaves, 1 cucumber, 3 tablespoons sour cream, salt to taste. Wash the burdock leaves thoroughly and chop finely. Cut the cucumber into small cubes. Season the salad with salt and sour cream.
  • Burdock and tomato salad: 1/2 cup chopped burdock leaves. 3 tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon of chopped dill, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, salt to taste. Wash the burdock leaves thoroughly and chop them. Mix with tomatoes, cut into slices. Add herbs, salt and season with mayonnaise.
  • Coffee drink: Wash the burdock roots, dry them in the oven, grind them and brew them.
  • Burdock root jam: 1 kg of burdock root, 0.5 kg of sorrel, sorrel, red currants, sour apples, gooseberries of your choice of 1 type, 1.5 liters of water. Peel and finely chop the burdock root, chop the sour raw material, mix with the burdock root, add water and simmer over low heat for about 2 hours. This jam is harmless for diabetics.
  • Burdock cabbage rolls: 10 pcs. burdock leaves, 1 cup boiled rice, 1 pc. carrots, 1 pc. onions, 0.5 cups of tomato paste. Chop carrots and onions and fry in oil, mix with rice, wrap in leaves and simmer, adding tomato diluted with water. Take burdock leaves only from plants of the first year of life.
  • Burdock root in dough: 750 g burdock roots, 3 tablespoons flour, 5 tablespoons water, 2 small eggs, salt, pepper, oil for frying. Wash the burdock roots and steam (about 30 minutes). Cut into slices obliquely, about 0.5 cm thick. Pour the flour with water and let it swell for 30 minutes. Add eggs, salt, pepper. Dip the burdock into the dough and fry until crispy. Take the root from plants of the first year - in autumn or early spring.
  • Burdock root with cream and mustard: 500 g burdock, 1 head onions, 1 tablespoon butter, 0.5 cups cream, 1 teaspoon prepared mustard, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Peel the burdock, cut into thick slices, boil for 2-3 minutes in boiling water with salt. Finely chop the onion, simmer until transparent, add cream and mustard. Add the burdock and simmer for 15–20 minutes. Add when serving lemon juice and any spicy herbs.
  • Pickled burdock roots: 1 kg of burdock roots, 50 g of salt, 0.5 cups of vinegar, 2 pcs. carnations, 10 pcs. peppercorns, 2 pcs. bay leaf, 1 head of garlic. Cook the marinade - boil water with spices and salt, boil for 10–15 minutes, pour in vinegar and turn off. Chop the burdock roots, put them in jars, add peeled garlic, add marinade and sterilize. Used as a side dish for meat.

This plant can be seen at every step, but its high prevalence does not reduce the number of its beneficial properties. For example, a homemade burdock-based tincture will be no less effective than pharmaceutical products and will be able to cope even with serious diseases. How to prepare the root - read below.

Burdock is found almost everywhere, but despite its prevalence, not many people know about its healing qualities. Today in folk medicine this plant is used most often. For making medicinal products The root of the plant is used, but sometimes its leaves and even seeds are used. Below are ways to prepare tinctures with each listed part of the plant. Thanks to the instructions, make a remedy where it goes off scale medicinal properties, will not be difficult.


From the root

Recipe 1

  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped root;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any honey;
  • 200 ml vodka.
  1. Place all ingredients in a glass container and mix them thoroughly.
  2. Infuse the medicine for 2 weeks, after which the burdock tincture is filtered.

Recipe 2

  • 1 liter of fresh plant root juice;
  • 200 ml vodka;
  1. Mix the ingredients and place the container with the drink in a cool place.
  2. Infuse the medicine for 14 days. The burdock tincture should accumulate healing properties.

From leaves

  • a large number of plant leaves collected in the spring;
  • 0.5 kg of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.
  1. First you need to make a paste from the leaves using a meat grinder, and then squeeze it thoroughly. You should get 500 ml of juice.
  2. Mix all ingredients. Place the container with the mixture in a cool place.
  3. The burdock root tincture drink will be completely ready in 3 weeks.

From seeds

  • 40 g plant seeds;
  • 500 ml vodka.
  1. Place the ingredients in a container and place it in a dark place.
  2. Shake daily for 2 weeks. After time, the burdock tincture should be strained.


Burdock root contains oils, acids, alkaloids and other substances, thanks to which root tinctures prepared according to the first two recipes have good properties and have the following therapeutic effects:

  • painkiller;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor.

The remedy described in the third recipe has a tonic, diaphoretic and restorative effect thanks to a large number vitamin C and acids in the leaves. Helps with joint pain. The root is constantly found in medicines, but the seeds of the plant are used infrequently. Their tincture has only one, laxative, effect.


For joints

To treat joints, it is recommended to take medications orally and externally. This method and application will bring much more benefits to the body and will be good for the joints. Apply the medicine from the seeds externally. Make compresses with it every day for 2 hours until you feel better.

For pain in joints, muscles and rheumatism, drink 20 drops of the root tincture described in the first recipe 2 times a day. For joints, use the product 30 minutes before meals until joint pain disappears. It is worth noting that the use of this medicine in the same way will help with hemorrhoids, gout and gastritis. Therefore, you can prepare a remedy not only for joints. And yet, it is better before using the root for such serious illnesses, consult a doctor.

For the treatment of tumors

Use the root tincture presented in the second recipe, where an important component The root is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of tumors. Before any meal, mix the root and drink 1 tbsp. l. medicines and 3 tbsp. l. water. Do this for one week, then take a break for the same number of days. Treat with this method for no more than 10 weeks, then the application will be effective and the healing properties will be beneficial.

To boost immunity

To strengthen your immune system, take a tincture of the leaves. Not only the root, but they also have medicinal properties. Every morning drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. means. Do this until the medicine runs out. Its use also improves metabolism and kidney function.

For the treatment of constipation

At poor peristalsis intestines and constant constipation, use the burdock infusion from the fourth recipe. Take 1 tsp. means once a day before meals. Treat this way for two months.


Despite its medicinal properties, an infusion of common burdock has certain contraindications. All of the above remedies cannot be used during pregnancy if there is diarrhea or a stomach ulcer, as well as if you are intolerant to the components of the tinctures. After all, then, no matter what properties the medicine has, it will not be beneficial.


Burdock or burdock is a well-known medicinal plant with numerous beneficial properties and widely used in traditional medicine recipes. At home, they make from the rhizome of this plant useful tincture, which is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to improve immune defense human body, to solve some cosmetic problems. Some traditional healers It is recommended to use burdock tincture as prophylactic against cancer.

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    Beneficial properties of burdock

    Burdock, also called burdock, grows almost everywhere. In fact, it is a weed and is mercilessly exterminated by gardeners and gardeners. At the same time, this weed has numerous beneficial properties, for which it is valued by traditional medicine. The root of this plant brings the most benefits, as it contains a lot of valuable substances: essential oils, vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

      Due to its composition, burdock has the following effects on the body:

      • improves immune protection body;
      • promotes the elimination of toxins;
      • prevents the development of neoplasms of various types;
      • normalizes metabolic processes and accelerates metabolism;
      • prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis;
      • eliminates inflammatory processes.

      A tincture of the roots of this plant in vodka or alcohol is useful for treating:

      • diabetes mellitus;
      • atherosclerosis;
      • joint diseases;
      • pyelonephritis;
      • gynecological diseases;
      • oncology.

      The use of tincture from burdock rhizomes is also useful for improving the health of hair. With its help you can stop hair loss, restore its structure, give a healthy shine and get rid of split ends.


      The medicinal properties of burdock tincture do not always lead to a healthier body. With excessive enthusiasm and misuse healing agent can cause harm. Thus, an overdose of burdock tincture leads to diarrhea and allergic rashes on the skin.

      There are a number of contraindications for which this drug should not be used:

      • in childhood;
      • with gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach;
      • during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

      Before you start using burdock tincture for treatment, you must consult with your doctor and identify all possible contraindications. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe the dosage of the drug and determine the treatment regimen.

      How to prepare burdock tincture?

      Burdock root tincture can be purchased at finished form in any pharmacy and use according to instructions. If possible, prepare the tincture yourself from burdock roots collected in the fall.

      There are several recipes for preparing this tincture:

      Recipe option How to cook What diseases does it help with? How to take
      Classic recipe with alcohol or vodka
      1. 1. Wash the prepared roots thoroughly and chop finely to make 2 cups.
      2. 2. Place the crushed raw materials in a glass jar and pour in 500 ml of vodka or alcohol.
      3. 3. Put it in the dark cool room for 15 days, shake periodically.
      4. 4. Strain the finished medicine and store in a dark glass bottle
      Used for treatment colds, gout and atherosclerosisTake 15 drops before meals
      Alcohol tincture with honey
      1. 1. Grind 20 g of burdock root.
      2. 2. Add 15 g of honey melted in a water bath and mix well.
      3. 3. Pour in 175 ml of alcohol.
      4. 4. Place the jar in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.
      5. 5. Strain the finished tincture
      Applicable in for cosmetic purposes to improve hair condition. Used for treatment against joint diseasesTake 1 tablespoon three times a day
      Complex tincture with herbs
      1. 1. Grind 2 tbsp. l. burdock root.
      2. 2. Add 1 tbsp. l. strawberry leaves, string grass and licorice root.
      3. 3. Pour in 500 ml of vodka.
      4. 4. Place everything in a glass jar, close the lid tightly and leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dark room.
      5. 5. Strain the prepared product
      Used to improve immunity, get rid of gastrointestinal diseases, joint diseases, oncology, gynecological diseases. Used to solve cosmetic problemsTake 20 drops diluted in water three times a day.

      Burdock tincture can be used to cleanse the blood, which is why it is used for treatment dermatological diseases and liver diseases.

      Application in gynecology

      Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of burdock, tincture from its roots is often used to eliminate gynecological diseases. In this case, use a drug prepared according to classic recipe, or cook separate remedy to solve specific problems.

      Indications Rules of application
      When menstruation is delayed due to stressUse classic version medicines. The tincture should be taken orally, 10 ml three times a day, with water. Treatment in this case will be long and takes at least three months.

      The disease often occurs in women in middle age and requires complex treatment, therefore, in this case, using burdock tincture alone is not enough. The tincture prepared according to the classic recipe is used internally and externally:

      • take 10 ml of tincture daily orally before meals;
      • dilute the preparation with water in a ratio of 1:3, moisten the cut in the solution natural fabric and apply as a compress to the damaged area overnight
      Uterine fibroidsTreat with classic burdock tincture. To do this, take the drug 5 ml three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2 weeks. Then the therapy is repeated. During the break, it is recommended to do a control ultrasound to clarify the size of the tumor.
      Ovarian cystThe disease can be cured without surgical intervention. In this case, use a diluted tincture, since long-term use alcohol preparation may harm the liver. Dilute 15 drops of honey or classic tincture in 120 ml of water and drink four times a day for a month. After completing the thirty-day course, take a two-week break, then repeat the treatment

      Treatment of diseases of the joints and spine

      To cure arthritis, use a special tincture that helps remove salts from the joints.


      • 35 g burdock roots;
      • 35 g elecampane roots;
      • 400 ml vodka.


    1. 1. Grind the roots of the plants and pour vodka.
    2. 2. Place the jar with a tightly closed lid in a dark, cool place for 15 days.
    3. 3. Strain the finished preparation.

    Take the tincture orally three times a day, 15 drops. Externally the product is used for rubbing. The tincture helps relieve not only joint pain, but also relieves muscle pain.

    The same remedy is used to treat other diseases of the joints and spine, for example, arthrosis, gout, rheumatism or radiculitis. Thanks to healing properties burdock removes excess salts from the body, eliminates inflammatory processes, and restores cartilage tissue.

    For the treatment of cancer

    For destruction cancer cells and to prevent the development various kinds for new growths, use a special tincture prepared from freshly squeezed plant juice. To do this, grind fresh leaves burdock using a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of them.


    • 500 ml of fresh burdock juice;
    • 150 ml liquid honey;
    • 150 ml medical alcohol.


    1. 1. Honey is heated in a water bath until liquid.
    2. 2. Mix all ingredients in glass jar and place the container in the refrigerator for storage.

    If it is not possible to prepare fresh juice, you can use burdock extract purchased at the pharmacy. For treatment, take 1 tablespoon a few minutes before meals three times a day.

    Using tincture for healthy hair

    The beneficial effects of burdock on hair have been known for several centuries. The roots of this plant contain inulin, which makes hair smooth and shiny. Its combination with essential oils eliminates seborrhea and promotes rapid growth strands. Burdock tincture is used to eliminate hair loss, due to the content of stigmasterol and vitamins that have regenerating properties.

    To improve the health of curls, use a special mask, which is prepared from 1 part burdock tincture and 2 parts chamomile decoction. The mixture is applied to the strands along their entire length for 15 minutes, paying special attention to the roots, then washed off with shampoo.



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