Find a person by date of birth in VK. How to find people by first name, last name and other data

This section contains complete surname catalog, which provides information about the meaning of surnames, collects mentions of surnames in archival sources, search advertisements and information from users. This section is useful for anyone who wants to find a family tree by last name.

The sources of information in this section are genealogical archives, directories, user and expert comments. With this section you can quickly and easily find a person by last name. If he is registered on FamilySpace, then a link to his personal account will be available on the search results page, in which case you can add him as a friend or send a message.

If it was not possible to find a person by last name, we recommend that you leave a search advertisement, in this case, as soon as a person with the required last name is found, or FamilySpace users know something about him, the system will automatically notify you about this, and they can help you in your search people for free.

A few tips on how to properly search for people on the Internet online:

  • Avoid sites that offer to send SMS to find a person. Search people for free by last name is a popular topic, but there are a lot of scam resources.
  • Use only trusted online resources
  • Check out the Yandex service for searching people by last name -
  • If you can’t find a person by last name, try expanding the search with additional information - search by place of birth, etc.
  • Check out search ad services (such as Search Ads for a person by last name on FamilySpace) or the “Wait for Me” project
  • Checking various spellings of surnames with typos. Don't forget that your last name can change, so it makes sense to look for your maiden name as well.
  • Use the search for people within other major social networks (Russian and international)
  • Read the recommendations on how to search for people in our webinars on genealogy; they provide specific recommendations and advice from experts, historians, and users, not only on how to find a person by first and last name, but also how to conduct a search without having any data about your ancestors.

How can the search for a person by last name section on FamilySpace be useful to me?

Firstly, this section is useful if you want to get more information online about what your last name means, what names people in your last name are called and who they are according to the horoscope, what the spread is on the world map.

Secondly, you will learn more information about your possible ancestors and namesakes. By searching your last name, you will immediately find out where it is mentioned in various historical sources. You might even find your great-grandparents there, as well as interesting versions about the origin of the surname from our users.

Thirdly, here you can find information about your namesakes, and there is every chance of recognizing them as your distant relatives. If you wish, you can continue communication in family groups (a link to them will be available on the search results page).

If you know any additional information about your own or someone else's last name, you can tell us about it in the comments to the page.

An example of searching for a person by last name Ivanov:

Enter the surname “Ivanov” into the search bar and click the “Search” button, or you can select a surname from the catalog by first clicking on “All surnames starting with I”, and then selecting “Ivanov”.

On the search results page, information about the meaning of the surname is available (according to experts and FamilySpace users), pages of archived records, advertisements for searching for people and other interesting information are presented (if there is a video about the meaning of the surname, it will be automatically available on the page). You can add your own version of the origin of the surname if you suddenly know some other version.

In other tabs, information about registered users found on the site is available; it also makes sense to check them.

Do I need to register to use the section to search for a person by last name?

You can use this section without registration, but registered users have a number of convenient and useful functions. For example, if you have built your family tree, the system will automatically check all your relatives in the surname database, and you will instantly receive comprehensive information about everyone at once. When new archives are added, registered users are the first to have access to them, and if the last name matches, the system automatically notifies about this and helps to find the person immediately on the desired page.

Registration on the site is free and takes less than 1 minute. When registering on FamilySpace, you do not need to enter a mobile phone number and access is activated without SMS. Registered users can leave comments on archive pages and add advertisements for people looking for free.

On our start page “Login” (site) there is a well-designed search form that is convenient to use. It has several modes, searching for people is among them. With its help, you can easily find the person you need on the Internet - if, of course, he is registered on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook or some other site. It's completely free. Finding an old friend, acquaintance, classmate, relative whom you have not seen for a long time is always pleasant, and the Internet erases all boundaries and obstacles, allowing you to communicate at a distance.

How to use the search to find (search) a person by first and last name, city?

You just click on the link "Man" to switch to searching for people, and enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for in the search bar. You can immediately enter the city, or you can do it later, for clarification. The fact is that if the name and surname of the person you are looking for are common, then you will get a lot of results that will be difficult to understand.

So, enter the first and last name separated by a space. If we are looking for a woman, we take into account that she might have changed her last name. Often, when registering on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, women indicate both last names, but you can search first by one (maiden name) and then by the other. Here, separated by a space, you can enter your city of residence. Click "Search".

The people search mode looks like this:

At the same time, we find ourselves in the people search provided by Yandex (a new tab will open, and you can always return to the previous one). In the main part of the page, people found on the Internet and their photographs will appear, and on the right there will be a window to refine the search - there you can enter the city where the person lives (if you have not done so already). Specifying a city is convenient if you want to find a person by address, but you don’t know the exact last name or it appears too often. After entering the city or other data, you need to click "Find", to do the search again.

If you already understand everything, go to the Login start page and start searching to find a person by full name or first and last name. And we will tell you about all the intricacies of the search further.

How can I refine my search to find a person by date of birth, age, place of work or study?

To further narrow your search, here you can specify the person’s date of birth (for example, 11/17) or his age, as well as his place of work or study. Please note that if you specified several parameters - for example, both the date and place of study, then only those people will be shown whose date of birth and place of study are exactly the same (that is, both coincide). Therefore, if it seems to you that the search went in the wrong direction and the right person was left out, just erase the data that you doubt and click again "Find".

How to find out information about a person?

By hovering your mouse over any person found, you will see that a frame appears around him, and at the bottom right of this frame there is a button "Expand." By clicking on it, you will see additional information about this person. To close them, click on the cross (top right).

If a lot of people have been found and you have already scrolled to the bottom of the page, but have not yet found what you need, please note that there are (maybe) several pages, and you can go to the next one using the link "Next."

Also try a separate search for a person’s page on VKontakte: How to find a person on VKontakte.

Is it possible to find a person’s address or registration?

A person’s residential address is considered personal data, so such information is not available anywhere in open form (unless, out of stupidity, he himself left it somewhere). Imagine that someone can find out your address by your full name - this is not very pleasant! Therefore, respect a person’s right to privacy. But the city of residence, place of work and some other data can usually be determined from a person’s personal page (pages) on the Internet.

Is it possible to find a person by photo?

If you don’t know a person’s name, but you have his photo, look at the instructions “How to find a person from a photo.”

Is it possible to find a person by phone number on VK, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook?

Usually it’s impossible, since it touches on the secret of a person’s personal life. Few people want to be able to find their page on a social network by phone number. Therefore, previously existing methods based on holes in website security no longer work in 2019. However, social networks offer you possible acquaintances from your phone contacts. This is the basis of this method of “breaking through” a person on social networks by mobile number.

  1. Take a clean smartphone (after resetting).
  2. Buy a new SIM card.
  3. Enter the phone number of the person you want to find in your address book (contacts).
  4. Install official social media applications, and more.
  5. Give them access to your phone contacts. It may be necessary to enable additional synchronization somewhere.
  6. Register new pages on all social networks.
  7. Wait, and after a while, social networking applications will start showing you the page of the person who is in your contacts. Since there is only one, there is no need to guess.

And in VK you can find a person by number if he himself indicated it on the page: How to find a person on VKontakte.

If nothing works, and you really, really need to look at this person’s page, just call him and ask him if he has it, where and how to find it.

What should I do if I can’t find a person?

Advice: in this case, try to find some of your mutual friends on the Internet. Look on their social media pages to see who their “friends” are. Perhaps among them you recognize a person from a photo. Maybe he is not there under his real name, and if it is a woman, then she could change her last name. How to view pages on social networks, see below:

Where can I find a person’s page on the Internet?

This is the most important thing - for every person found, his name is a link to his page on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or some other site (you can determine this by the icon - for VKontakte it is the letter “B” on a blue background, for Odnoklassniki it is “OK” on orange). By clicking on a person's name, you are taken to his page on a social network. But if you are not registered on that site, then contacting a person or viewing the entire page will be difficult. In this case, register to send a private message or add the person as a friend. Whatever site it is - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Moi Mir - you can always enter it in the most convenient way from the same start page, “Login”. so you never lose.

Also on the “Login” start page there is a search for a person on VKontakte by ID. ID (id) is the address of his page with a certain set of numbers. If you know a person’s ID, you can easily find his VK page there.

And our site can also help you find girls, women or men on VKontakte by city, age, marital status, if you want to find someone for the purpose of dating.

And now - quickly go to the start page, look for a person!

Contacts with distant relatives or school friends are often irretrievably lost, but the desire to communicate sometimes arises. In the age of social resources, it is becoming easier to find a person, but not everyone is registered there and actively uses them. In addition to the Internet, there are more conventional ways to find out the coordinates of a wanted person.

How to find out a person's address by first and last name through the address table

Passport services of any city provide services for searching for information about the registration of citizens; employees can find, among other things, information about deceased people. If you know some additional information, for example, date of birth, it may be useful in case of finding namesakes. To find out the address by last name and first name in the address table, following just a few points will help:

  1. If you want to find female acquaintances or relatives, try to remember if they changed their maiden name.
  2. You need to write an application to search for information in the city in which the person presumably lives. Think about whether he was planning to change his place of residence.
  3. It may take a long time to wait for search results; in some cases, the process may take about a month.

Searching for people by last name via Internet services

With the advent of specialized network portals, finding a person has become even easier: there is no need to stand in queues and requests can be made from any city in Russia. You can find people by last name and first name for free through any of the popular social networks. You will have to find out the address personally from the person, since they are not publicly available there. To make a search query, you need to enter your first and last name in the fields provided, select the country and city. Even if there are namesakes and namesakes, it will not be difficult to recognize an acquaintance from a photograph.

If the method does not produce results and the attempt is unsuccessful, you will have to resort to the help of other sites and programs. The most popular database remains, even though it contains information not about residents, but only about apartment owners. However, by selecting a city and writing the last name and first name, you can obtain information about a person’s residence. This will work if the person has not changed his place of residence recently. Among paid methods, address databases sold on disks are common. Such programs need to be purchased from a trusted place, specifying the year of release.

How to find a person’s address by first and last name through the Federal Migration Service

The FMS can carry out registration by first and last name. The difference between this method and others is that before giving an answer, the Federal Migration Service will have to obtain the consent of the person being sought. To contact the service in person, send an application by registered mail, or register on the government services website, you will need:

  1. Know the full name of the person you are going to search for. His date and place of birth will not be out of place. Without this data, consideration of the application may be delayed or you may receive a refusal.
  2. The FMS must provide the reason for requesting information about the person. Here you can report lost contacts with relatives and friends, and your desire to renew relationships with them.
  3. To send a response, you need to provide the same information about yourself, supplementing it with the series and passport number.

How to find an address by last name through telephone directories

Familiar thick books with phone numbers were once a common thing and were found in almost every home. Puzzling over how to find an address by last name, people have always resorted to using the telephone directory. Now the search process is similar. To do this, do the following:

  1. Using the table of contents, find the first letter of the last name of the person you are looking for.
  2. Once you open the desired page, scroll through the directory to the name you are looking for. It is likely, especially if the surname is common, that more than a dozen people will be listed under it. In this case, you can identify the desired person by patronymic and first name. If these data coincide, you will have to call everyone.

As a result of the search, your registration address and . There are no guarantees that a person lives at this address. You can find out by calling the phone number indicated next to your name. Thick telephone directories with updated information appear on sale every year, so the obsolescence of information is reduced to almost zero.



Before contacting various government agencies, conduct a search person on one's own. Start with the simplest thing - searching on social networks. Register and start searching on networks: Facebook, “Odnoklassniki”, “V”, “My World”, “In the Circle of Friends”. To find person By name and date birth, enter this information in the search query field. If you know the proposed city, be sure to indicate that too. This will help you significantly narrow down your search geography. If you didn't find what you were looking for right away, don't despair. After all, this is only the first stage of the search. And there may be several reasons for your failure.

Firstly, a person may simply not register on this site.
Secondly, he can use a different first or last name when registering. For example, instead of real name“Elena Petrova”, individuals who want to show originality can write “Elena the Beautiful”.
Thirdly, people with an excessive sense of humor can “embellish” their age a little. This is a discrepancy with the true date birth will make it impossible for what you need to appear in search results person.

If the first stage of the search is not successful, start searching in various associations. Most have a special “Groups” section. They include people united by common interests, views, joint education, work, etc. If you do not know what it is literally called, then do not use quotation marks when searching. You should put a name in quotation marks only when you are looking for a completely specific and complete phrase. Otherwise, the search will be fruitless. If the date birth person January 6, 1990, visit with the title “Born on January 6, 1990” (or similar in name). Groups that unite people born on the same day usually have a lot of users. People enter there without hesitation. Therefore, perhaps this is where you will be able to find person by date birth.

The third stage of the search involves viewing groups related to educational activities. If you know where you were going to enroll, or what educational institution the person studied at, then find groups with approximately the following content: “Institute of Business and Law. Class of 2007." You can calculate the year of admission and graduation based on the available date birth.

But you'll have to check several options. Firstly, the person could go on academic leave, and therefore graduate a year later than you thought. Secondly, he could not finish at all, or transfer to an adjacent department. An alternative to searching in social networking groups is the official website of the educational institution. Now many institutes publish the names and surnames of their graduates. This is done so that employers can be sure that their young specialist actually studied at a university and did not just buy it.

Place of residence, be sure to indicate them too. This will significantly narrow the geography of your search.

Don't be discouraged if your search option doesn't produce any results, as there can be several reasons for failure. For example, the user is not registered on the website. Perhaps he has a fictitious name or date of birth. Thus, the corrupted data will affect the query of interest.

Start looking for a person in different associations. Many social networks have a section called “Groups”. It includes people who have common interests, education, and work.

If the wanted person was born on January 7, 1991, then visit the corresponding group, which includes users born on that day, month and year. As a rule, there are a lot of people born at one time.

Review associations that relate to learning activities. If you know where the person was or was going to enroll, then find a group with the name of the educational institution and indicate the year of graduation. The year of admission and deadline can be calculated based on the date of birth.

Go to the official website of the educational institution. Now many universities and institutes publish names and graduates. First of all, this is done so that the employer can check the validity of the young specialist’s diploma.

Sometimes you need to find person, and there is extremely little information about him: there is only a last name and year birth. What to do in this case, what can help you perform a successful search?


Take advantage of the power of international social networks. Many Russian citizens are currently registered on the Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook networks. To search, you will need exactly the data that you already have. Enter the available information into the search engine, and it is very likely that the page of the desired person you will find. And it’s very easy to get information about your place of work from it person and his contact numbers.

Refer to telephone number databases. If you suspect that the wanted person lives in a major city, there is a chance that you will find his number. The largest databases are located here: .desk,,,

Try using special search engines on the Internet. They work with police and prosecutor's office databases and will be able to help you. These services cost money, but you are guaranteed results.

If you manage to find out the city in which the person lives, contact the passport office. If you have friends in the police or passport and visa service, you can ask them to help you. The police archive will show where the person is registered, whether he has appeared in any criminal cases, and whether he has been prosecuted for administrative offenses.

In difficult cases, hire a private detective. Even though his services will cost you a lot of money, a licensed specialist has access to such archives that it will simply be impossible for you to get into without special permission.

Be patient. After all, a person could change his actual address several times, a woman could change her last name, and in the end, you could simply leave the country. Use all available means, and you will still find the one you care about.

Almost everyone has ever wanted to find person, with whom I spoke many years ago. Thanks to modern technology, this is easy to do. But you should use only official, legal search methods to avoid various problems.


Use the first option, which consists of placing your search request on the Internet and filling out a simple form. This will allow you to search for people all over the world. One of these services is the official website of the state television program “Wait for Me,” located at

Try registering on social networks that were created specifically for finding classmates, classmates, old and distant relatives:,, Using them is officially permitted by law, and many even have their own pages on them.

Use the services of proven paid search resources. Their specialists will provide you with all the necessary assistance in finding people. You just need to fill out a special form and pay for the service. One of the well-known sites of this type is, which allows you to find person yourself, address, telephone or ask specialists.

Get information about a person by his or her address. To do this, use the city's telephone directory. However, remember that these publications often contain outdated information, for example, from 2000.

Contact a private detective agency if you do not have a connection to or if the above methods did not give positive results. Be sure to ensure that employees have the appropriate licenses. It is also worth finding out what the clients are like about this institution.

Submit an application to the city police department where you live person, if you know it. Describe who you are looking for and why. Legally, you must be provided with the information you are interested in about the person, if available.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: Numerology: how to calculate compatibility by date of birth

Numerology is a metaphysical science that allows you to find out everything about a person’s character, destiny, and name by adding numbers. This is a fun and easy prediction system that can tell you how compatible you are with your partner.

How to calculate compatibility based on date of birth?

With the help of numerology, you can very easily recognize your partners. It is enough to add the numbers included in it to get a number from 1 to 9. Let's say you were born on March 9, 1987, and your partner was born on February 20, 1990. If you add the number, you get:

03/9/1987=9+0+3+1+9+8+7=37=10=1+0=1 (this is her number)
02/20/1990=2+0+0+2+1+9+9+0=23=2+3=5 (his number)

Now 1 (her number) + 5 (his number) = 6

The total number of a couple is 6. The result of calculating compatibility by date of birth must be looked at in the notation.

Counting results

1 – The couple needs to act together, as they are able to help each other develop further. However, do not forget that one is the number of the leader. Therefore, partners may have frequent disputes, quarrels, and scandals. If one person does not learn to submit to the other, then a breakup is inevitable.

2 - People communicate with each other only because it is beneficial for them - together they make a good profit. In principle, not bad for a couple who wants to live in abundance and run their own business. But you will have to forget about romance.

3 – If the result of calculating marriage compatibility by date of birth is three, then it is better for people to maintain friendly relations with each other, since their family will fall apart quite quickly due to coldness and frequent infidelity of one partner to the other (or both).

4 – Very. The family will be prosperous, the relationship will be sincere and spiritually enriched. The only negative is that the couple will not be able to increase their capital.

5 – A passionate union in which partners give each other a lot of pleasant moments. It is built on love. But 5 is the number of egoists. Therefore, if people do not learn to hear each other, they will disperse. Otherwise, they will be able to build a happy marriage in which there will always be prosperity and respect for each other.

6 – Relationships in a couple are long-term, built on partnership, tranquility, friendship and mutual assistance. Scandals in the family will occur very rarely. Even if feelings fade away, support for each other will remain.

7 – If this number comes up when calculating compatibility by date of birth, this means that a harmonious relationship reigns in the couple. Partners can and are able to negotiate with each other and jointly solve both material and family problems. Excellent compatibility.

8 – Non-standard relationships, in which people seem to be strongly attracted to each other, they push each other towards further development. But if one of them suspects the other of selfishly using his feelings, there will be a huge scandal. Such a couple needs to learn to be flexible towards each other, then everything will work out for them.

9 – A philosophical couple, or one might even say an ideal one, if everything is in order with their material wealth. But as soon as your financial well-being is shaken, people will begin to quarrel among themselves, and then break up altogether. For everything to work out, one partner must take on most of the everyday problems.

As you can see, calculating compatibility by date of birth is not that difficult. Just remember that everything depends only on you. If you try to maintain your relationship with your other half, support her in everything, love and appreciate her, then everything will be fine with you.



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