A man who became a woman. The story of how a cute guy became a sexy girl

October 24, 2017, 8:35 AM

“It doesn’t bother my boyfriend that I was a guy”: the story of a Sverdlovsk resident who became a woman

In Russia there is a boom in sex reassignment operations. According to statistics from specialized sites, in just two years the number of requests on this topic has increased more than tenfold. In October, the Ministry of Health even developed a form for a special certificate about gender reassignment. The document will be issued by a medical commission, which must officially document the “sexual reorientation.” Then the person will be “born” again: he will be issued a new birth certificate with his current gender. An EAN journalist found a young man from provincial Novouralsk who changed his life once and for all by becoming the girl Snezhana. The frank story is in our material.

Our heroine is 23 years old, most of which is life in a male body in a small town. He played the piano and graduated from music school. After final exams, he went to Yekaterinburg and entered the College of Arts and Culture.

In the capital of the Urals, he began going to closed parties in nightclubs, where men dressed as girls performed. One day he himself decided to appear in such an entertainment establishment in a woman’s outfit. According to our now interlocutor, as a child she always had a huge interest in women's things, her mother's dresses and stilettos.


“They often told me: “You should have been born a girl, you are so gentle, mannered...” Now this opportunity has presented itself - to appear in public in a female form, knowing that no one will say anything to you. This is happiness! Through an online store, I ordered cosmetics, a long black wig, a dress, took 15 cm stilettos from a friend, and one weekend, having transformed myself into a woman at home, I took a taxi to the club. The taxi driver looked at me nervously through the rearview mirror. My knees were shaking. Arriving at the club, I casually jumped out of the car and disappeared through the doors of the establishment. At first I felt like a black sheep, but when I visited the same club the next weekend, I met new people who became my friends.”

After that night, the guy began to live a double life: during the day - an average young Yekaterinburg resident, at night - a young girl. He lived like this for two years, but the desire to change his sex grew stronger, as he felt uncomfortable in a male body.

“I liked more and more to catch amazed male glances on the street and smiles at my female image. Two years later, in 2012, I finally realized that I want to become an absolute girl. Not to dress up as her, but to become her! I thought for a long time how my parents would perceive this, how my friends would react to this. But the decision had already been made. There was no turning back,” continues Snezhana.

Then she didn't know where to start. She spent a lot of time on the Internet, on various sites and forums on the topic of gender reassignment.

“I was thinking, what size breasts do I want and in general, what will I become after the operation? What's next for me? Having once again weighed all the pros and cons, I woke up one fine summer morning, got ready and went to the clinic for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. The doctor told me the amount, after which my desire to change sex suddenly disappeared: 348 thousand rubles were required. Where will I get that kind of money, I constantly thought, suffering from insomnia every night. And yet this thought never left me,” says the girl.

As often happens, chance helped. One of the new acquaintances on the social network simply asked: “Why don’t you have sex reassignment surgery for yourself? After all, it suits you to be a girl!”

I had to admit that the reason is banal - lack of funds. A friend inquired about the cost of surgical intervention, asked for a bank card number and, for some reason, a passport photograph. After which he disappeared for several days.

“Why does he need this? You’d have to be an idiot to send a “leftist” person, even if not the entire amount that I needed, even a part.” He probably wanted to arouse interest in himself in this way, to seem cool,” Snezhana came to the conclusion.


But a couple of days later an SMS came to your phone: “350 thousand rubles have been credited to your account.” I couldn’t believe my eyes, I immediately ran to the ATM and was convinced of this again. I went back to the clinic and told the doctor that the required amount had been found and I was ready for the operation.”

The girl was discharged after the operation a couple of weeks later. Especially for her interlocutor from a social network (he lives in another country), she took several photographs in a new body, wanted to write him words of gratitude, but the page of a strange acquaintance had already been deleted.

Five years have passed since the operation. For about a year, Snezhana got used to her new body. Over time, she grew her hair, forgot about wigs and became almost indistinguishable from ordinary girls.

According to Snezhana, she rarely encounters aggression towards herself, since people do not know that this is an ex-boyfriend in front of them until she says so herself.

“My life has changed for the better, because I found the body in which I was supposed to be born. I can behave the way I want (I have always been quite mannered and feminine). I found a loved one (I always liked only guys, and I had no experience with girls), with whom we have been living for three years. He knows that I used to be a guy, but it doesn't bother him. What made me most happy was that after I became a girl, no one turned their backs on me.

At first, my parents and friends were shocked, but I told them: “Either I will be like this, or I won’t be with you.” They had to come to terms with it,” Snezhana finished her story.

Nowadays, more and more people are changing their gender to match their nature and feel natural. Moreover, there are also androgynous individuals who balance on the brink of gender and are still only exploring the duality of human nature. The line between men and women has almost been erased, and it is difficult to predict what the next stage will be, but until it comes, we invite you to take a look at the most beautiful transgender people born male.

Andrea Pejic

Andrea became famous even before her gender change due to her extraordinary androgyny. She participated in shows of both men's and women's clothing, and in both cases she looked perfect! So, in 2011 in Paris, Andrea demonstrated women's models from Jean-Paul Gaultier and men's from Marc Jacobs. She was ranked 98th on the Top 100 Sexiest Women of 2011 and 18th on the Top 50 Male Models. Well, beauty has no boundaries!

Trace Lycett

Trace Lysette (main photo) was able to admit to society that she is transgender thanks to Laverne Cox's coming out. Before this, the actress was afraid that she would be stigmatized on the set, and was always nervous while playing roles. The fact is that it is unusual for transgender women to play ordinary people. However, the actress tried her best and is trying to conquer this uncharted territory.

Erica Irwin

Erica is the tallest transgender model in the world. Known as Amazon Eve, she also appeared in American Horror Story: Freak Show. Erica kept the fact that she was actually a man secret for a long time. The girl was afraid that people might not accept this. She first revealed her secret in Sweden. Erica was convinced by fellow actor Bill Skarsgård that the Swedes would be tolerant.

Amaya Scott

This beautiful model, who was once a guy named Arthur, decided to transition at the age of 17. It was then that Amaya realized what she wanted from life, and had sex reassignment surgery, and also enlarged her breasts, lips and cheeks. She later became famous for her romances with rappers Wiz Khalifa and Soulja Boy.

Caroline Cossey

Can you imagine a Bond girl who wasn't always a girl? Then meet Caroline Cossey - it's partly about her! Originally born a boy, Caroline decided to say goodbye to her gender at 17 and began taking hormones to transition. She later had breast surgery, changed her gender and became one of the most famous transgender models in the world. Caroline was also the very first transgender woman to appear in Playboy magazine. To top it all off, she played one of the roles in the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only.

Isis King

Isis was one of the first transgender women to appear on television. The former Tyra Banks "America's Next Top Model" star realized she was transgender in high school and came out in 2009. She then became the star of numerous talk shows and appeared in dozens of magazines.

Laverne Cox

Laverne Cox has undeniably made a significant impact on the world as the new transgender superstar of the hit television series Orange Is the New Black. Fans still dote on the actress! Laverne is the first openly transgender woman to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award and featured on the cover of Time magazine. In addition, she is a well-known activist who is not afraid to speak openly to society about transgender issues.

Caitlyn Jenner

Known in the past as track and field athlete Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn shocked the whole world with her unexpected transformation. During her transition, she commented in the press about all the procedures she had to go through to become a woman and the changes that happened to her body after starting to take hormones. Caitlin has become a true role model among representatives of the transgender community. She now hosts her own show, I Am Kate.

Lana Wachowski

The Wachowskis are one of the most influential and conceptual directors of all time. After the release of the films "The Matrix", "V for Vendetta" and "Cloud Atlas" they won worldwide recognition and universal love. However, Lana Wachowski kept her transgender transition a secret for a long time. Since her gender transition in 2009, she has become one of the most prominent transgender activists in the world and even received an award from the Human Rights Campaign in 2012.

Jazz Jennings

Possibly the youngest transgender person in the world, Jazz was diagnosed with gender identity disorder in early childhood. Then the boy almost immediately began the transition from one gender to another and now, as a teenage girl, he hosts his own show “I am Jazz.” In it, Jennings talks about all the challenges transgender people face, including how she sometimes struggles at school. Jazz also heads the Transkids Purple Rainbow charity for transgender children.

These ten men are successful, handsome and realize themselves in their chosen field of activity.

They are absolutely complete and can outdo any man born as such.

But they were born women, and at the call of their souls they made their choice in favor of a gender change.

1. Balian Buschbaum

This man was born in 1980 to a woman named Yvonne Buschbaum. He was an excellent German jumper, ranking second in Germany among women jumpers.

But in 2007, Balian announced his retirement from big-time sports due to constant injuries. At the same time, Yvonne announced her desire to begin gender reassignment therapy.

In 2008, there was an official name change and gender reassignment surgery, as a result of which Yvonne turned into Balian.

2. Buck Angel

Adult and transgender film creator Buck Angel is an icon for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

In 2007, Buck won the Transsexual of the Year Award. Today he is an attorney, educator, lecturer, writer, and the head of his own production company.

3. Lauren Rex Cameron

Lauren is an American photographer, writer, and transgender activist. He creates portraits of lesbians and transsexuals. Also likes to take pictures of their bodies.

He created a photo report of his physiological transition from woman to man. The photographer’s works, in his own words, are primarily presented for the average viewer, who must understand that “the bodies of transsexuals can also be beautiful.”

4. Ian Harvie

American Ian Harvey is a comedian who often uses his transsexualism as the main topic of jokes.

Works with many celebrities and famous people from the LGBT community.

5. Lucas Silveira

Lucas Silveira was born in Canada and went down in history as the first person to openly declare his transsexuality and sing in a rock band.

Silveira is the vocalist, guitarist and songwriter of the band The Cliks. He is also pursuing a solo career, having recently released a new album.

6. Rocco Kayiatos

Rocco Kayatos, nicknamed Disaster, is an American rapper and producer.

Kayatos was hip-hop's first transsexual.

7. Thomas Beatie

Thomas Beaty has turned heads for becoming one of the world's most visible pregnant men. Born a woman, Beaty lived as a woman until he was almost 25 years old.

He then began taking male hormone therapy, but decided to keep his female genitals so that he and his wife, who was unable to get pregnant, could have children through the use of donor sperm.

Since then, Biti has raised three children.

8. Ryan Sallans

Ryan Sallans was born as Kimberly Ann Sallans. He is currently an advocate for members of the LGBT community, traveling around the United States educating people on transgender issues and speaking out about changes in the healthcare system.

He went through his transition from woman to man over several years and completed it in 2005.

What are you willing to do for love? For such a strong and deep feeling when you completely dissolve in someone? Many men are capable of the craziest things, for example, descending from the roof onto the balcony of their girlfriend with a bunch of flowers in their teeth. Some people get a tattoo with the name of their beloved. But there is one guy who simply surpasses everyone. And his name is Igor Bulgachev.

Why did a man decide to become a woman?

Igor grew up as an ordinary guy in a loving family. From a very early age, he showed talent as a public relations agent, so it is not surprising that he soon found himself in Moscow, where he worked with some Russian celebrities. At one point, he realized that he felt more like a woman than a man. For Moscow, being gay is not a problem, and soon Igor met the man he loved with whom he dreamed of spending the rest of his life. They were together for quite a long time, but one day his beloved said that they were forced to break off the relationship because he did not see a woman in him. Igor was scared and in despair, but he was not going to give up and decided to go under the knife.

The transformation into Ulyana turns out to be not entirely successful

He had a picture in his mind that he could become a pretty chick. But in fact, he, or should I say she, after a long period of hormone therapy, began to look more like a monkey with large breasts, and less like a sexy chick. She chose a new name for herself - Ulyana Romanova. This was the moment when Igor disappeared forever, and Ulyana went to Thailand to see the best plastic surgeons.

She returned from Thailand a little more beautiful than before. But it seems that her rich lover was not impressed by this transformation. And the poor girl had to undergo several more surgeries and hormone therapy. Such drastic changes led to her losing her job. Nobody respected her choice.

This is what love can lead to

But at least she had her loved one next to her, and it was for this reason that she never gave up and continued to work on herself until she turned into a beautiful girl. There were also several trips to Thailand, tons of weekly beauty treatments to get perfect skin, hair and hands. And soon she looked more beautiful than most real girls.

Ulyana has her own unique style - something between super-sexy and super-cool girl. But, in any case, men adore the way she looks now. And her white Porsche is proof that she is doing great without her old job. So what does she do now? Ulyana lives in both Russia and Ukraine, spending tons of cash on new designer outfits that highlight her sexuality.

She loves to cook, showing everyone her favorite recipes, her photos and images of her beloved cat on Instagram. It seems she's engaged. And the massive stone on her finger is a sign of her upcoming wedding. Sure, she has a lot of haters, but no doubt she doesn't care about them. Ulyana lives in complete harmony with herself. She is one of those women who knows what they want and will never stop there.

How girls become men (29 photos)

All the men in this post were once handsome and feminine representatives of the fair sex,
but after swallowing hormonal pills and getting rid of everything unnecessary, they became brutal men

1. Balian Bushbaum

In the recent past, the pole vaulter decided to change her gender and began her hormone therapy in 2008.
Over the course of several years, she managed to achieve considerable progress and Yvonne Bushbaum (Yvonne is the real name of this person)
became a very, very attractive man, Balian.

This is what the girl was like during her sports career:

And this is what it has become now:

2. Buck Angel

Just take a look at this blonde beauty and scroll a little to see her transformation:

It seems like something out of science fiction, but it’s the same person. Porn director, teacher and writer (a strange combination of professions, but why be surprised):

3. Lauren Cameron

Sweet, simple-minded teacher, I would say when I saw this woman with glasses, but everything is not so simple, because she also decided to become a man (I don’t know why everyone is so drawn to change gender, but recently attempts to change from gender F to gender M have become more frequent ):

And this is not a teacher at all, but Lauren Rex Cameron - an American photographer, writer and activist of the transsexual movement, who personally documented her process of transformation from a woman to a man:

4. Lucas Silveira

The stern woman on the right somewhat resembles LiLo's ex Samantha Ronson:

But having changed herself a little, the Canadian Lucas (I don’t know what her name was before the gender manipulation) became a real man. By the way, Silveira is the vocalist, guitarist and songwriter of the band The Cliks, which has many fans (girls, take heart):

5. Rocco Kayatos

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any photographs of Rocco as a woman, but take my word for it - once upon a time this American rapper was also of the fairer sex (I note that Rocco is the first rapper to admit his transsexuality). I wonder how many more there are?

6. Thomas Beaty

The world's first pregnant man is not a phenomenon, but a well-disguised woman. Once upon a time, Tom (that’s me, figuratively) in her early 20s decided to change her sex and give birth to children for her beloved... hop-hop and she succeeded! Now the couple has three children and Thomas gave birth to all of them (the wife didn’t have to strain). Thomas before his gender change:

7. Ryan Sullans

A good visual example of how a person changes under the influence of hormones:



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