Is it possible to eat fresh hazelnuts? Hazelnut - beneficial properties and contraindications

Hazelnuts (or hazelnuts) is the name used to designate the fruits of all plants belonging to the genus Hazel of the Birch family. However, hazelnuts are most often referred to as large hazel nuts (Latin name – Corylus maxima), which grows in Asia Minor and the south-eastern part of Europe. The plant is widespread in Balkan Peninsula, in Turkey, Italy, Germany, Sweden, France and North America.

Large hazel is a shrub or tree reaching 10 meters in height. The trunk of the plant is covered with smooth ash-gray bark. The green or dark red leaves of large hazel are heart-shaped or oval shape, reach 100 mm in width and 120 mm in length. The oblong-cylindrical fruits of the plant, reaching 25 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter, are crowded on long stalks. The nuts are fully ripened by September.

Large hazel has long been cultivated as a nut-bearing plant. The fruits of this crop are eaten raw, dried, fried, used in confectionery, alcoholic and food industry. Hazelnuts are squeezed vegetable oil, which is used in cooking, as well as in perfume, paint and soap production. In addition, large hazel nuts are used in alternative medicine to combat a range of pathologies.

Nutritional value of hazelnuts and vitamins in its composition

Nutritional value hazelnuts (per 100 g):

  • 14.999 g protein;
  • 61.439 g fat;
  • 9.311 g carbohydrates;
  • 5.887 g dietary fiber;
  • 5.704 g of dextrins, starch;
  • 4.781 g water;
  • 3.397 g ash;
  • 3.589 g of sugars (mono-, disaccharides);
  • 6.744 g omega-6 fatty acids.

Vitamins in hazelnuts (per 100 g):

  • 67.944 mcg folate (vitamin B9);
  • 1.981 mcg retinol equivalent (vitamin A);
  • 0.097 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • 5.197 mg niacin equivalent (vitamin PP);
  • 20.311 mg alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol equivalent (vitamin E);
  • 1.144 mg pantothenic acid(vitamin B5);
  • 0.009 mg beta-carotene;
  • 0.294 mg thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • 14.111 mcg phylloquinone (vitamin K);
  • 1.391 mg ascorbic acid(vitamin C);
  • 0.693 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • 44.949 mg choline (vitamin B4).

Hazelnut calories

Hazelnuts are extremely high-calorie product. In order to satisfy the daily need of an adult for energy resources, it is enough to eat four small handfuls of shelled hazelnuts.

  • Calorie content of hazelnuts (100 g) – 652.104 kcal.
  • The energy value of one hazelnut (average weight - 3 g) is 19.563 kcal.
  • The calorie content of oil squeezed from hazelnuts (100 g) is 871.997 kcal.

Useful elements in hazelnuts

Macronutrients in hazelnuts (per 100 g):

  • 716.944 mg potassium;
  • 189.755 mg sulfur;
  • 21.494 mg chlorine;
  • 2.998 mg sodium;
  • 171.884 mg magnesium;
  • 298.716 mg phosphorus;
  • 169.816 mg calcium.

Microelements in hazelnuts (per 100 g).

Hazelnuts are the fruit of cultivated hazel. Hazel itself can grow both in the forest and in household, so man quickly adapted the wild nut for his needs. Positive qualities The health benefits of the nut were obvious, but as it soon became clear, it is a real treasure trove for men, and the benefits of hazelnuts for the body are undeniable.

The value of nuts for men

Hazelnuts contain many substances that are beneficial for men:

  1. tocopherol (vitamin E) as a prevention of cancer and to slow down aging;
  2. calcium to strengthen bones;
  3. B vitamins to improve heart and muscle function;
  4. zinc, which has a positive effect on testosterone production;
  5. potassium, which helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  6. iron, essential for blood.

The role of hazelnuts in the fight against cholesterol

Let's find out how hazelnuts are beneficial for men and how they affect men's health. First of all, let's pay attention to cholesterol - the main cause of atherosclerosis. The problem of cholesterol is especially relevant in the 21st century, as people eat more and more fatty foods, fast food, abuse alcohol. All this makes atherosclerosis a leading position among diseases leading to death.

Atherosclerosis is also relevant for men, because along with high level cholesterol they get obesity, heart problems, hypertension, and loss of male sexual potency. Thanks to the tocopherol content, the nut not only cleanses blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol, but also improves the functioning of the testicles in producing healthy sperm.

Due to the fact that the nut contains a minimum of carbohydrates, but at the same time hazelnuts are rich healthy fats, several cores will help not only fill you up without harm to your health, but also restore male strength. Even in Rus', women were advised to give their husbands hazelnuts several times a week so that he would not suffer from impotence. The product is effective prophylactic in dealing with problems prostate gland.

Hazelnuts for stress

The beneficial properties of hazelnuts for men are also manifested in its anti-stress properties. It's no secret that severe stress can cause long-term sexual problems. It seems that there is no disease, but men are increasingly seeking to relax rather than indulge in love pleasures. Walnut kernels will also help overcome such depressive moods. They have unique property normalize work nervous system, so hazelnuts are simply irreplaceable for potency. With its help, depression will go away and libido will return.

How to eat hazelnuts correctly

To male nut brought the most benefit, you need to buy unshelled nut fruits. Most ideal option– plant a bush in the country, and you need to buy seedlings from a nursery so as not to make a mistake and choose a wild plant variety. The plant is quite unpretentious, so after just a few years a man can harvest his own crop and provide himself with this valuable product for the whole year.

It is best to eat kernels in the morning, but you should not overdo it - you are allowed to eat no more than fifty grams of nuts per day, and this is not so much. Before using the kernels, it is recommended to soak them for half an hour in cold water– this way the nut is better absorbed.

For daily consumption, it is better for a man to set the norm - 5-6 nuts per day and not exceed it, so as not to cause harm to health. If you eat more hazelnuts than the recommended amount, you may experience headache due to vascular spasm.

Why can hazelnuts be harmful?

The usefulness of hazelnuts is obvious, but we should not forget that the nut can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It is not recommended to eat nuts in the following cases:

  • if a man suffers diabetes mellitus;
  • for liver pathologies;
  • for diseases of the pancreas;
  • when allergic reactions occur.

It should be borne in mind that hazelnuts are quite difficult to digest. His energy value is 667 kcal per hundred grams of product. – approximately 20 percent is protein, and 60 percent is fat. Therefore, if a man does not lead active image life, does little sports, then such caloric content can provoke discomfort in the stomach - nausea, heaviness.

Those who spend a lot of calories can eat nuts without any special restrictions, remembering only the recommended daily norm product. If a man has contraindications to eating this type of nut, he should not eat it, it can be harmful to the body, and the nut should be replaced with another product.

Hazelnuts for men's health is an indispensable tool in the fight against sexual impotence and diseases of the genital organs. At daily use With just a few cores a man can ensure his health for many years.

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Hazelnut is a hazelnut, which, like most other nuts, on the one hand, is rich in vitamins, and on the other - large quantities It is considered a heavy food that is difficult for the body to cope with. Many people very often wonder what the benefits of hazelnuts are, and this is exactly what we will find out below.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Before analyzing the basic properties of hazelnuts, it is necessary to understand what they consist of and get an answer to two questions that interest many people regarding how many proteins are in hazelnuts, and in general, what their energy and nutritional value is.

The composition of this nut includes (based on 100 g):

  • proteins – 16.2 g;
  • fats – 66.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.1 g.

Among the useful properties, the most basic ones can be highlighted. Hazelnut hazelnut:

  1. Improves the condition of the cardiovascular system. Potassium and calcium, which are found in hazelnuts, are the main macroelements for the heart. Minerals strengthen the heart muscle and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, calcium, together with sodium, takes part in hematopoiesis.
  2. Nuts are very good for muscles. It's no secret that muscle fibers need protein. And in hazelnuts it combines well with vitamin E, which has a good effect on muscle growth and strengthening.
  3. Strengthens immunity. Due to the fact that hazelnuts contain many vitamins E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and sodium.
  4. Hazelnuts are effective in combating anemia, as well as for recovery after various illnesses, injuries and operations. These nuts are eight times more nutritious than milk. The iron it contains is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Potassium promotes the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.
  5. Cancer Prevention. Hazelnuts contain paclitaxel, a substance that is directly involved in the prevention of cancer. The drug of the same name is used in chemotherapy to suppress the division of cancer cells.
  6. Hazelnuts do not contain many carbohydrates, which is why people suffering from diabetes can safely (but in small quantities) consume them.

Benefits of hazelnuts for women

For the fair sex, hazelnuts are a real find, because thanks to them:

  • hair becomes shiny and voluminous, especially if you make masks from nut oil and egg yolk;
  • activate production breast milk, they make it the most healthy and nutritious, which is why young mothers are simply obliged to eat hazelnuts;
  • Walnut oil contains excellent cleansing properties. It can be used when acne, abscesses and various skin abscesses.
  • hazelnuts help in the treatment of infertility.
  • Such nuts help get rid of extra pounds if you use them as snacks or replacing them with the main meal.

The benefits and harms of hazelnuts

First, let's look at useful qualities:

The harmful effects of eating hazelnuts include:

  1. Headache, which is caused by spasm of cerebral vessels.
  2. Allergies and diathesis in children.
  3. Weight gain (people with any degree of diagnosis do not need to eat it);
  4. Bloating, difficulty passing stool.
  5. Daily norm hazelnut consumption no more than 30 grams.

Most people love nuts for great taste and undoubted benefits proven by scientists. They “help” the brain work and are high in calories. That's why we take a bag of nuts and crunch them with pleasure, making a snack on the go. Not the last place among them is occupied by hazelnuts or hazelnuts - the fruit of large hazel. It is nutritionally more valuable than bread, milk or chocolate. Our task is to understand: what is its benefit for female body and whether it can cause harm to health.

What is the delicious nut rich in?

Most often, hazelnuts are consumed raw or roasted; they are included in many dishes and are used as raw materials for the preparation of other products. And this is due not only to its excellent taste, but also to the content of a whole range of useful components:

· 60% of the nut consists of oils, among which the polyunsaturated fatty acids included in the composition are especially valuable,

· rich in vitamins: group B, PP, A, E, C, K,

· contains a large set of macro- and microelements,

· contains essential amino acids, from which protein is built and which come only from food,

· plant extract– paclitaxel, which is important for prevention cancerous tumors.

Here is a basic but incomplete list of what this amazing nut contains. The product is high in calories: per 100g there are from 628 to 700 kcal. Of the main components, 100g of product contains 60g of fat, 15g of protein and 17g of carbohydrates. The rest is water dietary fiber and ash elements.

Note: It is paradoxical that despite the high calorie content, hazelnuts are used in dietary and baby food in the fight against obesity. It is also indispensable for vegetarians, since it contains components for protein synthesis. With a handful of nuts you can satisfy daily requirement in fats.

Hazelnuts: what are the benefits for women?

It is difficult to list all the beneficial qualities of the nut. It is extremely useful in the nutrition of any category of people, but for women it is simply irreplaceable. But it all depends on the number of nuts eaten and the regularity of its use. So, the advantages of hazelnuts:

1. Used in treatment malignant tumors. For women, it is breast and ovarian cancer.

2. Breast milk production increases in breastfeeding mothers.

3. Helps in the fight against obesity: with the help of a few nuts you can dull the feeling of hunger during diets.

4. Useful for cleansing the liver, as it stops the development of putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber in the nut removes waste and toxins. This is reflected in both general health, and on appearance women.

5. For severe physical activity or playing sports well replenishes energy losses.

6. Restores a weakened body after an illness, strengthens immune system.

7. Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, which makes blood vessels clean, allowing cardiovascular system work in normal rhythm.

8. Copes perfectly with the syndrome chronic fatigue. Insomnia, irritability and neuroses recede, the nervous system works more stably.

9. Strengthens and brain activity. This can be very useful for people involved in intellectual work.

10. The condition of hair, skin, and nails improves, which is due to the presence of amino acids in the composition. For example, hair and nails are made of keratin protein.

11. For colds, hazelnuts with milk have long been known healing agent, important in the fight against infections of different nature.

Hazelnuts are especially useful for women expecting the birth of a child and nursing mothers.

Note: If you eat hazel in fried or fresh, then give preference to fruits without roasting. They contain the maximum amount useful substances, some of which may be lost during heat treatment. It is better to store nuts in their shells.

Hazelnuts for pregnant women and nursing mothers

Childbearing and period breastfeeding- the most difficult times for a woman. Everything is important: from care and attention to proper nutrition, since both the fetus and the young, growing organism need a certain set of useful and high-calorie substances.

Eating hazel during pregnancy helps control weight, which is very important when bearing a child. Unique nut participates in the formation of the skeleton and bone tissue baby, nervous system. It compensates for the lack of vitamins, and natural vitamins, not synthetic ones.

Important! The problem of excess weight during pregnancy is quite relevant. Including hazel in the diet makes it easier for women not to overeat, since a small handful of nuts perfectly satisfies the appetite. Fatigue, which usually accompanies pregnant women, is reduced latest dates.

The benefits of hazelnuts for women are obvious even after the birth of a child:

Hazel increases milk production during lactation,

milk becomes more nutritious and rich in vitamins,

· Due to lactation, the child’s immunity increases.

Nuts are often introduced into the diet of nursing mothers, especially if the milk is thin and the baby does not get enough to eat. But the doctor decides whether hazelnuts are good for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so consultation with doctors will not be superfluous.

Hazelnuts: harmful to women

The benefits of hazel are obvious. But moderation is needed in everything. Nutritionists recommend consuming this product in an amount of 50g/day. If you eat hazelnuts immoderately, the consequences will not be long in coming. They will manifest themselves in the form of headaches (cerebral vasospasm), heaviness and pain in the stomach (due to high calorie content), nausea (presence of large quantity fats). Others may also appear side effects depending on individual characteristics.

The nut has contraindications, so the harm of hazelnuts for women may be associated with the following points:

1. Problems with the liver, which is under a lot of stress due to the caloric content of the product if nuts are eaten in large quantities.

2. It is undesirable to use hazel if there is a violation metabolic processes.

3. Gastrointestinal diseases, since hazelnuts are difficult to digest and take a long time, which can cause malfunctions digestive system.

4. Individual intolerance or an allergy to the product, which is extremely rare.

Important! The harm of hazelnuts for women can be minimized if you consume nuts in moderation and chew them thoroughly. It is in this case that it will be useful and will not cause harm to health.

Hazelnuts for diseases: features of use

If you are healthy, then enjoy eating raw nuts, and if you are sick, you can cook them healing mixtures and oils. Here are a few simple tips:

· Nuts are crushed and diluted warm milk. This mixture is indispensable assistant in the fight against bronchitis or asthma.

· Mix chopped nuts with honey in equal proportions. This good remedy against anemia, will also help with rheumatism.

· Nut butter is very nutritious, easily digestible and perfectly stored. It can and should be included in children's diets. Helps people with epilepsy.

· Add nut butter to the yolk and it’s ready nourishing mask for weakened hair. This remedy is also used for burns.

So the harm of hazelnuts for women is minimal, but the benefits are enormous. When purchasing hazelnuts, remember that it is better to buy them in shell, this guarantees safety and beneficial properties. Hazel must be fresh, without mold on the surface, so carefully examine the product before eating it. It is enough to consume 5-8 nuts per day, and feeling great you are guaranteed.

Be sure to include hazelnuts in your diet. If it is not abused, it will bring real benefit, saturating your body with such necessary and important substances. It will give you energy, vigor and strength, which for modern woman very relevant.

But the most popular and frequently used is hazelnut. The beneficial properties and contraindications of nucleoli were known back in Ancient Greece and were actively used.

IN medieval times hazelnuts were attributed miraculous power. People sincerely believed that he was able to protect from otherworldly forces and protect the home from the penetration of snakes. The nut was also used in cooking and medicine. Traditional healers They prepared medicinal potions from the fruits that saved people from diseases.

Modern medicine has thoroughly studied the composition of the nut. Experts have established the presence of valuable organic elements. The article will introduce the reader to full list advantages and disadvantages. Let's find out whether the nut can be harmful and whether there are any contraindications.

What are hazelnuts rich in?

Beneficial properties and contraindications are due to the presence of plant proteins. According to nutritionists and medical practitioners, a hundred gram serving of the nut provides However, it is necessary to understand that the kernels are high in calories, and it is better to consume them separately from other foods.

For example, nuts are higher in calories than chocolate, meat, bread and fish. But there are practically no carbohydrates in hazelnuts, so in small quantities they are unlikely to harm the figure. Rich in nut polyunsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle.

The presence of microelements in the composition, such as potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, has been proven. The list is not limited to this. Hazelnuts (you can see the photo above) contain retinol, which has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair, and epidermis. The nuclei contain a lot of B vitamins. Everyone knows that the health of the central nervous system and the functioning of the metabolic system depend on it.

Medical purpose

And the contraindications of which everyone should know are considered herbal medicines. This nut is recommended to patients after past diseases during the rehabilitation period to restore strength. It perfectly helps cope with exhaustion and supplies the body with missing vitamins. Proven high efficiency in prevention cardiovascular diseases, thanks to the presence of potassium.

Regular consumption of nuts will prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the walls blood vessels, strengthens them and makes them elastic. As a result, blood flow normalizes, internal organs enriched with oxygen and nutrients.

The nuclei accelerate regenerative functions, make the immune system stronger, which is especially important during colds. Invaluable help has a nut effect on the liver: cleanses of breakdown products, prevents accumulation toxic substances. Scientifically proven benefits for the central nervous system. It is believed that the kernels calm and relieve nervous tension, eliminate anxiety, prevent the occurrence of insomnia.

Rescue for men's health

It has long been a known fact that all nuts increase the production of sex hormones and libido levels. Whole hazelnuts are the most useful for this purpose. This is an excellent prevention of prostate diseases. According to proctologists, eating nuts gives strength, relieves inflammation, and normalizes sexual function. This product is also recommended for the prevention of infertility. To have excellent health and sexual attraction did not disappear, it is enough to eat 50 g of peeled nucleoli per day.

Hazelnut kernels during pregnancy

Hazelnut in mandatory should be present in the diet of every woman in interesting position. Firstly, it is nutritious and replenishes deficiencies. valuable substances both in mother and child. Secondly, it influences the development of all vital important systems baby, and also significantly improves immunity.

The microelements and vitamins present in hazelnuts improve health. According to some reviews, nuts help cope with toxicosis, reduce fatigue and tiredness. Many gynecologists advise including nuts in the diet after childbirth to increase milk supply.

How to use?

Hazelnuts are an indispensable ingredient in cooking, especially in preparing delicious desserts and confectionery. To brighten the taste, the fruits should be fried a little. After peeling them, place them in boiling water for 10 minutes, then remove the bitter film. You can fry in a dry frying pan or in the oven without oil. Ground nuts are sprinkled on cakes, pastries, fruit salads, and they are also added to meat dishes. World culinary experts from different eras have come up with many delicious recipes.

Healthy dessert

Instead of store-bought sweets containing continuous preservatives and palm oil, better please the kids with delicious sweets. Ingredients:

  • roasted hazelnuts in the amount of 150 g;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • natural honey - 50 g;
  • coconut crumbs.

Place the prunes in boiling water for 10 minutes. Grind the nuts using a coffee grinder or blender. Pass the prunes through a meat grinder, combine with honey and nuts. With wet hands You need to make small balls and roll them in coconut flakes. Then you need to put the candies on a flat dish and put them in a cold place for three hours.

Homemade cookies

To prepare the next delicious dessert You will also need hazelnuts. You can see a photo of cookies that can be prepared according to this recipe above.


  • four proteins;
  • 400 grams of hazelnuts (roasted);
  • vanillin;
  • granulated sugar to taste.

Place the nut kernels in a blender bowl, add sugar to them, and turn them into crumbs. Add vanillin to the resulting mixture. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites into a homogeneous foam. Mix both masses. You will get a thick dough. Using a spoon or place the cookies on a baking sheet, then bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees.


Despite its apparent harmlessness, the nut can be harmful if the rules for its use are not followed. This is a very high calorie product nutritional value, so overweight people should not eat a lot of it. Hazelnuts are contraindicated for allergy sufferers and people with diseases gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and with diabetes. Particular care should be taken when introducing nuts into the diet of young children. Daily dose for an adult does not exceed 50 grams.

How to choose?

To avoid disappointment, you should be careful when purchasing a nut. Never purchase peeled kernels as there is a high chance that mold may have formed in them. Inspect the surface of the shell. In high-quality walnut it has no cracks, chips, damage or stains. Be sure to smell the product. If it smells rotten, don't buy it.

Now you know what hazelnuts are like. The beneficial properties and contraindications described in the article will help you consciously include the nut in your diet in order to benefit from it. amazing product only the best for yourself and your family.



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