Mometasone Furoate: instructions for use of cream, ointment and spray. Medicinal reference book geotar


Trade name of the drug:


International nonproprietary name:


Dosage form:

cream for external use


100 g of cream contains:

active substance: mometasone furoate 0.1 g;
hexylene glycol - 12.0 g, glyceryl monostearate 40-55 -5.5 g, cetostearyl alcohol - 5.5 g, macrogol cetostearate (macrogol 20 cetostearyl ether) - 4.0 g, white beeswax - 5.0 g, titanium dioxide - 1.0 g, aluminum starch octenyl succinate - 10.0 g, purified water - 1.8 g, diluted phosphoric acid or concentrated orthophosphoric acid in the form of a 10% solution - 1.2 g, petroleum jelly - up to 100 g.


The cream is white or almost white.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Glucocorticosteroid for local use.

CodeATX: D07AC13

pharmachologic effect


Mometasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid (GCS) with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiexudative effects. GCS induce the release of proteins that inhibit phospholipase Ag and are collectively known as lipocortins, which control the biosynthesis of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes by inhibiting the release of their common precursor, arachidonic acid.


Absorption of Mometasone-Akrikhin cream is negligible. 8 hours after application to intact skin (without an occlusive dressing), about 0.4% of the drug is found in the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

Inflammatory phenomena and itching in dermatoses amenable to glucocorticosteroid therapy.


  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug or to glucocorticosteroids.
  • Rosacea, perioral dermatitis.
  • Bacterial, viral (Herpes simplex, chickenpox, Herpes zoster) or fungal skin infection.
  • Tuberculosis, syphilis.
  • Post-vaccination reactions.
  • Children's age up to 6 months.
  • Pregnancy (treatment of large areas of skin, long-term treatment).
  • Lactation period (use in large doses and/or for a long time).


Application to the face and folds, use of occlusive dressings, as well as treatment of large areas of skin and/or long-term treatment (especially in children).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The safety of using Mometasone-Akrikhin cream during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. Glucocorticosteroids penetrate the placental barrier. Long-term treatment and the use of large doses during pregnancy should be avoided due to the risk of negative effects on fetal development.
Glucocorticosteroids are excreted in breast milk. In cases where GCS is intended to be used in large doses and/or for a long time, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Directions for use and doses

A thin layer of Uniderm cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin once a day. The duration of treatment is determined by its effectiveness, as well as patient tolerability, the presence and severity of side effects.

Side effects

Rarely - irritation and dryness of the skin, burning sensation, itching, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acne, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, skin maceration, secondary infection, signs of skin atrophy, stretch marks, prickly heat. In less than 1% of cases - the formation of papules and pustules.
When using Uniderm cream for a long time and/or to treat large areas of skin, or using occlusive dressings, especially in children and adolescents, side effects characteristic of systemic corticosteroids may occur, including adrenal insufficiency and Cushing's syndrome.


Symptoms: inhibition of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, including secondary adrenal insufficiency.
Treatment: symptomatic, if necessary - correction of electrolyte imbalance, drug withdrawal (with long-term therapy - gradual withdrawal).

special instructions

When applied to large areas of skin for a long time, especially when using occlusive dressings, systemic action of GCS may develop. Given this, patients should be monitored for signs of suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and the development of Cushing's syndrome. Avoid getting Mometasone-Akrikhin cream in your eyes.

Propylene glycol, which is part of the drug, may cause irritation at the site of application. In such cases, you should stop using Uniderm cream and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It should be borne in mind that GCS can change the manifestations of some skin diseases, which can complicate the diagnosis. In addition, the use of GCS may cause a delay in wound healing.

With long-term therapy with GCS, sudden cessation of therapy can lead to the development of rebound syndrome, manifested in the form of dermatitis with intense redness of the skin and a burning sensation. Therefore, after a long course of treatment, the drug should be discontinued gradually, for example, by switching to an intermittent treatment regimen before stopping it completely.

Use in pediatrics

The safety and effectiveness of Mometasone-Akrikhin cream when applied topically to children for periods exceeding 6 weeks have not been studied.

Due to the fact that in children the ratio of surface area to body weight is greater than in adults, children are at greater risk of suppressing the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and developing Cushing's syndrome when using any topical corticosteroids.

Long-term treatment of children with GCS can lead to disturbances in their growth and development. Children should receive the minimum dose of the drug sufficient to achieve the effect. In children from 6 months to 2 years, the course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Release form

Cream for external use 0.1%.
15 and 30 g in an aluminum tube.
Each tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

At temperatures from 15 to 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

By doctor's prescription.

Manufacturer/Organization accepting consumer complaints

Joint Stock Company "Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant "AKRIKHIN" (JSC "AKRIKHIN"), Russia
142450, Moscow region, Noginsky district, Staraya Kupavna, st. Kirova, 29.

Today, the problem of allergic rhinitis is widespread throughout the world. The main pharmacological agents for the treatment of this condition are intranasal glucocorticosteroids, among which mometasone takes the leading place.

Characteristics of mometasone

Mometasone is a glucocorticoid, an analogue of cortisol, a hormone of the adrenal cortex. Drugs in this group have a pronounced ability to reduce inflammation by suppressing the body’s immune reactions. Since in allergic rhinitis, nasal manifestations (stuffiness, rhinorrhea, itching) are caused by the presence of persistent allergic inflammation, the use of this group of medications for treatment is very effective.

Due to the fact that inflammation in the nose during allergic rhinitis develops over a long period of time and gradually, the patient does not notice its manifestations immediately. This inflammation will also go away slowly and gradually. Therefore, we will immediately make a reservation that mometasone spray for treatment must be taken for quite a long time. The minimum period for using intranasal steroids according to the international consensus document on the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis is 3 months. This is necessary so that the mucous membrane returns to its previous state and nasal breathing is restored.

Typically, patients are afraid to start treatment with hormones, since their use can develop quite unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side reactions. But in the case of local (intranasal, topical) use there is no need to fear this. The probability of developing systemic effects is very low, about 0.01-0.001%. It is this percentage of absorption into the bloodstream from the site of drug penetration that is described in the annotations for nasal steroids. Numerous clinical studies have been conducted that have confirmed that even long-term (for a year) use of mometasone in therapeutic dosages did not affect the growth of children (one of the indicators of the systemic effect of the drug).

Instructions for use

Mometasone spray is used for injection into the nasal passages. It is worth mentioning that the range of indications for use is somewhat wider than the treatment of allergic rhinitis. It is also used for the treatment of chronic sinusitis, and in pediatric otorhinolaryngology for the treatment of adenoid vegetations. In these conditions, inflammation of the nasal mucosa also develops, which becomes chronic, and allergy cells take part in its maintenance. With a slight degree of enlargement of the adenoids, the administration of intranasal corticosteroids helps to avoid surgical treatment.

Mometasone has a so-called sparring effect: in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, if the patient has concomitant eye symptoms, the drug helps eliminate them (at low intensity).

The spray is used for spraying into the nasal passages. Before using the medicine, the nose must be thoroughly cleaned of mucus, dust, crusts and other foreign substances. Adults can simply blow their nose, but for children it is better to use special saline solutions. They can be produced in sprays and drops. It is necessary to use isotonic solutions (hypertonic solutions are not suitable for cleaning the nose, as they dry out the mucous membrane), or even ordinary saline solution.

After this we inhale mometasone spray. The inhalation technique differs depending on what the treatment is prescribed for.

If this is a treatment for allergic rhinitis, then we do this:

  • We tilt our head down so that the angle between the axis drawn from the eyes to a point on the floor and the axis of the body is approximately 45°.
  • We hold the medicine canister strictly perpendicular to the floor.
  • Exhale completely through the nose.
  • We insert the nozzle of the bottle into the nostril, begin to inhale and at the same time press the nozzle.
  • We tilt our head back for a few seconds.
  • Lower your head and exhale slowly.

If you need to use mometasone to treat adenoid vegetations, then the instructions for use are slightly different: before you start inhaling, you need to lift the tip of your nose up with your second hand, and then inject the drug. All other actions are the same as in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. The differences are due to the fact that the medicinal substance for various pathologies must act in different parts of the nasal cavity. And by adjusting the inhalation technique, we help ensure that the medication reaches exactly the right place.

The dosage of mometasone is prescribed by the doctor in each specific situation based on the patient’s condition and the amount of previous treatment. Sometimes it may be necessary to double the dose to achieve the desired effect.

Mometasone preparations

Currently, many companies use mometasone to create their own sprays. Nasonex is considered the original drug (which first appeared on the market). In addition to it, the following drugs are registered: Sanomen, Flix, Glenspray, Allertek naso, Forinex.

Not all of them are equally effective. In the same patient, different drugs may be more or less effective, so if one drug does not help, you need to try another. However, if you have received Nasonex for at least a month and have not seen an effect, then it makes sense to discuss with your allergist the possibility of starting treatment with another active substance (for example, fluticasone furoate or fluticasone propionate and others). You can start treatment with these medications on your own only if you have already been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and have already received similar medications.

Latin name: mometasone furoate
ATX code: D07AC13
Active substance: mometasone furoate
Manufacturer: PJSC Farmak, Ukraine
Release from the pharmacy: On prescription
Storage conditions: up to 25 degrees
Best before date: up to 3 years.

The trade name mometasone furoate coincides with the active substance; it is a synthetic glucocorticoid used topically for the treatment of various skin diseases.

Cream and ointment are used primarily for the treatment of dermatosis, hyperkeratosis, eczema, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis. Spray for intranasal administration is used to combat allergic manifestations of seasonal or year-round runny nose.

Composition and release forms

Cream: per 1 gram of product 1 mg of active ingredient. Auxiliary components: hexylene glycol, titanium dioxide, cetostearyl ether, phosphoric acid in diluted form, starch, pure water, medical petroleum jelly, aluminum salt.

Ointment: per 1 gram of product 1 mg of working component. Auxiliary ingredients: cosmetic petroleum jelly, white wax, propylene glycol, pure water, diluted phosphoric acid.

Spray: 50 mcg of active ingredient per dose. Auxiliary components: propylene glycol, carbomers, sodium saccharinate, trometamol, pure water, lemon oil, Trilon b.

The ointment and cream are white in color, have a uniform structure without inclusions or a pronounced odor. Sold in aluminum packaging, in the form of a tube of 15 grams each. One tube is sold in one cardboard box. The spray is packaged in plastic bags of 200 grams or 500 grams. At the base there is an aluminum drum. The average cost of medicine in Russia is currently unknown. There are complete analogues for the active substance.

Medicinal properties

Mometasone furoate has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and antiexudative properties. Mometasone is a synthetic glucocorticoid with pronounced local activity when used. If you do not overdo it with dosages for a long period, then systemic side effects practically do not occur, but itching and discharge of fluid from the nose stop. The product has the property of constricting blood vessels (intranasal form of release) and combating allergic manifestations. The mechanism of action of the drug is to inhibit the release of mediators that manifest the inflammatory process (these include prostaglandins), and also stimulate the secretion of lipomodulin phospholipase A. The drug practically does not enter the systemic circulation.

Mode of application

Ointment and cream average cost 320 rubles per package and Nasonex spray for 620 rubles.

The dosage depends on the specific disease, the patient, the severity of the disease and the form of release. Everything is selected individually by a specialist. For example, cream and ointment are applied once a day to a sore spot in a thin layer. The duration of treatment is individual. The spray is used by adults and children over 12 years of age at a dosage of 100 - 200 mcg in each nasal passage once a day. The average dosage is 200 mcg per day, and the maximum is up to 400 mcg. Children from two years to eleven – up to 100 mcg per day.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is possible, but only with the permission of a specialist and under strict supervision.

Contraindications and precautions

Use is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Nasal hay fever in minors
  • Tuberculosis
  • Intolerance or hypersensitivity
  • Children under two years of age
  • History of infectious, fungal or bacterial lesions
  • Recent nasal trauma or post-operative period
  • Herpetic lesions in the eye area.

With caution - periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects and overdose

If you use the medication in a local form, you often experience a feeling of itching, prickly heat, paresthesia, increased hair growth at the site of application, rash, stretch marks, and folliculitis. When using the spray: dry mucous membranes, scabies, bronchospasm, irritation, local fungus.

Overdose by any form of release - signs of hypercortisolism, intranasal use - nosebleeds.


Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, India

average cost in Russia – 320 rubles.

Momate consists of mometasone furoate and is available in external forms - cream and ointment. Used for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and any other inflammatory skin processes.

Dermatitis, eczema, and lichen are very common skin diseases that people face, regardless of age and gender. It is in such cases that doctors recommend the use of the drug Mometasone. Instructions, dosage, indications and limitations, possible complications and reviews - all this is interesting and useful information that you should definitely read.

Composition of the medicine. Description of release form

What is the drug "Mometasone"? Instructions, reviews, cost - this is, of course, important information. But first, it’s worth considering some general information.

In dermatology, this medicine is widely used in the form of a cream or ointment. The main active substance of the drug is mometasone furoate. 1 g of product contains 1 mg of this component.

Of course, there are other substances in the composition. The ointment contains white soft paraffin, hexylene glycol, purified water, diluted phosphoric acid, propylene glycol monopalmitostearate, white wax.

As for the cream, it contains titanium dioxide, cetostearyl alcohol, hexylene glycol, white petrolatum, wax, purified water, macrogol, glyceryl motostearate, phosphoric acid (diluted form).

You can also purchase a spray with mometasone furoate at the pharmacy (instructions can be discussed below). It is sold in plastic bottles with a convenient nozzle for irrigating the nasal passages.

What properties does the active substance have?

Many patients require the use of creams or ointments that contain mometasone fuorate. The instructions indicate that this substance is a fairly powerful synthetic glucocorticosteroid.

The active component of the drug induces the release of lipocortins, which, in turn, take part in the production of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, thereby inhibiting the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, this medicine reduces the amount of exudate, relieves swelling of the skin and itching, and alleviates the patient’s condition.

Mometasone furoate penetrates the surface layers of the skin, but practically does not penetrate into the blood. According to research, eight hours after applying a cream or ointment, no more than 0.7% of the active substance of the drug is found in a person’s blood. The degree of adsorption increases if the medicine is applied under an occlusive dressing.

Main indications for use

In what situations do doctors prescribe Mometasone ointment/cream to patients? Instructions for use contain a list of indications for use. The drug is used to treat the skin for the following diseases:

  • dermatoses, especially those forms that are accompanied by severe itching and inflammation;
  • chronic forms of eczema;
  • skin lesions due to psoriasis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • simple chronic lichen;
  • lichen planus;
  • some forms of lupus erythematosus.

Cream or ointment can also be used to treat insect bites, as well as burned areas of skin (if we are talking about first-degree burns).

In what cases is Mometasone spray used? The instructions indicate that the drug is advisable to use in the following cases:

  • allergic forms of rhinitis;
  • polyposis;
  • sinusitis (if there is a recurrent form of the disease).

The spray is also widely used for the prevention of allergic rhinitis (seasonal forms that are associated, for example, with flowering plants, etc.). How to use the product?

Mometasone cream/ointment: instructions for use

Under no circumstances should this product be used without permission. Only a dermatologist, after a thorough examination, can prescribe a cream or ointment that contains mometasone furoate. The instructions for use are simple: you just need to apply a thin layer of the product to the affected area of ​​the skin (the tissue must be cleaned before the procedure). Sometimes, to achieve a greater effect, an occlusive dressing is applied on top.

It is important to ensure that the drug does not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Cream and ointment are not used to treat the skin of the face, groin folds and armpits.

If during therapy a secondary infection of tissues with a bacterial or fungal infection occurs, then the use of Mometasone should be temporarily suspended. If after two weeks the therapy has not given the required effect, you should stop using the medication and take all the tests again.

Mometasone furoate (spray): instructions for use

This spray is considered safe and is often used in pediatrics. The medicine is easy to use. First you need to shake the bottle vigorously several times. 2-3 injections should be made into each nostril. The procedure is repeated 2-4 times a day. If we are talking about a complicated form of sinusitis, then such anti-inflammatory therapy is supplemented with antibiotics. The bottle should be stored in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight.

Description of possible side effects

Is therapy with Mometasone cream or ointment always safe? The instructions contain information about possible adverse reactions. In fact, complications are rarely recorded, and the list of them is not that long:

  • Sometimes after treatment with a cream or ointment, the skin becomes dry, red and overly sensitive. The development of prickly heat and secondary infectious inflammation is possible.
  • In some cases, stretch marks, follicles, and acne form on the skin.
  • Treated fabrics may lose pigmentation.
  • Possible side effects include hypertrichosis and allergic contact dermatitis.
  • With prolonged use of occlusive dressings, rosacea may occur. Patients complain of severe burning and itching. Possible development
  • When it comes to using a spray, some patients complain of dryness, irritation, itching and burning in the nose, which is often accompanied by lacrimation. In rare cases, bleeding is observed. There is a possibility of developing secondary infectious diseases, candidiasis, bronchospasm, pharyngitis.

If treatment is accompanied by the appearance of any disorders or unpleasant symptoms, then you should immediately inform your doctor about this - sometimes you need to stop using the drug, but only the treating dermatologist can decide on this.

Are there any restrictions? List of contraindications

Can all patients take medications whose main component is mometasone furoate? The instructions contain information that the drug has some restrictions. You should definitely familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:

  • The patient has an allergic sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, as well as other glucocorticosteroids.
  • Creams and ointments are not prescribed to children under two years of age.
  • Contraindications also include the period of breastfeeding.
  • If we are talking about sprays, they are not used in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages of viral, bacterial or fungal origin.
  • The spray is also not used after an injury or recent surgery on the nose (until the damage has completely healed).
  • Contraindication is the presence of active or latent tuberculosis infection of the respiratory tract.
  • If there is a herpetic infection of the nasal passages, which is accompanied by damage to the eyes, additional tests and examinations are required.

In any case, it is very important to tell your doctor if you have any health problems. Only a specialist can determine whether the use of this anti-inflammatory drug is safe.

Is it possible to overdose?

The active substance of the drug partially penetrates into the bloodstream and has a systemic effect. When using too much cream, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system is observed. In the most severe cases, secondary adrenal insufficiency may develop.

If we are talking about using a spray, then bloody or mucous-bloody discharge from the nose may occur. There is no specific antidote. A patient in this condition requires symptomatic therapy.

List of effective substitutes

What to do if the patient does not like the drug "Mometasone-Akrikhin"? The instructions contain information that the therapy has contraindications, and the likelihood of side effects cannot be excluded. Sometimes the drug needs to be replaced with another, more suitable drug.

Creams such as Eloderm and Elokom will help cope with the symptoms of psoriasis, dermatosis and other skin lesions. Good substitutes include the medicines Momat and Moleskine, which are available both in the form of ointments and creams. In dermatology, the drugs Motizolon, Sterocort and Advantan are often used.

How much does the medicine cost?

Many people are faced with the need to use the drug Mometasone. Instructions, indications, features of use - this is very important information. But for many patients, cost is still the deciding factor. If we are talking about 1% cream, then 15 g will cost approximately 200-220 rubles. For a tube containing 30 g of the drug, you will have to pay about 350-400 rubles.

What do the experts say? Patient reviews about the drug

In addition to official information, people are often interested in the opinions of experts. In fact, the doctors' reviews are positive. This is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that copes with the symptoms of various skin diseases. In addition, the drug has only minimal systemic effects, has virtually no contraindications, and side effects are extremely rare.

Patients also respond well to the medicine. Significant improvements are observed after just a few days. After a week, almost all skin manifestations disappear. It is worth considering that the skin after treatment with ointment or cream becomes sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is worth temporarily abandoning therapeutic and cosmetic procedures that involve the use of ultraviolet rays. Sometimes addiction occurs - skin tissues become less sensitive to the active component of the drug, which requires increasing the dose.

The price of the medicine is quite affordable, especially considering that many analogs are much more expensive.

Formula: C22H28Cl2O4, chemical name: (11beta,16alpha)-9,21-dichloro-11,17-dihydroxy-16-methylpregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione (as furoate).
Pharmacological group: hormones and their antagonists/corticosteroids/glucocorticoids.
Pharmachologic effect: glucocorticoid, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiexudative.

Pharmacological properties

Mometasone induces lipocortins (proteins that inhibit phospholipase A2). This leads to a slowdown in the release of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids and disruption of the biosynthesis of leukotrienes and prostaglandins.
When used intranasally, systemic bioavailability is less than 0.1%. The absorption of mometasone from 0.1% cream through intact skin is 0.4% 8 hours after application without a bandage. When the skin is damaged or inflamed, absorption increases.
When applying the cream daily to children over 2 years of age with allergic dermatitis, the therapeutic effect appears within 3 weeks.


Inhalation: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - from moderate to very severe; bronchial asthma of any severity (including in patients who have previously used both systemic and inhaled glucocorticoids, as well as with insufficient effectiveness of previously used treatment without the use of glucocorticoids).
Intranasally: exacerbation of sinusitis (complex treatment with antibiotics) in patients over 12 years of age; allergic rhinitis (year-round and seasonal) in patients over 2 years of age; prevention of moderate and severe seasonal allergic rhinitis in patients over 12 years of age (recommended 2–4 weeks before the expected start of the dusting season).
Locally: elimination and weakening of itching and inflammation in dermatoses (including those affecting hairy areas of the skin) that are amenable to glucocorticoid treatment in patients over 2 years of age (including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis).

Method of administration of mometasone and dose

Inhalation: the dose must be adjusted individually depending on the severity of the disease (until the minimum dose is reached that provides adequate control of asthma).
Applications: Once a day, apply a thin layer of cream or ointment to the affected areas of the skin; Once a day, rub a few drops of lotion into the skin until completely absorbed.
Intranasally: patients over 12 years old - 2 inhalations into each nostril once a day (total daily dose - 200 mcg); after achieving the effect - maintenance therapy - 1 inhalation per day. The daily dose can be increased if necessary to 400 mcg. Children 2 - 11 years old - 1 inhalation into each nostril once a day (total daily dose - 100 mcg).
Mometasone is not intended for use in ophthalmology. Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes.
Regular monitoring of adrenal function is necessary for timely diagnosis of hypercortisolism.
When applied to large areas of skin for a long time, especially when using occlusive dressings, systemic effects of glucocorticoids may develop.
If local infections of the pharynx or nose develop, mometasone is gradually discontinued.
Glucocorticoids can change the manifestations of some skin diseases, which can make diagnosis difficult. Glucocorticoids can also delay wound healing.
With prolonged treatment with the drug, sudden discontinuation of therapy can cause the development of rebound syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of dermatitis with a burning sensation and intense redness of the skin. Therefore, with a long course of therapy, discontinuation of the drug must be done gradually.
Therapy for children is carried out only according to strict indications and under medical supervision, since the development of systemic adverse reactions is possible.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity; for intranasal use: recent trauma to the nose or surgery (before the wound heals), the presence of an untreated local infection involving the nasal mucosa; tuberculosis infection (latent or active) of the respiratory tract, untreated bacterial, fungal, viral systemic infection or infection that is caused by Herpes simplex involving the eyes.

Restrictions on use

Application to intertriginous skin and facial skin, use of occlusive dressings, long-term treatment and/or treatment of large areas of skin.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The safety of mometasone during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. The use of mometasone is possible if the expected effect of treatment exceeds the possible risk to the fetus and child. Glucocorticoids penetrate the placental barrier. Long-term therapy and the use of large doses during pregnancy should be avoided due to the threat of negative effects on fetal development. Newborns whose mothers used glucocorticoids during pregnancy should be carefully examined for possible adrenal hypofunction. Glucocorticoids are excreted in breast milk. When using the drug in large doses and/or for a long time, you must stop breastfeeding.

Side effects of mometasone

Systemic effects (especially when used in high doses and for a long time): inhibition of adrenal cortex function, Cushing's syndrome, demineralization of bone tissue, growth retardation in children and adolescents, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, development of cataracts.
Locally (cream, ointment, lotion): itching, burning, irritation and dry skin, tingling and tingling sensation, folliculitis, paresthesia, acne, hypertrichosis, skin atrophy, hypopigmentation, allergic contact dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, skin maceration, stretch marks, secondary infection, miliaria, formation of papules, pustules.
Intranasally: itching, burning, irritation, atrophy and dryness of the nasal mucosa, pharyngitis, candidiasis, nosebleeds, secondary infection, bronchospasm.
Inhalation: pharyngitis, oral candidiasis, headache, dysphonia, dyspepsia, dry mouth and throat, palpitations, weight gain, bronchospasm, hypersensitivity (rash, urticaria, erythema, itching, swelling of the eyes, lips, face, throat), increased wheezing in the lungs immediately after inhalation.

Interaction of mometasone with other substances

Cream, ointment, lotion: no data.
Nasal spray: combination treatment with loratadine was well tolerated by patients; for other drugs there is no data.
Powder for inhalation: when mometasone and ketoconazole (an inhibitor of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme) were used together, the content of mometasone in the blood serum increased, and the area under the concentration-time curve of cortisol in the blood serum slightly decreased. It is unlikely that these changes will have clinical significance.


In case of an overdose of mometasone, symptoms of hypercortisolism and suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, including secondary adrenal insufficiency, may develop. Treatment: discontinuation of the drug (with long-term treatment - gradual withdrawal), if necessary, correction of electrolyte imbalance. With intranasal use: bloody discharge (blood clots or mucus) from the nose; Applications of the drug are stopped; no special therapy is required.

Trade names of drugs containing the active ingredient mometasone

Combined drugs:
Mometasone + Salicylic acid: Momat-S, Elokom S®;
Mometasone + Formoterol: Zenhale;
Mometasone + [Sodium Heparin]: Skinlight®.



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