My most memorable day of the summer holidays. “Memorable day at school” essay

The holidays are over, all the schoolchildren have gone to school and now they have to do their homework in literature and the Russian language again. For example, all students are assigned a Summer Vacation Day to Remember for the fifth grade. Here we are, in order to make the fate of schoolchildren a little easier, we offer you an essay on the topic: one day of vacation.

Essay holiday day

The summer has been very interesting and every day deserves to be written about, but I will write my essay about a memorable day of the holidays, devoting it to one special day in July.

The essay begins and one day of my summer vacation usually begins. One July day I woke up and found out that we were going to the sea. It seems like nothing special, because everyone goes to the sea, and we go there every year every summer. But this summer I remember the sea in a special way, and I dedicate my essay on the topic “A memorable day of the summer holidays” to it, the sea, and to be more precise, to the dolphins.

Dolphins are such cute sea creatures that I really like, so I watched a lot of films, cartoons, and even often I saw them in my dreams, where we swam and frolicked with them. But I always dreamed of seeing, or even touching, a dolphin for real. We have a dolphinarium in our city, but my parents and I haven’t gotten there yet, but we managed to visit it at sea, and now my dream has come true.

This one day of my vacation began with the fact that on the third day of my stay at sea, my mother informed me about the cherished trip to the dolphinarium. Once there, we were in a fairy tale. This is an incredible show with amazing performances. And most importantly, I was able to swim with them, look into their smart, deep eyes. When you look at them, it always seems like they are smiling. Wonderful mammals. Now I know for sure that I will definitely go to the dolphinarium in our city.

This was a memorable day of summer and my essay on the topic: a memorable day of summer vacation.

My favorite time of year is summer. It’s warm in the summer, you can swim, you don’t have to wear a lot of warm clothes, and we don’t study in the summer. We are on vacation. I spend every summer interestingly, I always go somewhere. This year I went with my mother to Crimea. Crimea is a wonderful place, there is a gentle sea and hot beaches, there are a lot of interesting places. We try to see everything and go everywhere. This year we climbed Bear Mountain and swam on wild beaches, rode a yacht in Balaklava and toured ancient fortresses. But most of all I remember one day and one excursion.

This excursion was to Mount Demerdzhi and the Valley of Ghosts. It seemed like an ordinary excursion, but what was unusual about it was that it took place on horseback.

That day, a small bus took us to a Tatar farm near Mount Demerdzhi. And the first thing I saw when I got off the bus were horses. A whole paddock with horses, they were different: black and red, adults and very small foals. I immediately ran to look at them. They were so beautiful, with slender legs and long manes.

But now the time has come to get into the saddle. My horse's name was Mike. She was black, tall, slender, with long legs and very beautiful. I liked her right away. And we became friends. I had already ridden horses before. And so I easily climbed into the saddle myself, and Mike and I went on an excursion. My wishes and Maika’s coincided in everything, and therefore we soon found ourselves ahead of the entire excursion.

But Mount Demerzhdi became better visible, we arrived at the foot. The guide told and showed strange wind-carved sculptures in the Valley of Ghosts. And we moved on, our next stop was at the place where the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was filmed. It turns out that all the filming in the mountains in this film was carried out in Crimea, only the mountain river was filmed in the Caucasus. The film “Hearts of Four” was also filmed here. I climbed all the stones that were present in the film footage.

And again we are moving forward. The new stop was at the site of a village that was covered with stones during a mountain collapse. All that was left of the village was a key with clean spring water and the “Broken Heart” stone. There was a beautiful legend associated with this stone. And we were also told that if you climb through the crevice in the “Heart”, then your wish will definitely come true. It was not interesting to return back through the crevice, and the boys and I decided to return through the top of the stone. Mom was very scared, but we got off the rock just fine.

Our last stop is the ancient fortress of Funa. Once it was a powerful fortress, but now only ruins remain. Moreover, most of them are hidden underground. From the guide I learned a lot of interesting things about how to build a fortress so that it becomes impregnable.

Now the excursion has come to an end. And Mikey and I galloped to the farm. Everyone was left far behind, and Mike and I rushed like an arrow.

But the way back always seems shorter, and now the farm appears. Here we had dinner and farewell to the horses. I didn’t want to say goodbye to Mikey, we got used to each other and liked each other very much. At least that's what I thought. I began to persuade my mother to go on another excursion, a longer one, now for the whole day. But mom said it would be better to do it next year.

Then there were many interesting events, many interesting excursions, but I remember this day most of all. I realized that a horse is the most beautiful animal in the world.

My grandfather is a famous fisherman; he weaves his own seine and makes fishing gear. And he loves to sit in silence on the river bank early in the morning with a fishing rod. I always thought this activity was quite boring until one sunny summer day when my grandfather offered to go with him. I was amazed that fishing could be such fun.

On the shore, we dug up worms and inflated the boat, launched it into the water and sailed to the middle of the lake, grandfather even let me row by myself, but I got tired pretty quickly. We took out float rods and tried to throw them as far as possible - we were waiting for the catch. My grandfather told me different stories from his life, and we drank the most delicious tea from a thermos. Unfortunately, that day I didn’t catch anything except small minnows, and my grandfather caught three large perches, but I fell in love with fishing forever.

Holidays at sea in Abkhazia 6th grade

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Because every day of the summer holidays is filled with vivid impressions, new events, and interesting acquaintances. But, probably, what impressed me most was the day when my parents and I went on a small trip; it was long, but not at all tiring. We had to travel for several days by train to the city of Adler, then transfer to a regular bus and cross the border of the neighboring country of Abkhazia. Then by car we reached the amazing city of Gagra.

I was immediately struck by the nature of this distant land. High mountains and airy clouds, it seemed you could touch them with your hand, for the first time I saw a large eagle so close, it circled above us, greeting us with its cries. I was surprised by the clean mountain air; I constantly wanted to breathe deeply. It’s like taking a piece of this air with you.

We checked into a nearby hotel with local residents, not far from the sea, the house was surrounded by grapevines. After leaving our things and having a little rest from the road, we went to the beach.

It took my breath away when I first saw the black sea. Words cannot describe how huge and beautiful it is, especially when it is complemented by the landscape of the high Abkhazian mountains towering above it. Shiny waves crash against the shore, and white seagulls fly in the sky. It seems to me that I stood motionless for several minutes, as if by moving I could scare away all this natural beauty. I wanted to go into the salt water, but my parents didn’t allow me, saying that I shouldn’t swim in the evening. It's better to leave it for tomorrow. And we sat on the shore of the black sea, strewn with small pebbles, admired the waves, listened to the sounds of the sea and looked at the sparkling stars. At some point it seemed to me that a star was falling, and I made a wish: I would definitely come back here again.

Essay No. 3 Memorable day of summer holidays


Summer is probably the most favorite time of the year for most people. After all, in the summer it’s warm, the birds are singing, you can swim, fish, and pick berries. I really like summer holidays because I relax.

This year during the summer holidays, I visited the village. This is a wonderful place, surrounded on all sides by beautiful scenery. Not far from the village there is a beautiful lake, a gorgeous oak forest, and a birch grove.

And most importantly, clean air. There are no exhaust fumes, factories, noise. In the midst of silence, I feel the nightingales singing and the sound of the breeze. This is real relaxation.


On one of these quiet morning days, I was woken up by my friend, who invited me to go for a walk. I jumped up immediately, because we hadn’t seen each other for a whole year.

My breakfast was already ready on the table, covered with a small napkin, which my grandmother had prepared. She gets up early for me, because there is a lot of work in the village, feeding the chickens and milking the cow, and getting everything done in the garden.

I quickly washed my face and chewed the prepared sandwich on the fly. He flew out of the house towards adventure.
The sun was warm in the morning, so we decided to go straight to the lake. We took a shortcut through the grove. Moving aside the last bushes, I saw real beauty in front of me. The rays of the sun reflected from the surface of the lake, the morning dew shimmered like diamonds.

Lake with clear water

With wild fury, I threw off my shorts and jumped into the lake. The water was crystal clear and cool. We swam without watching the clock. They jumped off the cliff, laughed, dreamed, sunbathed. It was a lot of fun. We didn’t think about any of our childhood problems, we just lived with what we have now.

After some time, we decided to chop some wood. I love this business. Entering the yard, we immediately got to work. They chopped wood, arranging some kind of competition. It was quite fun. Grandma was preparing dinner and setting the table.

Food in the village

The food in the village is the most delicious. Everything is fresh and unique. Country sour cream, fresh milk, jacket potatoes, fresh herbs, freshly baked homemade bread. What else do you need?


After having a hearty lunch, we visited our horse farm, where we enjoyed a horse ride. I realized that horses are one of the kindest and most graceful animals. In the evening, deciding that we were not tired yet, we decided to go to the village club, where young people gather every evening. We started a fire, roasted sausages on the fire with others, danced and just had a fun time. Closer to midnight, while the others were sitting and telling each other horror stories, I stepped aside and admired the moon.

End of the day, sky

I looked at the sky. The moon was so close, the starry sky, a warm breeze rolled along the back. How good it is, I thought. With these thoughts and emotions from the day, I decided to go home. I was very tired on this first day, but the fatigue was very pleasant.

The most interesting and best day of the summer holidays

Like any child, I always look forward to summer. Life flies by quickly in summer, but you remember it more than anything else. My best day was the first time I visited the capital's amusement park. Of course, our city also has a park, but it doesn’t bring as much emotion and joy as the capital’s. When you enter it, you immediately feel the spirit of fun and relaxation, your body is already configured to have fun.

I looked at large fountains, children having fun and beautiful landscapes. After such a rest, all the fatigue that had accumulated over the year disappeared. And in order for the memories to be fixed in my memory for a long time, I decided to go on the most terrible rides in order to let all the negativity out. You know, this really helps. People on vacation look a little happier and friendlier than on weekdays at work. This is what makes my soul happy.

Before she had time to look back, evening had already come and it was time to go home. At dinner, I finally put aside the hundred and decided to chat with my family. It turns out that their life was much richer than mine, it was very pleasant to communicate with them, you listened to them, and in return they listened to you. At such moments, you are glad that you have a family and they are with you.

5th grade, 6th grade. Short.

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    Every year I want to celebrate this day in some special way. A month before the event, many interesting and cool ideas are born. But the closer the holiday gets, the less you want anything at all. Someone leaves for another country in order to create natural conditions in which they don’t seem to congratulate, and there are no one they know nearby, and there seems to be no need to celebrate. They run away. For me, it’s a little different - I listen and read congratulations with pleasure, but I don’t really want to throw some kind of party. And it’s a pity that in our country there is not such a tradition as in the same states - when friends and colleagues organize everything themselves... and you open the door, and everyone has gathered there and everyone has a glass. Happy Bezdey!

    Last night, having received all the congratulations and gifts, I sat on the shore of the bay and ate my holiday dinner: incredibly delicious pizza with anchovies, washed down with unfiltered wine. I sat and tried to remember: which of the past birthdays was most memorable for its celebration. I remembered. Coming of age.

    On Friday evening, the relatives were safely sent to the dacha and the whole house remained at my disposal for the entire weekend. My friend and I pulled up an awning in the yard and pulled out a huge table. A little later, a small detachment additionally landed at my house and provided all possible assistance in transporting food and alcohol from the store. This concludes the preliminary preparations. The preliminary celebration began. Until late at night we sat in the kitchen with beer and fish, told stories and played chess. In the morning, in the company of my best friend, I started preparing simple dishes: mashed potatoes and various salads, cheese and meat slices and homemade pickles. The compotes were poured into jugs and sent to the cellar to cool. A couple of kilograms of Kiev cutlets and a huge honey cake coexisted comfortably on the shelf in the refrigerator. Everything was ready. Many guests were expected.

    At hour X the gate of my yard opened, thereby signaling the beginning of madness. The first twenty people sat down at the table and, without thinking twice, began to raise toasts to the hero of the occasion. Boys with vodka, girls with wine. When it turned out that there was no corkscrew, I proposed an original method - I tore out a reinforcement support from one of the tomatoes and began to use it to push the cork inside the bottle. Needless to say, the cork flew out of the bottom with a whistle...naturally, along with the wine. A little later the dancing began, right in the yard. The hefty two-cassette tape recorder was pumping as it should, and now about ten people were dancing between the beds and garden trees. All my friends and acquaintances of acquaintances began to flock to the sounds of music. People came, sat down at the table, drank and ate, danced, left, came again. The process was slowly getting out of control. Someone went to the house with a girlfriend. Someone else managed to open the shutters and present a picture of a sophomore girl giving a blowjob to a schoolboy. After them, the process of going home became more widespread. It seems like no one was left without a mate. Then the bathhouse was flooded and part of the company with beer smoothly flowed into the steam room. Some stayed in the house, where in one of the rooms they sang along together with someone who was playing the guitar. After a couple of hours, everyone had time to go take a steam bath. Hot bodies came out of the dressing room onto the street and demanded a cold shower. The party gradually turned into a wet one. Someone climbed onto the garage and, to the accompaniment of incendiary rhythms and the piercing squeals of the girls, began to hose down everything and everyone. This was the climax. Several dozen half-naked boys and girls danced in the artificial rain, trampling all living things in the yard. Further chaos consisted of all of the above, repeated several times in different sequences.

    On Sunday, some of the guys, we must give them credit, stayed and helped put the house and yard in at least some order within an hour. Wash the dishes and throw away the trash. In the evening, relatives found only a couple of used condoms and some broken glass. So everything ended quite normally, unlike the events of the film "Project X: Dorvali", which every time brings back pleasant memories of celebrating my coming of age. :-)

    What was your most memorable birthday? ;-)



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