Medicine dry mouth causes treatment. Dry mouth - what causes what disease in women? Severe dry mouth: causes

Dry mouth in the morning is medically called xerostomia. This process is observed due to a malfunction of the salivary glands and a sharp decrease in saliva. But poor saliva production can also indicate various pathological processes in the body.


Dry mouth in the morning has various causes, which are associated with pathological and physiological processes in the body. Most often people notice an unpleasant symptom due to the following factors:

  • disturbances in the sensitivity of receptors in the oral cavity;
  • changes in trophic processes in the oral mucosa;
  • impaired water metabolism and electrolyte balance in the body;
  • toxic substances in the body;
  • overdrying of the mucous membrane with air.

Also, dehydration of the oral cavity may indicate the development of various pathological processes in the human body. Dryness is one of the main symptoms of such pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • mouth diseases;
  • diseases of the brain and nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal pathology;
  • changes in the respiratory tract;
  • infections;
  • surgical disease OBP.

Doctors determine that the symptom may manifest itself as a consequence of intoxication and frequent use of medications, especially antibiotics.

Some drugs have a sedative effect on a person and help them fall asleep. Having a long-term effect, the patient experiences frequent dry mouth, headache and drowsiness. Such symptoms often occur from taking antihistamines. Antidepressants can cause a similar effect.


Most often, dry mouth in the morning occurs along with a number of other symptoms that cause discomfort to a person and may signal health problems. The patient complains of the following accompanying symptoms:

  • stickiness of saliva;
  • thirst;
  • cracks on the lips;
  • dry tongue and throat;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • hoarseness and wheezing;
  • unpleasant smell.

In case of drug overdose, the patient may experience the following additional symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • changes in stool;
  • poor digestion;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased vision.

Dry mouth as a sign of pathology

The question of why dry mouth begins in the morning worries many people. This is often associated with mouth breathing. Because of this, a person may experience problems with the respiratory system. Also in the morning a person feels dry from previously consumed alcoholic beverages.

Sleep is an important part of life for a person, and when it is disturbed, irritability appears. Oral dehydration also occurs at night. In this case, the symptom indicates the formation of a serious disease in the body, in particular problems in the nervous system.

If after sleep a person not only feels dry mouth, but also notices a white coating, then this signals the beginning of a pathological process in the gastrointestinal tract. Plaque indicates the development of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, and reflux. With such diseases, the patient may experience severe stomach pain, and the person needs to urgently consult a doctor.

Women during pregnancy can dry out their mouth. This means that the fairer sex drinks little water and lacks beneficial enzymes in her diet.

A similar symptom also appears during menopause. Along with it, the woman feels dizziness and rapid heartbeat. These symptoms appear because the production of sex hormones is inhibited in the body, the functions of the gonads are suspended, and this provokes the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms.

During postmenopause, a woman's body may develop Sjögren's syndrome, which is also characterized by dry mouth.

Dry mouth in the morning also manifests itself from blockage of the bile ducts and excessive production of hydrochloric acid. With such pathologies, in addition to dryness, the patient feels a characteristic bitterness, which is formed from stagnation of bile or acid. Such symptoms also develop with ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis and cholecystitis.

Dehydration of the mouth, diarrhea, pain in the left side of the abdomen, belching and nausea indicate the manifestation of pancreatitis. This is an insidious disease that can develop without symptoms for a long time. As a rule, pathology develops in those people who abuse food, alcohol and have an unhealthy diet.


If the morning symptom does not appear so often and for physiological reasons, then there is no need to worry. Doctors allow home therapy using simple means. To relieve dry mouth, the patient should take the following measures:

  • eat candy or chew gum;
  • do not eat a lot of sweet or salty foods;
  • drink your daily amount of water;
  • monitor oral hygiene;
  • try to breathe through your nose;
  • lubricate lips with balm;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • use an ionizer in the house or do wet cleaning.

Since a symptom can be one of the indicators of various pathologies, you need to closely monitor other signs. If a person’s body begins to experience frequent dry throat, dizziness, stomach pain or other symptoms, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. Treatment can be prescribed only after diagnosing the disease.

If dryness in the oral cavity does not indicate various pathologies, then you can use traditional therapy recipes. Doctors recommend using the following tinctures to eliminate symptoms:

  • flax seed;
  • calendula flowers;
  • marshmallow root.

You also need to add fruits and vegetables to your diet. They will help cope not only with dryness, but also eliminate bitterness in the mouth.

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Dry mouth (xerostomia) - this unpleasant sensation can be temporary or signal the presence of certain pathological conditions occurring in the body. Dry mouth occurs due to a lack of saliva production by the glands. Normal saliva production per day is 2000 ml.


Xerostomia can occur for the following reasons that are not associated with diseases:

Why can dry mouth be a constant pain? Pathological conditions that cause dry mouth:

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Neoplasms in the oral cavity, which affect the submandibular and parotid salivary glands;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus, in which the level of glucose in the blood increases and carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. Xerostomia occurs against the background of a decrease in fluid levels in the body and suppression of the functions of the salivary glands;
  • Sjögren's disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes dry mucous membranes and a disorder of the functioning of the exocrine glands;
  • Diseases of the salivary glands: sialostasis, mumps, Mikulicz's disease. Characteristic signs of pathologies are pain and enlargement of the gland, partial or complete extinction of the functions of saliva production;
  • Disturbance of innervation - after surgery, the nerve fibers of the neck or head may be damaged, which leads to disruption of the glands;
  • Infectious diseases which are accompanied by intoxication (dehydration) of the body;
  • Injury to the major salivary glands - can lead to rupture of tissues and gland ducts;
  • Vitamin A (retinol) deficiency – epithelial tissue grows, which clogs the lumens of the salivary glands;
  • Nervous overexcitation - xerostomia goes away along with signs of depression;
  • Surgical resection (removal) of the salivary glands(for neoplasms, extensive injuries);
  • HIV - the virus affects the salivary glands, inhibiting their functions, and the body is depleted;
  • Cystic fibrosis is a genetic (transmitted from parents to children) disease that is characterized by damage to the exocrine glands;
  • Systemic scleroderma - fibrosis (overgrowth of connective tissue) of the skin and mucous membranes occurs.

During pregnancy, the causes of xerostomia can be:

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • Preeclampsia (late toxicosis, pathological condition);
  • Violation of water-salt metabolism (excessive consumption of smoked, salty foods);
  • Pressure of the uterus on the bladder, leading to frequent urination;
  • Excess magnesium;
  • Potassium deficiency.

Associated symptoms

Most often, xerostomia is combined with other symptoms:

What gastrointestinal diseases may this indicate?

Xerostomia occurs with the following gastrointestinal diseases:

  • Pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas);
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • (infection of the duodenum);
  • Dyskinesia (motor function disorder) of the biliary tract;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.

Treatment methods

Treatment of dry mouth directly depends on the cause of its occurrence; usually, 3 therapeutic areas are distinguished for these purposes:

  • Curing the underlying disease that caused xerostomia. If the condition occurs while taking medications, then a new drug is selected and the dosage is adjusted, but if it is not possible to adjust the course of treatment (after injury, surgery), then measures are prescribed to increase salivation;
  • Quitting bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • Prevention of caries - brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, cleaning the interdental spaces with floss. It is also recommended to use mouth rinses, use fluoride toothpaste, and undergo a preventive examination with a dentist at least 2 times a year;
  • Moisturizing lips with hygienic lipsticks, wet wipes;
  • Increased salivation - artificial saliva substitutes are prescribed in the form of aerosols, rinses, moisturizing gels: evoxac, salajen, pilogel.

Quick relief from dryness

In order to get rid of dry mouth as soon as possible, you can use the following recommendations:


Meals for xerostomia should be fractional, in minimal portions at least 5 times a day, food should be warm, pureed. Dishes are boiled, stewed or baked.

Authorized products:

  • Bread 1st and 2nd grade;
  • Legumes;
  • Lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • Cereals, cereals;
  • Soft-boiled eggs;
  • Fermented milk drinks;
  • Butter, vegetable oil, ghee;
  • Vegetarian soups;
  • Vegetables, non-acidic berries, fruits;
  • Honey, jam, jam, marmalade;
  • Tea, rosehip decoction, juices, mineral water.

Prohibited products:

  • Salted, smoked, pickled, fatty, fried foods;
  • Spices, herbs;
  • Ice cream, chocolate;
  • Sausages;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bread, crackers, cookies;
  • Pastries, cakes;
  • Pasta;
  • Canned food;
  • Cottage cheese products;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Coffee, sour juices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Traditional medicine

For xerostomia, the following alternative medicine recipes are used:

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of sage, chamomile, calamus root, blueberries, brew each ingredient separately with a mug of hot water, except blueberries. Leave for 40–60 minutes, filter, rinse your mouth with decoctions throughout the day, and eat the berries;
  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon plantain, rosehip, chamomile, mint, calendula, sea buckthorn and red rowan. Grind everything, 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of the prepared mixture with ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 2–4 hours, filter. Take ¼ cup throughout the day; you can rinse your mouth with this decoction;
  • 1st Art. Brew a spoonful of rose hips with a mug of hot water, leave for a couple of hours, filter. Buy an oil solution of chlorophyllipt at the pharmacy, alternately drip these 2 products into the nasal passages: first rose hips, after 15 minutes the pharmaceutical solution. After instillation, you need to take a horizontal position;
  • Squeeze juice from fresh vegetables and fruits: white cabbage, apples, potatoes. Add ¼ cup of juice with water to make ½ volume, take warm before each meal.


If dry mouth bothers you for a long time, consult a doctor!

If xerostomia is observed for a long time and there is no treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • Caries, tooth loss;
  • Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • Infectious processes in the oral cavity (thrush).

- This is an unpleasant sensation that can be a symptom of serious illnesses. If dry mouth occurs constantly or frequently, it is necessary to understand the cause that is causing it and, if necessary, begin treatment. Elimination of dry mouth, as a rule, is achieved only as a result of treating the underlying disease, which should be the true goal. In any case, the feeling of dry mouth is another reason to pay attention to your health.

Dry mouth is caused by insufficient hydration of the oral mucosa, mostly due to insufficient saliva production. In medicine, dry mouth caused by a cessation or decrease in saliva production is called xerostomia.

Quite often, dry mouth occurs in the morning or at night (that is, after sleep).

Symptoms associated with dry mouth

Dry mouth in most cases manifests itself as a complex of symptoms described as:

  • "viscosity" or "stickiness" in the mouth;
  • thirst;
  • irritation of the oral mucosa (burning and itching), the appearance of a bright border of the lips, cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth;
  • dry tongue. The tongue turns red and becomes rough. It becomes more difficult to speak, chew and swallow. Decreased taste perception;
  • dry throat. The voice becomes hoarse and more hoarse;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Causes of dry mouth that are not pathological

In some cases, dry mouth is not associated with a medical condition. For example:

    Dry mouth can occur in the morning and at night due to intoxication. This is a typical situation after drinking too much alcohol the night before.

Diseases that may cause dry mouth

Dry mouth can be caused by high fever and intoxication due to various infectious diseases (, etc.). Diseases associated with large loss of fluid as a result of or (cholera, dysentery) can also cause dry mouth. In such cases, dry mouth is one of many symptoms and does not attract special attention.

Dry mouth in combination with white or yellow may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as duodenitis.

Dry mouth can also occur with:

    diseases of the salivary glands;

    systemic diseases (scleroderma, Sjogren's disease, cystic fibrosis).

Eliminate dry mouth

If dry mouth is caused by drinking alcohol and smoking, then it can only be eliminated by getting rid of the bad habit. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of salty and sweet foods. Pay attention to how you breathe - through your nose or mouth. If nasal breathing is difficult, it is necessary to diagnose the cause and restore nasal breathing. To do this, you will have to see a doctor. It is also important to monitor the humidity in the room.

Dry mouth is the appearance of dryness of the oral mucosa, which is caused by a reduced secretory ability of the salivary glands or its complete absence. In medicine, this pathology is called “xerostomia”. In the chronic form of this disorder, it becomes difficult for a person to swallow, eat and speak, which negatively affects the quality of life. The temporary manifestation of such a symptom does not always require treatment, while severe, prolonged dry mouth requires immediate attention to a medical facility.


There are more than enough reasons why your mouth feels dry in the morning or during sleep. This symptom may appear in the event of the development of such ailments:

  • pathologies of the oral cavity;
  • , including alcohol;
  • gastroenterological disorders;
  • acute purulent processes;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • surgical pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to ailments accompanied by this symptom, clinicians identify factors that contribute to the formation of dry mouth:

  • impaired sensitivity of tongue receptors;
  • insufficient amount of fluid consumed;
  • breathing through the mouth;
  • disruption of the nutritional processes of the oral mucosa;
  • disturbance of the body's water-electrolyte balance or dehydration;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • mechanical drying due to exposure to warm air.

Dry mouth in the morning can also occur with long-term treatment with certain medications.

Dry mouth is often observed during pregnancy. In this case, the short-term appearance of such a symptom should not cause concern.

As a rule, a decrease in the excretory function of the salivary glands manifests itself in the morning or at night. Snoring, mouth breathing and intoxication of the body after excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to the appearance of dry mouth in the morning.

Dry mouth at night can occur due to difficulty in nasal breathing, excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods at night. If such a symptom does not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor.

Quite often, the cause of dry mouth at night is diabetes.


The appearance of dry mouth should not be considered as an independent pathological process. Almost always, this violation is a sign of the development of a certain disease.

Persistent dry mouth may be accompanied by the following clinical signs:

The presence of such additional symptoms clearly indicates the development of certain pathological processes in the body. In this case, it is strongly not recommended to take any medications or traditional medicine, as this can lead to the development of complications. In addition, unauthorized use of drugs blurs the clinical picture, which complicates further diagnosis and may lead to the prescription of incorrect treatment.


First of all, a detailed physical examination of the patient is carried out to determine complaints, life history and medical history. To make a correct diagnosis and identify the etiology of a symptom, the doctor may prescribe the following laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • drawing blood to determine glucose levels;
  • blood sampling to determine the level of thyroid hormones;
  • enzyme immunoassay;
  • serological studies;
  • plain radiography;
  • sialometry;
  • biopsy and cytology of the salivary glands;
  • probing the ducts of the salivary glands.

The attending physician can determine the cause of dry mouth at night or in the morning after receiving the results of the examination and taking into account the overall clinical picture. Only after this a course of therapy is prescribed.


Therapy will depend on the etiological process, which manifests itself as dry mouth. A general treatment program may consist of the following:

  • cure from the underlying disease;
  • giving up bad habits, if any;
  • normalization of nutrition and daily routine;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • exclusion of alcoholic beverages.

It should be noted that dry mouth during pregnancy does not always allow the use of pharmacological agents, so a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

You can also use traditional medicine to eliminate this symptom, but only after talking with a doctor and as an addition to the main course of treatment. The traditional therapy method, in this case, involves the following:

  • regularly rinse your mouth with lemon water;
  • using a decoction of coltsfoot;
  • lubricating the surface of the lips with Vaseline or hygienic lipstick;
  • eating sugar-free candies.

In any case, if dry mouth occurs almost constantly after sleep, you should consult a doctor for advice rather than try to fix the problem yourself.


Since xerostomia is not a separate disease, there are no specific methods of prevention. However, if you apply in practice the general recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing illnesses, you can eliminate this problem.

  • timely treatment of all viral and infectious diseases;
  • proper nutrition - you should not abuse fatty, spicy and salty foods, especially during dinner;
  • eliminating bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • correct body position during sleep, which will ensure proper breathing;
  • avoiding stress and nervous tension;
  • undergoing regular medical examination.

I often experience bouts of dry mouth. I recently started wearing removable dentures, but I use high-quality oral care products, visit the dentist as often as necessary, and carry out daily hygiene. Sometimes I wake up at night and can drink up to 0.5 liters of water. What could this mean? Why is my mouth constantly dry? Darina K., 63 years old

Before you find out why you have constant dry mouth and thirst, you should understand that the pathology can be caused by multiple conditions in the patient. The patient's complaints alone are not enough for an accurate diagnosis. The pathological condition can occur episodically or be chronic. Perhaps there is no particular cause for concern, and dry pharynx is associated with drinking alcohol, spicy or salty foods at night, insufficient drinking regime during the day, and other factors. It is worth noting that the mandatory diagnostic criteria include the patient’s weight, height, and clinical history.

Xerostomia is dry mouth of any origin and etiology. Xerostomia is rarely an independent disease; it is often a symptom of a systemic disease or provoking factors temporarily present in the body. Dry mouth is often accompanied by other symptoms:

    change in the taste of products;

    bad breath;

    cracks in the corners of the mouth;

    frequent urge to urinate;

    burning and redness of the tongue;

    redness of lips

As the pathology increases, the quality of speech may change due to constant viscosity in the oral cavity. If such symptoms occur, you should contact a dentist, neurologist, endocrinologist or therapist to determine the profile of a specialist.

Main reasons

Causes that are in no way related to pathology do not pose a danger to the patient’s life, but significantly complicate it for some time. The appearance of dry pharynx for non-pathological reasons is due to the following factors:

    insufficient drinking regime (thirst in the heat, drinking alcohol, salty or spicy foods);

    drug treatment (thirst-inducing psychotropic drugs, antitumor drugs, sympathomimetics and antihypertensives, antihistamines);

    breathing through the mouth (night snoring, nasal congestion);

    long history of smoking;

    menopause in women;

    frequent rinsing of the mouth with special solutions.

Alcohol intoxication often provokes dry throat and lack of sufficient saliva for a week after severe poisoning. Sometimes correcting sleep patterns, nutrition, and treatment is enough to eliminate severe dry mouth and thirst.

Symptom of what disease?

If dry mouth becomes permanent and is not associated with the above conditions, then some pathogenic factors should be assumed. What disease can cause dry mouth? The main diseases include:

    Pathologies of the salivary glands. Impaired salivary secretion is possible with mumps, sialolithiasis, and Mikulicz syndrome. In severe conditions, the secretion of saliva stops completely, and swelling is noted in the area of ​​the salivary glands.

    Infectious diseases of a viral or bacterial nature. Flu, sore throat, ARVI, diseases accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea can cause intoxication and dehydration.

    Endocrine system disorders. The main disease is diabetes mellitus, which causes disruption of carbohydrate processes in the body. Other symptoms include: increased volume of daily urine, suppressed secretion of the salivary glands, weight loss. Another thyroid disease is thyrotoxicosis due to an excessive increase in the T4 hormone in the patient's blood. The pathology is accompanied by metabolic disorders and disturbances in the distribution of moisture in the body.

    Tumors and other formations. Tumors can be malignant or benign, often localized in the area of ​​the submandibular salivary glands, in the parotid zone. The formations are rarely painful, have a coarsely lumpy, dense structure, and a pronounced capsule (granuloma). With malignant growths, the node thickens and the infiltrate accumulates. The tumor does not cause pain and has no defined boundaries.

    Vitamin A deficiency. The lack of retinol negatively affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Against the background of the pathology, dry skin and pharynx, constant thirst, dull hair, and brittle nail plates are noted.

    Diseases associated with impaired water metabolism in the body. The condition can be provoked by pathologies such as hidradenitis, constant sweating, keratinization of the mucous tissues of the pharynx, and severe burns.

    Surgical removal of salivary glands. Surgery is often necessary for cancer, chronic inflammation, and extensive injuries. A constant feeling of dryness may occur throughout the entire rehabilitation period.

    Systemic diseases. The nature of the occurrence of systemic pathologies is often associated with gene mutations during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. The main diseases include systemic scleroderma (skin fibrosis, damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract), Sjogren's disease (dry mucous membranes due to pronounced proliferation of external secreting glands), cystic fibrosis with severe disorder of vital organs.

The most dangerous are systemic diseases that affect the organs and systems of the body, leading to loss of their functionality and severe consequences for the life and health of the patient.

Other causes of pathology may be nerve damage, iron deficiency anemia, nervous excitement and constant stress, trauma to the salivary glands.

Pathological dryness of the mouth and a feeling of constant thirst are always a serious and characteristic symptom of a disorder of the body systems. Patients need to immediately respond to disturbing signs and contact specialized specialists. In your case, dry mouth can be caused by excessive oral care, unsuitable hygiene products, or dentures. To make a final diagnosis, you should contact the clinic for a quality diagnosis and prevent the development of a possible disease at an early stage of its development.




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