Neapolitan Mastiff: description of the breed and photos. Neapolitan Mastiff - an incorruptible guard Neapolitan Mastiff description of the breed

Mastino Neapolitan, or Neapolitan Mastiff, is one of the most ancient breeds in the world. The ancestors of these majestic animals served Alexander the Great. Since ancient times, animals have been used for dog fighting and home guarding. Let's look at a brief description of the Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed.

Breed characteristics

Representatives of the Mastino Neapolitan breed have a large build, which cannot be ignored when looking at photos and videos of animals. Outwardly, the dog looks majestic and somewhat threatening. Her muscular body and measured movements attract attention. The animal's movements are its calling card: in them, the feline grace of a lion is replaced by the heavy gait of a bear.

Having a calm and devoted character, the Neapolitan Mastiff will become a faithful friend to the owner. He is not prone to sudden aggression and responds well to commands. Its protective qualities have been known since the times of Ancient Rome. The friendly and good-natured nature of the animal makes it a universal favorite.

According to the breed description, the Mastino Neapolitan is a massive and stocky dog. The length of her body is approximately 10% greater than the height at the withers, which is noticeable in photos of animals. The height of a Neapolitan Mastiff male reaches 75 cm, and that of a female reaches 68. Representatives of the breed have quite an impressive weight. According to the standard, a boy's weight can be 70 kg, and a girl's weight is approaching 60 kg.


The description of the Neapolitan Mastiff's head should begin with its size. It looks quite massive, and its length, according to the standard, is a little more than a third of the height of the animal at the withers. A special feature of Mastino Neapolitan is the presence of folds of skin that cover the animal’s face. The dog's wide, flat skull is approximately twice the size of its muzzle. It is characterized by powerful cheekbones and developed brow ridges.

The transition from the forehead to the front part is clearly visible. The length of the dog's wide muzzle is a third of the length of the head. The animal's large nose with wide open nostrils seems to continue the upper part of the muzzle. The color of the nose can be black, brown or dark gray depending on the base color of the dog.

The dog's lips are thick and dense. The upper lip has a characteristic shape resembling an inverted V, while the lower lip droops slightly at the edges. The animal's powerful jaws contain strong white teeth. The Neapolitan Mastiff has a scissor bite.

The dog's eyes are set wide and have a round shape. Their color is usually darker than the general color of the dog. The triangular, flat ears appear small compared to the overall body size. They fit tightly to the cheeks of the Neapolitan Mastiff and reach almost to the cheekbones.


The large head and massive body of the Neapolitan Mastino are connected by a short, slightly curved neck. Folds of loose skin wrap around the muscular neck. The length of the animal's wide back is a third of the height at the withers. The line of the back is continued by a harmoniously built muscular lower back. The voluminous chest contains long ribs that are clearly visible.

The Mastino Neapolitan tail is wide at the root and tapers evenly towards the tip. In a calm state it hangs down, and in an excited state it rises to the level of the back line or slightly higher. It is customary to dock it. The dog's front and hind legs are powerful, muscular and are in perfect harmony with the overall physique. The Neapolitan Mastiff's round, tightly knit paws are characterized by hard pads and strong, curved nails.

Coat and color

Dogs of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed have a characteristic skin covering. The thick skin of the animal hangs from the body, forming multiple folds. This is especially noticeable on the head and lower neck. The coat of this breed is smooth, short and thick. It has the same length and evenly covers the entire body. The length of a dog's fur coat barely reaches 1.5 cm.

The characteristic colors for representatives of the breed are black, gray, gray with a hint of lead and “mahogany color”. Fawn coloring is characterized by a yellow-brown coat color and possible small white inclusions on the chest and toes of the animal. All of the listed colors can be tiger-like. Light brown, grey-yellow and grey-fawn colours, or Isabella as it is also called, are often found.


The Neapolitan Mastiff has a kind and friendly character. He will love all family members, provided they treat him well. For children, a dog will become a nanny, and for adults, a best friend. An animal can treat all household members equally, without choosing an owner, if it feels love and care from them.

The representative of the breed is an excellent and responsible watchman. Having such a dog in your home, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property. The dog is wary of strangers, but at the first command of the owner he will let the visitor into the house. If you are visiting a house where such dogs live, do not baby them or try to pet them: mastiffs do not like persistent attention from strangers.

Kennel Gvidion (Mastino Napoletano)

Mastino Neapolitan. Planet of Dogs is coming to the rescue 🌏 My Planet

dogs Mastino Napoletano (Neapolitan mastiff)

Dog breeds. Mastino Neapolitan

During a walk, the dog behaves calmly and intelligently. She will never attack first, especially against those who are weaker. This is an extremely intelligent dog that is highly trainable. The only condition for education is no aggression, much less assault.

To prevent the dog from growing up aggressive and embittered, early socialization of the puppy is important. Take him for walks in parks where dogs are walked, introduce him to people and pets. Mastino Neapolitan must be taught simple commands, such as “Sit”, “Come to me”, “Stranger”, “Friend”. Ensure that the dog fulfills them unquestioningly and immediately. Remember that an untrained dog of this size can pose a danger to others.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a dog that needs space. Of course, it can be kept in an apartment, but a representative of the breed will feel better in a country house. He needs space to play and walk. It’s good if there is a garden or a large yard near the house where the dog can frolic and lie in the shade of the trees. In no case should you put an animal on a chain: this way you can embitter it.

Caring for a dog is not difficult. Caring for an animal's fur involves bathing once a month or whenever it gets dirty. The dog must be brushed once every two weeks, using a special massage mitten for this purpose. To prevent inflammation of the skin, regularly wipe the folds of the animal’s skin.

Ears should be checked for infections and cleaned of dirt, and teeth should be cleaned with a special paste. It is recommended to wipe the mastiff's eyes with a clean, damp cloth. This procedure is carried out approximately once every seven days. The dog's nails are trimmed as they grow.


Moving on to the issue of feeding Mastino Neapolitan dogs, it is necessary to say a few words about the place and dishes. The dog must eat food in a strictly designated place and at a strictly designated time. Utensils for eating should be made of metal or ceramics, but in no case made of plastic. The bowl should be located at the level of the animal's chest, so you should use a special stand for dog dishes.

Puppies up to 4 months are fed 4 times a day, and by 6 months they are fed 2 meals a day. It is recommended to feed an adult dog once a day: in the evening. The diet of a breed representative must be balanced and rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. Each owner chooses the type of feeding at his own discretion. For Mastino Neapolitan, both natural products and ready-made food are suitable.

Natural products

Natural feeding assumes that you will create your pet’s diet yourself and you will also have to prepare the dishes. The main component of a mastiff's natural diet is meat. Choose low-fat varieties: beef, poultry. You can give your dog by-products. Never offer your pet small bones, which can damage his stomach.

Fish should be given exclusively from the sea, after removing all the bones. Dogs benefit from porridges that saturate the body with the necessary carbohydrates. For puppies they cook them thinner, and for adult dogs - thicker. As for fermented milk products, the dog should eat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and natural yogurt, which is especially recommended for puppies. Make sure that your animal’s diet includes vegetables and fruits that will saturate its body with vitamins.

Ready-made feed

Feeding ready-made industrial food will save you from the need to invent and prepare dishes for your pet. There are two types of professional food: dry and canned. When choosing such a feeding system, make sure that the food you purchase matches the breed and age of the animal. Do not exceed the feeding dose specified by the food manufacturer, otherwise the dog will overeat, which will negatively affect its health.


Large breed dogs have a short life expectancy, this also applies to the Mastino Neapolitan. On average, representatives of the breed live 8-10 years. Maintenance, care and the presence of chronic diseases affect how many years your pet will live. Neapolitan Mastiff dogs are prone to the following diseases:

  1. Progressive retinal atrophy is hereditary and can partially or completely deprive a dog of his vision.
  2. Hip dysplasia is characterized by problems with the animal's musculoskeletal system. The disease often appears in puppies between 6 and 8 months of age. The dog may limp, get tired quickly during a walk, and have difficulty getting to its feet.
  3. Hypothyroidism is characterized by dysfunction of the thyroid gland. As a result of the disease, the mastiff becomes overweight, hair falls out, and digestion is impaired. The disease affects middle-aged animals and requires immediate treatment.
  4. Elbow dysplasia affects the animal's forelimbs.
  5. Dermatitis in dogs is caused by allergies to food or grooming products.

Buying a puppy

You should approach the purchase of a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy responsibly. First of all, think carefully about whether your living conditions allow you to have such an animal. After all, in less than a year, a small cute puppy will turn into a dog of quite impressive size. Do you have time to take care of him, go for walks with him and run to the veterinarians?

If you are firm in your decision, then you need to start looking for a puppy from specialized nurseries, where you can buy a healthy dog ​​with a good pedigree. Kennel workers will tell you how to care for your four-legged friend and what vaccinations he needs.

What is the price for a Mastino Neapolitan puppy? The lower limit of prices is at $500, and the upper reaches several thousand.

Neapolitan Mastiff Photo |

Basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with its other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

Neapolitan Mastiffs They are excellent guardians of the territories and lives of people entrusted to them. Sometimes their calm and melancholic appearance (if there is no danger) is misjudged - they may seem like great, imperturbable good-natured people, but as soon as they encroach on the owner they adore, the mastiff will turn into an angry and merciless beast. The history of this ancient breed is very interesting and ancient - these dogs showed their power during gladiatorial fights, not being afraid of either bears or lions, which significantly exceeded them in size and weight.


Neapolitan Mastiffs (otherwise known as Mastino Neapolitan) are large dogs whose height at the withers can reach over 75 cm, especially in males. The weight of Mastino Neapolitan reaches 70 kg (sometimes more) for males and 60 kg for females. This breed is distinguished by an abundance of freely hanging skin throughout the body, a large number of folds on the muzzle, voluminous dewlap on the neck and belly - all this makes the massive appearance of the Mastino somewhat intimidating. The back of the animal is muscular (the length of the body is 10% greater than the height at the withers), long, the head is large, short, the neck is short and strong. The forearms and shoulders have well-developed muscles, the dog’s limbs are powerful, proportional to its entire build. The tail of the Neapolitan Mastiff has a saber shape (most often the tail is not docked). The coat of dogs of this breed is short (1-1.5 cm), without fringe, and, as a rule, in males it is coarser than in females. Shades of mastiffs are dark gray, black, blue, fawn, brindle, and sometimes there are white markings on the chest and paws.

Photo of the Neapolitan Mastiff:

Photos of Neapolitan Mastiff dogs |

Origin story

It is not known for certain which blood ancestors gave rise to such a breed as Mastino Neapolitan. Which is not surprising, since references to dogs similar in appearance to Neapolitan mastiffs appeared during the Roman Empire (according to some sources, even earlier). Presumably, direct relatives of the Neapolitan mastino are, which in the days before our era were sung by philosophers and travelers. Looking at the Tibetan mastiffs, you notice their true similarity with the Neapolitan ones (with the exception of the thick long hair of the Tibetan mastiffs).

Despite their ancient origins, Neapolitan Mastiffs were officially recognized relatively recently - in 1949. The founder and main creator of the breed is considered to be the Italian Pietro Scanziani, who devoted many years of hard work to breeding the famous mastiffs. Only in the 1970s did Neapolitan Mastiffs begin to spread en masse in Europe, and before that their main place of residence was Italy. It is noteworthy that the appearance of the Neapolitan mastiffs acquired significant changes over time, but these animals remained large, strong and fearless fighters for many centuries.

Character of the Neapolitan Mastiff

Neapolitan Mastiffs are intelligent, phlegmatic, balanced dogs that often do not show their feelings. However, many experienced owners note their unprecedented devotion and affection for their owner; in order to save the life and health of their human friend, they are ready to fight with anyone. This breed is not a “barker”; even in a dangerous situation, the Neapolitan Mastino prefers to act rather than voice. Experienced owners often admit that before a house guest is “allowed to enter,” Mastino Neapolitan will carefully examine the person and sniff him thoroughly, and only then, if the dog likes the newcomer, then he will be allowed to enter the holy of holies - master's house.

It is noteworthy that with all their affection for the owner, these dogs are a little selfish and jealous, which is why it is not advisable to purchase a Mastino Neapolitan for a family with small children or a large number of pets. The Mastiff gives all of himself to his owner and his safety, so he wants the same dedication in return. Mastiffs rarely harm members of their family, but their considerable size, improper upbringing, and some character traits (such as jealousy) can cause damage to health. In addition, these dogs never forgive a person for betrayal, so you should think carefully before purchasing such a hero, because they choose the owner and leader once and for all.

The large dimensions of the Neapolitan Mastino suggest keeping it in country or private homes, but often these dogs also live in. In any case, the dog should have its own place, quite comfortable. It is advisable that the bedding be of medium hardness - too soft will allow the bones to deform, and hard and hard bedding will leave unsightly bald patches on the already short coat. It is necessary to equip the dog's place with bowls for water and food, toys (their size must correspond to the mastiff's large mouth to avoid swallowing). If the dog lives in an apartment, then walking is necessary, at least 2 times a day. At the same time, mastiffs, as a rule, are not fans of excessive physical activity, so quiet walks in the fresh air will benefit the dog and will not exhaust the owner. By the way, mastiffs do not like excessive summer heat, and they love sleeping in the fresh air.

By and large, Neapolitan Mastiffs do not bring much trouble to their owners, which is due to the presence of short hair. To improve blood circulation, cleanse the coat and remove dead hair, it is recommended to comb the Mastino Neapolitan at least 1-2 times a week (more often during shedding). Since dogs of this breed have many folds of skin, improper care and lack of hygiene can lead to irritation and infection. The area around the dog's eyes should be clean, free of pathological discharge (already drooping eyelids can become seriously inflamed). But you should not wash your dog often; it is recommended to regularly inspect the folds (after eating, walking), wipe them, clearing them of dirt, saliva, and food debris. After a walk, it is advisable to wash the dog’s paws, and give a full bath with water and shampoo no more than 3-4 times a year (or in cases where the animal is excessively dirty).

The characteristic physiological characteristics of these dogs are increased salivation, heavy breathing and snorting, which can sometimes be a difficult factor for these giants to live in a small city apartment. Sometimes owners of Neapolitan Mastiffs make the mistake of believing that the large size of these animals implies an excessive appetite. Overfeeding often leads already massive mastiffs to obesity. You should always leave the dog with only a bowl of clean water, while the bowl of food should be presented to the dog and removed after 15-20 minutes (and then washed).

Training and education

The person training the Neapolitan Mastiff must be dominant over the dog. Mastiffs are characterized by traits of stubbornness and assertiveness, as well as excellent memory. This is why you should never punish a dog with force for mistakes during the execution of commands. It is worth remembering that the desire to protect the owner and home flows in the blood of such dogs, therefore, with the right and not too assertive approach, mastiffs will acquire the necessary skills and master commands. Daily training with someone the mastiff trusts will help her become obedient, clearly understanding that she must do exactly what her owner tells her. Among the traits that make training a mastiff somewhat difficult is slowness; these dogs often get bored with long lessons. It should be remembered that overwork can resonate in the dog’s soul with aversion to following commands in the future.

Some owners of such dogs, unfortunately, consider it the norm to walk without a muzzle and a leash, and specially train the animal from a young age to rush at (and even people). Such not negligent, but even criminal behavior of owners, as a rule, backfires. An uncontrolled and improperly trained mastiff, despite all its calmness, will turn into a dangerous large monster.

Health and illness

Some interesting facts

  • The history of the origin of these amazing dogs, shrouded in secrets for hundreds of years, is a miracle in itself. Images of dogs were found more than once on ancient bas-reliefs and in books that had survived from time to time. Probably every Mastino Neapolitan owner can tell about a hundred interesting cases; all the owners of these dogs speak of them as great, loyal friends who are able to protect even babies from enemies.
  • In 2004, the public was shocked by the entry into the Guinness Book of Records of the impressive weight (128 kg) of a Neapolitan mastiff named Hercules. This dog is the heaviest dog in the world at that time. During the meal, the dog ate more than 1.5 kg of dry food and 1 kg of meat daily. An amazing fact, considering that the weight of this animal was twice the usual weight of a mastiff.

And Schnauzers, Molossians, Swiss Cattle Dogs and other breeds). Section 2.1 (dogs such as Molossians and Mastiffs). No operational tests

Usage: guard and security dog

Color: black, brindle, mahogany

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - from 63 to 77 cm, females - from 58 to 70 cm; weight: males – 60 - 70 kg, females – 50 - 60 kg

Lifespan: 8-10 years

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a large and often clumsy dog ​​that loves its owners infinitely and, like and, scares away enemies with its menacing appearance.

Neapolitans make good home guards and personal protectors for people.

With proper upbringing, the dog does not cause excessive trouble to its owners.

History of the breed

The Mastino Neapolitan or Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

Their roots come from Roman mastiffs, who participated in dog fights and accompanied Roman legionnaires in war.

Initially, mastiffs were used, like , as a guard dog, and were also allowed into battle, like , against bears, bulls, jaguars.

For a long time, Mastinos lived in rural areas of Italy, where, naturally, no one was engaged in their special breeding.

Only in 1947, a group of dog handlers gathered 8 of the best representatives of the Neapolitans at that time and by 1949 they developed the modern standard of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed.

This breed became famous due to the Neapolitan mastiff named Hercules, who was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest dog in the world.

The Neapolitan mastiff Hercules weighed 128 kg. Every day the dog consumed 1.3 kg of dry food and certainly 1 kg of steak at dinner.


The Neapolitan Mastiff, photos of which can often be found on the Internet, is a born watchdog.

His sedate and measured character, combined with a strong and muscular body, makes this dog an excellent guard.

  • Friendliness. Despite its menacing appearance, the Neapolitan Mastiff is an affectionate and gentle dog. He loves human company and gets along well with children and pets. It is often compared to bullmastiff .
  • Devotion.
  • Equilibrium. The Neapolitan Mastiff does not suffer from unreasonable bouts of aggression; it is a reasonable dog that, if properly trained, will behave calmly. There are similar features in Beauceron breed .
  • Defender. For a Neapolitan, the owner is a king and God who needs to be protected and protected. He will not allow anyone to hurt you and will always come to the rescue.
  • Laziness.

Important! Do not leave small children unattended around your Mastiff. A dog while playing, without meaning to, can harm the baby. It’s all to blame for her sluggishness and slowness.

  • The need for socialization.
  • Sloppiness. If you are ready for drooling and snot all over the house, you don’t get tired of collecting food that is carried around the rooms, you don’t regret an accidentally broken vase that was touched by a clumsy mastiff - the Neapolitan can become your favorite.


The Neapolitan Mastino will zealously defend its owners and its territory. He can drive away unwanted guests with just his fierce look.

This is a strong and intelligent dog, which is most often used as a guard, like the Turkmen.

How to choose a puppy

To be sure that this is really a Neapolitan mastiff, it is better to buy it in a specialized nursery.

This way there is less chance that you will be given a low-breed specimen.

It is best to go on a first date with a puppy when the baby is between 45 and 60 days old, and to wean it from its mother after two months.

When choosing a dog, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Mastiffs often suffer from hip dysplasia. Check the puppy's hindquarters.
  • The baby's parents must be kept in good conditions and be absolutely healthy.

Decide in advance why you are buying a dog. All breeds are divided into three classes: breed, show and pet class.

The breed class is impeccable in health and appearance; such dogs are intended for breeding offspring.

The show class consists of highly qualified participants and winners of various exhibitions.

The pet class is not suitable for breeding and exhibitions; it is the so-called second grade.

Often, such puppies have minor flaws that will be noticeable during professional activities, but are completely leveled out at home.

The cost of the latest puppies is much less than show and breeding class.

The Neapolitan Mastiff, whose price ranges from 400 to 1,500 USD, is not a cheap pleasure.

Features of care

You should regularly examine your mastiff's eyes for inflammation. It is also necessary to pay attention to the folds on the face and clean them.

After eating, you need to remove food debris from around the mouth.

Important! Owners should be prepared for the physiological characteristics of the Neapolitan Mastiff: drooling, wheezing and snorting.


The Mastiff's short coat does not require troublesome grooming. It is enough to comb the dog occasionally, and a little more often during periods of shedding.

It is often not worth bathing your pet; bathing procedures are indicated only when an unpleasant odor appears, or you are preparing the dog for an exhibition. It is better not to bathe at all until one is a year old.


She can live in a private house with a large yard, where she will sleep in the shade all day long. The mastiff will also be able to adapt to life in a city apartment.

It does not require sports exercises such as kilometer runs, but leisurely long walks should be regular.

According to the level of training, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a good dog. He remembers commands well, but is in no hurry to carry them out. Long and monotonous repetitions of exercises tire him.

Important! Neapolitans have a good memory, so you should not use rudeness or physical force during training. A poorly trained dog can turn into a beast that cannot be controlled.


Don't worry, the example of the Hercules mastiff is just an exception. You don’t have to waste kilograms of food and meat on your dog every day.

On the contrary, it is important not to overfeed the mastiff.

Experts agree that it is best to feed the Neapolitan Mastiff, which contain the microelements necessary for the dog’s health.

If you prefer to give your dog natural food, eliminate rice, chicken and bones from his diet.

Important! Mastiffs love to drink. A bowl of fresh water should always be readily available.

According to the level of training, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a good dog. He remembers commands well, but is in no hurry to carry them out. Long and monotonous repetitions of exercises tire him


The Neapolitan Mastiff dog needs high-quality protection from various diseases.

To keep your pet safe, it is important to follow the calendar.

At two months, the puppy must receive its first vaccination and repeat vaccinations as prescribed by the doctor.


Bitches begin to come into heat at 7–10 months, mating usually occurs on the second month, i.e. at approximately 18 months. At the same time, the male also matures.

It is necessary to monitor the course of pregnancy in a female Neapolitan Mastiff. Often during childbirth, a dog needs outside help and a caesarean section.

If, after reading all the advantages and disadvantages of the Neapolitan Mastiff, you still decide to have this giant at home, give him all your love and care.

Then you will come to terms with the dog’s bad habits, and, perhaps, you will be able to raise him into an exemplary and obedient dog.

Neapolitan Mastiff: a formidable guard with a kind soul

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a large dog that is recommended for experienced dog breeders. To overcome a dog's stubbornness, a firm hand from the owner is needed. Be patient and everything will work out.

Brief characteristics of the Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed

  • Other possible dog names: M astif Neapolitano, Mastino Napoletano, Neapolitan Mastiff.
  • Adult dog height: for males – 65-75 cm, for females – 60-68 cm.
  • Weight: for males - 60-70 kg, for females - 50-60 kg.
  • Characteristic color: black, lead gray of various shades, steel gray, dark gray, reddish brown.
  • Wool length: up to 1.5 cm.
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: The Neapolitan Mastiff is a breed of dog that can be a good guard dog. But, despite this, they have an easy-going character.
  • Difficulties of the breed: The dog stains the surface with saliva.
  • What is the price: price for Neapolitan Mastiff is 1000 dollars.

History of the origin of the Neapolitan Mastiff

It is believed that the Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the most ancient breeds. It originates from the Roman mastiffs. They took part in dog fights and accompanied Roman legionnaires in war. The dog was used not only as a watchman, but also as a hunter of bears, bulls, and jaguars.

This type of breed became popular after a dog named Hercules entered the Guinness Book of Records like the biggest dog. He weighed 128 kg and ate 1.3 kg of dry food and 1 kg of steak every day.

Neapolitan Mastiff dogs are strong and brave. That is why they are used as bodyguards and security guards. They often serve as partners to police officers. Plus, they remain family pets with whom you can spend a fun day.

Despite the fact that these dogs have proven themselves to be excellent guards, they remain docile and friendly. The Neapolitan Mastiff is good loyal friend, which will not only protect you from danger, but will also happily play outdoor games.

Dogs do not pose any danger to children On the contrary, they treat them friendly. But experts do not recommend having this breed if there are small children living in the house, since the dog, due to its size, can injure the child.

It is also worth noting that dogs are very loyal to their owners. They will follow you around the apartment and will be very bored if you leave them alone. Besides, they are jealous. They will not allow strangers to touch their food and toys. They can even be jealous of children.

This breed discipline must be taught from an early age, since the dog is large. They are highly trainable, but quite stubborn.

Video review of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed

We invite you to watch an interesting video about this breed. In it you will learn about the character of the Neapolitan Mastiff, appearance standards and purpose.

If you decide to get a Neapolitan Mastiff, then it is better choose a small puppy, than a grown individual. Since these dogs need to be trained from childhood.

When buying a puppy pay attention to the pedigree mother and father, you also have the right to request a passport of the mother and father, which indicates everything and information about the removal of worms before mating.

Nicknames for the Neapolitan Mastiff

Choosing a name for a pet is not an easy task. Of course, you need to give the name that you like. But this is where people have difficulties. After all, a nickname is for life. It plays more of a role for a person than for a dog.

To make it easier for you, look at your pet. Perhaps the name will come by itself. If not, then search the Internet or take our advice. Since the Neapolitan Mastiff is a large dog, the nicknames Baby, Yetty, and Bison are no longer necessary.

If you have a boy call him Jackie, Miner, Tiger or Pirate.

For girls consider these names: Alexia, Aika, Bridget, Vanessa.

Caring for a Neapolitan Mastiff can be challenging. Now you will find out why. Firstly, this is a large dog. Secondly, they salivate profusely, so they can leave drool on the surface. For your dog to live a long and happy life, you need to: follow these rules:

  • Ear cropping. The ears are a dog's weak point, so they need to be cropped. Otherwise, diseases may appear.
  • Grooming. It is necessary to comb the dog's fur. Plus, she really likes it. She regards this as a sign of love.
  • Bathing. You should not bathe your dog more often than twice a month. Otherwise, problems with the coat and body skin may occur.
  • Need to pass vaccination procedure.
  • It is better to keep a dog in the house, as it needs a lot of space.
  • While walking, you need to play outdoor games with your dog.

What to feed a Neapolitan Mastiff

Many owners do not pay attention to such an important topic as feeding, and this is wrong.

The dog must not be fed rice, chicken and bones. When you adopt a puppy, ask what he was fed before. This will help avoid digestive problems.

When feeding an adult dog, you must follow correct feeding regimen. Feed at the same time. It is best for your dog to eat special food for large dogs. They contain all the necessary microelements necessary for the life of a pet. Natural products can also be used, but they need to be selected with a veterinarian.

Training a dog takes a lot of time because they don't stand out for their intelligence, but they are flexible and friendly, so they will bring you a lot of fun. First of all, you need to immediately show the dog who is boss in the house.

It is better to train early in the morning, when there are few people on the site. Due to its large dimensions, it may frighten other dog owners. Socializing is also important for them, as they are shy and may not get along well with other animals.

Pros and cons of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed

Advantages. One of the advantages that can be highlighted is that these are friendly dogs that get along with children and other animals. They will always come to the aid of their owner. If he feels that you are in danger, he may take off and run.

Flaws. The first thing that can be said about the shortcomings is that the dog is constantly salivating and when it does, all the food is scattered around the room due to the structure of its muzzle. They are also distrustful and jealous.

Mastino Napoletano, or in other words the Italian Mastiff, is a representative of the ten largest dog breeds. It has a strong nervous system, is extremely serious, and is prone to jealousy towards its owner, sometimes even to the point of displaying aggression. An excellent security guard for a home, but not for an apartment.

The Neapolitano Mastiff is characterized by:

  • strength of character;
  • nerves of steel.

How to recognize a purebred dog

This Italian is endowed with developed muscles and strong bones. It impresses with its large size and brutal appearance. A special feature of the breed is its thick neck and wide skull. The folds on the massive muzzle and head form a characteristic pattern.

The Neapolitano Mastiff, properly developed physically, has high-set, hanging, thick ears.

The main breed criteria by which purebred is judged include:

  • The height (height at the withers) of an adult dog ranges from 60 – 68 cm for a female, and 65 – 75 cm for a male.
  • Weight – 50 – 60 kg for a female, and 60 – 70 kg for a male.
  • The color can be brindle, lead, brown, gray or black. Small white spots on the body are acceptable.

History and purpose

Their roots go back to the distant past. 2,000 years ago they appeared on the southern side of the Apennine Peninsula. Mastino Neapolitans are descendants of the most ancient fighting dogs - Molossian Danes. These giants easily hunted game for aristocrats or guarded the home of ordinary people, which means they were popular.

They began to be evaluated in 1949, after the demonstration of the eight best representatives at an international exhibition. In the same year, the breed was well received by the world community.

Italian temperamental dog

The character is surprisingly friendly, which does not fit well with his terrifying appearance. They are described as “big children who require constant attention.” Mastino Neapolitano knows his owner and remains fantastically loyal to him.

He treats guests kindly, but always remains on guard, ready at any moment to protect the property entrusted to him and the life of the owner. Fearlessness, a high pain threshold - this is what they inherited from their ancestors.

The dog will behave very calmly, being in the comfort zone. He is inclined to contemplation, which is why they are also called philosophers.

A kind, sociable, caring dog will be given to the person who treats it with respect and pays due attention to its care.

Mastino Neapolitano's jealousy is expressed aggressively, and this trait is aggravated by his excellent memory.
For this reason, they are not recommended for families that have:

  • child under twelve years of age;
  • another dog.

The jealousy of these huge dogs can cause various unpleasant situations, and sometimes even dangerous ones.

Proper care and necessary conditions of detention

If you are planning to get such a pet, make sure that you can create comfortable living conditions for it. It requires special conditions and careful care, which is not so easy to maintain. But it's worth it!

What does a dog need? To maintain it, you will need a large area where you can run freely. He is not very clean - he scatters food and splashes water during feeding. But the reason for this is not natural harmfulness, but the specific structure of the muzzle - he simply cannot do otherwise.

It is advised to feed him in a specially designated place, which can be simply washed after eating (several times a day).

In addition, he has an increased secretion of saliva.

He is not suitable for living in city high-rise buildings - he will feel constrained. He was born for a free life in a spacious cottage or country house.

The next important point is constant monitoring of skin folds and the condition of the coat. You will have to trim his nails periodically, and you can only bathe him if absolutely necessary or if he is very dirty.

Diet and what you can't give up

The Italian Mastiff needs high-quality nutrition - complete and balanced, but at the same time moderate. The diet of an adult dog and a puppy is very different. A young dog that has not yet reached maturity requires food rich in microelements.

This has to do with size. The larger the animal, the stronger its musculoskeletal system should be. It is especially important not to overfeed the puppy. With a weak skeleton, he can simply “fall on his paws.”

It is important for puppies to include additional vitamins and minerals in their food, especially if the type of feeding is natural. Vitamin and mineral supplements contribute to:

  • strong nervous and immune system;
  • the correct formation of joints that will support a large individual.

The puppy will develop properly only if it receives enough protein. Protein should make up at least half of your daily nutrition.

An adult dog is fed a balanced (professional) food that provides the required amount of nutrients. Otherwise, he will become lethargic, and his health will deteriorate. You can use natural products, which your veterinarian will help you choose.

It is necessary to ensure free access to drinking water - the Italian Mastino Neapolitano consumes it in large quantities.

Trainability and whether the dog can be trained

Mastino Napoletano will not cause any trouble, due to its calm disposition and natural intelligence. Training will turn into an exciting game - they quickly remember everything. They begin to be accustomed to the simplest commands at 3.5-4 months.

But, you should not delay the start of training - without receiving proper training, the dog may become uncontrollable.

Human communication has a beneficial effect on the baby. He must constantly be among people, which will help overcome his instinctive suspicion.

Guests should be warned that it is dangerous to provoke a dog. They must give up aggression towards her - active gestures, intrusive games or affection. The dog should not be beaten or scolded loudly. Italian Mastino Neapolitano simply does not notice guests if he does not sense danger.

Attitude of representatives of the breed to walks

A daily walk should become a good habit. It is advisable to walk twice. A young Mastiff can pull on a leash, which is why it is so important to teach him to walk near his owner early.

It’s better to start with a constriction collar that teaches obedience. Otherwise, walking an adult dog will become an impossible task.

Tendency to diseases and what to fear

The Molosser breed group, which includes Neapolitans, is distinguished by good health. Problems usually arise from improper care, maintenance or lack of attention. Proper balanced feeding is of particular importance in maintaining health.

The onset of the disease is signaled by lethargy and low activity of the bird. If you receive such a signal, contact your veterinarian.

An advanced disease becomes chronic and it becomes much more difficult and expensive to cure. But if you do not take the necessary measures to eliminate it, it can also cause the dog’s premature death.

Of great importance in a competent approach to keeping a dog is the prevention of various infectious and invasive diseases. You can find out about it from your veterinarian before purchasing a puppy.

When the moment of purchase comes, you need to make sure that the baby has had preventive treatments and vaccinations, and inquire about the health of the parents of your future dog.

The most common diseases:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Excess weight is a consequence of overeating or poor diet.
  • Bursitis - due to the large size of the individual. Lying down heavily, the mastif hits the hard floor with its elbow joints. As a result, liquid begins to collect in them, and large blisters form on the elbows. A soft floor covering will help prevent their occurrence.
  • Pain in muscles and joints, sometimes developing into hip dysplasia. It occurs when puppies grow very quickly (increased body weight), but muscles, joints and ligaments do not have time to develop (development is delayed).

The life expectancy of Neapolitans is on average eleven to fifteen years with appropriate care and maintenance.

Where to find a purebred dog and price

Mastino Neapolitan is a responsible choice. It is recommended to buy such a serious dog in special nurseries, which will help avoid the appearance of a wayward animal in the family. Pedigree plays a huge role here. This is insurance against purchasing a non-purebred dog.


By contacting the nursery, you can assess the psychological state of the puppy yourself by conducting a stability test.

It is enough to carefully monitor the behavior of the animal when a stranger appears and their reaction to sudden movements or sounds. An adequate Italian Mastiff will begin to show curiosity, and after making sure that there is no threat to him, he will offer to play, like all children. Don't buy a puppy that will attack or hide and run away.

The key to the health of a young pet is a good appetite, calm juice and increased activity. Choose a dog that:

  • vaccinated;
  • moderately well-fed;
  • has clean ears and eyes, fur and skin.

At the slightest deviation, it is better to look for another option. Make sure you have all required vaccinations. And if the animal is in quarantine associated with one of them, it is better to leave it in the nursery.

If possible, meet the parents of the baby you plan to take home.

Having chosen a nursery, the owner purchases a puppy with a full set of documents, which includes a veterinary passport and a puppy card. The nursery specialists will continue to help you cope with emerging questions or problems.

For the opportunity to get a Neapolitano Mastiff puppy, you will have to pay from forty to one hundred thousand rubles.


All vaccinations must be performed exclusively under the supervision and recommendation of a veterinarian. Among the mandatory vaccinations for these dogs, only vaccination at two months of age against glanders, leptospirosis and hepatitis is distinguished. All other vaccinations, for example, against rabies or parvovirus, are desirable, but not mandatory.

Remember: by purchasing such a dog, you first of all acquire a faithful comrade and family member, and only then a watchman for your home. Love your pet with all your heart, and he will definitely return this feeling to you a hundredfold.

Bathing, brushing teeth

It is not recommended to bathe these dogs without a special reason. This is due to the fact that their fur is covered with a special fatty layer, which is designed to protect against insect bites. During the bathing process, especially if the dog is shampooed for a long time and thoroughly, this layer may be unintentionally damaged or completely removed.

It is strictly contraindicated to bathe dogs of this breed until they reach the age of 1 year, since this risks getting water into the ear canals that are not yet fully formed, which will inevitably lead to the development of infection.

Brushing your teeth is a must for this breed of dog, since its representatives are prone to the development of tartar, which subsequently leads to injury to the gums and exposure of the necks of the teeth. You need to brush your teeth with a special toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs once a week. It is worth starting to accustom the puppy to this procedure immediately after purchasing it.

The ears of Neapolitan Mastiffs do not have a pronounced muscular and cartilaginous system and simply hang; their ear canals require regular toileting. Cleaning is carried out using cotton swabs, on which special lotions are applied, at least once a week. It is necessary to periodically “ventilate” by folding the outer edges of the ears and fixing them on the head with an elastic band. You can use special talc preventive powders that will help prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the ear.

The eyes of this dog breed are a fairly problem-free area, and, as a rule, they do not require additional care. However, if you notice that they have begun to water, become sour, or have found signs of inflammation on the eyelid, you can begin to wash them with special lotions.

Color and coat type

The breed has no undercoat. Due to the presence of guard hairs, the skin is protected. The coat is thick, straight, hard, with an elastic structure, and fits tightly to the skin. When choosing an individual, carefully study its color. There are dogs with noticeable incomplete pigmentation of the nose, puppies with white markings on the chest, paws, and a light mask on the face. These signs are shortcomings, so refuse to purchase.

Quality individuals are:

  1. Reddish hue: from rich brown to lemon, pink.
  2. Gray color with or without tint: there is a gray-fawn tint, color from rich, deep, dark gray to bluish.
  3. Brindle: One of the shades has dark stripes.

Relationships between dogs and people

The main difference between the breed is its complete dependence on its owners. When communicating, you will feel reciprocity. The dog is observant: it stays near the owner for a long time, watching what each of the family is doing. Mastino strives to please his owners in everything. If you want to leave the house to the dog, he will take care of the safety of his property and children. Mastino will care, tolerate, and calmly treat babies.

Aggression and bitterness are shown only towards ill-wishers: if family members are in danger, the dog will give its life protecting its owners. Many owners claim that Mastinos are able to think and communicate with their owners: a person talks about his experiences, and it will seem that the dog listens and understands everything. When communicating with Mastino, keep your distance, because too close proximity can subsequently provoke jealousy in dogs: they react negatively to the communication of their owners with other animals and strangers.


Get ready for the giant dog to take up a lot of space in the house. He sheds, snores when he sleeps, and at a young age he is sloppy: he scatters food around bowls and stains things with drool, knocking over objects.

When choosing, carefully examine individuals for compliance with established standards. It is better to buy puppies from specialized nurseries. If you are interested in a reduced price, then look for individuals in bird markets, according to advertisements. Meet the puppy before purchasing. Often their age is 2-3 months.

Research in advance:

  1. Individual passport.
  2. Appearance of the puppy (give preference to beautiful, healthy-looking, clean and well-groomed individuals).
  3. Conditions for keeping the baby and his parents.
  4. The mental state of the puppy - he should be cheerful and active.
  5. Hind legs: remember that many babies suffer from dysplasia - a congenital disease associated with changes in the shape and structure of cells and tissues.

Mastiff Neapolitano

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  • Alexandra (Veterinarian)

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