Is optic nerve atrophy treatable? Partial optic nerve atrophy (chasn) causes, diagnosis and treatment

Optic nerve atrophy is a pathological process in which the nerve fibers are partially or completely destroyed and replaced by connective tissue. As a result, dysfunction of the nervous tissue occurs. Most often, atrophy is a complication of some other eye disease.

As the process progresses, neurons gradually die off, as a result of which information coming from the retina of the eye reaches the brain in a distorted form. As the disease progresses, more and more cells die, and ultimately the entire nerve trunk is affected.

In this case, it becomes almost impossible to restore visual function. Therefore, treatment should begin at a very early stage, when the first signs of the disease appear.

How is optic nerve atrophy treated, what are the symptoms of this eye disease? We will talk about all this today on this page “Popular about health” with you. But let's start our conversation with the characteristic signs of this pathology:

Symptoms of eye nerve atrophy

It all starts with decreased vision. This process can occur gradually or rapidly, suddenly. It all depends on the location of the nerve lesion and on which segment of the trunk it develops. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, vision loss is divided into degrees:

Uniform decline. Characterized by a uniform deterioration in the ability to see objects and distinguish colors.

Loss of side margins. A person can clearly distinguish objects in front of him, but he sees poorly or does not see at all what is on the side.

Loss of spots. Normal vision is hampered by a spot in front of the eye, which can have different sizes. Within its limits, a person sees nothing; beyond its limits, vision is normal.

In severe cases of complete atrophy, the ability to see is completely lost.

Treatment of optic atrophy

As we already know, this pathological process is often a complication of another eye disease. Therefore, after identifying the cause, comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed and measures are taken to prevent further development of optic nerve atrophy.

In the event that the pathological process has just begun and has not yet developed, it is usually possible to cure the nerve and visual functions are restored within a period of two weeks to several months.

If, by the time treatment begins, atrophy has already developed sufficiently, it is completely impossible to cure the optic nerve, since destroyed nerve fibers cannot yet be restored in our time. If the damage is partial, rehabilitation to improve vision is still possible. But, in the severe stage of complete damage, it is not yet possible to cure atrophy and restore visual functions.

Treatment of eye atrophy involves the use of medications, drops, injections (general and local), the effect of which is aimed at improving blood circulation in the optic nerve, reducing inflammation, as well as restoring those nerve fibers that have not yet been completely destroyed. Additionally, physiotherapy methods are used.

Drugs used in treatment:

To improve blood circulation in the optic nerve, vasodilators are used: Nicotinic acid, No-shpu, Papaverine and Dibazol. Patients are also prescribed Complamin, Eufillin, Trental. And also Galidor and Sermion. For the same purpose, anticoagulant drugs are used: Tiklid and Heparin.

In order to restore metabolic and regenerative processes in the tissues of the affected nerve, patients are prescribed biogenic stimulants, in particular Vitreous Humor, Peat and aloe preparations. Vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and immunostimulants are also prescribed.

To stop and reduce the inflammatory process, hormonal therapy with Prednisolone and Dexamethasone is often used.
In addition, complex treatment includes drugs aimed at normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system: Cerebrolysin, Phezam, as well as Emoxipin, Nootropil and Cavinton.

The doctor prescribes all of the above and other medications individually, after determining the cause of the pathological process and diagnosing the underlying disease. This takes into account the degree of damage to the optic nerve, the patient’s age, his general condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.

In addition to medications, physiotherapeutic techniques and acupuncture are actively used. Methods of magnetic, laser and electrical stimulation of the optic nerve trunk are used. According to indications, the patient may be recommended surgical treatment.

Complex therapy is prescribed in courses that are repeated every few months.

In conclusion of our conversation, it should be noted that optic nerve atrophy cannot be cured by non-traditional means. You will only waste time. The pathological process will progress, increasingly reducing the chances of successful treatment and restoration of vision.

Therefore, if you have the symptoms described above or other symptoms indicating the development of pathology, do not waste precious time and make an appointment with an experienced ophthalmologist. With timely treatment, the chances of restoring vision increase significantly. Be healthy!

Acquired optic atrophy develops as a result of damage to the optic nerve fibers (descending atrophy) or retinal cells (ascending atrophy).

Descending atrophy is caused by processes that damage the fibers of the optic nerve at various levels (orbit, optic canal, cranial cavity). The nature of the damage is different: inflammation, trauma, glaucoma, toxic damage, circulatory disorders in the vessels supplying the optic nerve, metabolic disorders, compression of the optic fibers by a space-occupying formation in the orbital cavity or in the cranial cavity, degenerative process, myopia, etc.).

Each etiological factor causes atrophy of the optic nerve with certain typical ophthalmoscopic features, for example, glaucoma, circulatory disorders in the vessels supplying the optic nerve. However, there are characteristics common to optic atrophy of any nature: blanching of the optic disc and impaired visual function.

The degree of decrease in visual acuity and the nature of visual field defects are determined by the nature of the process that caused the atrophy. Visual acuity can range from 0.7 to practical blindness.

Based on the ophthalmoscopic picture, primary (simple) atrophy is distinguished, which is characterized by pallor of the optic nerve head with clear boundaries. The number of small vessels on the disc is reduced (Kestenbaum's symptom). The retinal arteries are narrowed, the veins may be of normal caliber or also slightly narrowed.

Depending on the degree of damage to the optic fibers, and, consequently, on the degree of decrease in visual functions and blanching of the optic nerve head, initial, or partial, and complete atrophy of the optic nerve is distinguished.

The time during which pallor of the optic nerve head develops and its severity depend not only on the nature of the disease that led to optic nerve atrophy, but also on the distance of the source of damage from the eyeball. For example, with inflammatory or traumatic damage to the optic nerve, the first ophthalmoscopic signs of optic nerve atrophy appear several days to several weeks after the onset of the disease or the moment of injury. At the same time, when a space-occupying lesion affects the optic fibers in the cranial cavity, at first only visual disorders are clinically manifested, and changes in the fundus in the form of optic nerve atrophy develop after many weeks and even months.

Congenital optic atrophy

Congenital, genetically determined optic nerve atrophy is divided into autosomal dominant, accompanied by an asymmetric decrease in visual acuity from 0.8 to 0.1, and autosomal recessive, characterized by a decrease in visual acuity, often to the point of practical blindness already in early childhood.

If ophthalmoscopic signs of optic nerve atrophy are detected, it is necessary to conduct a thorough clinical examination of the patient, including determination of visual acuity and the boundaries of the visual field for white, red and green colors, and a study of intraocular pressure.

If atrophy develops against the background of papilledema, even after the edema disappears, the boundaries and pattern of the disc remain unclear. This ophthalmoscopic picture is called secondary (post-edema) optic nerve atrophy. The retinal arteries are narrowed in caliber, while the veins are dilated and tortuous.

When clinical signs of optic nerve atrophy are detected, it is necessary first of all to establish the cause of the development of this process and the level of damage to the optic fibers. For this purpose, not only a clinical examination is carried out, but also CT and/or MRI of the brain and orbits.

In addition to etiologically determined treatment, symptomatic complex therapy is used, including vasodilator therapy, vitamins C and B, drugs that improve tissue metabolism, various options for stimulating therapy, including electrical, magnetic and laser stimulation of the optic nerve.

Hereditary atrophies come in six forms:

  1. with a recessive type of inheritance (infantile) - from birth to three years of age there is a complete decrease in vision;
  2. with the dominant type (juvenile blindness) - from 2-3 to 6-7 years. The course is more benign. Vision decreases to 0.1-0.2. In the fundus there is segmental blanching of the optic disc; there may be nystagmus and neurological symptoms;
  3. opto-oto-diabetic syndrome - from 2 to 20 years. Atrophy is combined with retinal pigmentary dystrophy, cataracts, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, deafness, and urinary tract damage;
  4. Beer's syndrome is a complicated atrophy. Bilateral simple atrophy already in the first year of life, reggae drops to 0.1-0.05, nystagmus, strabismus, neurological symptoms, damage to the pelvic organs, the pyramidal tract suffers, mental retardation is added;
  5. gender-related (more often observed in boys, develops in early childhood and grows slowly);
  6. Leicester's disease (Lester's hereditary atrophy) - in 90% of cases occurs between the ages of 13 and 30 years.

Symptoms Acute onset, a sharp drop in vision over several hours, less often - several days. The lesion is a type of retrobulbar neuritis. The optic disc is initially unchanged, then blurring of the boundaries and changes in small vessels appear - microangiopathy. After 3-4 weeks, the optic disc becomes paler on the temporal side. In 16% of patients, vision improves. Most often, reduced vision remains for life. Patients are always irritable, nervous, they are bothered by headaches and fatigue. The cause is optochiasmatic arachnoiditis.

Optic nerve atrophy in some diseases

  1. Optic nerve atrophy is one of the main signs of glaucoma. Glaucomatous atrophy is manifested by paleness of the disc and the formation of a depression - an excavation, which first occupies the central and temporal sections, and then covers the entire disc. Unlike the above diseases leading to disc atrophy, with glaucomatous atrophy the disc has a gray color, which is associated with the characteristics of damage to its glial tissue.
  2. Syphilitic atrophy.

Symptoms The optic disc is pale, gray, the vessels are of normal caliber and sharply narrowed. Peripheral vision narrows concentrically, scotoma does not occur, and color perception suffers early. There may be progressive blindness that occurs quickly, within a year.

It occurs in waves: a rapid decrease in vision, then during the period of remission - improvement, during the period of exacerbation - repeated deterioration. Miosis develops, divergent strabismus, changes in pupils, lack of reaction to light while maintaining convergence and accommodation. The prognosis is poor, with blindness occurring within the first three years.

  1. Features of optic nerve atrophy from compression (tumor, abscess, cyst, aneurysm, sclerotic vessels), which can be in the orbit, anterior and posterior cranial fossa. Peripheral vision suffers depending on the location of the process.
  2. Foster-Kennedy syndrome - atherosclerotic atrophy. Compression can cause sclerosis of the carotid artery and sclerosis of the ophthalmic artery; Ischemic necrosis occurs from softening during arterial sclerosis. Objectively - excavation caused by retraction of the cribriform plate; benign diffuse atrophy (with sclerosis of small vessels of the pia mater) increases slowly and is accompanied by atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the retina.

Optic nerve atrophy in hypertension is the outcome of neuroretinopathy and diseases of the optic nerve, chiasm and optic tract.

Optic nerve atrophy is characterized by the development of the process of complete or partial death of nerve fibers, accompanied by the replacement of healthy connective tissue.

Types of disease

Optic disc atrophy is divided into several types depending on its etiology. These include:

  1. Primary form (ascending and descending optic nerve atrophy). This pathological process develops as an independent disease. The descending type is diagnosed much more often than the ascending type. This disease is usually observed in males, since it is linked only to the X chromosome. The first manifestations of the disease occur at approximately 15-25 years of age. In this case, damage directly to the nerve fibers occurs.
  2. Secondary atrophy of the optic nerve. In this case, the pathological process develops against the background of other diseases. In addition, the disorder may be caused by a failure in the flow of blood to the nerve. A disease of this nature can occur in any person, regardless of his age and gender.

Based on the nature of the course, the following types of this disease are distinguished:

  1. Partial atrophy of the optic nerve (initial). The main difference between this type is the partial preservation of visual ability, which is most important in case of deteriorated vision (due to which wearing glasses or contact lenses cannot improve the quality of vision). Despite the fact that residual visual ability can usually be preserved, disruptions in color perception often occur. Those areas of the field of view that were saved will continue to be accessible.
  2. Complete atrophy of the optic nerve. In this case, the symptoms of the disease have some similarities with such eye pathologies as cataracts and amblyopia. In addition, this type of disease can manifest itself in a non-progressive form, which does not have specific symptoms. This fact indicates that the state of the necessary visual functions remains stable. However, most often there is a progressive form of pathology, during which rapid loss of vision occurs, which, as a rule, cannot be restored. This greatly complicates the diagnostic process.


If optic atrophy develops, symptoms manifest themselves mainly in the form of deterioration in the quality of vision in both eyes at the same time or in just one.

Restoring visual ability in this case is impossible. Depending on the type of pathology, this symptom may have different manifestations.

As the disease progresses, vision gradually deteriorates. In the most severe cases, complete atrophy of the optic nerve occurs, which provokes a complete loss of the ability to see. This process can last for many weeks, or can develop in a couple of days.

If partial atrophy of the optic nerve is observed, there is a gradual slowdown in progression, after which it completely stops at a certain stage. At the same time, visual activity stops decreasing.

The appearance of dark or white spots in front of the eyes (both closed and open) indicates that the destruction process is affecting nerve fibers that are located in the central part of the retina or very close to it. Narrowing of the visual fields begins if peripheral nerve tissues have been affected.

With a more extensive spread of the pathological process, a large part of the visual field may disappear. This type of disease can spread to only one eye or affect both.

Causes of occurrence

The causes of optic nerve atrophy can be different. Both acquired and congenital diseases, which are directly related to the visual organs, act as a provoking factor.

The appearance of atrophy can be triggered by the development of diseases that directly affect the nerve fibers or the retina of the eye.

  • The following pathological processes can be cited as examples:
  • mechanical damage (burn or injury) to the retina;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • congenital optic nerve dystrophy (OND);
  • fluid stagnation and swelling;
  • toxic effects of certain chemicals;
  • impaired access of blood to nerve tissues;

compression of certain areas of the nerve.

In addition, diseases of the nervous and other body systems play an important role in the development of this pathological process.

  • Quite often, the onset of this pathological condition is caused by the development of diseases that directly affect the human central nervous system. It can be;
  • syphilitic brain damage;
  • development of abscesses;
  • neoplasms of various types in the brain;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • mechanical damage to the skull;

development of multiple sclerosis.

More rare causes are alcohol poisoning of the body and intoxication with other chemicals.

Sometimes this pathology develops against the background of hypertension or atherosclerosis, as well as other cardiovascular diseases. In rare cases, the cause may be a lack of vitamins and macroelements in the human body.

In addition to the listed reasons, the development of an atrophic disorder can be affected by obstruction of the central or peripheral retinal arteries. This is explained by the fact that these arteries provide nutrients to the organ. As a result of their blockage, metabolism is disrupted, which provokes a deterioration in the general condition. Quite often, obstruction is a consequence of the development of glaucoma.

During the examination of the patient, the doctor must identify the presence of concomitant diseases, the use of certain medications and contact with caustic substances, the presence of bad habits and symptoms indicating the development of intracranial disorders.

In most cases, diagnosing diseases of this nature does not cause great difficulties. In order to determine an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary first of all to check the quality of visual function, namely, determine visual acuity and fields and conduct color vision tests.

After this, ophthalmoscopy is performed. This procedure allows us to identify the pallor of the optic disc and a decrease in the lumen of the fundus vessels, characteristic of this disease. Another mandatory procedure is.

  • Very often, diagnosis involves the use of the following instrumental methods:
  • X-ray examination;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • computed tomography of the brain;
  • electrophysiological diagnostics;

contrast methods (used to determine the patency of retinal vessels).

Laboratory diagnostic methods are mandatory, in particular general and biochemical blood tests.

Treatment methods

Treatment for optic nerve atrophy should be carried out immediately after diagnosis. It should be remembered that it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but it is quite possible to slow down its progression and even stop it.

During therapy, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this pathological process is not an independent disease, but the result of diseases affecting one or another part of the visual organ. Therefore, in order to cure optic nerve atrophy, it is necessary to first eliminate the provoking factor.

  • In most cases, complex therapy is used, including the use of drugs and optical surgery. Treatment can be carried out with the following medications:
  • vasodilators (Papaverine, Dibazol, Sermion);
  • anticoagulants (Heparin);
  • drugs that improve metabolism (aloe extract);
  • vitamin complexes;
  • enzyme preparations (Lidase, Fibrinolysin);
  • agents that enhance immunity (Eleutherococcus extract);
  • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (Dexamethasone);

The listed medications can be used in the form of tablets, solutions, eye drops and injections. In the most severe cases, surgery is required. Many people are interested in whether this disease can be cured only by conservative methods. Sometimes this is possible, but only a specialist can answer the question of how to treat atrophy in a particular case.

Any medicine should be taken only after prescription by the attending physician, observing the prescribed dosage. It is strictly prohibited to choose medications on your own.

Quite often, physiotherapeutic procedures are performed during the treatment of optic nerve atrophy. Acupuncture or laser and magnetic stimulation of the optic nerve are especially effective.

In some cases, treatment with folk remedies may be used. To restore the optic nerve, various infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants are used. However, this method can only be used as an additional therapy in combination with traditional medicine and only after consultation with your doctor.

Surgery is usually prescribed in the presence of neoplasms of various types and hereditary atrophy of the optic nerve. Surgery is required if there are congenital abnormalities of the visual organ, such as Leber optic atrophy.

Currently, the following surgical methods are used for Leber optic nerve atrophy and other congenital disorders:

  • extrascleral methods (the most common type of surgery for eye pathologies);
  • vasoconstructive therapy;
  • decompression methods (used very rarely).

With this pathology, symptoms and treatment are interrelated, since the doctor prescribes therapy depending on the symptoms and type of disease.

In order not to risk your vision, self-medication is strictly prohibited. At the first symptoms of a disorder, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor. In this case, you should find a suitable clinic where the disease can be treated most effectively.

Prognosis and prevention

Timely detection of complete or partial atrophy of the optic nerve and its treatment make it possible to prevent the development of destructive disorders in the tissues. Correctly prescribed therapy will help maintain the quality of visual function, and sometimes even improve it. However, it is impossible to achieve complete restoration of vision due to severe damage and death of nerve fibers.

Lack of timely treatment can provoke very serious complications that lead not only to decreased vision, but also to its complete loss.

In this case, the prognosis is disappointing, since it will no longer be possible to restore visual ability.

  • In order to prevent the development of this pathological process, the following rules must be observed:
  • engage in the prevention and timely treatment of any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the body;
  • prevent mechanical damage to the eye tissue and brain injuries;
  • periodically undergo examination by a doctor and carry out all necessary diagnostic measures for early detection of diseases;
  • stop smoking;
  • remove alcohol from your life;
  • regularly measure blood pressure;
  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • to live an active lifestyle;

take regular walks in the fresh air.

A disease of this nature is very serious, therefore, at the first symptoms, it is imperative to consult a specialist and in no case self-medicate.


The optic nerve (ocular nerve) is a nerve that connects the eye to the gray matter through the nuclei of the diencephalon. This is not a nerve in the usual sense, which is a chain of neurons connected by axons - long processes, but rather a white medulla located outside the skull.

The structure of the optic nerve is a thick bundle of neurons intertwined with the ophthalmic vein and artery, extending directly into the cerebral cortex through the diencephalon. Considering that a person has 2 eyes, then he also has 2 optic nerves - 1 for each eye, respectively.

Like any nerve, it is prone to specific diseases and disorders, collectively called neuralgia and neuritis. Neuralgia is a disease that is a long-term painful reaction of the nerve to any irritants without changing the internal structure. And neuritis is the destruction or damage of the nerve fiber under various influences.

Neuritis is a violation of the structure of the nerve fiber or its damage in some area. In half of the cases, neuralgia turns into neuritis, and in the other, the damage is caused by very real physical reasons, which will be discussed a little later. Optic neuritis is most often called optic atrophy.

The classification of optic atrophy includes: primary, secondary, complete, progressive, partial, complete, bilateral and unilateral, subatrophy, ascending and descending and others.

  • Initial, when only a couple of fibers are damaged.
  • Progressive atrophy is atrophy that continues to progress despite attempts to stop the disease.
  • Completed - a disease that has stopped at some stage.
  • Partial atrophy of the optic nerve is partial destruction of the nerve tissue, while maintaining one or another lobe of vision, sometimes referred to as PAZN.
  • Complete – the nerve is completely atrophied and restoration of vision is impossible.
  • Unilateral – damage to one eye, and bilateral, respectively – damage to the nerves of both eyes.
  • Primary – not associated with other diseases, for example, toxic damage from burnt alcohol.
  • Secondary - atrophy, manifested as a complication after an illness, for example, inflammation of the eyeball, membranes of the brain and other tissues.
  • Subatrophy of the optic nerve is an uneven damage to neurons, as a result of which the perceived information is distorted.
  • Ascending atrophy is a neuronal disorder that begins in the retina and gradually moves upward.
  • Descending optic atrophy is a disease that begins in the brain and gradually spreads to the eyes.
  • Neuropathy is a dysfunction of the nerve fiber without signs of inflammation.
  • Neuritis is inflammation of the optic nerve with pain caused by smaller adnexal optic nerve endings, or the area around the main optic nerve.

In the medical literature there is some confusion in the concepts of neuritis, neuropathy and atrophy of the optic nerves: somewhere it is said that these are one and the same thing, and somewhere that these are three completely different diseases. However, they certainly have a common essence, symptoms and treatment.

If the definition of neuritis is very broad - a violation of the structure of the nerve, which includes many disorders and inflammations for completely different reasons, then atrophy and neuropathy are more likely to be subtypes of neuritis, and not vice versa.

In medical terminology in the ICD (medical classification of diseases, the latest of which is ICD 10), there are many different names for essentially the same process, depending on the degree of severity, characteristics of the course, method of acquisition, etc. this allows doctors to convey information to each other more informatively, and it is quite difficult for the patient to understand all the intricacies of terminology.

Optic nerve atrophy code according to ICD 10 is H47.2, as indicated in the sick leave certificate, medical reference books or in the patient’s card. The international code is used to maintain medical confidentiality from ignorant strangers. The tenth version of the ICD is the most recent.

Optic nerve atrophy symptoms

Symptoms of optic nerve atrophy look like a rapid decline in vision that cannot be corrected or corrected. The process that has begun can very quickly lead to absolute, incorrigible blindness in just a few days to several months, depending on the cause and severity of the disease.

Signs of optic atrophy may appear as changes in vision without loss of visual acuity. That is:

  • Vision becomes tunnel-like.
  • Changes in visual fields, most often towards their uniform narrowing.
  • The presence of permanent, unchanging dark spots before the eyes.
  • Asymmetric change in visual fields. For example: the side one remains, but the central one disappears.
  • Distortion of color perception or sensitivity to light.

The type of vision change depends on which area is affected, so the appearance of so-called scotomas (dark spots) indicates damage in the central part of the retina, and narrowing of the fields - in the peripheral fibers.

In addition to the listed reasons, the development of an atrophic disorder can be affected by obstruction of the central or peripheral retinal arteries. This is explained by the fact that these arteries provide nutrients to the organ. As a result of their blockage, metabolism is disrupted, which provokes a deterioration in the general condition. Quite often, obstruction is a consequence of the development of glaucoma.

If a diagnosis of optic nerve atrophy is suspected, diagnosis is carried out primarily by an ophthalmologist, to whom patients come with the first vision problems. The ophthalmologist first conducts a study to separate this disease from peripheral cataracts, as well as amblyopia, which have similar manifestations.

The initial examination carried out to establish a diagnosis is quite simple: examination for acuity with a wide field of vision and ophthalmoscopy.

During ophthalmoscopy (a painless examination of the eye itself through a special apparatus directly in the office at the reception), the optic disc is visible; if it turns pale, it means it is atrophied or damaged. With smooth, normal boundaries of the disc, the disease is primary, and if the boundaries are violated, it is a secondary consequence of another disease.

Checking the reaction of the pupils: with impaired sensitivity, the pupils contract much more slowly when exposed to light.

After confirming the diagnosis, a neurologist joins the treatment and begins to determine the causes of the degenerative process:

  • General tests for inflammatory processes, as well as viral infections.
  • Tomography.
  • Radiography.
  • electrophysiological study (EPS) – study of the functioning of all eye systems by recording reactions to special impulses.
  • fluorescein angiographic method is a study by introducing a special marker substance into the blood and using it to check the vascular conductivity of the eye.

Causes of the disease

For this diagnosis of optic nerve atrophy, the causes can be so diverse that it is possible to compose an entire scientific treatise on medicine, however, a small circle of the main, most common ones is highlighted.

  • Toxic blindness:

Toxic atrophy of the optic nerve, the causes of which lie in the death of neurons under the influence of poisons. In the nineties in Russia, the first place was toxic damage to visual neurons under the influence of burnt alcohol or even liquids not intended for internal use containing methyl alcohol. It is almost impossible for a non-specialist to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol, however, unlike its cheerful brother, this substance is extremely dangerous to life.

Just 40 to 250 ml of methanol can cause death or very severe disability if resuscitation measures are carried out in time.

  • In order for neurons to die, only 5 to 10 milliliters is enough, even in a mixture with other substances. When it is used, not only the optic nerves die, however, this is not as noticeable to the patient as a sudden loss of vision. In addition, toxic blindness often begins after a long period of time - up to six days after consumption, when methanol breaks down in the liver into its components, one of which is formaldehyde - a terrible poison. By the way, smoking products are also toxic to neurons.

Congenital pathologies.

  • For congenital or hereditary reasons, optic nerve atrophy in children occurs most often due to neglect of the child’s health during the mother’s pregnancy or a genetic failure.


  • Atrophy caused by blows to the head or injuries to the eyeball, as well as brain surgery.

The inflammatory process that leads to the death of visual neurons can occur for many reasons, either simply because of a speck that has entered the eye, causing inflammation of the eyeball, or because of previous infectious diseases: meningitis (infectious inflammation of the brain), measles, chickenpox, smallpox, syphilis, encephalitis (viral brain damage), mononucleosis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and even caries.

  • General pathologies of the patient’s entire nervous system.
  • Damage to the eye that provoked nerve atrophy as unnecessary, for example, retinal dystrophy. These two diseases intensify and accelerate each other.
  • Circulatory disorders.

The disease can cause both obstruction of the supply vessels and their atherosclerosis, high blood pressure or damage with hemorrhage

  • Oncology.

All kinds of tumors with abscesses in the brain compress the nerve itself, destroy the area to which it sends a signal, provoke malfunctions in the functioning of the entire neural system, causing complications in the eyes or even appearing directly in the eyeball.

  • Other diseases: glaucoma, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, allergic reactions, lack of vitamins or their excess, autoimmune disorders and many others.

Treatment of optic neuritis

Treatment of optic nerve atrophy is carried out by two doctors at once - an ophthalmologist and a neurologist, and in large cities there are neuro-ophthalmological centers specializing in such ailments. Treatment is always carried out inpatiently and urgently already at the stage of a preliminary unconfirmed diagnosis, since the disease is incredibly fleeting and a person can lose his sight in just a few days.

Can optic nerve atrophy be cured? It is impossible to completely cure the disease. Treatment comes down to stopping the spread of damage and trying to normalize the functioning of surviving neurons as much as possible.

This occurs because neurons lack the ability to divide. The vast majority of neurons in the human nervous system are formed in the mother’s tummy, and increase slightly as the child develops. Neurons themselves cannot divide, their number is strictly limited, new neurons are built only from bone marrow stem cells, which represent the stabilization fund of the body, which has a strictly limited number of cells - lifesavers, laid down during the period of embryonic development and slowly consumed in the process of life. An additional complication is that stem cells can only turn into neurons by forming new chaotic connections, and are unable to become patches for a damaged tissue. This principle of operation is good for renewing the brain, but the body will repair a separate nerve by simply replacing the dead nerve cells with connective tissue cells, which perfectly fill any cellular bald spots in the human body, but are not capable of performing any functions.

Currently, experiments are underway with stem cells obtained from embryos killed during abortions or miscarriages, which give excellent results in the rejuvenation and restoration of various tissues, including nerves, however, in reality this method is not used because it is too fraught with cancer, such as which doctors have not yet figured out to treat.

The place where atrophy can be cured is exclusively in a hospital; in this case, even outpatient (home) treatment is not allowed, during which precious seconds may be lost.

Treatment with folk remedies is not only unacceptable, but simply does not exist. In folk medicine there are no such rigorous effective means for accurate diagnosis and very quick treatment.

With complete or partial atrophy of the optic nerve, treatment begins with diagnosing the causes of the disease, after which the attending physician selects an appropriate course, including surgical intervention.

In addition to the use of special means, the patient is often prescribed a biogenic stimulant, aloe extract, which prevents the replacement of body tissues with connective cells. This drug is given in injections after any operation or after inflammation of the appendages in women as an anti-adhesion drug.

All kinds of pinching, compression, tumors, vascular aneurysms near the optic nerve and other similar causes of atrophy are removed surgically.

The inflammatory process caused by the consequences of an infectious infection is stopped using antibiotics or antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Toxic visual atrophy. the nerve is treated by removing toxins or neutralizing them, stopping further destruction of neurons. The antidote to methyl alcohol is food grade ethyl alcohol. So, in case of poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with a solution of sodium bicarbonate (sold in a pharmacy, not to be confused with sodium bicarbonate - baking soda), drink a 30-40% solution, for example, high-quality vodka, in an amount of 100 milliliters and repeat after 2 hours, halving the volume.

Dystrophy and other retinal disorders are treated with ophthalmological methods: laser surgery, vitamin or drug courses, depending on the cause. If the nerve begins to atrophy due to unnecessary use, then it will soon begin to recover after the retina is restored.

Congenital and genetic atrophy of the optic nerve in children is corrected based on the type of pathology and often surgically.

In addition to specific treatment based on the cause of the disease, treatment includes immunostimulation, vasodilation, biogenic stimulation, hormonal drugs to prevent even the slightest hint of inflammation (prednisolone, dexamethasone), drugs that accelerate resorption (pyrogenal, preductal), some means of maintaining work of the nervous system (emoxipin, fezam, etc.), physiotherapy, laser, electrical or magnetic stimulation of the optic nerve.

At the same time, the body is urgently saturated with vitamins, minerals and nutrients. At this stage, lovers of traditional medicine can choose a remedy to their liking from strengthening, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory agents. It is only important not to act in secret from the doctor, because everything the patient uses must be correctly combined with a huge number of prescribed drugs, otherwise you risk losing not only your sight, but also your life.

Such a huge set of procedures, sometimes taking more than a year, is necessary not to restore vision, but simply to stop its loss.

Optic nerve atrophy in a child

Optic nerve atrophy in a child is a rather rare disease, characteristic of older people and practically no different from the same disease in an adult. The main difference is that in young children, neurons are still able to partially recover and in the initial stages it is quite possible not only to stop the disease, but also to reverse it. An exception is hereditary atrophy of the optic nerve in children, the treatment of which has not yet been found - Liberov atrophy, transmitted through the male line.

Possible consequences and forecasts

Should I panic after hearing such a diagnosis? At the initial stages there is no particular reason for panic; at this time the disease is quite easily controlled. And neurons that are not severely damaged even restore their functions. With improper treatment, self-medication and an irresponsible attitude, there is another possible outcome: in addition to vision, in some cases a person can lose his life, since the optic nerve is very large and is directly connected to the brain. Along it, like a bridge, inflammation from the eye can easily spread to brain tissue and cause irreversible consequences. It is even more dangerous when atrophy is caused by inflammation of the brain itself, tumors or problems with blood vessels. Complete or partial atrophy of the optic nerves may also occur, with atrophy of the optic nerve (main trunk).

When the first symptoms occur, you need to remember that a person builds his own future, and his correct actions will determine whether he will be healthy, whether his vision will be restored, whether the normal functioning of the entire nervous system of the body will be maintained, or whether he will prefer to spend invaluable time on not the most important things. activities, for example, being afraid to leave work, trying to save on treatment by ignoring some prescriptions, or wasting time on long-term rehabilitation.

2708 08/02/2019 6 min.

Any sensations in the human body, both external and internal, are possible only thanks to the functioning of nervous tissue, the fibers of which are found in almost every organ. The eyes are no exception in this regard, therefore, when destructive processes begin in the optic nerve, a person faces partial or complete loss of vision.

Definition of disease

Optic nerve atrophy (or optic neuropathy) is the process of death of nerve fibers, which occurs gradually and is most often the result of a malnutrition of the nervous tissue due to poor blood supply.

The transmission of images from the retina to the visual analyzer in the brain occurs through a kind of “cable”, consisting of many nerve fibers and packed in “insulation”. The thickness of the optic nerve is no more than 2 mm, but it contains more than a million fibers. Each section of the image corresponds to a certain part of them, and when some of them cease to function, “silent zones” (image disturbance) appear in the image perceived by the eye.

When nerve fiber cells die, they are gradually replaced by connective tissue or nerve auxiliary tissue (glia), which is normally designed to protect neurons.


Depending on the causative factors, two types of optic nerve atrophy are distinguished:

  • Primary. The disease is caused by an affected X chromosome, so only men aged 15-25 years are affected. The pathology develops in a recessive manner and is inherited;
  • Secondary. It occurs as a consequence of an ocular or systemic disease associated with impaired blood supply or congestion of the optic nerve. This pathological condition can appear at any age.

Classification is also carried out according to the location of the lesion:

The following types of atrophy are also distinguished: initial, complete and incomplete; one-sided and two-sided; stationary and progressive; congenital and acquired.

Causes of occurrence

The frequency of various pathological processes in the optic nerve is only 1-1.5%, and in 19-26% of them the disease ends in complete atrophy and incurable blindness.

The cause of optic nerve atrophy can be any disease that results in swelling, compression, inflammation, damage to nerve fibers or damage to the vascular system of the eyes:

  • Eye pathologies: retinal pigmentary dystrophy, etc.;
  • Glaucoma and increased IOP;
  • Systemic diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, vascular spasms;
  • Toxic effects: smoking, alcohol, quinine, drugs;
  • Brain diseases: abscess, multiple sclerosis, arachnoiditis;
  • Traumatic injuries;
  • Infectious diseases: meningitis, encephalitis, syphilitic lesions, tuberculosis, influenza, measles, etc.

Is it possible to cure glaucoma?

Whatever the reason for the onset of optic nerve atrophy, the nerve fibers die irrevocably, and the main thing is to quickly diagnose it in order to slow down the process in time.


The main sign of the onset of pathology can be a steadily progressive deterioration of vision in one or both eyes, and it cannot be corrected by conventional methods.

Visual functions are gradually lost:

The onset of symptoms may last several days or months, depending on the severity of the lesions, but without a timely response it invariably leads to complete blindness.

Possible complications

The diagnosis of “optic atrophy” must be made as early as possible, otherwise vision loss (partial or complete) is inevitable. Sometimes the disease affects only one eye - in this case the consequences are not so severe.

Rational and timely treatment of the disease that caused atrophy allows in some cases (not always) to preserve vision. If the diagnosis is made at the stage of an already developed disease, the prognosis is most often unfavorable.

If the disease begins to develop in patients with vision indicators below 0.01, then treatment measures will most likely not give any result.


A targeted ophthalmological examination is the first mandatory step if a disease is suspected. In addition, consultation with a neurosurgeon or neurologist may be required.

The following types of examinations may be performed to detect optic nerve atrophy:

  • Fundus examination (or biomicroscopy);
  • – determination of the degree of visual perception impairment (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism);
  • – visual field examination;
  • Computer perimetry – allows you to determine the affected area of ​​nervous tissue;
  • Assessment of color perception - determination of the localization of nerve fiber lesions;
  • Video-ophthalmography – identifying the nature of the damage;
  • Craniography (x-ray of the skull) - the main object is the area of ​​the sella turcica.

Read more about How is a fundus examination performed? By .

To clarify the diagnosis and additional data, it is possible to conduct studies: CT, nuclear magnetic resonance, laser Dopplerography.


If the nerve fibers are partially damaged, treatment must begin quickly and intensively. First of all, the efforts of doctors are aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathological condition in order to stop the progression of the disease.

Drug therapy

Since restoration of dead nerve fibers is impossible, therapeutic measures are carried out to stop the pathological process by all known means:

  • Vasodilators: Nicotinic acid, No-spa, Dibazol, Eufillin, Complamin, Papaverine, etc. The use of these drugs helps stimulate blood circulation;
  • Anticoagulants: Heparin, Tiklid. The drugs prevent blood thickening and the formation of blood clots;
  • Biogenic stimulants: Vitreous body, Aloe extract, Peat. Increase metabolism in nerve tissues;

Heparin ointment is used in the treatment of optic nerve arthrosis

  • Vitamins: Ascorutin, B1, B6, B2. They are catalysts for most biochemical reactions occurring in eye tissues, just like amino acids and enzymes;
  • Immunostimulants: Ginseng, Eleutherococcus. Necessary for stimulating regeneration processes and suppressing inflammation in infectious lesions;
  • Hormonal agents: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone. Used in the absence of contraindications to relieve symptoms of inflammation;
  • Improving the functioning of the central nervous system: Nootropil, Cavinton, Cerebrolysin, Phezam.

Instruction D Examethasone for the eyes is located.

Dexamethasone is used in the treatment of optic nerve osteoarthritis.

In each specific case, treatment is prescribed individually under the supervision of the attending physician.

In the absence of contraindications, an additional effect can be achieved using acupuncture, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment methods:

  • Ultrasound;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Electrical and laser stimulation of the optic nerve;
  • Magnetotherapy.

Such procedures can have a positive effect when nerve cells do not completely lose their functionality.


Surgical methods are resorted to when there is a threat of complete blindness, as well as in other situations requiring surgical intervention. The following types of operations can be used for this:

Various surgical treatment methods are successfully practiced in clinics in Russia, Israel and Germany.

Folk remedies

Optic atrophy should be treated with medications under the guidance of a qualified physician. However, such therapy often takes a long time, and in this case, folk remedies can provide invaluable help - after all, the effect of most of them is aimed at stimulating metabolism and increasing blood circulation:

  • Dissolve 0.2 g of mumiyo in a glass of water, drink before lunch on an empty stomach, and also drink a glass of the product in the evening for 3 weeks (20 days);
  • Make an infusion of crushed astragalus herb (2 tablespoons of dried raw material per 300 ml of water), leave for 4 hours. Within 2 months. take 100 ml of infusion 3 times. in a day;
  • Peppermint is called an eye herb, it is useful to eat it, and instill the juice mixed with equal amounts of honey and water into the eyes, morning and evening;
  • You can eliminate eye fatigue after long-term work on the computer by using lotions from infusions of dill, chamomile, parsley, blue cornflower and regular tea leaves;
  • Grind unripe pine cones and cook 1 kg of raw materials for 0.5 hours. After filtering, add 1 tbsp. honey, stir and refrigerate. Use 1 r. per day - in the morning before meals 1 tsp. ;
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. parsley leaves 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew in a dark place for 24 hours, then take 1 tbsp. l. in a day.

Folk remedies should be used in treatment only after consulting an ophthalmologist, since most herbal components have an allergenic effect and can have an unexpected effect in the presence of certain systemic pathologies.


In order to avoid optic nerve atrophy, it is worth paying attention to preventive measures not only for eye, but also for systemic diseases:

  • Treat ocular and systemic infectious diseases in a timely manner;
  • Prevent eye and traumatic brain injuries;
  • Carry out preventive examinations in an oncology clinic;
  • Limit your consumption or eliminate alcohol from your life;
  • Get your blood pressure under control.

You can find a color blindness test online.



Optic nerve atrophy is an almost incurable disease in the later stages that threatens the patient with complete blindness. However, partial atrophy can be stopped, and the main direction before developing medical tactics should be extensive diagnostics - after all, it is this that will allow us to establish the cause of the changes and try to stop them.

Therefore, try to pay special attention not only to the health of your eyes, but also to the health of your entire body. After all, everything in it is interconnected, and diseases of blood vessels or nerves can affect the quality of vision.

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