DIY laser sensor: design, assembly instructions. Which mouse is better - laser or optical?

A computer mouse is perhaps the most widespread and widespread computer device. Since its invention in 1963, the design of the manipulator has undergone major technological changes. Mice with direct drive consisting of two perpendicular metal wheels have already been forgotten. Nowadays, optical and laser devices are relevant. Which computer mouse is better - laser or optical? Let's try to understand the differences between these two types of mice.


A modern mouse manipulator has a built-in video camera that takes pictures of the surface at an incredible speed (more than a thousand times per second) and transmits information to its processor, which, by comparing the pictures, determines the coordinates and amount of displacement of the manipulator. To make the pictures better quality, the surface should be illuminated. Various technologies are used for this purpose:

Optical mouse

It uses an LED, the operation of which allows the sensor to better receive and the processor to read information faster and, accordingly, determine the position of the device.

Laser mouse

For contrast illumination of the surface, not an LED, but a semiconductor laser is used, and the sensor is configured to capture the corresponding wavelength of this glow.



The abbreviation dpi, which we often see on price tags in stores where mice are sold, means the number of dots per inch, i.e. resolution. The higher it is, the better the sensitivity of the device. For normal work on a computer, 800 dpi is quite enough - an optical mouse is also suitable, but for fans of virtual games and professional artist-designers, a higher resolution of the manipulator is needed - so it is better for them to buy a laser computer mouse.

Optical mouse

For most of them this figure is 800 dpi, the maximum is 1200 dpi.

Laser mouse

They have an average resolution of 2000 dpi, the maximum exceeds 4000 dpi, and not so long ago laser mice with a resolution of 5700 dpi appeared on the market, which also allows you to control the value of this indicator to save energy.


Optical mouse

Cheaper - cost from 200 rubles.

Laser mouse

Quite expensive: from 600 to 5000 rubles and more (top gaming models)

Speed ​​and accuracy

A semiconductor laser, emitting light invisible to the eye in the infrared range, is more accurate, information is read better, and therefore mouse positioning is more accurate. Criteria such as speed and accuracy are improved. This is especially true for gamers, as well as for graphic designers - it is better for them to choose a laser mouse.


Energy consumption

A laser mouse, compared to an optical LED mouse, consumes much less energy. This is especially important when using a wireless mouse, where the issue of saving battery power is pressing. For wired manipulators, this factor is not significant.

Work surface

Even the simplest LED mouse does not require a mouse pad because it works on almost all surfaces. The exceptions are transparent glass, glossy and mirror. Here the LED mouse will operate with such malfunctions that it will simply force you to lay a rug under it. But laser illumination is practically indifferent to the material of the plane of mouse movement; such devices can easily cope with any surface, including mirrored ones. But there is one caveat. For a laser mouse, close contact with the working plane of reflection is very critical. The appearance of a gap of even 1 mm significantly complicates the operation of such a device, and the LED can even work on the knee.



Another disadvantage of an LED mouse, which is noted by many users, is the glow (usually red, less often blue or green) even when the computer is turned off, which is not always convenient and pleasing to the eye - for example, at night, when you are trying to sleep, and from the computer desk A fairly bright beam shines. In lasers, there is no glow, since, as mentioned above, it emits infrared light invisible to our eyes.


Characteristics of a mouse such as ergonomics, beauty, color, material, tactile sensations, and the number of additional buttons are purely personal and depend on human preferences.

Summing up: advantages and disadvantages

Optical LED Mouse


  • low price;
  • The gap between the mouse and the working surface is not critical.


  • does not work on mirror, glass and glossy surfaces;
  • low accuracy and speed of the cursor;
  • low sensitivity;
  • distracting lighting;
  • high energy consumption in wireless design.

Optical laser mouse


  • work on any work surfaces;
  • high accuracy and speed of the cursor;
  • high sensitivity and ability to control resolution;
  • lack of visible glow;
  • low energy consumption in wireless design;
  • the ability to use many additional functional buttons.


  • high price;
  • criticality to the gap between the mouse and the working surface.

Which mouse is better to buy - laser or optical?

Based solely on technical characteristics, laser mice are better than optical LED devices in almost all respects. But does this mean that we should definitely get rid of the optical mouse? After all, so far she has coped with her tasks superbly.

The choice is always yours. You will have to pay quite a lot of money for a laser mouse. It’s good if you are a gamer or a designer - then the investment will quickly pay off (either materially or morally). If you are an ordinary user of office programs and the Internet, then you most likely will not even notice any qualitative leap in the level of accuracy of the manipulator’s response. Another thing is if you need a wireless mouse - then it is better to buy a laser mouse instead of an optical one. By purchasing a laser one, you will save a lot on batteries - it holds a charge several times longer than an optical one.

In the publication “Optical Mice: A Variety of Technologies,” we examined the features of seven technologies used in the optical sensors of modern mouse-type manipulators. Now is the time to put the theory to the test and see whether the introduction of new technologies in optical sensors really provides any advantage.

Probably, many readers have a question: is there an objective need to improve the design of optical mouse sensors? After all, these reliable and affordable devices already satisfy the needs of most users. Of course, to some extent, the technological race pursues marketing goals: in order for products to sell well, it is necessary to somehow stand out from the products of dozens of competitors. However, in addition to their own ambitions, manufacturers have at least two objective reasons that encourage them to conduct research work to improve existing optical sensors and create fundamentally new designs.

The first is due to structural changes in the PC market, namely a significant increase in the popularity of portable computers. Unlike users of desktop systems, who have the opportunity to properly equip their workplace, owners of laptops and netbooks often have to operate the manipulator wherever necessary - on a bench, window sill, parapet, and sometimes literally on the knee. Naturally, in this case, the “all-terrain” qualities of the mouse come to the fore.

The second reason is the expansion of the scope of home PCs. Increasingly, home computers serve not only as a work tool and a means of web surfing, but also as a central link in the digital entertainment system. And this is quite natural: in conditions where O Most media content is downloaded from the Internet; there is no point in copying it onto physical media in order to play it through a home AV system. It is much easier to connect a PC to it in one way or another.

Naturally, as soon as the PC begins to act as an AV signal source, the “habitat” of the manipulator expands significantly. In this case, the mouse has to “run” not only on the surface of the table, but also on the armrests of chairs, sofa cushions, bed linen, or even on the floor. It is clear that in such situations, completely different requirements are put forward for the “all-terrain” qualities of the mouse.

When selecting surface samples for this test drive, we tried to take into account both of these trends in order to obtain the most complete information about the capabilities of the manipulators when used in various conditions.

Presentation of participants

A total of ten models of manipulators took part in our test drive. The Logitech MX-500 wired mouse and the Defender Wireless Optical Mouse feature traditional optical sensor designs.

The Logitech MX-1000 and Logitech RX-1000 pointing devices (with wireless and wired connections, respectively) represent laser technology. In both cases, pairs of models that seemed so strange at first glance were chosen in order to evaluate how different the capabilities of similar sensors released in different years were.

One model was delegated from the five newer technologies:

  • G-laser X6 - A4Tech Glaser X6-60XD;
  • BlueTrack - Microsoft Comfort Mouse 4500;
  • V-Track - A4Tech OP-560NU;
  • BlueEye - Genius Ergo 9000;
  • Darkfield Laser Tracking - Logitech Performance Mouse MX.

We also received a Logitech Anywhere Mouse MX with a Darkfield Laser Tracking sensor. Since this model showed exactly the same results as the Logitech Performance Mouse MX, we decided not to include it as a separate line in the final table.

Detailed information about some of the test drive participants is provided in the boxes.

Mice - test participants

Test procedure and evaluation criteria

To conduct tests, we collected samples of materials on which mice have to “run” at home, in the office and in mobile conditions. Since the number of samples exceeded four dozen, for reasons of ease of processing and perception of the results, we decided to divide them into six categories: “desktop”, “fabrics and upholstery materials”, “plastic and leatherette”, “paper and cardboard”, “glass and mirror” " and "other". The last section contains samples of rather exotic (from the point of view of use as a working surface) materials - such as metal, polished granite, carpet, ceramic tiles, etc.

The tests were carried out according to the following scheme. After connecting and installing the necessary software components, the operation of the manipulator was checked on each of the available samples. This procedure included checking the functioning of the motion recording sensor and the stability of its operation.

To control stability, we used a graphical editor. Using a manipulator, it was necessary to draw several straight lines at different angles with a 1-pixel thick “pencil” tool, as well as a set of simple geometric shapes. The accuracy of the work was assessed both subjectively (by the reaction of the cursor to the movements of the manipulator) and objectively - by the shape of the drawn lines.

Based on the test results, assessments were made of the stability of the sensor for recording the movements of the manipulator used on each of the samples. In doing so, we were guided by the following criteria:

  • the rating “excellent” corresponds to the most comfortable operation of the manipulator;
  • an “acceptable” rating means the presence of minor malfunctions in the operation of the mouse (short-term stops and/or small deviations of the cursor from the given trajectory), which are not critical from the point of view of using the graphical interface of the OS and office applications;
  • a “satisfactory” rating was given if noticeable malfunctions were detected in the operation of the motion registration sensor (such as jerks and stops of the cursor, chaotic deviations of the line from the given trajectory with uniform movement of the manipulator body);
  • the “doesn’t work” rating hardly needs any comment.

Important Notes

We would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that when interpreting assessments of the operation of a manipulator on a particular surface, it is important to take into account the specifics of the applications used. Thus, when working with graphic editors, CAD and GIS applications, sound and video editing programs, as well as dynamic games, maximum accuracy and “responsiveness” of the manipulator is required. So, in relation to such tasks, any rating other than “excellent” is unsatisfactory. When managing the OS graphical interface and working with office applications, small malfunctions in the movement registration sensor, although they make the work less comfortable, are not critical - especially in conditions when there is no other (more suitable) surface or special mat at hand.

There is one more important point. Since the purpose of the tests was to evaluate the capabilities of various types of optical sensors, we tried not to take into account the influence due to the design features of the body of the tested models. It is quite obvious that the ease of mechanical movement of the mouse on a particular surface largely depends on the properties of the material from which the sliding pads are made, as well as on their shape, area and location. That is why sometimes situations arise when the optical sensor functions stably, but the user feels discomfort due to the fact that the mouse has to be moved with considerable force.

When using the manipulator on fabrics, pillows and upholstered furniture, another problem often arises: during the movement, a fold forms in front of the manipulator body, impeding movement. So when choosing a model that is supposed to be used, including on upholstered furniture, you need to pay attention not only to the properties of the optical sensor, but also to the design of the mouse body.

In addition, I would like to remind you of an obvious fact: no matter how perfect the manipulator’s sensor is, it will be very difficult to draw a perfectly straight line on an uneven surface. This is about the same as trying to draw a line with a pencil on a sheet of paper lying, for example, on a rough stone. Even using a ruler, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a straight line in such conditions. Since the sensors of most currently produced optical mice provide an accuracy of 800 cpi or more, even minor unevenness of the working surface affects the movement of the cursor. Accordingly, you can only count on perfectly accurate operation of the manipulator on a flat, smooth surface.

Applied materials science

We proceed to the analysis of the results of the tests, which are presented in the tables (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6). It's not a revelation to experienced users that optical mice work well on some surfaces, while others cause unexpected difficulties.

There are many materials on which mice with any type of sensor work equally reliably. Thus, all the manipulators at our disposal functioned without any problems on tabletops made of wood (both uncoated and painted with oil paint), as well as chipboard panels with a plastic coating, finished with wood veneer and self-adhesive film. Light laminate parquet and ceramic tiles with a matte surface also did not cause any problems.

Good results have been shown on both painted and unpainted matte metal surfaces. The only exception was the Logitech MX-1000 manipulator, the sensor of which, for some unknown reason, flatly refused to function on unpainted metal.

A more difficult test was operation on fabrics and upholstery materials - that is, relatively speaking, “in the living room.” Almost all manipulators function without problems on natural and synthetic fabrics with fine texture. The exception was models with laser sensors that are sensitive to the texture of the fabric. And the larger the “relief”, the more noticeable the chaotic deviations of the cursor from the trajectory of the manipulator become.

Tangible difficulties began on fabrics with pile and rib. The best results in such conditions were shown by models with V-Track and Darkfield sensors, as well as the Logitech MX-500 mouse with a traditional optical sensor design. The rest of the participants looked worse. For example, the BlueTrack sensor works well with carpet, flock and tapestry, but is unstable on long piles. The G-laser sensor looks good on most fabrics, failing only on relatively long piles. But mice with laser sensors and BlueEye sensors do not like lint: when the manipulator moves over such materials, the cursor moves jerkily and tries to “jump” to the side.

Black velvet turned out to be a very friendly surface: all types of sensors work well on it, with the exception of laser ones. Surfaces covered with leather and leatherette did not become a problem either. Only on glossy skin do mice with an optical sensor of a traditional design work very unstable.

Plastic surfaces have revealed the real advantage of newer optical sensor designs. On a protective mat made of soft translucent ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and on an oilcloth tablecloth, mice with traditionally designed optical sensors began to “slip,” while all other participants coped with this test without problems. It is interesting to note that the problem is solved quite simply: just put something dark under the rug. A similar situation was observed on oilcloth: in areas painted in dark colors, mice with optical sensors of a traditional design worked well, but as soon as the “eye” of the sensor was over a light area, the cursor practically stopped moving.

Hard plastic surfaces presented an even greater challenge. The best results here were demonstrated by BlueTrack, Darkfield, V-Track and BlueEye sensors. Certain problems with stability on transparent and glossy plastic have arisen with the mouse with the G-laser sensor. Models with laser sensors looked even worse: they lost their functionality on transparent, as well as on painted plastic with a smooth and glossy surface. Things were somewhat better for manipulators with optical sensors of a traditional design - and, interestingly, here the newer Defender Wireless Optical Mouse looked preferable to the Logitech MX-500.

Newer sensor designs have also demonstrated their benefits on various types of paper and cardboard. As samples, we used a sheet of white office paper with a density of 80 g/m2, the cover of a glossy magazine, a sheet of corrugated cardboard, as well as sheets of white and black painted cardboard with a smooth (non-glossy) surface.

White paper has proven to be a very problematic surface for manipulators with both traditional optical and laser sensors. Of these four, only the Logitech MX-500 mouse was able to demonstrate stable operation. The situation was even worse with the cover of a glossy magazine: when using mice with optical sensors of a traditional design, spontaneous jumps and stops of the cursor were observed with uniform movement of the manipulator, and both models with laser sensors refused to work at all.

Mice with traditional optical sensors do not perform well on smooth, painted cardboard. If on a black sample the cursor movement even more or less corresponds to the user-specified direction of movement of the manipulator, then on a white one the cursor practically does not move. Note that on such a surface the Defender Wireless Optical Mouse model worked more stable than the Logitech MX-500.

As for manipulators equipped with “new wave” sensors, they all coped well with surfaces made of paper and cardboard. Only the Darkfield sensor let us down a little: when working on white-painted cardboard, periodic slowdowns in cursor movement were observed.

It would seem that polished granite should have been a serious test for all manipulators. However, contrary to popular belief, problems arose only in mice equipped with laser sensors. Models with other types of sensors worked fine.

Now we have reached the most difficult stages of testing. Lacquered wood is traditionally considered one of the problematic surfaces for optical mice. Nevertheless, even on such coverage, models with G-laser, BlueEye and Darkfield sensors worked without problems. Surprisingly, this company also included the Logitech MX-500 mouse with an optical sensor of a traditional design. For manipulators with V-Track and BlueTrack sensors, as well as for the Defender Wireless Optical Mouse, when the manipulator body moved evenly over varnished wood, noticeable jerks and spontaneous stops of the cursor were observed. And both models equipped with laser sensors turned out to be completely inoperable on such a surface.

An even more insidious material is transparent glass. Only mice with a Darkfield sensor work reliably on it, provided that the thickness of the glass plate is at least 4 mm. It does not matter whether the tabletop is made entirely of glass or whether it lies on top of another coating - from the point of view of the stability of the movement sensor, no difference was observed.

Both mice with traditional optical sensors, as well as the Microsoft Comfort Mouse 4500 with a BlueTrack sensor, can work with some difficulty on glass 2 mm thick if a photograph or drawing with contrasting and clearly visible details is placed underneath it. But as soon as the mouse sensor is over a uniformly shaded area of ​​the image, the cursor immediately freezes. The rest of the manipulators, when placed on the glass, show no signs of life at all: for most, the cursor remains motionless when the body is moved, but on the Genius Ergo 9000, on the contrary, it begins to “dance” when the mouse is motionless.

The mirror remained a completely unconquered surface for optical mice. Not a single manipulator could work on such a surface.

Features of different sensors

In the process of summing up the test results, we compiled brief characteristics that summarize the “all-terrain” capabilities of manipulators with various types of sensors.

"Classical" optics

By the standards of the development of computer technology, optical sensors of traditional design can easily be included in the squad of veterans: more than 12 years have passed since the appearance of the first production models. Nevertheless, mice with such sensors still remain in service and form the basis of the fleet of computer manipulators.

Of course, the advanced age of this technology makes itself felt: on surfaces such as paper, cardboard and some types of plastic, optical sensors of traditional design are noticeably inferior to newer solutions. However, it is still too early to write them off, especially since in a number of disciplines (in particular, when working on fabrics and upholstery materials, polished granite and varnished wood), mice with traditionally designed optical sensors look much better than more expensive models equipped with laser sensors.

As it turned out during the tests, one of the necessary requirements for stable operation of an optical sensor of a traditional design is a flat surface. In conditions where the distance from the bottom panel of the manipulator body to the working surface is constantly varying, the sensor works unstably - with uniform movement of the manipulator, the cursor moves jerkily. Moreover, in this sense, the newer Defender Wireless Optical Mouse turned out to be even more capricious than the Logitech MX-500.

Although they have problems navigating on some types of surfaces, mice with traditional optical sensor designs are a versatile solution and are well suited for controlling desktop, laptop, and HTPC systems.

The main advantage of laser sensors compared to traditional optical ones is their high positioning accuracy. However, as it turned out during the tests, accuracy was achieved at the expense of “all-terrain capability.” There are many surfaces on which mice equipped with a laser sensor function unstable or refuse to work at all.

Due to the design features of the laser sensor, two extremes are contraindicated: materials with a smooth, glossy surface (glass, lacquered wood, polished granite, smooth and glossy plastic, etc.) - on the one hand, and surfaces with a clearly defined texture (in this category includes most fabrics and upholstery materials), on the other.

Based on the test results, mice with a laser sensor can be recommended for use with desktop PCs, especially if you have to deal with applications and/or games that place increased demands on positioning accuracy. It must be borne in mind that for stable operation of the manipulator, a flat surface with a clearly defined microrelief and/or pattern is required. It is possible that in some cases a special mat may be required.

G-laser X6

In fact, the G-laser sensor is an improved version of the laser sensor, which, in fact, was confirmed by the test results. The manipulator with the G-laser X6 sensor provides high positioning accuracy, but does not work best on surfaces with a curved profile. Nevertheless, the G-laser X6 sensor has a number of advantages over the laser one: it operates reliably on varnished wood, polished granite and most fabrics (with the exception of materials with medium and long pile - on such surfaces the cursor moves with slight jerks). In addition, the G-laser X6 sensor works much more stable than a laser sensor on plastic surfaces. Only when working on light areas of plastic coating with a glossy surface, as well as on transparent plastic, were minor deviations of the cursor along the axis perpendicular to the direction of movement of the manipulator body observed.

Thus, manipulators with the G-laser X6 sensor are best suited for use with stationary PCs - both for work and for dynamic games that place increased demands on positioning accuracy. But those who purchase such a manipulator for a laptop PC are unlikely to be disappointed. In terms of positioning accuracy, mice with a G-laser X6 sensor are not inferior to laser ones, and in terms of “all-terrain” qualities they are noticeably superior to them. An important factor is the attractive price: in this sense, models with the G-laser X6 sensor also look preferable to laser ones.

The A4Tech Glaser X6-60XD model is equipped with a G-laser X6 sensor and has a clear gaming specialization. A lightweight, thin cable is used to connect to the PC, creating virtually no interference even with intense mouse movement. The top and sides of the case are made of soft, pleasant-to-touch plastic with a matte surface. The wide panels of the two main buttons, which are integral with the upper part of the case, have a concave profile - this prevents fingers from slipping. The knurled scroll wheel provides maximum grip. The wheel operates in step-by-step mode and can serve as an additional button. Next to it there is a small orange button, by default configured to emulate a double click.


During tests, the Microsoft Comfort Mouse 4500, equipped with a BlueTrack sensor, demonstrated high positioning accuracy, in no way inferior in this parameter to manipulators with laser sensors. At the same time, the BlueTrack sensor compares favorably with laser sensors in its stability of operation on fabrics, upholstery materials, paper, as well as on plastic with a smooth and glossy surface. The Microsoft Comfort Mouse 4500 also worked quite satisfactorily on a glass plate 2 mm thick, under which a pattern with contrasting and clearly distinguishable details was placed.

Of course, the BlueTrack sensor also has certain disadvantages. In particular, it works unstably on varnished wood and thin transparent plastic: when the manipulator body moves evenly, the cursor moves jerkily and sometimes stops spontaneously.

The BlueTrack sensor operates reliably on most fabrics and upholstery materials, but does not respond well to long piles: on such surfaces, slight jerks are observed when the cursor moves.

Thus, mice with BlueTrack sensors are ideal for use with both desktop and laptop PCs. Their main advantages are high positioning accuracy and stable operation on most surfaces.

In terms of its performance characteristics, the Microsoft Comfort Mouse 4500 looks preferable to models equipped with sensors based on traditional optical and laser technologies. However, price may be the deciding factor. For the most affordable model with a BlueTrack sensor you will have to pay more than 600 rubles, and for a manipulator in a full-size case with wireless connection - at least a thousand. In addition, only Microsoft produces mice with the BlueTrack sensor, and its models traditionally have stepless scroll wheels, which is not suitable for all users.

This manipulator is made in a symmetrically shaped body, providing equal convenience for both right-handers and left-handers. The upper part of the case, combined with the main button panels, is made of silver-colored plastic. The side of the case is made of soft, pleasant-to-touch black plastic.

In addition to the two main buttons, the Microsoft Comfort Mouse 4500 has two additional ones. They are located symmetrically: one on the right, the other on the left side of the body. The smoothly rotating scroll wheel is made of dark plastic. In addition to its main function, it can work as an additional button, and when tilted to the right and left, it can control horizontal scrolling (to support this function, you need to download and install a proprietary driver).

Darkfield Laser Tracking

The Darkfield Laser Tracking sensor has become the only sensor that has conquered one of the most treacherous surfaces - transparent glass. Surprisingly, the Logitech Performance Mouse MX and Anywhere Mouse MX perform reliably on clear glass 4mm or thicker. It does not matter whether a tabletop made entirely of glass is used, or a regular table with glass laid on it. During the tests, it also turned out that mice with the Darkfield Laser Tracking sensor work quite satisfactorily on thinner glass (2 mm), if a photograph or drawing with contrasting and clearly distinguishable details is placed under it.

On other types of surfaces, the Darkfield Laser Tracking sensor also showed its worth, demonstrating outstanding all-terrain qualities. Certain problems arose only when working on thin transparent plastic and smooth, white-painted cardboard. In both cases, a periodic slowdown in the speed of cursor movement was observed with uniform movement of the manipulator body. However, in case of emergency, the mouse can be used on these surfaces, although it will not be very comfortable.

Based on the test results, the sensor based on Darkfield Laser Tracking technology can be called the most advanced of all sensors used in modern manipulators. Of course, you have to pay for such opportunities, and a lot. Manipulators with the Darkfield Laser Tracking sensor are presented exclusively in the highest price category (more than 2 thousand rubles). In addition, the choice is very limited: at the moment there are only two mice with this sensor (Logitech Performance Mouse MX for desktop PCs and Logitech Anywhere Mouse MX for laptops), and both are wireless. But if you really need a manipulator that can also work on transparent glass, then there are simply no other options.

Darkfield Laser Tracking Team

Darkfield Laser Tracking technology is represented by two wireless manipulators from Logitech - Performance Mouse MX and Anywhere Mouse MX. The first is aimed primarily at use with desktop systems, while the second has a much more compact body and is designed for use with laptop PCs.

Both models are equipped with a miniature Logitech Unifying receiver. Thanks to its small dimensions, it can not be disconnected from the USB port while transporting a laptop PC. In addition, this receiver allows you to connect up to six Logitech devices supporting Unifying technology (mice, keyboards, game controllers) simultaneously. Communication is carried out via a radio channel at a frequency of 2.4 GHz.

The ergonomic design of the Performance Mouse MX is designed exclusively for right-handed users. The manipulator is decorated with high-quality plastic and decorative parts made of matte polished metal; there is an insert on the side of the body that prevents slipping. The panels of the two main buttons are integral with the upper part of the case, which is made of hard plastic.

The solid metal scroll wheel is equipped with a ribbed rubber pad to provide better grip on your finger. It can function in two modes - step-by-step and high-speed scrolling. In the first case, a ratcheting mechanism is activated, allowing the user to clearly feel each scrolling step. In the second case, the wheel is released and, due to its mass, can rotate like a flywheel for quite a long time - it is enough to push it once with your finger in the desired direction. This mode allows you to scroll through long web pages or tables in just one motion. Modes are switched by pressing a small button located next to the wheel. In addition to its main function, the wheel can work as an additional button, and when tilted to the right and left, it can control horizontal scrolling.

On the left side of the case there is a group of three buttons (go to the next and previous links, call the zoom mode), which are convenient to operate with your thumb. Another key (task switching) is located under the cover at the bottom of the housing recess.

The Performance Mouse MX is powered by a AA nickel-metal hydride battery. The front of the mouse has a microUSB connector for connecting to a charger or USB port on a computer. The design allows you to use the mouse even while the battery is charging.

There is a power switch on the bottom panel of the case.

The Performance Mouse MX comes with a Logitech Unifying receiver, a charging cable (microUSB to USB Type A), an extension cable for the receiver, a proprietary case for storing accessories, a quick start guide, and a CD with drivers and software.

The Anywhere Mouse MX model is much more compact and will not take up much space in a traveler’s luggage. The panels of the two main buttons, separated by a metal insert, form a single unit with the upper part of the case. Like the older model, the scroll wheel can operate in two modes. Switching modes is done by pressing the wheel.

There are inserts on the side surfaces of the case that prevent slipping. There are two additional buttons on the left side; another one is placed on a metal insert next to the wheel.

The window of the optical sensor of this mouse is closed with a sliding curtain, which protects the elements of the optical system from dust when the manipulator is not in use. The curtain is also a power switch - thus, when closing the sensor window, the manipulator automatically turns off.

The mouse is powered by two standard AA batteries. To access the inside of the case, part of the bottom panel of the manipulator is removed. Inside, in addition to battery compartments, there is a slot for storing a standard receiver.

The Anywhere Mouse MX includes a Logitech Unifying receiver, a storage and transportation case, a pair of AA batteries, a quick start guide, and a CD with drivers and software.

V-Track Optic 2.0

The budget model A4Tech OP-560NU, equipped with a V-Track Optic 2.0 sensor, became a real sensation in this test. Surprisingly, the sensor with a narrow, vertically directed red beam demonstrated not only stable operation on almost all surfaces, but also high positioning accuracy. Rare exceptions are transparent glass (more on this below) and varnished wood - on it the cursor sometimes moves with slight jerks. As it turned out, this problem occurs on a variegated surface (or on the border of areas of different colors), while on uniformly colored areas the manipulator works normally.

Contrary to the manufacturer's promises, the V-Track sensor refused to work on transparent glass. True, there is an important nuance here. According to data published on the official A4Tech website, mice with the V-Track sensor are able to work on slightly dusty glass. However, the adjective “slightly” can be interpreted in different ways. As our optional test showed, if the glass is completely covered with clear fingerprints, the mouse actually starts working on it, but only until the sensor window is over a cleaner area. In addition, to describe the state of glass at which stable operation of this manipulator is achieved, the characteristic “rather dirty” is more suitable than “slightly dirty.” In any case, a cleaning lady who left the glass tabletop in this condition unattended would probably receive a severe reprimand from her boss.

Considering that all test participants worked under equal conditions and mice with a Darkfield sensor functioned without problems on clean glass, then, strictly speaking, the model with the V-Track sensor failed this section of the test. Moreover, when preparing the glass surface for testing, we did not use solvents or special detergents. The glass was cleaned with a damp cloth and then wiped dry with a microfiber cloth - you must agree, this is a completely “household” technology that has nothing to do with laboratory sterility.

However, this episode in no way detracts from the advantages of V-Track Optic 2.0 technology. Today it is perhaps the most versatile sensor available in entry-level manipulators. In terms of all-terrain qualities, mice with a V-Track sensor are significantly superior to models equipped with traditional optical and laser sensors, while not inferior to the latter in positioning accuracy. Thus, manipulators with V-Track sensors are a very attractive option for controlling both desktop and mobile PCs. Due to their stable operation on fabrics and upholstery materials, wireless manipulators with a V-Track sensor are also ideal for remote control of HTPC operation.

BlueEye Tracking

The BlueEye Tracking technology in our test was represented by the Genius Ergo 9000 wireless mouse. Based on the results obtained, we can state that mice with the BlueEye Tracking sensor are excellent for working on flat, smooth surfaces (with the exception of glass and thin transparent plastic) and in such conditions have a noticeable advantage over manipulators equipped with traditional optical and laser sensors.

Among the identified shortcomings of the BlueEye Tracking sensor, we note its not very stable operation on fabrics and upholstery materials with pile and rough texture, as well as on surfaces with a curved profile. So it is hardly advisable to purchase such a mouse to control the operation of an HTPC.

However, models with the BlueEye Tracking sensor are a good option for use with desktop and laptop PCs. Provided that there is no strict budget limit: at the moment, such mice are presented mainly in the mid-price category. This is partly due to the fact that a significant part of the range of models with the BlueEye Tracking sensor are wireless manipulators, which, for obvious reasons, are more expensive than wired ones.

The Genius Ergo 9000 wireless mouse is equipped with a BlueEye Tracking optical sensor, which ensures movement recording accuracy of up to 1200 cpi. A fairly compact case of a convenient shape (its dimensions are 100Å65Å35 mm) allows you to use this model with both desktop and laptop PCs.

The sides of the case are made of dark plastic with a matte surface. The top panel, which is integral with the planes of the two main buttons, is made of glossy plastic. Depending on the modification, this part can be painted black or milky white.

The mouse is equipped with a scroll wheel, which can also serve as an additional button. There are two additional buttons on the left side of the case that are easy to press with your thumb. The functions of these controls are configured using proprietary software. For connection to a PC, the Genius Ergo 9000 comes with a miniature receiver installed in the USB port. Communication is carried out via a radio channel at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the range is 10 m.

The manipulator is powered by one standard AA battery. To install the battery, the top panel of the case folds down. Inside, in addition to the battery compartment, there is space to store the standard receiver, which is very convenient when using the mouse in mobile conditions. There is a small power switch on the bottom of the case.

The Genius Ergo 9000 comes with a receiver, battery and quick start guide.


The time has come to give answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the article. Let's start with the main thing: is there any practical sense in improving optical sensors? The answer will be yes. The test results convincingly prove that sensors based on new technologies (V-Track, BlueTrack, Darkfield, BlueEye) indeed have noticeable advantages over traditionally designed optical sensors and laser sensors. Thanks to this, optical mice of the “new wave” work much more stably on glossy surfaces and fabrics, not inferior in positioning accuracy to manipulators with laser sensors.

The data obtained make it possible to debunk the common myth about the unequivocal superiority of laser sensors over optical sensors of traditional design. On the one hand, laser sensors do provide higher accuracy - this is an indisputable fact. On the other hand, a traditional optical sensor design is capable of working on surfaces where a laser sensor simply refuses to function: most fabrics and upholstery materials, polished granite and some types of plastic.

It is also worth noting that different models with the same type of sensors (in particular, laser and traditional optical) may behave differently on the same surfaces. This is apparently explained by the fact that manipulators from different manufacturers (and different years of production) have different modifications and designs of such sensors installed.

The most advanced solution at the moment is the Darkfield Laser Tracking sensor, which provides unsurpassed “all-terrain” qualities and is the only one capable of working on transparent glass. Alas, mice with such a sensor are very expensive.

We also note V-Track technology. We believe that it currently has the highest market potential. Models with such sensors are presented in the lower and middle price segments, and their cost is quite comparable to “classmates” equipped with optical sensors of a traditional design. At the same time, the V-Track sensor has much greater versatility, providing stable operation of the manipulator on smooth, polished and transparent surfaces, which are a serious problem for traditional optical sensor designs. And this is undoubtedly a strong argument in favor of models with a V-Track sensor - especially from the point of view of those who purchase a mouse for use with laptops or HTPCs.

The editors would like to thank the Russian representative office of Logitech for providing the Logitech Anywhere Mouse MX and Performance Mouse MX manipulators, as well as the official distributor of KYE Systems in Russia - the company "Bureaukrat" ( for providing the Genius Ergo 9000 mouse .

A computer mouse is a convenient and most common pointing device. It makes working with electronic documents and multimedia much easier, and some games are designed exclusively for mouse control. The shelves of computer stores are filled with hundreds of their modifications, differing in size, number of buttons and price. But the main difference is hidden under the body. This is a type of radiation source that can be an LED or a laser. Which is better: optical LED or laser mouse? A detailed comparison of them will give a complete answer to this question.

Device, principle of operation and main differences

Over the past few years, the market has been dominated by the second generation of optical mice, which are so called because of their built-in lenses. Their design feature is the presence of a highly sensitive sensor - a camera that continuously scans the surface and transmits the result to the processor. The frequency of images is several thousand times per second with a resolution of up to 40x40 pixels.
The principle of operation of an optical LED mouse is based on the emission of a wide beam by an LED, which is focused by the first lens and forms a bright spot in the camera’s capture area, which allows you to record the slightest changes on the scanned surface. The received information enters the sensor through the second lens and is then processed by the processor.

In an optical laser mouse, the emitting element is a laser semiconductor diode, most often operating in the infrared (IR) spectrum. During operation, the thinnest beam passes through the first lens, reaches the working surface and is reflected from it. To increase accuracy, it is focused by a second lens and then hits the sensor. The resulting images are compared, and based on these results, a conclusion is made about the movement of the cursor. As the design was improved, models appeared that housed a sensor, processor and laser diode in one housing.


This parameter is of fundamental importance when choosing gaming mice. Resolution is measured in dpi (dots per inch) or cpi (counts per inch). Both units of measurement are relevant, but cpi more accurately characterizes the operation of the optical manipulator and shows the number of readings per inch.

The higher the dpi/cpi, the more accurately the cursor moves across the screen.

Here's a simple example. The horizontal resolution of the screen is 1600 dpi, and that of the mouse is 400 dpi. This means that by moving the manipulator across the table by one conventional unit, the cursor will move on the screen a distance 4 times greater. With such discreteness, it is difficult to hit small program icons with the cursor, and you can forget about games where the speed and accuracy of the mouse cursor is important.

For most optical LED mice designed for the average user, 800–1200 cpi is considered acceptable. This is quite enough for comfortable work with office programs on monitors with a diagonal of up to 27 inches.

The resolution of laser mice has a wider range of values ​​and can vary from 1000 to 12000 cpi. Many models have several fixed cpi values ​​available. Due to the presence of its own internal memory and additional buttons, the user can select the appropriate resolution at any time.

Speed ​​and acceleration

Most optical LED mice belong to the budget class and their characteristics do not contain data on the speed of movement of the manipulator body.

Their laser colleagues have movement speed and acceleration indicators - parameters on which the accuracy of the cursor hitting a given point on the screen depends on both smooth and sudden hand movements. A speed of 150 inches per second with an acceleration of 30g is considered quite high, while providing an accuracy of 8000 cpi. To provide such high performance, the capabilities of the processor must be commensurate with the capabilities of the sensor.

Energy consumption

In wired models, this indicator can be neglected, since the system unit consumes 50-200 times more. But the stable operation of a wireless device completely depends on the batteries (accumulator), therefore, every milliwatt of energy consumed counts.

For an LED mouse, the current consumption is about 100 mA with a 5V USB power supply, which is 0.5 W.

The energy consumption of a mouse with a laser diode is an order of magnitude less. Such a wireless manipulator, without recharging the battery, can last 10 times longer than its LED counterpart.


The body of a standard optical mouse with a red LED contains three buttons and a scroll wheel. This is enough to work with software and the Internet. There are models with additional buttons, which are assigned frequently used functions using macros.

In the description of a laser-type mouse, you can see a number of characteristics that indicate its capabilities. Most of them affect the accuracy and speed of cursor movement, which is essential when working with graphic editors and in modern online games.

Working surface requirements

Optical LED mice of traditional design, although inferior to new developments, work reliably on most types of surfaces and are characterized by increased versatility. For their stable operation without jerking, a flat surface is required, which can be made of various materials. The exception is varnished wood, glass and mirror. Excellent functional ability has been noted on many types of fabrics, including those with a pronounced texture. Another advantage of mice with LEDs is that they are not critical to the size of the working gap between the body and the surface. Therefore, they are quite acceptable (but not ideal) for controlling a computer from a sofa or bed.

The laser sensor, despite more accurate positioning, is very capricious in contact with some materials. For budget-class devices, glossy, polished and varnished surfaces are contraindicated, as well as any irregularities that increase the gap and thereby change the focal length of the reflected beam. The ideal option for gamers would be a flat surface with a clear structure (pattern) or a mat.

In the process of improving laser manipulators, G-laser technology is gaining momentum, the developers of which claim excellent operation of the devices on all types of surfaces, including glass and smooth plastic. However, the criticality of the gap forces them to be used only on a flat plane.


The statement: “LED mice are cheaper than laser mice” is not entirely correct. Branded LED models with an original design and additional functions can be more expensive than their simple laser diode counterparts. But if you compare products from the same manufacturer, the difference between models with different operating principles is noticeable.

When choosing an optical wireless mouse, it is better to give preference to a more expensive laser-type product, so that subsequently you have to change the batteries much less often. Inexpensive wired LED mice are perfect for your home PC.

One of the points when choosing a laser mouse should be testing it directly in the store on different surfaces.

In addition to technical indicators, an important property of each mouse is ergonomics. Attractive appearance and convenient placement in the hand are a prerequisite for choice. Otherwise, the user will receive a portion of nervous irritation every time there is a discrepancy between hand movements and the movement of the cursor on the monitor.

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To effectively protect property located in a house or apartment, many different security systems have been invented and implemented. Basically, various types of alarms are most often installed, supporting a wide range of different sensors - this allows you to most effectively control everything that happens at the site. One of the devices that modern security systems are equipped with is a laser motion sensor, which is capable of detecting the slightest movement in the protected area. A distinctive feature of such devices is not only their high sensitivity to movement, but also the fact that it is quite easy to make a laser sensor with your own hands. And, most importantly, this does not require any expensive parts.

Scope of application

Considering the high efficiency of motion detection using this type of sensors, they are installed at the following objects:

  • in financial companies and banking institutions;
  • in office premises;
  • in cottages;
  • in apartments.

Considering the high cost of alarms based on laser sensors, their “factory versions” are used in the first two cases. For private cottages and apartments, you can make a laser motion detector yourself.

Operating principle

The operation of a laser sensor is based on the use of an emitter and a receiver of a laser beam. The first of them generates a luminous flux that falls on a photocell installed opposite the emitter.

When the laser beam does not hit the photodetector, its resistance is very high, and when irradiated by the light beam, a flow of photoelectrons begins to form, which leads to an increase in conductivity and a decrease in the electrical resistance of the photocell.

While the sensitive element is irradiated by the beam, the electrical alarm circuit is closed and the contacts of the relay system that controls external devices remain in their original position. As soon as the beam is interrupted, there is a sharp increase in the resistance of the photocell - this opens the electrical circuit and switches the relay system, which leads to the activation of external actuators.

The operating principle is the same both in “factory” laser sensors and in those that were created with your own hands.


In order to independently make a motion sensor based on the use of laser radiation, you will need basic knowledge of electronics, soldering skills and an inexpensive set of components. To create a laser sensor at home you will need the following kit:

  • laser emitter;
  • photodetector;
  • relay node;
  • emitter power supply;
  • mounting parts;
  • conductors;
  • soldering kit;
  • set of tools.

As an emitter, you can choose a laser pointer, keychain, laser, which is part of children's toys. The role of a radiation detector can be effectively performed by a conventional photoresistor, the resistance of which changes when it is irradiated by a light beam. The presence of a relay mechanism will allow you to control the operation of external devices at the moment when the sensor is triggered.

Creating a sensor based on a pointer is the simplest scheme that anyone can implement with their own hands.

Instructions for assembling the laser sensor

A laser motion sensor consists of two main elements - an emitter and a receiver of the generated light beam. As mentioned above, a conventional laser pointer will be used as an emitter. Since it is powered by several batteries with a small capacity, its power system should initially be redesigned. To obtain the required voltage rating, you can use a low-voltage unit by connecting it through a rheostat or after upgrading its functional part by installing an additional regulating resistor at the output. The use of this type of power system will allow you to obtain a continuous beam, the generation of which will occur as long as there is voltage in the network to which the power supply is connected.

The radiation receiver will be built on the basis of a photoresistor, which changes its resistance when light radiation hits it. To prevent it from reacting to sunlight that will be present at the installation site, it should be placed in a sufficiently deep, dark-colored tube. This will prevent exposure to external lighting and false alarms, which will include a self-made laser detector.

Pay attention!

For the sensor to work correctly, it is important that its emitter and receiving part are located strictly on the same axis. This will ensure that the laser beam hits the center of the photoresistor, providing a clear alarm when it is blocked.

When a sensor is installed as part of a security alarm system, a relay system is connected to it. It provides control of the operation of external actuators at the moment of overlap. The sensor's power supply system is also connected via a relay. This is done so that after the alarm is turned on when the laser sensor is triggered, it does not turn off at the moment when the beam hits the photocell again. Thanks to this scheme, if the laser beam is interrupted once, the alarm will work continuously until it is turned off with a special button.


Assembling a laser-based motion sensor is a fairly simple task. To implement such a project, a small financial investment is enough, which will allow you to get an alarm element at the output, which in a “factory” version costs quite a lot of money. In terms of functionality, a homemade laser sensor is practically not inferior to one made in a production environment. The difference between a homemade sensor is that it can be easily upgraded. By changing the laser power and using reflectors in the form of mirrors, it is possible to form laser traps that will cover the entire area of ​​the protected object.



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