The cat is trembling and does not eat what to do. Trembling after sterilization - an alarming symptom or a normal phenomenon? Why is the cat shaking?

Strange behavior of a pet is always alarming. For example, for no apparent reason the cat is trembling. An attentive owner will always notice if something is wrong with his pet. In fact, trembling in cats- not always a sign of a disease and not so causeless.

Often the cat is shaking all over from overexcitement. The impetus for such excitement can be a game, hunting or sexual instincts - a bird outside the window, a potential partner or enemy, the desire to deftly catch a toy - and now the animal’s muscles cramp from pent-up tension.

If the cat's paws are shaking in a dream - an uncomfortable position, excitement in a dream, however, if the same symptom is constantly present, we can talk about neurological causes. The cat is shaking as if he is cold- this can actually happen if the animal is cold - for example, after bathing.For no apparent reason the cat hid under the sofa and is shaking. Probably, something scared him in your absence, or it was the consequence of a blow, a bruise - an unsuccessful jump from a closet, for example.

Before drawing any conclusions, you need to observe your pet - at what moments? the cat is shaking what is the tremor interval, intensity, how the animal tolerates it. The noticed symptoms will be the starting point for the doctor when making a diagnosis if the cat’s trembling is caused by a disease.

Why is the kitten trembling?!

Young the kitten is shaking(if we exclude health pathologies) during puberty, a male cat during estrus and rutting. In this case, it is better to sterilize the animal that is not intended for breeding. To understand why is the kitten trembling, he needs to be monitored, finding out the cause-and-effect relationship of the tremor.

Reason why is the cat trembling, There may be vitamin deficiency, often a deficiency of B vitamins. It is replenished with nutritional supplements or injections.But not everything is so rosy. Tremor in cats can be a symptom of an underlying disease. Diseases in which there is trembling in cats:

  • weakness, pain;
  • TBI or its consequences;
  • genetic developmental defects (vestibular apparatus disorders, cerebellar anomalies, etc.);
  • neurological causes (degenerative and neuromuscular pathologies);
  • problems with metabolic processes in the body;
  • spinal injuries (possibly hidden, compression);
  • poisoning in a cat;
  • overheating (heat stroke), etc.

In order not to be tormented by speculation, why is the cat shaking, a full diagnostic examination should be carried out.

In order not to further injure a frightened or sick animal, it is worth inviting a specialist to your home. Examination, simple tests, necessary primary care - this is what can be done at home.

Having discovered a tremor in a small pet, any concerned owner wants to know why the kitten is trembling. Perhaps the tiny creature is in danger and requires urgent medical attention. It must be said that such fears are not always unfounded. Although in most cases, kittens tremble for trivial, easily removable reasons.

Physiological factors

If the baby is only a few days old and his mother is away somewhere, the baby's trembling may indicate that he is cold. You need to wrap him in something warm until the cat returns. Hypothermia is a common cause of kitten tremors even at an older age.

Once the animal warms up, it will stop trembling. It is not recommended to allow situations in which a kitten, especially a very small one, would be very cold. Your pet may catch a cold because its immunity is not yet strong.

Quite often, owners notice trembling in kittens at the age of seven to eight months. This may indicate the onset of puberty in both females and males. The phenomenon is completely normal. If the animal is not sterilized, it will most likely tremble every time it experiences sexual desire.

Babies are so cute when they sleep, but sometimes the trembling of a kitten's body during sleep causes great concern for the owner. Veterinarians say there is no need to worry. If your baby's paw, head, tail, or whole body twitch periodically, it means he is dreaming about something emotional. Or he moves from the superficial phase of sleep to the deep one.

Pathological causes

In some cases, kittens begin to tremble due to pathological processes occurring in the body. Among the most common are the following:

These are the main reasons why a kitten may be shaking. If the baby feels generally fine, and there are no other alarming symptoms, and the tremor goes away as quickly as it started, there is no need to worry too much, but it is worth watching the animal.

In cases where additional signs are present, the kitten looks sick or tired, you need to show it to a specialist. Timely identification of the cause can save your pet's life.

Trembling is a natural reaction of an animal's body in response to changes in air temperature. A cat shivers for a variety of reasons, often simply wanting to stay warm in anticipation of catching prey. However, a good half of the possible causes come down to the presence of infections of various etiologies. Then it is important to be able to distinguish ordinary trembling from serious internal problems, dangerous convulsive conditions. Let's try to figure out together in what cases you should immediately run for help.

Causes of body trembling

The tremor effect is caused by strong muscle tension in the animal. The cat may be stressed and scared. The desire to quietly get close to a sparrow sitting nearby causes muscle tension and a silent gait. But after capturing the desired victim, relaxation sets in, and characteristic muscle tremors are observed.

During sleep When the temperature drops, the cat may experience discomfort, a desire to stay warm, and shivering stimulates heat production. An uncomfortable position also causes shaking. Another source is the period of puberty, the rut. The cat is trembling from a powerful release of hormones, anticipating a quick meeting with the female. This condition is absolutely normal and no help is required.

If periodic trembling of the limbs is observed, you should pay close attention to the animal’s diet. Perhaps there is a banal weakness due to lack of nutrients, malnutrition. Small kittens may suffer from rickets, bowed legs, trembling becomes evidence of weak bones, weakened muscle tone.

When the cat shakes, unsuccessfully trying to return to the optimal position, you should start sounding the alarm. The condition is atypical, plus convulsions, vomiting, fever are mixed in - there is definitely some kind of disease. The most dangerous thing for a cat’s life is rhinotracheitis. A disease that affects the respiratory and visual systems can quickly lead to paralysis of the respiratory center and death of the animal.

If the cat is trembling all over, experiencing obvious difficulties in moving, or other signs of illness are observed, you should seek veterinary help. The veterinarian will examine the cat, assess its internal and external condition, and prescribe qualified treatment. In the other described cases, it is enough to provide the cat with additional heat, eliminate drafts, and balance the diet.

Hello, Elena.

I hasten to reassure you: when a kitten trembles during sleep, nothing bad happens to it. Of course, if the kitten is healthy and behaves without deviations even while awake.

Healthy sleep

Just like people, cats also dream. When sleep moves into the deep phase, the kitten may twitch its paws, its eyelids tremble, sometimes it shudders with its whole body, and its skin twitches. It happens that the fur on the back of the neck stands up, and the kitten even makes sounds if the dream is very vivid.

Such manifestations are completely normal. The deep phase takes up up to a quarter of the entire duration of sleep. Usually a cat curls up into a ball before going to sleep. This pose allows her to relax her muscles as much as possible. The deep phase begins about 10 minutes, maximum half an hour after falling asleep. If you look closely at a kitten's closed eyes, you can see that he rotates his eyeballs in his sleep, even when his eyelids are completely closed.

In a dream, cats also “digest” the information received during the day, and because... kittens receive it in huge quantities (like any children), they mostly only have deep sleep. It can last 5-10 minutes.

A little physiology

I don't know how old your kitten is. If no more than 7-8 months, then most likely there is no need to worry about his trembling in his sleep. And if puberty has already begun, then you need to take a closer look at your pet. Young cats, when producing sex hormones, can become “excited” and sometimes shaken from “an overabundance of feelings.” Often, during the first heat, cats may shake both in their sleep and while awake, as if from the cold. If such symptoms last for several days, be sure to take your animal to the veterinarian. After sterilization, trembling in cats completely disappears.

A simple lack of vitamin B can also cause tremors, which can be compensated for by introducing brewer's yeast into the diet. Yeast is sold at any pet store.

When you notice that the cat is unsteady on its legs and they are shaking, this may indicate a lack of calcium in the body. It’s also okay - just feed your baby with calcium-containing vitamin complexes. One course every 10 days. it happens enough.

More serious problems

The situation may be more serious if these are symptoms of kidney disease. The natural drug “Cat Erwin”, which is completely safe for cats, helps here. Its use relieves inflammation and has a diuretic effect.

It is a very unpleasant situation when trembling of the limbs accompanies a disease such as rhinotracheitis. But in case of infection with this viral infection, there should be the following signs: discharge from the nose and genitals, high (up to 40 degrees or more) body temperature, hoarseness and vomiting. The disease usually occurs in an acute form. It affects cats of any age and any breed. Symptoms begin to appear 3-4 days after infection. A cat can become infected only after interacting with already sick animals. If the described symptoms appear, the kitten should be taken to the doctor immediately.

I hope, Elena, I didn’t intimidate you with my information, but I wanted to answer your question as fully as possible. I wish you and your cat health and sound dreams!

Sincerely, Alexander.

Let's look at 13 popular reasons why a kitten may be shaking:

  1. Staying in a cold room or outside in freezing temperatures. It is believed that a comfortable air temperature for newborn kittens is 31 degrees, for older pets – about 24 degrees. If there is no heating in the room in winter or late autumn or the windows are wide open, then the room temperature can become significantly lower than 24 and even more so 31 degrees, which can lead to hypothermia and trembling in kittens. Other signs besides trembling that indicate that the cat is cold are drowsiness, apathy, slow breathing, rare pulse, low body temperature (in kittens less than 38.5 degrees). By the way, even in summer, in drafts, a kitten may tremble after bathing if it gets cold;
  2. State of excitement. Now we are not talking about sexual arousal, but about the reaction, for example, to delicious food. The kitten may also tremble during play, when it gets into a rage. Older kittens may tremble at the sight of a bird outside the window or, say, a dragonfly. Naturally, tremor in such cases is short-term and safe;
  3. Movements in sleep. Many owners have probably noticed that their kittens' paws tremble, lips move, and ears move during naps or deep sleep. That's right, because cats also dream, according to scientists. Moreover, the owner can even guess what exactly the purr is dreaming about. So, trembling may mean that the pet is having a bad dream (a harsh neighbor’s dog, for example), the movement of the paws means that in the dream the pet is running somewhere, and so on;
  4. Fright. If the kitten is trembling and meowing, trying to run away, if its fur is raised on end and its eyes are bulging, it may be simply scared. Small animals can become frightened by anything, for example, a noisy stranger or the loud noise of a vacuum cleaner;
  5. Stress. Anything can put a little purr out of action: a change of place of residence, early weaning from its mother, buying new rattling toys, and so on. When stressed, many kittens tremble, lick their fur furiously, eat poorly or excessively, and become overly affectionate or aloof;
  6. Poor functioning of the digestive tract. Some owners notice that their kitten trembles after eating. This is due to a strong contraction of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, as a rule, after eating solid food, which is too early for a baby kitten to eat;
  7. Sexual desire. When we talk about kittens, we mean not only tiny pets under 2 months of age, but also teenage animals over 5 months of age who are beginning to be interested in the opposite sex. During sexual heat, many cats and seals tremble, meow loudly, rub against furniture or the owner’s legs, females’ genital area swells, males place marks;
  8. Lack of B vitamins. B vitamins (thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, biotin, etc.), which enter the body of kittens with mother’s milk or adult food, ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, prevent stress, and are responsible for energy metabolism. If there is not enough vitamin B, then the kitten trembles and is lethargic, grows poorly and slowly, its fur looks dull and its skin peels;
  9. Infectious diseases. If the kitten is trembling and lethargic, some infectious disease, for example, leptospirosis, immunodeficiency virus, panleukopenia, or rabies, may be to blame. General signs of the listed ailments are loss of appetite and weight loss, strong salivation, temperature and fever, change in the shade of the mucous membranes (yellowness, redness or blanching), souring of the eyes, vomiting and diarrhea are possible;
  10. Poisoning. It also happens that a small kitten is trembling due to toxic damage to the body, for example, lead, certain medications (especially aspirin), ethylene glycol and other substances dangerous to animals. Symptoms of poisoning other than tremor are cramping abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, problems with stool (diarrhea, sometimes constipation), rapid breathing with wheezing, impaired coordination of movements, bleeding (in case of aspirin poisoning), loss of consciousness;
  11. Gastrointestinal diseases. If there is a problem with the digestive system, it happens that the kitten is constantly trembling. Tremor is observed, for example, with colitis, proctitis, pancreatitis. Trembling is not the most striking symptom of the listed diseases; a vigilant owner may notice the following: upset stool in the form of diarrhea, the presence of mucus and blood in the stool, nausea or vomiting, a slight rise in temperature, pain during defecation, rapid breathing;
  12. Diseases of the endocrine system. Tremor can be observed in kittens, for example, against the background of insulinoma or hypoglycemia. Fortunately, such problems do not occur very often in children, but still. As a rule, when there are endocrine problems, in addition to strong tremors, strong heartbeat, weakness, convulsions, and appetite disturbances will be observed (the animal may either not eat at all or literally go crazy from gluttony). The behavior of kittens with such problems may be unusual (too intrusive, affectionate or aggressive);
  13. Diseases of the nervous system. Severe trembling occurs in kittens due to epilepsy, encephalitis, and meningitis. Other signs of these diseases, in addition to tremors, are rapid pulse and breathing, vomiting, severe salivation, seizures, unsteady gait, fever, restless behavior, and in some cases, muscle paralysis develops.

The scientific term tremor is used to define shaking. Tremors are defined as rapid and rhythmic movements that are caused by muscle contractions. Trembling can be classified according to several criteria:

  • in terms of speed, shaking can be fast and slow;
  • by localization, tremor of the animal’s head, limbs, croup and generalized tremor are distinguished;
  • By severity, it is customary to distinguish between mild tremor, which does not interfere with the animal’s eating, drinking and leading an active lifestyle, and severe, in which case independent movement and eating is difficult for the cat.

The shaking may occur when you are at rest (resting tremor) and disappear when you move or try to make a precise movement. Limbs may tremble when the animal tries to hold them in a certain position.

The cat is shaking

An attentive owner of a mustachioed, striped, and perhaps even hairless, meowing pet (we are talking about hairless cats) will definitely notice the changes that occur with his animal. But how to react to them? Should you always bother your veterinarian? Or perhaps the symptoms that frighten us are not some kind of terrible pathology?

Today we invite you to talk about why a cat or cat may tremble, what diseases such trembling can be a symptom of, and how to help an animal in this situation...

Reasons why a cat may tremble

It is impossible not to notice that your cat is trembling. This may be a small trembling, which is not visible under the animal’s thick fur, but which you can clearly feel if you put your hand on the cat and stroke it.

This can be severe trembling, in which the animal's limbs also twitch - this is especially noticeable in short-haired or hairless cats. Fortunately, it is impossible to confuse this symptom with some other one.

But how to behave in a situation when you notice that your pet is trembling and shaking like an aspen leaf in the wind?

When a cat is shaking as if he is cold, his owner should not ignore this symptom. There are a number of reasons why an animal suddenly develops this condition.

The most reliable way to determine whether everything is okay with your pet is to seek professional help. However, a trip to the veterinarian may not only be useless, but also traumatize the cat’s psyche, which will begin to get nervous.

In order not to expose your pet to stress once again, you first need to try to independently find out the cause of the symptom.

A change in air temperature in an unfavorable direction is the simplest and most logical explanation for why a cat is trembling all over. This is especially true for breeds that lack hair and are therefore more susceptible to changes in weather and microclimate at home. This situation can be solved by turning on a heating source or purchasing special clothing for the animal.

If a cat begins to tremble while walking, then the environment is uncomfortable for her. A frozen animal can get a bad cold and get other concomitant diseases. In such a situation, it is worth reconsidering your pet’s walking schedule or abandoning them altogether in order to maintain his health.

The second simplest explanation for the trembling of an animal is intense fear. Such a tremor is invisible to the eye, but is felt as a small vibration in the pet’s body if you place your palm on it. In this case, it is worth finding out why the cat had this reaction. The reasons may be different:

  • a change of scenery;
  • the appearance of a new person in the house;
  • presence of a foreign animal nearby;
  • new item;
  • unfamiliar smell.

Tremor in cats is sometimes a symptom of great joy. For example, an animal missed its owner for a long time, being alone at home, and when it lies on his lap, it trembles. Separately, it is worth considering cases when the pet begins to shake in its sleep. Most likely, he is dreaming of some fascinating or emotional plot. To stop the trembling, simply wake up the animal.

Another manifestation of trembling is sexual arousal. A mature animal, during a period suitable for reproduction, can become so overexcited that it manifests itself in the form of a tremor.

Such emotional stress is very high, so it is worth giving the animal to satisfy its sexual instinct. If you do not plan to breed cats, you need to subject it to the procedure of castration or sterilization.

You should not use special drugs to extinguish instincts, as they can provoke the development of serious and even fatal problems.

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Tremors in cats - causes of tremors in cats, diagnosis, treatment. Veterinary clinic "Zoostatus"

In some cases, kittens begin to tremble due to pathological processes occurring in the body. Among the most common are the following:

These are the main reasons why a kitten may be shaking. If the baby feels generally fine, and there are no other alarming symptoms, and the tremor goes away as quickly as it started, there is no need to worry too much, but it is worth watching the animal.

In cases where additional signs are present, the kitten looks sick or tired, you need to show it to a specialist. Timely identification of the cause can save your pet's life.

Paws tremble most often when the cat’s body is infected with the herpes virus or when loryngotrocheitis develops. The main symptoms of such pathologies, in addition to the fact that the cat’s hind legs are trembling, are:

  • nasal discharge;
  • cough;
  • temperature increase;
  • lethargy.

Trembling in the paws may also occur due to advanced helminthiasis or cystitis. In such a situation, paw trembling is aimed at relieving discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Treatment for the appearance of pathological tremors should be carried out urgently. Postponing it for days, and moreover, for a month, is unacceptable, as this may pose a threat to the life of the pet. The help of a veterinarian will be necessary.

The reasons that lead to trembling in an animal are numerous.

These are both external factors (toxic substances) and internal diseases.

Trembling limbs

Trembling in the limbs of a pet can be caused by a herpes virus infection or rhinotracheitis of the animal. The main symptoms of this disease are purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, cough, vomiting, and fever.

Trembling of the limbs can be caused by worms or cystitis; by shaking the limbs, the cat tries to reduce itching or pain when helminths are active or the discomfort that arises during urination.

Head shaking

Quite a few reasons can lead to systematic or periodic twitching of an animal's head. Frequent twitching may be a sign of otodectosis or ear scabies. In addition to twitching, you can observe how the animal often scratches the affected ear, literally plunging its paw into the ear canal and injuring the tissue. At the same time, the cat may meow pitifully.

Systematic head twitching can be a sign of otitis media, while the cat’s ear hurts and she won’t let it be touched. Or it may be evidence of the formation of sulfur plugs.

Head twitching may indicate liver failure, acute disruption of the respiratory system and even the kidneys. If the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, the disease occurs with a characteristic clinical picture of a particular disorder. Tremor appears already at the stage of organ failure.

Encephalitis, the use of certain medications, vestibulopathy, cerebellar pathologies, and traumatic brain injuries can cause tremors and even seizures.

Trembling croup and generalized tremor

Lesions of the spine (compression fractures, tumors, deformation of intervertebral discs, spinal stenosis) can lead to weakness of the lower extremities and trembling when the animal tries to stand on its feet. With further development of the disease, paralysis occurs.

Weakness as a result of illness or pain can lead to trembling of the animal's limbs or general trembling. For example, a swallowed sharp object, damaging the stomach or intestines, can cause the animal to meow pitifully, arch its back and tremble.

Neuromuscular diseases, degenerative neurological pathologies, myelin deficiency, metabolic pathologies and even poisoning by toxins (for example, organophosphates) can cause severe tremors throughout the animal's body.



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