New generation contraceptives are not hormonal. Which contraceptives are best for women?

For some women, pregnancy is like a death sentence. To prevent this from happening, you need non-hormonal contraceptives. And it’s better to use non-hormonal birth control pills, of which there are many.

How to protect yourself

It is better to opt for non-hormonal birth control pills. You need to think about how these contraceptives work, and what they are, and choose at your own discretion!

Modern non-hormonal contraceptives

Today, non-hormonal birth control pills are at the peak of popularity. And they are in great demand among women, since they can be safely used for various diseases of the female genital organs. Both for ordinary and serious ones. Plus, there is no risk during breastfeeding; you can safely start taking pills immediately after giving birth.

In general, such contraceptives can be divided into two groups. For mechanical and medicinal. Both one and the other work in the same direction, that is, they are an obstacle or barrier between the egg and the sperm. The mechanical group includes an intrauterine device, which, if desired, can be placed in any antenatal clinic. Or see a gynecologist who supervises, if this option suits or attracts more than medication. Then they will offer to use it during menstruation, on the second or third day. Or immediately after childbirth.

You can choose the shape or material from which the spiral is made yourself or on the advice of a specialist. It all depends on individual medical indicators. Basically, spirals are made of plastic. But there are also ones with the addition of copper and even gold. In the shape of a spiral or a ring, and even in the shape of the letter T. In this regard, of course, there is plenty to choose from. But again, only after consultation with a specialist.

The blockade process itself goes like this. With the help of a spiral, the secretion thickens in a certain place of the cervix and thereby leads to its transformation. After which the entire process of the egg entering the uterine cavity itself slows down. And sperm, as they say, crowd in place. Even if among the sperm there is one that is too lively and manages to fertilize the egg, then the coil will simply not allow it to attach to the walls of the uterus.

The IUD, of course, is convenient because once installed, you can forget about an unwanted pregnancy for several years. And it does not bring any inconvenience during sexual intercourse or in everyday life. But still, there are factors due to which spirals are not suitable for everyone. And you need to find out about this by asking your gynecologist.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills (spermicides) are used only before sexual intercourse. These products contain substances that instantly destroy sperm. This is what prevents their activity. There are non-hormonal contraceptive pills, the names of which are given below, there are other non-hormonal contraceptive pills, these can be pastes, suppositories, pellets.

Patenentex Oval

Nonoxynol is the main and most active substance in Patenentex Oval. The drug is injected about ten minutes before lovemaking and directly into the vagina. Patenentex Oval is also good because it is considered antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial. No allergic reactions were observed.


As in previous tablets, the active substance is nonoxynol. They are administered in the same way, before sexual intercourse, ten minutes before the process. And they are very good as a prophylaxis against sexually transmitted diseases. After taking the drug, it is not recommended to go to the toilet only a little during the first six hours.


Benzalkonium chloride is the substance that is the most active and important in these tablets. Traceptin works remarkably well as a spermicidal and disinfectant. Apply about ten minutes before sexual intercourse. And directly into the vagina. But it is contraindicated for colpitis and cervical erosion.


This drug has a wide range of applications. Available in the form of tablets, creams, suppositories, tampons and vaginal balls. The effectiveness of Farmatex in tablets lasts up to three hours. The main substance is benzalkonium chloride. It is inserted directly into the vagina, about ten minutes before copulation. In this case, it must be thoroughly moistened with water. Remarkable as an antiseptic and as a prophylaxis against sexually transmitted diseases.


Protects not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from various infections. Inserted directly into the vagina, five minutes before sexual intercourse. Effectiveness up to four hours. To enhance the effect, it is good to combine with a vaginal diaphragm or an intrauterine device. Contraindicated in case of colpitis or hypersensitivity to the drug.


Available in the form of non-hormonal birth control pills. You can take this drug in different ways. Either by taking one 600 mg tablet immediately after sexual pleasure, or within 72 hours. But it’s better to do it right away so you don’t forget later. Or you can take one tablet a day, during menstruation. The tablet should be taken specifically on days 3, 4, 5, 6, 27 of the cycle. Which, of course, is not very convenient to use along with other drugs.

Gramicidin paste

In addition to being contraceptive and antibacterial, it also copes well with colpitis and inflammation of the cervix. That is, when using the paste, it not only protects against pregnancy, but also improves health. Of course, if required. The main component of the paste is gramicidin.

Contraceptin T

These are candles that contain tannin, quinosol and boric acid. Thanks to the thick and viscous base of the drug, a main barrier appears to the further movement of sperm. In addition, there are antiseptic indicators. It is administered while lying down, ten to fifteen minutes before sexual intercourse. If suddenly, after the contraceptive is introduced, and love does not occur within one or two hours, you will have to repeat the process again.

Spermicidal films

Spermicidal films are produced in sterile and very thin packages. Before you start using them, it is advisable to first learn how to use them. The spermicidal effect of the drug begins fifteen minutes after it is applied. And retains its function for one hour. Therefore, it must be administered fifteen minutes before a love relationship.

A pregnant woman has always been and will be the standard of high beauty and a symbol of motherhood. The woman is in an interesting position! It sounds nice, but it’s not always desirable. Yes, but it also happens. For some women, pregnancy is like a death sentence. And not because she is bad. She’s just still “green” and not ready for such a serious step in her life. Or maybe, on the contrary, she is over forty and decided that enough is enough. And modern non-hormonal birth control pills are considered the best solution to this problem. One might even say it’s not a solution, but rather a warning or prevention.

Of course, along with them there are such as hormonal contraceptives. But these drugs have a long list of contraindications. Moreover, various side effects can ruin your life. So it's better not to take risks. Although risk is a noble cause, but not in this case! Therefore, it is better to choose non-hormonal contraceptives.

Means for better protection against unwanted pregnancy or any diseases. Spermicidal drugs are very good to combine with another famous contraceptive. That is, with a condom, and then for sure there will be one hundred percent protection! There are women who like to douche with spermicidal preparations after sexual intercourse. At the same time, thinking that they have washed everything and are now safe. But this is a wrong opinion! The sperm is a very fast guy and before you know it, he is “married” to the egg.

Douching after intercourse

Spermicides must be used strictly according to the rules before the act, and not after. And be vigilant, use non-hormonal birth control pills, otherwise a disastrous result may occur.


Vaginal contraceptive pills are one of the alternative methods of contraception that can easily compete with condoms, caps and other popular ways to avoid pregnancy.

Pros and cons

Not all women may decide to try vaginal contraceptives due to fear of harming themselves. Here are a number of reasons why vaginal pills are safe and even beneficial for a girl's health and well-being:

  1. Spermicidal effect (fighting sperm).
  2. Destroy pathogenic microflora.
  3. They do not disrupt hormonal levels.
  4. Not absorbed into the bloodstream.
  5. Can be used during lactation.
  6. Additionally, they moisturize the vaginal walls, simulating vaginal lubrication.
  7. Convenient to use.
  8. There is no unpleasant smell.
  9. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Substances in contraceptives destroy the membranes of sperm entering the vagina. This reduces the risk of getting pregnant to almost zero.

Important! Rare cases when a woman becomes pregnant are associated not with the drug itself, but with its improper use.

During sexual intercourse, there is always a risk of contracting gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and herpes. The causative agents of these diseases do not survive under the influence of contraceptive substances, which prevents their reproduction and development in the vagina.

The main advantage of vaginal tablets is their non-hormonal effect. They do not in any way affect the ratio of hormones in a woman’s blood, and, accordingly, the menstrual cycle and secondary sexual characteristics.

Without being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, the aggressive substances of vaginal tablets cannot harm the body. Therefore, you should not be afraid of components in the composition such as benzalkonium chloride or nonoxylol - they will not affect other organs in any way.

Any contraceptives, including vaginal pills, have their own disadvantages:

  1. Difficulties with hygiene after sexual intercourse.
  2. Possibility of infrequent use.
  3. Protection is not against all sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, syphilis).
  4. Uncontrolled discharge of drug residues from the vagina.
  5. The need to use contraceptives in advance.

The principle of action of birth control pills before sexual intercourse

The medicinal substances included in contraceptives envelop the walls of the vagina and are activated. When sperm enter the vaginal cavity, their membranes disintegrate as a result of a reaction with benzalkonium chloride or nonoxylene, the main spermicidal substances in contraceptives.

After the membrane is destroyed, sperm become inactive: their organelles are destroyed, and metabolism in the cell stops. In this condition, fertilization is impossible.

Attention! Some sperm can still escape the action of the reagents and reach the egg, but their number is not enough for fertilization.

Instructions for use

Birth control pills are administered intravaginally before sexual intercourse. The tablets must be moistened with water in advance so that the medicine can better disintegrate into active substances and remain on the walls of the vagina.

Important! The most comfortable position for administering the drug is lying on your back with your knees bent and legs apart.

In this position, it is easier to introduce contraceptives to a greater depth, which is necessary for an effective spermicidal effect.

1 tablet – 1 sexual act. A new dose must be used in 2 cases:

  1. If the validity period has expired.
  2. Before the next sex, even if the contraceptive has not yet expired.

Contraindications and side effects

Any medicine has its contraindications. Spermicidal preparations have few of them:

  • Do not use vaginal tablets during pregnancy;
  • you cannot use them daily;
  • cannot be used during menstruation, with injuries to the vaginal mucosa and the presence of pathologies.

During pregnancy, there is a low probability of harming the fetus due to the aggressive action of the chemical components of the contraceptive.

Also, the use of a contraceptive can negatively affect the normal microflora of the vagina, but this should only be feared if used too frequently.

Allergy in the form of redness of the skin of the perineum or itching in the vagina is one of the few side effects of the drug.

Important! The occurrence of side effects even in one of the partners is a good reason to stop using vaginal contraceptives.

Names of birth control pills before intercourse for women

The proposed contraceptives are officially registered in the CIS countries, meet the requirements of the pharmacopoeia and are in an affordable price range.


Pharmatex is a French-made medicine, available in several forms: vaginal tablets, cream, capsules, suppositories.

One vaginal tablet contains 20 mg of benzalkonium chloride, the main active ingredient in Pharmatex. The package contains 12 dosage forms.

Prices vary from 270 to 320 rubles. for one package. Stored at room temperature.

Activation of the contraceptive occurs quickly - in just 10 minutes. The duration of action is limited to three hours, and one tablet is consumed for one sexual act, regardless of the elapsed time.


Gynecotex is a domestic drug that is available only in the form of vaginal tablets. Benzalkonium chloride is the main active ingredient of the drug.

Gynekotex is administered intravaginally at least 5 minutes before sex, and its pharmacological effect is active for up to 4 hours. Stored at temperatures up to + 25 °C.

One vaginal tablet contains 20 mg of the main substance. A total of 3 packaging options are available: 6, 10 and 12 tablets in one package. Now Ginekotex cannot be purchased at the pharmacy, but on the date of the last delivery of the drug, its cost was 110-130 rubles.


Kontratex is another analogue of contraceptive drugs based on benzalkonium chloride. Manufactured in Russia, the form of the medicinal product is vaginal suppositories. One suppository contains 18.9 mg of active substance, there are 5 of them in one package. Stored at temperatures up to + 25 °C.

Now Contratex is not sold in pharmacies, the price of new batches is unknown.

Patentex oval

Patentexoval n is a contraceptive in the form of vaginal suppositories made in Germany. One dose contains 75 mg of the active substance nonoxylol-9 and a number of additional compounds.

One pack can contain from 3 to 6 units of the drug. Suppositories are inserted intravaginally at least 10 minutes before sex. The drug is stored at temperatures up to + 25 °C. The price of Patentex starts from 400 rubles.


Traceptinum is a vaginal contraceptive pill manufactured in Tbilisi, Georgia. The tablet contains 600 mg of potassium hydrogen tartarate, which has spermicidal properties.

One pack contains 50 tablets. At least 10 minutes must pass before the contraceptives begin to take effect. The vaginal preparation is stored at room temperature.

Traceptin is currently not commercially available.


The Ukrainian drug Erotex is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, which contain benzalkonium chloride. One suppository contains 18.9 mg of active substance. There are 5 units of the drug in total in the package.

The suppository is administered intravaginally 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. Action time – 4 hours. Unlike other medicines, Erotex is stored at temperatures from + 2 °C to + 15 °C.

Erotex is available at the pharmacy in the price range of 112-300 rubles.


Benatex is a Russian drug in the form of vaginal tablets with the active ingredient benzalkonium chloride. One dosage form contains 20 mg of benzalkonium chloride.

Packaging options from 5 to 12 tablets are available. Benatex must be used 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. Action time – 3 hours. Stored at room temperature. The product can be bought for 300-400 rubles.

Comparative characteristics of vaginal tablets are presented in the table:

To obtain high efficiency when using vaginal tablets and suppositories, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not try to inject the drug too deeply, otherwise the chemicals will get on the walls of the uterine cavity;
  • do not use vaginal preparations with other contraceptives (except for condoms);
  • perform a thorough toilet of your genitals before using the pill, but under no circumstances wash your face after sexual intercourse for at least 20-30 minutes. Soap and water will reduce the effectiveness of the birth control pill.


Vaginal contraceptive pills are easy to use and effective only if the woman complies with all the rules and requirements for use. But despite all the shortcomings, such contraceptives are a good alternative to popular methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

When properly selected by a gynecologist, modern hormonal contraceptives are almost harmless, but many women avoid these drugs for fear of side effects and prefer alternative drugs - non-hormonal birth control pills. It's time to understand the features, advantages and disadvantages of this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills are contraceptive drugs belonging to the group of spermicides that are used for local protection against unwanted pregnancy immediately before sexual intercourse. Upon contact, the active substance of spermicides (benzalkonium chloride, nonoxynol or another) destroys the sperm within a few seconds to prevent it from entering the uterus.

Spermicides also have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects: they can protect a woman’s body from fungus and some sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, contraception with spermicides is considered one of the best methods if other means are contraindicated.

You need to understand that non-hormonal contraceptives are not pills in the full sense of the word, that is, they are not taken. The products come in the form of suppositories, sponges, foam or tablets that are inserted into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse.

Advantages of non-hormonal contraceptives:

  • no contraindications (suitable for women of any age, can be used for gynecological diseases and for postpartum contraception);
  • do not cause harm to health;
  • no need to drink every day;
  • reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections;
  • a good choice for women who have an irregular intimate life (strengthen the protective properties of the condom).


  • used immediately before sexual intercourse;
  • you cannot shower for a certain time (the interval is different for each drug);
  • in rare cases, side effects are observed (allergy to spermicides and skin irritation);
  • not suitable for everyday use (with very frequent use they cause disruption of the microflora and vaginal dysbacteriosis).

Names of non-hormonal birth control pills

1. Patentex Oval– administered 10 minutes before sexual intercourse, the active substance nonoxynol is well tolerated by the body, allergic reactions rarely occur.

2. Pharmatex– can be supplied in the form of vaginal suppositories, creams, tampons and tablets. The drug is developed on the basis of benzalkonium chloride, is applied 10 minutes before intimacy and lasts 3-4 hours. Well protects against chlamydia, herpes, fungi, trichomoniasis, gonococci. If the instructions are followed, it does not affect the normal microflora of the vagina.

3. Gynecotex– available in the form of vaginal tablets, the active substance is benzalkonium chloride. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it has a wide antibacterial spectrum of action. It is administered 5 minutes before sexual intercourse and is effective for 4 hours. Ginotex cannot be used in case of inflammation of the vagina.

4. Conceptrol– applied 10 minutes before intimacy, the active ingredient is nonoxynol, supplied in the form of vaginal suppositories. After using the product, it is not recommended to shower for 6 hours.

5. Benatex– a non-hormonal drug distributed in the form of gels and tablets. Not recommended for irritation of the vaginal mucosa and colpitis.

Conclusion: Non-hormonal contraceptives cannot be used every day, as this can lead to vaginal dysbiosis. Such drugs are considered the best choice for women with irregular sex life who want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections by enhancing the protective properties of the condom.

There comes a time in every woman’s life when she thinks about protecting herself from unwanted pregnancy. Currently, pharmacy shelves offer a wide range of hormonal tablets that are highly effective. However, in the minds of Russian women the memory of their side effects associated with excess weight gain is still alive.

In this regard, many representatives of the fair half of humanity prefer to use contraceptives that do not contain hormones, despite their low effectiveness. What non-hormonal contraceptive pills do pharmacists offer women, and what new generation hormonal contraceptives do not have side effects on the female body?

Currently, women of reproductive age are increasingly resorting to chemical protection against pregnancy provided by non-hormonal pills. However, they justify their name only by their form, although they are not tablets as such. These drugs are not taken orally, like traditional hormonal contraceptives, but are inserted into the vagina.

These drugs contain spermicides - substances that destroy sperm within a short period of time, preventing them from penetrating the fallopian tube. Their active substance is benzalkonium chloride or nonoxynol.

How exactly do non-hormonal contraceptives work?

  • Coming into contact with a sperm, spermicides destroy the flagellum, interfering with its further movement.
  • When interacting with the head of the sperm, the membrane is damaged, which leads to its death.
  • Causes thickening of mucus in the cervical canal of the cervix, which becomes a reliable obstacle to the advancement of weakened sperm.

Preparations based on spermicides are also available in other substances, which include the following forms:

  • vaginal suppositories;
  • vaginal creams and gels;
  • tampons;
  • diaphragms are soft, dome-shaped caps that cover the cervix.

Regardless of the form of release, the use of non-hormonal contraceptives allows you to create a reliable protective barrier against fungi and other diseases transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. This is facilitated by substances included in the preparations that have bactericidal and antimicrobial effects.

A distinctive feature of non-hormonal methods of contraception is that they must be used immediately before intimacy. At the same time, they retain their effectiveness for several hours.

Degree of reliability

The effectiveness of certain contraceptive drugs is assessed using the Pearl scale. The study is conducted among 100 women using this particular method of contraception. This indicator is based on information about how many women among the subjects managed to become pregnant despite protection. And the lower the indicator, the higher the effectiveness of the group of drugs being evaluated.

In this case, this indicator is 8-36. This means that from 8 to 36 women out of 100 become pregnant even with protection from unwanted pregnancy.

When is the use of non-hormonal drugs indicated?

Despite the rather low efficiency, non-hormonal contraceptive pills have a number of advantages compared to hormonal methods of contraception.

  • They can be used for various gynecological diseases, for example, uterine fibroids, as well as in the presence of hormone-dependent tumors.
  • These drugs do not enter the stomach and are not absorbed into the blood, and therefore are not able to affect the liver, blood vessels and other body systems.
  • They can be used for rare sexual contacts.
  • They have a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect, which hormonal agents lack.

Non-hormonal contraception will provide reliable protection for women breastfeeding babies. They are used if women are contraindicated to use COCs or other types of contraceptives.

These drugs will help prevent pregnancy in women of Balzac age (40-45 years). At this age, the menstrual cycle is no longer regular. However, the possibility of pregnancy has not yet been ruled out.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Such drugs are inserted into the vagina. Moreover, this must be done at least 10 minutes before the intended sexual contact. This means the absence of any unpredictability in sex and the need to discuss with your partner the time of each coitus. When using these drugs, it is not recommended to shower immediately before or after sexual intercourse. The time you need to wait is specified in the instructions for each drug.

Non-hormonal medications contain acid, which can irritate the mucous membrane, causing itching and burning in the vagina. However, these products are not recommended to be used regularly, since their long-term use can lead to disruption of the microflora in the vagina, causing the development of dysbacteriosis. There are no contraindications for the use of these contraceptives. The only exception is individual intolerance to their components.

Review of popular contraceptives

All non-hormonal tablets are divided into groups based on which of the active ingredients is included in their composition.

Names of contraceptives based on benzalkonium chloride:

  • Pharmatex is most popular due to its low cost combined with high efficiency. It is available both in the form of vaginal tablets and in the form of cream, suppositories and even tampons. Regardless of the dosage form, the drug begins to act 10 minutes after ingestion, without losing its properties for 3-4 hours.
  • Ginotex are ring-shaped tablets. It is recommended to administer them no later than 5 minutes before contact. The effect of the tablet lasts for 4 hours.
  • Genotex are tablets whose action is identical to previous drugs.
  • Erotex is a non-hormonal contraceptive suppository, the effect of which begins after 10 minutes and ends after 3 hours.
  • Contratex are candles that begin to perform their functions after 10 minutes and end after 4 hours.

Names of contraceptives based on nonoxenol:

  • Patentex Oval are highly effective suppositories that are inserted into the vagina 10 minutes before expected intimacy. They retain their effect for up to 10 hours.
  • Nonoxenol is a contraceptive suppository that has the same characteristics as the previous drug.

It should be remembered that before each subsequent sexual intercourse, non-hormonal contraceptives must be reintroduced.

Features of choice

How to determine which non-hormonal birth control pills are better? Considering their low cost, price is not a decisive factor when choosing. However, as the experience of women who have already experienced all existing forms of non-hormonal contraceptives shows, suppositories are suitable for women suffering from vaginal dryness. When using them, there is no need to use lubricants.

There are also unpleasant phenomena associated with the fact that when the tablet dissolves, a characteristic hissing sound is heard, and foam is released from the vagina. In addition, even using the best medications, it is possible that irritation, itching and burning may occur not only in women, but also in their partners. Each woman’s body reacts differently to certain substances. Therefore, determining which non-hormonal contraceptives are better will have to be done through trial and error.

Hormonal contraceptives

Every year, an increasing number of women prefer the use of hormonal oral contraceptives, which is explained by their high efficiency. They not only reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also have a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. Among other contraceptives, new generation contraceptives took pride of place on the pedestal.

All modern hormonal preparations for oral administration are divided into four types, based on the amount of hormones they contain.

  • Microdosed contraceptives contain a minimal amount of hormones, which practically eliminates their side effects. The active ingredient in such drugs is a synthetic analogue of estradiol. Because of this, they are used to treat acne and painful menstruation caused by hormonal imbalances. Such drugs can be used both by very young nulliparous girls and by mature women who have never taken hormonal contraceptives.
  • Low-dose contraceptives also contain synthetic in combination with. Such drugs will be an ideal means of preventing unwanted pregnancy for young women who have already given birth. In addition to the contraceptive effect, these medications help eliminate manifestations caused by excessive levels of male sex hormones in the body. These include hair growth in inappropriate places, acne and male pattern baldness.

  • Medium-dose contraceptives contain synthetic analogues of estradiol with progesterone. They are intended for mature women who have given birth. Like the previous option, these drugs are designed to normalize hormonal levels. However, they cannot be used during breastfeeding.
  • High-dose contraceptives contain increased doses of estradiol and progesterone. Such drugs are most often used for medicinal purposes to restore hormonal levels. To protect against unwanted pregnancy, new generation birth control pills are recommended for women who have given birth after 35 years of age.

Emergency contraception

These drugs are used in emergency situations and help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. They are recommended for use in the following cases:

  • in case of violent acts or if the condom is damaged;
  • with infrequent sexual intercourse.

Contraindications to their use include bleeding disorders, heart and vascular diseases, liver and kidney failure, malignant tumors and smoking.

Features of taking pills

How long can you take oral contraceptives, and do you need to change them? They must be taken daily and preferably at the same time. It is recommended to start taking them on the first day of menstruation. These drugs are intended for long-term use. However, women taking hormonal contraceptives should visit their gynecologist annually. If there are no contraindications, you can continue taking contraceptives.

With long-term use of COCs, menstruation may stop altogether, and this is not a pathology. However, if a woman forgot to take her birth control pill and the last day of her period is long past, this may be a sign of pregnancy. After discontinuation of contraceptives, the menstrual cycle is completely restored within 1-2 months. In this case, pregnancy can occur immediately or after a short period of time. You can take birth control pills for several years. If they do not cause any side effects in a woman, they should not be changed. Otherwise, the body will experience stress.

Natural methods of contraception

Methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy without hormones have been used for a long time. Despite the wide range of modern contraceptives offered by pharmacists, they still remain relevant today.

One of them is based on counting the days of ovulation. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts from 28 to 30 days. In its first half, the follicle matures. And ovulation occurs in the second half of the cycle. The ability to fertilize a mature egg remains for 2-3 days. In this case, sperm can take a wait-and-see position for 4 days. Therefore, special care only needs to be taken for about a week in the middle of the cycle.

In some cases, the days of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal temperature, which rises on the most dangerous days. However, the reliability of calculations and temperature measurements in the rectum cannot guarantee full protection.

Some couples practice coitus interruptus. However, even in this case, pregnancy cannot be ruled out, since a small amount of sperm may be contained in the lubricant secreted by the partner’s penis. In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy increases depending on how many sexual acts have been performed.


  1. Venereal diseases. Directory. Ed. N. 3. Yagovdika. -Minsk: “Belarusskaya Navuka”, 1998. - 342 p.
  2. Emergency conditions in obstetrics. Sukhikh V.N., G.T.Sukhikh, I.I.Baranov et al., Publisher: Geotar-Media, 2011.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth with extragenital diseases. Grip of the UMO for medical education, Apresyan S.V., Radzinsky V.E. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  4. Rakovskaya I.V., Vulfovich Yu.V. Mycoplasma infections of the urogenital tract. - M.: Medicine, 1995.
  5. Diseases of the cervix, vagina and vulva / Ed. V.N. Prilep-

She graduated from the Kirov State Medical Academy in 2006. In 2007 she worked at the Tikhvin Central District Hospital on the basis of the therapeutic department. From 2007 to 2008 - employee of a mining company hospital in the Republic of Guinea (West Africa). From 2009 to the present, he has been working in the field of information marketing of medical services. We work with many popular portals, such as,, website


Oral contraceptives have become widespread due to their ease of use and reliable protection against spontaneous conception. Non-hormonal birth control pills are especially popular. Their use is relevant if you cannot use products containing hormones. This type of protection against conception is convenient to use and is not dangerous to the reproductive system.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-hormonal contraceptives

One of the types of contraceptives that are classified as spermicides are non-hormonal contraceptives for women. They are intended for use immediately before sexual intercourse. Most of them come in the form of vaginal suppositories. The advantages of such drugs include:

  • no need to take it throughout the entire menstrual cycle;
  • reducing the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases;
  • the best option for women with irregular sexual intercourse;
  • low risk of developing side symptoms;
  • Possibility of use regardless of age and life stage.

Compared to other means of contraception, the disadvantages of non-hormonal drugs are insignificant. After using them, you should not shower for some time. In some cases, a local allergic reaction may occur in the form of itching and burning sensations in the vagina. The likelihood of unwanted effects is minimal.

Mechanism of action of non-hormonal contraceptives

New generation non-hormonal contraceptives, in addition to pills, are:

  • gels;
  • sprays;
  • tampons.

They are intended for local use. The necessary contraceptive effect is achieved thanks to the content of nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride. These substances have a destructive effect on sperm, making conception impossible. They also thicken cervical mucus, which becomes an obstacle to the passage of sperm through the cervical canal.

A distinctive feature of non-hormonal methods of contraception is the creation of a reliable protective barrier against fungal and infectious diseases. This is due to the presence of bactericidal components in the composition.

Indications and contraindications

Non-hormonal contraceptives for women are completely safe for health. They have no restrictions in use. The only caveat is the acid content in the composition. It has an irritating effect on the vaginal mucosa. Therefore, daily use of the drugs is not recommended. Otherwise, there is a risk of encountering vaginal dysbiosis.

The use of non-hormonal contraceptives is indicated in the following cases:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • allergic reaction to latex products;
  • inability to take hormonal medications;
  • lactation period;
  • inability to use intrauterine devices;
  • endocrine disorders.

Important! Before using the medication, you must visit a doctor.

Side effects

Side effects appear only in the presence of individual intolerance to the components or as a result of daily use of a contraceptive. In the first case, the surface of the labia turns red, itching and discomfort appear inside the vagina. Skin rashes are also possible.

How to use birth control pills without hormones

The effect of non-hormonal emergency contraceptives is maintained only if the instructions are followed. Each drug has its own principle of use. Oral tablets are called minipills. They are taken throughout the menstrual cycle. Vaginal suppositories with a contraceptive effect do not require daily use, therefore they are considered more convenient to use.

Non-hormonal oral contraceptive pills

There are no non-hormonal oral contraceptives. Contraceptive action is achieved only by barrier methods or by blocking ovulation. It is possible to prevent the growth of an egg only with the help of products containing a certain dose of hormones.

Pharmaceutical companies offer minipill medications. They are distinguished by low hormone content. It contains only one type of hormone – progestan. Pregnancy is prevented due to the following properties of the drug:

  • blocking ovulation;
  • changes in the structure of cervical mucus;
  • suppression of the growth of endometrial layers;
  • inhibition of contractility of the fallopian tubes.

Mini-pills do not have a suppressive effect on a woman’s sexual desire. But during their use, there is a risk of development of embryo attachment in an atypical place and the formation of cysts on the appendages.

The tablets are taken daily, strictly at the same time. Violation of the dosage regimen leads to a decrease in the contraceptive effect. Some women experience unusual spotting in the middle of the cycle while using the mini-pill. Slight weight gain is also possible.

This type of contraception is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • gallbladder and kidney diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the mammary glands;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • bloody discharge of unknown origin;
  • psychological disorders;
  • hepatitis.

Advice! Women over 35 years old should be careful when using the mini-pill. At this age, the risk of side effects increases.

Contraception before sexual intercourse

Vaginal suppositories with a contraceptive effect are considered a prominent representative of the new generation of drugs. The degree of protection against unwanted fertilization is 80%. Pills used before sexual intercourse are considered a good alternative to condoms. They do not reduce sensitivity during intimacy, but reliably protect against the penetration of sperm into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

New generation non-hormonal birth control pills are used as needed. The effect lasts for 3-4 hours. The tablet is inserted into the vagina no later than 10 minutes before the start of intimacy. It is allowed to perform hygiene procedures only 3 hours after the end of sexual intercourse. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the contraceptive is reduced. Cleansers change the acidic environment in the vagina that is formed as a result of the use of the drug.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills after intercourse

If there is a misfire during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to take non-hormonal birth control pills of a new generation. Their action is based on the content of Mifepristone, which is considered a steroidal antigestagenic substance. It blocks the process of increasing progesterone in the second half of the cycle. If the egg has already been fertilized, it will not be able to attach to the uterine cavity. Mifepreston also increases the contractility of the uterine cavity, as a result of which the fertilized egg is rejected at the beginning of the next cycle along with menstrual flow.

The drug containing mifepristone must be taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse. It is important not to violate the dosage. Exceeding it will lead to the development of uterine bleeding. If the dosage regimen is followed, the effectiveness of the drug is 95%.

Warning! Taking emergency contraception 3 days after intimacy does not provide protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Which non-hormonal birth control pills are best to choose?

Contraceptives are selected on an individual basis. It is highly not recommended to buy tablets based on reviews on the Internet. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination to exclude possible contraindications.

Good non-hormonal birth control pills cannot be cheap. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the price last. When choosing a drug, you must consider the following factors:

  • degree of protection against pregnancy;
  • ease of use;
  • presence of side effects.

Drugs that block the process of the release of the egg from the follicle are in great demand. They prevent pregnancy without interfering with a woman's hormonal levels. While taking such drugs, the woman's ovarian reserve is preserved. This is due to the fact that the therapy puts the ovaries into a state of complete rest.

Names of non-hormonal birth control pills

Among the drugs used after sexual intercourse are:

  • "Gynepristone";
  • "Ministizon";
  • "Escapelle";
  • "Postinor".

The most common vaginal capsules that have a contraceptive effect include:

  • "Gynecotext";
  • "Erotex";
  • "Traceptin";
  • "Benatex";
  • "Pharmatex".

Price for birth control pills without hormones

Safe contraceptive pills with a non-hormonal composition are available in different price categories. The cost depends on the composition, pricing policy of the manufacturer and the territorial location of the point of sale. On average, it ranges from 180 to 500 rubles.

Attention! The cost of a contraceptive does not depend on its quality and effectiveness.



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