When Elvis Presley died. Elvis Presley

On January 8, the King of Rock and Roll would have turned 82 years old. His sudden death came as a real shock to the whole world. Many refused to believe in the passing of the legend, trying to find reasons why Elvis simply wanted to disappear. Many versions and even false confirmations arose that the king was seen in different years in different parts of the world. Fans continued to desperately believe that Elvis was alive. He was simply tired of popularity, imaginary glitter and tinsel, constant attention from the press and photographers. He wanted the quiet, measured life of an ordinary person. On August 16, 1977, the whole world learned that the 42-year-old king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, was found dead in his bathroom at his private estate, Graceland. The cause of death was heart failure. We have collected the seven most popular versions and evidence that Elvis Presley could fake his death.

Version 1. Elvis went to South America

More than a hundred people at the Memphis airport allegedly saw Elvis Presley alive and well a couple of hours after his death was announced. He and his two companions purchased tickets to Buenos Aires, then went through all the control points and were about to board. A crowd of fans rushed to the idol, but only one, John Sparks, managed to get the coveted autograph on the ticket. And, by the way, after numerous checks and examinations, experts announced their verdict: the autograph is real and left by the hand of Elvis Presley! And one more fact that inspired fans to believe in Elvis’s health. One of the tickets was registered in the name of John Burroughs - this was the name Presley usually used if he wanted to remain unrecognized.

Version 2. Elvis decided to seek treatment for drug addiction

Although the cause of death was given as heart failure, relatives, friends and colleagues were not entirely sure that this was true. At 42, Elvis complained greatly about his rapidly deteriorating health. One of his colleagues let it slip that the king was addicted to painkillers and thereby undermined his health. And allegedly at the request of the star’s father, experts determined the cause of death was a weak heart, and not a drug overdose. All newspapers claimed that no illegal drugs were found in the house, and Elvis himself would be an ardent fighter against drugs. Even US President Richard Nixon himself appointed Presley as a federal agent to combat drug trafficking. Of course, such a turn of events could tarnish Elvis's reputation. And according to another version, Elvis incognito and forever decided to recover from drug addiction. And so that no one would ever know about his addiction, he had to arrange his own death.

Version 3. Elvis fell into the clutches of the CIA

It is no secret that Elvis actively collaborated with the government, and sometimes his influence on certain events did not go unnoticed. According to one version, Elvis was recruited by CIA agents, who even built a secret center on his estate. And the king learned so many mysteries and secrets that he is now forced to hide all his life.

Version 4. Elvis was insanely afraid of his fans

The most desperate fans were ready to confirm that they made the life of their idol simply unbearable. They kept watch for him at his estate, setting up tent camps until they were kicked out by the police and security. Some crazed fans really wanted a real piece of Elvis. And how can you not fear for your own life! The star could not travel calmly; he had to check into hotels under fictitious names. But this did not help either: wherever the king appeared, crowds of his fans appeared. In the end, Elvis was simply tired and decided to leave his loving, but terribly annoying fans.

Version 5. Elvis became a hermit

In the last years before his death, Elvis became interested in spiritual self-improvement and self-discovery. According to this version, Elvis decided to renounce the human world, family and friends and completely immerse himself in the spiritual search for himself. All alone.

Version 6. Elvis was terminally ill

Many fans are sure that Presley, having learned about the terrible illness and imminent death, went to a mysterious clinic on the West Coast. Scientists obtained healthy cells from the king and after his death were able to clone him.

Version 7. There was a wax doll in the coffin

Fans came to these conclusions after seeing the inscription on the grave. More precisely, having discovered an error! The fact is that Elvis’s middle name is Aaron, but on the grave it says: Elvis Aaron Presley rests here! Fans claim that Presley was terribly superstitious, and this mistake was not without reason. Their idol simply did not want to put his real name on the false grave. In addition, Elvis was buried in a closed coffin, and there is definitely no visual evidence. But the death certificate says that Elvis should have weighed much less, but the coffin was unrealistically heavy! Fans put forward their version: a wax figure of the singer and a special refrigeration unit were located in the coffin so that the wax would not melt.

No matter how crazy these theories may be, fans desperately believe that their king will return!

Biography and episodes of life Elvis Presley. When born and died Presley, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. Quotes from a musician and actor, Photo and video.

Years of life of Elvis Presley:

born January 8, 1935, died August 16, 1977


"The last time I saw Elvis,
He was driving a pink Cadillac
The wind blew his hair,
And he never looked back.
He was the King."
From Neil Young's song dedicated to Elvis Presley, "He Was The King"


He appeared in 33 films during his life, and at the time of his death, he had sold 500 million records. But he recorded his first record as a birthday present for his mother, paying four dollars for it. Years later, his impresario would say of him: “Elvis had a million dollars’ worth of talent. Now he has a million dollars." In 1973, a program with his participation would attract more viewers than a report on the landing of American astronauts on the Moon.

Biography of Elvis Presley - biography of a talented guy, bright and purposeful. He was born in Tupelo, into a poor and religious family. He attended school, sang in the church choir, won local talent competitions, worked as a movie ticket attendant and a truck driver. The day he decided to give a gift to his mother became a happy day for him. He was noticed at the studio, and soon Elvis recorded his first music contract in Memphis. Thus began the rise of the King of Rock and Roll.

He was often accused of being vulgar and shocking, but the truth is that Elvis never sought to shock the public. All his life, Elvis Presley remained a religious and humble guy, repeating that his voice is the will of God, not his. “People who see sex in my music have dirty thoughts,” he responded to the accusations.

When Elvis was drafted into the army, he was already incredibly popular, released his debut album, took first place in all the charts and even starred in films, but still went to serve. Military service played a positive role in Presley’s biography: upon returning, he not only did not lose his fans, but also gained new ones by releasing successive successful albums. His film career was also going well, although, of course, Elvis dreamed more of serious and dramatic roles, but directors and viewers invariably expected Presley to “sing” on camera. But Presley’s personal life was not very successful - having married Priscilla, who came to him from Germany with the permission of his parents, he was happy in his marriage at first, but then lost interest in his wife, followed by a divorce.

In the 1970s, Presley began to have health problems, which led him to use stimulants and antidepressants. According to the recollections of his girlfriend, Ginger Alden, on August 16, 1977, Elvis took a dose of sedatives to fall asleep, but, after suffering for several hours, apparently decided to take another one. It turned out to be critical. Ginger found Elvis lifeless on the bathroom floor. The doctors who took the singer to intensive care called the cause of Elvis Presley’s death a heart attack, but an autopsy showed that it was the dose of medication that was fatal. Presley's death shocked fans so much that they refused to believe it for a long time, insisting that Presley was alive. Soon after Presley's funeral, his grave was opened - so fans wanted to check whether their idol was really in the coffin. Until now, a wide variety of versions have been put forward about how Presley died and from what Elvis Presley died, and many of his fans are convinced that in fact Presley, tired of the attention of the public and show business, simply disappeared and lived out his life calmly and happily in what some mansion on the island.

Elvis Presley Day is celebrated annually in Memphis, where Elvis spent his childhood and where he recorded his first record. Thousands of fans come to honor the memory of their favorite singer and actor.

Elvis Presley with his wife Priscilla

Life line

January 8, 1935 Elvis Aaron Presley's date of birth.
1948 Moving from Tupelo to Memphis, which today is a place of pilgrimage for the singer’s fans.
1953-1955 Recordings at Sun Records.
November 20, 1955 Signing a contract with RCA Records.
1956 The rise in popularity of Elvis Presley, the emergence of impresario Tom Parker.
November 15, 1956 The release of the first film with the participation of Elvis Presley, “Love Me Tender.”
1957 Release of the films “Loving You” and “Prison Rock”.
March 24, 1958 Elvis Presley's draft into the army.
March 5, 1960 Presley's demobilization with the rank of sergeant.
May 1, 1967 Wedding with Priscilla Presley.
February 1, 1968 Birth of daughter Lisa Marie Presley.
July 1972 Divorce from Priscilla Presley.
August 16, 1977 Date of death of Elvis Presley.
August 18, 1977 Funeral of Elvis Presley.

Memorable places

1. House in Tupelo where Elvis Presley was born (now a museum).
2. The old location of Sun Record Studios, where Elvis signed his first contract.
3. Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion, where he died, is now open to the public.
4. Elvis Presley's house in Los Angeles, where he lived in 1967-1973.
5. Presley family burial site “Garden of Reflection” at the Graceland estate.
6. Elvis Presley Museum in Pigeon Forge.

Episodes of life

Elvis Presley was very attached to his mother. Her death was a real personal tragedy for him. Presley's mother, Gladys, was an extra in one of his films, Loving You. After her death, Elvis never watched it again.

Elvis had no musical training; he learned to play by ear on a guitar given to him by his father. Once in his youth, he auditioned for a musical quartet, but his candidacy was rejected, saying that he had no hearing and could not sing. Perhaps this is why Elvis always believed that his talent was not his own merit, and that he needed to work hard to maintain the love of his fans. However, he was very worried about how he was perceived. His famous quotes: “I am not a king. Jesus Christ is king. I'm just an artist" and "I feel like I've turned into a dollar sign. In the process, everyone lost their Elvis image."

Elvis Presley will forever remain the King of Rock and Roll


“My philosophy of life is simple: I need to love someone, wait for something and do something.”

"May God bless you as he blessed me."

The program “Moments of the 20th century. Elvis Presley"


“He was unique, irreplaceable. His music, his personality, forever changed the face of American pop culture. His legacy was enormous. For all the people in the world, he was a symbol of love of life, rebellion and good humor.”
Jim Carter, 39th President of the United States

“He was a fiery loner who managed to conquer the West.”
Bob Dylan, musician

“Nothing shocked me so much until I heard Elvis.”
John Lennon, musician of The Beatles

There are many legends and rumors. His whole life is made up of speculation. The same thing happened with death. There are also many legends about how Elvis Presley died. The cause of his death remains a mystery. We know about his death only from the words of the musician’s last common-law wife and bodyguards. The pathologist does not agree with their speculation, and the press presents completely implausible versions. So, the topic of today’s article is the mysterious death of a musician. At what age did Elvis Presley die? What is the true reason for his untimely death?

Pathologist's decision

All rock and roll fans know what year Elvis Presley died. It was 1977, August 16th. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, his fiancee Ginger found the musician in the bathroom. The man lay crumpled on the floor and without signs of life. The girl called her bodyguard for help, and he called an ambulance.

The arriving doctors tried to provide assistance. But all the efforts of the doctors were in vain. Heart massage did not help, doctors recorded death. At the morgue, the pathologist wrote down “cardiac arrhythmia” on the death certificate. This version was also reported on television. How did Elvis Presley die? The great musician died due to heart failure. But even today, when almost 40 years have passed since the singer’s death, the topic of the cause of the King’s death remains one of the most discussed.

But over time, the official version of how Elvis Presley died began to lead many to believe that the fans had been told a lie. The singer was always active, and no one had ever heard that he had health problems. And the speculation began.

Allergy to drugs

It is known that on the last day of his life, on the eve of his death, the great singer visited the dentist. The doctor gave me a strong painkiller. Many say that drugs are what killed Elvis Presley. The cause of an allergic reaction is often related to medications. The musician could simply die from a strong reaction. He may have gone to the bathroom and passed out there.

Overdose of sleeping pills

Ginger, in her first interview after the death of her fiance, said that Presley suffered from insomnia that night. He talked a lot on the phone with the producer and read books. She says she woke up to Elvis walking around the room. When she asked why he wasn't sleeping yet, Presley talked about insomnia. The girl suggested taking sleeping pills. But Elvis said that he had already taken several pills, but they were not helping. And yet the singer took out another one, but did not go to bed. He told the bride that he would read a little in the bathroom so as not to disturb her sleep. And he left the bedroom. She never saw Elvis alive again.

From this we can conclude that the musician took too many sleeping pills. Perhaps his heart could not withstand such a dosage.

Drug overdose

There is another version about how Elvis Presley died. Many people know that in the last years of his life the singer abused drugs. This seemed quite normal to him. The seventies were a time of freedom for America. Hippies defended the right to freely smoke marijuana and use other psychotropic drugs.

The age at which Elvis Presley died suggests that his already middle-aged body could not cope with the next dosage. The singer was 42 years old, he practically did not rest, and toured a lot. The drugs relaxed him, and perhaps the next dose, coupled with a strong painkiller and sleeping pills, did the trick.

During the autopsy, a large concentration of medications that were stronger than heroin, several types of other medications, and narcotics were discovered. In general, the list of medications and psychotropic substances taken by the singer on the eve of his death consisted of more than twenty items.

Suicide: the most plausible version

Elvis's bodyguards claim that the evening before his death, the singer behaved very strangely. And when asked why Elvis Presley died, they answer that it could have been suicide. Rick, one of the security guards, says that the musician sent him to the pharmacy for Dilaudid, a powerful painkiller that doctors discovered in his body. Rick said that he brought this medicine from the pharmacy and divided the contents into three doses, as he usually did. He brought Presley's first envelope and left the room.

The second time, he brought the next envelope a few hours later and also left it, noticing that the first one was still sealed. Then he thought that the singer simply did not want to take the drug yet, as had happened more than once.

The third dose was brought to Elvis by his close relative. She noticed that Presley and Ginger were still awake and exchanged a few words with her nephew. He was excited, and the woman hurried to leave the apartment, believing that the musician was depressed again.

The bodyguard who relieved Rick was told that Elvis was not to be disturbed until noon. Presley himself asked for it.

Ginger couldn't sleep for a long time that night. And that’s why I woke up only at 14.30. She went to wash and discovered the body of the groom. I called David (bodyguard). He called an ambulance.

Remove traces

David entered the bathroom and noticed that all three envelopes from the drug were lying near the body. He realized that the singer took them in one go. No organism could cope with such a dosage. And Elvis knew this for sure. The bodyguard realized that the musician himself decided to die and removed all traces before the ambulance arrived. He did not want the boss’s name to be tarnished by suicide, and therefore decided to commit such a crime. David spoke about his action many years later.

First possible reason for suicide

Why did Elvis Presley die? This question has been tormenting all his fans for a long time. If he really decided to voluntarily die, then there were several reasons for this.

The first one can be called depression. Elvis Presley often suffered from this illness and even for this reason divorced his first wife. He had a hard time enduring this condition; at one point his wife could not stand it and left him. This was five years before Elvis passed away.

Perhaps this time the depression was too strong, and the musician could not bear it. In such a state, he could have decided to commit suicide.

The second reason

A friend of Elvis said that just a few weeks before his death, Presley confessed to him that he had once seduced his wife. He asked his friend for forgiveness, saying that he would never see him again, only in heaven. Of course, the deceived husband no longer wanted to see his traitor friend. But later he recalled that Elvis was very remorseful and really worried about his action. This could be a reason for suicide, because conscience sometimes does absolutely incredible things.

Third reason

Another version of the reason for the musician’s suicide is based on the fact that Elvis’s former bodyguards were preparing to release a book that contained compromising moments of Presley’s life. They were very offended by their owner and wanted to take revenge on him in this way, revealing all his terrible secrets to society. Perhaps there was not a word of truth in this book, but the singer was very worried and afraid of the moment when the book about his sins would be published.

Rick, the security guard who was the last to see the musician, said that on the eve of his death, Elvis was reading drafts of that very book. The contents upset him so much that he began to pray and cry. He asked Rick to join in the prayer, and the bodyguard complied with the chief's request. What was there that could cause a person to voluntarily die? It had to be something truly terrible, threatening the singer’s reputation and career. He kept asking: “Well, how will my fans accept this devilry?” And Rick couldn't answer.

How Elvis Presley died, what became the real cause of the singer’s death, will remain a mystery to us. There are many versions, but there is one fact: the “king of rock and roll” died too early.

Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977 at his home in Memphis (Tennessee, USA). That night, the artist could not sleep and took two doses of a sedative at once, several hours apart, and then went into the bathroom to read a book. Elvis, showing no signs of life, was discovered on the bathroom floor the next day by his friend Ginger Alden. The singer was taken to intensive care, but some time later doctors announced his death due to heart failure.

After the autopsy, it turned out that the artist’s heart stopped, since the dose of medications he took turned out to be fatal. In 2014, scientists who examined the singer's DNA stated that he was predisposed to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This disease can be asymptomatic throughout life, and sudden death will be its first and last manifestation. The artist’s doctor, George Nikopoulos, in turn, argued that his intestinal problems could have played a fatal role in the fate of Elvis Presley.

  • Jan Butchofsky/Corbis via Getty Images

Faking Death

Immediately after the official cause of death was announced, controversy arose about whether the overdose was accidental or whether the musician decided to commit suicide. Soon Presley's fans began to wonder: had their idol died?

Some fans said that immediately after the musician’s death they saw his silhouette in the windows of the estate that belonged to him. Presley was also allegedly met at the airport on the day of his death, where the singer, accompanied by two other people, bought tickets to Argentina. Elvis even left an autograph for one of his fans. The media claimed that a certain John Burroughs had checked in for this flight, and it was precisely this pseudonym that Presley, who wanted to remain incognito while traveling, usually used.

The singer’s body after death looked somewhat different than during life, as is the case with all dead people who are being prepared for funeral. However, many felt that instead of Elvis Presley, a wax doll was buried in the ground. In addition, according to journalists, the coffin weighed more than 350 kg, and people standing nearby felt the cold coming from it. This “confirmed” the theory that there was a refrigeration unit inside the coffin, which kept the wax from melting.

On the tombstone, the singer's full name (Elvis Aron Presley) was embossed with two "a"s instead of one. And although the musician’s father explained that Elvis loved the biblical pronunciation of his middle name and intended to officially change it, fans decided otherwise: they say, the relatives simply did not want to “bury” their son who faked his death.

For decades, the media wrote about certain signs that Presley allegedly left for loved ones, and fans continued to report seeing the singer in different parts of the globe.

At the last celebrations for the musician’s birthday in Memphis, they even managed to photograph a man who vaguely resembled Elvis Presley.

Witness protection program and other motives

The controversy surrounding the death of the music legend has not subsided for years. Fans who agreed that Elvis was alive still could not come to a consensus, because another question arose: why did the singer need to fake his death?

According to one of the most common versions, the king of rock and roll was tired of fame and wanted to feel like an ordinary person. There is an assumption that Presley decided to devote the rest of his life to searching for himself and went on a trip to Central Asia. According to another hypothesis, the artist faked his own death because he did not want to grow old in front of millions.

Some believed that Presley was in a closed clinic, where he was undergoing rehabilitation for drug addiction, others believed that he was afraid of his own fans, who blocked him in hotels and airports and sometimes threatened him with physical violence. It is known that in the last years of his life the singer was extremely suspicious: he equipped his mansion with security cameras and a 24-hour communication system with bodyguards, and went out most often at night. According to some reports, the musician wore a bulletproof vest under his stage costume.

No less fascinating is the version that Elvis Presley's death was staged, since he testified against major mafiosi and became a participant in the witness protection program.

"Secret materials"

Over time, conspiracy theories about the death of Elvis Presley turned into folklore and became part of American culture.

Elvis appears as a character in Robert Zemeckis' black comedy Death Becomes Her. It is believed that he, along with other celebrities including James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol, drank the elixir of youth and faked their own deaths.

Agent Kay from “Men in Black,” who monitors the legality of aliens on Earth, when asked by his partner, “Do you even know that Elvis died?” replies: “Not at all. Elvis flew home."

The comedy horror film Bubba Ho-Tep plays on the theme of doppelgängers. In the story, Elvis Presley gets tired of fame, hires a double, and then falls into a coma. He comes to his senses already in a nursing home with John Kennedy, disguised as an African-American for conspiracy purposes. Together they must protect the rest of the elderly from the ghost of an ancient Egyptian mummy.

The idea that Elvis did not die in his home in Memphis is also expressed by Agent Mulder in The X-Files.

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King of Rock and Roll

Elvis Presley is one of the most commercially successful pop artists of the 20th century. More than a billion records of his compositions have been sold worldwide. In addition, Presley's hits were more often than anyone else's on the list of the hundred most popular songs in the United States, published by Billboard magazine. The musician is also the winner of three Grammy awards.

In the 1960s, he actively acted in films. His filmography includes more than 30 films, including “Prison Rock”, “Speedway” and “Love Me Tender”.

Presley, who became a legend during his lifetime, is still called the King of Rock and Roll or, as is customary in the USA, simply The King.


On January 8, 1935, 2 twin boys were born into the American family of Vernon and Gladys Presley. The first son could not survive and died. Fate gave the second child a bright life, endowing him with talents and qualities to become a world star. The boy was named Elvis. Al showed an interest in music since childhood. On his 11th birthday, Elvis received a guitar as a gift from his parents.

In search of work, the family moved to Memphis in 1948. Here the future singer got acquainted with modern music, listened to different styles, watched street musicians, and began to play the guitar. In high school, Elvis took part in school events, festivals and concerts.

Road to glory

The first 2 years of auditions at record labels and auditions in clubs in search of work were unsuccessful for Elvis Presley. But the owner of the Sun Records label, Sam Phillips, took note of the guy and in 1954 invited him to a rehearsal as a vocalist to record the song “Without you.” Sam was dissatisfied with the results of the rehearsals, but continued to work.

One day, during a break, Elvis jokingly began playing the blues composition “That’s All Right” on the guitar, but in an uncharacteristic rhythm; the rest of the musicians in the studio picked up the idea, adding instruments. Sam Phillips, who accidentally heard the unusual version of the song, asked the musicians to play it again and then recorded the song. A disc jockey at a local radio station was so impressed with the song that he played it several times an hour. Listeners liked the recording, and soon many people began calling the radio and asking about the artist. Elvis Presley was invited to a live interview and the country met a new rising star. On the wave of popularity, the musicians recorded two other songs in a similar manner; they took 4th place in the local hit parade.

Thus began the path to world fame for the future king of rock and roll. Elvis Presley became one of the most successful singers of the last century (more than a billion records with his songs were sold), released 150 albums, ten of them took 1st place in the charts. Along with his musical career, Presley distinguished himself as an actor, starring in many American films and television shows. But he spent most of his time and energy on concerts and tours. Some periods of his life were so busy with work that his body could not stand it and malfunctioned.

Causes of death of Elvis Presley

Already in the early 70s, Elvis's health deteriorated sharply and several performances had to be canceled. The cause of deteriorating health was not only a busy work schedule, overwork, nocturnal lifestyle and stress in his personal life, but also the constant long-term use of sedatives, to which the singer became dependent. These medications were officially prescribed to him by a doctor, but for Elvis they became like a drug. In addition, Presley had intestinal problems due to poor diet, but he refused surgery. He had to undergo body cleansing and treatment in clinics several times.

After the stunning news of Elvis Presley's death, his fans were so shocked that they did not want to believe it. Many versions have emerged about the reasons that led the singer to the tragedy. They arose because relatives and doctors tried to hide the truth about the autopsy results and the last hours of his life.

There is a version that the “king” faked his death in order to get away from the world around him that was boring him and its frantic rhythm and spend the rest of his life in silence and spiritual improvement. There have been a lot of conversations and myths about suicide. The truth was revealed to the world much later.

How did Elvis Presley really die?

On August 16, 1977, Elvis Presley and his girlfriend Ginger Alden returned home around 1 am after visiting the dentist. At the dentist, the singer took painkillers. Apparently this medicine had a stimulating effect and Elvis could not fall asleep for a long time. By three o'clock in the morning he began to suffer from toothache and again took painkillers. Later, having taken his usual portion of pills to sleep, Presley went to the bedroom, but did not want to sleep, and two hours later he took another dose of sedative medication. At 7:00 in the morning, Elvis told Ginger that he couldn't sleep and would go to the bathroom to read a book. Waking up around 2 pm, Ginger went to look for her groom, not finding him in the bedroom. Seeing him lying on the bathroom floor, she urgently called the singer George's personal doctor, Nick Nichopoulos. But he was unable to bring Elvis back to consciousness and called doctors who took him to the clinic. But even there, all possible attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful,

When did Elvis die?

On August 16 at 15:30, doctors officially confirmed the death of Elvis Presley. A nine-member team of pathologists was already at the hospital to conduct an autopsy and find out the cause of death. Presley’s personal physician, having met with them, allowed only three people to undergo the examination operation and made it clear to them that all the results of the autopsy could only be available to a narrow circle of people and could not be disclosed to the general public. Half an hour later, even before the causes of Elvis Presley’s death were clarified, his personal doctor Nick went to a press conference and announced to the journalist that Elvis Presley’s death was due to heart failure (arrhythmia and heartbeat irregularities). But the autopsy results later showed that the cardiac arrest was caused by the medications that were taken at night in excessive doses. Thus, at the age of forty-two, the idol of many generations passed away, but songs and films with his participation continue to live.

The famous singer was buried on August 18, 1997 at a local cemetery in Memphis. His ashes were later moved and buried next to his parents' graves at his own estate, Graceland. The estate was opened to visitors as a memorial museum in 1982 by Elvis' ex-wife, Priscilla.



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