When is it normal to sweat and when is it not? Check if you're okay

AiF Health published a new popular article about sweating. As is typical for this publication, there is an excellent literary style and very well-chosen information. Particularly interesting are the comments of the dermatovenerologist (dermatovenereologist of the highest category, Ph.D. Vladimir Nikolaevich Kosinets). Not quite deservedly, little is written about surgical methods, which is most likely due to the choice of consultants in the article - a neurologist and a dermatologist, these specialists do not know what decision patients ultimately come to, tired of tablets, baths and rubs that are useless to them. I was somewhat surprised by the opinion about Botox, which is recognized throughout the world as the “gold standard” for the treatment of armpit sweating. And not a word about sympathectomy - which is now recognized by everyone (including dermatologists and neurologists) as the most effective treatment for resistant palmar hyperhidrosis. But other than that the article is great. (comment from the site editor)

There is no escape from this, even if you are enviably clean and don’t skimp on good deodorants. Simply because such is the nature of the human body.

We ALL, regardless of gender, age, weight, health status or amount of money we have... sweat. And this is a natural physiological process. Even necessary so that we do not overheat in the heat, in excessively warm clothes, or during physical stress. The mechanism is simple: sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, and the body cools. With sweat, many substances harmful to the body are also released.

Sweat glands are found on almost the entire body, with the exception of the red border of the lips, the glans penis and the foreskin. But the fact that a very sweaty person exudes a strong “aroma” that is so unpleasant for others is not the fault of the sweat glands, but of bacteria. They contribute to the breakdown of substances released through sweat, hence the smell.

So you can and should sweat. It's another matter if sweating turns from a normal process into a serious problem. You constantly get wet with or without reason...

Are nerves to blame again?
FIRST of all, you need to see a doctor. Especially if such a misfortune has never happened before. A man lived, enjoyed life, and suddenly, in the midst of his seemingly perfect health, he noticed that he began to sweat differently than usual. Let's say he wakes up in the morning and his pillow is wet. Although it seems like the blanket is the same, and the temperature is not higher than usual. It’s worth wondering where this strangeness comes from. Excessive sweating may be a symptom of a serious illness. A person sweats intensely when there is a sharp weakening of cardiac activity - carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood, and the so-called cold sweat(heart failure, pre-infarction condition, renal failure). Night sweats- one of the manifestations of tuberculosis. Heavy sweating combined with increased thirst is a sign of diabetes. If, in addition to profuse sweating, trembling and a constant feeling of fear appear, you can think about thyrotoxicosis - a disease of the thyroid gland. When heavy “precipitation” falls not all over the body, but in places (palms, feet, large skin folds), the diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia” is most often made. Therefore, first of all, you need to figure out which system or organ is not in order, and try to fix the problem. Cure the disease - you won't sweat.

BUT, SUPPOSE, the examination did not reveal any sores, and you are sweating simply because that’s how you are designed. There are people whose autonomic nervous system, which regulates the sweat glands, does not work as it should. In response to the slightest excitement, and not at all because you just unloaded half a car or found yourself in the middle of the desert in 45-degree heat, it forces the sweat glands to work in increased mode. There are situations when a person gets wet to the skin in a matter of minutes. Wet spots in typical places of clothing, constantly sticky palms make the sufferer worry, which further aggravates the already profuse sweating. This is understandable: with such a “defect” you will neither shake hands with a decent person nor appear in society. But here too the matter can be helped. The treatment is complex. Prescribe sedatives (seduxen, valerian, motherwort, bromine preparations), vitamins, physiotherapy (UHF irradiation, exposure to currents, electrophoresis, sea bathing, physical therapy), astringent and disinfectant rubs and powders (with boric or salicylic acid, talc or oxide zinc). Just don’t delve into self-medication if you don’t want to develop a bunch of health problems in addition to sweating.

It's good to sweat - it's also not good

“In ANY situation, if something starts to bother you, it is better to communicate with a specialist,” says a dermatovenerologist of the highest category, Ph.D. Vladimir Nikolaevich Kosinets. “But our people don’t like to go to doctors.” The man reads the newspaper and begins to undergo treatment. And then he has dermatitis, allergic manifestations, even a burn - he took the wrong percentage of formaldehyde or salicylic acid, say, not 2 percent, but 20. And he won’t just lubricate, but will begin to rub or even bandage all this into the groin area or crotch. There are very trusting citizens. On the Internet today you can generally find a “panacea” for all ills. One day a patient came to me and asked for a prescription for zinc oxide. At first I didn’t even understand why she needed this. It turned out that she had sweating, and she read on the Internet that zinc oxide is included in some antiperspirants, and decided to get treatment.”

Sometimes hereditary excessive sweating occurs. For example, grandmothers, grandfathers, parents and other relatives up to the tenth generation sweated heavily. Usually these people get used to their peculiarities and do not go to doctors. But even if wet armpits don’t bother you, you don’t care about the opinions of others, and in general you don’t experience any discomfort from sweating a lot, don’t neglect hygiene. Otherwise, sweating can be complicated by diaper rash, prickly heat (small translucent blisters appear on the skin), pustular and fungal diseases. The fact is that if the skin is almost constantly covered with sweat, which does not have time to evaporate, it begins to get wet, as a result of which its protective functions are weakened. And microbes “sitting” on the surface of the skin penetrate more easily through various cracks, scratches, and microtraumas. Pustular processes occur - as a rule, in large skin folds: the armpits, in obese women under the mammary glands, in the folds of the abdomen and groin area. In this case, specific treatment is already required, including antibiotics. Poor skin care can lead to inflammatory diseases of the sweat glands themselves and even their ruptures when pyogenic bacteria invade the sweat ducts (miliaria erythematosus).

The language of numbers
OUR body has from 2 to 5 million sweat glands. Most of them are on the palms and feet - about 400 per 1 square meter. cm. On the skin of the forehead - about 300 per 1 square. cm. Then in descending order there are: the surface of the arms, the back of the hand, the surface of the legs, etc. There are fewer of them on the extensor parts of the arms than on the flexor parts, and fewer on the torso than on the head and arms. In children, the density of distribution of sweat glands is higher than in adults. The total volume of sweat glands in adults is 34 square meters. m. The total area of ​​the epithelium where sweat is produced is 5 square meters. m. And the area of ​​all sweat pores is 94 square meters. cm. Sweat contains 98-99% water. The remaining 1-2% are substances dissolved in it: sodium and potassium chlorides, phosphates, urea, uric acid, ammonia, amino acids, etc. The composition of sweat can vary depending on the state of the body.

How to deal with it
WATER procedures. Take baths (preferably pine) and showers regularly. Wash the most “fluid” areas with warm or cool water with the addition of St. John’s wort infusion, string, and chamomile flowers. But with detergents - without fanaticism. If you wash every day in the morning, at lunch and in the evening with soap, gel, a washcloth, etc., you can damage the protective layer on the skin (skin mantle), which is formed as a result of the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands. In an alkaline environment, the protective layer dissolves, allowing pathogenic microbes to enter the body. After washing, wipe your face, neck, armpits, skin under the mammary glands and in the groin area with toilet vinegar (you can buy it at the pharmacy). Do not use cologne for this to avoid irritating your skin.

A particular problem is the feet. They get wet in their shoes all day long and in the evening they exude a non-perfume aroma. If you don't want to shock others with a chemical attack when you take off your shoes, wash your feet with cool water every day before going to bed. In case of excessive sweating, it is recommended to soak your feet for 10-15 minutes in a weak (pink) warm solution of potassium permanganate or formaldehyde (1 teaspoon per 1-2 liters of water). Or make baths for them with a decoction of oak bark or chamomile infusion. After the procedures, dry your feet and powder them with the powder recommended by your doctor or lubricate them with lotion. To dry the skin and eliminate odor in socks or stockings, you can sprinkle a little powder there. To prevent the skin on your feet from drying out and cracking, lubricate them with baby cream once a week. The inner surface of shoes can be treated with a special aerosol to prevent fungal diseases and eliminate unpleasant odors (sold at the pharmacy). If you use insoles, be sure to dry them at night. Finally, the shoes themselves in hot weather should be light and open (not sneakers!) so that your feet can breathe.

Perpetually sweaty palms cause a lot of trouble. Baths with apple cider vinegar (3 teaspoons per 1 liter of water) will help get rid of their stickiness. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. You can periodically wipe the skin of your hands with salicylic acid or camphor alcohol, a special lotion or toilet vinegar.

Cloth. Choose things made from natural fabrics. The much-loved sports suits like Adidas or Nike, made in China or on the outskirts of China, do not absorb moisture. In such clothes, you can sweat faster and develop pustular skin diseases. Cotton clothing instantly absorbs moisture, but also releases it slowly. Modern materials absorb sweat well, dry quickly on the body and at the same time allow the skin to breathe.

Diet. For excessive sweating, a balanced diet with limited fluid and irritating seasonings (mustard, horseradish, pepper) is recommended. By the way, spices, as well as alcohol and tobacco, give bodily vapors a more fetid odor.

Anti-sweat products. They are divided into deodorants and antiperspirants. The former prevent the decomposition of sweat and partially drown out unwanted odors thanks to perfume. Many have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. Antiperspirants block the work of sweat glands (up to 40%), narrowing the pores. Use both within reasonable limits. Do not try to scent your clothes with them, otherwise you risk simply ruining good things. You should not use antiperspirants on the beach. Some of them have a photosensitizing effect - they attract sunlight, which can cause burns, especially in people with sensitive skin.

Radical measures. That is, surgical. For example, removing areas of the skin containing the largest number of sweat glands, treating sweat zones from the inside (eliminating small nerve fibers that control the sweat glands). But these methods are rather exotic and far from safe.

By the way, injections have recently begun to be offered to treat sweating. botox, which is known for its ability to smooth out wrinkles. True, injection with botulism toxin is expensive, not suitable for everyone, and the effect is temporary.

We would like to thank a neurologist of the highest category, Ph.D., for his assistance in preparing the publication. Lev Sergeevich MONVELOV.

Yulia BORT

Rice. Oleg ZHILINA, photo by Valery KHRISTOFOROV

Sweating performs the most important function of protecting the body from overheating. Sweat glands are located over the entire surface of the body, their work is regulated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. The intensity of normal fluid secretion by the sweat glands varies from person to person. Therefore, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is discussed only in cases where excessive sweating causes constant discomfort, significantly reducing the quality of life.

Today we will talk about the conditions that cause hyperhidrosis.

Changes in the level of female sex hormones

Hyperhidrosis is often one of the manifestations of menopausal syndrome. A woman periodically experiences hot flashes to the face, neck and upper chest, accompanied by increased heart rate and sweating. This can happen at any time of the day or night. If attacks occur no more than 20 times a day, the situation is considered normal and does not require medical intervention. When hyperhidrosis is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (pain in the head or chest, increased blood pressure, numbness of the hands, urinary incontinence, dry mucous membranes, etc.), the woman should consult a gynecologist regarding compensatory therapy.

Increased sweating of the whole body is also typical for the first two trimesters of pregnancy. It occurs against the background of hormonal changes and is considered normal. Hyperhidrosis in the third trimester is associated with increased metabolism, accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the body, or excess weight gain. Warning signs may include an ammonia-like odor in sweat and the appearance of white marks on clothing, indicating kidney problems.

Source: depositphotos.com

Thyroid pathologies

Hyperhidrosis is one of the symptoms of abnormally high production of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). It occurs with the following diseases:

  • nodular toxic goiter;
  • Graves' disease (diffuse goiter);
  • subacute thyroiditis.

Excessive sweating, caused by improper functioning of the thyroid gland, sometimes occurs with pituitary tumors. If hyperhidrosis is combined with sudden weight loss accompanied by increased appetite, hand tremors, heart rhythm disturbances, irritability and anxiety, you should urgently consult an endocrinologist.

Source: depositphotos.com

Fluctuations in blood glucose levels

Excessive sweating often occurs with diabetes. In this case, it is associated with a violation of thermoregulation. Diabetes of any type leads to the destruction of nerve endings, as a result of which adequate transmission of signals to the sweat glands becomes impossible. In diabetics, hyperhidrosis primarily affects the upper half of the body: face, neck, chest and abdomen. Characterized by increased fluid secretion at night.

Hyperhidrosis may also indicate insufficient levels of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia). In patients with diabetes mellitus, the cause of the problem is usually a violation of the diet or an overdose of glucose-lowering medications. Healthy people sometimes experience low glucose levels after strenuous exercise. With hypoglycemia, cold, sticky sweat appears mainly on the back of the head and the back of the neck. The attack may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, trembling and blurred vision. To quickly get rid of illness, you need to eat something sweet (banana, candy, etc.).

Source: depositphotos.com

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

Almost all diseases of the cardiovascular system are accompanied by hyperhidrosis to one degree or another. Increased sweating is inherent in the following pathologies:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • transient ischemic attack;
  • vascular thrombosis.

In addition, sweat glands are overworked in people suffering from pericarditis or myocarditis.

Heat, fast walking, chasing a bus, hot tea, sports training, and sometimes even a sip of alcohol can trigger increased sweating. If a person sweats a lot, he needs to take into account all the factors that can trigger sweating. It’s okay if you’re at home, it’s not scary: you can go to the bathroom. But if you sweat a lot when you are in public, this already creates discomfort.

What situations can trigger excessive sweating?

Since the secretion of sweat is a way of thermoregulation of the body, it is quite natural that under normal conditions it comes out of the pores during movement and at elevated ambient temperatures. There is nothing unnatural about this. When moving, the body temperature rises, the thermoregulation mechanism is activated: this is how the body protects itself from overheating. Therefore, after training in the gym or a banal jog, you need to take a shower and change clothes.

The body also reacts to heat by releasing moisture. Have you noticed how dogs breathe with their tongues out when it's hot? Their moisture evaporates from their tongue. The human body carries out thermoregulation differently: it releases moisture through the pores. This explains why a person sweats in a bathhouse, sauna, hammam, and sometimes even after a hot shower. The body warms up, the pores expand. This is useful: the body is cleansed, as toxins come out with sweat.

But if sweating in a bathhouse does not create discomfort for a person, then profuse sweating in a hot subway car or after climbing to the third floor is already a problem. Even a healthy person sweats a lot in the heat, so in the summer many people often take extra socks and shirts to work. If the thermoregulation mechanism is deregulated due to illness or you are burdened with extra pounds, hot weather is a real natural disaster. The sweat is pouring out!

Since the secretion of sweat is a way of thermoregulation of the body, it is quite natural that under normal conditions it comes out of the pores during movement and at elevated ambient temperatures.

In order not to make others want to wince when a “fragrant person” appears, it is necessary to use means that mask the smell or prevent its appearance. What to choose - cologne, deodorant or antiperspirant?

Cologne, perfume or eau de toilette are the worst solutions. The smell of sweat, mixing with the aroma of perfume, creates such a disgusting “aromatic composition” that those around you try to immediately leave the room. By the way, the unbearable atmosphere of minibuses, buses and subway cars is the result of the mixing of many perfume aromas, layered with the smell of sweat. This is truly a terrible cocktail.

Deodorant- a better solution. It masks the smell of sweat, although stains still appear on clothes. If you use a deodorant with talc, you can avoid wet spots. But in this case, things will have to be washed from talc. Deodorants rarely have a pleasant aroma, so it is better to choose neutral scents. Or better yet, an unscented deodorant, especially in summer.

Antiperspirant– the ideal solution. It does not mask the odor, but prevents sweating. For example, Max-F antiperspirant reduces sweating by 95%. This makes the antiperspirant a worthy recommendation for a person who is wondering what to do to avoid sweating in the heat.

Tea, food and alcohol

People who sweat a lot sometimes have to deny themselves a lot. For example, if a person sweats a lot after a heavy meal, then in a restaurant he will have to give up hearty (and, alas, so delicious!) dishes. Some people who notice sweating after eating even avoid going to business lunches, limiting themselves to a light snack.

Eating a lot of food puts a strain on the body, to which it responds by turning on the thermoregulation mechanism. By eating heavily, we force the digestive system to work intensively. In fact, the body reacts in the same way as to any other physical activity (with the only difference that when training in the gym, calories are lost, and when eating, they are gained).

A person sweats especially heavily when eating spicy, fatty, heavy foods, as well as when eating a large amount of food. It’s not without reason that doctors recommend eating less before going to bed and on hot days! Yes, one of the tips on how not to sweat in the heat is the banal “eat less.” The same advice applies to night sweats.

You can also sweat well after drinking hot tea. It helps to enhance heat dissipation (it is no coincidence that in Eastern countries in the heat they drink not cool drinks, but hot tea - it cools the body due to profuse sweating). In general, sweating after drinking hot tea helps remove toxins from the body. But it’s not always appropriate! If you notice a similar reaction in yourself, then it is better to postpone drinking tea until you come home, and limit the consumption of this drink when visiting or at work.

There is also alcoholic sweating. Facial redness and sweating after alcohol look unsightly. Of course, if a person has grunted until he makes a pig squeal, he doesn’t care. But if sweat appears after alcohol, even with small doses of alcohol, this creates discomfort during friendly communication. But most often a person notices alcoholic sweating in the morning: during the night the body produces a lot of sweat, the sheets and body become disgustingly sticky. And this reaction happens not only after a good drink, but even after quite moderate relaxation with a glass of cocktail.

Why does a person sweat after “taking it on the chest”? The functioning of the brain is disrupted, and it does not respond quite adequately to signals from the body. In addition, drinking alcohol increases body temperature. In addition, toxins are eliminated through sweat, which is very important for the body after libations.

How to avoid sweating after drinking alcohol or eating? First, adhere to the principle of moderation. But sometimes there are holidays! In this case, Max-F helps - an antiperspirant that reduces sweat production by 20 times.

Health status and excessive sweating

Excessive sweating may indicate disturbances in the body associated with illness or hormonal changes. For example, women tend to sweat heavily after childbirth or during menopause. The causes of profuse sweating are hormonal imbalance and inadequate response of the thermoregulation mechanism.

Sweating is also common in a number of diseases: from influenza to endocrine diseases. Obesity is a disease that can also serve as an answer to the question “Why do I sweat a lot?”

With illnesses and hormonal disorders, night sweats often occur. Stress also leads to this unpleasant phenomenon.


The causes of increased sweating can lie in several planes, namely:

  1. the body's reaction to weather conditions (for example, heat outside);
  2. increased activity (for example, working out in the gym);
  3. drinking alcohol;
  4. plentiful food;
  5. health problems.

If the causes of sweating are health problems, the only correct option is to consult a specialist.

In all other cases, a good and simplest option is to use a strong antiperspirant, which will reduce the amount of sweat produced. There are several brands on the Russian market that have already proven themselves, the most popular of which are:

  • (American company Corad Healthcare)
  • (jointly Russian-Swedish company Lexima AB)
  • - an analogue of Maxim, made from German raw materials and adapted for our latitudes (product of the Russian company Medena).

Each of these antiperspirants is worthy of attention, but you still have to choose one for yourself. Not only are there several brands and they have their own characteristics, but in the line of each there are several options that differ in the percentage of active substance. Below is a table that will make it easier to determine which option is most suitable for you.

Today it is difficult for a person to control his physiological processes, so paradoxical situations often arise with our body.

For people who are constantly surrounded by friends, colleagues and acquaintances, it is important to look good and be confident throughout the day.

Hyperhidrosis is an annoying problem that will take you by surprise when you eat hot or cold food.

When a person feels hot and sweaty after eating or drinking water, it not only causes discomfort to the patient himself, but also causes obvious disgust among those around him.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: Site Administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

Sweating is an important function of the body, violations of which will signal that the human body is at the stage of an inflammatory process, infected with microorganisms and bacteria, or simply fighting a disease.

There are about a dozen types and classifications of this disease. It is very important to know that the location of the problem can determine the source of the disease itself. All parts of the body can sweat. During meals, the head most often sweats; this depends not only on the individual characteristics of the person, but also on the diet he follows.

In practice, it also happened that even experts could not determine the reason why people drink water, eat and instantly sweat. This is explained by physiological functions, but there are reasons why such a deviation may pose a danger to human health.

When eating or after eating, people become hot, they literally feel feverish. Drops of salty liquid may appear on the forehead, nose, and temples. With it, the body removes toxins and negative substances, however, profuse sweating does not have any positive effect.

Each person has an individual tolerance to some of the foods, so people sweat from sour, sweet, salty and even spicy, from coffee, honey and tea. Often this process can be explained by the fact that with the proper functioning of the heat exchange system, hot drinks provoke moisture evaporation and sweat in people of all age categories.

Changes in hormonal levels

There could be many explanations for why hormones influence sweating after eating food:

  • Menopause is a condition of a woman after 45 years. At this age, she loses her reproductive functions. This period is very significant, since irreversible processes occur in the body, the amount of hormones and the general condition of a person fluctuates, weakness and fatigue appear, and cold sweat may occur after eating. This is triggered by a person’s emotional and hormonal mood, so it does not always depend on what foods you eat daily.
  • Puberty in girls and boys is accompanied by an increase in appetite and increased sweating after eating. Over time, the condition normalizes, and with the right diet, the problem disappears.
  • Pregnancy or the menstrual cycle can be considered a stage in life when it is extremely difficult for girls to control their emotions and psychological balance, so a fever in the stomach after eating is not uncommon.

The most basic reasons are hidden in what you do every day. The problem may lie in clothing or headwear made of synthetic materials, low-quality cosmetics and hair care products. Most often, physical activity, heat or unsuitable climate are non-pathological.

The upper body produces excess moisture and fat due to excess weight. When toxins and fats accumulate, it is very common to see a full-bodied person suffering from a strong flush of sweat.


Genetic paradoxes and hereditary sweating of the head after eating also occur. If one of your close relatives suffered from such an illness, it is possible that it will be passed on to the rest of the family. In addition to feeling cold or sweaty after eating, there may be attacks of shortness of breath, fatigue and weakness that attack simultaneously.

Does it depend on the food we eat?

The food itself has no direct effect on the intensity of skin secretions, but the substances it contains can affect how you feel.

  • The cause of sweating while eating may be salty foods. Salt has the property of dissolving in the stomach for a long time, so it can cause discomfort, burning and cutting pain in the epigastric region.
  • Spicy and sour foods have a similar effect. Elements contained in food in large quantities can negatively affect health and well-being. This includes (sauces, chili peppers, oriental herbs and spices, ground red pepper). People often complain that they sweat when they eat garlic or onions.
  • Hot drinks and soups. Another reaction of the body is described here. When hot or warm drinks, liquids and food enter the digestive system, it reacts to the temperature of the product consumed.
  • Alcohol is the irritant that most often causes severe sweating after eating. Alcohols in the blood literally evaporate the liquid necessary for a person, while very slowly breaking down into components. In addition, highly carbonated mineral water has almost the same effect, even if it is purified.
  • Drugs and medicinal substances cause malaise, fatigue, burning and unpleasant sweating as side effects.
  • Substances that cause allergic reactions are also included in this category. Often these can be foods with a bright red tint, because they are the strongest allergens, citrus fruits and some vegetables. So, they sweat after watermelon, cherries, tomatoes and even strawberries, if there is a reaction to these products.

Accompanying illnesses

Excessive sweating after eating may be a consequence of recent surgery or problems with the digestive and biliary system. Such processes can be called side effects for those who suffer from ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, and there is stagnation of salts and bile.

Another reason why sweating occurs during and after eating is a psychological condition called “Frey's syndrome.”

To understand whether this is true, you need to analyze which area of ​​the body at this moment removes the most water from the body. It occurs both after operations in the head area and due to stress or recent depression.

The syndrome can be transmitted genetically and in 70% of cases occurs in men over 40 years of age. Usually the discharge covers only one part of the head or neck.

A common disease that people treat throughout their lives. The reason for the diagnosis is poor functioning of the pancreas.

The digestive tract, salivation and sweating after eating are directly related. If one of these elements fails, it will directly affect the other.

Lack of insulin in the blood is a serious problem. In addition to following the rules of a complex multi-component diet, with hyperhidrosis it needs to be controlled two to three times more strictly. Signs can also be considered sweating in the area of ​​the head, chest, shoulders and neck, anxiety, dryness and irritation in other areas of the skin.


When people sweat in the head or whole body while eating, it affects their overall well-being. It is necessary to determine the source of the disease and eliminate the real problem, not just the symptoms. Depending on the cause of the fever after eating, treatment may be prescribed.

Effect on the syndrome

If sweating after eating bothers you, the cause may be a syndrome or psychological condition. These options are completely curable. Using Frey's syndrome as an example, you can plan a course of treatment. Belladonna alkaloids are substances that can normalize excessive sweat secretions. After just a few local injections, you can feel an improvement. This method is used if the problem has a specific location.

Psychological help

Sweating after eating in front of strangers causes psychological trauma and even leads to depression. It’s unpleasant when it throws you into a fever, and it’s much more unpleasant when it happens in front of unfamiliar men or women. In this case, a trip to a psychotherapist will be useful.

The problem may be insecurity or other complexes. Regardless of what caused this condition. To improve your well-being, consult a doctor, he will prescribe a course of treatment and help improve your self-esteem. This also includes sedatives that will help restore emotional balance. It is simply necessary to eliminate all stress and irritation in order to get rid of problems once and for all.

Laser therapy

It is used in practice in cases of urgent need. The method is aimed at removing sweat glands and cells in an amount of 70%, however, it is worth noting that such drastic measures can also negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and vascular system.

To effectively treat excessive sweating at home, experts advise Dry Control. This is a unique tool:

  • Normalizes psycho-emotional state
  • Stabilizes sweating
  • Completely suppresses unpleasant odor
  • Eliminates causes of excessive sweating
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications
Manufacturers have received all the necessary licenses and quality certificates both in Russia and in neighboring countries. We offer a discount to readers of our site! Buy at a discount on the official website


A set of developed ways to combat an unpleasant disease:

  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • salt, pine, iodized baths;
  • iontophoresis.


Extremely radical methods of action of Botox and similar substances are used only in severe cases and in the absence of contraindications to therapy.

Sweating is a physiological process for any human body.

But if sweating is excessive, then this state of the body may be the first “bell” to the development of serious pathologies.

Very often, it is increased sweating that becomes the main symptom of a developing pathology, so it is important to know the causes of the corresponding uncomfortable condition and determine what to do if you sweat a lot.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: Site Administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

Excessive sweating of a certain part of the body, if this has not previously been observed in a person, can cause the development of complex pathology. Ignoring such a condition can be dangerous to health, and often life, since excessive sweating almost always becomes one of the signs of the disease.

Most often used to treat hyperhidrosis of the legs or arms.

Duration of therapy - 40-60 minutes.

As a rule, 1 session is enough to completely eliminate the signs of the disease for 8 months.

The essence of the procedure: using a low-power electric current, medicine against hyperhidrosis is penetrated under the patient’s skin.

Popular for eliminating sweating from the feet and palms.

The duration of therapy is half an hour. The course of therapy is selected by the doctor.

A popular and effective treatment procedure for hyperhidrosis is. The essence of the procedure is the local impact of a laser beam on problem areas of the body. The result is destruction of the structure of the sweat glands.

To effectively treat excessive sweating at home, experts advise Dry Control. This is a unique tool:

  • Normalizes psycho-emotional state
  • Stabilizes sweating
  • Completely suppresses unpleasant odor
  • Eliminates causes of excessive sweating
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications
Manufacturers have received all the necessary licenses and quality certificates both in Russia and in neighboring countries. We offer a discount to readers of our site! Buy at a discount on the official website



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