When do children start sleeping well? When do babies start sleeping through the night?

One of the most important issues for mothers is always the sleep schedule of the newborn. We will tell you how much sleep children under one year old need, and also explain when to sound the alarm and how to change an improper rest schedule.

How much should a baby sleep at 1 month of age?

Sleep pattern of a baby in the first month of life

In the first month of his life, a newborn baby sleeps 18-20 hours a day. He slowly begins to realize what day and night are.

In the first three weeks, the baby may not sleep so soundly and wake up every hour to eat.

Soon the period of wakefulness will begin to increase, the baby will peer with interest at objects. The child will not go to bed according to the previous schedule.

Duration of sleep of a newborn one month of life at night and during the day

  • A child has 4 daytime sleep periods and 1 nighttime sleep period per month.
  • As a rule, it is enough for newborns to rest for 8-9 hours during the day, and 10-12 at night.
  • The baby should be put to bed at a certain period - from 9 pm to 9 am. It is at this time that night falls for the newborn.

The baby sleeps little and restlessly at one month of age: reasons

Of course, if a month-old baby does not sleep at any time of the day, you should sound the alarm. Remember - the baby should rest both at night and during the day!

Pay attention to your child, he may not sleep for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy or humid. Ventilate the room before putting your child to bed.
  • An external stimulus interferes - music, conversation, a fly and other environmental factors.
  • Temperature cooling or overheating. The baby may be hot or cold. Swaddle him so that he feels cozy and warm.

A 1 month old baby constantly sleeps: why?

According to pediatricians, a newborn can sleep 18-20 hours a day. And this is not a problem if the little man rests most of the time of the day.

Take this opportunity and get some sleep yourself. Typically, this period will not last long. Remember that the child can adopt the mother’s habit of sleeping during the day and not closing her eyes at night.

It is better for mothers to adjust their sleep schedule in advance during pregnancy rather than not accustom their child to a new schedule later.

How much and how should a baby sleep at 2 months of age?

Peculiarities of daytime and night sleep in a two-month-old infant

  • Children of this age sleep 18 hours a day. This time is enough for the baby to gain strength.
  • There are 5-6 hours left for active and active games and activities, but this period will be enough for the baby. There is no need to wean your child off this regime.

Duration of good sleep in a 2 month old baby at night and during the day

  • A two-month-old baby spends 8 hours sleeping during the day. This time is divided into 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours each and 2 superficial ones, which last from 30 minutes.
  • And the night's rest is divided into 2 sleeps. The baby may wake up to feed. There is no need to deny her this.

Why does a child sleep poorly or not sleep at 2 months of age?

Let's list the main reasons why 2-month-old babies may have trouble sleeping.

  • Stuffy room.
  • Uncomfortable sleeping place.
  • Tummy pain or other illness.
  • Temperature change - hot or cold.
  • Trembling in sleep. Swaddling will save you from them.
  • External stimulus - voice, music, mosquito.

Why does a 2 month old baby sleep constantly?

Long sleep is the cause of baby's illness! Pay attention to the little one. Her stomach may ache.

Your baby should sleep no more than 4 hours during the day. If his sleep was previously disturbed, then the baby will simply sleep it off.

How much and how do babies sleep at three months?

Features of daytime and night sleep of a newborn at 3 months of life

The sleep schedule of a three-month-old baby is almost no different from that of a two-month-old baby. He sleeps only 1 hour less.

Children also need four naps during the day. They begin to show themselves more actively within 7-8 hours - they reach for toys, hold their heads and monitor what is happening around them.

Duration of proper sleep in a child of three months of life at night and during the day

  • The baby spends 7 hours on daytime rest. This time is divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2-3 hours each and 2 superficial sleeps of 30-40 minutes each.
  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. You will still have to feed the baby once during the night.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps little or restlessly: why?

The child will sleep soundly and sweetly if all the necessary conditions are met.

  • The room will be fresh.
  • Voice, music, telephone or TV sounds will not interfere.
  • He will feel cozy in bed. A high-quality mattress and pillow are the key to a good rest.
  • He will not be cold or hot. Swaddling will help with this.
  • If the child is not sick.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps a lot and for a long time: why?

A baby can sleep for a long time for one reason - something hurts. Pay attention to him. The disease does not always manifest itself externally, because the baby may have a red throat, a stomach ache or a high temperature.

How much and how should a four-month-old baby sleep?

Sleeping and waking patterns of a 4-month-old baby

A 4-month-old baby should rest 17 hours a day. This time is enough for energy to be restored.

The baby will spend his energy on 7 hours of wakefulness.

Please note that in a dream the baby grows and develops. It is advisable to adhere to a certain routine: sleep 4 times during the day, and 2 times at night.

Sleep should be interrupted for feeding or active play.

Duration of sleep for a baby at four months of age

  • In the first half of the day, the child should have 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours each, and in the afternoon - 2 shallow sleeps of 30-40 minutes each.
  • The baby will spend the remaining 10 hours sleeping at night. There is no need to divide this stage by time. The child can wake up at night after 3-4 hours, eat and then lie down to rest.

Why does a 4-month-old child sleep little, poorly and restlessly, or not sleep at all during the day or at night?

Let us list the important reasons for poor sleep in 4-month-old babies.

  • Overwork. The baby may “over-walk”, then will cry and will not fall asleep on time.
  • Wants attention.
  • My tummy hurts. The reasons are a new product that a nursing mother ate, or mixtures.
  • Stuffy room air or humidity.
  • Hot or cold. Maintain your child's temperature.

Mothers are advised to put their baby to sleep next to them in the first six months. This way you will spend less effort getting up to your baby. When the baby starts crying, it will be enough to reach out to her, stroke her or feed her.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 4 months of age?

If your child sleeps for a long time, do not immediately panic. Take a close look at the baby. Perhaps something hurts him, and the disease occurs internally. If there is something alarming about your baby's behavior, go and see a doctor. He will advise how to establish a regime and solve the problem.

How much sleep should a baby at five months sleep?

Features of daytime and night sleep in children at five months

  • At this age, the time schedule differs from the previous one by 1 hour.
  • You will have to reduce your rest time during the day. The baby will need to be taught to nap three times a day.
  • You won't have to wake up at night to feed as often. Everything will depend on whether the child is hungry or not.
  • In total, children will sleep 16 hours a day.

Duration of sleep for a 5 month old baby at night and during the day

  • A 5-month-old child needs 6 hours for daily rest. This time should be divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2.5 hours each and one hour of shallow sleep.
  • At night, your child will sleep 10 hours.

Why is a baby restless, ill, sleeping little or not sleeping at all at five months??

The baby's routine can be disrupted for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy, dry or humid.
  • He is disturbed by extraneous noise and sounds.
  • It is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to lie in a large crib. Babies of this age are often put to sleep in a separate crib. There they can freeze or, conversely, they can be very hot under the blanket.
  • He's overtired.
  • Requires attention from mom.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 5 months of age?

There are two reasons: either the child is sleeping off after long “festivities”, or he is sick.

Pay attention to the baby and examine him. Just in case, consult your pediatrician.

Features of daytime and night sleep in a 6-month-old child

Sleep pattern of a six-month-old baby at night and during the day

  • In six months, the toddler will sleep 15 hours a day.
  • He will gain strength and energy, which he will spend on 8-9 hours of active knowledge of the world around him.
  • At 6 months, a baby can sleep soundly at night without even waking up.
  • Daytime rest has also not been canceled - there should definitely be 3 sleeps.

How much should a baby sleep at six months?

  • At 6 months, the baby will sleep 10 hours at night.
  • Daytime sleep will be divided into 2 deep for 2 hours and 1 superficial lasting 30-40 minutes.
  • In total, the baby should spend 5 hours resting during the day.

Causes of sleep disturbances in a 6 month old baby

A toddler may not sleep well for various reasons.

  • Because of the uncomfortable bed, mattress, pillow.
  • The new environment may disturb him (in case of renovation or moving).
  • The child got sick.
  • Humidity or stuffiness in the room.
  • Extraneous irritants.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 6 months of age?

  • If your child does not go to bed according to the schedule and “overnights,” then he may sleep several hours beyond the allotted time. This is one reason for the violation of the regime.
  • Another is a disease that occurs unnoticed inside a child’s body. Consult a doctor!

How should a baby sleep at the age of 7 months?

Sleep pattern in children at 7 months during the day and night

  • The duration of daily sleep in children of 7 months does not change and is 15 hours.
  • The only difference is the periods of daytime rest. You should teach your child to sleep only 2 times during the day.
  • The little ones now stay awake longer, for 9 hours.
  • By the way, by the time your baby is seven months old, you no longer have to get up at night to feed.

How much and how should a baby sleep at seven months?

  • A 7-month-old child needs 10 hours of sleep at night, and 5 hours for daytime sleep.
  • Sleep time during the day should be divided into 2 periods of 2.5 hours. This time will be enough for the baby to rest, and he won’t even need a quick nap after lunch.

Why does a child sleep poorly, little, restlessly or not sleep at all at night and during the day at 7 months of age: reasons

  • A 7-month-old baby is already sensitive to what is happening around him. He may be awakened by conversations or other sounds, such as those coming from a TV or telephone.
  • In addition, a toddler at this age really wants attention from his mother. Perhaps you put him to sleep with you for up to six months, and then weaned him and began to put him in a separate crib.
  • Also, the causes of sleep disturbance may be illness, abdominal cramps, an uncomfortable sleeping place, unbearable humidity or a stuffy room.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 7 months of age?

There is no reason for a baby to sleep long hours at 7 months. It should not disrupt your sleep-wake schedule. If this happens, consult a doctor who will examine the baby. Diseases often go unnoticed in children.

How much should babies sleep at 8 months?

Sleep pattern in children aged 8 months during the day and night

  • For a baby who begins to move actively, learns to stand up and crawl, at this age 15 hours of sleep is enough. During the rest period, he will grow, his energy and strength will be replenished.
  • The child will be able to cheerfully play and explore the world around him for 9 hours.

Sleep duration in children aged eight months

  • Some children at 8 months adhere to the old routine - sleep soundly during the day 2 times for 2.5 hours. And other toddlers can sleep for 3-4 hours at a time.
  • In total, kids should spend 5 hours on daytime rest, and 10 hours on nighttime rest.

Why does my child sleep poorly, restlessly, or not sleep at all during the day/night?

Sleep disturbances often occur for certain reasons.

  • It is difficult for him to breathe due to stuffiness or high humidity in the room.
  • It's hot or cold to sleep.
  • Sounds from the outside world or insects (in summer) interfere.
  • Tummy hurts due to complementary feeding.
  • It is uncomfortable to sleep on a pillow or a new mattress.

An 8-month-old baby constantly sleeps: why?

The cause of long sleep can be a disease inside the child’s body. You should contact your pediatrician.

And an eight-month-old baby may become overtired, because she now spends so much energy!

How much and how should a baby sleep at 9 months of age?

Proper sleep schedule for children 9 months old

  • The correct daily routine for a nine-month-old baby consists of 8-9 hours of active educational games and two periods of sleep. By following a strict regime, you will notice that the baby will become cheerful, well-rested, and smiling.
  • In total, he needs 15 hours a day to rest.

Duration of sleep in a nine-month-old baby during the day and night

  • A child at this age should sleep at least 5 hours during the day. This time is divided into 2 equal periods of 2.5 hours.
  • And at night the baby will need 10 hours of sleep. Your baby may not even wake up in the dark to feed.

Restless sleep in a child aged 9 months: causes

Disturbed sleep patterns are not the best period in a baby’s life. The child may wake up from noise, conversation, the sounds of music, and, starting to cry, will not be able to sleep normally.

Before putting your baby to bed, pay attention to some points. After all, it is because of them that a newborn may not sleep.

  • The room should not be stuffy or humid.
  • The sleeping place should be comfortable.
  • Heat and cold are harmful to the baby.
  • Pay attention to whether the little one’s tummy is bothering him or whether something else hurts?

A 9-month-old baby sleeps constantly: why?

A baby at this age actively manifests itself and tries to stand on its feet, turns its head in all directions, and crawls. The cause of long sleep can be overwork.

It’s worth going to bed on time and making sure your baby doesn’t get tired, especially before bedtime!

The second reason is illness. Contact your doctor to examine your child.

How much should a 10 month old baby sleep day and night?

How long should a ten month old baby sleep at night and during the day?

  • A 10-month-old toddler should sleep at least 14 hours a day. The rest time is reduced by one hour, but it is enough for the baby to replenish its energy supply.
  • And the baby has been awake for 9-10 hours.

Duration of sleep in a child aged ten months

  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. Moreover, note that at this age you no longer need to get up to him in the dark to feed.
  • Daytime sleep time is 4 hours. It can be divided into 2 deep sleeps of 2 hours each.

Why can't a child of ten months of age sleep during the day or at night?

There are many reasons for poor sleep.

  • The child may be disturbed by voices, noise, or the sounds of the TV.
  • Stuffy room or high humidity.
  • A sleeping place that is inconvenient for a baby to sleep, for example, a wide parent’s bed.
  • Illnesses, especially colic in the abdomen, can be bothersome.
  • Overwork.
  • Character. A child can express himself by demanding attention from his mother.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at ten months of age?

If your baby sleeps a couple of hours more than expected, doctors advise not to panic.

And if a child sleeps for a very long time and refuses to eat, he should be given special attention. Perhaps something is bothering him. Is he sick? Examine the baby yourself or contact your pediatrician!

How much and how should a baby sleep at the age of 11 months?

Sleep patterns in children aged eleven months at night and during the day

  • The rest schedule for eleven-month-old children is no different from that of ten-month-old children. It becomes a little easier for mothers; they continue to live according to the old routine.
  • You also need to give babies at least 14 hours of rest, and divide daytime sleep into 2 periods.

Sleep duration for an 11 month old baby

  • The night in children aged 11 months lasts 10 hours. As a rule, babies should get a good night's sleep during this time.
  • And the child will spend 4 hours on daytime rest.

Why does a baby at eleven months sleep poorly or cannot sleep during the day or at night: reasons

  • A baby at this age may have trouble sleeping due to poor health, or he may be disturbed by an external stimulus (insect, noise, sounds of music, conversation).
  • The regime is also disrupted due to stuffiness, moisture, uncomfortable sleeping place, and overwork.
  • Or the child just wants your attention.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 11 months of age?

An eleven-month-old child should sleep on a schedule. If the child steps away from him for a couple of hours, it’s okay.

And if he doesn’t wake up even to eat, it’s time to sound the alarm!

Pay attention to the baby - he may be sick. Consult a pediatrician.

How should a one-year-old child sleep during the day and at night?

Sleeping and waking patterns in a one-year-old child

  • At one year old, children do not change their routine much. They also need 13-14 hours to sleep.
  • Moreover, the daily nap of 2 times a day is preserved, but is reduced by half an hour to an hour.
  • The waking time is 10-11 hours.

Sleep duration in children at twelve months

  • The baby needs 10-11 hours to rest at night, and 3-4 during the day.
  • Before lunch, the child should have deep sleep lasting 2-2.5 hours, and after lunch - shallow sleep for 1-1.5.

The time to rest depends on the child’s well-being and mood.

Causes of poor sleep in children aged 12 months

A one-year-old toddler may not sleep well due to certain circumstances.

  • Stuffiness or humidity in the room.
  • Unusual sleeping place.
  • Uncomfortable mattress, pillow.
  • Noise, voice, sounds of music.
  • Overwork.
  • Diseases.
  • Lack of attention, the baby wants to call his mother to him.

Why does a one-year-old baby sleep a lot: reasons

Long sleep and disruption of the sleep-wake schedule may be due to an invisible disease occurring in the little person’s body, or overwork resulting from long “walks”.

When should a child switch to two or one naps?

At 12-18 months, the child should still have two naps during the day. Moreover, the baby should be put to bed before and after lunch.

According to the advice of many mothers, you need to teach your children to sleep during the day from 10 to 12 o’clock, feed them lunch, play, and then (from 15 to 16) go back to bed. Three hours will be enough for rest.

To make the transition to this mode easier for the child, add the time that the baby does not sleep during the day to night sleep. Let him spend a little more than usual on his night's rest.

And you should switch to one daytime nap at 1.5-2 years. Try to put your child to bed after lunch for 2.5-3 hours.

When does a baby start sleeping through the night? This question is asked by new parents, dreaming of finally getting enough sleep. But at first the baby is bothered by colic, then he just wants to eat. So you have to get up to him over and over again. But it won't always be like this.

Why do children wake up at night?

As you know, a newborn sleeps most of the day, waking up to eat. This is what they say in most books on child care. But in practice this rarely happens. The baby cries day and night, requires a lot of attention, is attached to the breast every two hours, or even more often. This behavior does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with him. The child is not yet accustomed to the big world after his mother’s belly, and the immaturity of the digestive tract gives him discomfort.

There are children who sleep without waking up from the first weeks of life. And this is not always good. If a mother is planning successful breastfeeding, then she must remember that lactation is influenced by the hormone prolactin. It is produced through regular feeding of the baby to the breast, from 3 to 7 am. If you skip night feedings, your milk supply may decrease.

Still, most infants wake up regularly at night. This happens for the following reasons:

  • the child is sick, his tummy is bothering him, his teeth are cutting;
  • he wakes himself up with careless movements;
  • the baby experiences discomfort: his diaper is leaking, he is hot or cold;
  • he is hungry;
  • the daily routine is incorrectly structured.

How to ensure sound sleep?

The more comfortable the baby is, the sooner he will stop waking up at night. Or at least will do it less often. If a newborn wakes up at night crying and refuses to breastfeed, then most likely he has colic. Dill water, one of the remedies that are designed to reduce gas formation, massaging the tummy, applying a warm diaper can help. All these measures may not give a guaranteed result; you just need to survive this period. By three months the baby’s health should improve.

The youngest children do not yet control their bodies. Their legs and arms move chaotically, causing them to wake up. And while some babies immediately fall asleep again, others need help. This problem can be solved by swaddling the baby.

In order to have a sound sleep, the room must be provided with suitable temperature and humidity. Regular ventilation should not be neglected. But even when it seems that everything is in order, the recommended temperature is maintained (about 22 degrees), you need to pay attention to the child. Despite all the recommendations, he may simply freeze.

The main reason why a toddler does not sleep well at night is hunger. Unlike adults, he is not able to tolerate this feeling. So he communicates his difficulties by crying loudly. The younger the child, the more often this happens. What he eats also plays a role. Breast milk is digested faster than formula.

If a child over one year of age wakes up to drink, it is worth putting a sippy cup of water in his crib. Then he can handle it himself without waking his parents.

If parents put their child to bed at the wrong time, he may confuse day with night. And stay awake most of the dark time of the day. Then you have to adjust the regime in order to establish normal rest. Older children may have trouble sleeping due to insufficient activity during the day. They simply do not have time to get tired. Then you need to increase the duration of walks and outdoor games. The opposite situation also happens: restless sleep due to overexcitation. In this case, you need to reschedule active activities for the first half of the day.

Night feedings

Even if we eliminate all the reasons that influence prolonged sleep, it will not be possible to give a clear answer to the question of when a child will sleep through the night without waking up. Children mature on individual schedules. A healthy child with a properly organized daily routine still requires food even in the dark. Only by 9-12 months are many able to withstand mentally and physically 10 hours, that is, a period of sleep, without feeding.

Sometimes mothers themselves contribute to the consolidation of the habit of eating at night. The fact is that sleep consists of alternating phases. They change every forty minutes. An adult doesn't even notice this. But the baby may wake up and whine. But if it’s just a change of phase, then he will quickly calm down and fall asleep on his own. Therefore, you should not rush to him at the first squeak in order to feed him, it is better to wait a few moments.

The frequency of night feedings usually decreases after six months. Children are already eating complementary foods, the number of meals is decreasing, and portions are increasing. It is likely that they will sleep 6-7 hours, and will only get hungry in the morning.

Gradually, the baby grows up, and the need for night feedings goes away. But the habit remains. As you get closer to one year, you should try replacing the bottle or breast with water. When the baby understands that he will no longer be fed at night, he will begin to sleep more soundly.

This method may encounter active resistance. Sometimes adults have to sacrifice several nights to soothe a crying toddler. Whether it’s worth it or whether it’s better to wait until the baby is finally mature, the parents themselves decide. Formula-fed babies often refuse the nighttime bottle more easily. You can use this trick: dilute the mixture with more and more water every night. At first it will just be a little thinner, then gradually lose its cloudiness and taste. It is quite possible that it will soon turn out that the baby does not need such feeding.

We'll have to be patient

Many babies stop waking up at night after finishing breastfeeding. Especially if this happens a year or later. The reason to wake up at night disappears, so the child sleeps soundly. But this method also cannot guarantee results. After all, for a child, feeding is also contact with his mother. With a certain mental structure, the baby continues to wake up to make sure that his mother is nearby and that she is ready to respond to his call. In addition, if weaning occurred early, then the baby’s sucking reflex has not yet died out. Then it will be difficult to manage without a bottle at night and without a pacifier.

No matter how much parents would like to get a good night's sleep, they will have to be patient. You can’t expect a child to want the same thing. Many people switch to stable sleep after two or even three years. In this case, regressions are possible. For example, a one-year-old child sleeps all night in his crib. And then his teeth start to come out. The routine gets lost, the baby worries and cries, and often wakes up for a long time after teething. You will just have to wait out this period.

Sometimes you can get used to uninterrupted sleep using the “let it scream” method. It is difficult to talk about its feasibility, although it is quite effective. If you don’t approach a crying child, he will probably get tired and fall asleep. But not every mother is ready to endure such a line of behavior.

Sooner or later, the child’s nervous system will mature, and he will definitely sleep all night. We just have to wait for this moment.

All parents who have a baby who often bothers them at night would like to know this.

Newborn babies sleep almost all day, without distinguishing between days and nights. They wake up only when they want to eat, when something hurts or bothers them. If nothing bothers the baby, he can sleep until the morning. But such a phenomenon, unfortunately, does not happen very often. And the task of parents is to help their baby adapt to new living conditions, teach him to distinguish day from night. And when he succeeds, when the child begins to sleep through the night, it will be a huge relief both for him and for those who are next to him.

"How to teach a child to sleep at night?" - many parents worry. What should be done for this?

During the day, the room where the child is located should not be quiet or dark. It is advisable to have the lights on and calm, quiet music playing. At night, on the contrary, the room should be dark and quiet. This will enable the baby to understand what day is and And the baby will sleep better at night.

Before going to bed at night, you should be well fed in advance so as not to wake up at night from severe hunger. And when the child begins to sleep all night without waking up, this will have a positive effect on his daytime mood and behavior.

All children really like it if they are gently stroked on the body. This procedure relaxes, soothes and sets the baby up for sleep.

An infant sleeps better if he does not lie in the same bed with his mother, but sleeps in his own crib not far from his mother. Otherwise, he smells his mother's milk and wakes up to eat. It is advisable to place his favorite toy next to the baby. He will feel the presence of his best friend, and he will not be afraid at night.

In order for a child to sleep soundly throughout the night, it is necessary that during the day he is alert and active, that is, tired from daytime activities. And immediately before going to bed, he should be calm and not overexcited. This will be facilitated by calm, quiet games an hour or two before bedtime.

After putting the baby in his bed, turn off the lights in the room, remove all extraneous sounds, sit next to the child, and set the baby up to fall asleep. It is very important to teach your child to fall asleep independently in his bed.

If a child is often put to bed already asleep, he will not sleep well at night and will disturb his parents' sleep. Therefore, teach your baby to fall asleep in his crib.

Try to put your baby to bed, wake him up, and feed him at the same time. Following a routine will help him fall asleep faster and not wake up until the morning. And when a child begins to sleep at night, it is a huge relief for his parents.

If a child wakes up and cries at night, do not rush to immediately pick him up. First stroke his body, whisper something quietly and calmly to him.

If your baby constantly does not sleep at night, is lethargic and restless during the day, consult a pediatrician. He will help you find the cause of the baby and advise you on how to teach your child to sleep at night.

Know that the baby doesn’t sleep well at night not because he is harmful and does everything to spite you. If he doesn’t sleep, it means something is bothering him: hunger, pain or anxiety. A loving and patient mother will always be able to find the cause of her child’s anxiety and eliminate it in a timely manner, thereby ensuring a good night’s sleep for both the baby and herself.

When the child begins to sleep through the night, this will give him the opportunity to fully rest, gain strength and be more calm and cheerful during the daytime.

Infants sleep lightly, but slowly they need to be taught to sleep with the level of everyday noise familiar to all household members. Adaptation must take place gradually. If at first there was complete silence while the child was sleeping, then the next step would be to turn on classical audio recordings at a low volume. The choice should be given to compositions with a high bitrate. When the baby reaches one year of age, his sleep will become much sounder.

The formation of the nervous system, mood, general physical condition and development of the baby depend on the quality and quantity of sleep. Proper sleep allows a child to learn new information with interest, eat more willingly and do exercises.

How does your baby sleep?

Taking into account the characteristics of newborns, their sleep can be divided into 4 types:

  1. No sleep at night. If the baby’s waking phases change from day to night, then the situation can only get worse in the future. In the first months he may be disturbed, and then they will start to worry, which will doubly affect the duration and quality of sleep.
  2. Interruption of sleep phases at night. Often babies wake up at night due to overstrain in the muscles of the arms or legs. Involuntary flapping makes them wake up and sometimes get scared.
  3. Night meals. It is natural for newborns to wake up at night from hunger, sometimes more than once. Milk is quickly absorbed in the body, and the baby cannot sleep when hungry.
  4. Sound sleep all night- this rarely happens.

Confused day and night

Parents themselves become the cause of changes in the baby's waking time. During the day, it is important to play and communicate with them more, but without causing the child to become overexcited. During sunny times of the day, it is important that as much light as possible penetrates into the child’s room.

Evening bathing will help improve your child's sleep if you add a few drops of valerian, lemon balm or chamomile decoction to the water. It is necessary to take into account the dosage of products for each liter of water, so as not to dry out the baby’s skin or provoke allergic reactions.

The water is heated to 37 °C; if it is cooler, this will lead to cooling and overexcitement of the child.

The environment should be familiar, there should be no new toys that could attract interest. Before putting your child to bed, you should hum the same lullaby or play a quiet melody. Repeating these actions daily will help your child understand when it is time for him to fall asleep.

The less a child sleeps during the day, the better his sleep at night.

The hyperreactivity of some children is eliminated by. There are many discussions on this topic, with some arguing for or against this method. Some children do not need it at all, while others will help them not to wake up at night from sudden movements. Each parent makes a decision on this issue independently, focusing on the advice of their pediatrician and the individual characteristics of the child.

Constantly wakes up, demanding to be fed

Night feeding is a situation that all young mothers have to face. In the first months of life, children eat little and often. The older they are, the more they eat, but the number of meals is significantly reduced. Their diet begins to include fruit and vegetable cereals, liquid cereals and soups.

Having eaten a hearty meal during the day, it is possible that sometimes the child may wake up at night and get hungry. Often this is due to a developed habit that will soon exhaust itself. When a child wakes up, you can give him water to drink instead of giving him formula or porridge. If the baby is not satisfied and does not fall asleep, it should be fed.

Young children cannot feel calm if they are hungry. To do this, they need to mature mentally and physically.

If you refuse night feedings, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Divide the required amount of food into portions and give throughout the day.
  2. Maintain a strict daily routine for your child.
  3. Feed your baby a couple of hours before bedtime.
  4. Reduce the amount of night meals or replace them with baby tea or water.
  5. Giving the child the opportunity to fall asleep on his own, leaving him in the crib in a half-asleep state -.

Sleeps soundly and rarely wakes up at night

Each child experiences this period differently. Typically, newborns sleep no longer than 4 hours. Some people can sleep through the night almost immediately without waking up from external stimuli or hunger, which is an exception. Pediatricians even advise waking up babies in such cases to feed them.

The duration of sleep in children increases by the age of six months

Sleep phases in children lengthen by 6 months with the correct daily routine and sufficient daytime activity. They can sleep up to six hours at a time, waking up in the morning to feed. Those babies who have gone through the painful period of colic, teething and getting up for nighttime meals usually sleep peacefully through the night.

The reasons for such awakenings can range from abdominal pain and teething to ordinary discomfort associated with external factors. For example, the child is lying in an uncomfortable position or his diaper is soiled.

It is necessary to create a comfortable environment to help your baby sleep soundly throughout the night:

  • ventilate the room;
  • normalize indoor humidity;
  • turn on a soothing melody.

A baby who has recently switched from breastfeeding to natural nutrition sometimes lacks his mother’s breast to calm down and fall asleep. However, subsequently, his sleep becomes much stronger, he can sleep without waking up for night feedings. It is recommended to breastfeed a child until he reaches one year of age; early weaning from mother's milk can negatively affect the baby.

The child does not sleep well at night after one year

You can come to an agreement with children older than one year and find out why they are capricious and do not want to sleep. It is important that the family has a warm, friendly atmosphere in which the child feels calm. Most often, older children's sleep is affected by nervous overexcitement or stress.

Children at this age are prone to overwork, now they are more mobile, discover a lot of new information, and their usual diet also changes. In the evening, from an overabundance of emotions and new sensations, the child gets tired, which makes it difficult for him to fall asleep and his sleep can be disturbing.

Additional information on the topic of sleep:

  • - the main reasons for such a reflex.
  • - Could this cause problems for parents in the future?

The first months of a baby's life are difficult and troublesome. Parents sleep little at night, as the child often wakes up at this time. Therefore, mom and dad are interested in when the child begins to sleep through the night, when will the quiet nights come?

Each baby has its own temperament - calm, quiet and slow, energetic or irritable. These character traits affect the sleep process of a newborn. If you know this, then you will learn to regulate your baby’s rest and daily routine. After all, some children fall asleep on their own, while others only with the help of their parents or auxiliary things. Some babies sleep soundly, regardless of extraneous sounds, while others wake up from the slightest rustling sound. Taking these factors into account, it will be much easier to cope with the baby and control the regime.

Babies up to six months sleep no more than three or four hours at a time, even at night, and at their age this is normal. Mom and dad must be prepared for such a regime and find an approach to the baby.

Most babies, starting at six months, sleep more at night - five or six hours without interruption, and wake up in the morning to feed. Mom and dad, who have survived teething, colic, colds, other illnesses, as well as constant waking up, from now on sleep longer and more peacefully.

A child's sleep, both during the day and at night, depends on his temperament

Reasons for waking up

More often, children wake up because they are hungry, since breast milk is quickly digested, but there are other reasons:

  • When teething - this can happen after three months - the baby is given a special toy that he will chew and get rid of discomfort.
  • Wet diaper. At night, put a clean, dry diaper on your baby.
  • Colic - you need to feed on time, massage, after feeding in an upright position, let the air escape.
  • Extraneous loud sounds. Over time, teach your baby to fall asleep to noise, but too loud sounds are still undesirable.
  • Runny nose . A common reason for waking up is a runny nose, which is treated only after consulting a doctor.
  • Waking up due to your own movements. To eliminate this problem, they resort to swaddling.

Remember that the baby needs rested and well-slept parents. And if mom took a nap and didn’t have time to iron clothes or cook food for dinner, then there’s nothing to worry about.

Changes in sleep process

As your child ages, their sleep patterns will gradually change.

How long does sleep last? It comes in two types - fast and slow. Fast takes half the time - 8 out of 16 hours. During the fast phase, the baby dreams, smiles, moves or frowns, the brain processes the information it received during the day. It is easier to wake up during this phase. During the deep phase, it is more difficult to wake up, since the sleep is calm and deep. At this time, the baby is growing and his immunity is strengthening.

As children grow older, they wake up less often, as the time of the slow phase increases. When a child reaches 2 years old, REM sleep time is 4-5 hours, and by 14 years old it is only 1 hour. Under no circumstances should you force your child to sleep more or less.

An adult spends more time in the slow-wave sleep phase; fast sleep takes up only 20%, which leads to lack of sleep. During the day, mother usually does not go to bed even for half an hour. And her constant waking up leads to disruption of her sleep patterns, especially if she gets up next to the baby, who is sleeping in another room.

To avoid waking up during REM sleep, go to bed earlier so you can get through it before your baby wakes up.

How does the baby sleep

There are four states of night sleep in babies: does not sleep all night; wakes up several times during the night; wakes up to eat; sleeps all night.

  • The little one doesn't sleep all night. This means that he is a night owl and has confused day and night. Mom and dad must carefully monitor the child’s daily routine, since everything depends on them. You should not let your baby sleep a lot during the day; during this time, play with him so that he stays awake. And in the evening before going to bed, you need to prepare for sleep: turn off the lights, put away the toys, take a soothing bath.
  • He sleeps soundly all night, but sometimes wakes up. The reasons lie in the fact that teeth are being cut or colic is tormenting, a wet diaper or the baby woke himself up with his movements. Ventilate the room to make the baby comfortable, and dress him in dry diapers.
  • The baby wakes up at night because he is hungry. This is a common cause of interrupted sleep. Until your baby is one year old, do not stop breastfeeding at night. You need to gradually wean your baby off night feedings. Reduce the amount of food at night, give more food during the day, and feed the baby before bed so that he remains full for a long time.
  • Sleeps all night. This case is extremely rare, but not favorable. The baby needs to be fed at night, so you will have to wake him up to eat.

The importance of sleep

Mutual support between parents helps babies sleep soundly

A newborn baby has only one main activity - sleep. Some babies sleep for days. Rest is important for a young child as the brain develops mentally, emotionally and physically during this time. The child will be calm and content only when he gets enough sleep. He will be collected, playful, have an appetite and actively communicate with his parents. How long does it take him to sleep? It depends on the age and characteristics of the baby.

To prevent your baby from waking up, provide him with comfortable conditions. Feed, put on clean linen and put on a high-quality diaper. And if the child sleeps too long during the day, then he is woken up, otherwise he will not sleep at night.

If the baby, on the contrary, does not sleep well, then he will be exhausted, irritable and whiny. He will not have the strength to fully communicate, eat and play. Lack of sleep makes the situation worse, as the child is so tired that he does not calm down and does not fall asleep. He will be able to fall asleep when he has no strength left. But such rest, shallow and intermittent, lasts half an hour. Due to sleep problems, the child will constantly have a depleted nervous system.

Every parent should know how to teach a baby to sleep through the night, how to put him to bed correctly, how to train him to sleep, how to catch the moment when a child is tired, and how not to miss a favorable time for rest.

How to teach your baby to sleep through the night

If you want your child to sleep all night, you must understand that until he reaches the age of one, it is impossible to train him. But there are ways that will make life easier for both parents and children.

  • The first thing you don’t need to do is create a dependency in your baby when he falls asleep. Give him the opportunity to fall asleep on his own, without any auxiliary things, etc. It’s not bad if the baby has a toy hanging over the crib to lull him to sleep. It’s bad to give a child such a thing, just to calm him down, because the baby must find ways to calm himself down.
  • Parents are advised to keep a sleep diary for their baby. Even if you think that the child constantly falls asleep at different times, then after observing for at least four days, you will notice that there is a certain system. This way, parents will know the baby’s rhythm and adjust their plans to it.
  • You need to accustom your baby to rituals and traditions before bed. Thanks to this, he will know what awaits him and will be ready to relax. When approaching the crib and bedroom, speak softly, slowly and calmly, close the curtains and say, for example, “Sweet dreams, baby.” After regular repetition, he will remember such things, and it will be easier for you to put him to sleep.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room and adjust the temperature to help your baby sleep more peacefully.
  • Reduce night feedings by replacing them with water. Reduce the amount of food you eat at night.

At what age will your baby begin to fall asleep throughout the night? Most children are one year old. Before this, the baby will almost always wake up at night until his daily routine is established.

Do not invite guests while your baby is falling asleep. He will feel it and will not go to bed, he will want attention, communication, and look at the guests.

After a year, the baby often wakes up

At this age, a warm atmosphere in the family is important, as the child feels tension and is nervous because of this. Parents should give him and each other their care and love. Then the baby will sleep more soundly, and his nervous system will become calmer.

If a one-year-old child has a restless night's sleep, it means he lacks attention and proper care. Disturbed rest will lead to disruptions in mental development. In this case, you need to contact a specialist to solve the problem.

Parents need to be patient and wait for the moment when their child learns to sleep through the night without disturbing mom and dad.


The problem of babies waking up frequently at night worries parents and disrupts proper rest. It is especially difficult to cope with a baby in the first months of life; you need to be patient and have endurance. Parents know that the baby will often wake up, this happens for various reasons: he is hungry, or he has colic, or because of hypertension he hit himself with a pen and was very scared, or he needs to change his diapers. In order for parents to live more peacefully, they need to properly set up the baby’s routine and keep sleep records. This makes it much easier to cope with the baby; rituals that the baby will get used to and easily fall asleep can help.



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