Intestinal air. What to do if alarming symptoms and discomfort accompanying bloating appear? The formation of gases in the abdomen is a natural physiological process

Flatulence is a process that occurs in all people. No person can avoid gas formation in the intestines. Usually, the body, in particular the intestines, gets rid of excess gases on its own, but only 90% (this is in healthy people). And in conditions of disturbed microflora in the intestines, gases begin to multiply, causing great discomfort to a person. Therefore, it is imperative to know the types of flatulence, the symptoms of increased gas formation, why it occurred and methods of treatment. Of course, you need to know how to eat properly if you have increased gas production.

What types of flatulence are there?

  1. Digestive. This type of flatulence occurs most often. It is explained by the fact that the functioning of the stomach and intestines is disrupted due to a lack of enzymes that help digest food.
  2. Mechanical. Also - dysfunction of the intestines and stomach.
  3. Dynamic. This type of flatulence is based on disruption of the intestines. With it, increased gas formation is not observed, but the movement of gases through the intestines slows down.
  4. Nutritional. The cause of such flatulence is unhealthy food: when a person eats foods that cause increased gas formation, for example, fresh cabbage.
  5. The dysbiotic type of flatulence occurs when the intestinal microflora is disrupted.
  6. In the circulatory form, the process of gas formation itself is disrupted, therefore, the release of gases is also difficult.

Gases in the intestines: causes

The causes of gas in the intestines are very simple, almost elementary. Most often, a person himself is to blame for the fact that there is increased gas formation in his body, for example, due to poor nutrition. But the fact is that flatulence can cause serious illnesses (intestinal paresis). Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in time if this problem really bothers you.

So, why do there be gases in the intestines:

The most important reason for increased gas formation is the air that is swallowed. Usually air enters the intestines, and this is normal, but there are processes in which more air is swallowed:

  1. Smoking. More air enters the body than during normal breathing
  2. Meals on the go. Everyone knows from childhood that you need to eat unimpulsively and slowly, but does everyone do this?
  3. Drinking sparkling water. A very common cause of flatulence.
  4. Amount of food eaten. The more a person eats, the more difficult it will be for him to digest it all.
  5. The quality of the food that is consumed. As already noted, cabbage can cause this problem. It is accompanied by black bread, peas and beans.
  6. Individual characteristics of the body. For example, one person may have difficulty digesting dairy products, while another, on the contrary, improves digestion after drinking milk.
  7. Frequent use of medications, especially antibiotics.
  8. A person’s emotional state affects the entire body, including the intestinal microflora.
  9. The presence of polyps is also the cause of an increased number of gases in the intestines.
  10. Diseases. Dysbacteriosis (disturbance of intestinal microflora), colitis (inflammation of the colon). Unfortunately, with these ailments, flatulence can be a constant occurrence.

Symptoms of flatulence

  1. The very first and most common symptom is abdominal pain, or discomfort, which is observed in a person for several months and decreases only after defecation.
  2. Bloating
  3. Rumbling stomach
  4. The frequency of bowel movements changes: maybe 3 times a day, or maybe 3 times a week.
  5. Difficulty in defecation.

Also, irritable bowel syndrome varies according to the nature of the stool:

  • irritable bowel syndrome with pain and excessive gas
  • IBS with constipation
  • IBS with diarrhea

Flatulence occurs in all variants of the syndrome, but in the first it is the most pronounced.

How to treat flatulence? Drug treatment or traditional medicine?

In order to treat increased gas formation in the intestines, you need to understand why it occurred. And to understand this, you need to visit a gastroenterologist, because a lack of bile in the stomach is often the cause of flatulence. If the doctor determines that the cause lies in digestive disorders, then a strict diet is prescribed (it will be described at the end of the article). Enzyme substances are also prescribed that help improve digestion due to the increased flow of pancreatic juice.

A gastroenterologist prescribes medications such as:

  1. Meteospasmil. It stabilizes intestinal function
  2. Preparations with the active ingredient – ​​simethicone (Espumizan, Bobotik, Sab Simplex)
  3. The drug with the active ingredient is simethicone + alverine citrate (Meteospasmil).

Of course, when it is determined that the bloating occurred due to taking any medications, their dose is either reduced, or it is recommended not to take the drug at all.

If a gastroenterologist excludes the possibility of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, he will refer the patient for endoscopic examination. Colonoscopy is better, since it can be used to check whether the patient has cancer.

After this, the doctor checks the patient for intestinal infections. Infections cause dysbiosis.

But if all these studies have not produced noticeable results, the patient should be referred to a neurologist. Since the mental state also plays a very important role.

The most important thing in this situation is to contact a specialist in time, because health is most important.

Treatment of flatulence using traditional medicine

  1. Chamomile decoction. Ingredients: 1 cup boiling water. A tablespoon of chamomile. Pour over the flowers and leave for half an hour. Consume before meals 2 times a day. While the patient is being treated with chamomile decoction, it is better to drink only clean water.
  2. Ginger root (powder). Take half a teaspoon 2 or 4 times a day. Should be taken after meals and washed down with 100 ml of water.
  3. The same procedure can be done with garlic powder.
  4. You can also use wormwood powder. But then the time should be taken half an hour before meals, and not 15 minutes.
  5. Sauerkraut juice. Take half a glass before meals.
  6. Cucumber juice, or cucumber pickle. Take in the same quantity as cabbage juice.
  7. You can also drink potato juice, but you can only take it in the morning, because it contains a high starch content. You can drink it only for 10 days, then take a break for the same number of days, and then, if necessary, repeat the course.
  8. Mix 5 to 7 drops of anise oil with a spoon of sugar. Take orally
  9. Boil dill seeds in an amount of 5 mg in a glass of water. Take orally hot. This is a very fast acting recipe.
  10. Nut recipe. Grind 100 g of pine nuts or walnuts together with a whole lemon. Add 30g of purified clay and honey (optional). Eat 1 spoon (tablespoon) 2 times a day. Clay plays a decisive role in this recipe, because it takes on all the toxins.

An exact answer to the question “What is the best way to treat flatulence, with medications or folk remedies?” No. But doctors do not advise treatment at home. A doctor's consultation is always required.

Diet for gas in the intestines

The main goals of the diet:

  1. Nutritious food
  2. Normalization of intestinal function
  3. Normalization of fermentation and inflammation processes in the intestines
  4. Naturally, avoiding foods that cause flatulence
  5. Normalization of microflora in the intestines

During the day, the body should receive (for flatulence):

  • proteins 110g
  • fat 50-60g
  • carbohydrates 150-200g
  • limit sugar!
  • energy value = 1600 kcal, no less.

The main rules of nutrition for flatulence:

  • Calm atmosphere when eating.
  • No need to drink when you eat
  • You need to follow a meal schedule. Then gastric juice will be released at the right time, which will prevent gas formation.
  • There is no need to chew gum, as it increases gastric motility.
  • You need to eat often, but in small portions. With this diet, nutrients are broken down better and, accordingly, are absorbed to a greater extent. Then the urge to defecate will be on time, and accordingly, “unnecessary” substances will be removed from the body without having time to rot and ferment
  • Food should be eaten warm; food should not be too hot or too cold (as the intestines may be irritated)
  • Don't forget about foods that should not be eaten together: (salty and sweet, milk and coarse fiber). These foods are difficult to digest together.
  • It is better to eat boiled rather than fried food. Stewed or steamed dishes.
  • Salt should be limited to a maximum of 8 mg per day. And liquids - at least 2 liters per day. Thanks to this, feces will be removed at the right time.

Gases in the intestines are not such a serious problem, you just need to be especially careful about your health and take the time to visit a doctor.

Formation of gases in the intestines– a natural physiological process that, when manifested intensified, worsens a person’s quality of life and causes pain. Gases in the intestines appear due to dysbiosis, dysfunction of the digestive system, abuse of heavy foods and stress. Increased gas formation can lead to the growth of cancerous tumors.

Gas occurs due to problems with the digestive system

Types of flatulence

Gas formation is divided into several types, which depend on the cause of its occurrence:

  1. Mechanical. Occurs as a result of mechanical disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, such as adhesions, tumors, strictures.
  2. Digestive. Characterized by improper functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Nutritional. Appears after excessive consumption of food containing coarse fiber, cellulose, and pectin. During their absorption, a significant amount of gases is produced in the intestines.
  4. Dysbiotic. The reason for its appearance is dysbacteriosis - a violation.
  5. Circulatory. This type of flatulence is a consequence of poor circulation in the rectum.
  6. Dynamic. It is observed in people with impaired intestinal motility.
  7. High-rise. Formed during ascent to altitude as a result of a decrease in atmospheric pressure.
  8. Psychogenic. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted due to the influence of stress, nervous and mental disorders.

Gas formation occurs for various reasons and is often accompanied by illness.

Flatulence is not always an independent disease; sometimes it is a symptom of a certain pathology. It can occur in acute and chronic forms.

Why do gases form in the intestines?

If you do not take into account gastrointestinal diseases, gas formation is promoted by:

  • swallowing air with food, smoking;
  • consumption of highly carbonated drinks;
  • introduction into the diet of foods that promote fermentation (legumes, dairy products, apples, cabbage);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • Regular constipation causes stagnation of feces along with gases.

The acute form of flatulence is pathological in nature, that is, it is a symptom of the following diseases:

  • giardiasis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • doudenite;
  • cirrhosis;
  • colitis;
  • stenosis;
  • motor impairment;
  • right ventricular failure.

This applies to an adult. If a child has a rumbling stomach, colic occurs in the first months of life - this is due to the fact that the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet sufficiently formed. Over time the problem will disappear.

How does increased gas formation manifest itself?

Abundant accumulation of gases in the intestines is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • an unpleasant feeling of fullness in the abdominal cavity;
  • profuse gas emission with an unpleasant odor.

Acute flatulence is characterized by additional symptoms: nausea, weakness, belching with an unpleasant odor.

Gases in the intestines are manifested by rumbling and a number of other symptoms.

Severe bloating is accompanied by cramps and colic in the lower abdomen.

Every Tuesday, AiF Health explains what signs may indicate that it’s time for you to see a doctor. This week we tell you what flatulence is and how increased gas formation is treated.

This phenomenon is called flatulence. Flatulence - excessive accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract due to its increased formation or impaired excretion - is one of the common syndromes of internal diseases.

It significantly complicates our lives, but despite this, many patients, “embarrassed” about their condition, do not consult a doctor.

How many are there?

There are three main sources of gas in the intestines: ingested air, gases formed in the lumen of the colon, and gases from the blood. The gastrointestinal tract contains on average about 200 ml of gas. In healthy people, about 600 ml of gases are released through the rectum every day. The unpleasant odor of these gases is associated with the presence of compounds such as indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide; they are formed in the large intestine as a result of the action of microflora on organic compounds undigested in the small intestine. The gases that accumulate in the intestines are a mucous foam that covers the surface of the intestinal mucosa with a thin layer. This, in turn, complicates parietal digestion, reduces enzyme activity and disrupts the absorption of nutrients.

What is the reason?

Flatulence is observed in practically healthy people when overeating or consuming foods whose digestion causes increased gas formation.

As a result of flatulence, extraintestinal symptoms may appear: burning in the heart area, cardiac arrhythmia, mood disorder, sleep disturbance, general weakness.

Another reason for the accumulation of gas in the small intestine can be the result of several medical and genetic problems, such as celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or inflamed bowel disease. In these cases, anatomical abnormalities occur in the intestinal wall, which cause a slowdown in the digestive process and gas absorption.

Sometimes “stress flatulence,” that is, excessive “talkativeness” of the intestines, is provoked by nervous situations that “awaken” stress hormones. Some experts even call irritable bowel syndrome “gut depression.” Interestingly, clinical depression and “gut depression” exhibit the same hormonal imbalance.

What to do?

The treatment of flatulence is based on several principles. The first is to eliminate the cause of increased gas formation. To do this, it is necessary to adjust the diet and cure existing diseases of the upper digestive tract: esophagus, stomach, bile ducts and pancreas. Conditions such as gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying) and chronic pancreatitis are treated with certain medications or supplements that contain enzymes. To diagnose these ailments, you need to undergo a colonoscopy or gastroscopy.

“Gas-hazardous” products include: sauerkraut, onions, tomatoes, apples, pears, watermelons, mushrooms, peas, milk, carbonated drinks, products that cause fermentation processes (lamb meat, black bread, raisins), as well as kvass and beer ( in which fermentation occurs independently as a result of enzymatic processes).

Organization of a balanced diet implies the exclusion of foods containing coarse fiber (cabbage, sorrel, grapes, gooseberries). Legumes and products that cause fermentation reactions (kvass, beer, carbonated water) are also excluded. Sour-milk foods, crumbly porridges (buckwheat, millet), boiled vegetables and fruits (carrots, beets), boiled meat only, wholemeal wheat bread with bran are recommended. Drinking coffee and chocolate is not recommended; you will have to give up exotic fruits. You need to eat little and often and avoid overeating. It is also worth taking into account that during a lively conversation at the table, air is swallowed with food.

Another principle of treatment is the removal of accumulated gases from the intestines. For this purpose, means are used, among which there are some known to our grandmothers: infusions of dill, fennel, caraway. You can also use absorbents that partially absorb excess gases. However, the effect of these drugs occurs after a significant period of time after administration, and together with gases they can “grab” beneficial microorganisms, minerals and vitamins.

Since one of the reasons for increased gas formation is a violation of the intestinal microflora, treatment of dysbiosis is equally important.

So, if you have flatulence, go to the doctor and strictly follow all his instructions. Some procedures are not very aesthetic and pleasant, but they are so short-term and effective that you will soon remember your “embarrassed” state with a smile.

Last Tuesday, AiF Health told

Gas formation in the intestines is a normal process of the organ. But due to the influence of certain factors, activity is disrupted, leading to excessive formation of gases. Their content is considered to be within 0.9 liters. An excess is commonly called flatulence, which accompanies a large number of gastrointestinal diseases.

Bloating may occur after eating certain foods. For example, beans, cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin and onions - they break down into carbohydrates, releasing gas.

All reasons are divided into groups:

1. Nutritional, related to dietary habits.

2. Digestive, appearing due to impaired function of enzyme secretion. This is caused by the presence of chronic pancreatitis and enteritis, which is a reason to consult a doctor.

3. Dysbiotic, when the ratio of the number of bacteria belonging to normal microflora and opportunistic microflora, called dysbiosis, is disturbed.

4. Mechanical reasons. Oncology in the intestines, worms or constipation can interfere with this process.

5. Dynamic, when intestinal innervation is impaired with decreased peristalsis. Because of this, food stagnates and fermentation begins.

6. Circulatory - with an incorrect process of absorption of gases when they are neutralized by the liver.

7. High altitude - occasionally during a decrease in pressure in the intestines, called the effect of opening champagne.

8. And such a group of reasons as dysphagia, which appears due to a malfunction of the central nervous system. This occurs after a stroke, when a person cannot swallow food normally, swallowing a lot of air that enters the stomach and intestines.

Some of the listed reasons require immediate contact with specialists to diagnose a possible serious illness and promptly respond adequately to it.


Bloating is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The reason for this is the presence of compounds such as indole, skatole and hydrogen sulfide, which appear under the influence of microflora.

Constant gas with pain in the right side indicates an exacerbation of pancreatitis. In addition to this sign, there are local symptoms that indicate impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

1. The presence of abdominal pain due to stretching of the walls.

2. Due to an excess of gases, unpleasant bloating occurs.

3. The appearance of rumbling due to mixing with liquid food.

4. Belching - gas in the stomach comes out through the oral cavity.

5. Loose stools or, conversely, constipation.

6. Flatulence is often accompanied by nausea due to digestive problems associated with the formation of toxins and unbroken foods in the intestines.

7. The release of gas from the rectum with an unpleasant odor, causing discomfort to the person (flatulation).

Common symptoms of persistent gas include:

  • Rapid pulse.
  • There may be a burning sensation in the heart area.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • The mood worsens to the point of depression and weakness appears throughout the body.

Diagnostic methods

Increased gas formation is diagnosed by clinical symptoms using the following methods:

1. Examination of feces in the laboratory for enzymatic insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract, called coprogram.

2. To confirm the imbalance of intestinal microflora, you need to do a stool culture for dysbacteriosis.

3. To see the presence of mechanical obstacles that prevent the movement of food and gases in the organ will be done by X-ray of the intestine.

4. To examine the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract with the ability to take a piece of tissue, FEGDS should be done.

5. Colonoscopy can examine the cavity of the large intestine.

If we talk about treatment after diagnosis, the main thing is to eliminate the cause that led to this condition. Medicines are prescribed according to this. If gas formation is caused by an infection in the intestines, the doctor will recommend taking antibiotics that have a wide range of effects.

For flatulence caused by dysbacteriosis, bacteriophages, lacto- and bifidobacteria are prescribed. Diagnosed enzymatic deficiency is eliminated with enzyme-containing agents. If a malignant tumor is detected in the intestine, then surgery will most likely be necessary.

In any case, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, especially if eliminating harmful foods from the diet did not have the desired effect and the problem remains.

Drug form of therapy

1. Defoamers based on simethicone can cure gas formation. These include Baby Calm, Espumisan (taken after meals), Dysphagyl, Dimethicone and others.

2. Drugs that absorb both gas bubbles and all toxins from the intestines are called enterosorbents - these are Phosphalugel (drink after meals), Polysorb, Carbulose, simple activated carbon.

3. Cerucal tablets with Motilium can strengthen intestinal motility.

4. Natural remedies are dill decoction and Plantex tea, drink them after meals.

5. Enzyme preparations that improve digestion processes: Creon, Pancreatin, Unienzyme.

6. Enterosgel, produced in Russia, is considered a new adsorbent agent. The basis of the treatment is a substance that absorbs all harmful microelements like a sponge. Its peculiarity lies in its absolute harmlessness and the ability to be taken, if necessary, with other medications.

  • About Motilium - available in tablets, suspension and absorbable lozenges. In the latter option, there is no need to use water, since the drug dissolves in the mouth instantly.
  • Phosphalugel is a homogeneous gel with an orange flavor with a white or milky tint. For treatment, it should be taken with water – washed down, not diluted. Used from 6 years of age.
  • Unienzyme is an enzymatic agent that improves digestion processes. Taking it after 20 minutes relieves unpleasant symptoms.

It is necessary to reconsider the daily diet, because flatulence may be associated precisely with the consumption of any foods that cause it. But if you follow a diet and the problem does not go away, you need to seek help from a specialist, as this indicates the development of the disease, which will require more serious treatment.

You can cure increased formation of gases in the intestines without the use of tablets, simply by following simple rules:

  • Drink enough water.
  • Eating should be slow and thoroughly chewed.
  • Do not consume carbonated drinks, chewing gum or baked goods.

About unconventional means

How to get rid of gas using traditional methods? If a person refuses to take pills for personal reasons, other methods can be used.

1. An infusion of flaxseed or chamomile herbs (flowers) provides excellent treatment.

2. If there is a simultaneous problem with the liver, in order to get rid of gas formation on your own, make a buttercup tincture or, in other words, Night Blindness. The drink also reduces the amount of gases and normalizes liver function.

3. Peppermint and ginger will help get rid of flatulence, while at the same time restoring intestinal function.

4. Dill, coriander and cumin are excellent treatments. Traditional medicine is rich in a variety of methods for eliminating this disease, including grandmother’s secrets:

  • Between meals, you should drink sage infusion.
  • To get rid of excessive gas, it is recommended to make tea that includes chamomile, immortelle, dill seed and peppermint.
  • Treatment can be done with infused crushed calamus root.

5. Recipe for making black salt - take black bread (crumb) and fill it with salt, then knead the dough by adding water. Then it needs to be baked until black. Grate the cooled flatbread and use the resulting salt instead of store-bought salt.

6. Nuts can also reduce gas formation – mix walnuts and pine nuts with lemon and then chop. Add purified clay with honey. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

The importance of a balanced diet

First you need to find out the cause of flatulence, ruling out serious diseases. By removing all harmful foods from your diet, you can improve your intestinal function without taking pills. The greatest harm to the intestines in terms of gas formation are carbohydrates, dietary fiber and starch. There are a lot of carbohydrates in the following foods:

  • Lots of vegetables, as well as pastries and dietary dishes.
  • A variety of fruits, sweet juices and soft drinks.
  • Milk can cause flatulence if you are intolerant to it.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, including water, herbal teas and juices (freshly squeezed). It is necessary to add to your daily diet products made from sour milk, cereals (buckwheat, millet and others) in loose form, as well as boiled vegetables (carrots and beets).

You should not overeat and talk while eating - this will also cause excessive gas formation. Eliminate fatty foods, coffee with chocolate and exotic fruits from your diet. If the cause of flatulence is poor digestion, you will need to consume only rice porridge with water, mint tea without sugar and mineral water without gases for one day.

Strong physical exercise has a positive effect on the intestines. At the same time, the whole body will say “thank you” to you, as your mood will rise, your body will take on excellent shape and life will sparkle with new colors.

It’s not a pleasant feeling when gases begin to accumulate in the intestines and the stomach begins to rage. The problem is familiar to many and before starting treatment, it is important to understand its cause.

Most often, such an imbalance in the intestines occurs due to non-compliance with the diet or the development of an inflammatory process in the digestive tract. Knowing the symptoms and provoking factors, it will not be difficult to get rid of gas formation in the intestines.

Causes of gas formation in the intestines

The reasons for severe and increased gas formation in the intestines can be different: not so dangerous, when you just need to reconsider your diet, or quite serious factors in the development of the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases, for which it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis.

Normally, intestinal gases should be excreted in a volume of up to 1.5 liters per day. If there is a violation, the volume increases almost 2 times, foul-smelling gases begin to escape, are released into the intestines in abnormal amounts, and make sharp sounds or flatus, which indicates a dysfunction in the digestive system.

A common cause of gas formation in the intestines is swallowing air during inhalation or with food.

The mechanism of gas formation, provoked by one factor or another, leads to the uncontrolled release of gas in the digestive system. Patients develop:

  • pain in the intestines from gases;
  • signs of nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal gases composed of air swallowed by a person, mixed with foods, drinks and microorganisms.

As this content accumulates in the intestines, an imbalance is created, the stomach becomes distended and swollen, and serious discomfort appears. The situation can be aggravated by bad habits, smoking, alcohol abuse, improper dry eating or on the run, poor circulation or failure of metabolic processes.

Food begins to move through the gastrointestinal tract with difficulty; swallowed bacteria and viruses lead to bubbling, rumbling, bloating and colic. As a result, feces accumulate due to the inability to quickly exit, and foul-smelling gases begin to pass away.

Types of flatulence

The type of flatulence directly depends on the provoking factors of its development. The main types include:

  • circulatory, contributing to impaired blood circulation in the intestinal walls;
  • high-altitude, which occurs against the background of exposure to changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • degestive - with a lack of secreted bile and food enzymes, leading to disruption of the digestive processes;
  • dietary - with the accumulation of microbes involved in the digestion process, and leading to disruption of the microflora;
  • microbial - when infected with intestinal, anaerobic, streptococcal bacillus, leading to dysbacteriosis;
  • mechanical - increased against the background of the development and reproduction of helminths, leading to bloating, stretching of the walls of the rectum, accumulation of gases and even development, when shapeless petrified feces begin to pass, colic and pain in the lower abdomen are observed;
  • nutritional - in case of swallowing air with food;
  • dynamic, arising against the background of decreased peristalsis, the inability to push food masses through the intestines in full, leading to the activation of fermentation processes and, ultimately, the accumulation of gases.

What causes gas in the intestines?

One or a combination of factors provokes gas formation in the intestines.

As a rule, flatulence occurs due to:

  • insufficient production of enzymes;
  • incomplete breakdown of food;
  • production of gas bubbles against the background of the development of enteritis;
  • violations of the volume of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in percentage terms;
  • proliferation of anaerobic bacteria, leading to gas pollution, a decrease in the number of contractions in the intestinal walls;
  • accumulation of food waste in the body;
  • low atmospheric pressure, which leads to severe gas pollution in the abdomen, impaired peristalsis and absorption in the intestine;
  • liver diseases, which are no longer able to fully neutralize all emissions in the intestines;
  • violations of swallowing functions, when a person swallows gases along with food;
  • taking a number of foods that release large amounts of gases during digestion in the stomach - grapes, potatoes, legumes, beans, fresh bread, dairy foods - all this causes fermentation, impaired intestinal absorption, and inability to neutralize the contents of the liver cells.

The intestines simply do not have time to empty themselves in a timely manner, which leads to the accumulation of feces, stretching of the walls, swelling, and bloating of the abdomen.


The accumulation of gases in the intestines leads to obvious signs of flatulence, which indicates a violation of intestinal motility and functions and causes unpleasant symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • belching when the contents are thrown back into the stomach;
  • increased gas formation after eating;
  • the appearance of sounds in the stomach when mixing products;
  • followed by diarrhea due to constant accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • distension of the intestinal walls, when a distended intestine is diagnosed diagnostically;
  • motor impairment;
  • general weakness, insomnia, worsening mood, apathy, lethargy.

Risk factors

People at risk of developing gas in the intestines:

  • those who abuse smoking, alcohol, carbonated drinks, sweet foods, and baked goods;
  • eating improperly, on the run, on dry food;
  • not following a diet;
  • constantly swallowing air when eating or drinking;
  • those who abuse high-carbon foods;
  • often taking beans and beans.

In addition, the problem is caused by microorganisms. When they enter first the stomach and then the intestines, they inevitably lead to fermentation processes and gas formation.

Which doctor should I contact if I am worried about gas?

If symptoms begin to appear frequently and disrupt the usual rhythm of life, then it’s time to contact a gastroenterologist, get tested, and undergo diagnostic procedures. It is important to understand that by triggering gas formation and not taking any measures, you can greatly complicate the situation, acquire a serious illness and even oncology.


If one of the above symptoms appears, do not hesitate to go to the clinic. Of course, such an ailment can be individual in nature and it is enough to establish proper nutrition during gas formation in the intestines, and everything will return to normal.

However, if there is constant gas in the intestines, unpleasant symptoms have become regular, bother you at night, make you nervous and have already led to shyness just to appear in public and in society, then in order to avoid the development of serious inflammatory processes in the intestines, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics.

The specialist will first conduct a visual examination of the gastrointestinal mucosa using an endoscope by inserting a tube with a camera and a lighting device into the cavity.

  • delivery of bacteria that can lead to infection in the intestines;
  • biopsy to take tissue samples for study;
  • colonoscopy, which is performed by inserting a tube with a camera into the cavity of the large intestine;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • conducting special tests to identify the percentage ratio between beneficial and pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which can lead to severe dysbiosis.

Treatment for bloating

Many people with flatulence are interested in how to treat bloating and how to eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines at home. You can cope with these problems with proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

If non-drug approaches are not able to radically alleviate the patient’s condition, medications must be used. The choice of the appropriate drug is made by a doctor who takes into account the causes of bloating.


Proper nutrition is the main method of combating bloating and this is what you need to try before treating bloating with medications. It's no secret that certain foods increase the formation of gases in the intestines. Their use leads to a worsening of bloating symptoms.

These products include:

  • Beans.
  • Cabbage.
  • Legumes (peas, soybeans).
  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Lentils.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Raisin.

When they are consumed, the stomach begins to swell more. Increased gas formation can also be caused by the consumption of insoluble fiber, which is found mainly in whole grain products.

Patients with bloating should try:

  • Eat small portions, spreading your meals throughout the day. Instead of three, you can try eating five times a day.
  • Eat more slowly, without haste.
  • Avoid eating foods that overstimulate the intestines, and avoid fatty and fried foods.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Limit consumption of coffee and tea.
  • Reduce consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Scientists have found that in people with bloating, foods containing short-chain carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides) may worsen the condition. These substances are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and are quickly fermented by bacteria, releasing large amounts of gases.

Foods rich in short chain carbohydrates:

  • Apples.
  • Artichoke.
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • Beans.
  • Cashew.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Corn syrup.
  • Ice cream.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Pistachios.
  • Watermelon.
  • Products made from wheat, barley or rye.

Low chain carbohydrate foods:

  • Almond, coconut, rice and soy milk.
  • Bananas.
  • Blueberry.
  • Carrot.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Grape.
  • Oats.
  • Potato.
  • Spinach, kale and other leafy vegetables.
  • Tangerines.
  • Tomatoes.

Antifoaming agents

One of the first drugs used to treat flatulence and bloating was the antifoam agent Simethicone, which is a silicone derivative and a surfactant. Scientific studies have shown that Simethicone, which is the active ingredient in a number of drugs, significantly reduces the frequency and severity of symptoms of bloating in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and other functional diseases of the digestive tract.

Simethicone is an antifoaming agent that reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to coalesce into larger bubbles. This allows gas to pass out of the intestines more easily. Simethicone does not reduce or prevent the formation of gases in the digestive tract; it improves its elimination from the intestines.

This drug has been successfully used for many years to treat bloating in adults and children. Side effects from its use in recommended doses are very rare.


The most famous enterosorbent is Activated carbon. It is a black powder that has excellent absorption properties and can limit the toxicity of many chemicals that enter the digestive tract. Activated carbon is often used for poisoning.

The drug can absorb not only toxic substances, but also less harmful acids and gases that accumulate in the intestines. They can cause stomach upset and bloating. Activated carbon tablets absorb these gases, thereby reducing the symptoms of flatulence.

Activated carbon and other enterosorbents can absorb beneficial nutrients with the same efficiency as toxins. Therefore, these drugs should not be taken for the permanent treatment of bloating. It is necessary to carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding the dose and frequency of taking enterosorbents.

Side effects of these medications may include vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. It is also recommended to take a break of several hours between taking enterosorbents and any other medications.

Treatment with such drugs is most often prescribed for a combination of bloating and diarrhea.

Medicines that affect intestinal motility

They can be divided into two groups:

  • enhancing agents (prokinetics);
  • agents that weaken motor skills (antispasmodics).

Prokinetics are traditionally used to treat bloating. They increase the frequency and strength of contractions of the intestinal muscles without disturbing their rhythm. Metoclopramide and Domperidone are most often prescribed, but the effectiveness of these drugs for flatulence remains low.

The drugs used for irritable bowel syndrome - Linaclotide and Lubiprostone - are more active. These medications are best used to treat a combination of bloating and constipation, as they are potent.


Sometimes bloating is caused by an overgrowth of pathological bacteria in the intestines. In such cases, doctors may prescribe treatment with antibiotics, which are not absorbed into the bloodstream from the digestive tract. Rifaximin is most often used in such situations. Studies have shown that taking this drug significantly improves the condition of patients with bloating due to irritable bowel syndrome. Since any antibiotic can cause serious side effects, the course of treatment with them should be as short as possible.


Changes in the normal composition of intestinal microflora can lead to bloating, so many doctors believe that restoring it with the help of probiotics will alleviate the condition of patients with this problem.

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are considered the most useful. Most often, patients with bloating are prescribed Linex, Hilak, Enterozermina, Biosporin.


If bloating is accompanied by abdominal cramps, antispasmodics may help. Some patients consider these drugs to be the main method of treating cramping pain and bloating, while for others they do not help at all. These drugs include Drotaverine (No-shpa) and Mebevirine.

Herbal preparations

The most famous carminative of plant origin is dill seeds. Modern scientific studies studying the properties of this product have shown that the high content of volatile oils is responsible for these beneficial properties. The substances anethole, fenchol and estragole have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which they relax the intestinal muscles and allow gases to leave it. Volatile oils are also believed to stimulate excretion and improve digestion.

Examples of preparations based on dill seeds:

  • Plantex.
  • Dill water.
  • Baby Calm.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many people firmly believe in traditional methods of treatment. They are often interested in how to cure bloating in the abdomen and intestines at home without the use of medications.

Treatment of bloating in adults with folk remedies can be effective, especially with proper nutrition.

The means used include:

  • Dill seeds. You can chew a few seeds after each meal or brew tea from 1 teaspoon of seeds and drink 2 times a day.
  • Peppermint. Contains menthol oil, which has an antispasmodic effect. You can chew fresh mint leaves or make mint tea and drink it 2-3 times a day.
  • Ginger. Contains several active ingredients, including carminative compounds, which help relieve bloating. You can brew tea from 5-6 thin pieces of ginger, add a little honey and lemon to it, drink 2-3 times a day.
  • Chamomile tea. Has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

Treatment of bloating in newborns

The accumulation of gases in the intestines is the main cause of colic in young children. Newborns may swallow air when they eat, suck on a pacifier, or cry.

Treatment and prevention of bloating in newborns includes the following measures:

  • Changing the baby's position during feeding. It is necessary that its head is above the level of the stomach. It is important to ensure that when artificial feeding the baby does not swallow air from the bottle.
  • Burping air is one of the easiest ways to combat bloating in newborns. After feeding, you need to carry the baby upright for several minutes.
  • Replacement nipples for feeding. To reduce air swallowing, use nipples with a small hole.
  • Massage the tummy, bending the legs towards the stomach.
  • Changes in diet. Some parents give their babies fruit juice, which is difficult to digest. You should carefully study the mother's diet if the child is breastfed. Dairy products and caffeine should be excluded from it.

If these tips do not help your child get rid of bloating, your doctor may prescribe medication. The most commonly used are Simethicone and preparations based on dill seeds. If you are intolerant to lactose (milk sugar found in dairy products and formula), you may need a lactose-free diet or the use of lactase (an enzyme that breaks down lactose).


The accumulation of gases in the intestines is directly related to poor nutrition. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man is what he eats. To avoid troubles of this kind, you need to eat foods that help reduce signs of flatulence and do not lead to constipation, gas accumulation, bloating and pain in the abdomen.

In order to prevent constipation, diarrhea, the development of infectious diseases and a malignant tumor (which forms sooner and later if you abuse harmful foods) in the intestines you need:

  • get used to eating right;
  • avoid snacking on the run and do not eat dry food;
  • drink clean water;
  • stop drinking alcohol, smoking, carbonated drinks;
  • do gymnastics and dose physical activity;
  • Avoid eating gas-forming foods;
  • It is advisable to eat in small portions and more often - up to 6 times a day;
  • Do not swallow food in large pieces; this can lead to swelling of the intestinal walls and infection with viruses and bacteria.

Life is movement, and the human body is what it eats. A diet to avoid the development of flatulence and accumulation of gases in the intestines is an important component of the entire treatment process.

Most often, the problem of increased gas formation in the intestines can be solved by normalizing nutrition, quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and including at least minimal physical activity in the daily routine. If all these measures do not bring relief, you should consult a doctor, because increased gas formation can also be a symptom of serious illnesses.



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