Intestinal colic in adults and newborns - the essence of the phenomenon, symptoms, treatment, remedies for colic, massage, diet (foods that cause colic). What intestinal diseases cause colic? Causes of bloating and severe colic in the abdomen, their treatment When colic

They occur not only in infants, but also in adults. The cause of this process may be a disease of the digestive system. What do attacks in the abdominal area indicate and how to treat this pathological process? We'll tell you.

Bloating and colic in the abdomen can act as a signal of problems with the digestive tract. If these symptoms occur, you must immediately consult a specialist and identify the cause.

Abdominal colic in adults with such causes is manifested not only by diarrhea, but also by flatulence, increased temperature, cough, runny nose, painful sensations in the abdomen, and redness in the throat.

Pain in the muscle structures in the abdominal wall can intensify during physical activity. This makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. In such situations, you need to consult a surgeon.

Colic may indicate intestinal obstruction, impaired motility, stretching of intestinal loops, accumulation of feces, mechanical obstructions. Unpleasant symptoms may occur as a result of heavy lifting or excessive physical activity.

A woman may feel pressure on her stomach during pregnancy. This process is associated with the active growth of the uterine cavity. Against this background, gastric juice rises up the esophagus, causing not only colic, but also heartburn, nausea, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

There are many reasons for this process, and only the attending physician can determine it.

Symptoms of abdominal colic

Severe abdominal cramps in an adult may indicate a serious problem. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to additional symptoms such as:

  • attacks of acute, unbearable painful sensations. They are often accompanied by spasms. In men, an unpleasant feeling can radiate to the groin area. In women, it affects the genitals. When palpating the abdomen, the muscle structures do not tense. But the patient complains of severe colic in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Such phenomena are most often observed with gastritis;
  • diarrhea, the presence of mucus in the intestinal tract;
  • weakness, aversion to food, deterioration of general condition.

Abdominal bloating and colic in adults can signal acute intestinal obstruction. Then pain of a cramping and excruciating nature will be observed. With further deterioration of the condition, vomiting begins. First, the impurities contain food particles, then bile and feces. In such situations, a person’s skin begins to turn pale, he becomes lethargic, and cold sweat appears. This process requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Classification of abdominal colic

Colic occurs not only in infants, but also in adults. They are usually divided into several types:

  1. Rectal colic. This process will be accompanied by false and painful urges to empty the intestinal tract.
  2. Colic of the appendicular type. This process is observed in the first hours of acute appendicitis. It is characterized by an increasing, strong, painful sensation in the iliac region on the right side.
  3. Colic of a lead character. This phenomenon is observed in lead poisoning. It manifests itself as symptoms in the form of cramping pain in the abdominal area, tension in the muscle structures in the abdominal cavity, increased temperature, bleeding from the gums, and gray plaque on the teeth. This process is observed in those people who work in hazardous industries.
  4. Renal colic. If a patient experiences such colic in the abdomen, the symptoms will manifest themselves in intense pain that radiates to the groin and lumbar region. Discomfort may increase during physical activity and be accompanied by an increase in temperature values. The patient's blood pressure drops sharply, causing him to feel dizzy and weak.
  5. Liver colic. Discomfort manifests itself in the right hypochondrium and radiates to the shoulder region. A bitter taste appears in the mouth. Nausea and vomiting mixed with bile may occur. This process occurs with gallstone disease or acute cholecystitis.
  6. Pancreatic colic. Occurs during pathological processes in the pancreas. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea,. First, a painful sensation is observed in the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the left. Then it becomes encircling.

If colic occurs in the abdomen, it is very difficult to determine the causes on your own. The symptoms are similar, and therefore it will not be possible to identify the affected area without diagnosis.

Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal colic

When colic in the stomach occurs after eating, you need to urgently consult a doctor and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Based on the complaints, the doctor will prescribe an examination.

It is as follows:

  • donating blood and stool urine for analysis;
  • performing ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal area;
  • sigmoidoscopy. Using a special device, the inside of the rectum is examined. This method helps to discern hemorrhoids, fecal stones and ulcers;
  • colonoscopy. The inside of the small and large intestines is examined;
  • CT scan. This technique is used if there is a suspicion of a tumor or damage to internal organs.

Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Antispasmodics in the form of No-shpa or Drotaverine will help get rid of pain and spasms. As first aid, injections with Atropine, Papaverine or Diphenhydramine can be given.

In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to relieve not only pain, but also eliminate vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and dehydration. The following group of drugs will help with this.

  1. Regidron. The powder from which the solution is made. It is taken to prevent dehydration.
  2. Sorbents in the form of Smecta, Enterosgel, Activated carbon, Neo-smectin. They remove harmful substances from the body and normalize stool.
  3. To restore the flora in the intestinal canal, prebiotics and probiotics in the form of Linex, Normabact, Bifiform will help.
  4. Enzyme agents help improve intestinal motility and prevent enzyme deficiency due to pancreatitis.

To prevent the development of intestinal colic, you need to think about maintaining proper nutrition. You should exclude unhealthy foods from your diet: fried and fatty foods, fast foods, processed foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

If there is colic in the abdomen, then you need to stop eating food for several days. But at the same time it is worth observing drinking and bed rest.

When the first symptoms occur, you should urgently consult a specialist, as this symptom indicates the development of a serious illness.

Quite often we are faced with the occurrence of sharp and intense abdominal pain; colic and stomach discomfort in adults can arise for a number of reasons. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract occupies one of the leading places in the structure of morbidity and seeking medical care in both children and adults. Intestinal colic, first of all, is a separate symptom that has no specificity and occurs in a wide range of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Differential diagnosis of gastric colic causes certain difficulties and requires a high level of clinical knowledge from a specialist.

Medical certificate

The term “colic” is translated from Greek as intestinal disease. In the modern understanding, colic means a severe, intense pain syndrome of a paroxysmal nature. Colic can be a symptom of organ disease not only of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system, but also of the kidneys due to urolithiasis. However, most often this symptom appears in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Very often, colic occurs in the upper parts of the digestive system, namely in the stomach.

Reasons and factors

The appearance of colic and stomach pain in adults is associated with a number of reasons. First of all, the appearance of pain syndrome is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition. Below are just the main frequently encountered factors:

  • Systematic consumption of smoked, fried and fatty foods in large quantities.
  • Frequent stressful situations and psycho-emotional stress.
  • Increased tone of the nervous system and mild forms of mental disorders, for example, subdepression or neurosis.
  • Drinking strong alcoholic drinks or large amounts of carbonated water and soft drinks.
  • Rare meals – less than three times a day.
  • Eating stale food contaminated with bacteria can cause the development of foodborne illnesses.

As mentioned above, colic is a symptom characteristic of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases that can lead to colic or pain in the stomach include:

  • Gastritis, bulbitis and duodenitis.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Stenosis of the antrum of the stomach.

Unlike discomfort and ordinary pain in the stomach, with colic the pain is paroxysmal in nature with a high degree of pain intensity. It is also important to note that in most cases the patient cannot accurately indicate the location of pain, and points to the entire abdominal area. It is important to correctly distinguish colic due to diseases of the stomach, for example, as a result of spasm of smooth muscle tissue, from colic associated with a disease of the small or large intestine. Gastric colic occurs only in the pathological conditions described above.

Note! Colic in the upper gastrointestinal tract does not occur with stomach cancer, since often before the formation of pronounced advanced stages, stomach cancer has a practically asymptomatic course, and in the presence of tumor decay, the pain is constant and cannot in any way be interpreted as colic.

The most common functional pathology. Colic in this case occurs as a result of severe stomach spasm and impaired evacuation function. Spasm leads to a decrease in the volume of the stomach and stagnation of the contents. During a spasm or contraction of the muscular layer of the stomach, spasm of the gastric arteries, which bring oxygen to its walls, also occurs; as a result of spasm of the gastric arteries, oxygen saturation of its walls is disrupted, which is what causes the pain syndrome characteristic of colic. The pain during spasm is intense, cramping and has a short duration.

The inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa or gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. Gastritis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by periods of remission and exacerbations. In the acute phase, gastritis leads to the development of pain, which can be of a very diverse nature and depends on the individual functional characteristics of each person’s body. Gastritis may also be accompanied by stomach colic. Intense colic may be a sign of the development of a peptic ulcer, so if such a symptom occurs, do not sit idly by.

As for bulbitis and duodenitis, this is, respectively, inflammation of the duodenal bulb and the intestine itself. Almost always, bulbitis and duodenitis are detected together with gastritis, which gives the right to call such a pathology the term “gastroduodenitis”.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

It is the formation of ulcers that often causes gastric colic. The effect of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice enzymes on the submucosal and muscular layer of the stomach leads to severe spasm and irritation of the nerve endings innervating the stomach. All this leads to pain typical of colic.

Gastric stenosis

Stenosis translated from Latin means narrowing. Most often, gastric stenosis occurs when there is cicatricial deformation as a result of a patient’s long-standing peptic ulcer. Most often, a narrowing forms in the outlet section of the stomach and leads to difficulty in the passage of food masses from the stomach to the underlying sections of the gastrointestinal tract. In the case of gastric stenosis, colic occurs when consuming large amounts of food. Food eaten and mechanically poorly processed does not have time to be completely digested in the stomach and causes spasms, as well as the development of pain.

Treatment of colic

Why is it important to treat a specific disease rather than a symptom of colic? It is worth immediately noting that it is not colic that needs to be treated, since this is just a separate symptom of a disease, but directly the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract itself that caused this symptom. Treatment should first of all be aimed at eliminating the pathogenetic mechanism that led to the development of the disease, and only then the symptomatic one, i.e. aimed at individual symptoms, for example, colic. Only by removing the immediate factors and the cause that caused the disease can you fully get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Treatment of individual symptoms leads to hidden progression of the disease and the development of complications up to a threat to life.

Important! To clarify the disease, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnostic study. Only after this can effective pathogenetic therapy begin.

Pathogenetic treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease. The primary cause of pain in the upper abdomen is the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes on the walls of the stomach, which leads to the development of gastritis, peptic ulcers and dyskinesia. The following principles of treatment of these diseases are distinguished:

  • Protecting the walls of the stomach from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid. For this purpose, antacids and coating preparations based on aluminum hydroxide are used, for example: Almagel, Gaviscon, Maalox.
  • Proton pump inhibitors, i.e. drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The most common include: Omeprozole or Omez, Pariet and others.
  • Antibacterial drugs. If gastritis and peptic ulcers are associated with Helicobacter Pylori, then a course of antibiotics must be included in the main pharmacotherapy. The most commonly used antibiotics are Amoxicillin or Tetracycline. The use of an antimicrobial drug, Metranidozole, must be added to antibacterial therapy.
  • What to do to prevent the development of intestinal or stomach colic?

    It is important to remember that problems in the intestines are almost always chronic, which means that to maintain remission, constant adherence to some simple recommendations is necessary.

    • Rational and balanced nutrition.
    • Avoiding spicy foods, fatty foods, alcohol and limiting the consumption of soda.
    • Correct work and rest schedule.
    • Avoiding stressful situations.
    • To give up smoking.

    By following these simple recommendations, you can protect yourself from the development of the above diseases and their symptoms, and if you have a disease, you can significantly slow down its progression. Once again, it is important to emphasize that staying at home, using dubious traditional methods of treatment and self-medicating is a very bad plan of action. Only a qualified, competent approach from a specialist with knowledge in this field will help clarify the situation. Colic in the stomach and intestines is not just an unpleasant, but a dangerous symptom that can indicate both superficial erosive gastritis and a complicated ulcer. If such a symptom occurs, do not be lazy or hesitate, contact a clinic or hospital for advice.

Intestinal colic is an attack of acute pain (muscle spasm), the intensity of which can increase or disappear on its own. Very often, painful sensations end with the urge to defecate or the release of gas. The occurrence of pathology is associated with a sharp contraction of the intestinal walls.

Intestinal colic is not an independent disease; it is a complication that signals a disruption in normal functioning or the development of any diseases in the digestive tract.

Causes of intestinal colic

The etiology of the development of the disease is diverse. Pathology can be caused by many different factors, both internal and external. Unpleasant, painful sensations arise as a result of certain pathological conditions and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, stomach ulcers, non-infectious colitis, disorders of the liver and pancreas disrupt the normal functioning of organs, food is poorly digested. And, entering the small intestine in a large volume, it provokes the development of intestinal colic;
  • poisoning – food, plant poisons, chemicals, salts of heavy metals;
  • intestinal infections - dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, typhoid fever;
  • unbalanced diet, in particular abuse and fermentation in the intestines, gas-containing drinks after meals (yeast baked goods, kvass, lemonades, products with a high content of lactic acids, for example, sauerkraut). In case of intestinal colic, it is strictly forbidden to introduce them into the diet;
  • helminth infection;
  • viral infections – acute respiratory infections, ARVI, sore throat, “intestinal flu”;
  • acute intestinal obstruction (tumor proliferation, etc.) intestinal colic occurs as a result of the “struggle” of the intestinal muscles with insurmountable obstacles to the movement of feces.

External factors that can trigger intestinal colic include:

  • mechanical injuries, blows to the abdominal cavity and as a consequence;
  • stressful situations, severe psycho-emotional trauma (increased nervous excitability, in which excitement spreads to the intestines, this is a congenital anomaly that is not the norm);
  • postoperative interventions or complications after surgery on the abdominal organs also often cause intestinal colic. At risk are adults over 40 years of age (both men and women) who have undergone abdominal surgery, have adhesions on the abdomen, and patients complaining of chronic constipation and intestinal bleeding.

In this case, intestinal colic can occur simultaneously and go away on its own, which often happens in overly excited people during public speaking, passing exams, etc., if the spasm is caused by a stressful situation. In other cases, intestinal colic in adults appears periodically, often with increasing intensity of pain, which requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

Symptoms and clinical manifestations

In medicine, there are several types of pathology

Type of colic Characteristic signs
Appendiceal colic is most often the first sign of acute appendicitis.
  • a severe attack of pain occurs suddenly;
  • the pain is localized in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen (inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the colon occurs);
  • Over time, the pain intensifies.
Rectal (rectal) colic
  • acute pain occurs in the rectal area;
  • Over time, the attacks become stronger;
  • Along with the pain, there is a painful urge to empty the bowel.
Lead colic - appears as a result of lead poisoning in the body, often as a result of working in hazardous industries.
  • acute attacks of excruciating pain, causing severe tension in the anterior abdominal wall;
  • cramping pain;
  • periods of rest become shorter over time;
  • the gums bleed and a whitish coating appears on them;
  • Body temperature rises to 40 0 ​​C.

With intestinal colic of this type, the patient requires emergency care.

Vascular colic is the main cause of this type of intestinal colic; it is insufficient blood supply to the intestinal muscle tissue (tumors, polyps, adhesions, vein thrombosis).
  • at the very beginning, the pain may be mild and aching;
  • over time, the pain intensifies;
  • with oxygen starvation in the tissues, an attack of acute pain occurs, covering the entire abdominal cavity.

Despite the underlying causes that caused the painful spasms, the main symptoms are always sudden, cramping pain in the abdominal area, which only intensifies over time.

They appear after eating, but in gastroenterological diseases they can begin suddenly on an “empty stomach”, regardless of the time of day.

Muscle spasm may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • with a prolonged attack, the pain radiates to the groin area, to the lower back, to the tailbone, and it may feel like it covers the entire abdominal cavity;
  • prolonged spasm interferes with the normal passage of gases and feces, resulting in severe bloating, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, belching (if intestinal colic develops against the background of gastritis or stomach ulcers);
  • in some cases, a sharp increase in blood pressure may occur (except in the case of intestinal obstruction, in this situation the pressure, on the contrary, decreases);
  • the patient feels a loss of strength, his condition worsens every hour (the clinical picture is typical for intestinal colic that occurs against the background of acute intestinal obstruction);
  • stool disorder occurs: diarrhea mixed with blood, mucus or constipation;
  • Body temperature can rise during a spasm only in cases where it is caused by viral or intestinal infections, as well as poisoning.

If a person’s condition worsens from the moment the attack begins, medical help should be immediately called, since only a specialist can determine the cause of such a condition. It should be remembered that such dangerous conditions as intestinal obstruction, poisoning, dysentery (severe stage) require immediate treatment. In its absence, the risk of death increases.


Considering that intestinal colic is not an independent disease, but rather a consequence of multiple pathologies in the body, the specialist conducts a detailed diagnosis. This is necessary to determine the true cause that provoked the spasm of muscle tissue. The initial diagnosis is established by interviewing the patient, during which complaints and symptoms are analyzed. Along with this, the doctor conducts a physiological examination and palpation of the abdominal organs.

The final diagnosis is made based on the results of the following procedures:

  • Gastroduodenoscopy is an endoscopic examination in which a visual examination of the organs of the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, duodenum) is performed in order to identify possible abnormalities in the functioning of these organs that disrupt normal digestion and provoke the development of intestinal colic.
  • Cholecystography is the diagnosis of the gallbladder using X-rays and a contrast agent to identify possible abnormalities in the structure and function of the gallbladder.
  • – examination of the large intestine using an endoscope. During diagnosis, one can detect such anomalies as inflammation of the mucous tissue of the intestinal walls, neoplasms of various types, diverticulitis, ulcerations in the mucous layer, narrowing of the intestinal ducts caused by the inflammatory process.
  • – examination of the rectum and sigmoid intestine to identify various anomalies (tumors, ulcers, inflammatory processes, adhesions, etc.).
  • MRI, ultrasound, CT – are carried out for visual examination and identification of various pathologies and anomalies in the structure and functioning of organs.
  • A general blood test is prescribed to identify the inflammatory process and possible anemia.
  • A general urine test is carried out to identify possible malfunctions of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.
  • – special attention is paid to this type of diagnosis when intestinal colic occurs. In the laboratory, the biomaterial is tested for enzyme activity, the presence of helminthic infestations, intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.

Based on the diagnostic results, the specialist chooses a treatment tactic that is acceptable to the patient.

Treatment of the disease

Considering the numerous options for the occurrence and development of pathology, the treatment prescribed by a specialist may be based on completely opposite, in fact, effects, depending on the cause that caused the painful condition. In this case, a mandatory element of treatment is a special diet and medication. Surgical intervention becomes mandatory only in critical condition of the patient with acute intestinal obstruction.

First aid for intestinal colic

When very painful spasms appear, it is necessary to alleviate the patient’s condition as soon as possible. In this case, you should definitely seek medical help, because after an acute attack of pain is relieved, the patient must be under the supervision of a specialist who will identify the symptoms and be able to select the correct treatment for intestinal colic. One should also take into account the fact that an intestinal infection requires hospitalization of the patient in an infectious diseases hospital, and acute intestinal obstruction requires emergency surgical intervention. Any delay in both cases increases the risk of death.

In order to eliminate excruciating pain at home, you can use the following options:

  1. Take 2 tablets of no-shpa with warm mint infusion. Instead of no-shpa, you can take 1 tablet of papaverine with platiphylline.
  2. If the patient’s condition is complicated by severe vomiting and it is difficult to take drugs orally, you can do a cleansing enema with a warm decoction of mint and insert rectal suppositories with belladonna extract into the lower rectum, which quickly relieve spasms and help eliminate muscle spasms.
  3. Drink "": 1 sachet of dry powder dissolves in 100 ml of water.
  4. If you suspect food poisoning, take the following sorbent orally: Activated carbon at the rate of 0.5 g per 10 kg of human body weight.

After taking the measures, the patient should completely exclude any food intake for about 12 hours. When treating intestinal colic in adults, it is allowed to drink pure still water or warm, freshly brewed tea without sugar (not strong). In this case, a strong discharge of gas or a single loose stool may occur.

Intestinal infections and toxic infections

The main measures are aimed at treating intestinal and toxic infections with the following drugs:

  • antibiotics: Levomycetin, Kanamycin, Gentamicin;
  • intestinal antiseptics: Furazolidone, Biseptol, ;
  • saline solutions, glucose, vitamins and plasma are administered intravenously in severe patient conditions.

It is strictly contraindicated at the very beginning of the disease to relieve spasms by warming the abdominal area with a heating pad, and to take products based on bismuth and starch for diarrhea (to “fix the stool”). In this case, it is best to do a cleansing enema with warm water, which will eliminate the pathogens from the body.

Flu, acute respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory infection

With respiratory viral infections, intestinal colic appears, as a rule, 2-3 days after the onset of the disease. Antibiotics are not used to relieve spasms. The following drugs are used:

  • Activated carbon;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins.

In this situation, intestinal colic goes away on its own.

Helminth infection

  • Dekaris;
  • Pyrantel.

Acute intestinal obstruction

In the case of acute intestinal obstruction, when intestinal colic is replaced by a delay in the passage of feces and gases, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. In this situation, only surgical intervention is necessary. With acute intestinal obstruction, a dangerous phase of “false well-being” occurs, in which spasm and pain disappear, and the patient feels relief. This stage is very dangerous, because after imaginary well-being, the peritonitis phase begins, in which the risk of death is high.

Therapeutic diet

For intestinal colic of any type, a special diet is a mandatory component of treatment. When a strong spasm develops, an adult, unlike a child, must adhere to a diet that includes foods enriched with fiber and vitamins, fermented milk drinks, herbal infusions, and vegetable juices. It is better to eat food at the same time in small portions, avoid overeating and completely eliminate diets based on prolonged fasting.

And intestinal colic in adults is a sign of the formation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Such paroxysmal cramps are commonly called intestinal dyskinesia. If a person experiences symptoms of this disease, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist. The cause should be identified and appropriate treatment initiated.

Primary disease state formed due to psychogenic factors, affecting human health. The cause of the disease can be stress, tension, nervous breakdowns, depression, emotional turmoil. The diet also influences the development of the disease. Insufficient fiber intake leads to dyskinesia. The disease can manifest itself due to intestinal pathogens.

Secondary manifestation in most cases is a consequence of established chronic illnesses or recently undergone surgical interventions of the abdominal organs - spleen, pancreas, liver. The disease is provoked by hormonal imbalances, the pituitary gland, and diabetes.

A secondary manifestation can be provoked by excessive use of medications - psychotropic drugs, anticonvulsants, antibiotics and muscle relaxants.

If one or more symptoms occur, urgently need to contact a specialist.

The doctor must order a diagnosis, find the cause of the pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Types of intestinal dyskinesia

  1. Rectum. This type of disease is also called rectal colic. It is characterized by false acute painful sensations when emptying the rectum;
  2. Pancreatic. Formed when pathologies of the pancreas occur. Symptoms include diarrhea, gag reflexes, bloating, and nausea. Localization of pain occurs in the upper abdomen on the left. The nature of the pain is shingles. Due to this manifestation, pancreatic tumors and an acute form of pancreatitis may occur;
  3. Lead. This type of disease occurs due to lead intoxication. Adults experience cramping pain in the abdomen. There is an increase in body temperature to 39°C. Tension occurs in the muscles of the abdominal wall. The gums begin to bleed. Gray plaque appears between the gums and teeth. In most cases, such manifestations are observed in employees working in hazardous industries. People involved in lead mining and smelting are exposed to this risk. The disease can occur in molar workers, workers producing cables and batteries;
  4. Hepatic. With this type of disease, pain and cramping are observed in the right hypochondrium. They can radiate to the shoulder and scapula on the right. In this case, patients experience a bitter taste in the mouth. A feeling of nausea begins to form. Vomiting with bile is observed. This disease is provoked by an acute form of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  5. Appendicular. It is observed in the initial stage of acute appendicitis. Has intense increasing pain that occurs in the iliac region on the right;
  6. Renal. Accompanied by sharp, intense pains radiating to the genitals, groin and lower back. They may get worse with movement. Patients experience an increase in body temperature up to 39°C. There is a sharp decrease in blood pressure and urination problems. Vomiting and a feeling of nausea are formed. If specialists do not intervene in a timely manner, a person may faint and lose consciousness. This form of the disease occurs with tumors, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis;

Differences between intestinal colic and other similar conditions

  • Intestinal colic is accompanied by severe abdominal pain that occurs due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Intestinal colic with bloating indicates the formation of flatulence.
  • Spasms, colic, and a feeling of nausea may indicate food intoxication.
  • Intestinal colic and bitterness in the mouth indicate liver failure.
  • Acute pain on the right side, colic in the abdominal area may indicate an acute form of appendicitis.

If symptoms occur accompanied by colic in the stomach, you need to contact a specialist to determine the cause. After diagnosis, appropriate treatment must be prescribed.


In order to find the causes of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis of the body.

Laboratory tests include:

  • Coprogram;
  • Biochemical and clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Analysis of feces for hidden blood, which is not visible to the naked eye;

The cause of flatulence and colic can be found using instrumental examination.

This type of diagnosis includes:

  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, thanks to which it is possible to identify the disease that provokes intestinal colic;
  • Sigmoidoscopy, which is performed using an endoscope. Thanks to this device, a visual examination of the rectum occurs;
  • Colonoscopy, in which the entire intestine is examined, identifying pathological changes;
  • Computed tomography of the intestine, which is performed if a malignant tumor is suspected;


Treatment of colic includes several effective techniques. They are used when there is pain in the abdomen, gag reflexes, flatulence and nausea. Patients' stomachs stop swelling and pain effects are eliminated. Patients can consult with a urologist, surgeon and gastroenterologist, who should prescribe appropriate treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

  • A specialist should be contacted if dyskinesia occurs in young children under three years of age;
  • Mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary for older adults;
  • If there are blood clots in the stool;
  • If bile is present in the vomit;
  • Seeing a doctor is necessary if spasms and cramps bother adult patients for a long time;
  • If the pain is unbearably painful, accompanied by sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • If there is bloating, the formation of flatulence against the background of allergic reactions;
  • Pregnant and lactating girls must consult a specialist;
  • If the patient has had any surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, resulting in cramping and aching pain;


In order to eliminate excruciating pain, antispasmodics are used.

Injections are prescribed as first aid.

If the cause of flatulence and intestinal colic is intoxication or intestinal infection, then a course of antibiotics should be prescribed as treatment.

Intestinal antiseptics may be prescribed as treatment.

In particularly severe cases, specialists intravenous glucose infusion is used, various vitamins, salt preparations and blood plasma.

Folk remedies

At home, treatment can be carried out using traditional methods.

  • If your stomach is swollen, increased gas formation occurs, then you can eliminate this manifestation with the help of pumpkin seeds. The seeds are ground in a blender. Two teaspoons are poured into two glasses of boiling water. Add granulated sugar or natural honey. Consume thirty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.
  • Tansy flowers are an excellent remedy. One tablespoon of dry matter is poured into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, filter. Consume one third of a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 days.
  • If your stomach is swollen and there is diarrhea, then an infusion of alder cones, cinquefoil root, thyme, mint and dry nettle leaves will help. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured into two glasses of boiling water. Consume half a glass twice a day.

Preventive actions

As a prophylaxis, to prevent the causes of the disease and further treatment, it is necessary:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. You should give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors;
  • Do not be nervous, avoid conflicts, emotional turmoil;
  • Adjust your diet. Meals should be balanced and complete. Conducted at certain hours;
  • When preparing food, sanitary standards must be observed;
  • It is necessary to conduct an examination of the body at least once a year;
  • You should move more, play sports, and exercise. You can sign up for yoga or massage courses;

Bloating and colic can occur for various reasons. They may be a consequence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Simultaneously with the disease, flatulence, bloating, and fever may occur. People may experience a bloated stomach. Treatment includes the use of medications and physical therapy. In particularly severe cases, surgical intervention is used.

There is useful information on the topic in this TV show.

Intestinal colic is a sharp painful spasm that occurs in the epigastric region and in most cases is accompanied by stool disorders. May be acute or chronic. Intestinal colic cannot be called an independent disease; it is rather a sign of a certain pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. How and with what to treat colic in the intestines in adults?

Intestinal colic is a sudden attack of cramping pain, which is often triggered by spasms of the large or small intestine. The causes of this spasm may be the consumption of stale or low-quality food, ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system, food poisoning. How to treat colic in the intestines in adults? This question worries many people with digestive tract problems.

First aid for intestinal colic

If intestinal colic occurs, it is best to immediately seek qualified medical help, because this may be a symptom of a serious illness, which is characterized by pain in the abdominal area. Painful spasms can be so strong that a person completely loses the ability to function normally.

Important! Before the doctor arrives, you should never apply a hot heating pad to your stomach, since if the painful spasm is caused by an inflammatory process, the heat will only intensify the pain.

The first thing to do before starting treatment is to completely stop eating any food for 10-24 hours after intestinal colic. This will “unload” the intestines and normalize its functioning.

Important! It must be remembered that before the ambulance arrives, it is under no circumstances recommended to use painkillers. When intestinal colic occurs, it is very important to correctly determine the cause of this problem, and the use of analgesics or antispasmodics significantly changes the clinical picture of the disease.

For a single intestinal colic, treatment at home is sufficient; in more severe situations, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. The only thing that is allowed when sharp painful cramps occur in the abdomen is to take 1-2 tablets of No-Shpa or Drotaverine. This will help get rid of painful spasms and will not distort the real clinical picture of the disease.

It is also very useful to take Smecta (dissolve a packet of powder in ½ glass of warm water), a light mint or chamomile decoction. It is also possible to use enterosorbents - activated carbon, Polysorb or Enterosgel.

Colic is a sharp, painful spasm that occurs in the stomach area

Drug treatment

How to treat intestinal colic in adults? In order to treat the gastrointestinal tract and restore its full functioning, medications from the group of analgesics and antispasmodics can be prescribed.

They help relieve pain. Such medications include Drotaverine, Analgin, Papaverine, Spazmalgon.

To accelerate the removal of waste, toxins and other toxic substances from the body, medications from the group of absorbents are necessarily prescribed. These include:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel and Polysorb, which help remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • Preparations based on belladonna leaves - Bellalgin, Bekarbon, Besalol.
  • Analgin, Papaverine.

If severe allergic reactions develop, medications such as Diphenhydramine or Papaverine may be prescribed. After an attack of intestinal colic, you must completely stop eating any food for 12-24 hours.

Important! If the cause of the intestinal disorder is a disease of infectious origin, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. The most commonly used are Levomycetin, Gentamicin, Azithromycin.


The use of a variety of traditional medicine recipes can significantly increase the effectiveness of the use of drugs.

Important! Alternative medicine can eliminate pain and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.

Traditional medicine offers a huge number of remedies that can be used for colic in the stomach:

  • Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds into a glass of hot milk, then wait a little and drink the medicine in small sips.
  • Fresh leaves and stems of motherwort should be washed, finely chopped and squeezed using gauze. Squeeze the juice out of the finished mass and dilute it in water (a tablespoon of juice per glass of clean water). The resulting drink is consumed in small sips throughout the day.
  • It is necessary to peel the peels from ripe pomegranates, dry them and chop them. A spoonful of pomegranate powder should be diluted in a glass of boiling water, put on low heat and simmered for 25-30 minutes. The resulting product is taken 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • Pumpkin seeds are one of the most effective means for normalizing the digestive system. To prepare the medicine, pumpkin seeds should be dried and then crushed. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed pumpkin seeds into 2 cups of boiling water, then add 50 g of granulated sugar to the resulting mixture. The infusion should be consumed as a drink throughout the day.
  • Beetroot, carrot or cabbage juice is an excellent remedy for restoring the normal functioning of the digestive tract. It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices, diluting them with a small amount of water. This will slightly reduce the concentration of active components and prevent irritation to the intestinal mucous tissue.
  • Motherwort is one of the most useful medicinal plants used for intestinal colic. The use of its raw materials allows you to eliminate painful spasms and restore the full functioning of the digestive system. Fresh leaves and stems of the plant must be washed under running water, then passed through a meat grinder, and the juice must be squeezed out of the resulting mass using gauze. This is exactly what you need to take, one teaspoon at a time, diluting it with a cup of clean water.

To treat colic in the intestinal area, a variety of traditional medicine methods are used - decoctions, infusions and tinctures from medicinal plants, fruit and vegetable juices.

The most effective traditional medicine

A mixture of several medicinal plants – angelica, marsh calamus and oak bark – is considered extremely useful for intestinal colic. All components must be mixed 1 tablespoon at a time, then pour the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. The finished product should be consumed in small sips throughout the day.

The use of tansy flowers is considered no less effective.

A tablespoon of pre-prepared raw material should be poured with a large cup of hot water, covered with a lid and left to cool completely. The finished and strained product must be taken in small sips throughout the day. The duration of treatment is at least 3 days.

For intestinal colic, the following combination is extremely useful, consisting of angelica, oak bark, calamus rhizome and chamomile flowers. To prepare the healing remedy, all ingredients must be mixed in equal parts, then pour 5 cups of boiling water over them, place on low heat and boil for 15-20 minutes. The finished medicine is taken ½ cup 2-3 times throughout the day.

Oregano infusion is one of the most effective traditional medicines that allows you to quickly and effectively restore the functioning of the digestive tract. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of fresh or dry oregano into 1000 ml of hot water and place in a warm place for half an hour. The product should be taken 200 ml after each meal.

Lavender flowers are an excellent sedative and pain reliever that will help restore health to the gastrointestinal tract. 1 teaspoon of lavender color should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes and drink 1 glass three times a day.

Tea from medicinal plants normalizes the functioning of the digestive system

Lavender essential oil is considered an equally fast-acting remedy. It is recommended to use it as follows: 5 drops of oily liquid should be added to ½ glass of clean water, mix everything thoroughly and take twice a day.

If a person is bothered by painful colic in the intestinal area, it is very useful to regularly drink tea with the addition of ginger root. It relieves spasms and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. To prepare a healing drink, pour 1/3 of the ginger root, pre-grated, into a glass of boiling water; if desired, you can add a little granulated sugar or natural honey.

For regular intestinal colic, you can use a folk remedy that includes wormwood. 3 tablespoons of fresh plant should be poured with 200 ml of hot water, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for a day. After this, it is recommended to place the infusion on low heat, strain and cover with a lid. As soon as the folk remedy boils, pour a glass of granulated sugar or honey into it and boil for another 10 minutes. The finished medicine should be taken one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

For intestinal colic, folk remedies that include alder bark can be used at home. They are prepared according to the following recipe: pour a tablespoon of dried and pre-crushed bark into 200 ml of hot water, then place on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. The finished product is taken 1 spoon before meals.

If painful spasms in the intestinal area occur frequently, it is recommended to drink tea as often as possible, which contains gooseberries, black currant leaves, blueberries and crushed plums. All components are poured with boiling water and consumed as tea throughout the day.


In order to prevent the development of painful colic in the intestinal area, you need to pay close attention to your diet. It is strictly not recommended to consume any drinks or foods that increase gas formation in the digestive tract. Such products include any semi-finished products, fast food, strong black coffee, and alcohol.

If pain occurs in the intestinal area, you must completely stop eating for 2-3 days. The only thing allowed is weak black tea and small quantities of crackers.

The diet of a person who often experiences intestinal colic should consist of lean varieties of fish and meat, vegetables, cooked in the oven, steamer or slow cooker without adding vegetable fat. It is also very useful to eat steamed omelettes and fermented milk products with a low fat content.

From your menu you must completely exclude any fatty, fried, smoked and pickled foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, fatty meat and fish. If intestinal colic occurs frequently, you should ensure a sufficient level of physical activity. If a person is engaged exclusively in mental work, it is recommended to do a little exercise every 2-3 hours, performing several physical exercises.

Intestinal colic can bother anyone. They can be caused by both poor nutrition and diseases of the digestive system. The use of drug therapy and folk remedies will help restore the full functioning of the digestive system in the shortest possible time.



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