What antibiotic to take for dry skin. When are antibiotics needed for coughs in adults?

Antibiotics for coughs are medications that can quickly cure a cough and eliminate the first symptoms of a cold. Let's look at the features of treatment with antibiotics, types of antibiotics and the most effective drugs for cough.

As a rule, a doctor prescribes antibiotics for a cough, but very often these drugs are purchased independently, at the discretion of the patient. When choosing antibiotics, there are certain nuances and features. Let's look at the rules for choosing antibiotics for coughs.

  1. Taking antibiotics for coughs should be justified. Remember that antibiotics are medications that are aimed at fighting bacteria. Antibiotics for coughs and colds must be taken for bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis and other diseases that are accompanied by cough. Taking antibiotics will speed up the healing process and improve your well-being. But do not forget that cough can be caused not only by colds, but also by diseases of the heart or nervous system.
  2. Antibiotics for coughs must be selected wisely. So, doctors have a special card with diseases and bacterial pathogens. Thanks to this, you can immediately select an effective antibiotic to which bacteria are hypersensitive. If you have a cough with sputum, then before taking antibiotics, it is advisable to take a flora test. If it is not possible to seek medical help, but the cough lasts for three days and gets worse, then you need a broad-spectrum antibiotic. These drugs include: amoxiclav, flemoclav. But antibiotics can cause a number of complications, make the cough chronic and cause allergic reactions.
  3. You need to know how to take antibiotics. It is necessary to observe the dosage of the drug and not increase or decrease it during treatment. Increasing the dose of antibiotic will not lead to a speedy recovery, but will only cause allergic reactions. If the day after taking the drug does not improve, then the antibiotic needs to be changed. When taking an antibiotic, you must follow the course of treatment. If the instructions say that the drug is taken for 5-10 days, then you cannot take antibiotics for longer than the allotted time. Since with prolonged use of the drug, bacteria develop resistance, and treatment becomes difficult.

Pharmacological group

Medicines used for coughs and colds

Pharmacological action

Antitussives (inhibiting the cough reflex) drugs

Do you need antibiotics for a cough?

Do you need antibiotics for a cough? Of course, they are needed, since these are effective drugs that successfully fight bacterial infections. But you should take antibiotics only as prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication can aggravate the course of the disease, and taking antibiotics will cause bacteria to become accustomed to the drug, which will complicate treatment in the future.

In order to choose a good antibiotic for a cough, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will take a sputum culture test. This will allow you to choose a narrow-spectrum antibiotic that will destroy your bacteria. Without testing, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed, usually drugs of the penicillin group. But the body does not always need antibiotic treatment. If the disease passes without complications, then it is enough to supply the body with a dose of vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Antibiotic for cough during pregnancy

An antibiotic for cough during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated, like other medications. The thing is that the antibiotic has an adverse effect on the development of the baby, which in the future can cause pathology.

If a pregnant woman has a cough, then it must be treated with natural medicinal infusions and traditional medicine methods. But it wouldn’t hurt to go to the doctor to get tested. This will allow you to find out what caused the cough and choose the most effective remedy for its treatment. As for treatment with herbs and infusions, here too you need to consult a doctor, since some herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

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Cough after antibiotics

Cough after antibiotics can occur if the disease is not completely cured. The disease has become chronic or antibiotics have caused an allergic reaction. In this case, you must seek medical help. Remember that cough after antibiotics cannot be treated with new antibiotics, in this case only proven traditional methods of treatment will help, let's look at them.

  • Medicinal vitamin syrup, which does not cause side effects and is good at eliminating cold symptoms, will help against coughs. Take one lemon, cut it into slices and sauté over low heat for about 10 minutes. As soon as the lemon becomes soft and releases juice, add a couple of tablespoons of glycerin and honey to it. For a rare cough after antibiotics, take 1 teaspoon per day, for a severe cough or a cough that bothers you at night, take a spoonful in the morning and before bed.
  • If a cough after antibiotics is accompanied by a high temperature, then a medicinal tincture of linden blossom will help to eliminate this. Brew linden leaves and flowers with boiling water, keep in a steam bath and let brew for 2-3 hours. After this, the infusion must be cooled and taken 1 glass throughout the day, preferably after meals.
  • If cough appears in children after antibiotics, then a simple but effective recipe will cope with this. You will need carrot and radish juice, milk and honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and give to the child in one spoon every 2-3 hours.
  • Another natural remedy for cough after antibiotics is prepared from radish. Cut the radish into thin slices, sprinkle each piece well with sugar, place in a bowl and leave overnight. During the night, the radish will release juice, which you need to take a teaspoon every hour.

Names of antibiotics for cough

If you have a cold and have all the symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection, then you need to know the names of cough antibiotics. First of all, it is worth knowing that when treating a cold, it is very important to choose those drugs that act on the cause of the disease, that is, the bacterial pathogen. This type of treatment is called etiological. If the patient takes expectorants, antitussives and immunostimulants, then this is the second and no less important stage of treatment.

Almost 90% of all colds are accompanied by a cough that is caused by viruses, so treatment with antibiotics will be unfounded and ineffective.

Antibiotics are needed to treat a cold that lasts more than 5-7 days. In this case, the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, so taking antibiotics is necessary.

Let's look at the most effective and frequently used antibiotics for coughs:

  • Antibiotics of the penicillin group - augmentin, ampiox, amoxiclav.
  • Antibiotics of the cephalosporin group - cefpirome, cefotaxime, cefazolin.
  • Antibiotics - macrolides - azithromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin.

For colds with cough, taking bactericidal drugs will be effective. Since the action of such antibiotics is aimed at destroying bacteria. But taking antibiotics too often when coughing is not recommended, as this causes addiction to the body. In addition, antibiotics can cause allergic reactions and contribute to the chronic form of the disease, including cough.

What antibiotic should I take for a cough?

What antibiotic should I take for a cough? A question that interests those who are faced with the first signs of a cold. Before purchasing antibiotics, you should know that taking such drugs is only effective if the causative agent of the disease is bacteria. To determine the type of bacteria, it is necessary to take sputum tests. It will be equally important to analyze the susceptibility of bacteria to various types of antibiotics. This allows you to select the most correct and effective antibiotic drug.

If you have not been tested and do not know which antibiotic to take when you cough, you can purchase broad-spectrum antibiotics. Such drugs will ease the course of the disease and help cure cough.

Antibiotics for dry cough

Antibiotics for dry cough are the best medicine. Almost all patients who experience colds think so, but is this really so? Antibiotics have a powerful effect, but they do not always show it, so taking them may not be advisable for a dry cough. Let's look at the features of choosing and taking antibiotics for dry cough.

  • With a severe dry cough, taking antibiotics has a detrimental effect on an already weakened body. The immune system is exposed to powerful chemical attacks, which complicates the process of recovery from illness.
  • Cough is the body’s defense reaction to a bacterial infection. This suggests that antibiotics for dry cough must be selected so that they have an effective inhibitory effect on bacterial agents.
  • It is not recommended to take antibiotics on your own, that is, without a doctor’s prescription. Since this can lead to a number of adverse consequences. In addition, incorrectly selected antibiotics for dry cough will only worsen the course of the disease.
  • Frequent use of antibiotics can cause allergic reactions and intestinal dysbiosis. The disease can take a chronic form and manifest itself at the slightest weakening of the immune system.
  • When choosing cough remedies for children, you should give preference to syrups, since they do not have such an aggressive effect on the body.
  • Do not forget that any antibiotic has a number of contraindications and warnings. Therefore, before taking any medications, do not forget to read the instructions for use.

Antibiotics for severe cough

Antibiotics for a severe cough do not act on the cough, but on the infection. Therefore, comprehensive treatment will be effective, that is, taking antibiotics and strengthening the immune system.

If you have a severe cough, it is important to treat not only the cough, but also the infection that caused it. Thus, a severe cough is a symptom of a viral infection. In this case, Immunal will help. If a severe cough is accompanied by sputum production, then the infection is in the bronchi and most likely is bacterial in nature. In this case, taking antibiotics such as Amoxiclav, Suprax or Macropen will be effective. Only a doctor can determine which antibiotic is most effective for a severe cough. Therefore, do not delay seeking qualified medical help.

An effective medicine for a severe cough is the drug "Codelac", which contains codeine, sodium bicarbonate, licorice roots, and lanceolate thermopsis herb. It will help get rid of both strong and dry cough. Also, it is worth taking Pectusin tablets, they will reduce the cough and give you the opportunity to rest.

Antibiotics for coughs with sputum

Antibiotics for coughs with phlegm are powerful drugs, many of which are not available without a prescription. If a cough is accompanied by sputum production, then this is the first sign of a life-threatening disease that requires professional treatment and a course of antibiotics will not help. Bloody, purulent, yellow-green or rust-colored sputum is especially dangerous.

In this case, the patient is prescribed drugs that dissolve sputum, that is, mucolytics. Such drugs allow the lungs to be cleared of mucus, that is, they have an expectorant effect. In addition to taking antibiotics, do not forget about preventive procedures that you can carry out yourself at home.

  • To remove phlegm, drink more water.
  • Regular air humidification will calm inflammatory processes, soften mucus and promote its rapid removal.
  • Pulmonary irritants, especially tobacco smoke, should be avoided.
  • As soon as a strong cough begins, sit up straight, this position will facilitate the expansion of the lungs and help remove phlegm.
  • The sputum must be spat out, but under no circumstances swallowed. It will not be superfluous to observe the rules of hygiene, so that other people do not catch the infection.

Antibiotics for prolonged cough

Antibiotics for long-term cough are needed if the cough continues for more than 8-10 weeks. If the cough lasts much less, then, as a rule, the cause of its occurrence is hyperreactivity of the airways, which very often occurs in patients after infectious diseases or a pulmonary infection.

  • The cause of a prolonged cough can be not only an infection or bacteria, but also various cancers or bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is very important to take a chest x-ray. This is especially true for adult patients.
  • Before choosing antibiotics for a long-term cough, you need to determine the cause of the cough. The most common causes: chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, silicosis, asbestosis, infectious lung diseases, tuberculosis, heart failure, cancer, complications after previous diseases or operations.
  • Antibiotics for prolonged coughs fight infections such as whooping cough, mycoplasma pneumonia, chlamydial pneumonia.
  • Prolonged cough is best treated with antibiotics in children, but in adults, antibiotic treatment does not have the desired effect.

Antibiotics for children with cough

Many parents are confident that antibiotics for children who cough do their job perfectly and do not cause any harm to the child’s body. But is this true? Every parent should know that no antibiotic can cure the disease; it will only temporarily relieve symptoms and create a lot of trouble for the child. Thus, antibiotics can cause dysbiosis, affected intestinal microflora, and problems with the immune system.

If the child has just started coughing, then instead of antibiotics it is better to give the baby hot tea and vitamins to strengthen the immune system. If the disease is serious, then only a pediatrician can prescribe the necessary antibiotics after examining the child and conducting a series of tests. You cannot buy antibiotics for children on your own, as this is fraught with consequences for the fragile child’s body. Particular attention should be paid to antibiotics such as:

  • Levomycetin - just one tablet of this antibiotic can cause aplastic anemia, that is, inhibition of hematopoiesis.
  • Antibiotics of the tetracycline group are strictly prohibited for children. These include doxycycline, minocycline, tetracycline. These drugs disrupt the formation of tooth enamel.
  • Fluoroquinolones – ofloxacin, pefloxacin and others. These drugs disrupt the formation of joint cartilage.

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Antibiotics for coughs in adults

Antibiotics for coughs in adults are prescribed by a doctor after examination. But do not forget that antibiotics will only remove the symptoms of the disease, while the root cause will continue to destroy the immune system. For coughs for adults, Flemoxin or other drugs from the amoxicillin group are considered an effective antibiotic. Taking antibiotics must be supplemented with medical procedures, compresses, ointments, and inhalations.

"Mukaltin", "Bromhexine" and "Ambrobene" help well - the drugs quickly relieve cough. But do not forget that all medications have side effects. Therefore, when treating cough in adults, it is recommended to give preference to natural preparations. A good natural antibiotic cough remedy can be prepared from radish. Take one radish, chop it, squeeze out the juice and take one spoon at a time until the cough completely disappears.

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Antibiotic cough syrup

Cough syrup with a bactericidal effect is an effective and, most importantly, pleasant remedy for treating coughs and colds. Most often, syrups with antibiotics are prescribed to children, since many manufacturers are concerned that the syrup is not only effective in treatment, but also tastes good. Let's look at the most popular and effective cough syrups, which are no worse than antibiotics.

  1. Plantain syrup is a natural medicine that makes cough disappear within 3-5 days. The taste of the syrup is pleasant, so it can be taken by children. Thanks to the syrup, a dry cough becomes wet, which helps remove phlegm faster. But this syrup cannot be used as an emergency treatment and the syrup is prohibited for children under two years of age.
  2. Lazolvan syrup - this syrup is classified as a second-line drug, that is, it is taken if inhalations and medicinal infusions do not cure the cough. The drug stimulates the body to produce protective flora in the bronchi, which reliably protects against the disease in the future. The syrup contains ambroxol, which relieves fever and fatigue. Suitable for both children and adults.
  3. Bronholitin syrup is quite effective, but can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The syrup contains glaucine hydrobromide, basil oil, citric acid monohydrate and other excipients, which only improves and strengthens its medicinal capabilities. The syrup suppresses even the most severe cough, both in adults and children. The syrup contains ephedrine hydrochloride, so it is very important to follow the dosage of the drug.
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    How to cure a cough without antibiotics?

    How to cure a cough without antibiotics and is it possible? Of course, perhaps the main thing is to know what and how to treat. In this case, treatment is recommended to be carried out using natural herbal ingredients, that is, the method of traditional medicine. Let's look at some effective cough treatment recipes without antibiotics.

    1. Carrot milk syrup is an excellent cough remedy that is suitable for both adults and children. Mix carrot juice and milk in equal proportions. The drink should be taken every two hours during the day.
    2. Onion syrup - to prepare the syrup you will need 500 grams of onions and the same amount of sugar. The onion must be peeled and chopped. Add sugar to the chopped onion and cook over low heat for 3-4 hours. After the syrup is cooked, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to it and mix well. You need to store the medicine in a glass jar and take one tablespoon every two hours.
    3. Garlic-onion remedy - take 10 small heads of onions and one head of garlic. Boil them in milk until they become soft. Grind the mixture using a blender, add a couple of tablespoons of honey and mint juice. It is recommended to take a spoonful every hour. The product effectively helps in the treatment of severe and dry cough.
    4. Medicinal viburnum - mix viburnum berries with sugar, let it brew and take at the first urge to cough.

    Antibiotics for coughs are effective medications that fight infection and quickly relieve symptoms of the disease. But taking antibiotics also has a negative side, which can cause allergic reactions and complications. Before taking antibiotics, be sure to consult your doctor; this will ensure that your body is not in danger and that the treatment is proceeding correctly.

For a dry cough, antibiotics must be prescribed if the patient is diagnosed with tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy or pneumonia of bacterial origin. It is also recommended to undergo a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs if the cough has been annoying for several weeks and the body temperature remains persistently elevated.

Usually, antibiotics for a dry cough are prescribed by your doctor. However, adults often purchase these medications on their own, guided by their own considerations regarding the diagnosis. But choosing an antibiotic is not an easy task. Let's consider how to choose the most effective drug, and which antibacterial agents are considered the most effective against such a cough.

How to choose the right drug

If a dry cough begins to bother you, you need to take an antibiotic. This is what some patients think when faced with a common cold. Are they right? Antibacterial drugs have a fairly powerful effect, but they do not always show it. If the cough is of viral origin, antibiotics will be completely useless. When a bacterial infection develops in the respiratory tract is a completely different matter. Then, of course, it is possible and even necessary to be treated with antibiotics.

The choice of a drug against dry cough should be approached with all responsibility.

What antibiotics will help with a dry cough?

Today, pharmacies offer over 300 types of antibacterial drugs with different spectrums of action. We are talking about those medications that are intended for adults. Which of them help cope with a debilitating dry cough? Let us note the most frequently prescribed medications with proven effectiveness.

On average, the duration of antibiotic treatment should not exceed 10 days. If the condition has not improved during this time, you should consult your doctor about changing the medication.

How to take

For treatment to be truly effective, antibiotics should be taken according to the rules.

Let's sum it up

It is highly not recommended to self-prescribe antibiotics for dry cough. We emphasize once again that only a specialist should prescribe antibacterial agents after examining the patient. After all, different diseases are treated with antibiotics belonging to different groups.

It is also very important to know where the infection came from, and whether it was superimposed on an existing viral disease.

It must be taken into account that a cough may appear due to the pathogenic effects of atypical microflora (for example, chlamydia or mycoplasma). To effectively combat these bacteria, completely different groups of medications will be required.

Many people do not attach much importance to coughing, since it is considered to be a physiological process of removing pathogenic microorganisms, allergens, and tiny dust particles from the respiratory tract. This symptom is observed when diagnosing many diseases of the lower and upper airways, as well as against the background of increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of external irritants. However, it should be understood that prolonged and painful coughing attacks should alert the patient, since they worsen general well-being. In order to find out the advisability of taking potent medications, you should consult with your doctor. Antibiotics for cough are selected individually and based on bacterial culture results.

Unless absolutely necessary, it is strictly forbidden to take strong antibiotics when coughing. Uncontrolled use of these drugs leads to various serious consequences, ranging from disruption of the gastrointestinal tract to intoxication. Antibiotics for cough should be taken only if a bacterial etiology of the disease is diagnosed.

When self-prescribing medications to which pathogenic microorganisms do not show destructive sensitivity, their adaptation is observed. In the future, such phenomena significantly complicate therapy. To achieve a healing effect in a short time, cough antibiotics should be selected based on the identified strain of pathogenic microflora.

The final decision on the advisability of therapy with potent drugs is made exclusively by the attending physician based on laboratory and bacteriological tests.

Indications for antibiotic therapy

Antibiotics for coughs in adults are indicated when the following diseases are detected:

  1. Tracheitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the trachea under the negative influence of a viral infection. In the initial phases of the development of the disease, doctors prescribe general anti-inflammatory drugs, antitussive syrups, which relieve irritation in the throat. If positive dynamics are not observed 4-5 days after the start of therapy, a medical specialist will decide on the need to take antibiotics.
  2. Pneumonia is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the lungs, inextricably linked with painful coughing attacks. When this disease is detected, patients are prescribed a course of parenteral treatment with antibiotics. The tablet form is prescribed in rare cases. Treatment of pneumonia takes place only in hospital observation conditions under the constant supervision of a doctor and lasts on average about two weeks. In therapy, the emphasis is on the use of cough antibiotics of the latest generation and with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.
  3. Tuberculosis appears in people as a result of the fact that a microbe - Koch's bacillus - affects the lungs, bones, and joints. Antibiotics for dry cough in adults against the background of this extremely serious illness help stabilize the condition of the patient’s body.
  4. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the lungs and the bronchial tree. At the initial stage, patients with this diagnosis take expectorant medications. In situations where the cough gets worse, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs.

Thus, antibiotic therapy for cough does not produce positive results if it is caused by a viral infection or appears as a reaction to allergens.

Brief characteristics of the most popular drugs

Antibiotics for severe coughs are selected individually for each patient. As medical practice shows, doctors prescribe medications with a wide spectrum of action. This is due to the fact that the result of bacteriological culture needs to wait about 5 days, and many diseases cannot be delayed. For example, a patient diagnosed with pneumonia should begin treatment as soon as possible, and in such cases, antibiotics help improve well-being.

Doctors provide the following list of antibiotics indicated for the treatment of severe coughing attacks:

Photo of packagingName of the medicationTherapeutic effect
A semi-synthetic antibiotic that slows down the growth of bacteria. Many gram (+) and gram (-) bacteria show increased sensitivity to the action of the drug. The therapeutic effect depends on the prescribed dosage
A potent antibacterial drug with combined action. This drug eliminates pathogenic microflora in a short time. The drug is available in tablet form and as a lyophilisate, which is prescribed to patients with a complicated form of the disease.
These cough antibiotics in adults are third-generation drugs and have a wide range of applications. As a rule, therapy does not begin with the prescription of such a potent medication, since there is a high probability of addiction to the patient’s body. Only when the cough is prolonged, do doctors resort to this backup remedy
This drug is often prescribed by doctors for coughs with phlegm. The rapid effect is achieved due to the fact that the antibiotic is well absorbed into the tissues, and the active substances quickly spread through the blood circulation throughout the body.
This cough antibiotic is characterized by a mild effect; its effectiveness in combating pathogenic bacteria does not decrease. Due to its gentle composition, this drug is prescribed to women during pregnancy.
The medicine is prescribed to patients diagnosed with severe diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract: pneumonia, pulmonary abscess

Basic rules for taking medications for respiratory diseases In order to find out which antibiotics to take in each specific case, you need to undergo a series of laboratory and bacteriological tests. After identifying the true cause of prolonged cough and the etiology of the disease, antibacterial therapy will demonstrate a positive result.

Antibiotics for colds and coughs or in the presence of more severe diseases are selected individually after a thorough analysis of the clinical picture. A mandatory test is sputum examination, which allows you to identify a specific pathogen. In addition, in order for the therapy to be effective, it will be necessary to identify the patient's individual sensitivity to the effects of antibiotics.

Doctors remind that potent drugs in tablets or lyophilisate form must be taken at the same time. With this tactic of drug influence on internal inflammation in the patient’s body, the required concentration of active substances is achieved, which will be sufficient to completely suppress pathogenic microorganisms. When you independently prescribe antibiotics for cough, the bacteria adapt to their action, and in the future you will need to take more aggressive medications that can disrupt the internal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the protective functions of the immune system.

Treatment tactics with antibiotics for coughs and runny noses can be divided according to their pharmacological group:

Group affiliation according to classificationRegimen for taking an antibacterial drugNames of the medication
PenicillinsDoctors prescribe antibiotics 2-3 times a day, one tablet for 10 days. Drugs from this group have a bactericidal effect, i.e. by destroying the cellular barrier of the pathogenic organism, its destruction is achievedFlemoxin solutab, Amoxiclav
CephalosporinsWhen the question arises of how to treat a severe cough with mucus or sputum production, doctors resort to prescribing medications from the cephalosporin group. These drugs have a more powerful therapeutic effect and are intended for parenteral use. The duration of the course is 10 days, while the drug should be administered intravenously once dailyCeftriaxone, Cephalexin, Cefepime
A distinctive feature of these medications is that they have less toxicity. For this reason, macrolides are indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children. The attending physician prescribes a three-day course, which will consist of a single dose of an antibiotic. If treatment of cough with antibiotics from this pharmacological group does not lead to positive dynamics, a decision is made on the advisability of replacing the medicine
Sumamed, Azithromycin
These antibacterial agents have such a pronounced and powerful healing effect that they are prescribed for the treatment of cough that has developed against the background of tuberculosis of the lungs.
Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin

Inadequate use of antibacterial drugs not only complicates the recovery process, but also increases the risk of developing intoxication of the body and the appearance of allergic reactions. Thus, you should strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage of the drug. Antibiotic treatment for cough and fever should be combined with antipyretic medications. In addition, immunomodulators and expectorants play a huge role, since antibacterial drugs are not a panacea. A cough antibiotic, correctly selected, leads to a noticeable improvement in well-being already on the second day from the moment of the first dose. For a complete recovery, you must complete the entire therapeutic course. In most patients, with successful relief of symptoms, a false impression arises that the disease has receded. Such assumptions are fundamentally incorrect. It is important to understand that only the result of bacteriological culture can confirm the complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

For inflammatory diseases, antibiotics are often prescribed for coughs in adults to improve the condition. The doctor determines the need for such treatment, since antibiotics are not indicated in all cases.

Indications for use

Treatment with antibiotics is aimed at eliminating not exactly this manifestation, but the disease that causes such a manifestation.


Do not prescribe an antibiotic for a cough in case of a cold or flu. How to treat in this case? If the causative agent of a respiratory disease is chlamydia, then the doctor should select an antibiotic.

In mild cases of the disease, when coughing does not bother you much, ordinary antipyretic and herbal preparations are sufficient to clear sputum. And the discomfort will pass.

Diseases treated with antibiotics

The presence of a bacterial infection gives reason to take antibacterial agents when coughing.

She has the following symptoms:

  • for three days there is a significant rise in temperature with a prolonged course of the disease;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased content of leukocytes in a blood test.

Diseases for which cough antibiotics are prescribed in adults include:

  • pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bacterial bronchitis;
  • tracheitis (acute and purulent);
  • pneumonia.

Usually one antibacterial drug is prescribed to treat a cough. It can be in the following forms:

  • in tablets;
  • in powder form;
  • suspension;
  • spray.

Admission rules

Treatment of cough with antibiotics will be successful only if the rules of administration are strictly followed in order for the therapy to be effective. Among them are:

  1. The drug should be taken on time. This is important to achieve the required concentration of active ingredients. Lack of regular use may cause pathogenic bacteria to develop resistance to the drug, and it will become ineffective.
  2. If the cough does not improve after antibiotics, when two days have passed, then it is better to change the drug. An ineffective measure would be to increase the dose. Instead of accelerating recovery, you can get, for example, allergies or intoxication of the body.
  3. You cannot interrupt the course of treatment, even if noticeable relief has occurred. For coughs, antibiotics are taken for 5 to 10 days.

Choice of antibiotics

Which antibiotic to choose? Antibacterial agents are divided into 4 groups based on different active ingredients. The very effect of the drugs is aimed at destroying the walls of bacteria, which causes their death.

In some situations, when there is a cough that does not go away, it is accompanied by copious sputum, the doctor may be given a referral for a culture to determine which treatment will be more effective. And selects the most effective.


This group of antibacterial drugs contains both long-produced drugs and new generation drugs. Bacteria adapt over time to existing drugs, so it is necessary to release new drugs to resist diseases and treat coughs.

This group of medications is usually taken for one and a half weeks. An antibiotic for cough is usually prescribed, 3 tablets per day. A representative of the penicillin group may be called Salutab or Amoxiclav.


This group includes new generation antibiotics. They act against the following pathogenic organisms:

  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • gram-positive cocci.

Drugs in this group are non-toxic and have minimal side effects. They also require regular use. Since the list of drugs related to makolides is very large, it is the doctor who must choose the right remedy.

Commonly prescribed medications include:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Azithromycin and others.


This is to fight bacterial infection. This group contains drugs of several generations:

  • 1st generation of drugs is aimed at suppressing staphylococcal infection (for example, Cefalotin);
  • 2nd generation of drugs fights bacteria that have shown resistance to the penicillin group (Cefotiam, Cefuroxime);
  • The 3rd generation of drugs is used for long-term cough, has a wide range of effects (Cefpirom, Cephelim).

For your information! Antibacterial agents in this group are usually prescribed in the form of injections for one to one and a half weeks.


These antibiotics are prescribed for adults for severe coughs and severe forms of illness. Among the main advantages are very high efficiency and good compatibility with other drugs.

The disadvantages of drugs in this group (Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin) are no less serious - the active substances accumulate in the bones and even deformities may appear. But the cough stops after taking antibiotics.

Selection of drugs by cost

In addition to determining the group of antibiotics, their cost should be taken into account. Many well-known drugs have cheaper analogues.

Some inexpensive antibiotics:

  • Amoxil has the same active ingredient as Solutab, but costs several times less;
  • Ceftriaxone is an analogue of Emsef;
  • Ormax is an analogue of Sumamed;
  • Ciprofloxacin is an analogue of Cipronol.

Treatment of severe cough

Antibacterial treatment is aimed at fighting the infection. Why doesn't a cough go away when I have a cold? This happens in situations where a bacterial infection is added to a viral infection.

If a severe cough occurs in an adult, it can be cured with a set of measures, including not only antibiotics, but also an immunomodulator (for example, called Immunal), and drugs to better remove sputum.

Which antibiotics to take depends on many circumstances. A competent choice of treatment is possible only by a doctor.

Pectusin is often prescribed to alleviate the condition as part of a set of measures. It complements Codelac treatment well with wet or dry coughing, if there is no temperature or it is low.

With temperature

A viral infection that leads to coughing and fever, among additional measures, is treated with the use of Immunal. When coughing up phlegm, it is often prescribed to drink Macrolen or Suprax. They have a good effect on viruses accumulated in the bronchi.

Dry strong

With a dry cough in adults, a bacterial infection is extremely rare. Its identification (by taking tests) can serve as a recommendation to take drugs from the Penicillin group.

The most popular antibiotics for dry cough:

  1. Salutab is a cough tablet. It is indicated to treat coughs for bronchospasms, bacterial infections and non-productive coughs. May have a side effect - diarrhea.
  2. Amoxiclav is often used in the treatment of pneumonia, which is accompanied by a dry cough. Disadvantages include possible vomiting, rashes and headaches.
  3. Augmentin is a product in the idea of ​​solutions for injections, suspensions and tablets. It is used in case of sharp frequent spasms during bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, when a dry cough is tormented. Possible side effects in the form of stool disorders.

For your information! An antibiotic for dry cough for adults is prescribed according to a doctor’s indications, if there is an indication for it.

With sputum

With this type of cough, fairly strong antibiotics are indicated for coughing. The serious course of the disease is characterized by sputum separation and the need for complex therapy.

For your information! If the sputum is rust-colored, green, or streaked with blood, this indicates a purulent course of the disease.

In addition to antibacterial drugs, such a patient with a wet cough will be given important recommendations:

  • sputum must be spit out, it cannot be swallowed;
  • carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene so as not to infect others;
  • It is better to cough while standing, as this will allow the lungs to expand as much as possible;
  • minimize the appearance of external irritants (chemicals, tobacco smoke, etc.);
  • the air must be humidified;
  • drink enough water.

Mucolytic drugs include:

  • Carbocysteine;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine and others.

Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics

How to choose the right drug? The difference between antibacterial agents from each other in terms of active substances, purpose of use and effectiveness affects their purpose. Some popular antibiotics for cough are listed:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Amoxiclav and others.


This is one of the drugs with a wide range of applications. Helps with wet cough. Prescribe one tablet per day for 5 or 7 days. Contraindications include pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.


A good drug, which is cheap, is prescribed for bronchitis with bacterial damage. Contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases.


Indications include bronchitis, tonsillitis and other diseases. Use 2 tablets per day. Can it be used for gastrointestinal diseases? It is contraindicated for peptic ulcers, gastritis, renal failure, and heart disease.


The drug is often prescribed. In most cases, it is well tolerated, which is confirmed by the reviews of those who drank it.

Antibiotics in the form of syrup and spray

In addition to tablets and solutions for injections, it may be necessary to use drugs in the form of a spray or suspension.


Antibiotic cough syrup with a pleasant taste is usually prescribed to children. In addition, suspensions with extracts from herbs and other components of plant origin are prescribed.

Among the famous:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Sumamed and others

Medicine in spray form

A spray containing an antibiotic is an effective medicine. It is used for coughs due to upper respiratory tract infections. At the moment, Bioporox, presented in aerosol format, is often prescribed. Spraying allows the active substances to reach the site of inflammation.

For your information! The spray has an age limit - not recommended for children.

To stop coughing after antibiotics, it is important to strictly follow the dosage of the drugs and the duration of the course of treatment. And strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

Cough in 80% of cases is a consequence of infection entering the body. This is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases that occur under the influence of bacteria or viruses.

Antibiotics for coughs in adults are becoming the most effective method of treatment if they are of bacterial origin. They are the ones who quickly and effectively help fight most infections.

Only a doctor can prescribe these drugs. He knows the characteristics of various pharmacological agents, their focus and is able to take into account their effect on the patient’s body.

It should be remembered that cough antibiotics effective only for diseases caused by bacterial infection. Other medications are required to treat influenza, parainfluenza, measles, rotavirus infection or ARVI.

If the patient has severe respiratory symptoms, self-treatment with antibiotics should not be started. Before this, you need to visit a doctor.

For colds or hypothermia, such therapy is also contraindicated. Such an effect on the body's microflora will do more harm than good..

Taking antibiotics in this case will only blur the clinical picture and cause harm to the body. Therefore, first a laboratory examination of the discharge of the nose and pharynx is carried out. And only after that treatment is prescribed.

If the disease has become severe or protracted, then it is best to fight it with antibacterial drugs that affect a wide variety of microflora. As a rule, at the same time, the doctor prescribes immunostimulants or vitamins.

Antibiotics for a severe cough are prescribed by a specialist to treat:

  • Bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • sinusitis;
  • tuberculosis.

Exceeding the dose of an antibiotic or, conversely, taking the drug haphazardly will not help get rid of the disease, but will cause side effects.

These diseases vary in their main symptoms, but they are all caused by some kind of bacterial infection. Typically the patient complains of a severe cough, lightheadedness, or headache.

High temperatures in excess of thirty-eight degrees Celsius are common. The patient may have difficulty breathing and experiences severe symptoms of intoxication.

Antibiotics for coughs will very quickly help relieve all these manifestations. They will not only help you forget about them, but will also help you get rid of headaches, runny nose, general malaise, weakness, and other symptoms. To do this, you must strictly follow the dosage regimen, which is indicated in the instructions and developed by your doctor.

Classification of drugs

Typically, specialists prescribe antibacterial agents belonging to:

  • Penicillins (Ampiox, Augmentin, Amoxiclav);
  • macrolides (Clarithromycin, Roxithromycin, Azithromycin);
  • cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefpirome or Cefazolin).

It is necessary to choose a drug based on the range of pathogens for which it is harmful.

It is of great importance whether the patient produces sputum. Some antibiotics are more targeted at wet coughs, while others are more targeted at dry coughs.

The longer the disease lasts, the wider the spectrum of action the antibacterial agent should have. Therefore, most often the doctor prescribes Amoxiclav as a medicine with universal effects..

In addition, the specialist closely monitors the patient’s changing well-being. If the condition improves, antibiotics are discontinued, and if the condition worsens, the drug is replaced with a more effective one. If the course of treatment is completed, but the cough does not disappear, it means that the antibacterial agent was chosen incorrectly or the person did not comply with all the doctor’s requirements.

Choice of antibiotic

Typically, for respiratory diseases the following are prescribed:

  • Ampiox. It actively affects the inflammatory process, destroys infection and quickly improves the patient’s well-being. The drug is able to affect even resistant microflora.
  • Ampicillin effectively eliminates the symptoms of respiratory diseases. However, it should be noted that it is contraindicated for people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Augmentin affects severe, difficult-to-treat respiratory diseases. He is able to cope with. It is especially effective for pneumonia.
  • Suprax is a modern drug that produces results even in the most difficult cases. It quickly relieves bronchospasm, helps remove phlegm and destroys infection.
  • Ceftriaxone is prescribed for conditions of moderate and extreme severity. It is especially effective when. As a rule, the drug is administered by injection and is most often used in a hospital setting.

As you can see, the drugs have different purposes and it is impossible to choose an antibacterial agent on your own.

Moreover, uncontrolled use can create resistance in the body to these drugs, after which it will be difficult to influence any disease..

Antibiotics for wet cough

A wet cough is always easier to treat than a dry cough. Therefore, it is necessary to take a sputum test to select an antibacterial agent. In addition, the doctor must make an accurate diagnosis and determine the drugs that are most effective for the therapy.

A wet cough often accompanies pneumonia or bronchitis. Therefore, it is prescribed simultaneously with. Together, they help to effectively eliminate irritation of the inner surface of the respiratory tract, reduce swelling, remove excess mucus and destroy infection.

Most often, the doctor prescribes:

  • Sumamed.

The drug is used in the form of capsules, tablets, powders, and suspensions. Most often it is used for severe paroxysmal productive cough. This is a fairly strong remedy, so it is taken once a day.

  • Amoxiclav.

Available in tablet form or in injection ampoules. It has a small number of side effects and contraindications, and also has a gentle effect on the body's microflora. The doctor decides how many times a day it should be used. The main condition that must be met is that the interval between doses is eight hours.

  • Azithromycin.

Used for many respiratory infectious diseases. It quickly and effectively destroys pathogenic microflora, allowing you to transform a dry cough into a wet one. One dose of the drug per day is enough.

Antibiotics are taken at the same time every day. They do not differ in the speed of action, like those that can stop any cough within 20 minutes.

To effectively fight bacteria, the active substance must accumulate in the body in small portions, which usually takes 3-7 days. Failure to use them can lead to a decrease in the concentration of the drug in the blood and, as a result, to the ineffectiveness of the entire treatment.

A week is usually enough for all the main symptoms to subside.

However, the first signs of improvement should be noticeable within the first three days. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to replace the drug.

Antibiotics for dry cough

Each antibacterial agent has a serious list of contraindications and incompatibility with other drugs. For a person without special education, it is impossible to understand these complexities.

For a nonproductive cough, a completely different selection of pharmacological agents is needed. Typically, the underlying cause of the disease is a strong inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the effect of infection on the body.

In the absence of bronchial discharge, antibacterial drugs have the best effect. It is also necessary to take mucolytics.

In this case, antibiotics will be more effective for a runny nose and cough:

  • Fromilid.

It is used to treat all parts of the respiratory system. Therefore, its use is indicated even for severe and chronic forms of diseases. Most often it is prescribed for sinusitis, chlamydia, pharyngitis or laryngitis. Take it twice a day, one tablet. The course of therapy is at least six days. If there is a special recommendation from a doctor, it can be extended for the same period.

  • Azitrox.

It is based on azithromycin, which effectively affects infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. The drug is available in the form of granules, tablets or powder. It should be taken three times a day.

  • Macropen.

Can eliminate even very severe coughs. It is effective against most pathogens of various diseases of the ENT organs. This drug is prescribed for sinusitis, legionellosis, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria. Take it three times a day.

  • Ceftriaxone.

Prescribed for severe pathologies with severe symptoms. Most often it is used for bronchitis or pneumonia. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.

Antibiotics for dry cough quickly have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being. However, they should not be taken without a prescription from a specialist, despite the fact that they are sold freely in pharmacies.

These are very strong drugs; individual intolerance to the active substance or the wrong choice of drug can have a detrimental effect on the patient’s body.

As already mentioned, antibiotics should only be used under the strict supervision of a physician. The trouble is that many people consider them to be an absolutely harmless medicine that is suitable for treating absolutely any ailment.

This has led to doctors around the world sounding the alarm due to the loss of sensitivity of many pathogens to antibacterial drugs. If the trend continues, then in the future it will be very difficult to select medications for the treatment of seriously ill people.

Side effects

You should know that among the main side effects of antibiotic use are::

  • Ineffective for viral diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • negative effects on the liver;
  • decreased immunity;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hearing loss;
  • negative effect on the kidneys;
  • danger of use for people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • inadmissibility of use during pregnancy, etc.

Therefore, a specialist who is familiar with all types of contraindications, taking into account the patient’s general medical history, selects the optimal type of drug for him, as well as drugs that can correct side effects.


Antibiotics are prescribed only if they cannot be avoided. If the drug is not indicated, then it is contraindicated. This is the basic principle of antibacterial drug therapy.

For cough, an antibiotic should be taken only with a clearly established differential diagnosis, since each of these medications has its own range of infections that it is aimed at.

Most often, antibacterial substances are prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, laryngitis, tracheitis and other pathologies, the main symptom of which is cough.

However, it should be borne in mind that respiratory manifestations do not accompany every infectious disease. Cough often accompanies cardiac diseases, nervous system pathologies, allergies, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. It is clear that in these cases antibiotics will be ineffective.

In addition, uncontrolled use of such drugs significantly weakens the defenses, opening wide the gates of any incoming infection.

People suffering from chronic diseases sometimes find it quite difficult to tolerate taking antibacterial drugs. They cause massive destruction of pathogenic flora, which, during processes of cellular decay, can provoke severe intoxication or an allergic reaction in the body.

Almost every disease of the respiratory system that is infectious in nature is accompanied by a cough. Therefore, antibiotics are the drugs of choice in these cases.

Despite the fact that they are the optimal type of treatment for many diseases, only a doctor can prescribe these antibacterial agents. It is necessary to know the exact diagnosis, the type of pathogen, the patient’s health status, as well as concomitant diseases.

Antibiotics are discontinued only after permission from a specialist. Temporary relief does not always mean recovery. Otherwise, all therapeutic measures taken may be useless.

Antibiotics – School of Dr. Komarovsky



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