How to cope with pain during menstruation. Very severe pain during menstruation: causes, treatment Hellish pain on the day of expected menstruation

Update: December 2018

Moderate pain during menstruation occurs in approximately 70% of girls and women of childbearing age. The pain syndrome that accompanies menstruation can be of varying intensity. Mildly expressed pain, only minor discomfort, especially in nulliparous women, is considered a normal physiological phenomenon.

However, if a woman experiences unbearable, severe pain every month during menstruation, accompanied by diarrhea, dizziness, fainting, vomiting and other symptoms that deprive the woman of her ability to work, obvious “critical days” actually occur - this is usually referred to in medicine as the disease algomenorrhea. Such symptoms indicate that the young woman has various disorders in the hormonal, vascular, reproductive, nervous or other systems of the body.

If the causes of painful periods are established, then treatment of these disorders can significantly alleviate the condition and improve the tolerance of such a natural process in a woman’s body as menstruation. In this article we will tell you why girls and women experience painful periods, the causes and treatment of such a disorder.

What other symptoms can accompany painful menstruation and why is it considered a disease?

In medicine, very painful periods are considered the most common menstrual dysfunction. Between the ages of 13 and 45, almost all women experience minor discomfort and soreness on the first day of menstrual bleeding. And only 10% of them complain of very strong cramping spastic pain from uterine contractions, which are also supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • 79% of women experience diarrhea
  • 84% vomit
  • 13% headache
  • 23% dizziness
  • 16% fainting

The main symptom of algomenorrhea is pain in the lower abdomen, which appears on the 1st day of menstruation or 12 hours before its onset, it gradually subsides by 2-3 days, it can be aching, tugging, stabbing, radiating to the rectum, bladder, etc. Maybe . Against the background of unbearable pain during menstruation, a woman’s psycho-emotional state is disrupted, irritability, drowsiness, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and weakness appear. Painful periods poison a woman’s life; waiting for the next bleeding has an adverse effect on the psyche, the emotional sphere of life, and leads to conflicts in the family and at work.

With a mild degree of algomenorrhea - short-term, moderate pain during menstruation does not lead to loss of performance and activity, such pain can be tolerated without additional painkillers, however, the causes of painful periods should be clarified, since even a mild degree of algomenorrhea can later become more severe, with more significant discomfort. Sometimes after childbirth, women stop having a mild degree of algomenorrhea and uterine contractions become less painful; its increase during pregnancy and reduction after pregnancy subsequently weakens cramping pain during menstruation.

In moderate cases, nagging pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by general weakness, nausea, chills, and frequent urination. Psycho-emotional disorders are also associated - depression, irritability, intolerance to strong smells and sounds, and performance is noticeably reduced. This degree of algomenorrhea already requires drug correction and the causes of pain should also be clarified.

In severe cases, very intense pain in the lower back and abdomen is accompanied by headache, general weakness, fever, heart pain, diarrhea, fainting, and vomiting. In a severe case of painful menstruation, a woman completely loses her ability to work; usually, their occurrence is associated either with infectious and inflammatory diseases or with congenital pathologies of the genital organs.

The main causes of primary painful menstruation in adolescent girls

Primary algomenorrhea appears with the first menstruation or develops within 3 years after the onset of menstruation. It mainly occurs in easily excitable, emotionally unstable girls, with an asthenic physique, in combination with. Depending on the accompanying “set” of symptoms, primary painful periods are divided into:

  • Adrenergic type

In this case, the level of the hormones dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine increases, causing a malfunction of the entire hormonal system of the body. Girls experience constipation, severe headaches, body temperature rises, heart rate increases, insomnia appears, legs and arms become bluish due to spasms of small vessels, the body and face turn pale.

  • Parasympathetic type

It is characterized by an increase in the level of the hormone serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid. In girls, on the contrary, the heart rate decreases, nausea with vomiting appears, body temperature decreases, gastrointestinal disorders are expressed by diarrhea, swelling of the limbs and face often appears, allergic reactions on the skin, girls gain weight.

Modern research establishes the fact that primary painful periods are not an independent disease, but a manifestation of deeper internal disorders, that is, symptoms of the following diseases or abnormalities:

  • Congenital abnormalities of connective tissue development

In gynecological practice, it has long been established that approximately 60% of girls with primary algomenorrhea are diagnosed with genetically determined connective tissue dysplasia. In addition to painful periods, this disease is expressed by flat feet, scoliosis, myopia, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is a very serious disease, which occurs more often in girls with elongated limbs, flexible joints, cartilage tissues, most often during the growth of a child, magnesium deficiency is detected, which can be determined by taking a biochemical blood test.

  • Diseases of the nervous system, neurological disorders

In girls with signs of a reduced pain threshold, with emotional instability, with various psychoses, neuroses and other neurological disorders, the perception of pain is exacerbated, so pain during menstruation in such patients is pronounced.

  • Bends of the uterus anteriorly and posteriorly, underdevelopment of the uterus, malformations of its development - bicornuate, two-cavity uterus

The occurrence of very painful periods due to abnormalities in the development of the uterus is caused by problematic, difficult outflow of blood during menstruation from the uterine cavity. This provokes additional uterine contractions, causing pain during menstruation.

Causes of secondary algomenorrhea in women

If pain during menstruation occurs in a woman who already has children, or she is over 30 years old, then this is considered as secondary algomenorrhea. Today, it occurs in every third woman, most often in a moderate to severe form, since it reduces performance and is aggravated by accompanying symptoms, and is also accompanied by heavy menstruation. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, painful periods occur with other symptoms, which are usually divided into several characteristic groups:

  • Autonomic symptoms - bloating, vomiting, nausea, hiccups
  • Vegetative-vascular symptoms - dizziness, leglessness, fainting, rapid heartbeat, headaches during menstruation
  • Psycho-emotional manifestations - disturbance of taste, perception of smells, increased irritability, anorexia, depression
  • Endocrine-metabolic symptoms - increased unmotivated weakness, joint pain, itching of the skin, vomiting

The intensity of pain during menstruation depends on the general health of the woman, age and concomitant diseases. If the patient has a metabolic disorder (and other disorders of the endocrine system), then endocrine-metabolic manifestations are added to additional symptoms during menstruation; in case of disorders of the cardiovascular system, vegetative-vascular symptoms may be more pronounced; when premenopause approaches in women (see. ), the likelihood of psycho-emotional instability and depressive symptoms increases.

Often women with secondary algomenorrhea experience problems that clearly cannot be ignored and this is an urgent reason to contact a gynecologist for examination and treatment. If primary painful periods, the causes of which are associated with congenital anomalies and pathologies, are very difficult to treat, then the occurrence of secondary algomenorrhea is mainly associated with acquired diseases of the female genital organs, the treatment of which must be carried out without fail, these are:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and the accompanying adhesive process in the pelvis
  • malignant and benign (polyps) tumors of the uterus and appendages
  • varicose veins in the abdominal cavity, in the pelvic organs
  • pelvic neuritis

Also, in women over 30 years of age, the appearance of very severe pain during menstruation can be caused by the following reasons, provoking factors:

  • intrauterine contraception
  • , other intrauterine interventions, due to cicatricial narrowing of the cervix
  • surgical operations on the uterine appendages, birth complications or complications after cesarean section
  • mental and physical fatigue, constant stress, violation of rest and work schedules

Why should painful periods be treated?

Considering the above, it should be understood that the natural physiological function of menstruation should not cause significant general malaise in a woman, depriving her of her ability to work. In order to reduce the pain of menstruation, treatment should not consist of pain relief, but of eliminating the cause of this phenomenon. Of course, you can hope that this will change with the birth of a child, but if this does not happen, especially if a woman experiences painful periods after giving birth to children, she should consult a gynecologist to find out the cause of pain during periods.

  • Enduring pain is not only physically difficult, but also very harmful to the nervous system, and regular use of NSAIDs and analgesics does not eliminate the cause of painful periods; moreover, the body gets used to them and painkillers have a number of side effects.
  • The appearance of very painful periods is an indicator that some kind of malfunction or disease is occurring in the body, this is a signal that you should definitely find the reason for the body’s inadequate response to a natural process.

Painful periods can and should be treated. Read more about this in our next article. To determine the cause of primary algomenorrhea, a gynecologist is examined, tests are taken for hormonal status, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and the girl should also be additionally examined by a neurologist, osteopath, or psychotherapist. For secondary algomenorrhea, hormonal examination, ultrasound, diagnostic laparoscopy, and diagnostic curettage are also performed.

A woman or girl with painful periods should keep an observation diary, a menstruation calendar, in which they describe in detail the sensations, the amount of discharge, the duration of the cycle and the duration of bleeding, all the symptoms that appear during menstruation, in order to then help the doctor in determining the cause and choosing a method of therapy.

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the life of every woman every month. They are associated with a certain discomfort and require compliance with certain hygiene procedures. It would seem that you should get used to this over the course of your life, but you don’t get used to it, since in most cases menstruation is accompanied by very significant painful sensations. Why this happens and how one should treat this pain, the women's online magazine JustLady tells its readers.

What hurts during menstruation

Many of us put up with pain during menstruation, believing that it is a normal, albeit rather unpleasant, but integral part of menstruation. And in vain. Because such pain is often a symptom of some disease.

Menstruation is not only a biological, but also a mechanical process. During their period, the body is cleansed of what is no longer functionally needed. During menstruation, our nervous system alternately excites the muscles of the genital organs, bringing out everything unnecessary. This process is regulated by nerve impulses that are conducted through nerve cells. If any of these cells, due to lack of nutrition or for other reasons, block nerve impulses, a disorder occurs in the frequency of muscle contractions. This is what contributes to the pain. Painful menstruation is medically called dysmenorrhea or algomenorrhea.

Typically, pain appears in the lower abdomen a few hours before the start of menstruation and lasts one to two days. It can be cramping, aching, stabbing and radiates to the lower back or sacrum. There are several degrees of severity of such pain. At the first, most common, degree, they are moderate, causing only mild discomfort and practically not interfering with social activity. Such pains appear in adolescence and subside over time, and after childbirth they may disappear altogether. However, if this does not happen, you should be wary. Otherwise, a mild form of dysmenorrhea threatens to gradually turn into a more severe form, with quite severe and prolonged pain.

With moderate algomenorrhea, in addition to severe pain, chills, nausea, headaches, general weakness, and dizziness may appear. The woman’s mental and emotional state deteriorates, and her performance is significantly reduced. To make you feel better in this case, as a rule, medications are required, which should be selected by a doctor.

As for the third degree of dysmenorrhea, it causes very severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, pronounced general weakness and severe headache. This often results in fever, heart pain, tachycardia, and vomiting. A woman may faint. Painkillers do not help in this situation. Is dysmenorrhea dangerous? In general, yes, since it can not only be a sign of some rather serious disease, but also lead to menstrual irregularities or infertility.

So why pain during menstruation arise?

How to reduce pain

Doctors suggest that one of the causes of pain is a hormonal imbalance. Besides, pain during menstruation occur due to diseases of the nervous system or genitourinary organs, with an underdeveloped uterus or a uterus that has an inflection, due to inflammatory processes, cicatricial narrowing of the cervix, tumors, cysts. If the pain is irregular, it may appear due to a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity, which occurred due to psychological or physical stress.

Pain during menstruation is, of course, excruciating. And, in order to somehow get rid of them, we take painkillers, and we seem to feel much better. But a month passes, and everything repeats itself again. This is not surprising, because with the help of painkillers we remove pain, but do not eliminate its cause. Therefore, before taking pills, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor and make sure that the pain is not a consequence of any disease. If the disease is not detected, and the pain is caused by improper position of the uterus or some other reasons, you should try to reduce it without using medications. This, for example, could be a hot foot bath and a diet low in fat and sugar. They help reduce pain during menstruation raspberry and mint teas, alternating warm and cool sitz baths, sets of physical exercises.

If the pain does not stop or decrease, you can take painkillers such as no-spa, analgin, aspirin, solpadeine, ibuprofen. The pain usually disappears over time in women who regularly take birth control pills. Chocolate and bananas help reduce severe pain.

In general, there is no universal remedy to reduce pain in this case. Each of us chooses our own, most suitable method in a given situation. In a word, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself by stoically enduring pain during menstruation, - they are not something inevitable and necessary. Both the pain itself and the constant anticipation of it have a very adverse effect on the psyche, performance, and relationships with others. Therefore, we must strive to get rid of them, first of all, of course, by consulting a doctor. This will rule out or confirm the presence of a disease and help you choose a method of pain relief.

So is there an effective yet safe way to deal with period pain? Yes, I have. In addition to the mandatory identification of the causes of pain (recommendations from a gynecologist-endocrinologist or clinical psychologist may be the only way out of this situation!) and treatment individually prescribed by doctors, today there are already remedies that we can confidently recommend to most patients with this symptom.

One of the safest and most balanced products that can be found in modern pharmacies is a special complex of vitamins, microelements and plant extracts “”. It is designed to normalize the menstrual cycle: for each phase there is a separate capsule with a precisely selected composition of the necessary components.

"" contains natural components that support the female body, and at the same time does not contain hormones (which can cause noticeable side effects) or other components that can disrupt its natural self-regulation. Due to this, a woman can delicately, “gently” restore the balance of essential substances in her body and get rid of pain and discomfort.

Components “ ” help normalize the rhythm and duration of the menstrual cycle and alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual symptoms.

It is worth remembering: even if you take vitamins, nutritional supplements, medications, physical activity, proper nutrition, adequate sleep and elimination of emotional overload remain no less important and effective means.


Olga Kocheva

Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: temperature,ovary,stomach,tablet,exercise,tumor,small of the back,menstruation,aspirin,preparation,excitation,aromatherapy,sacrum,chills,fainting,treatment,head

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Most women know firsthand about the signs of approaching menstruation, which manifest themselves in the form of irritability, mood swings, pain in the chest, lower back, side and abdomen. What are the causes of severe pain during menstruation? Why is the pain so much worse on day 1? This will be clarified in this article.

Pain during menstruation can be so severe that a woman experiences a disruption in her usual way of life. This condition is called dysmenorrhea.

Dysmenorrhea is irregularities in the menstrual cycle that are accompanied by pain. And neurophysiologists include in this concept disorders in the neurovegetative, endocrine and mental systems. The main symptom for all of them is one - pain on the eve of menstruation.

Dysmenorrhea, according to statistics, is widespread among women and the frequency of occurrence varies between 43-90%. Some people tolerate it very hard, some take it easier, and some have no problems at all. It all depends on the character, social status and working conditions of the woman.

As for the types of dysmenorrhea, most often it is acquired, that is, a pathology formed due to disturbances in the functioning of the woman’s genital organs. But there are also cases when dysmenorrhea occurs at a young age without the presence of pathology. In this regard, this disease is divided into two types: primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhea is also called idiopathic. It occurs in the absence of diseases of the genital organs, both after the first menstruation and after many years of the menstrual cycle. The pain at the initial stage is short-term, it is aching and does not bother the woman much. But after a few years, the pain becomes more severe and lasts for several days.

There is a tendency that women who complain of pain during menstruation are diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, myopia, mitral valve prolapse, flat feet and scoliosis.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is the result of a woman having various organic diseases. The pain syndrome is caused by a violation of the uterine blood supply, stretching of the walls of the uterus and spasm of its muscles.

Types of pain on the first day of menstruation

Only 25% of women do not experience pain during menstruation; for the remaining 75%, pain during menstruation is a constant companion. Pain usually begins a day or two before the onset of menstruation, or on its first day. These unpleasant sensations can be considered normal only if they do not cause the woman severe discomfort and do not deprive her of the ability to get out of bed and go about her daily activities.

Pain appears on the first day of critical days in the lower abdomen and fades away gradually by the second or third day of menstruation. The pain can be aching, twitching or paroxysmal in nature and radiate to the lower back, bladder or rectum.

Along with this, many women experience apathy, depression, irritability, lack of appetite, nausea, and in rare cases, vomiting, excessive sweating, breast tenderness, constipation or diarrhea.

Pain on the first day of menstruation is associated with hormonal changes occurring in the female body during this period. Since the egg was not fertilized, the uterine mucosa begins to renew itself: removing the old endometrium and growing a new one. Hormones to get rid of the dying endometrium cause muscle contractions in the uterus, which is why women feel pain. But pain can also be associated with dysmenorrhea, the types of which are mentioned above.

If on the first day of your period the pain is not particularly severe, then in order to reduce the feeling of discomfort it is enough to follow only these simple rules:

  • drink more fluids;
  • perform physical activity at a moderate pace;
  • take a slightly warm shower (but do not sit in the bath);
  • take some painkiller.

But if the pain is so severe that a woman cannot get out of bed, it is better to consult a gynecologist to rule out serious health problems.

Migraine before and after menstruation

Migraines before and after menstruation are very common. The main reason for its occurrence is surges in the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, and the predisposing factors for this condition are hereditary predisposition and a tendency to increased platelet aggregation.

Migraine can be observed not only before and after menstruation, but also during menopause, pregnancy and lactation. Each of these conditions provokes hormone surges, which is why severe headaches begin.

Very often, migraines occur in young girls during puberty, and disappear as hormonal levels normalize. But women also experience migraines during their periods for a longer period of time: for some, they go away after they give birth, while for others they last for the rest of their lives.

Migraine that begins before menstruation is associated with it and is called menstrual. During this period, intense headaches occur in the vast majority of women and their duration varies between 4-72 hours. A symptom of an onset migraine is localized throbbing pain on one side. If you ask a woman to rate her headache on a scale of ten, their ratings will be in the range of 5-9 points.

Migraine attacks before the onset of menstruation are often accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Pain itself causes discomfort, but how to live if a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen every month before her period? You need to understand where it comes from in order to take action.

If the pain is not severe, but nagging, and concentrated only in the lower abdomen, the woman should not be alarmed. They mean the approach of menstruation. In addition to these pains, a woman may also feel painful sensations in her chest. It’s good if the pain is not prolonged and antispasmodic drugs are not required. It is worse if it lasts from 1 to 3 days, and the woman cannot do without painkillers, which indicates dysmenorrhea and the help of a gynecologist will be needed.

Nagging pain in the lower back

Many women complain of lower back pain during menstrual periods. Among doctors there is even a concept of radiating pain. But you shouldn’t worry too much about nagging lumbar pain, since nowadays it can be easily eliminated with medications or massage.

The causes of nagging pain in the lower back before menstruation are as follows:

  • inflammation in the uterus or its cervix, or ovaries;
  • curvature or bending of the uterus;
  • infections in the genitals, as a result of which adhesions have formed in the uterus;
  • myoma;
  • installed intrauterine device;
  • heredity;
  • changes in hormonal levels.

It will not be possible to determine the cause of lower back pain on your own without a gynecologist.

Chest pain

The female breast is a very sensitive and delicate organ, which reacts as an indicator to even the most minor hormonal changes in the female body. Changes in breast size and shape occur not only at different ages of a woman, but also during each menstrual cycle. So, after ovulation, the glandular tissues in the breasts become larger under the influence of progesterone. And a day or two before the onset of menstruation, when the body is convinced that there is no pregnancy, the tissues return to their previous sizes.

With such changes in the volume of tissue in the breast, slight swelling, and strong blood flow to the breast, the woman feels discomfort and pain.

Stomach hurts

Menstruation is already not a particularly pleasant event for women, but it is often accompanied by poor health and even pain in the stomach. It would seem what it has to do with menstruation and why it hurts a week before its onset and in the first days after its onset. This is directly related to premenstrual syndrome.

Stomach pain is the result of hormonal changes occurring in a woman’s body. Estrogen, progesterone and other hormones released in large quantities affect the uterus, and in response it becomes larger and begins to put pressure on all the organs around it. Hence the feeling of discomfort in the stomach, bloating and frequent bowel movements. This does not affect the woman’s performance in any way and the pain is usually tolerable.

Pain in the right side

Pain before or during menstruation is one of the most common reasons why women turn to a gynecologist. And most of them complain that the pain is localized in the right side. Such a painful symptom may appear due to the development of neurological or surgical pathologies, so it is very important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Normally, pain in women during menstruation should be localized in the lower abdomen or lower back. If pain is felt elsewhere, you should consider finding out its causes. Causes of pain in the lower right side include:

  • incorrectly installed intrauterine device;
  • ovarian cyst or torsion of its legs;
  • inflammatory process in the appendages;
  • myoma.

In addition, pain in the right side may have nothing to do with gynecology, but it may be one of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (appendicitis, Crohn's disease or diverticulitis) or the urinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis). It is very important to get examined to prevent your condition from getting worse.

Pain with uterine fibroids during menstruation

Myoma is a hormonal benign growth in the form of a tumor in the uterus, formed from smooth muscle connective tissue. Uterine fibroids can increase pain in every third woman, making it more intense and prolonged. The pain may decrease, but does not completely disappear even after the end of menstruation. These symptoms are especially pronounced if adenomyosis is present in addition to fibroids (when the endometrial glands penetrate into the adjacent layers of the organ).

If the neoplasm is submucosal, then during menstruation the pain is cramping in nature. This is due to the uterus trying to push the tumor out. Sometimes this happens and the myomatous nodule leaves the uterus along with the discharge.

Myoma also increases pain during menstruation because it puts pressure on organs adjacent to the uterus and, more often, on the intestines and bladder. Manifestations from the intestines during menstrual periods are noticeable even without a neoplasm, and with it, flatulence and pain only intensify. And when it manifests itself in the bladder, the woman notices that she begins to go to the toilet more often.

How to get rid of pain on the first day of your period

What to do to get rid of or at least reduce pain during menstruation? The first thing that comes to mind is to take a painkiller. This is of course effective, but the doctor must prescribe the appropriate drug and the correct dosage, otherwise you can only harm yourself and trigger a disease that may cause pain during menstruation.

Pain can be relieved without taking pills, just by following these rules:

  • stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption;
  • eat less dairy and meat products before your period begins;
  • do sports or yoga;
  • massage the area where pain is felt in a clockwise direction;
  • avoid hypothermia and stress;
  • place a warm heating pad on your stomach.

When to call an ambulance

Women in particularly severe cases during menstruation may need immediate medical attention. It is recommended to call an ambulance if a woman has a fever during her period, has a fever, nausea and vomiting, has lost consciousness, has copious discharge from the vagina, and the lower abdomen hurts so much that you want to bend over.

Severe pain can lead to serious consequences. For example, due to the onset of infectious toxic shock, a woman may experience confusion, psychomotor agitation, high temperature and fever. Such a shock occurs due to a woman’s failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene.

Heavy periods may result in bleeding. If there was a delay at first and then menstruation began, then the woman’s pregnancy could thus be disrupted.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Approximately 70% of the female half of the population experience pain during menstruation. In each individual case, the discomfort has different intensity and accompanying symptoms. The article will help you understand in which cases unpleasant sensations are considered normal, and when diagnosis and subsequent treatment are necessary.


Dysmenorrhea (algomenorrhea, algomenorrhea) is characterized by painful menstruation, which can be present for just a day or the entire period of menstruation. In some patients, malaise begins a few days before menstruation, but is not a symptom of PMS.

The risk group is girls and women aged 13 to 45 years. Due to the individual characteristics of the body, sensations manifest themselves in different ways. Based on their location and additional symptoms, the cause of the disorder can be identified. But treatment is selected only after a comprehensive examination.

It is important to contact specialists in a timely manner, because painful contractions in the lower abdomen and tingling in the lower back may indicate serious gynecological diseases. And such violations are easier to eliminate in the first stages of development.

Classification of dysmenorrhea

There are two forms of the disease: primary (functional) and secondary (acquired). If the functional form of the disorder is almost never associated with gynecological pathologies, then acquired dysmenorrhea indicates negative changes in the pelvic organs and diseases not only of the reproductive system, but also of other organs.

Primary form

Pain syndrome is observed in teenage girls in the first three years of the formation of the menstrual cycle. Painful periods are not inherently dangerous and do not indicate an independent gynecological disease.

Primary algodismenorrhea does not always occur with the first menstruation. Sometimes severe symptoms begin to appear only with the beginning of ovulatory cycles. These sensations do not affect performance and do not cause severe anxiety. The following clinical picture is noted:

  • menstruation proceeds normally (minor delays);
  • the pain is weak, most often aching, but not cutting;
  • no need to take painkillers;
  • There are no additional symptoms.

Among the causes of pain during menstruation in primary dysmenorrhea, it is worth highlighting:

  • abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increased production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes;
  • neurological disorders.

During menstruation, severe pain is not the only complaint of patients with functional algomenorrhea. Other problems complete the picture:

  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • myopia;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet.

Secondary form

The diagnosis of secondary dysmenorrhea is most often made in women aged 25-30 years, when the occurrence of symptoms during menstrual periods is provoked by diseases or pathological changes in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system.

In most cases, nulliparous women or girls who have terminated their pregnancies several times are at risk. But after childbirth, the situation often improves, and problems with menstruation go away on their own.

Acquired dysmenorrhea is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Aching pain before menstruation is practically not felt.
  2. The maximum intensity occurs on the second or third day of the cycle.
  3. Spasms are observed systematically, the stomach suffocates.
  4. Suddenly begins to pull and ache during physical activity.

Additional symptoms include:

  • general weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • heart rhythm problems;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in joints and muscles throughout the body;
  • psycho-emotional problems;
  • increased body temperature;
  • scanty or heavy periods.

If, over the years, minor discomfort turns into very painful menstruation, then the disease is called decompensated. With a stable clinical picture (pain with the same intensity), dysmenorrhea is compensated.

When period pain is not dangerous

Pain is considered a normal physiological phenomenon in the following situations:

  • formation of the female cycle (1-2 years after the first bleeding);
  • isolated painful sensations (several days not every month);
  • discomfort caused by external factors.

Among the relatively harmless causes of pain during menstruation are:

  • poor nutrition (lack of vitamins);
  • great physical activity;
  • emotional stress;
  • decreased tone of the uterine muscles;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • postpartum recovery.

Pain often goes away if a woman improves her diet, avoids stressful situations and begins to exercise. But still, a routine gynecological examination and ultrasound will not hurt. Because systematic stress and constant fatigue often become the basis for the development of hormonal imbalances.

Intensity and nature of pain

Unpleasant sensations can be localized anywhere. It often hurts in the abdomen, radiating to the perineum, back and organs located in the pelvis. Depending on the nature of the pain, there are:

  • aching;
  • piercing;
  • twitching;
  • cutting;
  • spicy;
  • cramping.

Women choose different words to describe their feelings. If for some the pain during menstruation is hellish, unbearable, terrible, wild, then others, due to the high pain threshold, note only minor pains and tingling sensations.

Based on these sensations, it is very difficult to independently determine the cause that caused the pain syndrome, so it is better to visit a gynecologist.

Degrees of dysmenorrhea

Before deciding what to do for painful periods, you need to accurately determine the severity of algomenorrhea:

  1. Zero. The discomfort is not pronounced and does not interfere with daily activities or light physical activity. It is noted only in the first days of the cycle.
  2. Easy. Minor contractions occur, radiating to the stomach and lower back. There are accompanying symptoms such as depression and digestive disorders. Sometimes painkillers are needed, but in small quantities.
  3. Average. The main symptom is a decrease in daily activity and pain relief at home with the help of tablets. The condition is sometimes accompanied by weakness, chills, and emotional instability.
  4. Heavy. Painkillers no longer help. The situation gets worse even before menstruation. During discharge, in addition to severe pain, vomiting occurs, and loss of consciousness is also possible. In rare cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

In most cases, the illnesses that caused dysmenorrhea worsen, so the pain becomes stronger. With zero and mild degrees of pathology, there are no pathologies or are at the initial stage of development. Moderate and severe degrees indicate more serious disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs.

When to see a doctor

Over time, stronger discomfort may begin. In this case, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. Especially if the following symptoms are present:

  • pain begins before menstruation;
  • the duration of discomfort increases;
  • there is a cramping nature of the pain;
  • discomfort spreads to other organs (ovaries, bladder);
  • symptoms occur in every cycle;
  • body temperature rises.

After taking painkillers, it should feel better, but only temporarily. Menstrual pain will continue to interfere with normal life and work. Therefore, it is in the interests of the woman herself to seek medical help so that the situation does not worsen.


It is difficult to make a diagnosis on your own based on pain, the nature of the discharge and accompanying symptoms alone. Therefore, a woman needs to go to the hospital, tell the doctor what she drank and describe her problems.

After a gynecological examination, the specialist will prescribe:

  • general blood test and hormones;
  • urine test;
  • strokes;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels.

Usually a visit is also required:

  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • vascular surgeon.

Sick women are afraid of such diagnostics. But the more complete the picture of analyzes and examinations, the greater the chances of giving an accurate explanation of the ongoing processes.

What causes dysmenorrhea

Causes of severe pain during menstruation:

  • problems with hormones;
  • luteal phase deficiency;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • consequences of abortion;
  • inflammation of the uterus and its appendages;
  • infectious disease of the reproductive system;
  • salpingitis;
  • endometritis;
  • adhesions;
  • varicose veins;
  • traumatic rupture of the uterine ligaments;
  • abnormal position of the uterus;
  • tuberculosis of the genital organs.

How to fix the problem

Treatment of painful periods is based on the reasons that provoked discomfort at the beginning of the cycle. Without eliminating the disease, the pain syndrome can be temporarily suppressed with pills, but it will definitely return next month with renewed vigor.

You can reduce pain by using:

  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics;
  • NSAIDs.

If doctors have determined that the discomfort is a consequence of hormonal imbalance, then the woman needs to undergo medication correction:

  • Mild, moderate - Duphaston, Utrozhestan.
  • Severe degree – Lindinet 20.

Read about how it goes in one of our articles.

But hormones cannot be taken without a prescription from your doctor.

Such problems are also treated with physiotherapeutic methods, after which the restorative and compensatory functions of the body are accelerated:

  • nitrogen, pine baths;
  • brain galvanization;
  • ultratonotherapy;
  • electrical stimulation of the cervix;
  • heliotherapy.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated if the patient has pain due to inflammatory processes, neoplasms and other diseases of the genital organs.

These women are allowed:

  • classic massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • cupping therapy;
  • Kuznetsov applicator;
  • SPA treatments.

Additional measures:

  • yoga;
  • gymnastics;
  • physical exercise;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • traditional medicine recipes.

Terrible and wild pain, tingling and spasms require special injections to alleviate the condition. Most likely, the woman will be hospitalized for diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Eliminate pain according to the day of your period

In most situations, discomfort occurs only on the first day of menstruation. In severe cases, discomfort begins even before menstruation, and stops a few days after the end of monthly bleeding. And here you cannot do without medical help.

But at home, girls need to know what to do if they experience severe pain during menstruation on the first day. You need to act according to the type of sensations and their intensity.

Can help:

  • painkillers (no more than three tablets);
  • heating pad on the lower abdomen;
  • sedatives;
  • bed rest (it’s better not to walk at all);
  • relaxing massage;
  • herbal tincture based on lemon balm and mint;
  • ventilation of the room.

If cramping pains during menstruation do not go away after such actions, then it is better to consult a gynecologist. It is possible that a painful shock may occur, which is dangerous for the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Shock can occur suddenly and against the background of severe bleeding. It’s good if the woman immediately asked for help. Indeed, in the opposite situation there is a serious threat to life.


To prevent and, you must:

  • visit a gynecologist in a timely manner;
  • be checked for infectious diseases several times a year;
  • do not use an intrauterine device;
  • avoid mechanical damage to the uterine mucosa (abortion).

Based on reviews from women, it is clear that the main rule for preventing dysmenorrhea is a healthy lifestyle:

  • complete rest;
  • optimal daily routine;
  • active walks in the fresh air (at least two hours a day);
  • swimming, aerobics;
  • protected sex;
  • special diets;
  • drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • giving up cigarettes and alcohol;
  • exclusion of stressful situations;
  • herbal tea and aromatherapy.

There are many reasons that cause aching, gripping, sharp pain against the background of regulation. It is necessary to eliminate the disorder, not relieve pain. Therefore, get examined at the hospital to get specialist advice. They will help you get rid of severe pain during menstruation and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Almost all women know that pain often occurs during menstruation. But, you must admit, the severity of pain in the same woman in different months can be different, and sometimes there is none at all. And sometimes - at least climb up the wall from her. Let's figure out what hurts during menstruation and how it can be avoided.

Anatomy of menstruation

Let's remember anatomy. Every month, one or more eggs mature in a woman’s body. They wait for fertilization, and without waiting for this wonderful event, they move through the tubes to the uterus. The uterus, meanwhile, produces a lot of substance that can help the fertilized egg “attach” to its walls. You understand that at a certain point in the uterus there is a large number of all kinds of tissues and cells that the woman’s body “was not useful” in this cycle, and they must be removed from the uterus. This removal is called menstruation; there is an abundant release of blood, and with it all unnecessary biological material.

What hurts?

After an anatomy lesson, it becomes clear why pain during menstruation occurs before it begins and lasts for some time - from 2-4 hours to 2 days. The uterus begins to open to remove unnecessary things. Remember labor pains - pain occurs when the uterus opens. Of course, during menstruation the uterus does not open so much, but still it opens! Muscles press on internal tissues rich in nerve endings. It's less sensitive and more painful. After the uterus has opened, an impulsive muscle contraction begins, which expels the blood out. Imagine a rubber bulb, you press on it, water flows out, right? So is the uterus, the muscles press on it, blood comes out. And any pressure brings unpleasant sensations.

Why does it hurt more?

Increased pain during menstruation occurs with certain diseases. If your hormonal levels have changed due to nervousness, the uterus may contract stronger or weaker, this affects the level of pain. Also, over the years, a woman may begin to suffer from increased sensitivity to pain. Then even the slightest contraction of the uterus will cause unbearable pain. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, he will prescribe the correct treatment. But the woman herself must follow the basic rules so that it hurts less: don’t be nervous, play sports, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, don’t catch a cold (especially protect your legs from hypothermia).


If the pain begins 3-4 days before menstruation, and then only intensifies, then not only the uterus hurts when muscles are applied to it. This condition is called algomenorrhea, and only a doctor can determine that it hurts during menstruation. Pain can be caused by endometriosis and in this case the entire mucous membrane hurts, not just the cervix. Also often the cause of pain is inflammation of the genital organs. Pain during menstruation can even be caused by an intrauterine device, as well as polyps and peritoneal adhesions. By the way, many women do not even suspect that they have adhesions, thinking that these are standard pains during menstruation. And this is a very big danger! When muscles contract, they can have such a strong mechanical effect that organs stuck to each other will cause nagging pain. In the most acute cases, rupture and internal bleeding occur, which can only be eliminated surgically.



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