Hello, dear visitors. If you suddenly begin to notice that your head has become heavy, your mouth appears bad taste, complexion has changed, this may mean that the body requires general cleaning. In order to help the body, there are various ways body cleansing - folk, Tibetan, from yogis, from doctors. Let's try to cover at least a few today.

Why do you need to cleanse your body?

Perhaps you doubt whether the body needs cleansing? Yes, we do! We're cleaning the house, summer cottage.

Human body can clean itself, but it’s better to help it anyway than to watch it suffer from bad ecology, poor nutrition he begins to work tirelessly.

Where to start cleansing the body

Cleansing should begin with intestines, since it contains the most toxins and wastes. Due to lack daily use clean water, intake of low-quality products, improper nutrition, food cannot be completely digested, so it begins to ferment there, rot, poisoning our body.

And his poisoning leads to excess weight, headaches, lethargy, apathy. Following this are serious illnesses, up to cancer. Now do you understand how seriously you need to take cleansing this organ?

In addition, the liver secretes bile, which promotes the breakdown of fats. Is a clogged organ really able to cope with its task?

Then we clean kidneys- another blood filter. It is important to know that after cleansing the liver, the kidneys themselves begin to cope with the cleansing task.

These recipes have been known for a very long time. With their help, you can get rid of waste and toxins in blood vessels, the liver, and cleanse the blood and lymph.

Lemon with garlic for cleaning blood vessels

In the morning, pour 1 tbsp. l. liquid in 50 ml of water, drink on an empty stomach. When the composition is finished, do the second, third, fourth. Your blood vessels will be so cleansed that you will not walk, but fly!

Even simpler - black currant!

Pour 30 - 35 g of currant leaves, no matter fresh or dry, with 200 ml of boiling water, let stand for 30 minutes. Then drain the broth. Take 100 ml three times a day 25 minutes before meals. With this decoction you, the walls of blood vessels, the heart, the lymph, remove toxins!

Cleansing the body with activated carbon

The miraculous ability is due to its ability to attract and hold almost everything harmful substances.

How to properly clean activated carbon? The method is simple, safe, which means it can be used at home:

  • For every 10 kg of a person’s weight, you need to take 1 tablet of coal. For example, you weigh 80 kg, which means you need to take 8 tablets of charcoal;
  • this amount should be divided into 2 doses: 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening;
  • they should be crushed before taking;
  • wash down a large number water;
  • Drink 2 liters of water during the day.

Course - 2-3 weeks.

Coal should not be taken if you have a stomach ulcer or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipes from Tibet

Cleaning with rice

Tibetan recipe Cleansing the body with rice was considered the secret of Tibetan lamas.

It's simple but very effective method.

  1. Take round rice, take as many heaped tablespoons as you are old.
  2. In the evening, pour it into the pan, rinse it, add boiled cold water so that it covers the grains of rice.
  3. Place in the refrigerator until the morning.
  4. In the morning take one tbsp. l. rice, add water, place on a gas stove, cook for 5 minutes. That's it, you can eat!
  5. Fill the remaining rice with new water.
  6. Do this procedure every morning until 7-30 o’clock, until the rice runs out.
  7. The rice grains should be eaten on an empty stomach; after this procedure, do not drink or eat anything for 3 hours.

Keep in mind: it draws out not only salts, but also potassium. To avoid feeling unwell during the cleansing period, eat figs, raisins, dried apricots, potatoes, drink tea with honey, and viburnum.

As a result you will get:

  • clean skin, beautiful color faces;
  • improved metabolism;
  • restoration of liver cells;
  • pain and crunching go away from the joints;
  • Lightness appears in the body, a surge of strength is felt.

Why rice? It's all about the structure of the grains. When they pass through the intestines, the “lattice” obtained after washing out the starch absorbs all harmful substances.

Garlic tincture

Tibetan monks' tea

Cleansing fasting according to Bragg

Drug recipe:

  • Grind 100 grams of flax seeds in a coffee grinder, pour in 250 grams. sunflower oil(unrefined).
  • Let stand for 7 days, shaking daily.
  • Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon in 45 minutes. before meals.

Course - 10 days. Shake before use.
During this period, exclude flour, sweets, fried foods from your diet, eat fish and vegetable dishes.

Attention: for cholecystitis, exacerbation cholelithiasis, if you have pancreatitis, you should not drink the medicine in oil. It's better to do it on the water. For this, 1 tsp. pour the seeds into a thermos, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water Reception: 150 ml of infusion along with seeds. Course – 2 – 3 weeks.

The most powerful Siberian healing method

To cleanse the lymph, blood, intestines, liver, kidneys, you can use another Siberian method - with cedar resin or resin.

This is a powerful antiseptic given to us by nature itself. By taking the drug, you will improve your joints, cleanse your blood vessels, and heal all organs of the body. In a word, where a person’s illness is lodged, that’s where recovery begins. The entire procedure will last 80 days.

  • Buy an insulin syringe at the pharmacy, as well as oleoresin (12%), remove the needle from the syringe.
  • Start the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, with 5 units of oleoresin dissolved in a teaspoon of water.
  • After taking it, do not eat or drink for 30 minutes.
  • Then you need to add 5 units every day to bring it to 200 units or 5 ml.

From the 40th day, begin to reduce the dose by 5 units daily. The procedure is carried out once a year.

A simplified method of healing with resin

But not all people can take advantage of such a health improvement scheme. There is a simplified cleansing schedule for them. At night, drink half a teaspoon of 10% with a tablespoon of water. Take one month. Repeat 2 or 3 times a year.

Flaxseed oil for cleansing and weight loss

Flaxseed oil is suitable for cleansing the intestines. In the morning, drink 2 tbsp. linseed oil, and after 30 minutes 1 tbsp. raw water.

Cleaning will begin in 30 minutes and can continue all day. If you carry out this procedure for several days in a row, you will lose up to 2 kg.

Cleansing the body with soda

There is no clear answer about the cleansing properties of soda. Some say it’s harmful, others say oh, how well it cleans. Let's figure out why you need to take soda?

  1. Soda creates an alkaline environment in which all viruses cancer cells, bacteria, as well as harmful protozoa, cannot live and reproduce.
  2. Soda improves immunity.

Be careful, if sodium bicarbonate is taken incorrectly, it will only cause harm.

How to drink soda correctly: first take the dose on the tip of a knife, gradually increase it to 1 teaspoon, stir in a small amount of hot water, then add cold water to 1 glass to get a warm solution, drink. To cleanse the stomach we drink the solution slowly, for other organs a little faster.

You should drink 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach. Course: from 1 week to 1 month. You can take it once a week for the rest of your life, in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sensation from Professor Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin, while conducting research, noticed that to destroy cancer cells and other pathologies, lymph small intestine produces hydrogen peroxide. But over time, it becomes clogged and stops producing it. We can help her if we drink 3% hydrogen peroxide daily.

Let's start with the fact that a person needs to understand one very simple thing: we all need cleansing from time to time.

Imagine: even if you have the most luxurious house and beautiful furniture, you still need to clean it. After all, dust collects on furniture against our desire, even if your house is very beautiful and you live far from big cities. In the same way, a person needs to be cleansed. Regular cleaning is very important thing both in Eastern medicine and Eastern psychology.

Cleansing on a physical level

The human body is designed in such a way that the body secretes a certain amount of waste. And there is this peculiarity: during the day the body needs food, and in the evening the body begins, on the contrary, to release toxins. That's why oriental medicine does not recommend using night creams; it is believed that they are not absorbed and, moreover, block the access of oxygen and prevent the skin from getting rid of toxins. Ayurveda says that 95% of our diseases arise from the fact that toxins accumulate in the intestines. Modern English scientists also agree with this - they believe that because of this, metabolism is disrupted.

For physical cleansing

  • At least 2 ablutions per day are required. The first time you need to take a shower is in the morning, because our body releases toxins until 9 am and if we don’t wash them off before that time, they will begin to be absorbed back. In the evening, 2 hours before bedtime, you need to do another ablution to relieve tension. And just before going to bed, wash your feet. cold water, because negative energy accumulates in them during the day.
  • According to Ayurveda, it is very important that the intestines are cleansed in the morning, so it is necessary to improve digestion.
  • You need to clean your tongue every morning, because most of the toxins accumulate on the tongue, and not on the teeth. Please note that if you ate a lot of unhealthy and fatty foods at night, then in the morning you will have white coating. It is very harmful and toxic. All yogis must clean their tongue in the morning.
  • It is very important to eat right and eat compatible foods.
  • And, of course, the body needs regular cleansing. When a person does this, a large part of his physical and mental illness. About once a year you need to cleanse your intestines and liver, and once every two to three years - your kidneys. The state of the body also affects our mentality. If the body is not polluted, a person has more creative ideas and feels better. And toxins in the body and stagnant bile stimulate the manifestation of negative emotions, so it is important to get rid of them. Anyone who wants to do this can read books by Gennady Malakhov or books on yoga.

Cleansing on an emotional level

All diseases do not originate primarily in the physical body. Therefore, from mental and emotional problems It is also very important to cleanse yourself. Even modern doctors have come to the conclusion that many physical illness arise due to negative thoughts and emotions. If a person is pessimistic or thinks about someone with anger, this reflects on him.

For emotional cleansing

  • Try to get rid of negative emotions. The emotion of anger is especially destructive; it instantly triggers dangerous biochemical processes in the body. We need to take care of ourselves and avoid negative thoughts, because they complicate our lives in the first place.
  • Even if you are very attentive to emotions, you can become influenced by other people's energy. Just like you can get dirty physical body, the emotional body can also be desecrated. And even if you just talked with a negative person or, as they say in modern psychology, a non-resourceful person who is riddled with fear, you can become infected with this mood. It seems that before this you lived calmly, but here you also begin to have similar fears. All this deforms the subtle body, and over time problems begin in the physical level, and life’s difficulties: a person attracts a certain reality into his life and, as a result, cannot achieve anything in his career, in personal life and so on.
  • Don't become dependent on memories. We need memories as the realization of a certain experience. If we tried to walk along the road twice and fell twice because there was a hole in the middle, this means that there is no need to go there a third time. At the same time ordinary person most often regrets the past and dreams of the future. But our strength is to live in the present. Most of our energy is taken away negative memories, grievances. It happens that a person was offended at school, and he remembers it all his adult life. Some studies even show that resentment is what causes serious illnesses, such as cancer. There is no need to suppress memories or ignore them. But if memories come, you need to observe them without emotional coloring: Yes, it happened and it passed. It’s even worth drawing a diagram like this: draw a straight line and mark on it all the periods when something unpleasant happened to you. And in this place, draw flowers or something else that you associate with love. Imagine how the energy of love fills these periods. And if you do it sincerely once or twice, then usually negative thoughts leaving.
  • For emotional mood It is also advisable to take a shower - cool in the morning and warm in the evening. You can even say: “Where there is water, there is trouble” (sleep, illness, etc.). This, by the way, was accepted in Russia; Slavic healers taught me this. At the same time, you need to imagine that everything unpleasant leaves you with water.
  • Chat with interesting people wise people that can teach you something.
  • Light forms of meditation are very helpful. Now many people believe that in order to meditate, you need to be a yogi and live in the Himalayas. But that's not true. If you come home from work upset in the evening, try meditating. Take a shower, turn off the TV. And sit for 10 minutes in silence, watch your breathing, watch your mind. Yogis have a “pranayama” system, when a person breathes in a certain way, and all negative things go away. It is also very important to say: “I wish everyone divine love” or “I wish everyone happiness” - and imagine how the energy of love and bliss permeates every cell of yours, and from you it goes to other people. First of all, to your offenders. This clears the mind.

Purification on a spiritual level

On a spiritual level, cleansing is the harmonization of our state. We must live, by and large, unconditional love. But the more selfishness and fear, negative emotions in our lives, the more karma worsens.

  • Repentance helps with purification on a spiritual level. If you made a mistake, then you need to perform a rite of repentance. It is very important to forgive yourself, to forgive those people who have offended you in some way.
  • In addition, selfless activities help cleanse oneself from bad karma. When you do something for others without telling anyone about it, it also promotes peace of mind. There are two signs by which a person can determine that everything is going right. Firstly, he feels that his life is becoming happier every day and even every hour, and this constant feeling. It is not related to the fact that you ate something tasty or survived 10 minutes good sex. This feeling from life in general is a constant inner mood! And the second indicator is that every day a person’s relationships with others improve.

Cleaning your home

In Russia, few people have heard of the ancient Indian teachings of Vastu. It is believed that the Slavs also used it, and Buddhist monks adopted its elements and took them to China, and there, on the basis of vastu, the doctrine of feng shui was formed.

  • Garbage should not accumulate at home. It is especially important that it is clean and beautiful before entering an apartment or house. If you have something piled up at the door, it is believed that it prevents positive energy from entering the house.
  • It is very important that the house itself is clean. If the house is dirty, then your thoughts become clogged. And suddenly you notice that the husband starts screaming, the wife is angry, the children have become disobedient.
  • There should be no unnecessary things in the house. Of course, you need to take care of family or religious heirlooms. But in other cases, old things carry a lot negative energy. It is necessary to get rid of things that belonged to a person who was sick and died.
  • Throw away old things, they have the energy of Saturn, and this planet is considered the personification of loneliness, misfortune and problems. It is believed that because of old things one cannot enter the house. new energy. For example, if your entire closet is filled with old and unfashionable clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time, then you are blocking the energy of access. It’s as if the universe is saying: “Why do you need to earn money for new dresses? You’re already full!” And you really start earning less. The best thing is to simply give your stuff away to those in need.
  • If a woman gets married for the second time, she needs to throw away the clothes she wore when dating other men. This is especially true underwear, and also bed linen. Because all this carries someone else’s energy, and on a subconscious level a man will feel it. He may not realize why he is irritated, but he will treat his wife worse. It is believed that old things left over from a previous marriage destroy a new family.
  • If you were seriously ill and there was a threat to your life, then after recovery you need to throw out the clothes you were sick in and get rid of the bed linen you slept on.
  • But there are cases when you can and should store old clothes. For example, a woman lives in a happy marriage and she has a dress that is associated with pleasant moments. You can take care of such a dress and then even pass it on to your daughter, because it carries positive energy.
  • Throw away broken and ugly things without regret.
  • There should be no items made from artificial materials at home - polyester, synthetic fabrics. Do not buy artificial flowers for home: it is believed that they take away the energy of Venus and bring poverty. They can only be purchased for funerals.
  • The paintings that hang in our house need to be chosen very carefully. There should be nothing connected with death or despondency. Do not hang inharmonious pictures on the walls. The energy in the house is best influenced by beautiful landscapes, flowers, paintings with spiritual or religious meaning. Teenagers love to decorate their rooms with posters of their favorite musicians and actors. Meanwhile, images of half-naked women or men with aggressive, cruel faces are very harmful, because the pictures affect our subconscious.
  • Make sure that your home is always beautiful and cozy. Elegant, beautiful things made from natural materials bring the energy of Venus into the home, which is necessary for happy marriage and material prosperity. If the home decor is too simple and minimalistic, then at some stage a man develops a subconscious attraction to other women, because he needs the energy of love and comfort.

Rami Blackt is a consultant on ancient Indian astrology and eastern (alternative) psychology, author of the books “Fate and Me”, “10 Smart Steps on the Path to Happiness”, “Three Energies. Forgotten canons of health and harmony.” Rami runs the International Association of Eastern Psychology, helping people become healthy and happy.

How to properly approach home cleansing of the body. way to cleanse the body - cleansing in the bath

One day in the life of the average organism: not too nutritious breakfast, lunch, seasoned with the bustle of everyday life, an apple for a snack, which received glossy sides due to chemical additives, stress, stuffy air of the metropolis, which will not withstand a single inspection test and washing with water, which easily fits half of the periodic table, as reported by the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka.net

Scientists say that every adult contains several kilograms of substances, briefly called waste. Toxins enter the body around the clock and, due to dozens of factors, are produced by the body itself on a scale exceeding all imaginable indicators. Due to this, weight loss courses, acne treatment and the fight against chronic diseases are ineffective.

A philosophical attitude to the problem is unlikely to restore health and youthful lightness. The body of every adult sooner or later requires “spring cleaning”, and no matter how you feel about it various kinds achievements of the beauty industry, you cannot recognize one set of procedures as a waste of time and money. It's about about detox – a total and comprehensive cleansing of the body.

There are many detox programs, and each spa has its own. For example, the Englishwoman Deborah Williamson has developed a powerful system, according to which it is necessary to take special herbal capsules every hour and herbal tea, and also enhance the effect external influence: massage, wraps, masks, etc.

The Japanese practice detox based on nanotechnology. Ingredients contained in nanocapsules plant origin, which penetrate through the cells into the lymph and cause an effect that is twice as strong as any other detox procedure.

In any case, the course must begin with a full medical examination, which will not only help you choose the best detoxification method, but also adjust the menu and, if necessary, create a weight loss program.

After the first day of detox, you will most likely feel... worse than ever. The fact is that at this time the body will leave toxins and bacteria that have accumulated in it for years. You have to pay for beauty, and you have to pay for dozens of cakes of dubious origin. But don't worry, in a couple of days you will feel better than fairy-tale characters after a sip of living water.

At the end of the detox course, nothing prevents the body from demonstrating all its capabilities: there will be a noticeable increase in energy, there will be no fatigue even at the end of a stressful working day, intellectual and creative activity is activated. In a word, you will feel like a person who lives life to the fullest and can, if desired, move mountains.

Consider a detox weekend as your investment in health and beauty.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that a full-fledged detox at home, without a preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor, is impossible. This is exactly the one rare case, when a visit to a spa can be considered one of the smartest investments. Consider a detox weekend as your investment in health and beauty.

However, detox results can be maintained quite effectively at home. If you still haven’t gotten around to the procedure, the following tips will help you at least partially get rid of toxins. Of course, you shouldn’t expect the effects of spring cleaning, but you will feel much better.

I think you won’t be surprised that leading doctors recommend drinking a glass of water in the morning, on an empty stomach, as the most powerful detox tool. hot water with lemon. This method, as old as the world, triggers a cleansing mechanism no worse than the most complex medical supplies: waste products become easily soluble and are easily removed from the body. Lemon juice with honey it perfectly quenches thirst, while lemon juice is worth seasoning salads, cold and hot dishes.

Give a place of honor in daily menu spinach, celery, green salad, broccoli and watercress. Get used to unappetizing-looking algae and other sea vegetables; after a couple of months you won’t even remember how you managed without such rich in vitamins food. Replace black tea and coffee with green tea, forget soda and other teenage delicacies. bad dream nutritionist.

The description of the beneficial effects of each of the above detox tools is not a single thick medical book, but you just have to remember that all of these are not dusty exhibits of a “museum” healthy eating", A necessary elements menu for any person who cares about their health.

  • Launching and activating the intestines
  • Regular and proper functioning of the small and large intestines
  • Treatment and restoration of the stomach and pancreas

2. BLOCK “Complete liver regeneration”

  • Structural reconstruction (liver rejuvenation and regeneration)
  • Cleansing at the cellular level
  • Launch, activate and cleanse the gallbladder

3. BLOCK “Genitourinary system”

  • Treatment, recovery, revitalization of the kidneys
  • Running, strengthening the bladder
  • Treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases

4. BLOCK “Cleansing the lungs”

5. BLOCK “Blood and lymph purification”

  • Blood Cell Renewal
  • Cleansing blood vessels
  • Cleansing the lymphatic system

6. BLOCK “Extra pounds”

  • Nutrition - what nutritionists will never tell you about
  • Diet - the whole truth about “proper nutrition”
  • Regulation of appetite using energetic and mental effects

7. BLOCK “Rejuvenation”

  • Image therapy “Twenty years away”: face and neck rejuvenation
  • Health Matrix - we record the result and launch the body’s self-renewal mechanism

Select a package, enter your contact information and click on the green “Place an order” button.

I want a comprehensive cleansing!

Place an order

What is included in the training packages:

  • BASIC package— recording 5 live broadcasts in personal account student, 3 preparatory lessons, homework, additional audio materials, full information And step by step instructions For independent work to cleanse the body.
  • VIP package— full contents of the BASIC + package 2 closed VIP lessons on weight loss + individual strategic consultation with Vladimir Osipov where you will receive personal step by step guide to cleanse internal organs and solve your health problems.

Feedback from participants about Vladimir Osipov and his trainings:

Sergey Ponomarev (Moscow): “Online training turned out to be much stronger than face-to-face training. Of course, it was difficult for me to believe in the promises of the author of the training about quick results! But after the first day I realized how deep the material Vladimir Osipov gives. Many of the techniques can be done straight away and produce tangible results.”

Svetlana Ilyushina (St. Petersburg): “After the first in-person seminar in St. Petersburg (2010), regular morning classes fill me with energy and vigor for the whole day. The format of conducting the training with the subsequent opportunity to view the recording is quite convenient, since I rarely had the opportunity to participate in classes directly during the broadcast. Recording allows you to contact multiple times. convenient time to the points of interest in the lessons and check that the exercises are performed correctly.”

Elena Gritskikh (Moscow): “You get more strength after each time you do the exercises. I like that the training involves a combination physical exercise with the creation of a mental image and correct breathing, since individually each of the components is not so effective. Thank you, Vladimir!”

Svetlana Kurakina (Belgium): “This is not the first time I have participated in Vladimir’s programs and trainings and I know that every course he offers is much more than working with a specific health problem. This is an opportunity to radically change your life, improve relationships with loved ones, reconsider your attitude to many problems, find solutions to what seemed unsolvable, take a fresh look at yourself and the world around you.”

Panchakarma is a deep five-step cleansing process available only in Ayurveda, the most ancient method cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole body, known to mankind. Although human body considered a reasonable, natural system capable of self-healing and rejuvenation, our stressful lifestyle and aggressive ecology prevent the body from fully performing its functions. This is when Panchakarma plays a key role in correcting the toxin-filled body. Each person is different from the other, and therefore he needs completely individual therapy, which must be selected “exactly to measure” in accordance with his body type (by doshas: Vata, Pita, Kapha).

Stages of Panchakarma

This is a complex of five procedures (PANCHA - five, KARMA - action, procedure), which is preceded by two more procedures: internal oiling of the body (Snehapana) and removal of toxins from it using thermal procedures (Svedana). The five stages of Panchakarma are: cleansing enemas, nasal cleansing (through the nose), cleansing with laxatives, therapeutic vomiting, therapeutic bloodletting (or hirudotherapy). Moreover, they are often applied not completely, but selectively.

Meaning of Panchakarma

Panchakarma has enormous preventive and therapeutic significance. With the help of procedures, toxins and waste are removed from all, including the smallest, channels of the body, microcirculation improves, which contributes to tissue rejuvenation. Most 'environmental' poisons are deposited in the body's fat depots, where they play the role of a time bomb. Scientists associate the accumulation of such poisons with the development of a number of diseases: all kinds of allergies, liver and skin diseases, various forms cancer, neurological disorders, weakened immune system and hormonal disorders up to infertility.

Studies conducted in India, as well as in Germany, Japan, England and the USA, have proven that Panchakarma helps eliminate endotoxins and cleanse the body of free radicals, normalization of digestion and metabolism. Moreover, these procedures have been proven to improve the effects of any medications and dietary supplements on the body.

Each of the Panchakarma procedures is indicated for a number of physiological or pathological conditions: bronchial asthma and bronchitis, diabetes, anemia, gastritis and colitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, heart disease, vascular disorders, liver diseases, urinary tract, skin diseases, gynecological diseases and a number of other acute and chronic diseases. Panchakarma is also indicated for athletes in preparation for competitions, for rehabilitation after psycho-emotional stress and injuries.

Panchakarma for healthy people

Panchakarma is used both for the treatment of diseases and for prevention.

Panchakarma is prescribed to healthy people to cleanse the body of toxins and general strengthening health. Carrying out all five procedures for complete cleansing It is recommended to do it once a year. As a result of cleansing the body, digestion is normalized, the body is strengthened physically, the quality of the skin and the functioning of the senses improves, and the functioning of all body systems is improved. These procedures improve mental functions, support optimal immune status And normal exchange substances. In addition, they help slow down the aging process.

By going through the procedure recommended for a particular time of year, you can prevent the occurrence of diseases characteristic of a given season. For example, respiratory diseases mainly characteristic of the spring period. They can be prevented with the help of nasal Panchakarma procedures carried out during the transition period, and, as is known, these kinds of ‘seasonal’ diseases can lead to the development of chronic diseases. By undergoing Panchakarma therapy for the off-season regularly for a number of years, you can prevent the appearance of even those diseases for which you have hereditary predisposition such as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, allergies, metabolic disorders etc.

There are two versions of Panchakarma for healthy people:

1. Carrying out all five types of procedures with certain time intervals between them. The entire course takes about 50 days, including the necessary rest intervals. This therapy is usually carried out once a year.

2. Carrying out some types of Panchakarma procedures during transitional (off-season) periods. The off-season period is considered to be a period of 14 days between two seasons (7 days at the end of the previous season and 7 days at the beginning of the new one).

Ideal for the transition period are the following types Panchakarma therapy:

1. VAMANA (emetic therapy) and NASYA (nasal cleansing) - during the transition period between the winter and spring seasons; VAMANA is performed only once (one day), NASYA - daily (once a day) for 3-7 days.

2. ASTAPANA and ANUVASANA (2 types of enemas) - during the transition period between summer and rainy season. In relation to Russia, this period can be correlated with the period of late summer - early autumn, which is usually accompanied by rain and cold weather. Enemas are performed daily for 8 days (types of enemas alternate).

3. VIRECHANA (laxative cleansing) is used between the rainy season and autumn. In Russia, this procedure can be carried out before the autumn warming, known as “Indian summer”. It is carried out once (one day).

As a result of cleansing the body using the Panchakarma method, digestion is normalized, the body is strengthened physically, the quality of the skin and the functioning of the senses improves, and the functioning of all body systems is improved. These treatments improve mental function, maintain optimal immune status and normal metabolism. In addition, they help delay (slow down) the aging process. By going through the procedure recommended for a particular season, you can prevent the occurrence of diseases characteristic of that season. For example, respiratory diseases are mainly characteristic of the spring period. They can be prevented by emetic and nasal Panchakarma procedures carried out during the transition period. As is known, this kind of “seasonal” illness can lead to the development of chronic diseases. By undergoing Panchakarma therapy for the off-season regularly over a number of years, you can prevent the occurrence of even those diseases to which there is a hereditary predisposition.

Considering this subject from a socio-economic point of view, we can say that the application of the mentioned preventive measures benefits both individual, and so does the state, because they help save working hours, which is lost as a result of illness, and also allow you to save large number budget money. Besides, healthy person produces healthy offspring, which has a beneficial effect on the health of society and the nation as a whole.

Panchakarma for the sick

Panchakarma can cure or significantly improve the condition of patients with many chronic diseases. Ayurvedic classical texts claim that Panchakarma helps to get rid of chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, etc., if it is carried out within the first year from the onset of this pathology (in this case, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease) . This is confirmed by the centuries-old experience of doctors practicing in the field of Ayurveda. If the patient has completed a correctly selected course of Panchakarma therapy (see indications for procedures), he can avoid periodic exacerbations disease or have a long-term remission. If an exacerbation does occur, it passes more easily and does not cause much suffering to the patient.

Panchakarma treats diseases by cleansing the body through natural channels and increases the body's ability to fight disease. Since “contamination” of the body with factors environment, as well as weakening of immunity to various etiopathogenic influences are the main causes of the disease, Panchakarma can be successfully used to treat the most various diseases. It can cure many diseases completely, but in other cases it gives significant improvement. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, anemia, gastritis and colitis, arthritis, gout, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the liver and genitourinary tract, skin and gynecological diseases, as well as female and male infertility- here is an incomplete list of diseases that can be successfully treated using Panchakarma methods.

For the treatment of certain diseases, for example, autoimmune, modern medicine uses drugs such as steroids, cytostatics, etc., the use of which leads to short remission, but which give weight side effects affecting vital important organs- kidneys, liver, reticuloendothelial system, etc. In the case of other diseases, modern medicine recommends, for example, constant use hormonal drugs, which is also unsafe for the body. The importance and advantage of Panchakarma is that it can cure or reduce the progression of diseases without any side effects. Moreover, she “protects” internal organs from destructive action diseases.

The optimal duration of the Panchakarma course is 28 days.

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