How to take glutamic acid tablets. Applications of Glutamic Acid

Amino acids and vitamins in one capsule

Glutamic acid It is a nonessential amino acid, meaning it can be synthesized directly in the human body. Of all the amino acids that make up human body, glutamic acid makes up about 25% of the total amount of all amino acids and provides many very important biochemical processes.

What is glutamic acid and its origin

Glutamic acid is found in its original form in some plant and seafood products . For example, in edible algae from the kelp family, in seafood, in mushrooms, in walnuts, in tomatoes and tomato products, in soy sauce. To date glutamic acid is produced on a large scale to improve the taste of finished products, For sports nutrition and even for medical purposes. This is the well-known monosodium glutamate.

How is glutamic acid produced in industry?

Glutamic acid is isolated from plant materials. The resulting raw material has the appearance of white, tasteless crystals that are practically insoluble in water. Therefore, further processing of the primary raw material yields sodium salt, or glutamate.

Properties of glutamic acid in the food industry

Glutamic acid was first obtained by a Japanese chemist in 1908 and was given the name “umami,” which means “palatable.” Improve the properties of glutamic acid and its derivatives taste qualities finished products. It can even imitate the taste of protein foods. Improving taste is possible due to the fact that glutamine receptors are present on the tongue of every person.

Effects of glutamic acid in the human body

One of the main properties of glutamic acid which doctors and nutritionists note is the role of a mediator and the ability to regulate the activity of the central nervous system . In addition, it provides many important processes in the body. Therefore, glutamic acid is quite often present in many therapeutic and prophylactic drugs for many ailments. For example, it is present in the following bioregulators: to normalize the functional state of blood vessels, to normalize the functions of brain cells, and to regulate neurological functions endocrine systems s, for the strengthening and development of muscle tissue, is an anti-toxicological and anti-cancer agent.

Application of glutamic acid in the food industry

IN food industry glutamic acid in the form of monosodium glutamate is added to finished products, concentrated broths (dry cubes), culinary products and other products that acquire a pleasant rich taste. Thanks to this supplement, food is more pleasant to eat, the feeling of fullness comes faster, and digestion improves by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices.

Use of glutamic acid in medicine

Glutamic acid has a powerful beneficial effect on the nervous system. It regulates inhibition-excitation processes and has a mild psychostimulating and nootropic effect.

Glutamic acid is used in sports nutrition, as well as in the treatment and prevention of muscular dystrophy. It effectively supports muscles and ensures the development of muscle tissue.

Glutamic acid accumulates in a certain amount in the body and, if necessary, eliminates local deficiency.

All properties of glutamic acid for the human body:

  • energy metabolism and ATV formation in the brain of the head;
  • production of some hormones and others biologically active substances;
  • neutralization of ammonia, which is a decomposition product (greatest number it is released during increased physical activity);
  • starting material for synthesis folic acid;
  • participation in metabolism;
  • role of mediator nerve impulses;
  • presence in proteins and blood plasma;
  • promotion contractility muscles due to increased capacity cell membranes for potassium, which ensures muscle contraction.

Contraindications to the use of glutamic acid

Like any other product, glutamic acid is good in moderation. Its excess in the body leads to nervous overexcitation, as it has stimulating properties.

Amino acids are extremely important for our body. In total, today doctors identify many names of essential and non-essential amino acids that come with food. Today we are interested in glutamic acid. In bodybuilding this is one of the essential elements nutrition, which is responsible for the secretion of growth hormone, which is extremely important when gaining muscle mass. Today we want to take a closer look at this amazing amino acid and tell you how it is used around the world.

What is it

It has been known in bodybuilding for a long time. This is one of the elements that make up the proteins in our body. It is not essential; the body can replenish reserves from other amino acids that come from food. This is beef and eggs, beans and cottage cheese, so there will be sources of it on any table. However, glutamic acid in bodybuilding is additionally used in tablet form. Let's look at why athletes need it in increased quantities.

Why does the body need it?

It would be more accurately called L-glutamic acid. It has long been noted in bodybuilding that the better and faster a person’s metabolism is, the sooner the body will reach the standards it is waiting for. professional sports. And this amino acid is an active participant in all types of metabolism. Its effects are very diverse; it perfectly helps transmit signals along the nerves to the brain. It is formed from glutamine aminobutyric acid, which improves blood supply to the brain.

Increased need for protein

Who knows this as well as professional athletes? During intensive weight gain, they have to absorb huge amount protein foods, and additionally protein shakes. When they split, an incredibly toxic substance- ammonia. To prevent the body from being poisoned by it, under the influence of glutamine, ammonia is converted into urea, which is excreted naturally. Additionally, the amino acid helps stimulate the activity of the adrenal glands.

Great sport and body

Below we will look at how to take glutamic acid for bodybuilding. For now, let's look at what this will do for your body. Glutamine is the main component muscle tissue. Without it, its formation, if possible, is far behind in terms of timing and intensity. And this is of great importance. Imagine a person doing his best in the gym month after month, but there are no results. What will happen? Motivation will decrease sharply, and perhaps he will quit classes altogether.

Why does glutamine play this role? important role in this process? Glutamine’s ability to compensate for the lack of oxygen is also valuable for an athlete. The more intense the physical activity, the more your body will feel it. Thus, a simple amino acid, which is found in many foods, helps to build faster muscle mass, as well as restore the body after exercise.

Reception features

It should be noted that even the most safe drug should not be taken without the recommendation of a doctor or fitness trainer. However, if you look at popularity, glutamic acid takes the leading position in bodybuilding. We’ll talk to you now about how to apply it. This amino acid is the most unstable in solutions. Therefore, if you plan to drink it immediately after training, then take it to the gym in powder form and consume it on the spot.


But here everything is very individual. Obviously, it is important to consult a doctor before taking it. However we will tell you general schemes how glutamic acid is used in bodybuilding. The instructions recommend consuming from 8 to 20 g of glycogen per day. However, the dosage depends greatly on individual characteristics diets. Sometimes experienced bodybuilders increase this dose to 40 g per day, but this should be done gradually, monitoring the condition of your body.

Different dosage regimens

Since all athletes are different, the method of administration will also be different. Moreover, it may be difficult for an inexperienced bodybuilder to find the optimal scheme, so it is best to contact a professional trainer. However, our task is to tell you how glutamic acid is used in bodybuilding. Instructions for use recommend that beginners take a little at a time, over 2 minutes. It is this method that ensures the most complete absorption by the muscles.

On days of high sports load The body requires increased nutrition and oxygen supply. Therefore, it is recommended to take glutamine before entering gym and after training. It is usually recommended to take 5-20 g at a time for the drug to have the greatest effect.

It is very important to take amino acids a large number liquids. Experienced trainers recommend taking it with a protein shake or simply with food. But you shouldn’t mix it with other amino acids; you need at least a temporary break.

Increased dosage

If an athlete decides to dry out his body and at the same time gain muscle mass, then it is necessary to change the dosage. Typically, a low-carbohydrate diet is followed during this period. Therefore, the trainer prescribes a minimum of 30 g of glutamine per day to avoid muscle catabolism. That is, if the body does not have enough carbohydrates, it will begin to suck amino acids from your muscles. No growth or strengthening is possible in this case. One more interesting fact should be noted. Daily intake glutamine in an amount of 20-40 g allows you to activate immune system. Doctors established this using the example of patients who received transplants. bone marrow. And for athletes high loads good immunity it will come in handy.

Judging by the reviews of experienced athletes, taking this amino acid in correct dosage helps to significantly increase the capabilities of your body and quickly achieve your goals. As an experiment, a training cycle was carried out more than once, pre-agreed in time. At the same time, several people pumped as usual, while others took glutamic acid. As a result, it was obvious that in the second case all indicators were significantly ahead. In addition, athletes demonstrate increased performance and good health.

Registration number:Р N003127/01-120210

Trade name of the drug: Glutamic acid.

International nonproprietary name: glutamic acid.

Dosage form: Enteric-coated tablets.

Round, biconvex, enteric-coated tablets, white or white with a barely noticeable yellowish tint.

Each tablet contains:
glutamic acid ( L-Glutamic acid) - 250 mg.
Excipients: potato starch, talc, calcium stearate, gelatin, acetyl phthalyl cellulose (cellacephate).

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Nootropic drug.

ATX code:[A16AA].

Pharmacological properties

Glutamic acid is a drug that regulates metabolic processes in the central nervous system; has a nootropic, detoxifying, ammonia-binding effect. A non-essential amino acid that plays the role of a neurotransmitter with high metabolic activity in the brain, stimulates redox processes in the brain and protein metabolism. Normalizes metabolism by changing functional state nervous and endocrine systems. Stimulates the transmission of excitation in the synapses of the central nervous system; binds and removes ammonia. -It is one of the components of myofibrils, participates in the synthesis of other amino acids, acetylcholine, adenosine triphosphate, urea, promotes the transfer and maintenance of the required concentration of potassium ions in the brain, prevents a decrease in the redox potential, increases the body’s resistance to hypoxia, serves as a link between carbohydrate metabolism and nucleic acids, normalizes the content of glycolysis indicators in the blood and tissues; has a hepatoprotective effect, inhibits the secretory function of the stomach.

Absorption is high. Penetrates well histohematic barriers(including through the blood-brain barrier), cell membranes and membranes of subcellular formations. Accumulates in muscle and nervous tissues, liver and kidneys. Excreted by the kidneys - 4-7% unchanged.

Glutamic acid indications for use
In adults, glutamic acid is prescribed in complex therapy in the treatment of epilepsy, mainly petit mal seizures with equivalents; somatogenic, involutional, intoxication psychoses, reactive states with symptoms of depression, exhaustion.

In complex therapy for delay mental development in children, Down's disease, cerebral palsy; polio (acute and recovery period s); for progressive myopathy (in combination with pachycarpine hydroiodide or glycine): to eliminate and prevent neurotoxic effects caused by drugs derived from isonicotinic acid hydrazide.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, febrile syndrome, hepatic and/or renal failure, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, anemia, leukopenia, increased excitability, rapidly occurring psychotic reactions, nephrotic syndrome, inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis, obesity, childhood up to 3 years.

Pregnancy and lactation
Adequate and controlled clinical trials The safety of the drug during pregnancy has not been studied. Use is indicated only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to decide whether to stop breastfeeding.

Glutamic acid instructions and dosage
Glutamic acid is prescribed orally 15-20 minutes before meals.
Adults take a single dose of 1 g 2-3 times a day.
Children aged 3-4 years - 0.25 g, 5-6 years - 0.5 g, 7-9 years - 0.5-1 g, aged 10 years and older - 1 g 2-3 times a day day.
The course of treatment is from 1-2 to 6-12 months.

Side effect
Possible allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased excitability.
At long-term use Glutamic acid - a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the development of leukopenia, irritation of the oral mucosa, cracks on the lips.

An overdose of Glutamic acid may be accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. First aid consists of gastric lavage, taking activated carbon. If necessary, symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs
In combination with thiamine and pyridoxine, the drug Glutamic acid is used to prevent and treat neurotoxic phenomena caused by drugs of the isonicotinic acid hydrazide group (isoniazid, ftivazide, etc.). For myopathy and muscular dystrophy, the drug is more effective in combination with pachycarpine hydroiodide or glycine.

Special instructions
During the treatment period it is necessary to regularly carry out general clinical tests blood and urine.
If dyspeptic symptoms develop, the drug is taken during or after meals.

Release form
Enteric-coated tablets, 250 mg. 10 tablets per blister pack.

2 or 4 blister packs along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

It is allowed to place blister packs together with an equal number of instructions for use in corrugated cardboard boxes.

Storage conditions
In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Vacation conditions
Over the counter.

Manufacturer/Organization accepting complaints
OJSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", Russia, 420091 Kazan, st. Belomorskaya, 260

The above information on the use of the drug is presented for informational purposes only and intended for specialists. For complete official information on the use of the drug and indications for use in the Russian Federation, read the instructions for use contained in the package.
The portal site is not responsible for the consequences caused by taking medicine without a doctor's prescription.
Do not self-medicate, do not change the dosage regimen prescribed by your doctor!

Preparation: GLUTAMIC ACID

Active substance: glutamic acid
ATX code: A16AA
KFG: A drug that improves brain metabolism
Reg. number: P N003127/01
Registration date: 11/24/08
Owner reg. cred.: TATHIMPHARMPREPARATIONS (Russia)


10 pcs. - contour cellular packaging.
10 pcs. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
10 pcs. - contour cell packaging (4) - cardboard packs.
10 pcs. - contour cell packaging (100) - cardboard packs.

The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make a decision about the possibility of using a particular drug.


A drug that improves brain metabolism. An essential amino acid plays the role of a mediator with high metabolic activity in the brain, stimulates redox processes in the brain and protein metabolism. Normalizes metabolism, changing the functional state of the nervous and endocrine systems. Stimulates the transmission of excitation in the synapses of the central nervous system, promotes the neutralization and removal of ammonia from the body, and increases the body's resistance to hypoxia.

It is one of the components of myofibrils, participates in the synthesis of other amino acids, acetylcholine, ATP, urea, promotes the transfer and maintenance of the required concentration of potassium ions in the brain, serves as a link between the metabolism of carbohydrates and nucleic acids, and normalizes the content of glycolysis indicators in the blood and tissues. It has a hepatoprotective effect and inhibits the secretory function of the stomach.


Absorption is high. Penetrates well through histohematic barriers (including through the BBB), cell membranes and membranes of subcellular formations. Accumulates in muscle and nervous tissues, liver and kidneys. Excreted by the kidneys - 4-7% unchanged.


As part of complex therapy: epilepsy (mainly minor seizures with equivalents), schizophrenia, psychoses (somatogenic, intoxicating, involutional), reactive depressive state, mental exhaustion, insomnia, consequences of meningitis and encephalitis, depression, progressive myopathy; mental retardation of various etiologies, children's cerebral palsy, consequences of intracranial birth trauma, polio (acute and recovery period), Down's disease; toxic neuropathy due to the use of isonicotinic acid hydrazides (including isoniazid).


Adults - 1 g 2-3 times/day. Children under 1 year - 100 mg, up to 2 years - 150 mg, 3-4 years - 250 mg, 5-6 years - 40 mg, 7-9 years - 500 mg-1 g, 10 years and older - 1 g 2-3 times/day. For oligophrenia - 100-200 mg/kg for several months. Take orally 15-30 minutes before meals, if dyspeptic symptoms develop - during or after meals. The course of treatment is from 1-2 to 6-12 months.


Maybe: vomit, loose stool, central nervous system stimulation, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, nausea, increased excitability.

With long-term use: decreased hemoglobin content, leukopenia, irritation of the oral mucosa, cracked lips.


Feverish conditions, liver and/or renal failure, suppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis, anemia, increased excitability, violent mental reactions, gastric ulcer and duodenum, nephrotic syndrome, obesity, increased sensitivity to glutamic acid.


Use with caution for liver diseases.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to conduct general clinical tests of urine and blood.

Glutamic acid is also used to relieve neurotoxic effects associated with taking other drugs.

Glutamic acid belongs to the group of non-essential amino acids and plays an important role in the body. Its content in the body is up to 25% of all amino acids.

On an industrial scale, glutamic acid is obtained by microbiological synthesis. Chemically pure form it has the appearance of white or colorless odorless crystals, having sour taste, crystals do not dissolve well in water. For better solubility, glutamic acid is converted into a sodium salt - glutamate.

Uses of glutamic acid

In the food industry, glutamic acid is known as food additive called E620. It is used as a flavor enhancer in a number of products along with salts of glutamic acid - glutamates.

Glutamic acid is added to semi-finished products, various products instant cooking, culinary products, broth concentrates. It gives food a pleasant meaty taste.

In medicine, the use of glutamic acid has a slight psychostimulating, stimulating and nootropic effect, which is used in the treatment of a number of diseases of the nervous system.

The importance of glutamic acid for the body

The role of glutamic acid is difficult to overestimate; it:

  • Participates in the synthesis of histamine, serotonin and a number of other biologically active substances;
  • Neutralizes harmful product decomposition – ammonia;
  • Is a mediator;
  • Included in the cycle of transformations of carbohydrates and nucleic acids;
  • Folic acid is synthesized from it;
  • Participates in energy exchange with the formation of AFT in the brain.

In the body, glutamic acid is part of proteins; it is present in the blood plasma in free form, and also as component a number of low molecular weight substances. The human body contains a reserve of glutamic acid; in case of its deficiency, it first goes to where it is needed most.

Glutamic acid plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses. Binding it to certain receptors nerve cells leads to excitation of neurons and acceleration of impulse transmission. Thus, glutamic acid performs neurotransmitter functions.

With an excess of this amino acid in the synapse, overexcitation of nerve cells and even their damage can occur, which leads to diseases of the nervous system. In this case protective function take over glial cells that surround and protect neurons. Neuroglial cells absorb and detoxify excess glutamic acid in the brain and peripheral nerves.

The amino acid glutamine increases the sensitivity of muscle fibers to potassium by increasing the permeability of cell membranes to it. This trace element plays an important role in muscle contraction, increasing the force of muscle contraction.

Glutamic acid in sports

Glutamic acid is a fairly common component of sports nutrition. This is a non-essential amino acid for the human body, and the transformation of other amino acids occurs precisely through the glutamine amino acid, which plays an integrating role in the metabolism of nitrogenous substances. If the body lacks an amino acid, it is possible to compensate for its content by converting from those amino acids that are found in excess.

In the event that the physical load on the body is very high, and the supply of protein from food is limited or does not meet the body’s needs, the phenomenon of nitrogen redistribution occurs. In this case, the proteins included in the structure internal organs, are used to build fibers of skeletal and cardiac muscles. Therefore, glutamic acid plays an irreplaceable role in sports, because it is an intermediate step in the transformation of those amino acids that the body lacks.

The conversion of glutamic acid into glutamine to neutralize ammonia is one of its main functions. Ammonia is very toxic, but it is an unchanged product of metabolism - it accounts for up to 80% of all nitrogenous compounds. The greater the load on the body, the more toxic nitrogen decomposition products are formed. In sports, glutamic acid takes on the role of reducing ammonia levels by binding it into non-toxic glutamine. In addition, according to reviews, glutamic acid quickly restores the condition of athletes after competitions, as it binds excess lactate, which is responsible for the feeling of muscle pain.

In athletes with insufficient glucose levels during intense physical activity Glutamic acid is converted into an energy source - glucose.

According to reviews, glutamic acid is well tolerated and has no side effects and is completely harmless to the body. Studies have shown that 100 g of protein food contains 25 g of glutamic acid. This amino acid is a natural component of animal foods, and negative reviews about glutamic acid are somewhat exaggerated.



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