How to stop a dog from barking quickly. How to stop a dog from barking: advice from experienced dog handlers

Dogs can bark for a variety of reasons. This sound can mean different things, like people's emotions.

Animals show what they like or don’t like. Or, they talk like this with other representatives of the animal world.

So how can you tell all the different types of barks apart?

When does it start?

At what age do puppies start barking? This usually happens at 3-4 months. But, of course, first of all, it depends on the characteristics of the breed, the puppy itself and the conditions of detention. There are talkative bell dogs: they bark a lot and with pleasure. Silent animals are reserved and taciturn and bark only in extreme cases.

By the way, when you do a lot with your puppy, play, train him, then in the heat of passion (completely unexpected for you!) he can go and bark!

In general, dogs really love to imitate and adopt certain behavior patterns. If your baby has someone to follow an example from (he often communicates with other dogs and hears their barking), then he himself learns to bark before his peers.



  1. Warning. If a dog barks, it can warn its owner about danger or about strangers;
  2. Joy. A dog can show its joy and happiness. For example, if the owner returns from work or some trip;
  3. During the chase;
  4. By order of the owner;
  5. Grunt sign;
  6. Yelping is when something is unpleasant for a dog;
  7. Scream - if she is in pain;
  8. A squeak is a sign of great surprise or joy;
  9. The howl is a gathering signal for the flock.

The most important benefit and meaning of barking is that the owner is warned of danger in the first place.

What if the dog barks a lot? Should she do this?

Continuous barking may be caused by improper maintenance or neurotic conditions of the animal. The cause may be nervous excitability, excess energy, fear and the need for attention.

There are also special breeds of dogs that are bred specifically for constant barking.

At home in an apartment


  • This may be a cause of fear (being alone in a cramped, enclosed room),
  • boredom, anxiety (can be caused by unfamiliar and extraneous sounds coming from the street or from the entrance),
  • during the game, expressing your joy.

Reference. Often, an animal may bark, demanding to be taken for a walk or fed, and also to warn the owner about danger.

What to do:

  1. To keep the dog calm at home, you need to play with him a lot, walk and do sports. In addition, he must know the following commands: “Quiet!” or “Be quiet!”
  2. Ignoring method. A dog, often bored, begins to bark to attract attention. You shouldn't blame him for this. The best thing to do is turn away and ignore your pet. And, as soon as the dog is silent, you must definitely praise it and treat it. Then she will understand that she will receive a treat for silence.
  3. Also, various medications can help: .
  4. Those who do not have enough time for training use collars, which cause discomfort to the pet when barking. Although they do not harm the animal, they are considered inhumane means.
  5. If a dog becomes scared when he is left alone, he needs to be shown that there is no reason to worry. For example, the owner gets dressed to show that he is leaving. But he returns five minutes later and praises the pet for waiting silently.

For everyone


  • fear or desire to protect its owner.
  • Another reason is the most common stupidity or bad character of the dog.

How to deal with this?

  1. You can teach your pet the following orders: “To your feet” or “To me.” This may distract the animal from barking. And, for some time, you will be able to get rid of this annoying sound.
  2. Treat rewards are one option suitable for this occasion.
  3. Touching the ears produces an effective effect. If the animal reacts positively or with pleasure, this method can be used. To do this, you just need to stroke your pet's ears. Better yet, squeeze the outer ear with two fingers.
  4. Supplements based on melanin or other calming herbs.

On passersby on the street


  • The pet considers himself a leader. She doesn’t care about the owner; she makes her own decisions about how and with whom to behave.
  • Another reason is if the dog is young, active, temperamental and passionate. This happens if the pet sits at home all day, and on short walks is limited to a short leash. Then, only having felt freedom, he can behave this way, trying to make up for lost time. The dogs begin to run aimlessly around their owner. They will not respond to any commands. They will dig the ground, chase cats and may attack people.
  • The next reason is uncertainty and fear. Then the dog becomes nervous, excited and aggressive. Similar stress can occur when walking in an unfamiliar place or the sudden appearance of unfamiliar people and other animals. The animal is very worried and sees danger where there is none.
  • And the last reason is when the dog is really aggressive. If she has a security or some other work background.

How to cope?

  1. It is necessary to start training your pet immediately. Particular attention is paid to obedience. Also, you should not let your dog growl at you when you take his toys or touch his food bowl. You cannot indulge her when she tries to achieve what she wants by barking. You should be strict and consistent.
  2. You should find time for long, intense walks with a friend. When walking, you cannot leave the dog to its own devices. And it is necessary to find interesting activities for her - throwing objects, then bringing them to the owner and overcoming barriers. And, of course, don’t forget about training.
  3. You need to calmly turn to your pet and give him a couple of commands. For example, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Give me a paw”. What is important here is not the command, but communication with the dog. Also, you need to walk different routes. Talk to passersby. You should give her commands in different situations. If you are patient and persistent, this tactic will bear fruit.
  4. If a dog has such a past, then its behavior will not fundamentally change. You cannot bait or provoke your pet. You only need to walk with a collar and leash.

On other dogs


  • This happens because the pet lacks communication with other people and animals. In this case, you should go for a walk only when the dog is completely calm.
  • The desire to play with another animal. In this case, the pet may begin to bark and wag its tail non-aggressively;
  • Barking to protect territory. If a dog feels that other dogs are encroaching on its territory, it may bark aggressively to scare it off;
  • Barking due to fear usually occurs when the pet is very frightened or feels threatened;
  • Aggression;
  • A dog can warn its owner about danger;
  • If a dog thinks that it has strayed from the pack, it may start barking.

How to wean it off?

  1. The easiest way to prevent this is when your pet is still a puppy. Then, you shouldn't encourage him to yap at the dogs.
  2. If the case is with an adult, it will be more complicated. You can't shout at the animal - it won't help. So are the teams. The best way would be to distract her with her favorite treat, affectionate conversation and firmness and confidence in your voice. Show with all your appearance that you and her are not in danger. You can try to pet someone else's dog, but very carefully: if your dog is jealous or decides that this is dangerous, a fight will not be avoided. Over time, she will develop a reflex and she will stop barking at other people's dogs.

On the door when you are alone at home

Why: the main reason is the feeling of danger, both from the noise from the entrance and from the bell. Dogs do not bark out of boredom, contrary to prevailing stereotypes.

How to wean a dog from this habit?

  1. You need to ask one of the family members to ring the doorbell, and then calmly go into the apartment. The animal should watch this, and the owner should sit next to him and stroke him, feed him with goodies and explain that there is no danger, everything is fine;
  2. If the dog is trained in commands such as “Sit!” or “Lie down,” then, during the call, the owner should give her these commands, training her endurance;

For guests

Often very dogs begin to bark at home at strangers at a party or even at a slightly familiar person.


  • the dog may be afraid or anxious;
  • manifestation of excessive excitement;
  • aggressive attitude towards strangers.

How to deal with this?

  1. You need to ask guests to enter the room and sit down when the dog is in another room;
  2. In ten minutes, let him in, and ask the guests not to pay attention to him;
  3. Each guest should place a delicacy near him;
  4. Now you can allow the dog to approach everyone and pick up a reward;
  5. You can also leave a basket of toys at the front door. Everyone who comes will pick up a toy. And when you see a dog, throw a toy to it and try to play;
  6. Repeat this as often as possible and with different people.
  7. There is also such an option as the command - “Place”, when the dog is in another room.

Just like that for no reason

Why does it bark for no obvious reason (day and night):

  • Remember, a dog never barks for nothing. If she gives a signal, it means something happened. Maybe not obvious or insignificant to you, but not to the dog. Perhaps this is the animal's reluctance to be left alone.
  • banal fear and loneliness. Most likely, the dog is trying to say in this way that it needs support and is afraid to be alone;
  • Barking for no reason in small puppies (especially at night) can be caused by separation from their mother.
  • unspent energy during a walk.
  • frayed nerves. Be sure to go to the vet!

How to stop a dog from barking at home:

  1. You cannot make concessions to a barking dog, especially if what it asks for is prohibited.. Just show pity and she will feel like a winner.
  2. In order to wean a puppy, you need to wait until he calms down, and only then go into the room where he is. Place your baby's bed next to the bed, within your reach. To stop a seizure, place the puppy next to you, talk to him, stroke him until you fall asleep. Such care will instill in the baby a sense of security and maternal care.
  3. But you cannot react to the barking of an adult dog, since the pet is flattered by any attention, even negative. It is necessary to approach the dog only after the barking has stopped, otherwise it will use it to attract attention.
  4. Switch the dog's attention to something else - this method is suitable in situations where the dog barks at everyone and everything. This could be a game, a toy, or anything else that arouses the dog's interest. Be sure to praise each time when the dog calms down. Positive reinforcement of behavior reinforces the cause-and-effect relationship in the animal's brain, and next time the dog will behave quietly because it knows that silence is rewarded;
  5. The dog's emotional state depends on yours. If you are excited, your pet will sense it and react.

Into the void

Why did she start barking into the void:

The reason may be that the dog sees something that scares him. If a dog barks into space at night, most likely it is frightened of some thing that seems scary to it.

In order to wean her, you need to turn on the light and show that there is nothing wrong. And, if possible, remove the object that frightens the animal.

At night

Why does a dog bark at home or in the yard on the street at night:

  • various stimuli: other dogs, cats, passing cars, passing people;
  • maybe a warning about danger;
  • or - fear of the dark.

How to wean it off?

  1. You can accustom an animal to loneliness with a hearty dinner and evening games. Also, from the very first days, leave the dog alone at home. First for 1 minute, then for 5, then for 10 and so on. The animal must learn to be alone at home and this should not cause him anxiety.
  2. The dog will get used to the darkness itself, over time, but we still recommend easing its suffering and leaving it with a small night light.

When the intercom rings

Reasons: the dog is simply wondering who came; or it’s an aggressive attitude towards strangers.

How to stop a dog from barking in an apartment:

  1. A friend must ring the doorbell;
  2. Take the dog to its place. Give her a favorite toy or blanket and praise her for staying put;
  3. Go to the door and open it;
  4. Repeat.

You need to be more patient and then everything will work out.



  • aggression;
  • loneliness;
  • playful mood;
  • reaction to stimuli;
  • stereotypical behavior; fear;
  • and also - begging for something (to eat, take a walk, drink).

How to wean it off?

  1. You can stop barking with the command “Quiet”. You need to let your pet bark several times, then say a command and put your hand on his face. Reward for obedience. For disobedience, spray the dog with water from a spray bottle.
  2. If you notice that the dog is barking for no reason and is simply begging for your attention or some kind of treat, then it’s time complete ignore. Do not react to barking at all, even though it is terribly annoying and disturbing. If you respond to barking, you will only reinforce your dog's belief that this is a great way to get his way.

    The dog barks, and you pretend not to hear, don’t pay attention, go into another room. And only when the barking stops, go up to the dog and praise him for his silence, you can treat him with some kind of treat. Then the pet will remember that the owner appreciates his silence and gives a reward for it. He will also understand that barking does not bring results and is not suitable as a means of obtaining benefit for himself;

For cars and cyclists


  • excitement and fascination with the chase;
  • the desire to show that it works and can protect the owner.

How to wean it off?

There is only one way out: constant distraction of the dog and the command “quiet!” You cannot explain to an animal that there is no point in chasing cars.

Silence command:

  • When any noise forces the dog to bark, command him in an even, firm voice: “quiet!”
  • You should not allow the dog to vocalize. You can hold your mouth, occupy your mouth with a toy or food.
  • When your pet is silent, praise him with emphasis: give him an exclusive treat or pet him for a long time.

To the noise

The reason why a dog barks at any noise at home is often fear. A dog may be afraid of strange noises, especially if it does not see their cause. You can wean it this way: calmly approach the object that frightened the animal. Let your pet come up and sniff it too.


  • The reason for this is mainly the curiosity of the little pet.
  • Or it could be aggression if the puppy does not interact with other dogs often.

Remember: There are no dogs that cannot be taught to treat other animals well. There is no pet that cannot be trained.

We wean:

  1. To make friends with another dog from a puppy, you need to initially allow him to communicate with his own kind - that’s it.
  2. You need to explain to your little pet what you can do and what you can’t do - that’s two.
  3. Supervise your puppy when he is on a leash - that's three.


Dogs often bark at strangers. And if in the case of passers-by or guests everything is clear, then why does a simple neighbor who walks up the stairs also become the cause of hysteria?


  1. protection of territory or owner;
  2. or, for example, the dog is nervous.

How to stop a dog from constantly barking over trifles:

  1. It is worth letting her bark a couple of times to warn about a stranger. When it barks, say “thank you” and calmly go about your business. If he continues to bark, firmly say “no”, but do not shout. If she doesn’t listen, she should be taken away.
  2. You should not allow your pet to meet anyone at the door.
  3. Tell guests to ignore the dog.
  4. Ask them to throw a treat to the animal without looking at it.
  5. Any contact between guests and the dog should not be encouraged until the dog is relaxed in their presence.

On cats

Main reasons:

  • interest and curiosity;
  • the dog needs contact, communication, but the cat does not give it;
  • angry mood (at the last unsuccessful meeting with a cat);
  • The dog may regard the cat as game.

But sometimes a dog and a cat are best friends!

How to wean it off?

  1. The best time to do this is when you have a puppy. Then there is a high probability that the animals will become friends.
  2. It is necessary to prohibit the dog from running after the cat. Alternatively, keep the dog separate from the cat, sometimes showing it to the animal. At the same time, giving the dog a treat - if he behaves well.

For the owner or hostess

The reasons may be:

  • dominant behavior of the animal;
  • the dog does not understand what its place is in the pack (which it considers the owner and family members);
  • fear;
  • wrong upbringing.

We wean:

  1. You need to become a leader for the dog. To do this, the animal must have its own place in the house (it is best to take a comfortable bed for this). Also, you need to train your dog to eat on command: “It’s okay.” The owner starts and ends the games; the toys must be given to him. When walking, always use commands. The dog must allow you to trim its nails and fur, wash its paws, examine its teeth, and clean its ears. And, without resistance, allow injections or other medical manipulations. Obedience and education training is also necessary.
  2. You cannot pet or praise the animal excessively.
  3. If you notice submissive gestures when barking: licking lips and tilting the head, this means that the dog is afraid of you. Urgently reconsider your relationship with your pet and be more affectionate. Watch your behavior and gestures!

To the moon

Riddle: Why and why does a dog bark at the moon? Answer: From the ground and through the air, a dog barks at the moon.

In life, of course, everything is more complicated.


  • anxiety,
  • aggression,
  • sadness, melancholy,
  • feel the gravitational influence of the moon on the earth.

How to wean:

  1. if she howls in the presence of her owner, you need to ignore her. You shouldn't talk to her until she stops howling. Over time, she will become calmer.
  2. In fact, it is not possible to answer this question precisely because we cannot know how dogs feel. There is only guesswork. Perhaps dogs barking at the moon is associated with insomnia due to the characteristics of gravitational forces. Scientists also associate the light of the moon in the perception of dogs with a lack of light during solar eclipses. This is how many animals react to a solar eclipse, including the moon.
  3. Perhaps the dog is trying to find his pack and thus sends a signal to communicate.

For children


  • the dog may be frightened by a sharp cry or a crying child;
  • as well as aggression or jealousy.

Wean off: to begin with, you need to warn children not to approach suddenly, not to make noise, and to touch carefully. Give the dog a command and also scratch its neck.

In a dream

Reasons for this: the dog may have a dream or nightmare. How to deal with this? The only option is to stroke the dog and talk, calming him down with this. If this happens often, then you should definitely go to the vet and get checked. Also in this case, it is better to place the dog’s sleeping place next to yours.

On the mirror

Why does a dog bark: he sees some kind of reflection in him - which frightens him, irritates him, angers him or excites him.
How to wean it: teach your dog the commands: “fu”, “quiet” or “no”. In general, it is best to remove the mirror.

What to do if it's quiet?

  • If she doesn't bark much. This may be due to the fact that the animal simply has such a character and temperament. Or - heredity. Also, it may depend on the breed of the dog. Or from training. It is possible to retrain a dog, but it doesn’t make much sense: in a stressful situation, it will still act in the way that is most comfortable for it.
  • Doesn't bark at strangers. This depends on many factors: genetic predisposition; natural trait or timidity. In order to develop defensive reactions in a dog, you need to educate it and teach it commands.
  • Doesn't bark at all. You need to wait for the right moment when the dog barks, and then immediately praise it. And then start teaching the “Voice” command. Be sure to accompany this with tasty rewards.
  • She used to bark, but now she has stopped. The dog could have gotten sick. Also, she could be very scared. Small dogs may stop barking due to instability in the cervical spine. In any case, be sure to consult a doctor!

What breeds are few?

  1. Basenji is the only breed of dog that does not bark at all and cannot do so. Instead of barking, they howl or purr.
  2. Bullmastiff - he will snort and sniff rather than bark.
  3. Deerhound - They bark very quietly.
  4. Afghan Hound.
  5. Chinese Shar Pei - Bark only when playing or when danger seems imminent.
  6. Rhodesian Ridgeback.
  7. Akita Inu is usually silent unless there are special reasons for alarm.
  8. Clumber Spaniel - does not bark unless it senses extreme danger.
  9. Greyhound practically does not bark.
  10. Russian greyhound.
  11. Mastiff.
  12. English bulldog.
  13. Irish Wolfhound.
  14. Great Dane.
  15. Saluki (gazelle dog).

How can you not?

  • You should never praise a dog that barks with joy when its owner appears. The reflex will develop quickly.
  • Shouting has a negative effect on dogs in most cases. If the owner screams, the pet may snap back.

Parenting video

Video by Antoine Najarian on how to stop a dog from barking:


Training a dog is an important part of its upbringing. Sometimes it is useful when a dog barks. For example, if you live in a country house and you need a guard, then you should not wean your dog off barking.

That's it. Be sure to comment on the article. You can send your advice and thoughts on this matter.

Dogs bark for various reasons. Such noise causes a lot of trouble for the owners. You can train a dog to stop barking at home, but first you need to understand the reason for this behavior.

To the noise

An experienced owner can determine the reason for the dog's excited behavior by the intonation of the bark.

Animals react sharply to any sharp sounds, the source of which is outside their reach. This reaction is explained by a feeling of fear of an unknown stimulus. If your dog constantly barks when there is a noise, you should give him the opportunity to determine the cause of the noise. If possible, it is advisable to allow the animal to examine the source of the sound and sniff it.

Sometimes a dog stops barking if the owner suddenly, but not forcefully and without aggression, grabs it by the ears. This confuses the animal.

At night

If you adopted a puppy a few days ago, night barking is caused by the animal adapting to a new place

A pet may bark at night for a number of reasons:

  • In the general silence of the night, the perception of individual sounds is heightened - the barking of other dogs in the neighborhood, the meowing of cats, the sounds of passing cars, the voices of people under the windows, etc. The problem can be solved with the help of a hearty dinner and outdoor games before bedtime. Once in a deep sleep, the animal will not be awakened by external sounds.
  • The dog senses danger and warns its owners about it. If your pet is not prone to barking at night, you should be wary. When living in a private house, you need to check the area and make sure it is safe.
  • The animal has a fear of the dark. At night, the dog may be afraid to be alone. You should gradually accustom the animal to the dark, leaving it first for a minute, then for two, etc. If you cannot overcome the fear, it is advisable to use a small night light.

If the dog is easy to train, you can teach him not to bark over trifles. To do this, first the owner calmly says “Voice!” several times, and when the dog barks, he carefully covers its mouth with his hands and confidently gives the command “Quiet.”


You need to stop your dog barking regularly, but without physical punishment.

Main mistakes of owners:

  • Encourage an animal that barks at the sight of its owner. The pet will learn to demonstrate emotions by barking and will do this at any opportunity.
  • Yell at the animal. Most dogs perceive screaming negatively. In response, the animal can only begin to bark more strongly.
  • Hit the dog. Assault is not permitted under any circumstances. Brutal use of force will turn any pet into a downtrodden creature.

All this can lead not only to a worsening of the situation with unreasonable barking, but also to a change in the dog’s character and behavior not for the better. If you raise the animal correctly and without assault, any problem will be eliminated by the owner’s usual commands.

If all else fails, you can spray your dog with water several times from a spray bottle in the head or neck area (but not in the eyes).

Video: How to stop a dog from barking

A dog's barking always has a specific reason. To take the right measures, it is important to correctly assess the situation.

The unreasonable barking of a pet irritates everyone around him, and neighbors are especially dissatisfied, demanding to calm down the restless dog. But why do dogs bark if there is no visible reason for it? How can the owner correct the situation, maintain good relations with people living nearby and force the pet to behave appropriately? To do this, you need to find out the reasons for barking and apply one of the methods to eliminate it.

Barking is a means of expressing emotions for a dog; with the help of barking, animals communicate with each other. There are several types of dog barking: joyful, threatening, frightened. Seemingly clueless barking always has some reason, knowing which, you can stop your pet’s destructive behavior.

  1. Reason one: the dog is bored. Many people have heard how yard dogs bark monotonously behind the fence all day long. Dogs do this because they are not interested in sitting on a leash, out of boredom, because they are deprived of the attention of their owners. Pets also get bored in the absence of their owners; they bark or howl when left alone, which incredibly irritates the people living next door.
  2. Reason two: the dog protests against isolation or a separate room, against the care of its adored owner. At the same time, the barking is always loud and demanding, it can not stop for a very long time, the animal stands at the door and barks, raising its head up.
  3. Reason three: the dog is irritated by the presence of another animal that it cannot reach. Typically, domestic dogs bark at dogs and cats walking outside the window or door. Barking can be endless, especially if the stimulus is constantly in the animal's field of vision.
  4. Reason four: the dog is scared. Most often, monotonous barking at night is produced by dogs that are frightened by darkness, night sounds and loneliness. The dog encourages himself in this way; it is easier for him to cope with fear by making loud sounds.

A dog can bark at passers-by without missing a single person who passes by, cars or guests. Choleric dogs with an unstable psyche can constantly bark hysterically when there are strangers in the house. Isolation in another room does not help: the dog barks until the strangers leave.


How to stop a dog from barking at home

If your dog barks monotonously when he is left at home alone, there are several ways to wean him off it. The owner should review the animal's daily routine so that before leaving there is an opportunity to walk the pet. A full walk is needed, with games, physical activity and activities. Two hours, no less you need to work with your pet so that he is tired not only physically, but also mentally tired.

This is possible if you let the dog run freely for half an hour, work out on the training ground for an hour and run in the remaining half hour. You can vary the frequency of activities, replacing them with swimming or playing with other dogs on the playground or in the park. A tired dog, returning home, will eat and want to sleep, and even if he gets ready to bark out of habit, this will not last long.

But if the owner is forced to be absent all day, then there is a high probability that the dog will wake up and do his favorite thing. In order to keep your dog busy, you can prepare various interesting ones for him. A large marrow bone for a small dog, a plastic bottle or rubber tire with a treat hidden in it, or store-bought puzzles can all help relieve your pet's loneliness.


Using a special method, which involves purchasing a special one, you can get rid of annoying barking in one day. In stores, “Antilay” collars, equipped with special sensors that respond to vibrations of the animal’s vocal cords, are presented in various designs. For tender and young animals, collars are used that emit a stream of water into the dog's face when he tries to bark or howl. This is absolutely painless, but it always discourages the dog so much that he temporarily forgets about his intention to bark. The third or fourth time the animal realizes that a stream of water is splashing onto its face immediately after barking.

A collar that emits an electrical impulse when barking is recommended for large dogs that are resistant to conventional correction methods and stubborn. A characteristic feature of this version of the collar is that it emits a warning signal before painful exposure. The first impulse is the weakest, barely noticeable by the pet, the second is stronger, and the animal cannot ignore the subsequent one.

How to stop a dog from barking at everyone

If while walking a dog barks at passers-by, cars, or other animals, this means that the pet poorly socialized and he needs to go for walks more often.


To get used to the street, a dog with a strong nervous system is taken and simply walked at a fast pace along crowded streets. Walking quickly helps to avoid constant barking, as the animal simply gets lost in the crowd of people. This is the best exercise for teaching your pet to calmly deal with a variety of irritants.

If the dog is large enough, a strict collar will initially come in handy, since it is difficult to control a large, active animal even for a physically strong person. The process of walking does not come down to incessantly tugging at the dog, but to switching her attention to the owner. To do this, use toys, treats, and praise. While moving, you need to talk to the dog; when an irritant appears, you should distract him with a ball or a treat. A fast pace of walking begins after, while moving, you can periodically sit the dog next to you, starting the movement again after a few seconds.

Fearful, timid, hysterical dogs need a special approach; abrupt entry into noise and bustle is unacceptable for them. Such pets should first be walked in less crowded places, and only after adaptation and confident passage of familiar places are they taken to more crowded places. Walking in the company of familiar dogs can give a timid dog confidence, so it makes sense make friends with dog owners, living next door.


Everyone's small anyway your pet's victories over itself should be encouraged, be sure to give a treat when calmly passing by a passerby, car or animal. Methodically following the ritual of daily walks bears fruit quite quickly, in the form of an indifferent or restrained attitude of the dog towards any irritants.

How to stop a dog from barking at noise

Extraneous sounds often trigger bouts of prolonged barking in dogs. Very often this happens at night, when the dog wakes up from an unfamiliar, suspicious sound outside the window or door. The first impulse of many dogs is barking: the animal jumps up and runs around the house or yard barking, and cannot calm down for a long time, barking periodically.

It is difficult to stop this behavior, since animals that are emotionally labile and lack self-confidence behave this way. The only way to silence a dog is to loudly and sharply express your dissatisfaction and send the dog back to its place. This should be done only after a few minutes of incessant barking, since the instant suppression of guard instincts leads to their gradual extinction.


How to stop a dog from barking at cars

City dogs live in a world of cars; most families have a car; from puppyhood, the pet gets used to trips to the clinic or to nature, to exhibitions. But even if a dog is calm about his car, he may rush and bark when other cars pass by during a walk.

It's quite dangerous, because if the leash breaks, the dog may end up under the wheels of a car, and constant jerking after passing cars is unpleasant for the owner. Therefore, during a walk, you must strictly and immediately stop any aggression towards cars with a jerk of the leash and a command prohibiting. This must be done constantly until the pet becomes completely indifferent to cars.

Dogs should bark because they express a wide variety of feelings, but well-mannered, adequate pets should only bark about. There is a breed predisposition to loud, frequent barking in hunting dog breeds, so before you think about buying a puppy, you should find out about the breed-typical qualities of your future pet.

Video. How to stop a dog from barking

Have you decided to stop your dog barking at home and don’t know where to start? The first thing you need to do is understand the reasons why your pet is behaving inappropriately. By eliminating the cause, you will eliminate the problem; you won't need to do anything else.

Expecting a dog to never bark is like expecting a small child to never speak. Some dogs bark more, others less, and there are only a few non-barker breeds. Most owners try to stop their dog barking in the apartment, but do not understand the reasons why the problem arose.

Barking is one of the methods of communication that all canines use.

A dog can make a number of different sounds, which are interpreted depending on the circumstances and state of mind of the animal. There are several types of bark. To correct a dog’s behavior, you need to start by identifying the reason why it barks.

Causes of barking at night or early in the morning

Barking is like a call to action - the dog can bark, trying to show the owner that it needs something. Regular barking in the morning may indicate that your pet needs to go outside (to the toilet). Most dogs become very excited when they realize that their owner is going for a walk. To avoid waking up everyone in the family in the morning, it is recommended to take your dog out as soon as you get out of bed.

Advice: To optimize the process of getting ready for a walk, you need to select a suit that you can quickly and easily put on. When toilet training a puppy, it is advisable to wake up before the dog, have time to get dressed, and only then wake up the pet.

Regular barking at night is most often associated with extraneous stimuli or anxiety. It is important to understand that a dog has a more acute sense of smell and hearing. Your pet may hear noise from a neighboring apartment or smell from the entrance and react to them.

Irritants - what can provoke barking

You may think that your dog is barking for no reason when he is reacting to specific stimuli. Note that to establish the exact cause, long-term observation and reduction of events into certain algorithms (chains) are necessary.


Many dogs bark at the TV because they are irritated by the unusual sound. In addition, the TV literally steals the owner’s attention. If you notice that your pet is irritated by the TV, listen carefully when he starts barking for no reason. Perhaps the pet hears sounds from a neighboring apartment.

If you determine that your pet is irritated by television, behavior adjustments will not be difficult. Set the TV to a low volume and start playing with your dog. As soon as the game is over, turn off the TV. In just 2-3 days, the pet will stop paying attention to the TV, even if it works at normal sound volume.


Quite a lot of owners complain that their pets bark at the intercom. There are two possible reasons for this behavior: a protective instinct or irritation from a high-pitched sound. Guarding a territory is a natural behavior of a pet.

Important! High-pitched, squeaking sounds can be very annoying for your dog.

To confirm your suspicions, try turning down the intercom sound or changing the signal. If the dog continues to bark, the reason is territorial instinct or lack of training.


A dog barking at the doorbell is a very common occurrence that does not bother most owners. As soon as the pet hears the bell, he understands that they want to invade his territory and warns strangers about the possible consequences.

As practice shows, it is quite difficult to wean a dog from barking at the doorbell. Every time someone comes to you, put your dog on a leash and walk nearby. When the doorbell rings, pull the collar up to your chin and keep the leash taut. The dog feels that you are in complete control of its movements and surroundings, it stops barking, for which it receives praise and rewards.

Extraneous noises outside the door

A protective type of barking - a dog barks at a specific subject (person, animal) who has crossed the boundaries of a protected area. It is important to understand that a dog may consider a walking area or some radius near the entrance to be its territory. Pets living in private homes quite often guard the entire territory they see.

The defensive or territorial type of barking can be called excessive; the dog can bark monotonously and for hours if the stimulus is observed for a long time. You may think your dog is barking for no reason when he smells a stranger but doesn't see him. If the subject approaches, the dog barks louder and more actively.

Pay attention! While guarding, the pet looks courageous, behaves actively, takes a stance, keeps its tail tense and its ears raised.

Most apartment pets react to sounds outside the door. The dog runs to the door and begins to bark loudly; most often, it does not listen to the owner’s commands and calms down only after the irritant is removed. This behavior is associated with a protective instinct, and in some cases, with self-doubt.

Experience shows that dogs of small breeds most often react to noise in the entrance. Due to its small size and physical inconsistency, the dog asserts itself by barking, realizing that it is safe.

Pay attention! Some, especially temperamental pets, not only bark at the door, but also mark it.

Barking expressing anxiety or fear is a complex defensive reaction. When a dog barks, adrenaline is released into its blood. Simply put, a dog barks to feel more confident and not afraid. Alarm barking can be a response to any noise, surprise, or behavior of a person or animal. This type of barking is not “tied” to a protected area.

Pay attention! During alarm barking, the dog appears uncertain, flattens its ears, may tuck its tail, or try to hide.

A dog barks at a cat and other animals

Many owners experience pet conflicts. Most often the behavior is attributed to jealousy. If a dog already lives in your house and you decide to get a kitten, the pets need to be accustomed to each other gradually. To begin, isolate the animals in different rooms and introduce them through the crack in the door. If the pet reacts calmly, take the kitten in your arms and try to introduce the animals closer.

When faced with barking and aggression towards a cat, you need to be patient. Isolate your pets in different rooms for several hours and then switch places. This procedure is repeated several times, and sometimes for several days in a row.

Important! During introductions, for safety reasons, it is better to place the cat in a cage or carrier.

The purpose of the procedure is for the dog to get used to the unfamiliar smell without contact with the cat. When the pet stops rushing around the room and diligently sniffing out the cat's scent, take the dog on a leash and try to introduce it to the new pet. If your dog starts barking at your cat, distract it with a toy.

If the dog starts barking at the cat, take it out of the room and distract it with more active play. Your goal is to instantly switch the dog's attention to the toy in the presence of a cat. When the pet starts playing in the room with the carrier, you can move on to the next stage.

Open the door of the carrier, keep your dog on a leash and watch what is happening. As soon as the dog gets tense, start stroking and distracting it. If the cat leaves the carrier and the dog does not start barking, do not rush to intervene. Give your pet time to watch the cat for a few minutes and take the dog out of the room.

Give your dog generous rewards and play with him to reduce his agitation. It usually takes 3 to 7 days for the dog to completely get used to the new pet. The main rule is to take your time and not push your pets together.

This is interesting! As practice shows, cats often take the initiative and make contact with their new neighbor.

How to stop a dog from barking in the absence of its owner

Dogs are naturally pack animals and tend to be around people all the time. All domestic dogs live in unnatural conditions and therefore require constant attention from the owner. Owners especially often encounter barking and whining from loneliness when raising a puppy who has recently moved to a new home.

A dog that barks from boredom also suffers from a lack of physical activity. Practice shows that tired dogs feel much calmer and rarely bark due to anxiety.

Important! Constant feelings of loneliness and anxiety can lead to the development of persistent stress and depression.

A pet's barking in the absence of the owner often becomes an acute problem, since neighbors suffer from the dog's behavior. The pet begins to howl and bark as soon as you leave the house and does not show signs of anxiety while in your company.

To train your dog to be quiet when no one is home, you need to use a comprehensive approach:

  • First of all, physical activity increases, that is, you need to actively walk the dog before leaving home.
  • To prevent the pet from suffering from boredom in the absence of its owners, it must be provided with a sufficient number of toys.
  • Puppies are more likely to suffer from loneliness, so in addition to rubber toys, they need to be given chewable treats.

It is important to understand that a dog really suffers when he is alone. The only sure way to eliminate behavior problems is gradual, step-by-step training.

Important! If the problem is acute, it is possible to combat unwanted barking with the help of sedatives prescribed by a veterinarian.

The use of sedatives is important if the veterinarian has determined that the dog suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Pets with a weak psyche are difficult to train; they achieve positive results, but it takes a lot of time.

A serious mental disorder may be indicated by dogs that are overly active or depressed when their owners are away.

Pay attention! Fear of darkness and silence is also considered a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder. To alleviate the dog’s condition, a working night light, TV or radio is left in the house.

How to stop your dog from barking when you come home

During puppyhood, pets are very active in meeting their owners and greeting strangers and other animals. Due to their innate curiosity, a small puppy is much easier to socialize than an adult dog.

Important! During the training process, it is important to teach the puppy the correct greeting so that he does not try to jump on people or grab your hands or clothes.

To reduce excitement in small puppies when greeting, it is recommended to kneel and give your pet access to your face when you come home. Most often, emotions subside as soon as the pet manages to sniff and lick you.

Emotional barking can be associated not only with greeting, but also with excitement. Small puppies and adult dogs get excited when playing or working. It is not recommended to wean a dog from this type of barking, since by barking, the pet expresses emotions and expends energy naturally.

What to do if your pet barks at guests? First you need to decide what motivates your pet. There are two possible motives: protection of the territory or a stormy greeting. A pet cannot be punished for wanting to guard the territory, but if it starts barking, it must be put on a leash and calmed down. The mentee must understand that you are in control of the situation.

If the dog barks at guests because he is happy to see them, his energy needs to be redirected in another direction. Ask the guest to give the dog a toy or redirect attention in another way. In any case, do not put your dog on a leash before opening the door to guests and generously reward your pet if he expresses his emotions without barking.

In the life of a beginning dog breeder, there are many problems that become difficult and insurmountable for a person. It's all about experience, which can only be gained by raising dogs and further studying their behavior. And for beginners, we have prepared this material, from which they can easily learn how to stop an animal from barking, but to consider the problem in detail, it is necessary to understand the reason for such deviant behavior of the animal.

Causes of barking

Barking is not a dog's primary method of conversation. More often they use other sounds to communicate, such as whining or even growling. Ordinary barking performs another function, namely, as a means of expressing the animal’s emotions. Here are the main reasons:

Feeling of fear. As mentioned earlier, barking is precisely a means of expressing the feelings and emotions of an animal; fear is one of the most common reasons for the production of such sounds. In such situations, any dog ​​will strive to take a defensive position, and, according to instincts, in order to defend itself, it is necessary to go on the offensive. For this reason, the animal begins to bark, showing these other dogs or, for example, people that she can stand up for herself;

Feeling bored. But fear is not the only reason that an animal begins to bark constantly; perhaps she is simply bored. It is worth mentioning that such a feeling can occur to any individual, and its breed and even gender do not matter. Such barking is very often accompanied by additional sounds, namely a slight howl. This characteristic sign will help you identify the problem and quickly solve it, since such barking should not be corrected by force at all, just start spending more time with the dog and playing with it more often;

Excitation. We also must not forget about barking, which appears as a result of excessive excitement, and this type of emitted sounds is the most common. We are talking about situations when the animal is worried because the doorbell rings or passers-by are very close to the owner. Each animal is individual, different dogs have different psyches, which are responsible for the degree of excitability. You can also combat excitement with early training, but we’ll talk about that a little later.

Game moments

Dogs are very people-friendly animals and see a lot of normal play. Your task is to teach your dog from childhood when to play. It’s quite difficult to do this, but if you succeed, then questions about how to wean an animal from barking at dogs or at everyone will definitely not arise. It makes no sense to “punish” barking, because it can have a bad effect, and it is unlikely to achieve a positive effect. Try training, perhaps it will help if problems arise with an adult.

Identifying the cause of barking is a mandatory process, and we are not talking about the fact that the dog is doing it right now, but about the fact that the problem has been noticeable, for example, only for two days, and before that everything was fine (there are no deviations in your pet’s behavior was). The problem may be acute, and the dog barks from sudden pain, or more precisely, from the desire to draw the owner’s attention to the problem. This happens in situations where, for example, the dog pricked its paw or suffered from a tick bite. There can be many options, and it’s worth paying attention to even such primitive ones as pieces of bone getting stuck in the animal’s jaw, because the dog will not be able to clear them from his teeth.

Methods to stop a dog barking

Then, when you have determined the cause of the constant barking, let's move on to eliminating it. Let us immediately mention that those cases where the incident occurred due to boredom or the dog’s opinion of constant play should not be corrected using the methods discussed below. Most likely, they will still help, but it will be much more rational to simply start paying more time and attention to your pet. Let's look at the main methods that will solve the problem in the other two situations. Don’t be afraid to use them, and the effect can only be achieved if they are used simultaneously.

Method 1: Exposure to loneliness

Perhaps a dog is an even more social creature than a human. For this reason, loneliness can have both positive and negative effects. As for the mental state, according to experienced dog breeders, loneliness has a positive effect, especially if the dog gets used to loneliness, then it will be much easier for you to leave it alone when leaving home, but the main thing is that you will be able to resolve the issue of How to stop a dog from barking at passers-by. You cannot immediately leave an animal for a long period of time if you have not done this before. Start leaving for a short period of time, gradually increasing the time of your absence.

Method 2: Ignoring Barking

The method does not even mean that you should not pay attention to deviations in the dog’s behavior, but that you should make a similar appearance. Make your dog believe that you don't notice his attempts to attract attention to you. The method is worth trying if you have tried to teach your dog something, but you don’t understand professional training. It is also worth mentioning that in this way it is easier to solve the problem, the essence of which is related to how to stop a puppy from barking at people. It will be more difficult to deal with an adult.

Method 3: Stopping "security barking"

This problem is familiar only to people living outside the city or, for example, in the private sector. Its essence lies in barking while someone is simply passing near the house. An unpleasant sound will bother not only neighbors and people passing by, but also you. The problem can only be solved by training. You ask: “So what needs to be done?” In fact, you don’t need to take your dog to modern training methods; just ask someone to help you train the animal.

Help will consist of imitating passers-by (for this reason, the assistant should be chosen not from those people who live in the house, because the dog quite successfully distinguishes people by the sound of steps and gait). If the dog responds to the command “quiet” or “place,” then you should stop barking while passers-by are moving in this manner. Otherwise, use force, but don't overdo it!

In no case should you wean off barking while knocking on the door, remember about safety. We were talking only about options when passers-by walk by. Be sure to reward the dog if it stops vocalizing in such situations, this way you will consolidate the result.

Method 4: Teaching the “quiet” command

As mentioned earlier, the “quiet” command will allow you to solve a lot of problems related to the use of methods, but we also must not forget that it is suitable as an independent method of training. Here's the procedure:

  1. Put on a leash that will help the animal concentrate;
  2. Make the dog start barking (the actions depend entirely on the reason for the barking, you need to provoke this reason);
  3. Shout “quietly” and at the same time cover the dog’s mouth (under no circumstances hurt him, everything must be done carefully);
  4. Reward your dog if he starts to quiet down on his own.

Method 5: Using Barking Control Products

It would be stupid not to mention more modern ways to stop dog barking. For this purpose, dog breeders have developed several types of collars, the principle of which is based on different methods of forcing the dog to stop barking. Let's look at the most famous types of collars:

  • Shock collar. This device may have an effect, but we would not recommend using it from a moral point of view. It is unwise to shock your dog, especially in situations where he is simply seeking attention or having fun. Of course, the current charge is very small, but not everyone is ready to put this device on their pet;
  • Collar with liquid. These collars are suitable for those people who find the previous option inhumane. The essence of such collars is to splash water with the smell of lemon. Thus, the dog will be scared and will draw certain conclusions after some time that the liquid appears only because of the barking;

There are a large number of other devices that correct barking, but, in our opinion, it is better to use the above methods than to rely on technological methods.

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