How can you find out when you die. How to find out the exact date of death using numerology

Everyone realizes that every person is mortal. But not everyone wants to know the time of their departure, the date of their own death, despite the inaccessibility of this information. According to sociological surveys, about 4% of respondents expressed a desire to have information about the exact date of this event. Many people live as if they have infinity. As a result, when the old woman with a scythe knocks on the window, it turns out that they didn’t have time to do much - they didn’t say important words to dear people, didn’t realize their cherished desires, etc. The principle of the Japanese samurai is widely known - to live in such a way that you can die at any moment . This does not mean that they strove for death and desired it. This means: don’t put off important things until tomorrow, it may not come.

Having determined the date of his death, a person may reconsider his attitude towards today.

Thomas Perls Calculator

It is known that the presence of bad habits and the absence of good ones affects life expectancy. Heredity also makes its own changes. These obvious things prompted the American doctor to create a table for adjusting the average life expectancy depending on her style. The starting point for calculations is the average statistical life length of a person. The starting number for women is 72, for men 60 years.

To find out how your lifestyle affects its duration, you can use a special questionnaire. You must answer “yes” or “no”. Depending on the result, you need to add or subtract the proposed number of years from the initial value.

Yes “-” No “+” Do you use nicotine (smoke, snort, chew, are a passive smoker) 2 Are fatty foods a frequent guest on your table 0.6 Do you prefer meat to vegetables 1.8 Dishes from a frying pan are deeply fried 0.4 Animal fats prefer plant-based 2 You abuse alcohol 1.2 The environmental situation around leaves much to be desired 1 You abuse coffee 0.6 You don’t take aspirin for preventive purposes 0.8 You forget to brush your teeth 1.2 You have irregular bowel movements 0.8 You indulge in drug use and/or accidental sexual intercourse 1.6 You overuse sunbathing 1.4 Your weight is very different from normal 1.8 You are lonely. No spouse 1.8 Resistance to stress is not about you 1.4 Two or more blood relatives suffer from diabetes 0.8 One of your parents died before the age of 75 2 There are no long-livers in your family 4.8 You have long forgotten about sports 1, 4 Vitamin E is not included in your diet 1.6

This "calculator" is not a way to find out your date of death. It allows you to determine how a person treats his body, how quickly the body’s resources will be exhausted. In addition, in life there is always a place for unforeseen circumstances - disasters and accidents can end it at any second.


For those who are interested in how fortune relates to his date of death, there are special numerological calculation methods.

Our entire existence is simply permeated with numbers: height, weight, distance in space and time, the state of a bank account - almost every aspect of a person’s life can be described in numbers. Among others, numerology identifies nine karmic numbers, each of which is associated with an individual person, determines his life program, and also allows you to find out the date of death by date of birth.

There are many ways to get your number. The simplest one is to sum up all the numbers of your date of birth until you get a single-digit number, which will become the desired one - determining fate in general and the date of death in particular.

EXAMPLE: born December 20, 1989 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5.

A numerological number can also be derived from a person’s name. To do this, use the correspondence table:

A- I- C- Ъ A- J- S 1 B- J- T- Y B- K- T 2 B- K- U- ь C- L- U 3 G- L- F- E D- M- V 4 D- M- X- S E- N- W 5 E- N- C- Z F- O- X 6 E- O- H G- P- Y 7 F- P- W H- Q- Z 8 З- Р- Ш I- R 9

As in the case of the date of birth, you need to add up all the numbers of the name until you get a single digit.

EXAMPLE: Evgenia = E(6) + v(3) + g(4) + e(6) + n(6) + u(1) + i(6) = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5

What form of name to take for calculations - the full one or the one that is used in everyday life - here experts do not have a unified opinion.

Interpretation of numbers

Now that the karmic number has been received, numerology allows you to find out the date of death. Number meanings:

  • 1 – A person will live to at least 80 years of age and even cross this threshold.
  • 2 – Death from an accident is likely. Throughout life, the risk of death reaches its peak at age seven, 19 and 29 years, 45 years and 67 years.
  • 3 – Until the age of 44 there is nothing to be afraid of. In the future, various diseases take hold of a person, shortening his longevity.
  • 4 – Celebrating a centenary is a common occurrence for members of this group.
  • 5 – The lives of these people are constantly in danger, especially in this regard, the 15th, 48th, 24th, 62nd and 76th years of life stand out. However, fortune accompanies them and, with the right behavior, will help them avoid fatal accidents.
  • 6 – Difficult to predict case. The critical years of life are the 13th, 47th, 22nd and 68th.
  • 7 – Lucky people. Danger may lurk in the 36th, 24th and 61st years. The main sources of trouble are water and fire.
  • 8 – Death is always somewhere nearby. Caution is paramount.
  • 9 – Early, unexpected death. Taking care of your health, giving up bad habits and risky ventures may help you cross the 50-year mark.

How to find out the date of your death

The methods described above make it possible to approximately judge the “time available”, informing mainly about the critical years of life. To get a definite answer, you can use an alternative method for determining the exact year of death and the years of life in which the danger of dying is especially great.

Calculation of the date of death begins by adding the numbers of the date of birth:

For example: 03/11/1976 = 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 26 (the number remains two-digit).

Dangerous years of life:

  1. Month of birth (in the example – March – 3) – 2003
  2. Doubling the month of birth (3 × 2 = 6) – 2006
  3. The sum of the number of death and doubling (26 + 6 = 32) – 2032.

Calculation of time of death:

Month of birth (3) + third dangerous year (32) + number of death (26) = 61

If a person was born between January and April, 18 is added to the resulting number. Those born in May add 9. Others, born from June to December, leave everything as is.

So, 61 + 18 = 79 years is the date of death of a person based on the date of birth of whom this calculation was made.

Life schedule

Another numerological way to look at your life is to find out the date of death, favorable and negative periods - to build a “life graph”.

Its construction is preceded by the calculation of the life code. To do this, multiply the day, month and year of birth. Values ​​are taken without zeros.

For example: 07/19/1990. = 19 × 7 × 199 = 26767

Two mutually perpendicular segments are drawn on paper. On the horizontal line, twelve-year life cycles are marked: 12–24–36–48–60, etc. Along the vertical line, the segment is numbered from one to nine - these are the values ​​of the intensity of life. Now you need to place dots on this graph - numbers from the code of life. We place the first point above the value 12, in the example it is the number 2 - two points vertically. The second point is 6, on the vertical axis corresponds to 24 years, etc.

It is clear that the end of the graph corresponds to the estimated date of death of the person. The size of the number on the vertical axis indicates the energy potential in a given life period. Where the graph approaches marks 1 and 0, there are dangerous periods of life, during which various troubles are likely, including death. So this graph can tell not only about your expected life expectancy, but also indicate difficult and happy stages.

Reading the graph

Number 0 – low energy level, possibly illness. A person is on the border between life and death.

Number 1 – Extremely unlucky streak. When the graph starts with one, it usually means a difficult childhood: illness or a problematic family. In the middle of life's journey it can mean an inability to socialize - poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Or again - serious health problems.

Number 2 – Sluggish existence. There are no critical events, but there is no strength for development either.

Number 3 – Normal. Neither good nor bad.

Number 4 – New opportunities and prospects are opening up. At the same time, there is enough energy to implement plans.

Number 5 – Serious changes. New beginnings. A change of place of residence, family status, and professional interests is possible.

Number 6 – Fate favors all endeavors. Implementation in any area of ​​life, both personal and professional. Personal development.

Number 7 – Reliable, well-coordinated life without rapid developments.

Number 8 – Material well-being. Opportunities associated with its development. Success in business, career.

Number 9 – Spiritual development. Search for purpose, meaning.


Lines on the hands also allow you to find out the date of death. It is believed that the left palm carries information about a person’s predisposition, while the right palm carries accumulated experience. Information about expected life expectancy can be obtained through three lines: life, mind and fate. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in addition to the length of the lines, palmists also take into account secondary factors when determining the date of death. This is clarity, depth of lines, the presence of dashes, as well as certain signs found on the palm.

Life line

The length of this line is proportional to its duration. But how to calculate the date of death - the exact value expressed in years? To do this, it is necessary to determine the scale: how long a segment should be considered for ten years of life. Applying a ruler to the palm, a point should be marked from the middle of the base of the index finger perpendicular to the life line. Next, the ruler moves to the space between the middle and index fingers - the second point. The distance between points is a ten-year period. All that remains is to calculate how many of them fit on the life line.

Line of fate

The beginning of the fate line, at the wrist, is considered to be eighteen years of age. The intersection of this line with the line of the mind is 35 years. Where the line of fate meets the line of the heart - 50 years. If the line of fate continues further, crossing the line of the heart, the person will die at an advanced age.

Mind line

Draw a line vertically down from the middle of the little finger; if it crosses the line of the mind, then the person will live longer than 60 years. You can divide the line of mind up to this point into three equal parts - these are twenty-year segments of life - 0-20, 21-40, 41-60 years. The length of the remainder is your longevity.

Before you calculate your expected death date, think carefully. Esotericists are of the unanimous opinion - it is better not to know what earthly term is measured for you. Because:

  1. Finding out your date of death is a huge stress for any person. Especially if dangerous years are destined in the karmic path, in which there is a risk of death if nothing is done.
  2. It can be quite unpleasant to find out the cause of your death. Not everyone experiences a natural death from old age surrounded by loving relatives.
  3. There is also an opinion: there is no fate, but having learned the prediction, a person programs himself for certain events. The placebo effect in action - faith, like an engine, makes the numerological prediction come true. This point of view is not without common sense: the power of thought is a very powerful mechanism.

In principle, any independent calculations cannot be considered 100% true. The most accurate forecast is provided only by an astrological natal chart, which can be compiled by a professional astrologer.

Turn to numerology if you are sure that a negative prediction will not bother you.

Calculation of date of death

Let's look at an example for a person born on January 1, 1984:

  1. We write out the numbers of the date of birth in a row: 01011984.
  2. Add up all the numbers: 0+1+0+1+1+9+8+4 = 24.
  3. Add up the digits of the resulting number: 2+4=6.

As a result, you should get only one number - look for it in a numerology interpreter to determine the date of death.

Interpretation of numbers

After calculation, look for your number in the following list:

  1. 1 - you will live at least 80 years. Perhaps you will become a record long-liver. Such success is due to a healthy lifestyle, many positive, exciting events and an optimistic attitude towards everything.
  2. 2 - most likely you will die from an accident. When this will happen is unknown. But be careful at ages 8, 20, 30, 46 and 68. This is a “crisis” time that will be extremely dangerous and unpleasant. In principle, tragedy can be avoided if you are vigilant about the world around you.
  3. 3 - you will live a long and happy life. But you will die not from old age, but from a serious, protracted illness. Be especially attentive to your health on your 45th and 74th birthdays - these are the most critical years for you.
  4. 4 - you have every chance of becoming a long-liver. It is quite possible that you will celebrate your centennial anniversary with your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and children. To make this prediction come true, take care of your health and lead an active lifestyle.
  5. 5 - it feels like death is always somewhere near you. You constantly find yourself in situations where you are literally playing with fire. But despite this, your life will end naturally in old age.
  6. 6 - your life may be long, but there are also problematic years in which you will be exposed to serious dangers. These are ages 14, 25, 48 and 70 years. Also, for a long life in your case, it is very important to engage in spiritual development and practice.
  7. 7 - you are the darling of Fate. At birth you had a very strong guardian angel, so luck and security accompany you in everything. It is surprising that in this case you will not die a natural death, but will suffer from some kind of natural disaster. This could be a fire, flood or any other disaster.
  8. 8 - you are capable of living a long and happy life, but calm and stability tire you. You are constantly looking for vivid impressions, explosive emotions, and because of this you choose dangerous entertainment. If you stop taking risks and playing with death, you can live a very long life.
  9. 9 is the most dangerous option. People with this number rarely celebrate their half-century anniversary. They destroy themselves: alcohol, drugs, dangerous work or risky entertainment. Only working on yourself and giving up everything harmful will help extend the period determined by Fate.

Important: There is no exact day of death, a person always has a choice. As a result of your actions, actions, daily, every second choice, how long you live will depend.

Watch a video on how to find out the date of your death:

Working off karmic debts

The soul of every person comes into the world with a specific purpose. This includes fulfilling one’s mission (for example, serving people, inventing a cure for cancer, realizing oneself in a family), and working off karmic debts acquired in previous reincarnations.

What does it mean? For example, if in a past life you caused someone severe pain: you abandoned or betrayed them, then in your current incarnation someone will do the same to you, but much more painfully.

Therefore, every situation that causes you strong negative emotions should be taken as a lesson necessary to heal your soul from old sins. And every unpleasant person is like a teacher whose soul helps yours heal.

Not every person has karmic debts. Add up the numbers of your date of birth and see what happens. In our example it is 28. If the number is not equal to 13, 14, 16 and 19, everything is fine.

What should people who get these numbers do:

  • - learn to finish things. Take responsibility for your life only on yourself, stop blaming others for failures.
  • 14 - eliminate alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and other harmful substances completely from your life. Cultivate moderation and restraint in yourself.
  • 16 - get rid of selfishness. Cultivate humility and modesty, help others.
  • 19 - become a volunteer or help people. You need to learn to care for someone other than yourself who needs it.

The number 10 falls out of the general series - this is a sign that all karmic lessons, without exception, were worked out by you in a past life. It is important to prevent new debts, so try to develop spiritually and live in accordance with your conscience.

The date of death in numerology is a very peculiar topic. As you know, only 4% of people would like to know when their last hour will come. Others perceive it as fun, and if they use services that offer to calculate the date of death using numerology online for free, it is only to tickle their nerves. And an hour later they completely forget about it.

But no one promises a clear result. Numerology of death by date of birth is statistics in its purest form. In statistics, there is such a thing as the probability of death. When it exceeds 50%, you are at increased risk. And the number of death in numerology records the situation when the risk reaches its maximum.

Very few people notice such moments in their lives. Meanwhile, they happen literally at every step. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to go rafting or mountaineering. Crossing the street in front of traffic, you risk much more than jumping with a parachute.

Therefore, calculating the date of death is a set of statistical calculations that allow you to determine the moment (or moments) of your life when the mortal risk is close to absolute.

You can get the finished result immediately. There is a free service - and more than one - where the date of death according to numerology is calculated online in a matter of seconds. And if you are too lazy to calculate the necessary indicators yourself, type in a search engine something like “numerology of the date of death online for free”, and all you have to do is choose a site that inspires confidence.

However, there is an opinion that it is better to calculate the date of such an important event as the transition to another world away from prying eyes. Suddenly the heir will be nearby. You will feel uneasy from his sour expression if it turns out that the last hour is still far away.

Determine the date of death using numerology

The date of your death is encrypted in the date of your birth. Calculate the number of birth - add up all the digits of the full date - and then read the interpretation that corresponds to the result obtained.

1 – you have every chance to live a very long time. Monitor your health and adjust your lifestyle according to your age.

2 – high probability of sudden death. Be especially careful at ages 19, 29, 45, and 67.

3 – You will most likely die as a result of a long illness. If you survive the age of 44, the next dangerous period will begin at 73.

4 – the number promises an incredibly long life. Even in old age you will be full of strength and energy.

5 – You walk on the edge. Perhaps you have miraculously managed to survive more than once. Do not harm people, and fate will not abandon you. Dangerous years – 24, 48, 62, 76.

6 – You were born with a karmic debt, and your life expectancy will depend on this. Be extremely collected and responsible at the ages of 22, 47 and 68 years old.

7 – Higher powers protect you. Do not resist their will, otherwise you may suffer punishment in the form of death from fire or water. Years of risk – 24, 36, 61.

8 – there is a chance to live long enough – up to 70 – if you stop constantly risking your life without an objective need.

9 is a symbol of early death before 50 years of age. They say about “nines” that they originally belong to God. High risk years – 16, 23, 38, 47.

This calculator will allow you to calculate your own life expectancy and find out the approximate date of natural death. Our service was developed based on the methodology of the famous American geriatrician (a specialist in age-related changes), a researcher at Harvard Medical School, Thomas Perls.

Answer 25 simple questions about your life and find out how long it can last.

Please indicate gender:

(Required to fill out)

Please indicate your date of birth

(Required to fill out)

Do you smoke (or often spend time in smoking company)?

You eat more than two donuts, buns, pies, etc. per day?

Do you often eat deep-fried meat and fish?

Do you try to eat sweets and/or fatty foods as little as possible?

Are you trying to limit your meat consumption?

Alcohol: do you drink more than 0.5 liters of beer, two glasses of wine or 70 g of vodka every day?

Do you live in a big city?

Do you drink a lot of coffee (more than two large or three small cups per day)?

Do you regularly (at least 2-3 times a week) take aspirin or other painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs?

Do you brush your teeth every day and visit the dentist regularly (at least once every 6 months)?

Do you have regular bowel movements (at least once every two days)?

Can we say that you often engage in promiscuous sexual relationships?

Do you take drugs?

Do you often sunbathe?

Do you live in an area with high levels of radiation? (If you don't know the answer, put "no".)

Are you married?

Do you know how to cope with stress without getting depressed?

Are there any diabetics in your immediate family?

Did either of your parents die before the age of 75 (the answer is “yes” only in case of natural death, from disease...)?

Were (or are there) long-livers in your family - over 87 years old?

Do you not like sports, do you try to sit or lie down more?

Do you regularly take a multivitamin (or vitamins A and E separately)?

Live to be a hundred: a plan for active longevity

The prospects of living not to the average (in Russia) 66 years, but at least to 80-85 years, and not just living, but maintaining a high quality of life, which directly depends on health, are only available to those who follow the 10 golden rules.. .

Quitting bad habits

No matter how trivial it sounds. Smoking shortens life expectancy by an average of four years. Smokers are 10.8 times more likely to develop lung cancer than people without the habit.

Healthy lifestyle

This phrase means not only proper nutrition - it is also important to adhere to a daily routine with a mandatory 8-hour night sleep. And we must not forget about moderate physical activity.


Avoid situations where you could get injured. Any injury is damage to the body, which makes itself felt over the years and limits mobility. But, as you know, movement is life.

Taking care of your health

Try to undergo an annual medical examination, which includes: examination by a therapist, general urine and blood tests, biochemical blood test, fluorography, ultrasound of internal organs. And also carry out disease prevention - get annual flu shots, vaccinations when traveling to exotic countries, and take out health insurance.

Fresh air

It is advisable to spend as much time as possible in nature, away from large cities. Most centenarians live in villages. The temperate mountain climate is especially useful in this sense.

Good psychological state

The most important stronghold of positive well-being is a strong family. Try to maintain healthy family relationships. It is known that married people live longer. For example, in Japan, the mortality rate of single men aged 35-44 is 4.3 times higher than that of married men.

Agility of mind

Be interested in new things, explore new horizons. Systematic mental activity trains the brain, just as fitness classes train the body. Creative activity is especially important here. Many scientists, directors, artists, writers maintain clarity of mind until old age. Getting used to a new environment stimulates adaptation processes in the body, which counteracts its aging.


When retiring, many people do not know what to do with themselves. Think about this in advance. It is advisable to decide what you will do when you leave your job long before this moment. Working life prolongs life, because among long-livers there is not a single lazy person known.

Changing your diet as you age

After 30 years, the level of basal metabolic rate begins to decline, which means the body requires fewer calories. But most people don’t think about it and continue to consume food in the same volume and quality. The main advice: gradually reduce calories and give preference to plant foods. There are studies showing that a low-calorie diet increases lifespan in mice. And people who have ever experienced famine live longer on average than others.

Optimistic attitude towards life and constructive life position

In old age, the attitude towards life does not change, but it manifests itself more clearly. Therefore, positive people who are not prone to depression and lead an active lifestyle, despite their age, maintain social contacts longer, and in general their life expectancy is higher.

10 steps to a long life

Although humans are genetically guaranteed to live 150 years, our lifetime is significantly shorter. And if the average Japanese manages to live to 79 years, then Nigerians and Somalis barely reach 47.

Our compatriots are somewhere in the middle. Meanwhile, having carefully studied the experience of centenarians, experts have developed 10 rules, following which you can prolong your earthly existence.

Rule 1: Don't overeat

If you do not do heavy physical work, 2000 kilocalories per day will be enough for you. In this way, you will provide relief to your cells and support their activity.

Rule 2: the menu must be age appropriate

For 30-year-old women, the first wrinkles will appear later if they regularly eat nuts and occasionally liver. People over 40 years old benefit from beta-carotene, which is abundant in carrots, as well as other orange, yellow and red vegetables and fruits. After 50 years, calcium is in the form of bones, and magnesium is in the heart.

Men over 40 need selenium, found in cheese and kidneys: this mineral helps relieve stress. After 50, eating fish, the stronger sex will protect the heart and blood vessels.

Rule 3: Don't rush into retirement

Those who do not work look, on average, 5 years older than their age, researchers have found. By the way, some professions, according to sociologists, help preserve youth.

Among the centenarians, most of them are conductors, philosophers, artists and priests.

4th rule: sex is the elixir of youth

During sexual intercourse, the body produces endorphins - the so-called hormones of happiness. They help strengthen the immune system. A man who has sex twice a week looks 14 years younger than his peers.

5th rule: do not be discouraged under any circumstances

Doctors no longer have any doubt: optimists live much longer than pessimists.

Rule 6: Move

Even a few minutes of exercise a day can prolong your life. During training, growth hormone is released, the production of which declines sharply after 30 years.

Rule 7: Sleep in a cool room

Anyone who sleeps at a temperature of +17+18°C remains young longer. After all, metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related changes depend on the ambient temperature.

Rule 8: try to get as many positive emotions as possible

From time to time we need to allow ourselves unreasonable pleasures: a large piece of high-calorie cake, a late-night spree with friends, dancing until you drop, reading a detective story for several hours in a row - all this helps us live long!

9th rule: do not extinguish your anger, let it break out

It turns out that 64% of cancer patients have always suppressed anger in themselves.

Rule 10: Give the gray cells work

Solve crosswords, read a lot, learn foreign languages, count in your head... By forcing the brain to work actively, a person not only keeps a clear head, but also at the same time activates the activity of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism.

Article provided by the magazine website


There are two opposing opinions on this matter. Many people would like to know their life expectancy. But there are also many who would never want to have such information.

Despite the fact that many people believe in reincarnation and rebirth, almost everyone is afraid of death. Most of us would experience great stress if we knew the exact date of our death or the death of someone close to us.

Moreover, I can also tell you some numerological fortune-telling about the cause of death. Some believe that negative predictions come true only because a person creates a psychological attitude for himself. That is, she tunes in to the fact that the prediction will come true, and thought, as we all know, is material.

How to find out how long you'll live

If a person sets himself up to die at a certain age, then this can happen. How seriously to take such numerological fortune-telling is a personal matter for each of us. Of course, they cannot be called accurate, because they provide only indicative information.

If you want to get accurate information, then you need to turn to an astrological forecast, which includes an analysis of the time and place of birth, the influence of specific planets and many other factors.

However, it cannot be said that absolutely everyone is afraid of death. There are also those who would be interested in knowing their life expectancy by date of birth in order to be prepared for a happy old age or, conversely, to try to realize everything they have planned if they suddenly received a bad prediction.

How long will I live

In order to find out your life expectancy, you need to sum up your date, month and year of birth, and then reduce the resulting number to a single digit.

For example, consider a person who was born on October 5, 1986. 5+1+1+9+8+6=30=3+0=3. After you have received this number, we move on to deciphering its meaning. So how long will you live in your current incarnation?


An old lady with a braid will come to you after your 80th birthday. You have a rich and vibrant life, and death will be painless and easy.


Most likely, you will lose your life as a result of an accident. The most dangerous years for you are 7,19,29,45 or 67 years old. Of course, you can live longer, you just need to be as careful as possible during these years.


You will live a long time, but you will die of illness. The most dangerous years for you are 44 and 73.


You are a real long-liver. You are one of those people who has every chance of blowing out a hundred candles on your birthday cake. Until your very last days, you will lead an active lifestyle and enjoy good health.


Death is constantly hovering over you, but you cleverly avoid it. There are a lot of dangers in your life, but this is not why you will leave for another world, and at a very respectable age.


Dangerous years of life for you are 13,22,47 and 68 years. Life expectancy and cause of death will be affected by karmic debts. Look for clues in numerological indicators and your karma number.


You have the strongest guardian angel, but you are at risk of dying from various types of natural disasters. Beware of thunderstorms, floods and fires. You will have an unexpected death.


You really like to take risks and play with death. If you don't stop, sooner or later it will end in tragedy. The duration of your life is entirely in your hands. If you avoid risks, you will be able to live a long life.


Such a person, unfortunately, rarely even lives to see his 50th birthday. He should stay away from alcohol, tobacco and stupid risks. He must monitor his health very carefully in order to have a chance to stay longer in this world.

1. Within three days after death, decomposition of the body begins, which is facilitated by the enzymes accumulated in the body.

2. Abraham Lincoln's body was reburied 17 times.

3. Men who commit suicide by hanging, in most cases, have a post-mortem erection.

4. After the death of the body, the head lives for another 20 seconds.

5. In 1907, an experiment was conducted to weigh a person before and after death. It turned out that immediately after death a person loses weight.

6. Real facts show that people with serious fat deposits turn into soap after death.

7. Moritz Rawlings’ book “Beyond Death” provides real evidence of the existence of hell and heaven.

8. Scientists say that a person buried alive will die in 5.5 hours.

9. A person’s hair and nails continue to grow after death.

10. A huge number of people who experienced clinical death visited another world.

11. When clinical death happens to a child, he sees only good things, while an adult very often sees demons and monsters.

12. In Madagascar, there is a tradition of digging up the remains of a loved one in order to dance with him during a ritual ceremony.

13. Michael Newton, an American scientist, knew how to awaken people's memories of past lives using hypnosis.

14. After death, a person is reborn in another body.

15. When we die, the last thing we lose is our hearing.

16. Some mummies “living” in Southeast Asia still grow hair and nails.

17. Reliable sources claim that psychologist Raymond Moody wrote his book “Life After Death” based on real facts.

18. Many nations have a strange ban on pronouncing the name of a deceased person.

19. After death, the information stored in the human brain does not die, it is stored. This fact is confirmed by life after death.

20. Residents of China believe that after death each of them will go to hell.

21. More people die from being hit by a coconut than from being attacked by a shark.

22. In France, it is officially legal to marry a deceased person if you wish.



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