How to get rid of smegma. When there are reasons to worry

In most men, smegma, which is a fat-like substance, accumulates under the skin that covers the head of the penis. This substance facilitates the sliding of the head. However, if it begins to gather in large quantities, then it can cause various diseases, up to oncology.

In the skin, which covers the inner area of ​​the preputial sac, there are many glands that produce the oily secretion in question. It, mixing with the dead epithelium, acts as nutrient medium For various kinds bacteria that utilize fatty acids, which are part of the secretions of these glands. As a result, an unpleasant-smelling white mixture (smegma) begins to accumulate on the head.

Smegma is required to facilitate the sliding of the glans penis when it emerges from the foreskin. Thanks to this substance, the head moves painlessly, and the occurrence of microtraumas and cracks is eliminated.

The fat-like substance begins to be produced in infancy, but in to a large extent The process of its production intensifies precisely during puberty. During this period, smegma can form whitish accumulations, which young people sometimes confuse with pus.

Active production of smegma is not dangerous to the health of guys; as a rule, by the age of 30 it returns to normal.

How to get rid of smegma?

As we noted above, a small volume of the substance in question is required in order to facilitate the sliding of the glans penis. If smegma begins to accumulate in the cavity, it can provoke the development of balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin). With this disease, this part of the penis swells, becoming covered with painful cracks.

In addition to all of the above, an excess amount of smegma can lead to papillomatosis (the formation of small “mushroom-like” growths on the head), as well as cancer. To avoid these ailments, doctors recommend thoroughly washing off the fat-like substance every day.

According to statistics, in states characterized by high level personal hygiene, oncological diseases of the penis are practically not encountered. In turn, in backward countries where men take poor care of themselves, this kind of cancer is a common ailment.

Smegma or candidiasis?

Let us draw your attention to the fact that white coating on the penis - this is not always smegma. In men, this kind of discharge may indicate the presence of candidiasis.

The causative agent of this disease is a fungus of the genus Candida. The main cause of infection is sexual contact with a woman suffering from vaginal thrush. In rare situations, candidiasis moves from a number of located foci. Even less probable cause infection with candidiasis - from dirty hands or linen.

Symptoms of candidiasis:

  • itching sensation on the head of the penis;
  • redness, swelling;
  • the occurrence of erosion;
  • discomfort when the head comes into contact with clothing;
  • white coating;
  • discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse;
  • decreased immunity.

Only a doctor can distinguish candidiasis from smegma!

Sometimes parents of future men note with horror that a whitish discharge with a specific odor begins to appear on the baby’s penis (namely the head). This is smegma. As we said above, the formation of this substance is absolutely natural and natural process, which occurs in all mammals.

Development of smegmalitis, phimosis and other troubles in infants

If a child accumulates a large amount of smegma between the layers of the foreskin, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply in this environment. As a result, the foreskin becomes inflamed and the glans becomes red. Gradually this can lead to smegmalitis.

In situations where children have phimosis at the same time, parents should mandatory consult a doctor who will help relieve the baby from discomfort.

To more clearly understand the essence of the problem that has arisen, let us explain that at birth in boys, the head and foreskin are a single welded tissue that gradually begins to separate. The epithelium that dies off is infant smegma, which sometimes brings young mothers to a pre-infarction state.

Thus, infant smegma and the fat-like substance of adult men have nothing in common.

As for babies, parents in this case should not be alarmed by the discharge itself. white, A associated symptoms, in particular inflation skin penis during urination, swelling of the foreskin, its redness.

Treatment and preventive measures for infant smegma

If you find the above symptoms in your child, you should not try to open the head area on your own. These actions can lead not only to severe pain and unpleasant sensations after, but also bleeding, as well as fusion of flesh. The surgeon will do all the necessary manipulations carefully, safely and quickly. Babies in such a situation may not feel any pain at all. After the procedure in question, the mother must wash the baby’s penis every time after urination.

Her only option for getting rid of the problem is circumcision, that is, cutting off the skin of the foreskin. Many medical workers have long come to the conclusion that this procedure is very beneficial for a man's health. However, today, circulation, as a rule, is perceived as a national custom, the culture of the family where the baby grows up.

Baby hygiene

So that children don't have intimate problems, it is necessary to take care of his penis from birth. For these purposes you do not need to purchase any special means(antiseptics, perfume compositions). You just need to wash the baby with regular baby soap. As the child grows and matures, parents should tell him how to properly take care of himself and how to maintain personal hygiene.

Smegma, which translated from ancient Greek means “ sebum", this is a mixture that is concentrated in the lack of hygiene in the sac of the foreskin and consists not only of secretions sebaceous glands foreskin, but also dead epithelial tissue, as well as moisture. Its excessive accumulation in the area of ​​the glans penis of the foreskin, as evidenced by whitish inclusions with sharp unpleasant smell, favors the active proliferation of microorganisms and, accordingly, inflammation in this area.

It is very important to observe the principles of personal hygiene, for example, wash every day warm water head of the penis.


In addition to the main components - fats, smegma in men also contains specific non-pathogenic microflora, which includes smegma mycobacteria, which are able to assimilate the fats contained in it. The formation of smegma increases during the period of maximum sexual activity, characteristic of the ages from seventeen to twenty-five years, and in old age smegma is practically absent. With prolonged stagnation of smegma in the preputial sac due to phimosis and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, balanitis is quite possible, up to the appearance precancerous diseases, which, for example, include penile cancer.

Smegma is produced by tiny prepuce glands located under the foreskin. Fresh discharge is white and is evenly distributed on the surface of the head, however, in the absence of hygienic care, over time it and their color become yellowish or greenish. Smegma is a kind of lubricant that covers the head and reduces the friction of the foreskin against it.


TO hygiene measures In addition to daily washing, there is also aeration of the glans penis, which is carried out with a hygienic silicone ring-nozzle. This procedure counteracts the accumulation of smegma and prevents the occurrence and development of inflammatory processes.

Very important preventive actions to prevent stagnation of smegma, this also applies to childhood, especially when it occurs. It is necessary not only to maintain hygiene of the male genital organs, but also to eliminate phimosis in a timely manner.

Smegma should be removed every day, as well as other substances that act as a lubricant. If these procedures are not carried out, smegma can lead to various violations, since in this case it already acts as an irritant, which leads, although not so often, to the development of neoplasms. The most dangerous in this sense are places subject to friction, including the head of the penis.

More often unpleasant phenomena Teenagers suffer from accumulated smegma, as they often treat hygiene rules with complete disregard. According to statistics, at a young age, violation of hygiene requirements is the most common cause of infectious diseases of the genital organs. However, when proper care Smegma, as a completely natural substance, does not pose any health hazard.

Smegma in males of different ages is physiological norm. But with an abundant accumulation of this secretion, boys experience severe anxiety. Quite often, mothers, discovering an abundant accumulation of smegma under the skin of the flesh in their young sons, begin to seriously fear for the baby’s health, which sometimes turns out to be completely justified.

What is smegma?

Smegma looks like a sharp-smelling, oily whitish mass on the tissues of the foreskin. Smegma consists of sweat, skin microparticles and fat from the sebaceous glands, as well as pheromones, bactericidal components and specific microflora. The formation of a fat-like substance on the foreskin is a physiological norm.

Smegma, when released, performs a number of specific functions in the male reproductive system:

  1. It facilitates the sliding of the skin bag along the penis and head;
  2. Prevents the occurrence of cracks in the foreskin and glans, all kinds of microtraumas and other damage;
  3. Smegma contains specific components that have bactericidal effect, due to which smegma prevents the formation infectious lesions of a local nature.

Under the influence of certain factors, stagnation of smegma under the flesh can occur, resulting in the formation of dense accumulations that can harden and calcify. As a result, smegmolites are formed.

If an infectious process occurs, the shade of smegma changes to green or yellow, and the smell becomes disgusting and even nauseating.

Similar accumulations occur in children (and in adults too) with phimosis, when the foreskin is narrowed, or when the rules of intimate hygiene are neglected. With phimosis, the prepuce (foreskin) becomes very narrow, which prevents full exposure of the head. Therefore, maintaining intimate hygiene when similar pathology is seriously difficult, to the point of absolute impossibility. And the accumulating smegma under the prepuce becomes a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora, infectious and inflammatory processes.

The photo shows an accumulation of smegma on the head of the penis

How to distinguish the accumulation of smegma from pathological discharge

Smegmu with insufficient awareness of it appearance can be easily confused with pathological discharge due to chlamydia or thrush:

  • With chlamydia or gonorrheal infection, mucous masses of a purulent nature are released from the patient’s urethra, which are distinguished by a grayish tint and a sharp, nauseating odor.
  • With candidiasis, curd-like white masses may accumulate under the preputial sac, which are accompanied by a severe burning sensation when urinating and painful sensations in the scrotum and perineum. But boys similar conditions are observed quite rarely.

To be sure to understand the origin unusual discharge, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe necessary analysis and carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures.


Against the background of stagnation of smegma, the risk of proliferation of pathogenic microflora increases, which leads to the development inflammatory lesions external organs of the reproductive system and provoke the development of cancerous or benign formations like papillomas.

Physiological phimoses do not pose a threat to boys, because they go away on their own by the age of 7-10 years.

In such a case, it is necessary to maintain daily hygiene and avoid traumatic injury penis. If secondary inflammatory reaction no, then no treatment is required.

If phimosis has pathological character, then even as boys grow older, the head does not open. As a result, smegma stagnates in the preputial sac and provokes reproduction pathogenic microorganisms like streptococci or staphylococci, fungi, etc. The result of such activity is balanitis or balanoposthitis.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of stagnation of smegma under the foreskin in boys requires mandatory therapeutic procedures, which include:

  • Elimination of phimosis or abnormalities in the development of the child’s head. From time to time, various steaming or medicinal baths with Ectericide or Furacilin and many others. etc. Although it copes most effectively with phimosis surgery, aimed at cutting off the foreskin (circumcision), which is also called circumcision.
  • Sanitation of the head of the genital organ is also considered an obligatory component of treatment. If masses of smegma have accumulated for a long time and provoked inflammatory processes, then you need to regularly wash the head with antiseptics until complete recovery occurs.
  • Also an integral part healing process is regular and daily hygiene of the genital organs. Every mother raising her son must teach him how to properly rinse his penis. Daily washing with mild soap and warm water perfectly prevents the development of inflammation under the preputial sac.

Smegma in boys is considered normal physiological processes, so its formation should not cause concern. Alarm should be caused by the appearance of pathological symptoms such as excessive abundance of smegma, burning and painful sensations V groin area, which may become more intense during the emptying process bladder. So specific symptoms will help differentiate the usual accumulation of secretions from pathological discharges.

Factors that provoke the appearance of synechiae in boys can be divided into two categories - natural and acquired.

In the first case, adhesions do not pose a threat to health and disappear on their own.

The second group of reasons implies their mandatory elimination. Otherwise, the risk of complications will increase significantly.

The following factors can cause the formation of synechiae in boys:

  • damage to the genital tract by infections;
  • development of the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • progression allergic reactions;
  • consequences of genital injuries;
  • pathological processes at the intrauterine stage of fetal development.

The main cause of balanoposthitis in boys is the lack of proper hygienic care of the genitals. This leads to the accumulation under the foreskin of the secretion of the prepuce glands - smegma, which serves as a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms that cause inflammation.

The development of balanoposthitis in boys is facilitated by the so-called physiological phimosis, which normally occurs in children under 3-5 years of age and complicates hygienic care due to the inability to completely expose the head when retracting the foreskin. Often, balanoposthitis in boys occurs when parents try to forcefully open the head on their own - in this case, various pathogens easily enter the preputial sac from the external environment.

However, in some cases, balanoposthitis in boys, on the contrary, may be due to overzealous hygiene and frequent washing of the glans penis with soap or other irritants. Allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) may result from the use of baby creams, laundry with residues detergents etc.

The development of balanoposthitis in babies can be facilitated by infrequent changes of diapers or their incorrect selection (using diapers that are too large or too tight). At an older age, balanoposthitis in boys can occur when the foreskin is constantly injured by tight panties, seams on underwear, etc.

How to distinguish the accumulation of smegma from pathological discharge

Smegma, if there is insufficient awareness of its appearance, can easily be confused with pathological discharge due to chlamydia or thrush:

  • With chlamydia or gonorrheal infection, mucous masses of a purulent nature are released from the patient’s urethra, which are distinguished by a grayish tint and a sharp, nauseating odor.
  • With candidiasis, curd-like white masses may accumulate under the preputial sac, which are accompanied by a severe burning sensation when urinating and painful sensations in the scrotum and perineum. But in boys, such conditions are observed quite rarely.

To truly understand the origin of unusual discharge, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Symptoms, signs and types

What does synechiae of the foreskin look like in boys? The presence of synechiae on the boy’s penis can be seen visually (see photo). Adhesions form a characteristic fold of skin with a compacted structure.

If synechiae are the result of progression of the inflammatory process, then identifying the pathology yourself will also not be difficult.

In most cases, the child’s genital organ becomes inflamed, swollen, or characteristic bleeding wounds appear on it. If such signs are present, it is necessary to find out the cause of their formation through examination in a medical institution.

Signs of pathogenic synechiae are the following symptoms:

  • pain when urinating;
  • itching and burning in the area of ​​the head of the penis;
  • swelling of the skin in the area of ​​adhesions;
  • attacks of pain when trying to expose the head of the penis;
  • the presence of discharge resembling pus;
  • baby crying when urinating;
  • redness of the head of the penis.

Synechiae can be physiological and traumatic. In the first case, adhesions will not cause discomfort to the boy. Traumatic synechiae are always formed under the influence of trauma, and their presence is accompanied by painful sensations of varying intensity.

In this case, the provoking factor is getting pathogenic bacteria into the baby’s genitourinary system (through external environment, as a result of the progression of certain diseases or through the mother’s body during pregnancy).

Types of synechiae in boys:

  • complete fusion;
  • incomplete fusion (pictured above).

Children's version of "sebum"

The cause of accumulation of smegma under the foreskin in boys is most often phimosis. Phimosis is a narrowing of the prepuce that does not allow the head of the phallus to be properly exposed. As a result hygiene procedures are difficult or completely impossible, and the release of smegma and its subsequent accumulation under the foreskin becomes an excellent substrate for the development of inflammatory and infectious processes.

Treatment of stagnation of smegma in a child must be carried out; for this, a number of standard techniques are used:

  • Elimination of abnormalities in the development of the head of the phallus or phimosis in newborns. Sometimes prescribed conservative treatment(steaming, baths, etc.), but most often it is possible to get rid of the pathology with the help of circumcision.
  • Sanitation of the head of the penis in boys. If smegma has accumulated for a long time and provoked an inflammatory process, it is necessary regular rinsing antiseptic solutions until complete healing.
  • Daily hygiene procedures. Teaching the basics of personal hygiene with childhood– an indispensable attribute of raising future men. Everyday water treatments using warm water and mild soap help prevent the development of inflammatory processes under the foreskin.

In general, smegma in boys, as well as in adolescents and men, is a natural phenomenon. Mothers of boys or men should be alerted to excessive accumulation of smegma, even with regular ablutions, and the occurrence of sharp pain and burning in the groin, which intensifies with urination.

What should adults do?

How to treat men? If smegma accumulates in excessive amounts, then the risk of developing inflammatory processes (balanitis, balanoposthitis) increases, and unpleasant feeling burning, pain in the groin area.

It is better to prevent the accumulation of smegma, otherwise the treatment of complications will be long and not entirely pleasant. To prevent inflammatory processes under the foreskin and on the head of the penis, you need to carry out simple manipulations:

  • Regular genital hygiene.
  • If necessary, use antiseptics.

Antibiotics (tablets, ointments, etc.) are required in advanced cases. Men who have regular sexual intercourse should be alarmed by any change in well-being, as well as copious discharge in the genital area, burning, pain and itching.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in boys

Balanoposthitis in boys often develops acutely. Usually, after going to the toilet, the child begins to complain of burning and itching in the area of ​​the glans penis, pain or difficulty urinating. Small children become restless and cry when urinating. Examination reveals redness and swelling of the head of the penis and foreskin;

when the head is exposed under the foreskin, accumulated smegma is discovered, which has an unpleasant odor. With balanoposthitis in boys, there may be abundant cheesy or serous-purulent discharge from the preputial sac. A rash, cracks or diaper rash may appear on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. With further progression of balanoposthitis in boys, erosions and peeling of the skin may appear.

In addition to local signs, with balanoposthitis in boys there are pronounced general symptoms: malaise, lack of appetite, bad dream, irritability. Often in children, the body temperature rises to 37-38°C, the inguinal lymph nodes. Due to the fact that the child tries to hold back urination due to its pain, daytime and nighttime enuresis may develop.

Symptoms of acute balanoposthitis in boys increase over 4-5 days; Self-healing is possible if you independently open the preputial cavity and clean it of smegma. However, more often, in the absence of proper or correct treatment, acute balanoposthitis in boys transforms into chronic. Chronic inflammation is fraught with the formation of scars on the foreskin with the development of pathological phimosis and paraphimosis, chronic urethritis, deformation of the glans penis.


A pediatrician diagnoses synechiae. After preliminary determination of the diagnosis, it must be confirmed by a surgeon and urologist.

A specialist can identify adhesions by visually examining the child’s penis, but to draw up a complete clinical picture The baby’s health status will have to undergo a comprehensive examination.

One of mandatory stages Diagnosis of synechiae is considered to determine their infectious nature.

The following procedures are used for diagnosis:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • urethral smear analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs.

If you suspect balanoposthitis in a child, you should contact a pediatric surgeon, or better yet, pediatric urologist for an individual solution to the problem. In most cases, the diagnosis of balanoposthitis in boys does not require special instrumental studies. The pediatrician receives the necessary information by analyzing complaints, examining the child’s genitals, and performing a number of laboratory tests.

IN general analysis urine in children with balanoposthitis reveals leukocytosis and bacteriuria. To identify the pathogen, a bacteriological examination of urine is carried out, as well as discharge from the preputial sac (if indicated, culture for candidiasis). In some cases, to clarify the type of pathogen, PCR and ELISA diagnostics may be required.

To exclude concomitant diseases the child may need to be examined by a pediatric endocrinologist, pediatric nephrologist, pediatric dermatologist, determination of blood glucose, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, and other studies and consultations.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in boys

Excessive fluid accumulation contributes to the formation of inflammatory processes and pain in the groin area. However, getting rid of excess grease is quite easy. Treatment consists of regular hygiene genitals.

When the head is inflamed, special antiseptics are used to treat it. If their use is ineffective, antibiotics and ointments are used.

In sexually active men, any pain in the genital area, as well as accumulation of discharge, should be diagnosed and differentiated from sexual candidiasis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment in children

In a child, an excess amount of smegma accumulates most often due to phimosis. Fluid collects under the narrowed flesh, which cannot be fully excreted along with urine.

This accumulation of secretion is a favorable substrate for the development of inflammatory infectious processes, therefore treatment in a child includes the following steps.

  • Elimination of phimosis or abnormal development of the head of the penis. Used to correct pathology conservative methods(baths, steaming, etc.), but most often this is surgical treatment. Boys undergo an operation, the essence of which is to circumcise the foreskin.
  • Sanitation of the organ head. To do this, use regular rinsing with antiseptics until the inflammation disappears.
  • Regular proper hygiene genitals in boys. It consists of teaching the child hygienic procedures in the form of daily washing with warm water and soap of the entire organ and the head in particular.

A small child may not notice the appearance of such a lubricant, however, parents should carefully monitor his health and normal condition all organs.

The presence of smegma not only in men, but also in children is normal. A person should be alerted to the fact that the amount of secretion has increased sharply, pain or burning has appeared in the groin area at rest or when urinating.

This is a reason to consult a doctor to rule out sexually transmitted diseases, especially if there is a change in color or an unpleasant odor.

It is important not to delay visiting the hospital to avoid complications. Required to carry out regular prevention and monitor the condition, cleanliness and health of the genitals.

If the formation of adhesions is not accompanied by pain or other signs pathological process, then their treatment begins after the boy reaches the age of three.

Alarm signals are considered to be the absence of opening of the foreskin by the age of four and the exposure of the head by six years.

Depending on the individual clinical picture of the baby’s health, the doctor may prescribe conservative or surgical treatment for synechiae.

Treatment of stagnation of smegma under the foreskin in boys requires mandatory therapeutic procedures, which include:

  • Elimination of phimosis or abnormalities in the development of the child’s head. From time to time, various steaming or medicinal baths with Ectericide or Furacilin and many others are prescribed. etc. Although the most effective way to deal with phimosis is a surgical operation aimed at cutting off the foreskin (circumcision), which is also called circumcision.
  • Sanitation of the head of the genital organ is also considered an obligatory component of treatment. If masses of smegma have accumulated for a long time and provoked inflammatory processes, then you need to regularly wash the head with antiseptics until complete recovery occurs.
  • Also an integral part of the treatment process is regular and daily hygiene of the genital organs. Every mother raising her son must certainly teach him how to properly rinse his penis. Daily washing with mild soap and warm water perfectly prevents the development of inflammation under the preputial sac.

Smegma in boys is a normal physiological process, so its formation should not cause concern. Alarm should be caused by the appearance of pathological symptoms such as excessive abundance of smegma, burning and painful sensations in the groin area, which can become more intense during the process of emptying the bladder. Such specific symptoms will help differentiate the usual accumulation of secretions from pathological discharges.

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How to treat stagnation of smegma in boys? If the symptoms described above appear, you should not try to open the head of the penis yourself. Independent attempts at treatment of this disease may lead to adverse effects such as bleeding and subsequent adhesions of the flesh.

A competent surgeon will perform the procedure quickly and, most importantly, safely. little child he won’t even feel anything, and older children will immediately forget about the pain. After all these manipulations, the mother will have to wash the baby’s penis every day after each trip to the toilet for several days.

On extreme case Circumcision can be done.

In most cases, when acute balanoposthitis the boys have enough local treatment. It is recommended to carry out sitz baths with antiseptics (potassium permanganate, furatsilin) ​​or herbal decoctions (chamomile, etc.). Instillations are possible antiseptic solutions(chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc.

) under foreskin. After washing the head of the penis, carefully retract the foreskin, remove the smegma and pathological discharge, put ointment in the preputial sac (synthomycin liniment, for fungal balanoposthitis in boys - clotrimazole) and return the foreskin to its normal position.

To reduce pain and swelling, you can use NSAIDs, in particular ibuprofen. At severe forms Balanoposthitis in boys may require systemic administration of sulfonamides, antibiotics, and antifungal drugs.

For chronic balanoposthitis in boys and the development of pathological phimosis, circumcision (circumcision) is indicated.

Treatment results and prognosis

Prognosis for synechiae in boys depends on numerous factors. In most cases they are favorable. The only exceptions are those cases when incorrect or untimely attempts are made to treat adhesions.

If synechiae is infectious or traumatic in nature, and the therapy was carried out fully, then complications will not arise. Associated infection is also treatable, and disorders genitourinary system occur in isolated cases.

Treatment results depending on the technique used:

  • Conservative treatment can last up to four months;
  • recovery period after surgical intervention takes approximately ten days or two to three weeks.

Complications and consequences

One of the most serious complications synechiae is considered to be the addition of an additional infection.

This effect occurs due to the accumulation of a large amount of smegma in the foreskin.

This substance is an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The vital activity of bacteria leads to the development of inflammatory processes, which can not only provoke disruption of the genitourinary system, but also negatively affect reproductive function boy as an adult.

Possible complications of synechiae in boys:

  • balanitis;
  • phimosis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • improper formation of the genital organs;
  • problems in sexual life and reproductive dysfunction.

Prevention of balanoposthitis in boys

Some diseases of children in younger age may be provoked by the actions of parents. Synechiae are one of these pathologies.

If during pregnancy a woman had infectious diseases or diseases of the genitourinary system, then the risk of their transmission to the fetus will be extremely high.

In addition, the formation of pathogenic adhesions on the boy’s penis may be the result of improper personal hygiene, which is also a mistake of adults.

  • Boys should be washed daily or several times a day if necessary;
  • from the very early age the baby must be accustomed to personal hygiene;
  • too much long wearing diapers should be excluded;
  • children of newborn and infant age must undergo “air baths”;
  • any diseases of the genitourinary system in children must be treated fully and promptly;
  • The child must have his own personal hygiene items.

Some parental mistakes can complicate the treatment of synechiae. For example, if you try to push back the foreskin too intensely, you can injure the boy’s genitals.

Wearing tight underwear will provoke a lack of treatment results (it is better to give preference to cotton or other natural materials). When eliminating adhesions, you must strictly follow all doctor’s instructions and not self-medicate.

  • to avoid problems in the intimate part, the boy’s hygiene must be taken care of from the first day of his life;
  • some special means this is not required, just use baby soap and water;
  • there is no need to go out of your way and invent anything intricate;
  • no need to use perfumes and antiseptics;
  • the boy must understand that taking care of the penis is as important as brushing his teeth, and this should become a habit.

Often it is neglect of the genitals that causes multiple problems, including the accumulation of smegma. Subject to simple rules hygiene, smegma does not pose the slightest danger to the boy’s health. It looks like a clear whitish discharge. It is imperative to realize that it is not the smegma itself that is dangerous, but its stagnation.

Smegma has positive properties. When the foreskin is separated from the glans, it does not cause pain precisely because smegma softens this process, moisturizing the foreskin. White discharge like this is absolutely normal phenomenon both in little boys and in adult men.

It is necessary to mention once again the unwanted independent actions of parents who try to push back the foreskin themselves. This should be noted special attention, because independent actions can cause serious inflammation.

The main task of caring parents is to ensure that their child follows the rules of personal hygiene. If they are violated, active reproduction of microflora may begin. There may be such serious illnesses, like balanitis and balanoposthitis. And then all this can lead to penile cancer.

Smegma contains not only a fat-like substance, but also dead epithelial cells. This entire complex, also containing droplets of urine, is an excellent breeding ground for various bacteria.

All of the above allows us to formulate a fairly clear conclusion: observe the rules of personal hygiene from an early age.

Is smegma so dangerous, and can there be troubles associated with its excessive secretion? In order not to carry out long-term treatment complications caused by stagnation of smegma, it is important, starting from childhood, to regularly carry out hygiene procedures, and if phimosis is present, to eliminate it.

Like any natural discharge body, smegma, which serves as a lubricant for the head of the phallus, must be removed. Otherwise, when accumulated, it begins to act on delicate skin as an irritant, which causes inflammatory processes.

Usually smegma delivers more trouble boys who have phimosis or adolescents who have not been taught the basics of hygiene or who completely ignore them. In youth, this is fraught with the development of infectious processes, especially during early sexual activity, and the occurrence of pathologies genitourinary organs. But with proper care intimate organs From birth, smegma does not cause boys or men any trouble.

To prevent balanoposthitis in boys, it is enough to observe and accustom the child to daily hygienic care behind the genitals. Young children need careful selection and frequent changes diapers, regular toileting of the genitals and perineal skin care, and the use of hypoallergenic hygiene products.

At an older age, useful everyday skills include a hygienic shower, removing excess smegma, and changing underwear. Normalization of body weight and treatment of concomitant diseases are important for the prevention of balanoposthitis in boys.

Smegma(sebum in Greek), is a mixture of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, moisture and dead epithelial tissue. With poor genital hygiene in women, it is concentrated in the folds of the labia minora and around the clitoris. Although the formation of smegma is characteristic of all mammals, its pungent, unpleasant odor is one of the reasons why it is advisable for women to regularly get rid of these secretions.

The peculiarity of the external genitalia of a woman, which strongly resembles a trap for various kinds contamination, makes you pay more attention to their hygiene.

In addition, in the immediate vicinity of the genital slit there is an opening of the anus, from which dirt can easily enter. Sebaceous glands Around the clitoris, smegma is secreted, which tends to accumulate and decompose. At the opening, as well as in the skin of the vestibule of the vagina, there are many glands that secrete mucus. There is an accumulation of mucus, smegma, vaginal discharge, leftovers menstrual blood, which cannot be called anything other than contamination of a woman’s external genitalia. This is a surprisingly beneficial environment for the active proliferation of microbes, which in most cases ends in the development of inflammatory processes and suppuration. The infection can easily progress further, which, for example, is facilitated by sexual intercourse, after which the uterus and tubes begin.

Moisture between the labia in the presence of contamination can favor the abundant growth of genital warts, and this is additional soil for the active development of various infections. Therefore, daily washing of the perineum and external genitalia by a woman should be mandatory event. This is done with soap and warm water. Especially important hygiene measures should be taken during menstruation and after defecation.

Starting from girlhood, every woman must firmly grasp the habit of exercising daily. This is no less important than brushing your teeth every day, and applies to girls, young women and adult women.

A certain amount of thick mucous fluid - vaginal secretion - is always present in a woman’s vagina. The secretion includes the secretions of the glands of the cervix and the secretions of the mucous membrane of the uterus itself, to a greater extent this concerns menstrual period. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of vaginal secretion vary noticeably even in completely healthy women, it depends on the age and series physiological conditions, which include pregnancy and postpartum period, menstruation, sexual arousal etc. Usually the normal contents of the vagina show an acidic reaction, although sometimes a neutral reaction occurs.

Degree of vaginal cleanliness

There are four degrees of purity for vaginal contents:

  • At first degree The vaginal secretion is small, has a mucous-transparent appearance and contains a noticeable amount of vaginal bacilli - beneficial bacteria capable of producing lactic acid from glycogen, which is contained in the epithelial cells of the vaginal mucosa. It is necessary to suppress pathogens and other microorganisms. Glycogen content is regulated;
  • Second degree vaginal cleanliness is characteristic thick discharge whitish in color. Under a microscope, in addition to vaginal bacilli, you can find many other non-infectious microorganisms. Such discharge is also normal. In case of diseases of the genital organs or in case of injuries and damage to the vaginal mucosa, which is possible with treatment with home remedies or violent sexual intercourse, useful feature vaginal sticks. After this, vaginal gives alkaline reaction and it develops significant amount pyogenic bacteria and other microbes;
  • In the third degree, in a smear increased content leukocytes, Doderlein bacilli are absent, streptococci, staphylococci, coli, in some cases Trichomonas. Vaginal contents are alkaline;
  • At the fourth degree vaginal cleanliness, lactic acid bacteria are completely absent, leukocytes are contained in large numbers, pathogenic microflora is present. The vaginal environment is alkaline.

The first and second degrees of vaginal cleanliness are normal, the third and fourth indicate pathology.



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