How to train a dog at home. Basics of dog training, basic commands in training

Have you just acquired a pet, does it seem small and defenseless to you, causing tenderness and pity?

Do not give in to emotions under any circumstances, but get down to raising a dog, no matter what kind of dog it is.

It is better to start initial training from the first days the dog is in the house.

This is necessary so that the pet does not make the wrong conclusions about what is possible and what is not.

How to get a dog's attention?

Full training can already be done at the age of 4-5 months.

You can work with dogs of various breeds, from and, to, and.

Training pets, including pets, at home requires the “carrot and stick” method.

The whip is not literally beating the animal, but shouting and noise effects to wean the four-legged animal from wrong actions.

Gingerbread is just an affectionate word, encouragement in the form of a delicacy.

How to choose treats

First of all it should be:

  • Easily transportable. For example, raisins are not the most suitable treat: crushed berries, sticky hands, as well as raw meat: smell, traces of blood.
  • Delicious. The animal should strive to do everything as you need, just to get the desired treat. Otherwise, training will not succeed.
  • Useful. Or at least not harm your health.
  • Easy to chew. So that chewing does not take a lot of time.
  • Small and equal in size. So that the dog receives the same portion each time.

Most often, for training, dog breeders advise taking: biscuits, boiled sausage, sausages (cut into 0.5 cm cubes), cheese (choose low-fat - Adyghe).

Some people use a simple one, but training with it is only possible when the dog is very hungry, otherwise for it it will be an ordinary, unattractive meal.

Do not use smoked or sweet foods for training. They can harm the health of the animal.

Important! Dog training at home should take place before meals. After eating, the animal may lose motivation to exercise. And even if there is a desire, active exercises and sudden movements can lead to stomach pain in your pet.

Let's start learning: necessary commands

At the beginning of life together with an animal, you need to teach her the basics. So that you can safely walk your dog on the street and not suffer from the animal’s disobedience at home.

  • Let's get used to the nickname
    Say the dog’s name as often as possible, and most importantly with positive emotions. Call the animal by name and, when a reaction appears, give some kind of treat.
  • "To me"
    Since we are talking about raising a dog in the first stages of life together with you, we can lay the foundation for this command. Say it when calling your pet to eat or play. Thus, the animal will associate “to me” with positive emotions. Afterwards, when training on the street, adjustments will need to be made. The dog will have to not just come up to you, but sit at your leg, walk around, or in front of you. But first, the main thing is to strengthen the pet’s desire to respond to the “come to me” command. Periodically, during walks, call the puppy to you, for no reason, just to give a treat. In a situation where you call him to prevent him from eating fish waste, for example, he will come to you because he will expect an equally pleasant treat.

Also, the dog must understand the commands “come to me” and “near”

  • Let's focus our attention
    The puppy must be dependent on you and your presence. You left, which means it’s time for him to follow you. From the first months you need to build endurance in the dog. To do this, repeat a fairly simple exercise for physical activity while walking. Release the puppy (of course, you need to take care of choosing a place for training), give him time to play. Move away yourself, first about 10 meters, and stand half a turn away from your pet. He will not immediately notice your absence, but then he will start looking and run to you, looking for eye contact. Wait a couple of seconds, don’t say anything, and then praise: “Well done,” “Good,” “Yes,” and give a treat. Let him go for a walk. After a few minutes, repeat the exercise. And each time let more time pass between the time the dog approaches and your praise. You can make the exercise more difficult: turn away from him when the puppy runs up. The puppy will still sit opposite you and wait for eye contact, looking for approval in your eyes. Afterwards, praise. This exercise kills two birds with one stone: the dog masters the command “come to me” (trainers often use a nickname instead of the words “come to me”), and the puppy develops concentration on the owner. The puppy is not distracted by strangers, but waits for the person’s reaction.
  • Getting used to the place
    It is almost impossible to train an adult dog to a place, and if you succeed, you will have to spend a lot of time on it. It is better to start at a young age and not allow the puppy, whether a cub or a puppy, to be in the apartment wherever he pleases. You are required to prepare the place. It could be a blanket, a pillow, a purchased soft house - anything. Introduce the puppy to him. When he falls asleep, move him to his corner. Do not do anything in this place that could leave negative memories in the animal’s memory: do not clean the ears, or comb them if he does not like it. Take all the dog's toys to his house. The pet must understand that a more comfortable place cannot be found in the apartment.
  • Prohibition of unwanted actions
    The word “No” should become a command. The dog needs to understand that you don't like everything he does. Say the word “No” firmly, but do not shout. It is better if you stand in front of the dog and place your hands on your hips. This is how you seem to hang over your pet and show your superiority. Although you always feel sorry for the puppy, don’t give in any slack. If you can't sleep in a bed, then you can't under any circumstances. Also with begging for food when the family eats. Training dogs at home requires strength of character from the owner, and in some cases even toughness. Show that the dog is not the owner, it is under your control. This may seem rude to you, but otherwise, over time, the dog will begin to command you.

Secrets of successful training

The training process should not be chaotic, you need to develop some kind of system. And never:

  • Do not start praising your pet in advance - before executing the command. The animal may incorrectly remember the essence of the command. For example, he will not sit down, but will only squat and immediately jump up.
  • Don't skimp on treats. The dog will lose interest if you give it some crumbs for a correctly executed command.
  • Don't get hung up on monotony. Some animals can get used to treats, so it is worth changing one for another after a while. Also, encourage more than one hand. To prevent your limbs from becoming prey.

Important! The dog must understand that it is doing everything right not only thanks to treats, but also to your positive emotions. Praise the animal, give a piece of goodies with joyful exclamations.

Over time, the dog should learn to follow the command without a treat, but only with verbal encouragement.

When the command is worked out well enough, you can give the treat every other time, then less and less.

It takes literally a few days to train a dog to use the common “give paw” command.

The dog can master the command quite quickly - a couple of days is enough.

It is important that you regularly study with her and remind her of what has been accomplished.

To do this, half an hour of at least one walk a day should be devoted to learning new and repeating old commands.

At the same time, you should take your dog in crowded places, but let him go in parks and nature so that he can feel freedom.

Raising a puppy requires a lot of patience from the owner - good luck!

Dog training at home: secrets of success

Dog training at home. You also need to prepare for training: treats, mood and at least half an hour of free time.

How to train a dog at home

Dog training at home is teaching the animal some disciplines, skills and exercises. It is necessary to raise and train a dog from the moment it appears in the house. From the first days of communicating with a dog, it is necessary to make it clear that it must always obey its owner.

Training dogs at home is a responsible and time-consuming task, however, by following simple rules, you can quickly achieve the desired result. How to train a dog at home, you will be told simple rules, the implementation of which will give the desired result.

The most suitable period for mastering commands is considered to be when the puppy is between 8 and 12 weeks of age. The first lessons should not be long, but effective. It is not recommended to exercise your dog for more than 5-10 minutes. It is better to repeat the workout several times a day. Your behavior and tone of voice should arouse your puppy's interest. During this period, he must master the commands “Come to me!” and “Place!” After each successful execution of the technique, the dog should be rewarded with a treat and stroked, repeating the word “good”. When the puppy gets used to this word, the treat can be given after several repetitions of the reception.

Team "Place!" should appear on the puppy along with his name. Each time you pronounce this word loudly, place your pet on its bedding. It’s good if there is some kind of soft rag in the place allotted to him, which the puppy can get used to. In the future, it can be used to indicate a security location.

The basis of a dog’s obedience to its owner is the command “Come!” When you say the puppy's name, say the command. If your pet approaches you slowly, then run back, this will speed up its movement. Mastering this command is very important, since it will be used every day.

Violent methods of behavior correction and training are not acceptable. Carefully monitor your dog's reactions and do not injure his nervous system. Before training, do not feed the animal; it is better if she is a little hungry. By following these simple rules, dog training at home will be easy and effective.

Starting from the age of two months, the puppy can be taught the command “Sit!” Call your pet to you, show him the treat in your hand and raise it so that the puppy can only see it while sitting. As soon as your pet sits, give the command “Sit!”, praise him and give him a reward. If the dog does not sit down on its own, you can push it a little.

The command “Lie down!” performed from a sitting position of the dog. To do this, hold the puppy by the withers and move his front paws forward, while repeating the command “Lie down!” After completing the technique, the dog is rewarded with a treat. To train the “Stop!” command, lift the puppy by the belly with your hand and hold him so that he doesn’t lie down again, while repeating the command.

At the age of 3 months and older, the puppy can be taught the command “Near!” To teach this command, put a collar with a short leash on your puppy and place it near his left leg. Hold the leash about 20 cm from the collar. Clearly give the command “Near!” and tighten the leash. When the puppy tries to move away from you, pull the leash and give the command. Then loosen the leash and allow the puppy to move freely near you.

If you do not start training and raising a dog before it is one year old, then in the future you may end up with a completely uncontrollable animal. Dogs can be trained at any age, but the later you start, the more difficult it will be to achieve results. Dog training at home can be carried out as part of a general training course and include simple commands, including the ones described above. To teach a dog a special training course, you will need the help of an experienced instructor, and training dogs at home will not bring the desired result.

, whom (what). Accustom (animals) to perform certain tasks. actions, to develop the skills a person needs. D. dog. Trained animals.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “TRAIN” is in other dictionaries:

    Give training, teach. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TRAIN, teach animals tricks and various things useful for humans; for example, trained Saint Gotthard dogs rescue... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

    - [you], I’m training, you’re training, I’m not perfect. (to train), someone what (French dresser). Train (animals) to perform certain actions. Train dogs. || trans. To school, to teach someone something (colloquial fam.). Explanatory dictionary... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    train- dresser, German dressieren. 1. Teach something. animals, from dressage dogs to hunting to bears dancing and dogs playing the piano. Pavlenkov 1911. In the 6th part of the 1st block at No. 45, at the Peter’s Gate, a yard man who knows how is for sale... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (training) foreigner to teach one to do something without internal understanding (an allusion to animal training). Wed. Ich finde nicht die Spur Von einem Geist, und alles ist Dressur. Gothe. Faust. Vor dem Thor. Faust. Wed. Dressiren (German), dress… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    I'm ruining, I'm ruining; trained; van, a, o; nsv. [French dresser] (St. to train). who what. 1. Train animals, developing certain skills in them, accustoming them to perform certain tasks. actions. D. dog, bear. 2. Unwind Accustom to strict... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    train- ru/yu, ru/eat; trained; van, a, o; nsv. (French dresser) (holy you/train) see also. to train, training someone what 1) Train animals, developing certain skills in them, accustoming them to perform certain tasks. actions... Dictionary of many expressions

    Through him. dressieren or straight from French. dresser from it. dirizzare, lat. *directiāre… Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    - (training) foreign language: to teach to do something without internal understanding (a hint of animal training) Wed. Ich finde nicht die Spur Von einem Geist, und alles ist Dressur. Gothe. Faust. Vor dem Thor. Faust. Wed. Dressiren (German), dress (English) ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Nesov. trans. 1. Teach animals certain actions, systematically reinforcing the skills they have acquired. 2. transfer decomposition Accustom a person to strict discipline and unquestioning obedience; drill. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

It doesn’t matter that the puppy appeared in the house not so long ago, but just the sight of it causes tenderness. Emotions should not distract from the main thing - raising a pet from the first moments of meeting him. Not all inexperienced dog breeders know how to train a dog at home correctly. The dog handlers' recommendations offered below will help you understand the basics of a broad issue.

Dog training carried out by owners usually pursues several goals. When starting a lesson, the owner must set himself a specific goal that he intends to achieve in the end. In general, any training for a four-legged friend is based on the following “pillars” of training:

During the learning process, motivational means are used, playing the role of a kind of gratitude for work. The maximum return from a four-legged animal is achieved if it is immediately rewarded following the action performed as ordered. Since training a dog correctly means not making excessive delays in actions, all attributes involved in training are prepared in advance.

Deterrent methods are objects that attract attention. What are things used for that produce a sharp sound - whistles, rattles made from tin cans with stones, a bunch of keys. If the pet does not follow the owner's orders, it is excluded from deserved attention - praise, stroking. They send him to his place, pronouncing the order in a stern voice.

When punishing a puppy, it is better to use the ignoring method, which is recognized as more effective than punishing with physical force. Spanking is regarded by the dog as a play signal.

Since training a dog is considered a rather labor-intensive task, the owner can also motivate himself to the training process. It is important to realize that teaching a dog to behave properly is always easier than correcting behavioral deviations in the future.

Preparing for training

For the first lesson, prepare a collar with a leash and the four-legged dog’s favorite treat. In no case can food from the host's plate be considered as such. It may be appropriate for this. For picky eaters, you can purchase “sweets” at pet stores that are intended for training classes.

At first, it is advisable to conduct classes in an area that is thoroughly familiar to the pet. But there should be no objects that distract attention. In unfamiliar territory, the puppy is given time to get comfortable.

An important principle of training is the absence of strangers and animals during training lessons. This makes the task easier and allows the puppy to concentrate better.

Commands for initial familiarization

Training from the first minutes of mutual residence between the puppy and the owner is extremely necessary.

With a well-mannered puppy, it is easier to organize walks and you don’t have to be upset by his pranks at home. First of all, it is important to train your pet to know and respond to its name, to respond not to the order “Come to me!”, to know the place.

Before accustoming a dog to a nickname, they try to pronounce the name of the four-legged dog out loud more often in a tone in which favorable emotions can be heard. Regular naming of a nickname should serve as a stimulus for the development of a recall reaction to one’s own name. After the appearance of such a reflex, the pet must be thanked in the initial stages.

Primary orders for training

"Near". Since teaching a dog to walk next to you on a leash is just as important as the previous command, this is trained systematically, conducting 4-5 sessions.

"Ugh". Means an order given to a dog when it is necessary to distract it from picking up garbage. Compliance with the formulation allows you to protect the health of the four-legged animal and the mass of nerve cells of the owner.

They begin to train endurance from the age of four months. This quality is useful in all training events with a pet and helps control the dog and develop its obedience.

In addition, important commands in the first training lessons are the following, which they always try to get from the puppy: give, sit and lie down, stand, fetch, place, face.

"Give it." The command turns out to be useful for any trained dog. This technique is of particular importance for service guards, whose purpose in life is solely to protect their master.

This team achieves not so much the ability to neutralize the attacker, but to release him upon arrest.

"Place". The dog must know about the existence of its own corner in the home. And on the orders of the dog breeder, the obedient dog must immediately go there. The puppy can fall asleep anywhere, but he must know his own.

"Aport." With the wording, service pets are sent to search the area. This allows them to make their walk more active.

"Fas." This is a dangerous formulation; teaching it to a disobedient animal is strictly not recommended. Before training an adult dog with this command, it must diligently follow the commands noted above.

These orders reflect the list of commands for the basic four-legged pet training course.

Introduction to the elements of ammunition

Since it is recommended to accustom a dog to a leash and collar when it reaches 1.5-2 months of life, taking the puppy home immediately starts the educational process. It is much easier for the pet to adapt to unusual objects of ammunition at this time. They are put on the baby after initial familiarization and after interest in them wanes.

First, the ammunition is left on the small pet for a few minutes. At the same time, they try to distract the baby with a playful maneuver. Teaching moments are kept short but regular.

Before you train your dog to use a leash, the animal should already be familiar with the collar. When the baby gets used to the idea of ​​wearing the first one, you can move on to attaching another element - a leash. It is necessary to ensure that it hangs freely, trying to distract the four-legged animal.

Introducing to the place and booth

Some people are interested in whether it is possible to train an adult dog and how to do it correctly. You can teach something, but not everything. But you will have to stock up on a lot of time and remarkable patience. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce your pet to the place from an early age. The main thing is to constantly keep the puppy’s behavior under control and not allow him to be in the house wherever he likes.

The owner’s task in this situation is to organize the place. You can place anything you like here - a pillow, rug, blanket or a special soft house. The puppy is familiarized with the place in advance. After falling asleep, the baby is transferred there every time. In this place, it is prohibited to perform manipulations that provoke and leave unpleasant memories in the pet’s memory - cleaning the ears, combing, for example, if he is not a fan of these actions. After games, all toys are returned back to this corner. We must try to convince the four-legged friend that this space is the most comfortable and safe of all in the apartment, belonging to him alone.

If you plan to keep it outdoors, you need to know how to train your dog to use a kennel in the yard.

You should not immediately put the dog on a chain. It is necessary to provide him with the opportunity to experience new living conditions himself and get used to them.

You cannot immediately lock a puppy or an adult dog inside the kennel. This is how the animal may develop a phobia of dark spaces.

It is necessary to select suitable weather conditions before accustoming an adult dog to a kennel or crate near the entrance to the home. For example, pouring rain will help teach your dog to go inside on his own.
Whereas in the heat nothing will force the animal to do this.

Such a long-awaited event in the house as the appearance of a puppy should not be spontaneous. To begin with, before such a serious step, you need to study the relevant literature, think about choosing a suitable breed, prepare for the training process, or better yet, take special courses for novice dog breeders.

Basic rules of training

Of course, each breed has its own specific methods and methods of training, but taken together, it is possible to determine a number of general rules that are relevant for any puppy.

Teaching a small pet to be clean is not an easy task.

To maintain overall comfort in the house, when things remain intact and the rooms are not turned into a complete dog toilet, it is necessary to immediately accustom the dog to order. First of all, make it a rule to walk your animal outside, preferably not once, but at least 2-3 times a day. If the dog's breed is a mini version, then it is necessary to teach it to go to the toilet using a diaper or newspaper. You can do the same with ordinary small puppies. If the educational moment is a success, the child must be expressively and joyfully praised. That is, training dogs to be clean is very similar to raising small children, where the basis is the “carrot and stick method”.

Not taking food from the table is a firm rule that must be followed unconditionally.

First of all, the owner himself should not offer a piece of any food from the dinner table. But on the other hand, you need to deliberately leave food freely available in order to provoke the puppy to take it. If this happens, the dog must be punished, and this technique is repeated until the pet understands what they want from him.

Knowing your place is a very important point in education.

The territory in which the four-legged friend will live must be determined in advance and equipped accordingly. The proposed location should be isolated from drafts, made soft, comfortable and, preferably, raised 20-30 centimeters from the floor. In the future, as often as possible, show the puppy where his place is, especially when he, bored, begins to violently jump on his owner and lick him with his tongue. Of course, such delight on the part of a friend is very flattering, but if the dog is a large one, then when it becomes an adult, when it meets, it will simply sweep away its owner. So it’s better to first indicate “place!” in a categorical form, and then go to your pet and express your feelings.

Getting used to a collar and leash - this part of training, as a rule, does not cause any special problems.

First, the dog is accustomed to a short leash. You can simply put it on and let your pet run around, then carefully take the end of the device in your hands and walk in the direction the animal wants. The next stage of training will be your desire to move in the chosen direction.

Teach not to spoil things.

This means immediately purchasing special toys for your pet. A damaged interior will not only anger the owner, but will also harm the puppy himself, because he may swallow a piece of something inedible. To wean off the “squabble” it is necessary to use the object that was attacked: the damaged slipper - hit with it. In this way of punishment, the concept “you cannot chew this particular slipper” is developed. By analogy, you should act with other objects. It is also not worth provoking the animal. If you leave the house, it is better to put all shoes and other things away in the closet. An excellent tool in the fight against dangerous fun is Anti-Gryzin, which is sold in pet stores.

It happens that a puppy tends to chew on a wall, thereby trying to compensate for the lack of calcium in the body. Regular chalk will help here; it can be given to growing dogs.

Timely introduction to the world around you

- the key to raising a real protector, and not a cowardly dog. After carrying out the necessary vaccination procedures, you must immediately accustom the animal to the street so that it has an idea of ​​​​busy streets, forest life, steppe expanses and the inhabitants inhabiting these places.

For certain breeds of animals, training can begin at one and a half months, but the most optimal age to start training is three months. The main thing is to remember that the prohibitions must be strict and tough, no concessions are allowed, otherwise the team "it is forbidden" will simply be ignored by the dog.

Practicing basic commands at home

Every self-respecting dog must know the basic list of command orders from its owner. There are few of them, and teaching a dog to follow orders is not that difficult.

  1. "To me" is one of the first commands that should be taught to a puppy. You need to stock up on treats in advance, which the dog will receive if everything is done correctly. The owner must accompany his order with an appropriate posture: squat down and spread his arms to the side. For a correctly performed action, the pet is rewarded with joyful praise and a sweet prize. It is necessary to teach a dog this command, first of all, for the safety of the animal itself; it must be performed flawlessly, automatically.
  2. "Sit"— the dog should have been hearing this order for four months already. We first teach the correct position, helping the pet to take the required position. If the task is completed correctly, reward. When training, you can use a painful technique, for example, clapping with a leash, if the dog does not want to comply with the command. In the future, we gradually increase the distance from our pet so that he learns to follow orders during a walk.
  3. "Lie"— teaching this command is similar to the previous lesson. To do this, we sit the puppy next to the left leg, when ordered, we pull the leash down and at the same time press on the withers. For the correct execution of a task, do not forget to praise, pat on the back and treat with a treat. When the dog gets a little used to this command, the training should continue with the right hand extended forward, lowering it with the palm to the thigh.
  4. "Stand"— we sit the dog at the left leg, lift it under the stomach with our hand and, in a standing position, reward him for his work. When training, special attention should be paid to endurance; the pet must learn to hold itself in a standing position. Under no circumstances should the dog take steps; this will be severely punished.
  5. "Near"- when the animal deviates to the side, pull on the leash and make it clear that the order received must be followed. A sign of correct execution of the task is a weakened leash, which no longer needs to be pulled by the owner.
  6. "Place"- using the command "Lie" place the dog near the left leg, then place the necessary object at its paws and pronounce the following order in a commanding voice - "Place". Every failure to complete a task or delay is stopped by a menacing tug of the leash. You can check the degree of execution of the command on the street, for example, near a store, entering which you can observe how your dog behaves.
  7. "Forward"- one of the most difficult obedience skills. Practicing this action depends on the degree of understanding of the command "Lie", since, moving away to a certain distance, the pet must stop and lie down. The exercise is easier to consolidate if it is accompanied by a pleasant event. The distance gradually increases with each training session, and the leash is removed.
  8. "Aport"— the basis for presenting a retrieval item is the instinct of the future hunter for prey. It is recommended to start training with a ball or soft padding. During the game, the puppy first picks up the object, and the owner uses a leash to return the dog to himself, showing by his appearance that the target has been captured correctly. This command, when moving long distances, must be accompanied by another order - "Near".

Having taught simple fetching skills, you should then complicate the training and invite the dog to fetch an object by overcoming a barrier or searching tall bushes. You need to start the next training with a leash, gradually letting the dog off it. Teach the command "Aport" It is also advisable with other people’s objects, especially if it is a breed of fighting or hunting dog.

  1. "Ugh"— a ban on dirty or foreign things is primarily important for the dog’s health, but it is better to start training on this command later, around five months, when the pet has mastered all other skills. They are first trained in an area where dog food will first be scattered, accompanying educational actions by tugging on the leash.
  2. Shooting training- a necessary job in raising a puppy brought out of greenhouse conditions into a noisy, busy world, where claps of various origins are heard, fireworks explode and shots can be fired. It is necessary to get used to the sharp click from a shot at a great distance, away from the animal, otherwise there is a high probability that the puppy will be too frightened and will simply not leave the apartment next time.

All of the above types of commands are practiced together so that the pet does not forget already practiced skills.



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