How to train a dog at home. Training a puppy at home: how to train a dog correctly? Application of General Training Principles

If you decide to get a dog, then you need to think about training. Any dog ​​must know basic commands in order to communicate with it comfortably. The pet must know the command “come to me” so that during a walk it can be released from the leash and called if necessary.

There are also several other commands that will be useful when communicating with your pet. Moreover, you can do the training yourself, the main thing is to know the general rules and be patient.

What commands should a dog know?

First you need to figure out what is included in without a coach. You yourself need to choose a few basic commands and start learning from them. Over time, you can gradually add the necessary skills and make the training more complex. The general training course includes the following tasks:

It is also necessary to remember that for quick training you need train your dog to be patient. She should train from a very short time and gradually reach a long period.

Choosing a place and time for classes

First you need to figure out at what age you can start training your pet. The first training lessons can be carried out with a puppy who is 3 months old. At an earlier age, the pet simply will not understand what is required of him, and this will simply be a waste of time.

Where to conduct training. Workout start at home, the dog should already get used to this place and feel comfortable. When training, it is necessary to create a calm environment so that the pet is not distracted by anything.

And only after mastering some commands can you gradually move on to busier areas, such as the street. It is imperative to conduct training in different places, otherwise the pet will get used to one environment and will not obey the owner in other areas.

Raising a dog from start to finish depends on the owner’s endurance and patience. For training, it is necessary to provide a treat that will be given as a reward when the dog completes the task correctly.

Duration of classes

Before training your dog, you need to find out time intervals that will not stress your pet too much, but will be enough to absorb the material.

The first workouts should be done for a duration 35−45 minutes, longer sessions will take too much energy from the puppy, and in the end the dog will not absorb the information. Gradually the time increases to 1−1.5 hours.

Self-training can be done at least 3 times a week, for example, every other day or on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If it is not possible to devote that much time to training, then you can choose two days a week. But the pet must undergo two training sessions during the week.

Training Guide

Any training has its own characteristics, and, of course, when working with a pet, you also need to know the basic elements of training. They will greatly help simplify training and make it more effective and comfortable for both the owner and the pet.

Training rules:

  1. Walk before training. During the walk, the dog will get a little tired and will not be distracted by various little things. By following this simple rule, you can increase the effectiveness of your training by 3-4 times.
  2. Don't give commands too often. After each command, you need to give about 10 seconds of rest, and only then can you proceed to the next training. In this case, the pet will be more attentive and collected.
  3. The command is spoken only once. The dog is given a command and it must carry it out, this is how training should take place. If you repeat a command several times, then the dog will not carry it out the first time.
  4. Commands are always given in random order. The pet will quickly remember which command follows the previous one and will not carry them out one at a time. Always change the sequence of commands.
  5. You need to remember that the dog can get tired. If your pet refuses training, then perhaps you shouldn’t insist; it’s better to start training after a while.
  6. If the dog is scared, then perhaps the owner was too strict. In such a situation, for each command executed, it is necessary to give the pet 3-4 times more reward than usual.
  7. First, teach your pet 3-4 commands, and only after complete mastery can you move on to more complex and new activities. A gradual approach is the main secret of proper and effective dog training.
  8. One owner must train the dog, but the pet must follow commands even when asked by another family member.

How to train a dog at home? You can teach your pet many commands yourself. And there will definitely be the desired result. But you'll have to work. Systematicity coupled with persistence is an important component of the dog’s training process.

We will consider training an ordinary dog. We will not touch upon the education of individual breeds. They should be trained by canine specialists. But even special dogs need to be trained for commands that are important to everyone. They must fulfill basic requirements, have self-control and be obedient.

What commands should a well-mannered dog know?

From the first days you need to think about how to accustom your puppy to a diaper. A playful baby does not need serious training. Such important commands as “Come to me!”, “Near!”, “You can’t!”, “Place!”, “Give!”, the dog learns during the game. After three months you can begin serious training.

“Come to me!”

A very important and necessary team. It is necessary to ensure that the dog comes to you under any circumstances, even in stressful situations.

Training procedure:

  • We call the dog’s name and say: “Come to me!”
  • When the animal turns and begins to move in our direction, we repeat several times in a ringing voice: “Come to me!”
  • The dog came up. We give her treats, praise and pet her.

Possible problems:

    The dog does not respond to the name.

    We attract her attention by clapping our hands, whistling, or with our favorite toy. If it doesn’t help, we run away from the stubborn person to the side. The animal will be frightened by the distance from the owner.

    The dog doesn’t want to come, tricks don’t help.

    We walk the animal on a long leash. When we pronounce the command, we pull it lightly.

This cannot be done:

  • You can't punish a dog for coming. The animal should feel comfortable next to its owner.
  • During the training process, you cannot call a dog, knowing for sure that it will not come. For example, an animal gets acquainted with someone like itself or enthusiastically digs a hole. Then, when the command is established, the dog will respond to your call in any situation.
  • You cannot say a command too many times. The dog will get used to obeying after the tenth or twentieth repetition. You don't need it.

They said a command - the dog ran - they encouraged it - they praised it.


A team that will save both the dog and the owner from many unpleasant moments.

Training procedure:

  • At the moment of committing a “crime” we strictly and angrily say: “Ugh!”
  • We approach the pet and firmly hit its fifth point with our palm.

The more serious the crime, the more painful the spanking should be.

During a walk, you will need a long leash to train him to obey a command.

    The dog does not respond to commands or punishment. She continues to chew on her new leather shoes.

    We slap her on the butt harder. Doesn't react - even more so. But the force must be moderate so as not to injure the animal.

This cannot be done:

  • You cannot punish your dog with any objects. Slippers, sticks, rolling pins, etc. Only by hand.
  • You cannot punish an animal after committing a “crime.” Only directly at the moment of its commission.

When the dog masters the command, the need for physical punishment will disappear.


This command is first practiced on a leash, and only then without it.

Training procedure:

  • Keeping your pet on a leash, ensure that he walks next to you at the same pace. Say at the same time: “Nearby!”
  • When you manage to achieve movement in unison, stop. Say: “Nearby.” Sit!" Praise.
  • Wait a few seconds. And continue moving again. Command: “Near!” Praise.
  • Turn to the side and command: “Near!”

After practicing the command with a leash, start training without a leash. First, you can place the leash on the dog's back. Then remove it altogether. The training procedure is the same.

Possible problems:

    The dog gets distracted, runs faster, lags behind.

    If you are working with a leash, then pull it lightly. If training is off-leash, slap yourself on the leg.

Prohibited actions:

  • Screaming and punishment.
  • Repeat the command ten times.


The dog should sit at the owner's left leg and remain in this position until it is allowed to stand up.

Procedure for getting used to the command:

  • Let your dog sniff the treat and hold it up.
  • Say: “Sit!” And press your hand on the croup. The dog sat down - praise and treat.
  • Allow the animal to stand. Order again: “Sit!” There is no need to put pressure on the croup. The dog must sit down. Praise.
  • Then you simply show the treat, but don’t let him smell it. Say the command. And when the dog does it, you give him a treat.
  • If the dog gets up without permission, return him to the sitting position.
  • When you achieve the command, teach the dog to sit at your left leg.

Possible problems:

  • The dog doesn't listen. Does not respond to commands, even after swallowing a treat.

    With one hand, firmly pull the leash upward. Another - press on the croup.

  • The dog cannot maintain the pose. He takes off from his place.

    Return it to its original position. Command: “Sit!” Praise: “Well done! Sit!"

This cannot be done:

  • You cannot repeat the command many times.
  • You can't force your dog to sit forever. Commands must be given at random.
  • You cannot shout at the dog or hit it for disobedience.
  • You cannot give a treat for every command completed. At the training stage, we treat every other time. Subsequently - less and less. And we don’t offer any treats at all. We limit ourselves to praise.


Training procedure:

    While your dog is sitting, let him smell the treat. And lower your hand with the treat down. Give the command: “Lie down!” If the dog lies down, praise and treat.

    The animal must lie down until you allow it to get up. If the animal rises without a command, sharply pull the leash down and press on its back.

    This technique helps some dogs. The owner sits down next to the pet, takes it by the front paws and lays it down. Says: “Lie down!” Next, the animal needs to be praised and treated.

Possible problems:

    The dog doesn't listen. He just lowers his head to take the treat. But it doesn't lie down.

    Pull the leash down firmly and sharply. If necessary, press on your back.

Give treats only for correctly executed commands.


This command is taught simultaneously with the “sit” and “lie down” commands.

Training order:

  • Sit the dog down and ensure that it does not spin around for a while.
  • Say: “Stop!” Lift the dog under the belly. The dog must stand up.
  • Praise: “Well done! Stand!" You can treat me. At the same time, the dog should not be allowed to move. If the animal reaches for a treat, do not give it. Command: “Stop!”

"Give it!"

This command is taught during puppyhood. The process occurs during the game. Exists two training methods:

  • exchanging an item for another item;
  • exchange for a treat.

We say: “Give!” We are changing. If the animal does not understand, carefully open its mouth and take the object.


The dog’s knowledge of the command allows you to organize a walk as usefully as possible, and also facilitates further training in search on the ground (if the breed requires it).

The “fetch” command can be taught only when the animal is interested in bringing sticks to the owner. There is no other way.

Training procedure:

    We take a stick and start playing with the dog. Young dogs love to fight for objects with humans. Therefore, it will not be difficult to get your pet to take a stick in its mouth.

    We playfully take the stick and at the same time repeat: “Aport! Export! Well done!” When the passion for the game develops, the object can be thrown a short distance. The dog must be on a long leash. We say: “Aport!”

    The dog ran to the stick and took it in his teeth. We lightly pull the leash so that the dog brings the object. We start playing with her, saying: “Fetch! Export! Good girl!

    It is very important to maintain interest. Therefore, the game is required.

  1. Further training takes place without a leash. Then - to longer distances.

Possible problems:

    The dog does not want to run after the object.

    You need to play it out, arouse interest in the thing. For a while we leave throws at distances and just play. Or we change the subject.

    The dog does not want to take the stick in his teeth.

    Again - interest. Approach the object and kick it, “revive it.” Drive the thing with your feet. When the dog takes the stick in its teeth, start the game. And then throw the object again at a distance.

These are the most basic commands, which are quite enough for a domestic dog.

General rules of training

Of course, training an animal to each command has its own characteristics. But there are also general rules and general approaches. How to train a dog?

  1. Training needs to be done both at home and outside. In a place where no one will disturb.
  2. Classes must be regular. At least two to three times a week. At first, half an hour. Then we gradually increase the time to an hour.
  3. Teams need to be “interfered.” It is useless to teach the same command endlessly.
  4. There must be a break of at least a quarter of a minute between teams.
  5. You can only praise and give treats when the command is completed correctly.
  6. The dog must obey all family members. But training must be done by someone alone.
  7. It is advisable to give the animal a good walk before classes. Then it will be less distracted.
  8. Each command is spoken only once.
  9. When training any of the commands, it is important to achieve endurance. "Sit!" - and the dog should sit quietly for several minutes. Accustoming to endurance begins with a few seconds. Then the time is gradually increased.
  10. Under no circumstances should you hit or shout at a dog. A frightened dog does not remember commands well. In the future, he will be afraid of classes with the owner.

And remember: the animal gets tired too. When the first signs of fatigue appear, training stops.

It's no secret that dogs are smart animals. They are easy to train, so you can teach your dog to follow commands even at home. You just need to know the basics of training psychology.

Where to start

In order to prepare for the first lesson, you will need to stock up on a collar, leash and treats for your dog. Treats during training are mandatory and necessary for additional motivation of the animal. After all, how else can you show your pet that he is doing the right thing?

Where are dogs trained? The location must be chosen based on whether the dog knows the area. If the place is unfamiliar, then before starting you should give the animal the opportunity to sniff it to make sure it is safe and there is no threat. This is important because it will be difficult for the dog to train in an unknown place.

During training, you need to be alone with the dog. This condition must be observed so that the animal is not distracted from following commands.


You can use dry food as a treat. It transports well and does not stain your hands. But if your dog does not want food, then you can use any other treat that your pet prefers. Now you can even buy special cookies for training.


To prepare your dog for the training process, run him a few laps around the stadium and give him a good walk. But as for time, it’s better to choose it for yourself. During the summer, it is better not to carry out training during the daytime, but if that is when you have free time, stock up on water.

Basic principles of training

The total training time should not exceed an hour, but it is better to split it into several small approaches. For example: give her a command, after completing it, let her run, and then continue what she started. During the entire training period, the dog must follow all your commands.

The main commands that are included in the basic training complex include:

  • Team to me. This is the first task a dog must perform. She studies in conjunction with a caller named. Call the dog by name and lure it with a treat; after completing it, be sure to praise the animal.
  • The team is nearby. For this task you will need a collar.
  • Command to sit. Can be learned in conjunction with the previous task.
  • The command is to lie down. Be sure to teach this to your dog only after learning to sit, a treat will help.
  • Aport. This is a more complex command, along with it you can teach the dog to guard a place.
  • Excerpt for a dog. This is the main thing an animal needs to learn. After all, your dog will need endurance to complete your other tasks.
  • The commands are fu and dai. The first is needed to prohibit the dog from doing anything, and the second to wean him from picking up unnecessary things from the ground.

At what age are dogs trained?

If your dog is still a puppy, then you need to train him from the first days of being in the house. But you should take into account the age of the dog. Training should begin at three months; before this time, teach him to walk with a collar, respond to a nickname, follow the command to come to me and toilet train him.

After the dog has mastered the initial commands, move on to the next stage, but repeat what you have learned. As a new task, teach your puppy the give command. This can be useful after he picks up something from the floor or ground.

After reaching the age of three, repeat everything previously learned. At this age, the dog is easy to train in a playful way.

Training small dogs

If you have a small dog, it will be easier to train than a large one. Since small dogs love to run at any age, the very first command may be “come to me.” This will definitely come in handy if your pet runs too far.

Usually small breeds become real members of the family. And so the next command should be "place". It is this that will allow you to teach your dog not to run on beds or sleep with its owners in the future.

You can also teach your dog the following commands: fu, next and restraint. These are the main tasks that a small breed dog should face.

Should I train an adult dog?

It often happens that it is not a puppy that is taken into the house, but an adult dog. Is it possible to train an adult dog? It is possible, but it will take more time than usual. If the dog is old, this means that you will first need to eradicate its old habits, and only then teach it new ones.

How to train an adult dog:

  • All commands are pronounced in a clear and calm tone.
  • For completing a task correctly, praise her, pet her, or treat her with something tasty.
  • Pay attention to gestures. The dog must understand more than just voice commands.
  • During training, never use aggression towards the animal. Don't scold or hit your dog. This can lead to the development of fear.

How to train a hunting dog

As for training hunting dogs, you will have to work on it. In such breeds, some manifestations of character should be suppressed. A hunting breed dog will not work without proper training and education.

The basics should be devoted to 6 to 9 months. During this period, dogs need to be trained to obey, taught clearly, not to follow commands and quit, and also trained to command me using a whistle or horn.

As early as 10 months, you can start learning special commands. That is, to accustom the dog to hunting. The connection between dog and hunter is important here. On the one hand, she should not be afraid of her owner, and on the other hand, she should be obedient and not get lost in different situations.

Hunting dogs have the ability to accumulate experience and compare behavior, so such an animal should not be treated as a collection of reflexes. Hunting breeds are characterized by the presence of powerful intelligence.

The most trainable dogs

Everyone knows that each type of dog is characterized by certain character traits, behavior and learning ability. The best dog breeds that are easy to train include:

  • German bearish. Good-natured and calm. It is necessary to train from a very early age in order to avoid the manifestation of a difficult character in the future.
  • Italian Cane Corso. An ideal watchdog, remembers a large number of commands, but difficulties may arise in communicating with other breeds.
  • Basset Hound. Agile, agile and resilient. They love children.
  • German shepherd. Balanced and loyal.
  • Black Russian Terrier. Aggressive and distrustful. It is easy to train, but it must be trained by a strong-willed person who is able to show the dog a place.
  • Maltese dog. They are easy to train, but are classified as decorative breeds.

General rules for self-training

With the right approach, any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. To learn commands correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  • Carry out training in stages.
  • Encourage the dog.
  • Show strength of character towards the animal, but not aggression.
  • Understand your pet's personality.

If you are persistent and devote a lot of time and attention to your four-legged friend, teaching him commands and rules of behavior, then he will definitely become the best companion for you on the path of life. Remember, it's never too late to start training! In addition, you can teach your pet all the necessary skills yourself if you listen to our recommendations.

A story about dog training at home.

You have long dreamed of a four-legged friend, and now, finally, your dream has come true - you have purchased a puppy. But the joy will be short-lived if you don’t start raising him in time. A spoiled dog that does not know commands and does not recognize the authority of its owner can become a real headache for your family. And it is a misconception that only a specialist can train a dog. Applying the right principles and a little diligence on your part can turn a bully puppy into a well-mannered dog that can be a source of joy for you and your loved ones.

General rules of training

There are rules, without which many owners come to the erroneous conclusion that their pet cannot be trained. In fact, the culprit of a dog’s bad behavior is always a person who took an irresponsible approach to its upbringing.

These rules are as follows:

A big misconception is that a puppy should have a “childhood”, but from 5-6 months you can already start training it. With this approach, the right moment will be missed, and a spoiled dog will cause you a lot of trouble in the process of training it.
In addition, this is also a rather stressful situation for the pet: he suddenly begins to be prohibited from doing what was previously allowed, perhaps even punished for it. As a result, the dog may decide that its owners no longer love it.

Basic education

To begin with, the puppy needs to be taught the necessary basic things, without which it is impossible to live comfortably next to a dog.


You need to teach your dog a nickname immediately from the moment it is acquired. The same principle of attachment to positive emotions works here. Call the dog by name when praising, playing, feeding, but not during punishment. There is no need to confuse your pet by coming up with a dozen diminutive names for it. There should be one nickname, and at least at first use it only in one form.


A dog can be trained to toilet outside or in a certain place in the apartment: it all depends on the breed and size of the pet. In any case, remove all carpets from the floors during training.
If a puppy goes to the toilet on the carpet at least once, he will continue to stubbornly use this particular place for this purpose. Even if it is expected that the dog will only go to the toilet outside, until the quarantine has passed after vaccination, it is necessary to take care of the tray or diaper.

An effective method of toilet training is to limit the space for movement. Fence your dog a couple of square meters, on which only his bed and tray will be located. An animal will never mess up where it sleeps, so it will have to use a litter tray. Don't forget to reward your pet for correct behavior.

To teach a puppy to go to the toilet outside, at first you need to take him there as often as possible - 5-6 times a day. It is better to do this after sleeping, eating or playing. Be sure to wait until the puppy does what he was taken for a walk. After this, be sure to praise him or give him a treat. As the dog grows, the number of trips outside can be gradually reduced.

Collar and leash

It is important that the puppy gets used to the collar and leash before going outside for the first time, otherwise it will become additional stress for him. It is not necessary to accustom him to certain movements, but to the feeling of wearing a collar and leash.
The first accessories should be as soft and comfortable as possible. The puppy will definitely try to take them off - at this moment he needs to be distracted, for example, with the help of a game.

Command training

Teaching a puppy commands is not much more difficult than toilet training, but living with a well-mannered pet is much more comfortable. Let's look at techniques for teaching dogs the most common commands.

Command "fu"

This command is necessary for the safety of the dog itself, so that it does not pick up garbage on the street or eat anything hazardous to health. She works with a leash. You will need an assistant who will throw some forbidden object onto the floor or onto the ground. And as soon as the dog becomes interested in him, you voice the command and pull the pet back with the help of a leash. When your puppy only responds to a command, reward him with a treat. If he shows no interest in the subject at all, then the reward should be even more generous.

Command "come to me"

This command should be carried out joyfully and upon request. To do this, you need to create pleasant associations with her. When the puppy runs up to you, call him by name and repeat the command, additionally giving him a treat and showing him with all your appearance how happy you are for him.
Then release him as soon as he wants. As a result, the pet will be happy to come on command, knowing that this is accompanied by something pleasant, and that he can be free at any time.

Team "near"

Here again a leash will come to your aid. Make it as short as possible during the movement so that the dog walks next to your foot, and at the same time voice the command. If the puppy obediently walks nearby, give him a treat from time to time.

Team "place"

You can’t do without it if you want to calmly gather with your loved ones at the table or receive guests without a dog scurrying under your feet and pleadingly looking into your eyes. The first thing to do is to equip it with its own place. It can be played by a rug or a bed, the main thing is that the pet is comfortable there. The puppy cannot be scolded or disturbed in this place: he must understand that this is his personal space. Before sitting down at the table, lure your pet to his place with a treat and voice the command.
If your dog sits still for even a few minutes, reward him with a treat. Just don’t take it from the table: the puppy should never get anything from there. If this method does not help, you can attract an assistant with a leash who will return the pet to its place after each attempt to approach the table.

Quiet command

This command is easier to teach if at the same time you train the dog to fulfill the opposite requirement “voice”. Wait for the moment when the puppy barks during a walk, and begin to praise him, repeating the word “voice”. After waiting for a while, calmly tell him “quiet” and lightly cover his muzzle with your hands. If successful, reward with a treat. The dog will remember commands after just a few days of regular training.

How to walk your dog correctly

For some, walking the dog is a pleasant pastime, while for others it is a boring chore. In any case, this activity must be approached responsibly so that it is safe both for the pet and for the people around it.

To walk with your puppy you will need the following minimum set of things:

  • collar and leash (if the dog is large, a muzzle is additionally required);
  • a treat for reward if training is intended;
  • the puppy’s favorite toy so that he can be easily distracted if necessary;
  • a bag and a shovel to clean up after a dog that has gone to the toilet.

The puppy's first walks are the most important. Before you let him run on the ground for the first time, it is recommended to carry your pet outside several times in your arms. Let him gradually get used to new sensations - street noise, unfamiliar smells.

Take care of the puppy's safety in the entrance. You should not allow him to go down the stairs on his own. Jumping on steps can easily damage his joints. But the climb will be completely safe for him.

At first, keep an eye on your pet. Make sure he doesn’t pick up trash from the ground, cut himself on glass, drink from a puddle, or eat snow. In this regard, choose places that are safe for walking. Ideally, this would be a specially equipped area for dog walking, but this is still very rare.
Therefore, a forest belt, park or wasteland would be a good option. But in no case is it a children's or sports ground.

During a walk, there is no need to isolate the dog from communication with other people and animals. For normal development of a puppy, it must spend 70% of its time with its owner and 30% with its own kind. So don't be afraid to let him play with other dogs. It is only important to make sure that they are not aggressive and do not have health problems. The second point can be clarified with the owner, and also assessed by the appearance of the animal.

Buying a puppy is not only the realization of your childhood dream and a source of happiness, but also a huge responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the owner. You need to prepare for the fact that you will have to deal with your pet from the first days of its appearance in your home. This is not easy work, but it will be richly rewarded by the impeccable behavior of your dog, for which you will never have to feel ashamed.

If she has become your true friend, obedient and devoted, you need to teach her actions that she can easily perform. This article will discuss how to properly train and teach a dog commands at home.

At what age can you start training?

When a puppy appears in your home, he is already able to perceive simple and basic commands and training in general. But before you start training, you need to make friends with the baby so that he trusts you. Puppies are easier to train than adults, but this must be done in a playful way that interests him.

At this stage, training and raising the puppy are closely intertwined. Since the beginning teach him to walk with a collar, come up with a nickname and teach him to respond to it. And he should already know where his toilet is. After learning the basics and reaching 3 months of age, you can begin to use more complex commands.

Conditions and attributes for learning commands

The environment in which your dog is trained is of great importance, and the right location will make the learning process quicker and easier.

Study space

Any place for training that is convenient for you is suitable, but you need to take into account several important criteria that will affect the process itself:

  • In summer, in hot weather, it is better to conduct classes in the morning or evening;
  • It is best to train your dog while walking;
  • choose a quiet and peaceful place where your pet will not have unnecessary distractions;
  • the area you have chosen should be well known to the animal, and if this is your first time there, then walk with him or let him run around and sniff everything;
  • It is important to remember the rule: the dog is better oriented on the terrain - it learns better;
  • You can practice in your home or in the yard.

Necessary accessories

The set of necessary training tools is not at all expensive or difficult. If you go outside, don't forget to bring a collar and leash.

The most basic subject of training is the treat that the dog receives after a correctly performed exercise. What it will be, choose for yourself. Dry food is best because it doesn't get dirty and keeps well. But if your pet likes something else, then treat him after a good job. The main thing is that these are small and convenient pieces of food.

If you're going for a walk during the day when it's hot, don't forget to bring water for your dog and a bowl to pour it into.

Basic principles of training

Let's move on to the most important part - the training process.

How long does it take to train a dog?

The first few lessons should last no more than 20-30 minutes, because the dog will get bored and tired. Increase the time every day and bring it up to 1 hour a day. It is better if you divide this time into small intervals. For example, you train for 10 minutes - he runs and plays for 5 minutes. This way the process will be more productive.

Basic commands

« To me" is one of the first commands that needs to be taught. Use it together with your nickname. And when your pet approaches you, praise him and give him a treat.
« Place»studies from an early age along with the “come to me” command. First, you need to arrange this very place for your pet, putting a rug or pillow and his favorite toys. You need to call the dog to him and say “place”: when he comes, put him down and give him a treat, while repeating “place, well done.”

« Near" To study, you will need a collar. Place the animal near your left leg. Give the command “near” and start walking. The dog should walk next to you, without rushing ahead or falling behind. And it is important that she does not pull the leash in any direction. If this happens, then sharply tighten the leash and repeat “nearby”.

« Ugh" This command is easier to describe with an example. If your dog chews a slipper or bites the owner, you need to say “ugh” sharply and threateningly and slap him on the butt. If he does not react, then the command is repeated, and you can hit him harder.

« Sit"begins with your dog lying at your left leg. Take out a treat, bring it to your nose and lift it up. The pet will rise after the treat, and then you say “sit, good girl.” And be sure to treat them with a treat.

« Lie" - the command is simple. All you have to do is place a treat on the floor in front of your dog and he will lie down to reach it. Then the command “lie down” sounds and you give the treat.

« Stand" is a little more complicated, and learns to "sit" after. When the dog sits at your left leg, you need to say “stand” and lift him by the stomach with your left hand so that he stands on his paws. Repeat the command and praise.

« Excerpt" is an important command for any dog. It is important that in the commands “stand”, “sit” and “lie down” he holds for as long as possible: it starts from 30 seconds of exposure, and ideally reaches 30 minutes. After he has held out, be sure to praise him.

« Give me" is a command when you simply call it and change the pet's toy or stick during play for a treat.

« Fas" is studied from 6-9 months, and here it is better to resort to the services of professionals, since this team teaches to be angry and aggressive - the wrong approach can direct aggression towards you.

« Aport"- the command is taught in a playful way: you throw a toy or stick to the animal, and when it grabs it, say “Fetch, well done.”

Important! When executing commands, it is necessary to change their sequence every day so that the animal does not develop a habit.

Additional rules

There are some rules that will make training easier and help in the first lessons:

  1. Before you start training, you need to be left alone so that no one distracts the dog.
  2. Let him have a good run and walk before classes: this way your pet will be more attentive and focused.
  3. The dog must perceive information without a feeling of fear. If you notice that he is scared, then you have overdone it with severity. Continue the next day and be flexible and calm.
  4. Do not repeat the command several times in a row, because in the future your pet will perform them after several repetitions.
  5. Teach your dog to obey all family members.

Dog breed and training

There are very smart dogs that are easy to train. The most trained are:

  • Rottweiler;
  • Australian Shepherd;
  • Papillon;
  • Doberman;
  • Labrador;
  • Sheltie;
  • poodle;
  • German shepherd;
  • border collie.

But there are also breeds that are very difficult to work with, and they practically cannot be trained in any way:
  • bulldog;
  • mastiff;
  • Russian greyhound;
  • Afghan Hound;
  • Basenji;
  • chow-chow;
  • beagle;
  • Pekingese;
  • bloodhoud.

Is it possible to teach something to an adult dog?

Many people adopt dogs from a shelter (or for other reasons have not trained them since childhood) and ask the question: “Is it possible to train an adult dog, and is there any point in starting?” An unequivocal statement - it is possible and necessary. Training an adult dog requires more effort and time, but the results will definitely come. Remember that they are one of the smartest animals, so an adult pet can be trained to carry out the necessary commands.

Be patient and be friends with your pet. Then you will be able to teach him all the most necessary commands.



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