How to quickly cure herpes on the lips? Simple methods and practical advice. Treatment of herpes on the lips in one day

Herpes on the lips - an extremely unpleasant thing, not only is it painful, it is also aesthetically unattractive. This cold on the lip can occur in both men and women.

Herpes is a virus that, when entering the body, has a destructive effect on the cell and is introduced into its genotype. The virus usually manifests itself with a general weakening of the immune system. The cause of weakening can be a simple cold, hypothermia, stress, as well as long-term treatment with antibiotics.

If your body is not very healthy and has a strong immune system, then most likely you will not encounter such a problem as herpes on the lips. Although experts say that most of the population are carriers of different types of this virus.

Cold symptoms

Symptoms of herpes - how a cold on the lips manifests itself
It is generally accepted that herpes is localized on the skin, mainly on the lips. This is not an entirely correct opinion.

The herpes virus penetrates the genome of nerve cells, transforming it. Thus, herpetic disease can occur where there are nerve endings, i.e. in any organ, on any part of the skin of the body. Genital herpes (genitals) is known, herpes on the nasal and oral mucosa, and can develop on the cornea of ​​the eye, lungs, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

Herpes manifests itself as blistering rashes. You can become infected through airborne droplets, birth, sexual contact, and even through a handshake, not to mention kissing.

Infection is most likely when herpes is in the active phase. Although, it cannot be ruled out that the virus can be transmitted through various microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes.


The appearance of unsightly blisters, itching and burning is always unpleasant and unexpected, especially for women who try to be beautiful and well-groomed. And suddenly you have to wear ointment instead of lipstick, for example, in order to quickly cure a cold on your lips.

If the virus occurs no more than 5 times a year, you don’t have to worry too much. This suggests that there are no malfunctions in the immune system. So, you just need to know what ointment to use to treat herpes on the lips in order to quickly relieve inflammation.

If, however, the virus manifests itself more often, and in addition to a cold on the lips, other parts of the body or internal organs are affected, then you urgently need to consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

Unfortunately, medicine has not yet identified a drug for a complete cure for this most unpleasant disease. But, nevertheless, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of relapses.

How? You need to consult with your doctor to prescribe immunomodulators and drugs to maintain immunity. Extracts of echinacea, ginseng, and eleutherococcus are just such helpers for maintaining the immune system normal, and therefore reducing the likelihood of relapse. But, unfortunately, these drugs will not help with an exacerbation of herpes.

Well, and, of course, we must not forget about general methods for improving health: healthy eating, vitamins, normal sleep, and avoiding stress if possible.

But, if, suddenly, inflammation has not escaped you, then here are some recommendations for the duration of the virus outbreak:

  • Kissing is strictly contraindicated;
  • During a virus outbreak, it is necessary to acquire personal hygiene items, dishes, soap, a towel, and even sleep alone;
  • Visiting the swimming pool and sauna is prohibited;
  • You should refrain from sexual contact;
  • Apply ointment for the treatment of herpes on the lips with a cotton swab.
  • Avoid peanuts, chocolate, raisins, and beer;
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as milk, eggs, fish, and legumes. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible;
  • Drink more fluids (1-1.5 liters of water per day);
  • It is not recommended to consume fatty foods, sugar, carbonated drinks and those containing caffeine. Less salt and bread.

How to smear herpes on lips?

The most common problem is this. And, if the primary signs of relapse were missed, then various gels and ointments for the treatment of herpes on the lips immediately come into play.

Basically, the ointment for herpes on the lips contains Acyclovir, which best copes with the virus and affects its DNA.

Drugs are divided into groups -. Medicines can be prescribed by specialists for relapse and large areola of skin lesions.

So, what ointment for herpes on the lips will help you quickly cope with the virus?

  1. Zovirax. The most popular drug. Made in the UK. Herpes on the lips will either be stopped in the early stages or its development will be stopped. This drug rarely causes side effects. Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Today it is the most effective ointment for herpes on the lips.
  2. Acyclovir. Inexpensive ointment for herpes on the lips. It is similar to the previous ointment. Produced in Russia. The difference with Zovirax is only in the speed of action, it takes longer to achieve results, but the absolute advantage is the price.
  3. Panavir. It is also an antiviral drug and an immunomodulator. Effective ointment for herpes on the lips. The difference from Zovirax and Acyclovir is that the base of this ointment is herbal. The main component is potato shoot extract (a strong antiviral agent). Panavir is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the components easily pass into mother's milk.
  4. Acyclovir-Acri. Cheap ointment for herpes on the lips. The composition is almost identical to Acyclovir. The contraindications are still the same. The advantage is the price.

Folk remedies for herpes

It happens that a virus has arisen, but there is no ointment needed to treat herpes on the lips, and there is no opportunity to go to the pharmacy either. Then traditional medicine will help you.

Herpes on the lips is effectively treated with fir oil. Use a cotton swab dipped in oil to wipe the blisters every 3 hours. And before going to bed, apply a cotton ball with oil to the affected areola of the skin for 30 minutes. There may be a strong burning sensation, but this is normal.

Another well-known and effective remedy is aloe juice. It is better to use a leaf of an already mature plant. You should wash the leaf thoroughly and remove the skin. Apply aloe pulp to the rash for two to three hours. After removing the leaf, you should continue to treat the herpes areola with aloe juice as often as possible. Course – 3 days.

If suddenly you have herpes on your lips, you can use an ambulance in the form of propolis tincture. It is recommended to wipe the affected area with the tincture every 2 hours. At night, you need to soften dry skin with either cream or chamomile extract. Treatment duration is 2 days.

An ordinary Valocordin can also act as an assistant. All you need to do is soak a cotton swab in it, then rub the blisters pointwise for 1 minute. You need to process at least 3 times a day. But the duration of use of this product is no more than two days.

Garlic against herpes on the lips
Garlic can also help you against herpes. Garlic generally helps with various diseases, and has a strong immunostimulating and antiviral effect. To treat the virus, you need to lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin with a clove of garlic every 2 hours. At night, as in many other folk recipes, it is worth applying a cotton pad with garlic juice for 10 minutes. Afterwards it is better to lubricate with chamomile solution or honey. Treatment time is no more than three days.

If you don’t have any of the above at home, then recipes based on toothpaste or table salt are suitable options for you.

Someone, once upon a time, apparently discovered the unique property of toothpaste - to help with herpes. Simply apply the paste to the skin at the first sign of itching and burning. The course of treatment is from 4 colds once a day.

Table salt helps if hypothermia suddenly occurs. This can happen in the spring or autumn. Take a few grains of coarse salt and apply to the blisters for ten minutes. Before going to bed, it is better to apply a compress. 1 tbsp. salt to 1/3 cup warm water. Keep the compress for 10 minutes.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of methods and means to combat colds on the lips. The main thing is that the sooner you detect symptoms, the faster you can prevent unpleasant rashes.

Once introduced, the herpes virus type 1 remains in the body forever. In view of high virulence (infectiousness), almost the entire population of the planet is infected with this strain. The virus is quite harmless and manifests itself as itchy blisters with liquid. when weakening or under the influence of other factors:

  • hypothermia body;
  • stressful situation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • chronic fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • menstruation;
  • microtraumas skin.

In 80% of people, the virus living in the body does not manifest itself for years or decades, but 20% of the “lucky” people suddenly discover a pimple on their lip every year. Most often this phenomenon represents purely a cosmetic problem. However, for people with very weakened immune systems (who have had a transplant, cancer, or are HIV-infected), the virus can become deadly.

The virus quickly spreads throughout the body, affecting internal organs and can cause meningitis and encephalitis. Children are also at risk, since their immunity is still developing.

Is it possible to cure herpes on the lips in 1 day?

Since fluid-filled bubbles are very noticeable (localized in the corners of the mouth or on the upper lip), you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. In addition, after opening of the vesicles, small sores covered with crust. The wound takes a long time to heal, as it is located on the most mobile part of the face and often cracks. If you delete crust, herpes can remain for a long time scar memory.

You can really get rid of the external manifestations of herpes in a day if you know how. The most important - prevent visible manifestations. Anyone who has experienced herpes more than once may notice tingling and mild itching determine the onset of a rash even before visible signs. It is at this stage that herpes can be cured in 1 day if you use effective remedies right away. Once the bubble has formed, No drugs or traditional methods will help - you'll have to wait at least a week.

Important! To cure herpes on the lips in a day, you need to act immediately at the first sign. In this case, both medications and proven folk remedies will have the desired effect.

Treatment regimen

As soon as a friend appears itching on the upper lip, preferably lubricate immediately her special means. There are many topical preparations to combat herpes, but they are all manufactured based on acyclovir. People who are familiar with the problem first-hand always keep a tube of suitable cream in their medicine cabinet. You need to lubricate the affected area repeatedly, applying a new layer of medicine after the previous one has dried. With this tactic, vesicles do not form, and you can actually get rid of herpes in one day.

If it was not possible to stop the process at the initial stages, you need to prepare for several days of treatment. Doctors recommend starting taking acyclovir-based tablets. This method is more effective than ointments, but has more side effects and is contraindicated for women during period and lactation. In this case, you need to continue to use topical medications.

Since the rash occurs due to a weakening of the body's defenses, it is advisable to take immunostimulating and vitamin preparations. To speed up regeneration and prevent scars, you should use a drying agent. zinc-based ointment, and oils and sea buckthorn.

If herpes does not remind you of itself too often, then there is no reason to worry.

The reason for visiting an immunologist should be rashes more than 2 times a year. This will most likely require a thorough examination and a more intensive course of treatment.

Antiherpetic drugs

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of products for local and external use:

  • for oral administration Recommended tablets are: Acyclovir, Famvir and Valaciclovir. All of them are produced on the basis of the same active substance and destroy the virus by integrating into its DNA.
    - Compared to ointments and gels, they have more high antiherpetic activity, however, they have contraindications and a number of side effects.
    - Pills cannot be accepted children under 2 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
    - The listed drugs may influence fluid excretion from the body and cause swelling.
  • Zovirax and Panavir-gel– topical agents that block virus synthesis.
    - Apply to the affected area no more than 5 times a day.
    - Can be used for the treatment of herpes in children and pregnant women.

Drug therapy with tablets should be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right individual course and adjust it if side effects occur.

The most common form of infection caused by the herpes simplex virus is a cold sore, which in many cases occurs after severe stress or exposure to cold. This is an unpleasant phenomenon that causes both physical and aesthetic discomfort, which is why many are interested in the topic of quick treatment of herpes on the lips. It is almost impossible to eliminate such a problem in 1 day, but there are many ways to speed up the healing process.

How to quickly remove herpes on the lip?

The herpes virus cannot be completely eliminated from the body, but its manifestations can be combated. It is possible to get rid of herpesvirus with the help of drugs whose action is aimed at:

  • to suppress herpes;
  • to prevent its spread;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to eliminate the symptoms of the disease;
  • for the regeneration of damaged areas of the skin.

Drug treatment

The following rapid-acting antiviral drugs are used to treat herpes on the lips:

  • . This ointment for herpes allows you to alleviate the symptoms of the disease after 3-4 applications. It should be applied to the damaged area of ​​the lips about 3-5 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days.
  • Fenistil Pentsivir. After applying the herpes ointment, the infected cells are instantly damaged. It is necessary to smear the inflamed areas of the lips every 2 hours throughout the day. In most cases, herpes can be eliminated within 4-5 days.
  • Acyclovir. When the active substance of this drug is absorbed into the blood, it immediately enters the cells affected by herpes. As a result, their activity is blocked and they gradually die. Treatment with Acyclovir tablets should be started immediately after tingling on the lips begins to be felt. The recommended daily dose is 5 tablets per day. The duration of treatment varies within a week.
  • . The tablets act directly on the DNA of the herpes virus, inhibiting its ability to divide and grow. This is an effective remedy that helps reduce itching and pain, as well as reduce the number of herpetic blisters. To treat colds on the lips, take 2 tablets twice a day. Depending on the body's response to the drug, treatment can last for 3-5 days.

Herpes, herpes treatment, genital herpes, genital herpes

Zovirax for herpes: effectiveness, consequences, side effects. Zovirax for chickenpox

How to treat herpes with folk remedies

Review of the best ointments for herpes on the lips. Read more in this.

Folk remedies

Quick treatment of a cold on the lip at home is carried out using traditional medicine. The most popular methods include:

  • Table salt and baking soda. These natural products prevent the growth of inflammation and promote rapid healing of wounds. To treat in this way, you need to apply several grains of salt to the site of inflammation every day or treat it with a soda solution. Take 150 ml of water, add 1 tbsp to it. l. baking soda and stir well until completely dissolved. Soak a cotton swab with this liquid and apply it to the rash area for 5-7 minutes.
  • Garlic. Rub the wound with a cut vegetable slice or lubricate with fresh garlic juice. To enhance the therapeutic effect after treatment, the inflammation site should be lubricated with honey mixed in equal proportions with apple cider vinegar.
  • . To ensure that herpes on the lip goes away as quickly as possible, it is recommended to use aloe juice and leaves for treatment. A piece of the shoot must be peeled and applied to the inflamed area for 20 minutes, securing it with a bactericidal plaster. Using this remedy, you can remove the symptoms of herpes in just 3 days.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. To treat herpetic rashes, the substance is used in its pure form. At the beginning of the disease, when the blisters have not yet formed, but a compaction has already formed, a positive effect can be achieved in a couple of days.
  • . Another effective remedy for drying out pimples when you have a cold on the lips. A cream is made on its basis by mixing 3 tbsp. l. pasta with 1 tsp. vegetable oil. This mixture is applied to the affected area for 10-20 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

When herpes appears on the face, it causes a storm of indignation, especially among female representatives. Moreover, its appearance necessarily coincides with some important upcoming event. Of course, is it possible to rejoice in such a situation if nothing can hide the plump sore on your lip? But there is a way out, you can speed up the healing process, and after 3-5 days you can say goodbye to the hated herpes. To do this, you need to know what the most effective pharmaceutical and folk remedies are that quickly eliminate the infection.

Herpes medications from the pharmacy

Today, pharmacy products do not experience a shortage of antiviral and wound-healing drugs. But you need to know that for herpetic diseases there is a separate series of medications containing active substances to which the herpes virus is sensitive. These are special antiviral medications in various forms - creams, ointments, gels, tablets, injections. They help to quickly extinguish the activity of the viral pathogen, prevent the proliferation of blisters on the skin and promote rapid regeneration.

Any remedy for internal use is intended only for generalized forms of the disease, when the affected area is quite large, for example, with herpes on the external genitalia, herpes zoster. For local herpes, medications in the form of soft formulations for external treatment of minor rashes are more suitable. Let's look at the remedies that are recommended to treat herpes.

Antiviral agents

One of the best direct-acting drugs is considered to be medicinal formulations with acyclovir. This substance has a targeted inhibitory effect on the virus that causes herpetic lesions. Drugs containing acyclovir include Acyclovir (ointment costs 22-30 rubles, cream – 75-90 rubles) and Zovirax (cream price – 195-220 rubles).

In case of primary infection in clinical manifestations and with extensive herpes with a severe course, the drug Valtrex in the form of tablets has won particular recognition, but it is expensive; for a package of 10 doses you will need to pay about 1,500 rubles.

Every time before applying ointment or cream to problem areas, they should first be treated with an antiseptic solution that does not contain alcohol. This could be regular furatsilin. After gentle disinfection, local antiviral procedures will be allowed.

List of antiviral pharmaceutical products for herpes:

  • Virolex, Acivir, Zovirax, Acyclovir: products with a basic base - acyclovir, are involved in suppressing the replication of herpes viruses;
  • Valacyclovir, Valtrovir, Valavir: products based on acyclovir valine ester, which, being converted in the body into triphosphate, interacts directly with the DNA polymerase of herpes viruses, inhibiting the synthesis of daughter molecules of the pathogen;
  • Pencivir, Vectavir, Penciclovir, Famciclovir : base - the substance penciclovir, which acts on viral antigens of the herpes class according to a similar principle as drugs with acyclovir valine ester;
  • Bonafton and Florenal in the form of ointment and eye drops: are antiviral drugs, effective against herpes viruses;
  • Acyclovir, Zovirax : available in the form of tablets, ointments, injections for intensive fight against herpetic rashes;
  • Viru-Merz (Tromantadine): produced in one dosage form - in the form of an antiherpetic gel; has a strong effect on suppressing the adsorption and introduction of the herpes virus into human cells, due to which recovery occurs already on the 3rd day (cost - 300-460 rubles).

Other drugs for herpes viruses

Folk remedies for herpes

Traditional methods are more designed to prevent the emergence of new watery pimples, dry out existing blisters and speed up healing. They are also very effective, like pharmaceutical drugs, but do not have such a strong antiviral effect. Therefore, it is better to use them at the first signs - itching, swelling, pulsation, etc.

If herpes appears, you cannot hesitate for a minute, so that the infection does not “surround” most of the lips or the skin under the nose. No strong pharmaceutical drugs at home? While the rashes have not yet turned into a “breeding ground” of hated blisters, there is no need to waste time; provide first aid with simple improvised means that are always available at home. Let's consider the most popular and effective folk methods; they can safely be called a “magic wand” for herpes.

  • Sprinkling cold sores with table salt or baking soda– an excellent way to stop the inflammatory progression of an infection, so it is suitable at the initial stage of the disease. Do not treat open sores and cracks with salt and soda.
  • Lubricating herpes with toothpaste or powder– these are more antiseptic and drying procedures. You will need to take a pea-sized amount of paste and apply it to the painful area. It is better to use toothpaste in the initial manifestations of herpes. You can sprinkle the powder on wet wounds. Both products are equally good, as they can prevent the appearance of rashes if they were involved during the first tickling on the lips.
  • Essential oils of fir and tea tree– natural first aid remedies for initial symptoms (itching, tingling, swelling, etc.). You just need to moisten a piece of cotton wool or drop a drop of any aroma oil onto the pad of your index finger and rub it into the skin where discomfort is felt. Oils have an antiviral and wound-healing effect. To ensure complete protection against the appearance of bubbles on the lip, it is recommended to lubricate the problem area every 1.5-2 hours.
  • Vegetable oils of sea buckthorn and almond– they are considered one of the best products used in cosmetology and dermatology. They have a very beneficial effect on skin affected by any rashes and wounds. Natural oil compositions accelerate the rate of skin regeneration, soften and tighten cracks in herpes, relieve irritation, treat ulcerations, and nourish the skin with valuable vitamins. Method of application: generously soak a cotton pad or cotton pad with oil and apply to the herpes for 20 minutes, number of procedures per day – 5 times.
  • Treatment of herpes with propolis tincture– a fail-safe way to prevent a herpes virus attack. Propolis extract with alcohol can be used both for external treatment of a painful area and for internal use in order to increase immunity. This remedy will increase the body's resistance, suppress the activity of herpes, and help quickly heal colds on the lips.
  • Treatment with aloe, kalanchoe, lemon juice– these agents have high bacteriostatic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It is better to use them in the early manifestation of herpes (at the beginning of skin itching or throbbing), so they can prevent the continued development of dermatological lesions. You just need to apply a compress soaked in the juice of one of the plant components every hour to the intended location of the outbreak. In case of obvious manifestations with blisters, ulcers, crusts, cracks, etc., lemon lotion should not be applied . Aloe and kalonchoe are recommended to be used until the end of treatment.
  • Use of garlic and aloe– these two plants showed excellent results in instantly neutralizing infectious sores on the lips. Garlic contains antiviral substances in large quantities, which helps stop the harmful process on the skin caused by herpes. Method of using garlic for herpes: take a clove of garlic, make a longitudinal cut
    in half, rub the wet side onto the problem area. Rubbing should be done as often as possible. As for aloe, the principle of the procedure is as follows: cut a plate from a leaf, securing its succulent surface to the wound with an adhesive plaster. You need to walk with the aloe compress for 30 minutes, and then renew the medicinal material.
  • Honey-garlic ointment with ash– an effective home remedy against herpes. The remedy very quickly heals even the most severe forms of the disease. The ointment is prepared as follows: burn a paper sheet, collect the ash from it; chop 2 cloves of garlic using a fine grater or garlic mince; combine garlic with 1 full teaspoon of honey, adding ash to the honey-garlic mixture; thoroughly grind the healing mass; the ointment is ready for use. The antiherpetic composition should be used like a regular ointment, applying it twice a day to the herpes.

The appearance of herpes on the lips always occurs unexpectedly. This can happen even for no apparent reason. In such a situation, only one desire arises - to get rid of it as quickly as possible. When the first symptoms appear, do not panic. Quick treatment of herpes on the lips is possible.

The stages that herpes on the lips goes through:

  1. Itching sensation and visually noticeable redness. If a primary infection has occurred, these symptoms will appear after one week. In addition to itching, there may be a slight tingling sensation in the lips. This stage can last from several hours to one day. It is at this time that you can quickly cure and stop herpes on the lip.
  2. The area where itching and tingling was felt becomes swollen. Characteristic bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the skin. Then the bubbles become larger, become cloudier, and become painful. At this stage, other symptoms may appear: fever, allergic manifestations, etc.
  3. The blisters burst and in their place small ulcers appear, which become crusty.
  4. Complete healing of ulcers. If you tear off the scabs, scars will remain in their place. At the site of healed ulcers, itching, tingling, and mild pain may continue.

To quickly prevent and cure herpes on the lips, treatment should begin at the very first stage when the first symptoms appear. However, not everyone will be able to recognize the onset of the disease behind these sensations. If immediately after the appearance of signs you start taking pills and applying external remedies against herpes, you can quickly deal with herpes and avoid the second and subsequent stages.

If blisters have already appeared on the lips, then you will not be able to quickly get rid of the manifestations of herpes on the lips at home. However, treatment can be accelerated if you approach it comprehensively. It is necessary not only to use antiviral agents and drugs for external manifestations of the disease, but also to strengthen the immune system with the help of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes. On average, treatment of already manifested herpes takes 5-7 days.

How can you cauterize herpes on the lips at the initial stage?

Treatment will be most effective if you start it at the very first stage, when transparent blisters have not yet appeared on the lips.

At this stage, slight tingling, itching, and burning are felt. If you start therapy at the very beginning, then it is quite possible.

To quickly remove the symptoms of herpes from the lips, you should take antiherpetic drugs. These include tablets based on Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir.

  1. You should also use external remedies that will help stop the development of the disease. Ointments, creams and gels based on the following active ingredients quickly help treat colds that pop up on the lips:
  2. Acyclovir.
  3. Valaciclovir.
  4. Famciclovir.
  5. Penciclovir.

Drugs may have different names depending on the country and manufacturer. The main active ingredient will be indicated in the instructions. When purchasing a product, you should not rely only on the recommendations of the pharmacist. Ointments for herpes on the lips based on one substance can have a big difference in cost, so it’s worth asking about the availability of cheap analogues.

If the above-mentioned drugs are not in your home medicine cabinet and there is no opportunity to purchase them, then you can cure and cauterize herpes on the lip by other means.

How to quickly prevent and remove colds from the lips:

  1. Ice Cube. You need to put a piece of ice on your lip. It can be wrapped in a thin, clean cloth (such as a handkerchief) to make a cauterizing compress. You can repeat the procedure once an hour.
  2. Used tea bag. For this purpose, it is better to use tea without dyes or additives. The temperature of the bag should be approximately equal to body temperature. The compress can be applied for an unlimited amount of time.
  3. Drops from the heart.
  4. Apply a few drops to a cotton swab and cauterize the area of ​​the lip where discomfort appears. The procedure can be repeated up to 6 times a day. Sea salt solution.
  5. Sea salt is dissolved in warm water, a cotton pad is moistened and applied to the area of ​​the skin where the disease is felt to be approaching. This compress should not be kept on the skin for a long time, as this can dry it out.
  6. Toothpaste. To cauterize herpes at an early stage, you should use mint paste. You need to smear a thin layer of it on the cold on your lips and leave it for a while. Cauterize herpes with toothpaste should be done with caution. If the burning sensation is too strong, it should be washed off to avoid burns, then repeat the procedure after a while. Laundry soap. Grate the soap and mix with big amount

water and make a compress. If the soap comes into contact with the skin for too long, it can cause excessive dryness. This procedure can be simplified - vigorously rub a wet cotton pad on a piece of laundry soap and apply it to the skin.

How to quickly cure herpes/colds on the lips

If herpes has managed to manifest itself and transparent blisters appear on the lips, do not despair and neglect treatment. It is no longer possible to quickly get rid of a cold that has popped up on your lip. First of all, you need to start taking special antiherpetic tablets and medications to maintain immunity. External remedies based on the same active ingredients that are part of the main drug with an antiviral effect will help to quickly remove colds on the lips and dry out herpes.

In addition, there are a number of folk and pharmacy remedies that can further speed up the treatment of colds on the lips and carry it out more effectively.

Mint compress

It is necessary to make a concentrated decoction of mint. To do this, you need to pour about one tablespoon of fresh or dried leaves with 100 milliliters of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be infused for at least half an hour. Then make a compress and apply to areas of the skin affected by herpes. To get rid of a cold, you need to apply it to the sore spot several times within one hour.

Propolis tincture or propolis decoction

A decoction or tincture of propolis is used in compresses. You can also lubricate the skin with these liquids using a cotton swab. When using alcohol tincture of propolis, you should be careful, as it can dry out and burn the skin.

Raspberry lotions

To treat a cold, you can use fresh raspberries or a decoction of its leaves. You can apply them for a long time and repeat as often as you like. Raspberries help stop the activity of the virus and accelerate tissue repair.

Juice and decoction of celandine

To quickly treat herpes, you can use celandine - fresh celandine juice or a decoction of leaves (including dried). You need to lubricate the affected area with the juice, and make compresses from the broth. Remember that too frequent and prolonged use of celandine can lead to dry skin.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice can be used as an independent remedy to treat the manifestations of herpes. The juice should be applied to the affected area several times a day. This can be done several times per hour. Even with frequent application, aloe juice does not cause side effects.

Aloe juice is also one of the ingredients in medicinal mixtures that can be used to smear a popped herpes on the lip so that it goes away quickly.

Sulfur ointment and aloe juice

To prepare the mixture, you need to take 2 teaspoons of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of sulfur ointment. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and the mixture allowed to sit for at least 3 hours. After this, the resulting ointment should be applied to the inflammation twice a day.


"Levomekol" is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ointment that helps fight infection caused by the herpes virus. This remedy is not included in the standard list of drugs prescribed for herpesvirus. However, the ointment can be used as an aid. It will be effective at all stages. It should be used for treatment at home only after reading the list of contraindications and recommendations for use. For example, it cannot be applied if a course of antibiotic treatment is currently underway.

Antiherpetic patches

Special Compeed patches for herpes on the lips are a fairly new invention. They are able to mask the wound and protect it from additional infection. However, antiherpetic medications are also applied to their surface and such patches help to quickly cure colds on the lips.

Herpes is a rather unpleasant disease. It takes a long time to heal and you have to experience significant discomfort all this time. It can be stopped completely only when the first symptoms appear. However, there are ways, even in later stages, to alleviate the condition and speed up treatment, and achieve faster healing. But the main method of therapy should be the use of antiviral drugs.

8 remedies for herpes on the lips



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