Get rid of pain during menstruation. About pain syndrome of varying severity

Every woman is familiar with the symptoms that accompany menstruation: depressed mood, irritability, discomfort in the chest, cramps and abdominal pain. Sometimes the pain in the lower abdomen is so severe that the usual way of life is disrupted. Doctors call this condition dysmenorrhea.

Many women have come to terms with pain during menstruation. But such an attitude towards such a delicate problem is wrong, since pain may not only be a natural ailment, but also indicate the presence of a serious illness. Severe pain during menstruation should not be ignored.

Menstruation is a process through which the female body rids itself of unnecessary waste products.

It is regulated by nerve impulses, so mild discomfort and pain cannot be a pathology. Very severe pain indicates problems in the female reproductive system.

Usually the pain begins to be felt a few hours before the onset of menstruation and lasts up to two days. By nature, it can be cramping, stabbing, aching and can be found not only in the lower abdomen, but in the sacrum and lower back.

Experts classify menstrual pain according to the following criteria:

  1. The pain is mild, there is no discomfort. Slight malaise, drowsiness and fatigue are possible. 40% of women suffer from this form of dysmenorrhea from the very first menstrual cycle. In 25% of women, this condition develops during their lifetime. Doctors do not recommend doing anything for these pains if they do not increase and do not disrupt your usual lifestyle.
  2. The average form of dysmenorrhea is algomenorrhea, accompanied by chills, severe abdominal pain, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus, and sometimes fainting before the onset of menstrual bleeding. The woman’s activity at this time is noticeably reduced. Many resort to the help of strong painkillers and antispasmodics already on the first day of menstruation, but the pills only dull the pain and do not solve the problem. It is recommended to consult a gynecologist and find out the causes of this condition.
  3. The third form of dysmenorrhea is very severe. The symptoms of algomenorrhea described above are supplemented by arrhythmia, heart pain, vomiting and general poor health. Analgesics do not always give the desired result. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Very severe pain before and during menstruation can occur against the background of hormonal disorders, gynecological pathologies, genital injuries, and can cause mental illness, depressive syndrome, and even infertility.


Severe menstrual pain can be caused by the following reasons:

  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • polyps in the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesive process;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • benign neoplasm - fibroma;
  • spontaneous miscarriage during menstruation;
  • hormonal disorders, increased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device;
  • atypical location of the reproductive organ;
  • sexual infections;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of magnesium and calcium in the body;
  • recent induced abortion or childbirth;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition.

If menstrual pain is short-term, and the pain is not so severe as to disrupt the usual way of life, then everything is within normal limits, nothing needs to be done.


Examination for painful periods should be comprehensive. The doctor examines the patient on a gynecological chair and palpates the mammary glands.

The most important is the history of complaints, with the help of which you can identify possible causes of dysmenorrhea.

After interviewing and examining the patient, the specialist may suggest the following diagnostic examinations depending on the suspected cause of the disease:

  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • determination of hormonal status;
  • cytological analysis for STDs;
  • hysteroscopy to exclude intrauterine abnormalities;
  • laparoscopy to assess the condition of the abdominal organs;
  • consultation of narrow specialists: endocrinologist, surgeon, psychiatrist.


When choosing adequate conservative therapy, the specialist takes into account the form of dysmenorrhea (mild, moderate or severe), the nature of the pain syndrome, its causes and the individual characteristics of the patient. Surgical intervention is indicated only in cases of severe dysmenorrhea, which is accompanied by pathologies of the reproductive system (tumors, adhesions, etc.).

  • giving up bad habits: alcohol, smoking, caffeine;
  • normalization of working and rest conditions;
  • exclusion of stress factors;
  • good sleep;
  • healthy diet, excluding fatty, fried and hard-to-digest foods;
  • normalization of weight (it has been proven that obese women are more likely than others to suffer from painful periods);
  • moderate sports, water procedures.

Non-drug therapy is aimed at reducing the intensity of pain during menstruation and reducing the body's need for painkillers. Depending on the pathogenesis of dysmenorrhea, it includes the following methods of influence:

  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • manual therapy;
  • breathing exercises;
  • psychological help;
  • auto-training.

Drug treatment of dysmenorrhea is based on the use of several groups of drugs that differ in their mechanism of action:

  • gestagens;
  • oral contraceptives (COCs);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Gestagens affect secretory changes in the endometrium, but do not affect the ovulatory function of the ovaries. Progesterone and its derivatives, as well as testosterone, are actively used. They qualitatively reduce the contractile activity of the uterus, suppressing the production of prostaglandins. They also reduce the excitability of nerve fibers localized in the muscle layer of the uterus.

Oral contraceptives have a beneficial effect on a woman’s hormonal levels and normalize the menstrual cycle. They reduce blood loss during menstruation by suppressing the ovulation process. Also, birth control pills reduce nervous excitability and contractile activity of the uterus, which is why the pain preceding taking COCs is significantly reduced.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to patients who, for whatever reason, do not want to use oral contraception. The effectiveness of NSAIDs is due to their analgesic properties, which are associated with a decrease in the production of prostaglandins.

The main disadvantage of these drugs is their short effect - from 2 to 6 hours. The advantage lies in the occasional rather than constant use of medications, as is the case with COCs and gestagens. It is enough to use NSAIDs for tension before the onset of menstruation and on its first day, that is, only at the time when it is really necessary. The drugs in this group are Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesil, Mig.

The groups of drugs listed above, at the discretion of the specialist, can be supplemented with drugs such as antispasmodics, tranquilizers, antioxidants, as well as vitamin complexes, herbal remedies and homeopathy.

Traditional medicine for painful periods

There is no need to rely on serious painkillers every time if the pain during menstruation is tolerable. Traditional recipes will help soothe even very severe ailments on the first day of menstruation.

Traditional recipes:

  1. Herbal decoctions based on horsetail and bear's ears have a diuretic effect and successfully relieve nagging pain in the abdominal area before menstruation.
  2. It is recommended to drink tea with chamomile, raspberry, mint and catnip before and during menstruation. These drinks, known for their soothing properties, help relax the uterine muscles.
  3. An infusion of oregano relieves pain during menstruation and cramps in the intestines, which often occur in a woman on the first day of bleeding. To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of herb into a glass of boiling water. After the product has infused, drink it before meals three times a day.
  4. A decoction of viburnum bark also makes life easier during menstruation. To prepare a decoction, pour four teaspoons of bark into a glass of water, boil the decoction for 30 minutes and filter. You should drink a tablespoon before meals.
  5. If a woman suffers from a headache on the first day of her period, you can prepare an infusion of raspberry leaves. Three teaspoons of leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water, infused and drunk throughout the day before meals in small sips.
  6. A simple way to relieve pain is cold. An ice pack can be placed on the lower abdomen for a short time before and during menstruation. Pain and spasms will go away, as the blood vessels will narrow under the influence of low temperature. But you need to be careful not to chill the pelvic organs.
  7. Warmth can also help cope with pain during menstrual periods. A warm heating pad is applied to the abdomen for a short time several times a day. But we must not forget that this method can increase bleeding, so it is important not to overdo it.


Preventative measures to prevent the symptoms of dysmenorrhea should not be underestimated, but for some reason many women do not give it due importance.

A woman should visit a gynecologist's office regularly, at least once a year. The first visit should occur after established menstruation, but no later than 16 years of age and provided there are no complaints from the patient.

Any inflammatory processes that occur in the genital area should be treated promptly to eliminate possible complications. This tactic will help you avoid menstrual irregularities and painful menstruation.

Girls who have not given birth are not recommended to use an intrauterine device as a means of contraception. Some experts discourage their patients from using it in the future in order to eliminate the likelihood of developing inflammatory phenomena in the pelvis and avoid painful periods, since the spiral has precisely this side property.

Use reliable contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Since abortion leads to mechanical trauma to the uterine mucosa and negatively affects a woman’s hormonal background and her menstrual cycle.

It is also important to prevent painful menstruation in order to avoid such serious complications as infertility, the development of neuroses and psychoses against the background of regular pain.

If a woman’s critical days are accompanied by severe pain, she should not self-medicate. As soon as possible, you should contact a gynecologist. With the help of a simple examination, a specialist will find out the causes of pain and prescribe adequate treatment.

Useful video about period pain

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Normal periods come regularly and last 3-5 days. These days, the woman quickly gets tired and feels unwell. However, this does not cause too much discomfort and does not interfere with the usual way of life. However, some people feel severe abdominal pain. Sometimes it is so painful that a woman is forced to abandon everything, stay at home, take painkillers. Such pain during menstruation is a sign of pathology. The cause may be diseases and hormonal imbalances. It is impossible to endure and hope that the malaise will go away on its own. We need to go to the doctor.


When pain during menstruation is considered a pathology

The lining of the uterus (endometrium) is regularly renewed, resulting in menstruation. The removal of dead epithelium from the uterus is carried out by contracting its muscles. In this case, compression of the nerve endings and compression of the blood vessels occurs, which causes pain in the lower abdomen. The pain radiates to the sacrum and lower back. They usually appear on the eve of menstruation and in the first 2 days after their arrival.

Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) is a pathology. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen and back, accompanying ailments of varying severity appear. If a woman has a regular cycle, the nature of her periods corresponds to the norm, then the unpleasant symptoms quickly pass without causing her much suffering. In severe cases, serious treatment is required.

Types of dysmenorrhea

There are two types of dysmenorrhea:

  1. Primary (functional), not associated with any diseases. Usually, menstruation becomes painful 1.5-2 years after the onset of puberty, when the cycle normalizes, ovulation occurs regularly. Often, pain during menstruation significantly weakens after the first birth.
  2. Secondary (acquired), associated with pathological changes in the genital organs and various diseases. Occurs most often in women over 30 years of age. Usually accompanied by vegetative-vascular disorders (dizziness, excessive sweating and others), as well as tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia.

If over the years the intensity of pain during menstruation remains constant, then such dysmenorrhea is called compensated. If pain during menstruation becomes stronger every year, then it is called decompensated.

Degrees of dysmenorrhea

There are 4 degrees of dysmenorrhea, differing in the intensity of pain.

0 degree. Abdominal pain is mild, painkillers are not required.

1st degree. The pain is moderate and quite tolerable. Natural accompanying symptoms are mild depression, headache, and indigestion. The malaise can be completely eliminated by taking a painkiller.

2nd degree. Pain during menstruation is severe, accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, chills, general weakness, migraine, irritability. The duration of illness increases. Painkillers and sedatives help make you feel better.

3rd degree. Severe abdominal pain appears in a woman 2-3 days before the start of menstruation and continues until its end. At the same time, the temperature rises, the head hurts very much (to the point of vomiting), tachycardia and pain in the heart occur. Fainting may occur. The woman is completely incapacitated. It is not possible to improve the condition using conventional means.

Addition: Pain during menstruation can vary in nature (cramping, pulling, aching, stabbing), radiating to the lower back and hips.

Causes of painful menstruation

Functional pain during menstruation can occur as a result of the pathological location of the uterus, the formation of adhesions and scars after an abortion, the increased sensitivity of the woman’s body to changes occurring in it, and emotional excitability. Heredity plays an important role. The occurrence of pain can be caused by vitamin deficiency and lack of magnesium and calcium in the body. A sedentary lifestyle is also a cause of progressive dysmenorrhea. A factor such as hormonal disorders in the body also contributes to the occurrence of pain during menstruation. An excess of the hormone prostaglandin causes increased contractions of the uterus and constriction of blood vessels.

The appearance of primary dysmenorrhea is facilitated by the use of an intrauterine device. Secondary dysmenorrhea can appear as a result of pathologies such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Severe pain during menstruation occurs due to the formation of polyps and cysts in the uterus.

Video: What are the causes of painful periods

How to reduce period pain

If the pain is moderate, the cycle is regular, the periods are normal in volume and duration, then with the help of certain techniques you can ease the pain.

Recommendation: In case of severe pain, it is recommended to visit a doctor and make sure there are no diseases that are asymptomatic. In some cases, chronic inflammatory diseases and even tumors may not manifest themselves in any way. A pain symptom may be the only signal of trouble.

If after a gynecological examination no diseases are detected in a woman, then at home you can alleviate the condition in the following ways:

  1. Massage the abdominal muscles in a clockwise direction, which will help relieve tension in them and ease cramps. It is also good to massage your lower back.
  2. Take a warm shower, which helps relax muscles and dilate blood vessels.
  3. Lie on your side with your legs tucked to your stomach (fetal position).
  4. Take no-shpa to eliminate spasms in the uterus, ketonal or ibuprofen (have a strong analgesic effect), valerian (as a sedative).
  5. Do light physical exercises (bending, body rotation). Yoga helps with menstrual pain.
  6. Apply compresses with sea salt to the lower abdomen during menstruation. Before and after menstruation, it is useful to take relaxing short (15-20 minutes) baths with the addition of this salt.
  7. Drink soothing chamomile and mint tea (add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to 1 glass of tea). It is useful to take an infusion of parsley and strawberries.
  8. If you are not allergic, you can rub essential oil into the skin in the area of ​​the sacrum and lower abdomen. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, 2 days before menstruation and in the first 2-3 days after their onset. A mixture containing 50 ml of St. John's wort oil, 5 drops each of yarrow and sage oils helps relieve severe pain during menstruation.
  9. In case of pain and heavy bleeding, ice should be applied to the lower abdomen for 15 minutes (on top of clothing, put it in a bag).

Swimming is recommended. During swimming, muscles relax and nervous tension is relieved. The body intensively produces endorphins (the so-called joy hormones, pain-relieving substances).

Video: Exercises against period pain

When to see a doctor

Clear signs of serious pathologies are most often severe pain that lasts a long time (more than 2 days). Moreover, the painful sensations are so strong that the woman is forced to postpone all her affairs and stay at home. Abdominal pain is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Dizziness, headache, and stabbing pain in the abdomen may be signs of excessive blood loss and anemia.

Severe cramping pain in the abdomen occurs with an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the woman requires urgent surgery.

When painkillers and no-spa do not help, the pain and volume of discharge intensify, consulting a doctor is simply necessary. If severe pain suddenly appears during menstruation against the background of a cycle disorder or weight loss, this may be a sign of a tumor. You need to be examined by a gynecologist urgently.

Drugs prescribed for dysmenorrhea

To eliminate pathological pain during menstruation, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs along with antispasmodics. They are able to suppress the production of prostaglandins, thereby reducing uterine contractility.

To treat dysmenorrhea, oral contraceptives are widely used - low-dose hormonal drugs that prevent the formation of excess prostaglandins. Herbal preparations based on phytoestrogens are also used, which help improve hormonal levels, as well as homeopathic remedies with non-hormonal action (menalgin). Gradually accumulating in the body, they help regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce pain and improve the condition of the nervous system.

Complex preparations containing vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, as well as plant extracts (for example, time factor) are prescribed. It is recommended to start taking medications in advance, before the start of your period. Then, by the time they occur, the required dose has accumulated in the body, and the drug acts more effectively.

Physiotherapy methods - UHF and electrophoresis - help reduce pain during menstruation. In this case, the procedure is carried out in advance. Before the onset of menstruation, special solutions (novocaine, sodium bromide) are applied to the stomach and exposure to ultrasound or electrical impulses is performed. Warming and pain relief occurs.

Prevention of dysmenorrhea

To make your periods less painful, it is recommended to stop drinking alcohol on menstrual periods, avoid stress, avoid catching colds, move more, and do yoga. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar and foods that cause bloating these days. It is useful to eat chocolate, which stimulates the production of endorphins, as well as foods containing calcium and magnesium.

Video: Yoga classes during menstruation

Abdominal pain during menstruation can lead some women to complete incapacity in just a couple of hours. However, a comprehensive look at the problem can help most of them today.

How to get rid of pain during menstruation? This issue worries more than 40% of all women of childbearing age. For one, drinking a few glasses of delicious juice is enough. Others have to undergo long and difficult treatment. But what should we really do?

Menstrual pain symptoms

Unpleasant sensations in the peritoneum can begin as early as 5-8 days before the lining of the uterus begins to emerge. Initially, an infrequent, weak “tugging” is felt in the area of ​​the ovaries, to which, over time, sharp tugging pains are added along the entire height of the uterus.

Directly menstrual pain symptoms:

  • cramping and twisting uterine spasms
  • sensation of a foreign body in the abdomen
  • pulling, squeezing pain in the uterus, spreading to the intestines and lower back, intestinal spasms
  • shooting pains in the ovaries, kidneys, along the entire length of the spine, in the head

Cause of pain during menstruation

The main “culprit” of pain during menstruation is hormone-like substances prostaglandins. They irritate the nerve endings of the tissues in which they are produced, which causes uterine contractions and the release of the endometrium with secretions and blood.

Another common cause of pain during menstruation- endometriosis. The same endometrial cells of the uterus that should come out during menstruation grow into the surrounding tissue of the peritoneum or rise into the ovaries. Active synthesis of prostaglandins causes them to flake off, swell and collapse at the same time as everyone else.

Some teenage girls do not have time to fully develop physiologically before the onset of their first menstruation. This applies both to the structure of the body itself and to the balance of the hormones responsible for the cycle.

Why do teenagers experience severe pain during menstruation?

It’s just that an underdeveloped or incorrectly positioned uterus does not allow free flow of menstrual blood. As it contracts, it literally puts pressure on surrounding organs and irritates trillions of highly sensitive pain receptors. The teenage estrogen-progesterone background “adds fuel to the fire.”

Most often, discomfort in the lumbar region during menstruation is caused by swelling and excessive strain, as well as radiating pain.

The processes of the vertebrae dig into the swollen back muscles and injure them. And the reflex mechanisms of the spread of nerve impulses make you feel menstrual pain literally throughout the body.

Why does my lower back hurt so much during menstruation?

Existing ailments can also contribute to this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • fibroma
  • cervical dysplasia
  • endometriosis
  • polycystic ovary syndrome

Why does the back hurt a lot during menstruation in women who have given birth?

Although the uterus of a woman carrying a child returns to normal, it still acquires slightly different dimensions. During menstruation, this “extra” volume is enough to infringe on the nerve endings of the small pelvis, compress blood vessels and worsen blood microcirculation in the lower back.

Why does the back hurt a lot during menstruation in women who have given birth?
The female uterus can increase in size not only during pregnancy, but also under the influence of the progression of nonspecific postpartum diseases:

  • fibroids
  • endometrial hyperplasia
  • pelvic organ prolapse

IMPORTANT: All such gynecological defects affect the back with radiating (reflected) pain.

How to relieve pain during menstruation?

The following can help significantly reduce painful symptoms before or during menstruation:

  1. Nutrition enriched with potassium and calcium. The lack of these elements significantly increases the frequency and strength of uterine contractions
  2. Surgery or special gynecological treatment of functional problems of the uterus
  3. Complex hormonal treatment to restore the required balance of biologically active substances acting on the uterus
  4. Medicines and supporting pharmaceutical drugs
  5. Traditional medicine and exercise

How to relieve pain during menstruation?

You should definitely take care of your health and eat right. Pharmacies and simple gestures will help you cope with the remaining problems.

Tablets and drugs for pain during menstruation

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, doctors recommend antispasmodics, complex analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Among others, the most popular are:

  • no-shpa
  • papaverine
  • tempalgin
  • spasmalgon
  • baralgin
  • ibuprofen

If the above pills and drugs for pain during menstruation are not suitable (give unacceptable side effects), then paracetamol can be used. To achieve high-quality pain relief, it should be taken in a dose of 3-4 tablets every 6-8 hours. However, the official instructions for the medicine indicate the possible danger of such self-medication.

What helps with severe pain during menstruation?

For some women, menstruation is extremely painful: the sensations during uterine contractions are comparable in strength to labor contractions. In this case, the spasm also “moves” to the intestines, which causes painful three-day diarrhea.

In such situations, ketanov and tamipul (2 tablets every 12 hours) save. The first one, however, is sold by prescription. Both drugs have a very gentle effect on organ systems and cause virtually no side effects.

What else helps with severe pain during menstruation? In extreme cases, you can use analgin and solpadeine.
However, it is quite difficult to predict the strength and scale of the side effects of these drugs on the nervous system. Even with the third and subsequent appointments.

Folk remedies for menstrual pain

In addition to herbal decoctions of horsetail, tansy, meadowsweet and oregano, sweet pepper is considered an extremely effective remedy for pain during menstruation. At the same time, it is used as a salad base or freshly squeezed juice.

Other folk remedies for menstrual pain:

  • asparkam tablets (usually used for other purposes)
  • dried and fresh apricots, grapes, bananas
  • pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds
  • wheat bran and wheat germ

Treatment of severe pain during menstruation

Not many exercises can relieve abdominal pain during menstruation, but they do exist! For example:

  • you need to sit on a fitball / spread your legs wide apart and crouch, make circular movements with your pelvis in both directions alternately
  • It is necessary for the maximum possible time to take the position “mom is washing the floor” from a standing position; when bending over, it is advisable to touch the feet with your hands
  • required to sit or lie curled up in different turning positions alternately

Treatment of severe pain during menstruation with physical activity other types are contraindicated due to the possibility of heavy bleeding. By the way, a ready-made tincture of water pepper will help to regulate them.

REVIEW: I suffer terribly in the first three days after the start of my period. I save myself with sedalgin or ibuprofen. It seems to me that nothing other than pills or injections can relieve this terrible pain!!!

REVIEW: God forbid you be treated with analgin! Now I know how drug addicts feel when they're high. Maybe. The gynecologist said that it has this effect on many people. Girls! Be careful!

REVIEW: I was once brought a whole bucket of sweet peppers from the dacha. I used it in salads for a week and killed it. My period started within a week. And I didn’t feel the moment of their onset at all. Since then I’ve been eating peppers every chance I get. Which is what I recommend to you.

REVIEW: Naproxen relieves my severe period pain. A friend recommended it. And the gynecologist insists on taking hormonal contraceptives. I refuse for now. I'm afraid of various side effects.

REVIEW: And they advised me to take indomethacin suppositories. They helped a lot. But now my stomach hurts, and nothing can cure it. I'm planning to go to the doctor one of these days.

REVIEW: The first day of my period begins with an injection of a mixture of analgin, papaverine and diphenhydramine. Otherwise I climb the wall or lose consciousness.

I've been doing yoga for two years. After just four months of training, I began to notice that the intensity of monthly pain was gradually decreasing. Today I hardly use medications. This is despite the fact that previously Ketanova could not do without injections.

How to relieve menstrual pain:tips and reviews show that drug self-medication is held in high esteem. First we take medications, and then we consult with specialists. After all, you need to start from the other end!

Video: Painful periods (desmenorrhea)

Video: Everything you need to know about menstruation

Video: Painful menstruation. Women's diseases

Is it normal to feel pain during your period (menstruation)? Official and traditional medicine give a clear answer: NO. Pain during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea, and this unpleasant process should not be left to chance, especially since it is often accompanied by menstrual irregularities!

Pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea) can be observed a day before the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina and last with varying degrees of intensity in the next 3-4 days. Moreover, the list of symptoms for most women is usually the same: strong pulling, bursting pain in the lower abdomen, heaviness in the lumbar region, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, weakness, irritability.

According to medical research, pain during menstruation (menstruation) - dysmenorrhea is typical for more than half of women of childbearing age.

Pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea) is usually divided into two types: primary and secondary.

  • Primary dysmenorrhea. The causes of primary dysmenorrhea are not fully understood, but it is known that it is not associated with pathological changes in the woman’s reproductive organs. This type of dysmenorrhea is called functional and is associated with the excessive production of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins, characteristic of this period of the menstrual cycle, which increase uterine contractions. This type of dysmenorrhea is typical for women under 30-34 years of age.

Traditional treatment of primary dysmenorrhea consists of therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, etc.), oral contraceptives, paracetamol-containing drugs, as well as folk remedies.

  • Secondary dysmenorrhea. The causes of secondary dysmenorrhea are changes in the pelvic organs caused by mechanical damage, inflammatory processes, neoplasms, as well as disturbances in the pelvic circulation. This type of dysmenorrhea is typical for women over 30 years of age.

Traditional treatment of secondary dysmenorrhea depends on what pathological changes are identified in the pelvic organs. Doctors often recommend supplementing prescribed therapy with folk remedies.

Attention!!! What NOT to do to relieve period pain:

1. Apply a heating pad to the lower abdomen (warming up can, at a minimum, increase bleeding!);
2. Apply ice to the lower abdomen (you can get cold!);
3. Drink alcohol, especially strong alcohol;
4. Abuse strong antispasmodics (painkillers);
5. Ignore symptoms of dysmenorrhea.

Be sure to consult a doctor to determine the causes of pain during menstruation!

How to effectively relieve pain during menstruation: folk remedies

pain (pain) during menstruation, missing periods, delayed menstruation causes, uterine bleeding, menstruation, menstruation, female, dysmenorrhea

1. A remedy for pain relief during menstruation and cycle disorders

Ingredients: linden blossom (crushed flowers) - 1/2 tsp. spoons, St. John's wort herb (crushed) - a pinch, chamomile flowers - 1 tsp. spoon, 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink as tea throughout the day.

2. A remedy to relieve pain during menstruation (especially if the bleeding is heavy)

Ingredients: horsetail grass (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, St. John's wort herb (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, tincture of valerian or motherwort, oak bark (crushed) - 1 tbsp. spoon, 0.8 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink 3-4 times a day as tea, adding 5-6 drops of motherwort tincture or 3-4 drops of valerian tincture to 1 glass of tea.
The course of treatment is 1-2 days before the start of the expected menstruation (menstruation) and the next 4 days.

Get on all fours, lower your head and shoulders as low as possible, and make slow circular movements with your pelvis, 2-3 in each direction. Perform for 5 minutes.

3. A remedy for relieving pain during menstruation (also effective for women who are entering menopause)

Ingredients: daisy flowers (crushed) - 1 tbsp. spoon, St. John's wort herb (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, calendula flowers (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, motherwort tincture, 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink 3-4 times a day as tea, adding 10 drops of motherwort tincture to 1 glass of tea.

A course of treatment:
For women before menopause (menopause)- 1-2 days before the start of the expected menstruation (period) and the next 4 days.
For women at the beginning of menopause (menopause)- from the first day of the onset of bleeding and the next 4 days or during the period when menstruation should occur.

Exercise to relieve period pain:
Sit cross-legged on the floor, bring your feet together, holding them with your hands and quickly raise and lower your knees (flapping them like wings). Perform for 5-10 minutes.

4. A remedy to relieve pain during menstruation (especially if the bleeding is heavy)

Ingredients: elecampane root (chopped) - 1 tsp. spoon, St. John's wort herb (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, chamomile flowers - 1 tsp. spoon, oak bark (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon, 0.8 liters of boiling water.

Mix the herbs, place in a glass or ceramic bowl, pour boiling water, wrap, let cool and drink 3-4 times a day as tea.
The course of treatment is 1-2 days before the start of the expected menstruation (menstruation) and the next 4 days.

5. A remedy against severe uterine bleeding (including during menstruation)

Ingredients: stalk of water pepper (pepper knotweed), chopped - 1 tbsp. spoon, yarrow - 2 shoots, 8-10 cm long (chopped preferably not with a metal knife), 0.8 liters of cold water.

Place the herbs in an enamel bowl, add water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Remove the dishes from the heat, wrap and leave until cooled significantly (about 40 minutes). After this, mix, strain, and pour into a glass container.
Take 1/4 tbsp. up to 4 times a day with an interval of at least 3 hours! If the amount of discharge decreases, stop taking it!

Exercise to relieve period pain:
Sit on the floor with your legs under your buttocks and, holding your hands on the floor, tilt your body in all directions except back. Don't strain your abs! Perform for 5-7 minutes.

6. A remedy to reduce bleeding during menstruation (menstruation)

Ingredients: wild strawberry leaves (crushed) - half a glass, 1 liter of water.

Place strawberry leaves in an enamel bowl, add water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 1.5-2 hours.
Remove the dishes from the heat, wrap and leave until cool. After this, stir, strain, bring the volume of liquid to 2 liters and drink half a glass 1-2 times a day. If the amount of discharge decreases, stop taking it!

Health to you, women!

Women should be included in the ranks of masochists. They regularly subject their own bodies to tests: they pluck their eyebrows, remove excess hair on their legs with epilators or wax, and get “beauty injections.” But even these uncomfortable sensations cannot be compared with the pain during menstruation, which makes you want to climb a wall, or pretend to be dead until your period is over.

Emergency measures

The main cause of hellish torment is spasms. Warmth will relieve suffering for a short time.

  1. Wear woolen socks and thick pants with loose elastic on your feet so that they do not pinch your lower abdomen.
  2. Place a heating pad or a bottle of warm water on the problem area. The device will stimulate the dilation of blood vessels. Hold for a maximum of 20 minutes so as not to provoke bleeding.
  3. Wrap yourself in a blanket or blanket, as if in a cocoon, tucking your knees to your chin.
  4. Instead of a heating pad, you can place a dry towel on your lower abdomen, which will warm you up and relieve painful symptoms.

Sometimes menstrual pain occurs due to dehydration of the body, or inflammatory processes in the appendages. In such cases, you should make a large cup of chamomile or mint tea. Herbs soothe and relieve inflammation. A spoonful of honey wouldn't hurt.

Some women find light physical activity helpful:

  • squats;
  • bending forward;
  • yoga;
  • walks in the park.

It is harmful to lie on the sofa or in bed for days. Due to the horizontal position, blood stagnates in the pelvic organs, and the discomfort may intensify. The first steps and turns will have to be taken with teeth clenched in pain, but gradually the discomfort will become less severe.

Special exercises

  1. Move to the floor and lie on your back. Press your arms straight to your body, and bend your legs at the knees. Slowly raise and lower your stomach without lifting your buttocks from a flat surface. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes, but it can be shortened if the pain only intensifies.
  2. Take the “on all fours” position. Lower your head and try to touch your chin to your chest. You can arch your lower back a little, but not much. Stay in this position for at least 2 minutes.
  3. Lying on your back, move towards the wall and rest your heels against it. Your legs should bend at the knees, but not at a right angle. Remain in the “birch” position for 5–10 minutes until the discomfort disappears or decreases.

Medication assistance
Is your period accompanied by increased irritability, depressive thoughts, or uncontrollable nervousness? A tablet of “Valerian”, “Relanium”, “Glycised” or “Trioxazin” will save you.

If the only problem is pain, you should take No-shpu, Papaverine, Butadion or Nise. Do not exceed the dosage and get carried away with pills. They negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs.

A few words about hormones
For girls suffering from painful menstruation and cycle irregularities, a gynecologist can prescribe oral contraceptives. They perform the function of contraceptives and normalize the level of hormones in the body. Drugs are prescribed only after ultrasound and blood tests.

Important: You should not take hormonal pills on your own, even if they relieve pain. Uncontrolled use of such medications is fraught with serious problems, including infertility and oncology.

You should donate blood for biochemistry to determine the level of vitamins and minerals in the body. If there is not enough calcium or magnesium, B6 or tocopherol, the doctor may prescribe special complexes. They will restore the vitamin and mineral balance and relieve painful periods.

Palms should be warm. You should arm yourself with massage oil, to which you can add 5-10 drops of essential: juniper, fennel, grape seed or sage. Take a comfortable position on your back and apply a little mixture to your stomach. Rub the oils with light strokes. The palms should move clockwise.

Exercise and no stress

Women with painful menstruation are recommended to actively engage in yoga or bodyflexing in the first half of the cycle. Thanks to physical activity, blood circulation in the uterus and appendages improves, and the whole body remains in good shape. Some people find Kegel exercises, which are designed to exercise the vaginal muscles, help. They will be useful for hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes, strengthen blood vessels in the uterus, preventing varicose veins in the pelvic organs.

Before menstruation begins, you should visit the gym less often and reduce the amount of sex. Give preference to yoga or meditation.

Nerves and pain
Regular stress has a negative impact on a woman’s well-being and can cause discomfort during her period. It is advised to master several techniques for getting rid of irritability and tension in order to protect the nervous system and your own health.

  1. Write down negative emotions on a blank sheet of paper and burn them, imagining that the fire destroys irritation and gives peace.
  2. Stock up on special coloring books designed to combat stress.
  3. Don’t get hung up on work, and be sure to take a day off. Go to visit or to the cinema, walk in the park.

For a healthy lifestyle

Nicotine is the enemy of the female body. Resins entering the body clog blood vessels, preventing normal blood circulation. Hence - spasms, hellish pain, and poor health. Girls should give up cigarettes, or limit themselves to 1-2 cigarettes per day during menstruation.

Alcohol dehydrates the body, so you shouldn’t get carried away with high-intensity drinks, even wine. An explosive mixture of alcohol and nicotine. Some may feel that vodka or cognac relieves pain, because they temporarily “freeze” the nerve endings. But when the effect of alcohol wears off, the discomfort will return, and it is likely that with a vengeance.

About proper nutrition

Food affects a woman’s health and well-being. A list of foods that should not be consumed during menstruation has been compiled:

  • sausage, red meat;
  • fried foods;
  • animal fat;
  • margarine and butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • bakery;
  • marinades;
  • salty fish;
  • fresh fruit, but baked apples are fine;
  • soda and drinks containing caffeine;
  • raw vegetable salads;
  • eggs in any form.

Instead of foods that are banned, the diet should be enriched with healthy foods:

  • nuts of any variety that reduce pain;
  • dietary meat, such as chicken breast or turkey;
  • low-fat steamed or boiled fish;
  • porridges, but you can’t add sugar or a lot of salt to them;
  • stewed or boiled vegetables, stews and other dishes;
  • fermented milk products, which relieve abdominal discomfort and enrich the body with calcium.

Important: The diet should include beef liver and buckwheat porridge. These dishes contain iron, which the body lacks during menstruation.

Some girls are used to eating irritation and pain with chocolate. It is advised to switch to herbal teas with honey, or give preference to a milk or white variety that has less caffeine. Eastern women drink pineapple juice on menstrual periods to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Folk ways to solve the problem

  1. Infuse 20 g of horsetail in 300 ml of boiling water. Take the strained decoction every hour, 50 ml, until the pain subsides.
  2. Wild strawberry leaves also help. You will need a tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of cold water. The components must stand for 8 hours so that the beneficial substances from the greens are transferred into the water. Drink 100 ml of the resulting drink at a time, repeat after 24 hours.
  3. An alternative is raspberry leaves. Brew 60 g of raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15–20 minutes, drink slowly, in small sips.
  4. 15 g each of valerian root and peppermint plus 30 g of chamomile. Mix and brew a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water. Wait 30 minutes, strain, and drink 50–60 ml of the drink three times a day.
  5. Elecampane root helps with pain. You will need a teaspoon of the component per glass of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for at least an hour. Three times a day, a tablespoon.
  6. Simmer 60 g of viburnum bark in a glass of water for half an hour. Drink the strained and chilled drink 3 times a day. A tablespoon is enough before you sit down for lunch or breakfast.
  7. We recommend trying oregano: add a teaspoon of herb to a cup of hot water. Leave for 20 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey and drink.

Traditional methods

Women who have given birth and do not plan to have children may be offered a hormonal IUD. It does not interfere with lovemaking, protects against unwanted pregnancy, and reduces the pain of menstruation.

Childless girls who are just planning a family should pay attention to electrophoresis or hirudotherapy. In the first case, weak current discharges are applied to the solar plexus area. The procedure is practically painless, because the doctor treats the skin with novocaine, which freezes the nerve endings. Approximately 6–8 procedures will be required.

In the second case, medicinal leeches are used. They improve blood circulation in the pelvis and treat some diseases of the ovaries and uterus. You can try acupuncture or acupressure.

All methods should be discussed with a doctor, and seek help from certified specialists who perform manipulations in sterile rooms. An alternative is the Kuznetsov applicator, which is applied to the lower back for 10–15 minutes.

If it was not possible to get rid of menstrual pain using folk remedies or medications, the IUD or oral contraceptives turned out to be powerless, it is worthwhile to be examined in detail by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other specialists. The cause of discomfort, which is accompanied by tachycardia, dizziness and even loss of consciousness, may be endometriosis, adhesions or a malignant tumor.

Video: exercises to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle



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