The use of traditional methods in the treatment of lung cancer. Modern antitumor drugs in the treatment of stage III-IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Along with radiation therapy and surgery, chemotherapy is the main treatment for lung cancer. Depending on the diagnosis and indications, it is used as an independent type of treatment or in combination with other methods. The term chemotherapy refers to taking pills or injecting anticancer drugs to suppress the growth of malignant cells and destroy tumors.

General information

Chemotherapy is referred to as systemic treatment, since the active substances of the drugs quickly penetrate the circulatory system, and further along it - into all organs, suppressing malignant cells outside and inside them. It is used:

  • In the early or late stages oncology.
  • If surgery or radiotherapy does not help the patient, the disease relapses.
  • When other types of treatment are not possible.

Objectives of chemotherapy:

  • Blocking the division of malignant cells
  • Stopping the growth of tumors
  • Prevention of metastasis and relapses
  • Life extension.

Antitumor drugs are selected for each patient in such a way as to achieve the best result with a minimum of negative consequences for the body. Therapy may consist of only one drug, but combinations of several drugs are more often used.

Each stage of chemotherapy lasts several days, after which there is a break to restore the body and soften the side effects. The total number and duration of therapeutic sessions for lung cancer depends on the diagnosis, characteristics of the patient’s condition and response to antitumor drugs.

If the patient is prescribed chemotherapy in the form of taking tablets, then treatment can occur at home with mandatory observation by the attending physician to monitor the condition and correct the regimen if necessary.

Types of drugs

There are many different drugs available for the treatment of cancer, which can effectively suppress the growth of malignant cells. Lung cancer is characterized by a particularly high rate of tumor development and metastasis, so drugs with a powerful toxic effect are used for therapy.

  • Preparations based on platinum compounds (Carboplatin, Cisplatin) act on DNA, forming intrahelical cross-links that change its structure and suppress synthesis.
  • Erlotinib - tablets with the same name active substance, belong to protein kinase inhibitors. They are used for maintenance therapy for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, if there is no worsening of the oncology after the use of 4 courses of chemotherapy with 1st-line drugs. Erlotinib should not be prescribed for severe liver and kidney damage, hypersensitivity, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It should not be given to children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

To suppress the growth of malignant cells in chemotherapy, drugs based on plants that have a strong toxic effect are actively used. Most of them are so poisonous that medical staff must wear masks and protective clothing when handling medications.

Concomitant treatment

Lung cancer differs from other types of oncology by the rapid development of pathology and the early formation of metastases. The process is usually accompanied by severe pain in the bones and muscles. Strong painkillers are required to relieve them. The most commonly used drugs are opioids (Morphine, Promedol, Tramadol), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin), and analgesics - Celebrex (or Celecoxib).

Treatment regimen with antitumor and symptomatic drugs change periodically to prevent addiction or dependence.


Due to the high toxicity of anticancer drugs and strong side effects, they should not be used by patients with severe damage to the liver and kidneys, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and individual intolerance.

When determining the means for a course of chemotherapy, the doctor proceeds from the individual condition of the patient’s body, the presence of allergies, and heart diseases.

Negative effects

Drugs used in chemotherapy contain substances that have a powerful antitumor effect. The consequences of taking it negatively affect the body’s condition, weakening the immune system and the functioning of many organs.

Main side effects:

  • Decline protective forces body. Anticancer drugs can slow down the work of the bone marrow to produce white blood cells, which negatively affects the immune system and the body’s ability to resist various infections. The first signs of deterioration usually appear 7 days after the end of treatment, reaching a maximum after 1.5-2 weeks, after which the level of leukocytes begins to recover. New course Chemotherapy is prescribed when blood tests indicate the normal level of white blood cells.
  • Bruises, hematomas, bleeding. Anticancer drugs often inhibit the production of platelets, which are essential for blood clotting.
  • Anemia. Appears due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. The patient develops weakness, lethargy, and fatigue.
  • Nausea and vomiting are one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy. They can be eliminated with the help of appropriate medications, which are selected by the treating oncologist.
  • Soreness oral cavity, sores. You can cope with them with the help of special rinsing solutions, as well as by correcting your diet, excluding foods that irritate the mucous membrane.
  • Hair loss is one of the most common and unpleasant consequences chemotherapy. Fortunately, this is a temporary phenomenon, hairline recovers completely after 3-6 months.

In addition to the main consequences of chemotherapy, each patient may experience individual reaction body. Therefore, you should report any unpleasant sensations when taking drugs against lung cancer to your doctor. In modern pharmacology there are many remedies that can quickly cope with unpleasant side effects.

The main risk factor for lung cancer is inhalation of carcinogens. About 90% of all cases of disease are associated with smoking, namely with the action of carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. The longer a person smokes, the higher the risk. Quitting smoking is the most effective way to reduce your risk of lung cancer, regardless of age. People who do not smoke themselves but who inhale tobacco smoke (passive smoking) are also at risk of developing the disease. If there is one smoker in a married couple, then the probability for the second occurrence of lung cancer increases by 30% compared to a couple where both do not smoke. The negative effect of tobacco smoke can be aggravated by the lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Smoking is the main cause of the disease, but not the only one. TO lung cancer has the most direct attitude air pollution . For example, in industrial areas with mining And processing industry people get lung cancer 3-4 times more often than in rural areas.

U There are also the following risk factors for lung cancer: contact with asbestos, radon, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, chromium, chlormethyl ether, radioactive exposure. Also chronic lung diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis disease, tuberculosis.

Symptoms of lung cancer.

TO The main symptoms of the disease include: cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, hemoptysis, weight loss. Identification of most of these signs should alert you and force you to urgently consult a doctor. It should be noted that lung cancer, the signs of which are nonspecific, i.e. characteristic of many respiratory diseases. For this reason, unfortunately, many patients are in no hurry to sound the alarm.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to such indirect signs, such as lethargy, apathy, loss of proper activity, a slight causeless increase in body temperature. The latter may mask lung cancer under sluggish bronchitis or pneumonia.

Remember that correct diagnosis can give medical examination and analyses.

People turn to traditional medicine in what cases:

1.When traditional medicine wrote off a patient for one reason or another.

2.When they don’t believe in good treatment results traditional methods or negative attitude to her.

3.They want to achieve best results in treatment.

For good results in the treatment of cancer using traditional methods, take an interest in useful information from different sources and look for facts supporting this proposal. You cannot blindly believe in one treatment method and wait for a miracle that maybe it will help; you need to fight cancer competently and bombard it from different sides. Do not lose hope and faith, be patient and remember that you are fighting for your life or someone else’s and for this you need to put in maximum effort and work.

For correct selection There is a lot to consider and know about herbs and treatment regimens:

1.Where and at what stage does cancer progress?

2. Are there metastases?

3.Are vital organs affected?

4. Has the patient received chemotherapy and radiation or is he currently undergoing this course. (If the patient is undergoing one of the courses of treatment, it is not recommended to take infusions of strong concentrations of herbs and those containing poisons).

5. The severity of the patient.

These factors and many others will determine whether you have chosen the right course of treatment. It is recommended to keep a notebook or diary, divide it into days. Indicate in detail how you attacked the disease, when you took the medication, what was included in your diet, whether there were any complications, symptoms, how you were feeling, and so on...

There will be dozens of days like this, fighting cancer, and after some time you will see the overall picture of the treatment and will be able to draw conclusions and choose more appropriate treatment. It is recommended after 2-3 months, if there are no positive results in the treatment, to change it radically. If possible, do general analysis blood, indicators will make it possible to see a more detailed picture of your fight against cancer, in any case, do not give up and do not give up the disease, do not give up, continue to fight, life is a struggle and you are now fighting for it.

For more information, see the section on the website:

1. “How to fight cancer.” Proper nutrition and what not to do during treatment.

the body properly.

Do not forget that cancer must be fought intelligently before full recovery. If you feel better after a while, this does not mean that the cancer cells are completely destroyed and treatment can be stopped. The insidiousness and evil of cancer lies in this: a temporary improvement in health can hide further progression of the disease.

A cancerous tumor in the human body progresses and increases in size unnoticed

without symptoms for years and up to a decade, so you need to fight this disease for years too,

do not give up and constantly take different infusions for prevention and treatment.

Don't forget about this one.

About herbs and their use.

As you know, the main method of cancer treatment is to destroy cancer cells that divide uncontrollably and do not die, for this they resort to both traditional medicine, and in folklore - poisons. But poisons can harm not only cancer cells, but also healthy ones. Therefore, an immediate warning about the undesirable use of several tinctures at once high concentration. Example: aconite tincture, hemlock tincture, celandine tincture, potato flower tincture, nut tincture... B large doses These are poisons for the body.

Find out about herbs and correct proportions when cooking. If you do not have the opportunity to collect herbs on your own, you can find them from herbalists or purchase ready-made tinctures; in large cities, herbalists sell them at markets.

From the first day of treatment, do not start taking several tinctures at once, but gradually add other medications to fight cancer, this will give you the opportunity to see how the body reacts to this or that medicine.

Treatment of lung cancer.

*Aconite used to treat lung cancer, all benign and malignant tumors, asthma, tuberculosis, cerebrovascular diseases, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis.

Easier reception.

The root tincture is taken starting with 1 drop per 20–30 g of warm, clean water, 1 time in the morning before meals, 30 minutes. Then drink the tincture daily, adding 1 drop per day for 10 days. From 10 to 20 drops, drink the tincture, diluting 50 g in lukewarm clean water. After 20 drops, we begin to reduce 1 drop per day and reach 1 drop. The drops are thoroughly mixed in water before taking and drunk not in one gulp, but slowly, slowly, in small sips. If a slight malaise appears, dizziness should be maintained for several days at the dosage with which the trouble began, and when the body adapts, continue treatment, increasing the intake by one drop. You can't take a break!

Heavy reception.

Here, treatment also begins with 1 drop, but 3 r. per day, adding one drop per dose every day. Everything else is the same as with the facilitated reception. The only important note: maximum dose Taking the drug per day should not exceed 60 drops, i.e. no more than 20 drops per dose (depending on how the body gets used to the poison). Herbal treatment is one of the main methods of healing in folk medicine.

Preparation of tincture.

To begin infusing this unique root must be painstakingly and without fail. following conditions: Rinse 100 g of dry root in running water, put in a liter jar, pour hot water(barely hidden), stand for 40-60 minutes. Cut each root across the grain into small slices (take it from the water by hand and cut it on a wooden board). Dip these pieces into the water in which they swelled and pour in 60 degrees. high quality alcohol. Leave in a warm, dark place for at least 21 days.

Precautions when using aconite tincture:

Store aconite tincture out of the reach of strangers and children. When taking, do not exceed the doses recommended in these instructions. After using the tincture, thoroughly wash your hands and dishes and destroy the used tampon so that it does not get into the hands of children and animals. Do not touch your eyes or other mucous membranes or open wounds. If aconite gets into your eyes, rinse immediately a large number clean water. The aconite tincture is taken drop by drop, strictly with a pipette. The dose depends on the body's reaction. Siberian healers recommend two ways for cancer patients to take aconite tincture: light and weighted.

*Potato color.

A good remedy for treating lung cancer is tincture of potato flowers. Collect potato flowers During flowering, dry in a dark, well-ventilated place. Next, 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, you need to leave it in a thermos for 3 hours. Strain and squeeze the juices from the flowers. Store in glass containers. Take the infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, approximately 150-170 grams. The course of admission is 2 weeks, then 1 week break and again 2 weeks of admission and so on for 6 months.

*Plantains large And lanceolate.

Plantain leaves contain mucilage, are bitter and tannins, carotene, vitamin C, vitamin K, a lot of potassium, resins, protein substances, oleic and citric acid, saponins, sterols, aucubin glycoside, invertin enzymes and emulsions, alkaloids, essential oil, chlorophyll, phytoncides, flavonoids, a lot of carbohydrate mannitol, sorbitol . The seeds contain up to 44% mucus, up to 20% fatty oil, carbohydrate plantose, oleic acid, saponins, and steroids.
One of the most necessary remedies for lung cancer. Prevents both the primary occurrence of cancer (prevention) and metastasis (applies mainly to carcinoma). Prescribed for pleurisy, which sometimes complicates lung cancer.
It is a powerful means of restoring immunity damaged both during the course of the disease and as a result of chemotherapy.
Protecting the epithelium of the alveoli with its healing mucus, prevents the destruction of surfactant, restores the function of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, liquefies sticky sputum and contributes to its rapid expulsion. Stops pulmonary bleeding and increases hemoglobin levels. Kills pathogenic flora in the respiratory tract, is effective even against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

1 tablespoon of fresh or dry leaves per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Or. A mixture of finely ground fresh leaves with an equal amount of honey or sugar, leave for 4 hours in a sealed container in a warm place. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day, washed down with clean water, 20 minutes before meals for lung and stomach cancer.
Or. 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh roots per 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day for hemoptysis.

*Great celandine. In folk medicine it is traditionally used to treat a wide variety of tumors. Scientific medicine confirmed the antitumor effect of celandine. However, from my experience I can say that if we are not talking about fermented celandine juice, but about conventional drugs(decoctions, infusions, tinctures), then the effect is manifested only when direct contact of the celandine (preferably fresh diluted juice) with the tumor formation is possible. And this is not always possible. Usually this skin lesions, breast tumors with decay, disease of the esophagus and stomach, as well as rectal cancer when enemas are used. I repeat once again that we are not talking about fermented juice preparations.
For lung tumors, celandine, a close relative of the yellow poppy in the poppy family, is used as a cough suppressant. You can also count on the immunomodulatory effect of the plant as part of the preparations.
The plant is poisonous, overdose is unacceptable!

1 tablespoon of dry crushed herb per 0.5 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

*Nut tincture.

Making nut tincture at home.

1.Collect thirty-three unripe (milky-waxy ripeness) nuts, cut and grind. Place in a 3 liter jar and top up with good vodka. Preserve with a metal lid for 40 days. Place in a non-sunny place and leave, shaking once a day. Then strain through cheesecloth and squeeze. The nut tincture is poured into dark glass containers and stored in a dark place. This tincture is also against worms.

2. The nuts are ripe, but the pericarp is not open (the pericarp is the green peel). The fruits are picked from the tree and pericarp cups from 33 nuts are placed in a jar half filled with vodka. Fill the jar with vodka to the top and roll up the lid. Infuse for forty days in a dark place, then pour into dark glass bottles.


Drink 1 teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day before meals for a month, do not wash it down with water. If well tolerated, the dose should be increased to 30 ml. Afterwards, take a break for 10 days and drink the tincture again. And so you are treated for 3.5-4 months. Contact of the tincture with metal is prohibited; use a plastic or wooden spoon.

Should not be consumed during the treatment period: Milk, spicy food, sour, salty. Also exclude meat.

Contraindicated for stomach ulcers, liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, allergies to iodine-containing drugs, hypothyroidism.

*Licorice naked. Licorice is the most common plant in the recipes of eastern schools of herbalism.
Licorice root increases epithelial secretion respiratory tract, improves surface active properties pulmonary surfactant and stimulates the function of epithelial cilia.
In addition, licorice thins mucus, thereby making it easier to expectorate. It is important that licorice has antimicrobial and antiviral effect inside the bronchi.
The antitumor activity of licorice is associated with the presence of coumarins.

Place 10 g of root in an enamel bowl, add 200 ml of hot water, heat in a boiling water bath under a tight lid for 15-20 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain, squeeze out the remainder, bring boiled water to the original volume (200 ml). Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for 10 days.

*Angelica. Angelica silica and angelica chinensis are used.
The roots and rhizomes contain essential oil, pinene, phelandrene, borneol, valeric, angelic, malic acids, bitter and tannins, resins (6%), sugars (24%), numerous coumarins. The flavonoid diosmin was found in the leaves and flowers, and essential and fatty oils and coumarin derivatives were found in the fruits.
The plant is one of the main means in traditional medical systems both East and West, which once again speaks of its remarkable healing power.
Various types of angelica are used for a wide variety of pathologies. In addition to the fact that the plant is used for antitumor purposes, it has an enveloping, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, improves immune responses, and regulates hormonal levels. All these effects are in great demand in the treatment of lung cancer.

20 g of crushed roots per 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use 1 glass 3 times a day as tea.

* Cocklebur. Common and spiny cocklebur species are used.
A plant with a pronounced commitment to respiratory system and everything that is near her. So, in addition to lung cancer, cocklebur is prescribed for spasmodic cough and bronchial asthma to relax the muscles of the bronchi. For cancer of the upper respiratory tract (trachea, larynx), fumigation with smoke from burnt cocklebur seeds is used.
Well, and, of course, the main indication for cocklebur is cancer thyroid gland, as indeed other diseases of the gland, regardless of the state of its function - normal, decreased or increased.
The composition of the plant has been poorly studied. One thing is certain: cocklebur contains a fair amount of iodine and some immunomodulatory substances. This gives the plant its individual properties.

1 tablespoon of dry herb per 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take according to? glasses 3 times a day.
Or. Fresh juice 15-20 drops at a time (children from 2 to 10 drops at a time, depending on age).
Inhalations. Take a metal kettle, heat it empty on the stove and, leaving it on the lowest heat, pour a pinch of cocklebur seeds onto the bottom. Wrap the spout of the kettle with a clean cloth folded in several layers. Inhale smoke from the spout. After inhaling, hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale.


*Propolis is the most healing natural substance, which is known in science. This sticky mass is formed when the buds open, and has enormous life-giving power that protects the body from unfavorable factors. external influences. Bees collect this healing substance. Under the influence of propolis, cancer cells tend to be destroyed, and normal cells progress and grow, which leads the body to recovery. However, improper preparation of propolis oil negates all its use. Propolis cannot be heated above fifty degrees - it is lost healing properties. You can dilute it in butter, or even better, in olive oil. The alcohol tincture, which is recommended everywhere, should not be made at all; alcohol kills sixty percent of the most healing substances immediately.

*During the first months of treatment, it is advisable to drink oat decoction. He's getting ready as follows: 1 glass of oats + 1 liter of water, boil for 1 hour. There remains 750 ml of liquid, which should be taken. Throughout the first month, worms, protozoa and fungi die in the patient’s body. This protein material is toxic to us. Oat decoction contains amino acids that bind poisons and remove them. Now at cancer centers droppers with a mixture of amino acids appeared, the cost was two orders of magnitude higher than this very decoction.
Oats saturate our body with essential acids, vitamins A, group B, E, PP, and magnesium salts. For preventive purposes, it can be taken by both adults and children.

*To harness the natural power of medicinal plants.

Mix chaga extract - 200 g, yarrow herb - 50 g, Scots pine cones - 50 g, cinnamon rose hips - 50 g, wormwood herb - 5 g - and add 3 liters of water. Leave for 2 hours, then bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for 2 hours, leave the broth warm for 24 hours (wrap it up), strain. Add 200 g of aloe juice, 250 g of cognac, 500 g of honey. Close everything tightly and let it brew for 4 days. Take 1 teaspoon 2 hours before meals 3 times a day for 6 days. The following days, take 1 tablespoon per day 1 hour before meals. Minimum term treatment – ​​2–3 weeks, maximum – 2–3 months. The recipe was developed at the Moscow Oncology Institute, and cases have already been noted complete cure cancer. Used for cancer of internal organs.

*With this recipe I want to instill hope for recovery in those suffering from lung cancer.

It is necessary to mix well with a mixer of 0.5 kg badger fat and natural flower honey from herbs, 0.5 liters of high-quality cognac, add freshly squeezed juice from 0.5 kg of old aloe plant and mix again until smooth. The patient should take 1 tablespoon of this mixture daily until recovery. an hour after eating.

*In parallel with treatment, you can take an infusion of herbs 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day in the form of a decoction.

  • Common thistle (herb) 2 parts
  • Black elderberry (flowers) 2 parts
  • Large plantain (leaf) 2 parts
  • Knotweed (herb) 1 part
  • Creeping thyme (herb) 1 part
  • Lesser duckweed (whole plant) 2 parts

1 tablespoon of the mixture per 200 ml of water, 15 minutes in a water bath. Defend. While hot, add 1.5 ml of 5% tincture of Euphorbia Pallas. Strain. Admission 2 months. Between such two-month cycles there is a break of 7-14 days, then treatment is resumed with the necessary adjustment or without it, if there is no need.
The total duration of herbal treatment in each case is assessed individually. However, we can definitely say that many months of treatment are counting here.

* Butter (homemade) butter and propolis, in a 1:1 ratio.
Heat on a steam bath until melted. Stirring constantly until smooth, cool. Store the finished product

in a glass container in a cool dark place or a black bag.
Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.
For one course of treatment, use 100 grams of propolis and oil. After taking this portion, which is about 15-20 days, take a break for 10-12 days and repeat everything again. Carry out 4-6 courses of treatment.

*Traditional treatment of cancer. Suitable for treating all types of cancer

"Seven glasses"
The composition includes seven components, all in one 250 gram glass:

radish juice, garlic juice, lemon juice, carrot juice, Cahors wine, honey, beet juice. Mix all ingredients and store in a cool, dark place in a glass container. Take 50 ml 3 times a day 20 - 30 minutes before meals.
During the year, conduct 5-6 such courses with breaks of 3-4 weeks.

*Gather young pine buds - 1 part, comfrey roots - 3 parts, hawthorn blossom - 1 part, wild rose berries - 2 parts, finely chopped plantain - 5 parts, aloe - 2 parts. Scald with boiling water, drain the water, and then pour in Cahors and leave for 2 days. Take a dessert spoon before bed.

*Pour 120 drops of propolis tincture into a liter of birch sap and drink without any restrictions.

Hemostatic agents.

A A group of plants that is relevant for a patient with lung cancer. We all understand perfectly well that plants are not used to stop profuse pulmonary hemorrhage that occurs due to arrosion large vessel. Thank God this doesn't happen very often. At the same time, insignificant but prolonged blood loss sometimes leads to serious anemia, and further aggravates the condition of the patient, who already has severe hypoxia. Plants may well solve this problem. Here are some of them.


The most famous plant. One of the best hemostatic agents. The experiment proved that 0.5% yarrow infusion is superior to calcium chloride in its effect on the blood coagulation system. At the same time, the mechanism of action of yarrow is more diverse, associated not only with increased blood clotting, but also with an increase in the number of platelets and reticulocytes. It is especially noteworthy that yarrow, having a powerful effect, does not cause thrombosis.
It is unnecessary to repeat that, like any wonderful medicinal plant, yarrow has many other beneficial effects. Including one of the isolated fractions has a cytostatic effect.

Place 1 tablespoon of herb in an enamel bowl, pour 1 glass of hot boiled water, close the lid and heat in a water bath with frequent stirring for 10-12 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 1 glass with boiled water, store the prepared infusion in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/4 cup orally 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

*Grey wormwood .
The plant is little studied.
Several types of wormwood are used in oncological practice. So, wormwood for cancer of the stomach, liver, spleen, uterus, and leukemia; wormwood and Gmelin's wormwood – for testicular mesothelioma; almost all types of sarcoma.
Gray wormwood is prescribed for lung cancer and breast cancer.
Like all wormwoods, gray wormwood has a hemostatic effect.
One more thing general property wormwood - restore the patient’s strength during or after a serious illness. This effect is probably due to the presence of plant bitterness in wormwood, since there are many examples of “restorative” agents in different schools of herbal medicine. So, in Western schools they use wormwood, the trifol watch; northern peoples - Icelandic Cetraria; Mongol-Tibetan school – various types gentians.

1 teaspoon of dry crushed herb per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals when coughing.

*Nettle. A plant familiar to everyone. Grows on any summer cottage. Has excellent hemostatic properties.
Nettle leaves contain up to 270 mg% vitamin C, which, in combination with rutin, helps strengthen the capillary wall, which also reduces the tendency to bleeding.
Nettle has an antitumor effect against uterine diseases.
Due to the presence of histamine and acetylcholine in nettle, it is recommended to prescribe nettle very carefully to patients with pathologies of the stomach and kidneys.

2 tablespoons of leaves per 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

*Bodyak. Thistle is used: field, vegetable, multi-leaved thistle, as well as a number of other botanical species.
The plant contains essential oil, rubber, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids (luteolin, apigenin, 3-methyl ether of kaempferol, pectolinarin, cosmosin, luteolin, pectolinarigenin in hydrolyzate, quercetin).

3 tablespoons of chopped dry herbs and flowering tops per 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 4-5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
It is known that thistle restores erythropoiesis (blood formation in the bone marrow). For a cancer patient, especially if there is hemoptysis, this is very important.

*Knotweed - bird knotweed. It is basic in the four-component Tibetan copula, used for the most various bleedings. Through the efforts of Buryat scientists, experimental evidence of the high hemostatic properties of knotweed was obtained. In addition, the plant has also been shown to work in the presence of severe liver damage, which is known to ensure the synthesis and proper functioning of a number of blood clotting factors.
It should be noted that knotweed is one of the best pulmonary drugs. Thanks to high content silicon, knotweed activates alveolar macrophages, thereby enhancing antimicrobial and antitumor immunity in the lungs.
The plant has a good expectorant effect. Can be used as a detoxifier.

4 tablespoons of herb per 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1-2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Antimicrobial agents.

E This is a group of plants whose importance for a lung cancer patient is difficult to overestimate. Infectious complications the main process in lung and bronchial cancer occupy a leading position due to mortality.
Any tumor focus in the lung is sooner or later delimited from healthy tissue by a certain boundary barrier consisting of immunocytes trying to take control of the area of ​​tissue atypia. Depending on the strength of the patient’s immunity and the immunogenicity of the tumor cells, a focus of inflammation is formed around the cancer node. Such foci are usually called paracancrosis pneumonia. On initial stages the inflammation is aseptic in nature, but over time infection can occur with various microorganisms that are constantly present in the bronchial tree. Then pneumonia takes on a characteristic course. With this turn of events, antibiotics are included in the treatment regimen.
There is an impressive group of plants that have antibiotic properties. They are traditionally used for bronchitis, pneumonia and even pulmonary tuberculosis.
As a rule, one plant has a certain spectrum of activity against a particular group of microorganisms. Therefore, various combinations of two or three plants are widely used in order to “cover” the maximum possible number of pathogens.
In the process of practice, each herbalist develops certain bundles, standard complexes of herbs designed to solve a particular tactical problem.

Compound: wild rosemary, creeping thyme and Icelandic cetraria, mixed in equal parts.

Preparation is usual: 1 tablespoon of the mixture is placed in any non-metallic and non-plastic container (a clay pot for roasting or a thick-walled ceramic mug is best). Pour a glass of boiling water and close the lid. Leave for 1 hour. Take a quarter glass 4 times a day.

In this case, the combination is very beneficial physical and chemical properties substances that make up plants. Essential oils of wild rosemary and thyme are volatile, unstable compounds and can be lost if extracted too vigorously. Therefore it applies water infusion(not a decoction) under a closed lid.
The ingredients of Icelandic cetraria are easily released by even cold infusion.
Each of the plants can be used separately.

*Ledum marsh. All parts of the plant, with the exception of the roots, contain essential oil: in the leaves of the first year 1.5-7.5%, in the leaves of the second year 0.25-1.4%; in the branches of the first year 0.17-1.5%, in the branches of the second year up to 0.8%; in flowers 2.3%, in fruits 0.17%. The essential oil contains sesquiterpene alcohol ledol, cymol, palustrol, geranyl acetate and arbutin, which decomposes into hydroquinone, ericoline and wild rosemary camphor.
Young leaves contain up to 10% essential oil, which contains myrcene, tannins and the triterpenoid taraxerol. The leaves contain quercetin-3-galactoside, pectin, andromedotoxin, resin, bitterness, ledum-tannic acid, coloring matter, 170-190.3 mg% ascorbic acid. The liquid part called eleopten is isolated from the essential oil.
Ledum has very diverse healing effects. Antimicrobial action combines favorably with expectorant, antitussive and bronchodilator effects. In addition, wild rosemary is a powerful anti-inflammatory plant.

teaspoon of herb in 2 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours (overnight) in a sealed container, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

It is important to remember that wild rosemary is considered a conditionally poisonous plant and an overdose can cause poisoning. This causes severe headache, nausea and vomiting.

*Creeping thyme. Thyme herb contains bitter and tannins, triterpenoids, gum, resin, flavonoids, malic, thymulic (saponinic), ursolic, oleonic, chlorogenic, quinic and other acids, as well as essential oil, which includes thymol, corvacrol, pinene, p -cymene, limonene, linalyl acetate, geranyl acetate, 1,8-cineol, geraniol, citral, linalool, borneol, terpineol, terpinene, zingiberin, eucalyptol, bornyl acetate, neryl acetate, citronellal, mineral salts.
It has a sedative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound-healing, hypnotic effect.

1 tablespoon of herb per 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Thyme, unlike wild rosemary, is not considered poisonous. However, when long-term use in large doses, atonic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract and disturbances in the secretory activity of the pancreas and stomach are possible. That is why in recipes where wild rosemary has a large specific gravity, and intended for many months of use (alcoholism), thyme is combined with plants containing bitterness (centaury, gentian).
It is believed that long-term use of thyme can lead to decreased thyroid function.
Both plants - wild rosemary and thyme - containing oils should be used very carefully for various types of kidney diseases, especially nephrosonephritis, due to a possible strong irritating and even damaging effect on the renal parenchyma.

*Cetraria Icelandica, Icelandic moss, moss. In the thallus of Cetraria, many carbohydrates similar in chemical nature to cellulose. Their content ranges from 30 to 80%. They contain lichein, sugars (glucose, galactose, etc.). In addition, it contains naphthoquinone, the bitter substance cetrarin, lichen acids (protolychsteric, paralychsteric, protocetraric, fumaroptocetraric, cenic), proteins, vitamins C and B2, fats, wax, gum; pigments and a large number of microelements.
Cetraria has a pronounced antibacterial and expectorant effect, stimulates the secretion of gastrointestinal glands. Infusions of the thallus were actively used in folk medicine for recovery after a serious illness. One of the best plants for treating intestinal diseases and restoring microflora. Used in the treatment of thyroid diseases (contains iodine).

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials into 200 ml of hot water or milk, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Cetraria is a non-poisonous plant even in large doses, but it is very bitter. IN pure form You won’t drink for a long time! For children, sugar, syrups, and jam are added to cetraria infusions.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Cetraria is well replaced by its closest relatives in the Lichen family, Parmelia procumbens and Alpine Cladonia, which are not included in the State Pharmacopoeia, but in forests are often represented much more widely than Cetraria.

Without a doubt, the list of antibacterial plants is far from exhausted by three plants. Suffice it to recall such famous herbs as eucalyptus globulus, salvia officinalis, St. John's wort, angelica officinalis, basil, eugenia clove, veronica officinalis, tricolor violet, anise, field mint, calamus.

Stay healthy.

IN modern world The number of lung cancer patients is steadily growing every year. This terrible disease spares no one. In most cases, chemotherapy is used to treat lung cancer, which targets harmful cells. For this purpose they are used strong medications, taken both intravenously, intramuscularly, and in the form of tablets. Treatment is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

The drugs prescribed for chemotherapy are prescribed either as a complex or one at a time, but on different levels, are used in different combinations and are subjective for each case.

Drugs for the treatment of lung cancer

The most popular drugs for chemotherapy are:

  1. Irinotecan;
  2. Paclitaxel;
  3. Topotecan;
  4. Erlotinib;
  5. Naibol Pemetrexed;
  6. Gefinitib.

Gefinitib is enough famous medicine. Despite extensive advertising By high rates effectiveness, studies have shown that this drug does not increase survival. Recommendations for use are to prohibit sudden cessation of use.

Bevacizumab is used intravenously and helps stop the growth of cancer cells. Considered highly effective. IN joint use with drugs such as Paclitaxel and Carboplatin shows good results.

It is worth noting that anti-vomiting drugs are also added to chemotherapy. The doctor selects the optimal treatment and the most gentle medications.

British scientists have carried out testing and development for many years, thanks to which a new generation drug has emerged. Essentially, it is a hybrid of two drugs - Vandetanib and Selumetinib. The principle of their action is to block the nutrition of cancer cells. The lack of additional sources for growth and existence suppresses the viability of infected cells and contributes to their death. The drug is currently being tested in humans. For this purpose, forty people with different stages of lung cancer were selected. Currently, tests show only positive results.

ASD fraction 2

The drug ASD fraction 2 has recently become widely known. This is based on the results this drug has produced in veterinary medicine when used in animals with cancer.

Worth noting! Currently, faction ASD 2 does not have a license from the Ministry of Health for use in humans. However, there is a myth that this drug cured lung cancer in Lavrentiy Beria’s mother.

Faction ASD 2 appeared in 1947, in the USSR. It was developed at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine. The preparation is based on frog tissue subjected to high temperatures, which is subsequently replaced with meat and bone meal.

The developer was a scientist named Dorogov, after whom the medicine was named: antiseptic - Dorogov stimulant (ASD). A special characteristic of the drug is its wound-healing function.

In modern medicine, the drug ASD faction 2 is made from animal tissues that have a long lifespan. The structure of the drug is similar to the structure of a cell, it easily penetrates tissue and maintains hormones at a certain level. In general, the effect of this medicine on the body is positive.

The main advantage is maintaining the immune system, fighting cancer cells, restoring the body’s ability to resist disease, and the absence of side effects. Application is possible both internally and externally.

Among the shortcomings - strong bad smell and the need to use large quantity liquids.

Do not forget that the drug is not approved for use in human treatment, and responsibility for its use lies strictly with the patient.

Dexamethasone for lung cancer

When used effectively to reduce weakness. Sriram Yennurajalingam from the University of Texas conducted research showing that there was a significant difference when taking placebo or dexamethasone.

The study involved 94 cancer patients of a certain category. They had more than three symptoms of lung cancer frailty and a score of four out of ten on the Edmont Symptom Scale. The subjects were divided into two groups of 41 and 43 people.

The first group was given a placebo, and the second was given dexamethasone. The drug and placebo were administered for two weeks. The results showed that the group in which the drug was used showed significantly better results in improving fatigue status against the background chronic diseases, as well as improving the quality of life.

After two weeks, the level of physical fitness of patients taking dexamethasone became noticeably better than those taking placebo. These studies provide an opportunity for lung cancer patients to beat cancer-related frailty rates.

Pain reliever for lung cancer

One of the most serious companions of oncology is pain. It appears, as a rule, at the third or fourth stage of the disease. Drugs for the treatment of lung cancer with an analgesic effect are aimed at prolonging the period of physical and mental activity of the patient. The cause of pain most often lies in the growth of the tumor, but it can also be a side effect of the treatment. A properly selected painkiller will quickly relieve pain.

The following painkillers for lung cancer are used to reduce pain:

  • adjuvant agents in combination with non-narcotic analgesic;
  • adjuvant agents in combination with a non-narcotic analgesic and a weak opioid of the codeine group;
  • adjuvant agents in combination with a non-narcotic analgesic and a strong opioid of the morphine group.

Non-narcotic analgesics are aimed at suppressing mild to moderate pain. Severe pain is blocked by narcotic analgesics.

Basic rules for taking medications:

  • the medicine is prescribed by the doctor based on individual characteristics the patient, as well as the severity of the pain;
  • medications must be taken after a strictly defined period of time, regardless of pain;
  • reception scale - from weak to strong;
  • use of tablets, suppositories, drops.

Initiation of therapy involves taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, etc. They block slight pain, and using them with narcotic drugs will help cope with severe pain.

As pain increases, a weak opiate is administered. For example, codeine. Sometimes I use a combination of codeine and aspirin. Severe pain relieved by narcotic drugs, such as morphine, buprenorphine, whose action is directed to the central nervous system. However, often such therapy does not bring results and the pain becomes unbearable. In this case, complex treatment with these drugs is carried out, and a scheme is used to replace one drug with another.

So, in our time, lung cancer is one of the most dangerous cancer diseases. Hundreds of scientists around the world are working on the development of a drug that can cure a deadly disease. Lately In pharmaceuticals, drugs are increasingly appearing that can prolong life, and, in other cases, cause remission of the disease.

The use of any medication must be carried out with the permission of a doctor in strict accordance with his dosage recommendations, the same measure applies to the use of painkillers.

Informative video

Treating lung cancer is an extremely difficult task. Despite the rapid development of modern medicine today right choice methods of treating cancer remains a serious problem, because it is not always possible to diagnose lung cancer in a timely manner.

On initial stages Most often, lung cancer occurs without pronounced symptoms. A person may simply be bothered by a cough, shortness of breath, weakness - as a rule, most patients do not pay attention to similar signs. Therefore, in most cases, an oncological tumor can be diagnosed completely by accident, during the next x-ray examination.

Treatment of lung cancer directly depends on the stage at which the disease was detected. Today, a comprehensive approach is used to treat cancer, involving the use of drug therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. One of the most effective methods of treating a tumor in the lungs is considered to be surgery, during which the tumor itself, part of the lung, or the entire organ can be removed.

Drug therapy for lung cancer

It is recommended to approach the treatment of lung cancer in a comprehensive manner, using drug, radiation and chemotherapy, as well as surgical treatment. The use of drug therapy is aimed at destroying cancer cells, inhibiting further growth of cancer cells and metastasis.

What medications for lung cancer does he recommend? modern medicine? Such pharmacological drugs there are more than 70. But in no case should you self-medicate; all medications should be selected only by the attending oncologist.

Among the main medications used to treat lung cancer are the following:

  • Avastin, Celebrex, Doxorubicin and other complex anticancer drugs. The latest technologies are also used to treat lung cancer. pharmacological agents, which include Metatrexate, Cyclophosphamide, 5-Fluorouracil.
  • For intense pain in the lungs, narcotic analgesics are used - Morphine, Omnopol, Tramadol. Such drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
  • Medicines whose main action is aimed at stopping the growth and progression of cancer cells - Vepesid, Fluorouracil.
  • To reduce pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed - for example, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Nimesil.
  • In cases of obstructed intrapulmonary blood flow, the following may be used: medicines, such as Amiocaproic acid, or Etamsylate.
  • In case of increased body temperature, Aspirin, Panadol, Paracetamol are prescribed.
  • If cancer is accompanied by nervous imbalance, Corvalol, Valocardin, Barboval can be an addition to treatment.

Very often, lung cancer is accompanied by severe heart pain and angina. In such cases drug therapy accompanied by taking Validol, Corvalment, Nitroglycerin and other cardiac drugs.

In order to eliminate cough and increase expectoration, doctors often recommend the use of Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Herbion, Bromhexine, which are available both in the form of tablets and cough syrup.

It should be remembered that drug treatment is quite effective only in the initial stages of cancer. If diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 cancer conservative treatment considered ineffective. In such cases, other treatment methods are used - chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical treatment.

Basic principles of chemotherapy

Today, chemotherapy is considered one of the most effective treatments for lung cancer. Chemotherapy is prescribed to most patients who have been diagnosed with lung cancer. This technique involves the one-time administration of a large proportion of drugs, which allows you to quickly destroy cancer cells and prevent their further growth.

Despite its many benefits, chemotherapy also has some extremely important shortcomings. By influencing cancer cells, it simultaneously affects completely healthy tissues, resulting in their destruction.

Most often, during chemotherapy for lung cancer, hair, nails and bone marrow. All side effects of chemotherapy are reversible, meaning that they disappear on their own after treatment is completed.

Chemotherapy involves the use of so-called cytostatic (anti-cancer) drugs, which include Abraxane, Nimustine, Cisplatin, Nitrosomethyl urea, Adriablastin, Etoposide, Natulan, Vincristine. In some cases, such drugs are used before surgery to reduce the size of the cancer tumor. Chemotherapy is also prescribed after surgery. This allows you to effectively destroy all cancer cells remaining after surgery.

Radiation therapy

To achieve the highest possible treatment result, it is recommended to use simultaneously radiation therapy, which is also known as radiotherapy. As a result of competent integrated approach It is possible to destroy existing cancer cells and prevent their further growth and reproduction.

This technique involves the use of ionizing radiation to irradiate a specific area affected by cancer. That is, it occurs using X-ray radiation. As a rule, radiotherapy is used exclusively after surgery.

In most cases, it is radiotherapy that allows you to fully consolidate the results of the operation and prevent further metastasis.

In some cases, radiotherapy is considered the only possible treatment method - for example, if lung cancer is diagnosed as inoperable or the patient independently and consciously refuses surgical treatment oncological neoplasm.

Surgical treatment of lung cancer

Surgery to remove affected areas of tissue for lung cancer is one of the most highly effective treatment methods of this disease. It is worth noting that the surgical method of treatment is considered effective only on early stages When diagnosing the disease, in more severe forms, with metastases and complications, surgical treatment is not always successful.

Like any other treatment method, surgery to remove a tumor in the lungs has several contraindications:

  1. Multiple metastases to other internal organs.
  2. Kidney and heart failure.
  3. Cancerous lesions of the pulmonary pleura, as well as the growth of the tumor and its extension beyond the lung.
  4. Old age of the patient.

Surgery involves complete or partial removal respiratory organ. Excision of part of the pulmonary segment is one of the most common and efficient operations in the treatment of lung cancer. Complete removal of the affected lung is performed extremely rarely and requires special rehabilitation therapy.

And remember that using any medicinal product must take place under strict medical supervision. After all, self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

The main factor in the development of this dangerous disease called regular inhalation of carcinogenic substances. Moreover, the majority of all cases of the disease (about 90%) occur due to smoking and inhalation of carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. The longer a smoker is, the higher the risk of developing lung cancer.

The effectiveness of treatment of the disease strongly depends on early detection of the tumor and timely treatment. Well, we will find out right now about how therapy is carried out, what antitumor drugs are used for lung cancer:

Treatment method

If a tumor is detected at the very beginning of its development, surgical removal of the tumor itself is performed along with the affected area. part of the lung, or the entire lung. The attending oncologist will individually develop the optimal treatment regimen. Some medications are prescribed for self-administration, while other medications are used before or after surgery.

However, sometimes there are contraindications for surgery. In this case, radioactive irradiation (radiation therapy) is performed.

In the presence of an aggressive small cell tumor, chemotherapy using powerful toxic agents is indicated. Therefore, when treating with chemotherapy, platinum complex compounds, Vepesid, or vinca alkaloids, fluorouracil and adriamycin are used. Chemotherapy complexes are also carried out immediately before surgical treatment, or immediately after surgery, to actively destroy tumor cells.

The main antitumor drugs used in treatment:

When carrying out general chemotherapy, drugs such as Carboplatin, Docetaxel, Cisplatin are usually used. Etoposide, Erlotinib, Irinotecan and Gemcitabine are used. Also effective are drugs such as: Pemetrexed, Paclitaxel, Vinorelbine, as well as Topotecan and Gefinitib.

In the treatment of some types of lung cancer, courses of radiation therapy are prescribed along with drug chemotherapy. Sharing These two methods stop the growth and reproduction of malignant cells. This technique uses very strong drugs: bevacizumab (Avastin) or docetaxel (Taxotere), as well as doxorubicin. With their help, excellent therapeutic effect.

It should be noted that anticancer drugs (most of them) can have serious side effect. Depending on their appearance, the doctor will prescribe concomitant symptomatic treatment.

The latest developments for treatment lung cancer

British scientists have developed a new effective remedy, which has proven effective in treating various types of lung cancer. In fact, this is a combination of two drugs already known to doctors: Vandetanib and Selumetinib. Combining them not only prevents the tumor from growing, blocks it, but also deprives the cancer cells of nutrition. As treatment with the new drug progresses, the tumor self-destructs.

According to the developers of the new drug, the medicine can be effective even at serious stages of the disease, when other treatment methods are often useless. Research into the effectiveness of the new drug is already underway and there is confidence that patients with severe forms of lung cancer will have a real opportunity complete healing.

Folk remedies

Lung cancer, like other types of cancer, cannot be cured with folk remedies. However, the recipes traditional medicine can be used as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor, of course, with his permission. Here
some useful recipes:

Potato flowers can be used for lung cancer. To do this, pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. dried flowers. Add half a liter of boiling water there. The product will be ready in 3-4 hours. Recommended intake: a third of a glass of strained infusion before meals. It is enough to drink it 3 times a day. The treatment is long - six months. Take 2 weeks with 1 week off.

Celandine herb is often used in treatment. To do this, pour 1 tbsp into a suitable mug. l. dried grass. Pour half a liter of boiling water over it. Insulate with a towel and wait about an hour. Recommended intake: 1 tbsp. l. 3 or 4 times a day. When using this remedy, you need to remember that celandine is a poisonous plant. Therefore, increasing the dosage is unacceptable.

Wash and peel fresh beets thoroughly. Extract the juice using a juicer. Mix the juice with an equal amount of honey. This tool should be taken before meals, half a glass, three times a day. Be healthy!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs