Good congratulations on Dentist Day. Congratulations on Dentist Day

Congratulations on Dentist Day 2019 in verse and prose

Today is your legal holiday - dentist day . This means that according to the law, you can celebrate your professional holiday. More precisely, you can’t, but you have to! In law. Tell your wife that. And we will definitely keep you company. How can we not support our friend? And at the same time, we will make sure that you do not overdo it, otherwise, tomorrow no mask will help you, and the patients will feel your “fresh” breath. But seriously, we wish you career growth, grateful patients and impressive income from your in-demand profession. Happy holiday!

Dentists today
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
These doctors are in fashion now,
We wish dental doctors

From patients respect,
Dazzling smiles
Happiness, peace and patience,
Treat teeth without mistakes.

So that the crowns do not wobble,
A seal for a hundred years,
So that the implants take root,
Quickly to the jaw without any trouble.

To your craft
It helped our people
And to spite everyone’s illnesses
Saved everyone from toothache!

WITH Happy Dentist Day to you, Doctor! With the most masculine professional holiday! Your job requires courage, and you have it. It requires endless patience - and you have it. She demands a lot kind heart. And you have it too! Your work is respected, responsible and honorable. In a word - A REAL MAN'S WORK!


Sitting in the clinic
He looks thoughtfully into his mouth,
He will count his teeth,
Caries does not approve.

If you suddenly find a hollow,
He puts cement in it.
If things are really bad,
There's no point in groaning here,

He will tear out the tooth along with the root,
The patient will tremble with fear,
But in this place
Sparkles white

The tooth is spectacular and beautiful.
This doctor is fair
Doesn't leave you without teeth,
Helps people chew.

Who is this important doctor?
Does he treat our teeth bravely?
Adults and children know -
This doctor is a dentist.

We congratulate him,
We wish him from the bottom of our hearts
And luck and patience,
From the authorities respect,

Grateful patients,
In life's joyful moments,
Prize quarterly
And maximum salaries!


WITH Happy holiday to you, our lovely male dentists! We are behind you, like behind a stone wall, because when your strong and gentle hands touch our faces, exhausted by toothache, as if by magic magic wand, appears on them snow-white smile! Our main female weapon! Without you we are unarmed. With you - reliably protected!

IN they are afraid. You have nightmares.
Tools are instruments of torture.
But they run to you when it’s not enough
There are threads tied to the door handle.
They come to you for relief from pain,
Correcting the nature of errors.
You are not the creator of screams and blood,
And happy, healthy smiles.

M Male gynecologists look at you with envy, male dentists! During your working day, unlike them, you look exactly where you should look! That's why you only dream about pleasant things at night - snow-white women's smiles and beautiful, even teeth. And every morning this joyful dream comes true, because all this is your doing!

E with a drill
You don't want a meeting
Take care of your teeth
Take care of your teeth.
If they hit
You are in the hands of the dentist,
There is no place for sadness -
Caries will recede.
On the dentist's holiday, we congratulate
Kudos to our dentists
We glorify your medical work with a song,
May you be lucky in everything!

P Please accept our sincere congratulations on the holiday!
I would like to note that the dentist is a special doctor!
As a rule, many people try to go to him as late as possible, it’s very difficult to endure toothache.
But you never stop seeing patients, because you are not only a true professional in your field, but also a wonderful psychologist who knows how to find an approach to every patient!
We sincerely wish you good health, reliable friends, family well-being and happiness and more beautiful, joyful smiles!!

For our dental health
They fight tooth decay
And to the profession with love
They treat you without pathos.

Thanks to the dentists
For smiles from ear to ear
And today they are active
Congratulations to our people.

Happiness, peace and prosperity
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
As a sign of love and respect
Let's smile from ear to ear!


WITH Today is Dentist Day, which means today is the Day of your magic hands, my dear! How many years have these golden hands been working miracles, conquering pain and affirming beauty! Today is Dentist Day, which means it’s the Day of your generous heart, which you once gave to me. And on this Day, I raise a glass to your magical hands and to your generous, loving heart!

IN s is a dentist. This profession
Everything speaks for itself every day:
Adults know, children know too -
Life is not kind if your tooth hurts!
Only a dentist can fix everything -
The smile will become whiter than snow,
He can save us from pain,
So that people can become happy again!

"Uh“Your eyes are opposite,” - this is about you, dear male dentists! How many hearts did these eyes break when they approached, to the sounds of the dive bomber of your machine, right to the very nose of the patient who was losing consciousness? Therefore, not all marriages are made in Heaven. Some - even in the dentist's office! Personal happiness to you, our doctors!

I'm shaking all over, I'm going to the dentist,
There they will drill my tooth.
Can I also be sick?
Open your entire jaw.

Maybe a miracle will happen -
The toothache will stop.
I won't eat candy
Just not to endure the torment

Dreaming is not harmful
It is harmful not to treat teeth.
Probably my dentist
It can ease the pain.

The dentist is good
Apparently I'm afraid of him in vain
He won't leave me in trouble
I'll smile at him hopefully

Today despite the holiday
He will heal me quickly.
Will place the seal carefully,
After all, this grief is not a problem.

I will be happy and touched
And smiling like a child
I’ll tell him: “You are a doctor from God,
You are the best dentist!"


H What would we men do without you, our dear dental doctors! We couldn't smile at all our "32". Couldn't achieve their goals. Caries and gumboil would obscure all the delights of life from us. And the main charm is the love of a woman. But you exist, which means we smile at all our “32”. And with you success and love come to us!

Happy Dentist Day
Or a dentist
A reason to drink three hundred grams,
Or maybe for no reason.

Our work is nervous,
Our work is important
But we are dedicated to our work.
We are brave doctors

We bravely put it in people's mouths
Steel tools.
Sometimes the patient yells
At certain moments.

But if necessary, we will pull out the tooth.
We are a big deal to anyone,
After all, he's not so cool in the chair
And we didn’t see anything like them.

For us, for strong doctors
My first toast today.
May the patient be healthy
And we get big income!


N what's up, friend! Do you remember how you and I once trembled under the dentist’s office! And then you decided to conquer this fear and give this victory to people. I congratulate you on the Day of your victory, your luck and your skill. Happy Victory Day over other people's pain, Happy Day of good luck in your choice life path, Happy Day of Your Professional Skill!

My friend is a professional ,
I have never met such doctors.
Dentist by vocation
The head is the bearer of knowledge.

In his business, he’s just good,
Maybe in the blink of an eye
Where is the problem?
And how to treat it correctly.

My friend is in great demand,
Everyone rushes to him with flux.
His relatives dote on him,
And my colleagues respect me.

I congratulate you
You are a man no matter what.
Let it be in the family and at work
You will always be held in high esteem.

I bite my lips all day long
Nerves are on edge.
I have to have my teeth treated
I can barely stand it.

It hurts so much - not to tell,
But I'm patient.
I will suffer, I will suffer,
But I won't say thank you

To the one who saves me again
From this wild pain,
Because he torments
Me with a dental machine.

And drills, drills my jaw,
To put a filling.
The whole face is on fire,
The whole tooth is already broken.

Pull this tooth,
Spare me the pain
But the doctor will say: “You guy is stupid!
Everything will be according to science."

And yet I will say thank you
To all dentists on the planet.
They are smart and fair
We are grateful to them for this.

Today they will celebrate
Your holiday is with you,
Who has his mouth wide open
Trembling, teeth chattering,

Drowning under the machine, covered in sweat
With crazy eyes
I had a lump of cotton wool in my mouth
And he shuffled his feet.

Thanks to the super doctors
That they are trying to help us.
We firmly promise you -
Let's not be afraid of you!

Dear dentists! Thank you for the fact that we can chew without worrying. Thank you for our beautiful smiles. Thank you for the health of our teeth. And most importantly, thank you for your patience. After all, a real dentist is not only a dentist, but also a psychologist who is able to both cure teeth and speak them to a patient trembling with fear. It is necessary to feel each patient and know what to say and how to reassure him. Congratulations to true professionals. Happy holiday, dental professionals!

Dentist carefully
Bohr took the car in his hands,
Again the patient is covered in spots,
The poor fellow trembled.

You worry in vain
Specialists treat here
First class tool
The filling will be placed for you quickly.

Medicine has moved forward
No toothache,
There's no reason to worry
Five minutes and the tooth is like new.

For this we will say thank you
Dentists, dentists
And let's give them smiles
There are about three hundred white-toothed ones.


Almost every one of us since childhood afraid to sit in the dental chair, and dentists know this very well. Sometimes they are forced to “hurt” both adults and children. Mentally, it is very difficult, but dentists should not give in to emotions in order to do their job well. This cannot but command respect. I want to wish you grateful and psychologically balanced patients, patience and decent rewards for your important and useful work. Happy holiday!


His job is like this
Tidy up your mouth
He shoves cotton wool into it,
He puts the mirror in there.

Masterly, neat
He owns the instrument
But sometimes they are not adequate
Dental patients.

Why is my knee shaking so much?
After all, the dentist won't bite,
He will speak his teeth to us
At once, like a true psychologist.

Dentist, we wish you
Grateful patients,
Let it be for a professional
They don't spare compliments.

May decent incomes
They will be like a reward for you.
You are the best, the most fashionable
We are happy to congratulate you


Dear friend, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Happy dentist's day. I wish you that all your patients smile joyfully at you and thank you from the bottom of their hearts. I am proud that I have a friend who is a dentist. After all, this is a very prestigious and sought-after medical specialty. You give people health and beauty. I wish you career growth, vital energy and financial well-being.

Doctor cool dentist ,
He is a doctor, he is a psychologist,
He'll calm you down first
And then he administers the medicine.

The dentist is great too
The best specialist in his field,
Fills the hollow with a filling,
Helps people chew.

The doctor is a good orthodontist,
Disadvantages will be removed
The bite will be masterfully corrected,
It will force the tooth to grow correctly.

There is a special dentist
His name is periodontist,
Treats gum inflammation
He is honored and respected

There is also a dental technician,
He is a wizard, he is a magician,
Sculpts new teeth,
The orthopedist inserts them into the mouth.

Sorry amateur,
A poet without talent.
Maybe I forgot someone
Or distorted something.

I just wanted to congratulate everyone
Glorify dentists
In general, I will say thank you to everyone!
The dental composition is beautiful!


Today dentistry moves forward by leaps and bounds, constantly appearing most interesting technologies that need to be studied and put into practice. The most innovative materials and treatment methods are used in dentistry. Therefore, the dental profession requires the doctor to always keep up with the times. A dentist must constantly learn something new. It is to such highly educated, qualified and thoughtful specialists - dentists - that my first toast! I wish you never to rest on your laurels and, through joint efforts, to constantly develop our important branch of medicine.


Why are they afraid of you? - This is unfair.
Is it possible to be happy and beautiful with toothache?
Is it possible to smile with a toothless mouth in full mouth,
Or chew a fragrant sandwich with sausage?

The dentist saves us from despondency and sadness,
So that all thirty-two teeth chew and sparkle.
Dentistry is developing rapidly now,
There are new medicines and super technologies here.

We will come to the dentist with a smile,
We have no reason to worry.
Let's trust the super doctor with incisors, canines and molars,
Now we will be able to handle the toughest nuts.


Woman - dentist better than a male dentist. Women's hands are kind and caring, so we, patients, are not so scared to sit in the dental chair. Soft, trusting female voice will calm both the child and the impressionable adult. My dear friend (wife, mother...), you are exactly such a kind, attentive and patient dentist. I am proud and admire you. You are a real sorceress. Congratulations on your Professional Excellence Day.


Snow-white smile -
Not a problem these days!
Will insert a mouth full of porcelain
Dentist boldly.

Do you want gold teeth?
Do you want titanium?
Dentists are cool
They know everything they need.

Thanks to the dental technicians,
Thanks to the orthopedists.
Thanks to doctors like this
We chew our lunches lightly.

Today these doctors
We smile from ear to ear.
It’s not trivial to congratulate them
We will try our best on the holiday.

Words from grateful patients that will make excellent congratulations on Dentist Day for everyone who has found themselves in this profession.

Thank you for adding to:

Behind a snow-white smile
We come to your appointment.
You do the job cleanly
And carefully, like a miner.

So as not to accidentally deliver
The slightest pain tool.
You are the best dentist!
Accept a legitimate compliment!

I'm smiling today
Not at all embarrassed.
You fixed my teeth
And they instilled confidence.

And now I'm always ready
I will entrust them to you again!
Dentists of the country
They should be the same!

Happy Dentist Day greetings in funny verses

Are you celebrating today?
Day of your profession.
And you greet us with a smile,

That, probably, there is no whiter!
Don't even be afraid of you
Children are small to walk.

Because you're wonderful
You can heal your teeth.
You place quality fillings,
You know your business clearly!

There's no shaking in your chair
Patients never.
They lie with pleasure
Trusting you always!

Since you are an ace in your teeth,
The dentist is top class!
Today for our smiles
Let's say thank you!

Short congratulations on Dentist's Day in verse

Thanks to you I can
Chew actively and without pain.
And smile with white teeth,
Having met you by chance!

Congratulations on your special day!
You are a dentist from God.
Terrible caries with you
They won’t dare to fight!

Congratulations on Dentist's Day in touching verses

Who saves us from pain
If a tooth ache in your mouth?
Dentist day and night

On duty at the post!
Calms nerves and tremors,
Inflamed canal.

So that your jaw doesn't hurt,
No caries bothered me!
Glory to dentists!
Everyone today odes to them!

Like a magician, any toothache
You eliminate for the reception.
I appreciate you with all my heart
And congratulations on your day!

Let patients not be afraid
And they sit down in a chair, mouth open.
Create smiles without blemishes,
Be constantly needed by people!

Congratulations on Dentist Day in your own words

It is impossible to endure toothache for a long time, but, thank God, specialists like you work in dentistry! With you, any troubles with teeth pass painlessly and without a trace. Thank you! Happy professional holiday!

Congratulations to you, enemy of caries, lord of fillings and creator Hollywood smiles! I wish to further improve my masterly ability to tame toothache and never have problems with my teeth myself. Let the bite be correct and the taste exquisite!

Happy Dentist Day! You are the right doctor
There are no unsolved problems for you,
You can easily overcome periodontitis,
The tooth is worn out - you remove it!

Because on your holiday I want
I wish you happiness, I’m not joking at all!
Let there be joy at your feet all the time,
The good God will fulfill your dreams!

Happy personal day, dentist,
We congratulate you with a smile.
And without timidity and fear,
We open our mouths to you!

Let caries “get stronger”
Bringing clients to you.
Well, the fillings are flying out,
Only from your competitors!

Dentist Day is a holiday of great merit.
After all, the dentist will relieve all toothaches and ailments.
Today I want to congratulate you on your holiday from the bottom of my heart.
Your profession is important in the life of each of us, I’m not kidding.

I wish you to boldly remove stones from under your feet and from your teeth,
I wish you to lock your smile against caries and pulpitis.
And let the patients leave your office happy,
May the whole world shine with beautiful smiles thanks to you.

Congratulations, dentist!
May the path of life be long!
Patients are not capricious
Life is rich in surprises!

Be precise in your work
Let the tool not fail,
Let the income increase
Every month, every year!

Comic congratulations on Dentist Day to a man

Congratulations, dentist!
You are an excellent and competent specialist.
Let it be short-lived to success.
You are the greatest fellow!

May income and blessings come,
And luck is on your heels,
May Fortune embrace you
On your holiday, to make your dreams come true!

Celebrating Dentist Day
And we present laudatory odes.
You are a master and ace in your business,
Congratulations from us!

You are a pro, a dentist from God,
May luck guide your way!
In gratitude, let the patients
Dividends are sent to you with a smile!

Your strong hands remove bad teeth,
It’s like lumberjacks cutting down trees in a forest.
And today I congratulate you on Dentist Day,
When working with a drill, you are the best technologist.

Let every patient leave you satisfied,
I wish you to live according to a happy fashion.
Rip out any problem by the roots
Write a funny poem without caries and stones.

You are a dentist, a woman, you are an ace!
You amazed us with your skill!
We will only go to you for treatment,
We will love you forever for your hands!

Health to you, growing income,
From patients and colleagues love, honor,
May their gratitude bring dividends,
So that in the future they can live on interest!

Funny congratulations to a woman on Dentist Day

You are a sweet lady and a competent doctor,
I wish you success on your day and good luck.
And if a malicious flux disturbs me,
Then I will only turn to you alone!

You will cure a tooth in a single moment,
I'll give you a compliment for that
That there is no lady more beautiful than you,
After all, you are the cool dentist of dreams!

The dentist is taking a walk today,
Boron machine, let him rest.
If there is a hole in the teeth, everyone knows
It will definitely come to you!

Your gentle feminine hands,
They can cure caries in one go.
Unable to endure pain during treatment,
You were able to tame the pain, hurray.

So what if it’s a woman, who said she’s weak?
You can remove any disease from your tooth like a warrior with a saber.
And today I sincerely congratulate you on Dentist’s Day,
And I will leave wishes of good luck and money for you.

Let the unsuitable roots be removed “one, two, three”,
Let prospects appear in the field every day,
Let your bright smile serve as a true example for everyone,
How to take care of your teeth without photopolymer fillings.

You're a dentist, a handsome man!
Success to you in your work, in your personal life,
May everything always work out perfectly,
Let life, like a song, flow quickly and loudly!

Let the wind not blow through your pockets,
And patients love, respect,
Let the family appreciate, protect, cherish, nurture,
We wish you not to experience toothache!

Congratulations to dentists in prose

Happy Dentist Day, I congratulate you as an excellent specialist, a wonderful person with big soul And with a pure heart. After all, only by possessing such qualities can you successfully and easily help people, as you do. I wish you happy moments, joyful moments, inexhaustible benefits, a large supply of sparkling optimism and energy driving success!

Dear genius of dentistry, please accept our sincere congratulations on your professional holiday – Dentist’s Day! Let the flow of patients never dry up, and when they leave your office, they always smile with white teeth and happiness! Let your hands be firm and precise, and let your work and salary be a joy.

Happy Dentist Day. Your profession is not an easy one and requires caution, attentiveness, strength, confidence and excellent knowledge. Therefore, I sincerely wish you never to doubt yourself, to confidently hold the instrument in your hands, to always know what is what, to cope with any, even the most difficult, situation. And may happiness, luck and love be your constant companions in life.

From the dentist in the afternoon! Skill, talent, ambition! So that patients are always satisfied with your work! So that they enter the office without fear and leave it with a smile! We wish you happiness, peace, many years, let the light in your soul not go out! Let your professionalism, income, luck, joy, and optimism grow!

Short congratulations on Dentist Day (SMS)

Happy Dentist Day! Let patients
They give poems and also compliments.
Let your bosses reward you too,
Urgently raises your salary!

Your path to success was long,
But now you are an ace!
Congratulations dentist,
Happy thy day from us!

On Dentist Day I wish
Give smiles to everyone around
Place teeth on strong piles
Love your work and make your leisure time interesting.

Happy Dentist Day!
We wish you good patients!
Let them love you, don’t be afraid!
We wish you to succeed in your profession!

Telephone rubbish
Everything rings, rings, rings!
Dentists today
In “oh, it hurts” mode.

Worries, not pulpitis,
And not an aching tooth.
It's just that everyone strives
Leave your congratulations!

Who will tell us to open our mouths?
And spit to the side?
This is a good dentist
We all love him!

On his holiday we will read
This kind greeting
In it we will glorify dentists,
The dentist is a hammer!

He will remove the tooth without pain,
He will put the filling in at once,
Recommendations will tell
He'll give you a cookie in reserve!

I score more than anyone else
(What could be worse?)
When I go I have a toothache
Go to the dentist for treatment!

But I worry in vain
Preparing my congratulations.
My wonderful dentist
He couldn't hurt me!

Birch logs are needed here
And don’t forget the drill,
So that my rotten teeth
At least heal a little!

A smile will make everyone brighter,
But only then will a smile bring joy,
When her teeth are all healthy,
And when all the nastiness is eliminated!
Dentists are the best friends,
They help us find a smile,
From which we cannot be sad,
Well, we'll send them a postcard now!

Very gentle dentist
I took a hand drill in my hands,
And, squinting, tiredly
I told you to open your mouth!

Don't be afraid of him, my friend,
Good this terrible doctor,
He works skillfully
Like a real circus performer!

We wish the doctor happiness,
To be loved and to love,
We send our congratulations,
So that he can live a great life!

I've been biting my lips since morning
Until the sores, until the blood.
I have to have my teeth treated
My teeth are white!

Dentist waiting with a chisel
And with a voracious drill!
I told everyone a long time ago:
I've been unlucky in life!

I'll send him congratulations
So that it doesn't hurt to drill.
I congratulate him from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you a lot of strength!

Congratulations to you as a doctor,
I read solemnly.
I know, maybe I'm in a hurry,
But congratulations in advance.
I appreciate your work,
The profession is interesting.
No dentists, my friend,
Life would have become bland long ago.
You look at us so proudly,
Sitting in a chair, frowning.
Don't create problems for others,
Korya for sweet love.

Like going to the dentist for war,
I'm preparing for unearthly pain.
I take the treatment as a basis,
After all, I can’t walk sick!

I'd rather not eat sweets,
Than, straining, every time
Go to the dentist, believing in a miracle:
It won't hurt me now!

I am the dentist's favorite
I am preparing a gentle greeting.
I will be polite, courteous
And I'll shut my mouth!

Let patients not be afraid to come to you,
The counting of merits is not enough for fingers,
Forget the burr machine's buzz for a day,
Yes, go on a stormy, cheerful revelry,
More work for you, salaries, additional payments,
And you are simply a master! - let them tell you!
The command of the heart to serve Hippocrates,
You don’t need a special fate for the best!
Good health and excellent!
The joy of it is a familiar state!
I wish you success and personal happiness!

The mouth has been opened! Wider, wider.
Spit, come on. Three or four.
So let's put a seal on it.
Have you said everything? Well, they forgot.
Mouth wider. Come on, wider!
That's it, now we have everything set.
Congratulations, colleague.
Happy special day for us.
Not it will still pass and centuries,
We will become more collected.
Congratulations to you. Me too.
You and I are so similar.
We share the same torment.
This is such torment!

Dentists now
We sincerely congratulate you,
And with all my heart success
We wish dentists!

On this joyful day
Please accept our congratulations,
Untreated teeth
Never leave!

Happy Dentist Day today,
I always wish you easy work,
So that you can rest at work,
And at that very hour you did not know trouble!

I send you congratulations on this holiday!
Let a bag of banknotes fall on you,
I wish you to get rich at work,
And every time you want more and more!

To the dentist today
The whole city will hurry,
Not because everyone
Of these, the gums are itchy,
And not for fillings at all,
Not because of swollen cheeks...
They are in a hurry, hearts are running
Say your congratulations.
They wish the dentist
tight wallet
Super strong health,
Flying in the clouds
Calm, patience,
Good luck, many years to come.
So that everyone knows what's best
There is no doctor in the world!

How the jaw fits well
IN old age have,
So as not to treat the sick hole,
Toothache is worse than death!

I congratulate the dentists
An important benefit in dental work!
I'll send them a drill by mail,
And the SMS - congratulations!

To make your teeth sparkle white,
So that caries doesn’t “bite through” our enamel,
We all come to the dentist,
Living toothless is a terrible sadness
And having arrived with a bandage on gumboil,
And leaving with a smile at thirty-two,
Please accept our congratulations, dentist!
Now again, long live food!

Mouth wider! Come on, spit!
Your true friends,
Not pilots, not weightlifters,
And these bad words.

I've been afraid of them since childhood,
At least you are always nice.
Maybe it's not appropriate
But hello from the kids!

I send you warm congratulations,
Brothers dentists.
So that the fillings last a long time,
And these days there are roads!

Long gone are the days
When dentists were afraid:
My knees were shaking and my back
She broke out in a cold sweat.

Times are different now
Now - other devices,
But you still need a drill,
After all, teeth sometimes hurt.

Who relieves us from pain?
Became good friend dentist.
Our congratulations to dentists,
On their holiday we give them a poem!

This work is not easy,
They have a special approach.
At least they don’t start from the tail,
And they love to “touch” their teeth.
Everyone was always afraid of them,
They are cute though.
We visited them in the spring,
To such “favorite” doctors.
Dentist day has come
And immediately thoughts start to flow:
Walked in a white robe
A very drunk dentist.
But his sister runs to him
And he carries a kilo of cotton wool.
He told her: “It’s time for you to spit,”
She told him, “No need!”
And the glass boldly flies into your mouth,
And he snorted cotton wool.
But then mom runs to him
And he carries bread, a crust.
He said to her: “Leave me alone, wait a minute, don’t interfere!”
It’s scary for the tooth!”
She: “Well, do you need to eat?”
And he climbs bravely again.
Probably this picture
So far from the truth.
But let's not drink to the stories,
And for the beautiful words!

Why should we be afraid of you?
Children, adults, friends?
You teach me to laugh,
So that the smile is not bad.

We appreciate you. That's for sure.
You are our way to heaven.
To laugh only loudly,
We were not ashamed of ourselves.

Hollywood smile
We want everything
And so we strive
To give you our congratulations.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs